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Tnlx ttcuvElt rxlrxu tuf (ctrri uicn)


. Ngrr phdp trinh biy khoa hoc, d6 hi6u
. Gi6ithich chi ti6t, ro ring
. Biit?p cfa dang phong phri
. Tli liOu cdn thi6t cho hoc sinh va',g
. DrJ. A THEO rUo nirun rnuo_l{-$ffi TRIvIET NAM (VNEN)
j:lir1.i,l,:ir; (Taibdnldn 1) cHUONGTRiNH
rEttcRrul rudt
s0 crAo ouc
(Chri bi6n)




(Tdi bdn hn 01)

NnA xuAr nAN oAr Hec eu6c cre HA NQI


LAN ,UAgg,rocus
. Conditional sentence tyPe 2
pronunciation . stress in words ending in -ic and -al

Q coruDlrtoNAL sENTENcEs - cAu DlEu KIEN

C6u diOu kiQn g6m hai mQnh d0:

+ tvtQnh d0 chinh (main clause): chi ktit qui

+ MCnh AC if gf - clause): chi ili6u kiQn

1. conditional sentence type 1 (c6u ctidu kiQn lo?i 1)

Cf,u didu kiQn lo4r I di6n ti mQt sqviQc c6 th6 thgc hiQn, xiy ra trong hiQn tat

Eg: If I have more time, I will go with you'

: I will go with you if I have more time'


- nrgi ec nrf' ffii dusc a*tiuuie*g*,dA cli{1taph-ai d oeiddffi,-lr:

Eg: If I'hear the aews, I ruiE phone,yot'
- C6c tlQng tu khuy6t thii5u (can, may, should, must, ...) c6 thi5 duqc dtng
thay th6 "will" trong mQnh dd chinh.

Eg: If the weather is good, we may go for a walk.

- Ddi khi thi hiQn tpi don (Present Simple) cfing c6 thiS dugc ding trong
menh d€ chinh (main clause), khi di6n ti mQt quy ludt, mQt sg thflt hi6n
nhi€n, mQt tli€u kiQn 1u6n ludn tlirng.

Eg: If the sun doesn't shine, you feel cold.

2. Conditional sentence type 2 (CAu itidu kiAn loai 2)

. cdu rli6u kiQn loqi2: Ld c6u di6u kiQn diSn t6 m6t sg viQc kh6ng co thft hoflc
khOng th6 xiy ra o hiQn t4i ho{c tucrng lai.

If - Clause Main Clause

If+S+V(PastSimple) S+

Eg: lf it wasn't/ weren'f noisy here, I could hear you clearly.

. Ciu di6u kien loqi2 c6 th6 tlugc dring dC cho loi khuy6n.

Eg: If I were you, I would see the doctor immediately.

- Chung ta c6 thi5 dtng okas" vd "were" cho tht chc6c ng6i 6 mQnh dA

"If'trong cdu di6u kiQn loai 2.

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch tidng Anh


Stress in words ending in -ic and -al. (Trgng 6m cria c6c tr) c6 tlu6i -ic vit -al.)t'

1 . Nhihrg til c6 ttu6i -ic lu6n c6 trgng 6m roi vio 6m ti6t ngay trU6c n6.,

/o:'trsfik / c6 tinh nehQ thuQt

lfu'raanU qui c6m

botanic adj ft,a'tnntkl thuOc thUc vOt

2. Nhfihg til c6 du6i -al c6 trong 6m roi vio 6m ti6t thrt 3 tinh til 6m
tidt cudi.

botanical lbe'trlnrkel I thu6c v6 thuc vdt

national l'nateneU thuQc vA qudc gia


w nhasachminhthang.vrl
@ enoNEncs

1. Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1 A. medical C. politic D. electric
2. A. physical B.horrific C.beautiful D. different
3. A. scientific B. dramatic C.athletic D. domestic
4. A. national B. chemical C.medical D. informal
5. A. prehistoric B. economic C. linguistic D' optimistic

2. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
l. A. glgal B. aquqtic C. contaminate D. permgnent
2. A.lhermal B. thankful C. there D. thorough
3. A. pollgtion B. earpl4 C. dump D. dust
4. A. untreated B. measure C. pleasure D. bread
5. A. phygical B. vigual C. music D. becauge


J. 4.


2. choose the correct words to comprete the sentences.

I' Don't use ................. chemicals. They're harmful to our health.

(to poison/
poison/ poisonous)

2'water pollution has .............. the river. Nobody swims there. (contaminate/
contaminated/ contamination)

3. Water pollution causes the ................ of a lot of fish. (death/

to dieldead)
4. water pollution causes a lot of fish to ............. .. (deatw
die/ dead)
5. The acid rain has caused great .............. to the environment.
(to damage/
damaged/ damage)

6. The polluted air .............. our health badly. (to

damage r damages/damage)

7. The serious has left the river with very few fish. (contaminate/
contaminated/ contamination)

the answer
3. Match each type of pollution with its definition, writing
in each blank.
ffies of Pollution
caused by
1. Air Pollution nG-in".ease of temperature
human activrtY.
n tt *tttamination of any body of water'
2.LandPollution " etc'
such as lakes, groundwater, oceans'

C. tt. .ontaminationof air by smoke and

3. Light Pollution* of unwanted radioactive

4. Noise Pollution
materials into the environment'
sky preventing
E. th. bttght r*g ofthe night
5. Thermal Pollution
us from seeing stars by improper destruction of the earth's surface

6. Visual Pollution
caused by the misuse of resources and
improPer d"*Ptng- of **re'
G. anything unattractive or
7. Water Pollution
damaging to the nearbf lattdscall
H-"y 1""d **ds that are either harmful
8. Radioactive Potlution
or annoYing to humans and animals

1. Are all types of pollution "" to the health of humans
and animals?
spills in East Sea' ENVIROMENT
2. The .... are concerned about the oil
3. Dumping .""""" waste into the lakes and rivers
caused serious water Pollution'
4. Many people in this area have cholera because they drink TREAT
.... water.
5. Examples ofprimary .... are exhaust fumes from cars, POLLUTE
soot from smoke and ash from volcanic eruption.
6. Ifwe use water ...., more people will have fresh water. CARE
7 . The polluted water results in the .. .. of many aquatic DIE
animals and plants.
8. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global WARM

9. The reduction in air pollutionwas .... last year. DRAMMA

10. The road in front of my office is always .... when it FLOOD
rains heavily.

5. complete the sentences. put the verbs in brackets into the first

I ., ' : . I
l.Thebell(ring) .....ifthere(be) .....afire.
2.The bike (break) ..... if all three of you (get)
I' ' r, I r
.: .r
i ] ,:' r
..... on it!
3. If you (not learn) ..... how to use a computer, it (be) ..... hard to
find ajob.
4. we (also cut) ..... down the amount of pollution we create if we (cut)
. .. . . down the use of fossil fuels.

5.If we (reuse) ..... things, this (minimize) ..... the dependence of

making new things.
6. we (reduce) ..... noise pollution if we (grow) ..... more trees
since they absorb sound.

i 7.If we (recycle) ..... glass, we (reduce) ..... airpollutionby 20

; ner cent.
! s. You (save) ..... 40 watt-hours a day if you (turn) .. .. . off your
\ computer before bedtime.

fi,' ;i,;:il;i;i;th;il;'''
9. If you (hear)............Ioud noise too often, you (have)............hearing loss.

10. I (have) money left if I (buy)............that expensive book.

6. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the second

1. If my grandfather . .. . . (be) still alive, he would be a hundred today.

2.1 .. ... (offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here.

3. Where ..... (you/choose) if you could live anywhere in the world?
4. If you ..... (drive) from London to Gldsgow, which way would you go?
5. If I ..... (live) out of town, I .... . (take) up the garden.

6. We ..... (not have) any money if we . .... (not work).

7.I ... .. (not mind) living in England if the weather .... . (be) better.

8. If I were you, I ..... (not wait), I ..... (go) now.

9. If we ..... (have) more reliable cars, we ... .. (drive) to Spain

rather than fly.

10. If Mr Morgan ..... (be) still head teacher, he ... .. (not permit)
such bad behaviour.

7. Write a sentence with "if" for each situation. Use a type 1 condi-
tional (if + the present tense + will/can).

1. You drive fast. You have an accident.

2. He doesn't stop smoking, he dies of lung cancer.

3. She stays at home. I give her a bar of chocolate.

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n s6ch ti6ng Anh

4. You English is good. They accept you'

5. They don't open the door. The room is very


of money'
6. You don't spend too much on shopping' You save a lot

7. We pollute the river. We don't have water to


8. I show you how to write a book' You try to study'

9. She doesn't hurry. She is late for shool'

10. You don't take the medicine' Your health

is worse'

g.write a sentence with"if "for each situation. use a type 2 conditional

(if + the past tense + would/ could)'


2. She buys a lot of clothes, so she has no money'

3. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can't meet you'

4. It's raining so we can't have lunch in the
5. I'm often tired in the moming because I go to bed late.

6. We haven't got a calculator, so we can't work this out quickly.

7. Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.

8. David has so many accidents because he's so clumsy.

9. I don't write to my friends because I'm so busy.

10. Susan hasn't got a watch, so shs's often late for work.

@ nenDrNG coMpREHENsroN
1. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Land pollution is another term for soil contamination (for example, by factory
chemicals or sewage and other wastewater). It means any kind of long-term land
damage, destruction, degradation or loss.

Air and water pollution disappear, but land pollution doesn't. It stays exactly
where it is. Radiation can contaminate land for thousands of years. That means
radioactive waste dumps remain that way indefinitely.

The biggest problem comes when contaminated land is returned to use as build-
ings or agriculture land. People migirt get their water from rivers, but they don't
know that the contaminated groundwater gives water to the rivers. Diseases might
i happen overyears forthis reason.
Minhthangbooks - Chuydn sdch ti6ng Anh
We should try to find a way of stopping or reducing land pollution. We
recycle old things to reduce our need for new ones. Also, we need to clean
many contaminated sites.

1. What's another term for land pollution?

2. What causes land poilution?

3. Is long-term land damage a form of land pollution?

4. How long can radiation contaminate land?

5. When does the biggest problem happen?

6. What should we try to find?

7. Why should we recycle old things?

8. What do we need to do?

2. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following

statements are true or false.

Every day on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers, we hear, see, or read about
many problems in the world, for example, pollution problems.

Air pollution is the first kind. It mostly comes from fumes released from

motorbikos, cars, airplanes, trains, and poisonous gases emitted from factories.
Also, waste is dumped anywhere, even in the city where many people are living.
The second pollution problem is sea pollution. Many people earr their living from
fshing in the sea, and the fish they catch feed many people. But the sea has become

so polluted from oil spills and factory wastes that the fish are dying. This pollution
is not only killing the fish, but is also affecting those people who eat fish.

Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is
growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the
world a better place to iive.

Question T f,'

l. Environmental pollution is one of the world's problems. tr tr

2. Vehicles and factories account for air pollution. tr tr
3. Waste is usually dumped in the city where many people are living. tr tr
4. The sea water is heavily contaminated by oil spills and industrial sewage. tr tr
5. A lot of fish are dying because of marine pollution. tr tr
6. Pollution has been reduced to the minimum nowadays.
tr tr

3. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the

blank space in the following passage.
Light pollution is not (1).... serious as water or air pollution.
(2)..:. ., it is the type of pollution that (3).... . more in cities than in
nrral areas. In the past, we could sit out at night and(4). glittering stars
in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are covered
rith lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays,mary of which direct the
lights up into the sky and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that
it is very (5).... .to apply light to almost everfihing at night. Millions of
tons of oil and coal (6).... .to produce the power to light the sky. Eye strain,
(7).... . of vision and stress are what people may get from light pollution.
(t).... .light at night can harn our eyes and also harm the hormones that
help us to see things properly.
1. A. more B. as C. much D. only
2. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred
4. A. watch B. see C. spend D. gaze
5. A. waste B. wastes C. wasting D. wasteful
6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used
7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing
8. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many

@ wnrnNc
1. write the second sentence so that it means the same as the
Use the word in brackets.

1. The rising temperature in the water destroys ecosystems. (so)

The temperature ........

2. Water pollution causes flooding due to the accumulation of solid waste

soil erosion in rivers. (because of)

Water pollution

3. Oil spills in the water causes animals to die. (make)

Oil spills
4. Dumping solid wastes in rivers, lakes and oceans causes water pollution.
(lead to)

Dumping solid wastes ...............

5. Global warming makes water temperature go up. (due to)

Water temperature ...............

6. Oil from ship travel causes oil pollution to happen. (because of)

Oil pollution ...............
7. We don't use more oil and coal. Pollution doesn't increase . Qf)

8. The climate doesn't change. We don't meet with natural disasters.. (If)
If the clirnate......

2. Write a short paragraph about causes of water pollution. Use the

cues below.
+ sewage/ domestic households and factories.
+ solid wastes/ dumped/ rivers and oceans.
+ industrial waste/ factories.
+ oil pollution.
+ burning fossil fuels/ acid rain.
+ water temperature/ go up.

. There are some causes of ............. ... First,

Second, ........ Third,

We should try to ........ .... water pollution.

l. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from
1.A. limit B. pollution C. influence - D.dirty
2. A. exist B. destroy C. human D. result
3. A. decrease B. urgent C. serious D. national
4. A. weather B. rapid C. action D. affect
5. A. rubbish B. become C. govemment D. nature

ll. ehoose the best answer.

1. Air. together with littering, is causing many problems in our

cities today.
A. pollute pollution C. polluting D. polluted

2. Marry people in this city have received medical .. for the disease.

A. support B. treahnent C. help D. assistance

3. It won't be possible to save the Earth if we don't take.........right now.

A. action B. job C. work D.duty

4. We. .. ...our environment and keep it healthy and clean.

A. should protect B. should be protected
C. should protected D. should be protect

5. Doctors. ..that air pollution causes lung cancer.

A. proved B. has proved
C. have been proved D. have proved

6. Many people are coocerned.... .... the pollution of the environment.

A. on B. to C. about D. over
7. Pollution greatly affects the life of .... . animals.
A. wine B. wild C. whilst D. while

8. When wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air becomes

A. contaminated B. contaminating
C. contaminate D. to contaminate

9. Environmental ..... is a big problem in large cities nowadays.

A. dirty B. pollution C. research D. dust

10. If we ...... throwing garbage into the river, it will be polluted.

A. will stop B. won't stop
C. don't stop D. stop

1 1. I will never talk to you again .... .. you don't give me back my money.
A. if not B. when C. unless D. if
12.lfHa ...... the exam, she ...... to medical college.
A. passes/ will go B. pass/ would go
C. passed/ will go D. pass/ will go

13. I'm afraid that I can't . ...... you.

A. helping B. to help C. be helped D. help

14. If people ..... public transport, there will be less pollution.

A. use B. will use C. can use D. used

15. ... ... wemissthe lastbus, wewillhavetowalkhome.

A. As B. When C. If D. Unless

16. Why not ......... garbage bins around the schoolyard to keep it clean.
A. put B. to put C. puttrng D. we put

17. If the sea water continues to be polluted, many fish species .. extinct.
A. become B. will become
C. would become D. havebecome
18. Wb postponed the Picnic.

A. because it rained heavy B. because of the heavily rain

C. because it was heavy raining D. because it was raining heavily

19. Plants. .... ifthey don't get sun and water.

A. die B. would die
C. won't die D. are going to-die

20. If they ....... to the mountains next week, they will be able to ski.
A. will go B.go C. are going D. could go

lll. Complete these conversations. Put the verbs in brackets into the
first or second conditional.

1. A: We're not late, are we?

B:No.We... ... (be)fineifwe ......(leave)inthenexttenminutes.

2. A: Come on can't you andAnne be friends?

B: No. I ..... (speak) to her again unless she ... ... (say) sorry for

what she's done.

3. A: So you think it's my fault that I feel so tired?

B: Yes, you .. . ... (feel) much better if you . ..... (go) to bed at a

reasonable time,

4. A: What's your idea of the most perfect place for a holiday?

B: Ithinkl ..... Go)tothe seychelles ifl ... ... (have)themoney.

5. A: Do you and your brother get together very often?

B: No, we ... ... (see) each other more if we ...... (live) closer, but

he lives in Scotland.

6. A: Is it going to be a big party?
B: Yes, if mostpeople ..... (come), there . .... Oe) about 100 ofus.

7. A: Let's go to the beach.

B: No, it's too cold. If it.... ..(be) waflner, I ..... (not mind)
going to the beach.

8. A: I don't know what happened to my dictionary. I've looked everywhere

for it.
B:What .,.... (you/do) ifyou. .....(notfind) it?
9. A: Do you have any plans for next yeafl

B: Well, I ..... (travel) if I ... ... (can afford) it. But I don'thave
any money.

10. A: Why do you read newspapers?

B:Well, if I ... ... (notread) newspapers,I..... (notknow, what

was happening in the world.

N. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in


.One of the reasons that the water (1).... . (pollute) problem is so severe
ir that it is not actually (2).... .(legal) to dump pollutants into water bodies.
Scwage, sludge, garbage, and even toxic (3). ....(pollute) are all dumped into
lhe water. Often, governments either do not care or (4). . .. .. (simple) look the
der way. Across the world, about half of all sewage is dumped into water bod- I

ier in its (5).... . (origin) form. No efforts are made to disinfect the sewage

clrto remove especially (6).... .(harm) pollutants. Even if sewage is treated,

problems still arise. (7).... .(treat) sewage forms sludge, which is sent out

imo the sea and dumped. In addition to sewage, (8).... . (chemistry) dumped
by industries are another major source of water pollution.
sentence that need
v. choose the underlined word or phrase in each

2. Man is constantly being doing harm
to the environment'

3. The earth is being threaten and the future
looks bL
the concert'
4. If we don'thurry up, we willbe late to

5. Pollution is one of the most urgent

problem in Vietnam'

Vl. Circle the correct answers'

1. If I don't feel better, I wilV would stay at home'

2. If I needhelp,I wilU would call you'


3. Would the world become a better

place if there is/ was no pollution?

4. I will have a rest if I was/ am tired'

6. Willhe help me if I ask/ asked

7.If]rarn/ were you,I would leave this polluted city

loud noises too often'
8. You wilu would become hard of hearing if you hear


..the Earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty

We are all slowly (1)....
air that it is unhealthy to live in many
swim in. There is so much smoke in the
of the world's cities. In one welr-known city, for example, poisonous gases
(2) ... ... cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear
oxygen masks. we have cut down (3).... .. trees that there are now vast areas
of wasteland all over the world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot
grow enough (4). ..... . In certain countries inAsia, there is too little rice.
Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside.

Wild animals are quickly disappearing. For instance, tigers are rare in India
now because we have killed too many of them. However, it isn't enough simply
talk about the problem. we must act now before it is too late to do (5).
about it. Join us now. Save the Earth!

1. A. destroyed B. destroying C. destroys D. destroy

2. by
A. B. from C. of D. in
3. A. so much B. so few C. so little D. so many
4. A. eating B. to eat C. for eat D. to be eaten
5. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something

vlll. ehoose the best optioR A, B, e or D to answer the questions.

One of the factors in global warming is carbon monoxide. The more carbon
monoxide in the atmosphere, the less the atmosplrere is able to clean itself. The
result is a warming of the atmosphere, the so-called global warming, and possibly
ozone damage.

Earlier, it was found that carbon monoxide was concentrated in the Southern
Ilemisphere, and could be attributed to deforestation. Huge areas of forest and
grasslands in SouthAmericaandAfricahavebeenburned, putting carbonmonoxide
into the atmosphere. Recently, however, the Southern Hemisphere has been found
b be clean, while the Northern Hemisphere is more polluted than expected.
The latest research was done during the Northern winter. The high levels in
tte Northern Hemisphere could be cause of this. In wintec carbon monoxide is

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch ti6ng Anh

destroyedmoreslowly.Therearealsomorefiresburnedinwinterandpossibly numbcr
processes work harder. It could also reflect the ever-increasing
stopped, or at least slowed
best title for the passage?
1. Which of the following is the
A. Global warming
B. Carbon monoxide in the atmosphere
C. The warming of the atmosPhere
D. Ozone damage
a reason for carbon dioxide?
2. Which of the following is NOT
B. Burning of forest
A. Ozone damage
D. Industry
C. Traffic

is more carbon-monoxide
in the atmosphere?

A. Fewer factories are working'

amount of traffic on the roads'
B. There is a decrease in the
are fewer fires nowadays'
C. Central heating means there
absorbed so fast'
D. Carbon monoxide is not
4. WhY are the oPtimists
PeoPle are buYing more cars'
in the North'
B. There is more carbon dioxide
D. Industry must be doing better'
the author towards the new findings?
5. What is the attitude of
A. He is biased in favor of the South'
B. He is neutral'
C. He agrees with the oPtimists'
D. He is worried about the North'

ffi t tt".,"t,,,i;i'iiil,.u:'ii
tX. Choose a sentence A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the

1. We shouldn't throw the bottles away. They can be collected and recycled.
A. We shouldn't throw the bottles away but they can be collected and recycled.
B. We shouldn't throw the bottles away because they can't be collected
and recycled.
C. We shouldn't throw the bottles away because they can collect and recycle.
D. We shouldn'tthrowthebottles awaybecausetheycanbe collectedandrecycled.

2. We save water. We won't have to suffer from water shortage.

A. Unless we don't save water, we will have to sufler from water shortage.
B. If we save water, we won't have to suffer from water shortage.
C. Unless we save water, we won't have to suffer from water shortage.
D. If we save water, we will have to suffer from water shortage.

3. Therewon'tbeenough spaceto live ifwe don'ttryto limittheworld'spopulation.

A. Unless we limit the world's population, there won't be enough space to live.
B. There won't be enough space to live unless we don't try to limit the
world's population.
D. Unless we limit the world's population, there will be enough space to live.

4. She can speak English well. She will apply for the job.
A. If she can speak English well, she would apply for the job.
B. If she could speak English well, she will apply for the job.
C. If she could speak English well, she would apply for the job.
D. If she can speak English well, she will apply for the job.

5. We shouldn't swim in this lake. Water is highly polluted.

A. We shouldn't swim in this lake although water is highly polluted.
B. We should swim in this lake because water is highly polluted.
C. We shouldn't swim in this lake because water is highly polluted.
D. We shouldn't swim in this lake because water isn't highly polluted.

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n sdch ti6ng Anh

X. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
the first.

1. Climbing without a safety rope is forbidden'

You aren't

2. Nigel hasn't got satellite TY so he can't watch the game'

3. Walking home alone is not a good idea.

You ..........

4. .Did someone ring you an hour ago?'Martin said to susan.

Martin asked

5. Throw a stone into water and it sinks.

6. You can't travel on this train, if you don't have a reservation.


7 .'lf lwere you, I'd take the job', said Sue'

Sue ..........

8. The exam question was so easy that we all got it right'

It was

9. Although he wasn't experienced, he got the



10. Since you haven't finished your homework, you can't come with

If.............. .r...............'
English speaking countries

Grammar . Review: Present tenses

. Present simple for future
Pronunciation . Stress in words ending in -ese and -ee

Q enesENT stMpLE TENsE (THi HIEN rAl DoN)

l. Form (Cdu tr(c)

o'Be": arnl isl arc
DQng tt
Chf, tir Th6 khfrng tlinh Th6 phft tlinh Th6 nghi vAn
I am am not Am + S....?
He, She,It 1S is not : isn't Is + S ...?

We, You, They are are not: aren't Are * S ...?

DQng tu thuong'overb"

Chfl tir Thd kh8ng tlinh ThG pht ilinh Th6 nghi v6n

I, We, You, They V do not: don't Do+S+V...?

He, She,It V s/es does not: doesn't Does*S+V...?

2. Usage (Ciich dfing)

Thi hiQn tai rlon dnng d6 diSn ti mot hinh ilQng lflp tli l[p lai, mot th6i quen,

@t cim xirc hay mQt sg th$t hi6n nhi6n o hiQn tpi.

Mi;;ii;;;;;;il:'Ci#;;;il ;irilA;il"
Eg: She often goesto school at 6:30'
They work at home.

C6ch th0m "s/es" vio mQt tlQng tir.

Th6ng thuong ta th6m 's'vio sau dQng tt: work -> works
Nhirng dQng tu tQn ctng "o, s, x, ss, sh, ch" ta phdi th6m 'es'

Eg: watch -+ watches; do -+ does

DQng tir tfn cirng 'Y':

. Tru6c 'y'li mQt nguy6n 6m (a, e, i, o, u) thi ta th6m 's"

Eg: PlaY -+ PlaYs

. Tru6c 'y'li mQt phg dm, ta d6i 'y'thinh 'i'rdi th6m 'es"

Eg: study --+ studies

Cich dgc flm "s/es":

. Dec lit l-slsau c6c 6* p, f, k, t, 0: books, shops, roofs, months,...

. Dec lit l-izlsau c6c 6m s, x, ch, z, sh: watches, wishes, bvzzes, boxes, "'
. Dec ld l-zlsau c6c dm cdn lpi: plays, tables, apples, rooms,...

@ enesENT stMPLE FoR
Chung ta ding thi hion tpi mang f ngtria tuong lai, khi chirng ta n6i ve thdi gian
bi6u, chuong trinh...'(thi d* nhu: vfn chuyiSn cdng cQng' tqphit' truy6n hinh'
truong hQc,...)

Eg: The train to Ha Noi leaves at 11 : 15 from platform four.

Xe lua d€n Hd Nli sd khoi hdnh hiclt:15 th sdn ga sd 4'
Our school yeat starts next week, on September 5ft'
Ndm hqc cila chung ta s€ biit ddu tudn sau, ngdy 5 thdng 9'
- Stress in words ending in-ese and-ee. (Trgng im ctra c5c tu c6 du6i -ese vi -ee)

c5c du6i ndy.

C6c tu c6 du6i -ese vd -ee thltrgng 6m rcri vdo chinh

. Tir c6 tfln cirng bing -ese

vietnameie u "lxj*lacraltxtuil
Japanese n ldgnpa'rri'.zl nguoi NhQt

&iAry-','.,rt,,::,:.:::.,,a:.:),;:,:a.?ilt'::::att:,,,.,'. ',',.,:@'xi:d: ''.

ngu&i Trung Qo6"

Portuguese n lpotju'gr'.zl ngudi gO Peo Nha

. Tir c6 t$n cirng blng -ee

emp :.:...::::)1,),.:.,..,:n::t.a,,,.",:.'-
I t'.1"' nhfuvi6*: ":' ,, ',

adoptee n ladcp'tt:l con nu6i

addr€lfi6,ta:,,;,,:1,:';;:;,,;,,.;,,1:y.,,,:,,;,:..,,:,,. l*e'wl:, nguoi nh$n (thu)

interviewee n /intevju'r:/ ngudi dugc ph6ng vin


, chr6@$s t[.le word whxe h has a differes]t sttress patterm frtlrm E*tr* f;tf c*;'s"

1. A. coffee B. Chinese C. PaYee D. trainee

2. A. referee B. guarantee C. JaPanese D. jubilee

3. A. refugee B. committee C. absentee D. Taiwanese

4. A. Viennese B. Chinese C. Burmese D. Maltese

B. volunteer C. mountaineer D. reindeer

5. A. engineer

"'"Mi;iiid;;d"LriJ -'cri"vc" ia'h ti6ng Anh i:u''i
and correct the stress'
2. Underline the words with the wrong stress
Tich (/) the word with the correct stress'

.--guAran'-t-ee---- 5. Ja'panese
1. guarantee
6. trai'nee'fugee
7. Por'tuguese .--------
3. co'ffee
8. a'ddressee
4. Chi'nese


1. Write nationality of these countries'

of English is still rising'

1.In Singapore, the nurnber of ..................... speakers
animals' including the
2. Australia is home to a variety of """"""'
koala, kangaroo, emu, kookaburra and
3. The ... Circle passes through eight countries, includingCanada'
4. The Statue of Liberty located inNewYork """"' """"the USA'
5. Antarctica is a continent located around the Earth's """"" Pole'
6. People from various English speaking countries
have different """""""""' ' ffi

7. Ireland is famous for the .......;""""" beauty of its coastal cliffs' ffi

8. We decided to join an .............. to Highclere Castle in English countryside ffi

"""""" languages
9. English, Tamil, Malay, and Mandarin Chinese are [{
in Singapore. *

10. Madame Tossaud is a famous wax in London and some il


major cities around t

I r. complete the sentences with the simple present, present i I

I continuousorpresentperfectformoftheverbinbrackets' i' .'l
[ , The UK population faster in recent years because of a i il
I O.ater number of births than deaths'
(gow) i I
] . i: c--- --^--^) 45,000 years. (live)
/< nnn.,oo*o /li.rpf i
j 1

1, Z.people inAustralia for around f,

, The Taj Mahal, a popular tourist atffaction """ located in the

[ i I
tr, ,"gion ofAgra,India. (be) i {
I .--
Jt--: +. What are you doing now, George? - I . ....abaseba11 game in Chicago
.. ^t^:-
i l

J in the USA. (watch) i

I 5. The number of people learning foreign languages '........ I

I veryfasteveryYear. i
I 6. The number of tourists visiting India ........ (increase) day by
House twice.
I 7. paul .................. (visit) the famous sydney opera i
g. According to the schedules, Frozen ...... (start) at 5. 15.p'm i
I i
symbol, (not live) "' in any other
9. The bald eagle, an American
places besides North America'
be) """" to Northern Ireland yet'
10. I think Mr' Nam (not

4. Use the verbs in the box

in present simple tense to complete
,, ahgv$,i,r
,,, ',lleaYe;,,',1, i',.'oPex
arrive be
retire return
'l',. ',,'t'',,'4pfi" "".'ivjsit

to Canberra in half an hour'
2. There . .. ' ' another bus

3. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson " ' ' to Canberra in half an hour'
4. My brother " " '
working in Liverpool next Monday'
on day 6'
Gate Bridge in San Francisco
5. We ... ' The Golden

6. I think that Julia's father ""

in two years'
D'C' to Ottawa " " ' in fifteen
7. The plane from Washin$on

8. The Sydney Country Music

Festival ""' on the first Saturday
next month'
the president of the United
9. Mr. Nam . " breakfast with
sun a minute earlier tomorrow
10. As you are in Vancouver now' the

Histrain '" at9 on
1.Myuncle ''''" to visitusnextweek'
- (is arriving/ arrives)
morning. (comes/ is coming)
still tives there' (lives/ has lived)
2.He ...... in DaLatfor ten years' He
"""it then? (is the film starting/
3. What time.. ""? "
watchingi Do you watch)
the film start) - (Are you

.L John ...... for lunch with me today' (comes/ is coming)
5- John ....... for lunch with me every day' (comes/ is coming)
bus leave)
6. What time . .. .. tomorrow? (is the bus leaving/ does the

7- What time . tomorrow? (is he leaving/ has he left)

8. ..... Ha Noi yet? - Not yet' (Is he leavingi Has he left)

Give the Gorrect form of the words given to complete

the sentences'

l. Both French and English are ' "" languages in


2. Do you know that the telephone, the television and

penicillin are Scottish ..... " ' " "?

3. Visitors can spend .... days exploring amazing

natural beautY ofNew Zealatd'

4. There are diflerent kinds of provided

throughout DisneYland.

5. Scotland is a .. land and this is noted for its rich

and interesting history.

6.. We'll take the early from SydneY to


7. I like going to England to study English because

I can

practice English with . "' speakers

8. English is an . ... language in this country'
9. People in the south of my country speak the
with . ... accent.

10. Last summer holiday, my family went to Da Nang and

Hoi An. We had a ........... time there'

1. I am looking forward '''' "' seeing you soon'

C. at D. to
A. of B. on
.... native sPeakers every daY'
2. You shouldPractice English

A. of B. at C. with ' D' for

for C' with D'uP
A. in B'

to take part " an international summer camp'

4. I encourage my daughter
C. on D.up
A. of B. in
as kangaroos and koalas'
5. Australia is home ' animals such
C. at D. on
A. to B. in

1. Read the passage and
answer the questions'

world's populations speak
are major languages of
the world. Two-thirds of the
first or
More than 300,000,000 people speak English as their
those six languages.
many people speak it as a
foreign language'
No one knows how
native language'
of China' more than one billion
the huge population

one of the official languages'
In South Africa and India' it is

l' nhasachminhthang'vn
English is the language of
wen though the native language is not English.
ional communication. It is the language of
internationalbusiness' research'
mails are written in English'
rience. More than three-fourths of the world's
use English. More than half
n than three.fifths of the world,s radio stations
Most other languages have
sientific and research journals are in English.
many English words.

language has the most speakers in the

world? Why?
l- Slhat

as a native or first language?

!!. How many people speak English

languages of the world?

iluAr€ Chinese andArabic probably major

percent of the world's radio stations are

in English?
even though English is not the
$T[hy do some countries use English textbooks
r*ive language?

in the box'
in each blank of the passage with the words
are middle word become rest

live southem winter animal bigger

only Russia, China, Canada,

t[srralia is the 6ft biggest country in the world.
(1) largest island'
Ifi.xd Brazilare ' It is the world's
has about 23 million inhabitants' 887o
Fmn ftough the country is so big, it only
trGNs of the country
hemisphere which means that the more
,fiffialia lies in the (3)
summers and mild winters' Snow
(4) .................. of the counffy has really hot

" """""' ;ilhiifi;il;il: ciilil;ililii#;;i;il

only falls in theAustralianAlps and in Tasmania. When we have (5) .......'..........
Europe andAsia, theAustralians have sufllmer. So they celebrate Christmas in
(6) .................. of the summer!
Australia is famous for its wildlife. The most famous (7) .................. is
the kangaroo. The kangaroo has (8) Australia's national symbol.
word "kangaroo" was the firstAboriginal (9) in the English
There are several spices of kangaroos. The red kangaroos (10)
biggest ones and they are found in the middle of the country.

@ wnrnNc
1. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.

Eg: every yearl stude ntsl manyI countries/ learn/ English/.

--+ Every year students in many countries learn English.

1. USA/ enormous/ country/, I morel thanJ 2 times/ the sizel ofl European Union/.

2. USA/ isl landl of/ extremesl.llt'sl both/ onel ofl hottest/ and/ coldesU
places/ world/.

3. aboutlhalfl oflAustralia's population/ gol tol onel ofl fantastic/ events/ on

Australia Dayl.

4. thel other/ halfl of lAustralia's population/ celebrate/ Australia Day/ home/

orlbeacU with/ their/ famllyl andl friends/.

5. theyl havel barbecues/ andl theyl watch/ Australian of the Year Award/
l. choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern.

l. A. Maltese B. festive C. degree D. unique

2. A. government B. celebrate C. nominee D. popular
3. A. Canadian B. introduce C. Guyanese D. absentee
4. A. coffee B. rupee C. trainee D. agree
5. A. kangaroo B. Taiwanese C. guarantee D. symbolise

!1. Choose the best answer.

1. Daviduses English as his mother because he comes from the UK.

A. tongue B. mouth C. nose D. cheek

2. The Sydney Opera House is an ....... of Australia's creative and

technical achievement.

A. orchestra B. emblem C. icon D. armorial

3. In the United States, there are 50 .................. and six different time zones
across the country.

A. states B. nations C. towns D. countries

4. I once tried to an apple pie when I was in London. It was really


A. do B. cook C. make D. show

5. You should go to Canada in summer because it is the most popular time for
visitors to .................. Niagara Falls and see the beautiful sights there.

A. stay B. look C. tour D. visit
6. Nowadays you still see the .................. men wear kilts (skirts) to wedding or
other formal occasions.

A. Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scot

7. The USAhas apopulation ofabout 304 million, and it's the third.........
country in the world.
A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest

8. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are .................. food
at Christmas.

A. national B. historical
C. traditional D. possible

9. The flight number 781 to Melbourne ............ at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

A. arrives B. is arriving
C. has arrived D. will arrive

10. Some documents say that people ........ the Glastonbury Festival

since the beginning of the l9th century.

A. celebrated B. were celebrating

C. have celebrated D. celebrate

ll. We on the Great Ocean Road, as Australian National Heritage

at the moment.

A. will drive B. drive

C. have driven D. are driving

12. What is the name of the most famous clock in Britain?

A. Big Clock B. Big John C. BigApple D. Big Ben

13. .................. the Di Vinci Code? It's an interesting book?

A. Have you ever reading B. Have you ever read

C. Has you read D. You have read
as an official language?
14. Which country doesn't speak English
C' Singapore D' Korea
A. England B' Australia

' " " ' now'
to worry about it any longer' It" " '
B. is repairing
A. was rePaired
D. is being rePaired .
C. has rePaired

each sentences that needs correcting'


.A B
way to the Toronto Zooyet'l'
3. Has Tom and Susan found the

parts; the North Island and the South
5. New Zealand is comprising trvo main

lV. Give the correct form of the

verbs in brackets'
is Australia'
1. This is the flrst time I' ''' "(visit) Sydney Opera House
3 events so far this semester'
2. We .. . ....(organize) successfully
symbol of the United States'
3. Mount Rushmore. "'(become) an iconic

peoPle annuallY.
.: ,. i.


5. Australia . .... a range of different landscapes, including urban areas,

mountain ranges, deserts and rain forests. (have)

6. Annually, the National Eisteddfod festival of Wales ..... place for eight
days at the start ofAugust. (take)

7. The Statue of Liberty ..... over 12 million immigrants entering the

USA through New York Harbor since 1900. (welcome)

8. Each of the 50 states ....... an official state flower so far. (adopt)

9. At the moment, Anna .. .... (take part in) the cooking contest at summer
camp in New York.

10. England ....... (be) one part of the United Kingdom.

trir.l,ie|ls? r+.i1tr:ti'i :t(;-triit.iifiir{.e 'u-rith ti,:e ritj,qttr;r[*!e; ';qul]Hffii s-];'

'il,ri":l B,taIriii+:i'..

1, The ....... anthem of VietNam is "Qu5c Ca". NATION

l. The Glastonbury Festival in England is a .. of music CELEB- fE

and it attracts thousands of people.

-r. Californiaishometothemost. ... themeparkinthe ICON


-1. They enjoy the ... .. atmosphere here. - PEACtr

5. The. ..... founder of the city was Helenus, son of LtrGEND

Priam, and Virgil.

6. Scotland is .... for its rich culture and its amazing tr'AME

natural beauty.

-. The council has promised to deal with the problem of EMPLOY

..... arnong Young PeoPle.

3 . The. ..... between Vietnam and America is good. FRIEI\D '

Mi;i;,h;;;;;;k. -"ihilc;;;il;;;s;;il #
Vl. Read the following passage and finish the sentences.


The Big Ben is a clock tower. It's probably the most famous attraction i
England. Millions oftourists visit it every year. It is located on the side of the
of Parliament in Westminster in London. What makes this tower so special?
tower is home to the largest four-faced chimingbell in the world. Also, Big Ben i
96 metres high and weighs about the same as an elephant. Big Ben is actually
name of the huge bell, but most people use it to refer to the clock and the tower.

lt took nearly 13 years to build and the clock began ticking in the summer of I
People heard the first chime of the bell in July 1859. It now rings every 15 minutes.

Amazingly, this clock still rang after the House of Parliament was
during the Second World War. The house was destroyed but the clock wasn't.

l. ................... is probably the most famous attraction in England.

2.TheBig Ben attracts .. every year.

3. It's next to

4. The chiming bell of the tower has .. :.......... faces.

5. It took ...... to build the bell.
6. The first chime of the bell was heard in ....
7. The bell now rings .

8. The clock wasn't during the Second World War.

Vll. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each sentence.


The United States is a large country. It is the third largest country in the whole
world! It is located in a continent called NorthAmerica. Parts of the United States
touch three different oceans. The United States has tall mountains, wide plains, ]
Peop[e from all over
deserts, hills, rivers, lakes, volcanoes, and even rainforests!
tte world have come to live in the United States'

There are 50 states in the United States' The newest states,

Alaska and Hawaii'

te not connected to the other states. Alaska is the largest state and Hawaii is a
drain of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

1. The United States is the ....."' ' counffy in the world'

A. second largest C. smallest

B.largest D. third largest

2. Alaska is .............. and Hawaii is """"""

A. a chain of islands; the largest state'
B. the largest state; a chain of islands'
C. a chain of islands; the largest state'
D. not connected to the other states; the largest state'

3. The United States does not have .""""

A. 50 states C. volcanoes

B. mountains D. continents

4. Parts of the United States touch '''' "' different oceans'

A. 1 8.2 c.4 D. 3

5- What continent is the United States in?

A. NorthAmerica C. Africa
B. Australia D. Europe

Read the passage and choose the best answer'


three main parts:
lf we travel all over Scotland, we can see that it consists of
where the tall-
Uplands and Highlands with their Grampian Mountains,
mrmtain peak, Ben Nevis, is located'

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n s6ch ti6ng Anh

varied landscape; the hills'
You are sure to enjoy the beauty of the Scottish
lakes (here they are called lochs)' its
covered with purple heather, its beautiful
green and narrow valleYs.

mysterious monster Nessie' Nessie
the most famous one is Loch Ness with its
sometimes appears to scare the tourists but
only in fine weather!

for tourists than a man in the kilt'

But what can be more curious and attractive
the checkered pattern of tartan
playing the bagpipes? The celts of scotland made
The earliest Scots formed themselves into clans
- the national dress of the country.
the sense of kinship' There are
(family groups) and the tattanbecame a symbol of
each has its own colour and pattern of
about 300 different clans in Scotland, and
tartantogether with the motto'
and poets, scientists and
scotland is a land of many famous people: writers
Doyle, Alexander GrahamBell,
philosophers, such as Robert Burns, Arthur Conan

orAlexander Fleming.

1. The tallest mountain peak, Ben

Nevis' is located in " ''

A. Lowlands C. Highlands

B. Uplands D. England

of the following except

2. Scotland has beautiful landscape with all
A. the hills C. the valleys

B. the lakes D. the beaches

3. A11 of the following are true about Loch Ness except'

A. it is the most famous lake in Scotland'
the lake famous'
C. its mysterious monster Nessie makes
D. Nessie sometimes appears to scare the
tourists' l

ll- r,m::i::rtimes,eachfamily$oupswasdifferentfromeachotherin""'
r- .'i ourl colour and pattern of tartan together with the motto'
J ;e checkered pattern of tartan and the sense of kinship'

I .1i gleen and narrow valley where they lived'

I ::-r area and population and beautiful landscape'
*rri "kinship" rfiparagraph 4 is closest in meaning to" " '
"i rrtr3
q :ri tamilY group and its sYmbol'
3 ::e os:r colour and pattern of tartan'
- re relationship between clan members'
lr :ig national dress of the country'

:- : :

Malaysia/ asl'
nrs officiav English/ its/ years/lan gaagelfor/ considered/

Gatelis/ Golden/ monument/ San Francisco/

Bridgel oflThe'
1 rm :ctni c

) :s .{'.r-<ralial capitallof/ Sydney I islblur,lnotl Canbenal thel'

.{r. ff-s rhe Island/ in/ North/ Maori/ nativelof/ New Zealandlpeople/ atChildren's/ The/.

: m . r. .t]0 NationaV Washington D. C/ opens/ Museum/

t - r*-rornia,r most/ home/ isl tol thel themelin/ iconic/ the park/


t u-*sralia home/ isl tolanimals/ like/ uniquel thel andlkoala'lkangarcoll'

tvtinhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch ti6ng Anh

as the first'
the sentence that has the same meaning
X. Choose
that in Belgium'
inAustralia is larger than
1. The cattle station world'
in Belgium is the largest in the
A. The cattle station

is the largest in the world' -
in Australia
C. The cattle station
to Canada daily'
2. They offer the flights
Canadians every day'
A. The flights are offeredby
are offered'
B. The flights to Canada
serve every day'
C. The flights to Canada

into England' scotland'
wales and
Northern lreland'
traditionally join the Highland Games every
4. The Scottish the scottish'
Highland Games are joinedby
A. The traditional
Games are joined annually'
C. The Scottish Highland ,- a,(^-Aar
prosramme at e'00 p'm' on Mondav'
nationar geographic
, il;;;;-. o:" *:'l:l;'l;
graphic pro sramme o
A. rhe national geo :lffiH
p'm' on Mondav'
*"adcast them at e.00 "T
i: Hl ffiffffi,-fi*** the national geographic programme at 9'00
c. They are broadcr*,,
on MondaY'
Natural disasters

Grammar ' Review: Passive

' Past Perfect

pronunciation . stress in words ending in -logy and -graphy


c:ebi rlQng (Passive sentences): c6ub! tlQng ld cdufiong d6 chringt leryuoi

vic nhan ho[c chiu tac dQng cua hinh ilQng'

Eg: A question was asked bY me'

Mlt cdu hdi ituqc hdi boi t6t'

(cdu tr(c ):

S + be + P.P @ast Participle) + (by + O)

Eg: The Biolure was Painted bY Tom'

S be+P.P O

Buc tranh ilu.oc vd boi Tom'


Eg: The picture was not Eiuterlby Tom'

S benot +P.P O

Buc tranh kh6ng duqc vd boi Tom'

Ii,ii;h'til;iloG-- bt"ve" s6ch tidng ,i;"'ffi

Eg: Was the picture PintleclbY Tom?

Be S + P.P O

Co phdi b*c tranh duqc vd boi Tom kh6ng?

ilbe" d day ph6i phu hqp v6i chir ngfi cflng ph6i thc hion dugc thi
cAu. Khi dich nghia cdu bi dong, ta dich ld"
"bi, duqc" tuy vdo c6u, ngt canh mri

ta chgn nghia cho Pht hqp.

2. Usage (ciich dirng ):

Cdu bl dQng thudng ding trong cdc trudng hqp sau:
. Khi kh6ng bitit hoflc kh6ng cnn biiSt <t6n ngudri/ vflt thlrc hiQn hdnh dong'

Eg: The sfeets are swePt everydaY'

Her legs were broken in the accident yesterday'
. Khi ngudi n6i mu6n nh6n manh ngudi/ vat tiiSp nhf,n hanh dong.

Eg: This bike was bought by my father'

This letter must be written by his sister'

3. CSch chuyin sang c6u b!tl6ng:

nhu sau
1. Mutin chuy6n mQt cflu chri tlQng sang cflu bi ilQng, ta thgc hiQn

Active S,o, =__[2- o,o,

Passive sn, z-Iv}* bY+ o

V,o,: dQng tu 6 ciu chtr dQng'

Vn:be + P. P tlQng tu o cdu bi ttQng'

a.L6yt6n ngfi (o) rrong c6u chir rlQng ldm chir ngfr (S) trong cau bi

ph6i phi hqp voi chir ngt vd thi cira ciu'
c. Cht ngt trong cdu chir ilQng tro thenh tAn ngt O,", d(mg sau "by"trong
gdy tahdnh dQng thi c6 th6 lugc
eiu bi <10ng. N6r, trro"g c6n thii5t ldm 16 chri ngfi
ho di cum tt "bY + tan ngfr".

L Ciu bi tlQng c6 th6 dirng vfi cic lo$ thi sau:


(Cdc loqi thi) fidu trutc bi dinl)
hesent simPle is/ are/ as1+ P.P

X learn English. English is learned (bY me)'

['nsent progressive Is/ are/ all *being + P.P

$Lp ic rendin:q the book The book is being read (bY her)'

hst simple was/ were + P.P

Tb tittle bov broke the glass The glass was broken by the little boy'

fh progressive was/ were +being + P.P

.Tke police were interogatilg l'i*' He was being interrogated by the police'

]ttsent perfect have/ has been + P.P

,fifie ftas cooked thefood. The food has been cooked (bY her)'

k perfect had been + P.P

Two .films had been watched before
fu' had watched two films before
fu'went to bed last night'- they went to bed last night'

hre simple will be + P. P

The road wilt be covered with a red
fu' will cover the road with a red
wtpt tomorrow. carpet tomorrow.

hre progressive will be being + P.P

will be being held in
il*irJ be holding the wedding party in My weddingparty
ffic .}'oi next month. Ha Noi next month.

hre perfect will have 5ssn + P.P

m .nill have comPleted building The buildingwill have been completed
before Christmas.
frfue Christmas.

is/ arel xp *going 1s 5s + P.P

We're doing to celebrate a special pafi' A special party is going to be celebrated'

can/ should/ must, ...+ be + P.P

They can relY on him to k::g:""*' He can be relied on to keeP secret'

Present infinitive to be + P.P

They needyou to reply this question as They need this question (to) be replied
as soon ot potiibl".
Perfect infinitive to have been * P.P

He hopes to have finished the topic by He hopes the toPic (to) have been
finished by SundaY.
Present particiPle/ Gerund being + P.P

He dislikes people criticizinghis work' He dislikes his work being criticized'

He hates people calling him an idiot He hates being called an idiot'

Bing chir ngfi vi tfln ngt tuong img'

Chri ngfr (S) Tfln ngfr (O)

I --+ Me

We Us

You -+ You

He ---) Him

She ---+ Her

--+ It
They --+ Them

people, Someone, Somebody... thuong dugc lu-o. c b6 trong cau bi tl0ng'
Eg: People are decorating the Christmas
--+ The Christmas tree is being decorated'

Eg: They have studied this problem
--+ This problem has been carefully studied'

. Trang tu chi noi ch'Sn ddt tru6c "by O"'

Eg: Tom bought that pen in this bookshop'

by Tom'
--+ That pen was bought in this bookshop

'Trpng tt chi thoi gian tlugc d[t sau "by O"'

in 1876'
Eg: A. G. Bell invented the telephone
by A' G' Bell in 1876'
--+ The telephone was invented


Form (cdu trric)


Eg: I had left mY wallet at home'

TOi dd di quinvi 6 nhd'


cleaned it for weeks'

Eg: The house was dirly' The hadn't
ho dd kh6ng lau dpn nhd'
Ng6i nhd riit bdn' Mdy tudn r6t

Eg: Where had he put his wallet?

Anh iiy dA dA vi 6 ddu?

Stress in words ending in - logy and - graphy

(Tio. ng 0m cta cdc tu c6 du6i - logy vd -graphy)

c6c tt c6 <1u6i -Iogy vd -graphy c6 trong 6m roi vdo dm ti6t thri 3

du6i 16n.

. Tir c6 t<6t ttrfc bing -logY 1


Itekl'nalqry c6rg nghQ

technologY- ::',,':.., - -,',, ),l ) .' fi i
lbar'nledgtl sinh hqc
biology n 1.

/sai'kuledgi/ tdm li hqc

psychology,,' .)r.,. , -- I,.' ' .,'{i

/ h'koledgi/ sinh th6i hqc

. Tir c6 X6t ttrric blng -graPhY

geograp$'.: 1ftitogrefi1 dia li

/fe'togrsfi/ nhiCp anh
r' I ii

Uio$apby.r /bar tgrofi/ ti6u'stt


/dr'mogrefi/ nh0n khAu hqc


telegraPhY photograPhY calligraphY

::ography geograPhY
cosmograPhY oceanograPhY historiograPhY
:'diograPhY stenograPhY
archaeologY astrologY audiologY
.::alogy apologY
biotechnologY ecology ethnologY
::cteriology biology
ideologY methodologY microbiologY
::rurology geology
psychologY sociologY volcanologY
::"rsicology philosoPhY

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n s6ch ti6ng
2. Complete the words under the pictures with -!ogy or -graphy, th
mark the stress syllable in each word. say the words aroud.

1. photo 2.

3. tech 4.

tf "':""'-'-"'


5. psycho 6. biolo............?..........r!..


:::nderstorm tsunamr tornado drought lightning

flood earthquake snowstorm typhoon landslide

[.k .rl
t-ffi'r"' .-l

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn sdch ti6ng Anh

9. .............. 10.............

2. Match the naturaldisaster in column A to its definition or meaning

in column B.

1. snowstorm A. a very large wave

:. uot.u"i. eruption C. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface

+. typhoon D. a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds
j thunderstorm E. a violent tropical storm with very strong winds
tidal wave F. a very strong wind that goes quickly around in a circle
tornado G. the flames, burning rocks, and lava are thrown out
from a volcano
l. flood H. the sudden fall of a mass of,earthr rock$, etc.lDown the
side of a mountain
: drought I. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry
l+i. landslide J. a long period without rain

lightning eruption volcano landslide avalanche

flood sandstorm draught earthquake typhoon
I saw on TV that yesterday there was an.... ..on an island in the pacific
and hot lava came down the volcano.

My little sister is afraid of .... so when there is a bad storm she

always hides.

.Last Sunday we wanted to go skiing, but we couldn't because in the mountains

there was an ....
.\11 people in the village rushed into the public shelters as soon as the
...... erupted.
Se'eral people were going along when suddenly there was a .....
'-rashing down the hillside and blocked the road in front of them.
Tankers full of water were sent, but it was too late to save many of the animals
and crops there. The .. ..... made the whole area like a vast desert.
\\-hen the . .
.. happened last year, the river overflowed in several

:laces and huge areas of farming were several meters under water. Boats
',r ere being used to rescue people in nearby villages.

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch ti6ng Anh

8. The. ..... swept onwards, covering everything in its path. The travelers
had to get offtheir camels and lie down until it had eventuallypassed.

9. Suddenly the ground shook beneath our feet and tall buildings
opposite my
college began to sway. I immediately realized that it was an

10. The -.-.-- akeady strengthened considerably and the

sea was very
rough. As a result, ferries across the harbor stopped saiiing and all
ships put out to the sea.

4. complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into

simple past or past perfect.

1. The he (a:rive).
film .................. (already/ end) by the time

2.I ........... (go) downstairs because I ........... (hear) a noise.

.3. We .. (cannot/ send) you a postcard because we.................... I
(forget) our address book.
4. -................... (yo,/ finish) your homework before you went to the
cinema? I
5. I went to the box office at lunchtime, but th"y .......... (aheadylsell) all I
the tickets.
6. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ......... (go) straight to bed. I
but the doctor warned me not to do too I
' I ::::::::Lff"ffi:r' ','ch
8. Mai (live) .. in Hai phong for five years before she 1*or.y
.. to Ha Noi three yeaf,s ago.
9. Phong (tell) ......... me yesterday thathe (ream) .. French I
for a vear.
10. Ms. Hong (worD .. at our school for twenty years befor. ,u.
(retire) I
.. last June.
5. Complete the sentences, using the correct passive forms of the
verbs in brackets.

l. The town (rebuild) .................... after massive destruction of the earthquake

in 2015.

2. People living around the volcano (evacuate) .. for one hour before

the eruption happened.

. 3. Earthquake victims (already send) .. humanitarian aid by many


4- Thousands ofbuildings in Japan (deshoy) .. when the earthquake

(happen) .. in20l4.
5-All of the animals (ki11) ......... by a forest fire in dry seasons.

6. Water(pollute) .. during a flood.

?-Amudslide (cause) .. by heavy rainfall last year.

& More trees (plant) .. every year to minimize the adverse impacts
of environmental disaster to human beings and other animals.

!L The debris from the plane crash (clear) ...........:........ by emergency teams at
lhe moment.

lOAid (send) .. to the flood victims by the government tomorrow.

sentences from these words. Use the correct passive form of

|Le verbs. The sentences are in present or past simple tense.
il.Ihe classroom/ cleanlevery daY.

understand/ by everybody.

Smprise/ this now.


Minhthangbooks - chuydn s6ch tiEiie"ii'ffi

4. Glass/ makei from sand.

5. When/ this bridge/ build?

6. How/ these windows/ break?

@ nenDtNG coMPREHENstoN

1. Put the following words into the right place'

beforehand emergeno)r'i : ',
, risks. w.hat

family : , ,'dlreat ea$quake plfil

Natural disasters such as flood, fire, (l). tomado and w

affect thousands of people every year. You should know what your (2). ...

are and prepare to protect yourself, your (3). and communiry

Recognizing an impending hazatd and knowing

protect yourself and your family will help you take ef[ective steps to

(5).. . . . .. ..and aid recovery after the event'

Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected, such as assom

a supply kit and developing a family emergency (6)" " " "', ffie the same
all types of hazards. However each emergency is unique and knowing the acti
totake foreach(7).... .....will impactthe speoific decisions andpreparati
you make. By learning about these specific threats, you are preparing yourself
react in an (8).
2. Read the passage and
choose the best answer'
people around
natural disasters that can affect millions of
F100ds are cofllmon
houses and buildings, and carry soil away from
&c world. They destroy


or melting
them, because of heavy rainfall
mount of water that rivers bring
and hurricanes also read
to flooding. Hurricane
;il;; lrrr"r.,

made the land around
yearly floods in Egypt brought along nutrients and
ms built
during the monsoon seasoo
lhNile very fertile' Every year floods
causedby flood?
l- What are NOT the damages
A. DestroYing houses andbuilding
B. Polluting drinking water
C. Causing diseases
D. Causing unemPloYment
A What does the word "Plains"
B. Small rivers
.{ Flat lands
D. Low mountains
C. ValleYs

]f S'hat is flash flood?

,t- inwhich smallrivers can swell +ricHy
B. inwhich small rivers are
of water
to ten times the normal amount
C in which smalt revers carry W

D.AmdC are correct

4. What can also lead to flooding?
A. Volcano eruPtion B. Tropical storms
C. Earthquakes D. Windstorms

5. Is flood always a bad event?

A. Yes B. No

C. Not given D. None of the above

6. When did Hurricane Katrina cause a massive flooding of the whole

sippi Delta?
A. Ten years ago B. Eleven years ago
C. Twelve years ago D. None of the above
7. How many times are the plains around large rivers flooded per
A. None B. Once ayear
C. More than once D. Once or more

3. Circle A, B, C or D to complete the passage about earthquakes'
r,i Earthquakes are the shaking, rolling or sudden shock of the earth's surface-
They are the Earth,s (1) .................... means of releasing stress.

There are about 20 plates along the surface of the earth that move continuously
and slowly past each other. (2) ...........
the plates squeeze or stretc
huge rocks form at their edges and the rocks shift with great force, causing

earthquake. Think of it this way: Imagine holding a pencil horizontally.

If you
were to apply a (3) ......... to both ends of the pencil by pushing down on
them, you would see the pencil bend. After enough force was applied, the
would break in the (4) ...................., releasing the stress you have put on it' The
put forces
Earth's crust acts in the same way. As the plates (5) .'........""""" they
is forced
on themselves and each other. when the force is large enough, the crust

to break. When the break occurs, the stress is released'
l. A. usual B. natural C. good D. unnalural
2"A.If B. Unless C. When D. While
3. A. force B. stress C. pressure D. power
4. A. end B. middle C.right D. left
5- A. run B. break C. roll D. move


Make up sentences using the words and phrases given.

l-that/ was/ terrible/ earthquake/ btt/ luckily/ we/ survived/.

z within/ last/ 100 yearsl deserts/ been/ growing/ at/ frrghtennglspeed/.

3- people/ livingl nearlthe edgel Gobi Desert/ will/ leave/homes/ itl sandstorms/
are/ not/ stopped/.

l-lcrcal/man/ said/ mudslide/ was/ caused/ byl ground/ whi cW haslbeenl made/
rrnstable/ byl heavy ratnfalV.

5- where/ you/ when/ the earthquake/ began/ yesterdayl?

the following sentences in passive voice.

L The volunteers have rescued three cats.

places because of the flood.
2. we should move the furniture to higher

house before the typhoon came'

3. They had repaired their

4. What kind of injuries do earthquakes


the damaged bridge yet?

6. Have the workers restored

7. I hadn't put the car into

the garage before the hail occurred'

send rescue workers to the

flooded villages'
8. We will


a state of emergency following the

10. Our govemmenthas declared

your own ideas'

+ What tYPe of disaster?

+ Where and when/ itl haPPen?

+ Hoil itl happen?
* Characteristics of the disaster.

* Some effects of this disaster.

l. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffe
from that of the others.
l. A. natural B. dis4ster C. d4mage D. gr4ndma
2. A. weather B. reach C. lcak D. between
3. A. thunder B. result C. ergpt D. volqme
4. A. watchqg! B. collapssd C. caused D. laughgl
5. A. typhoon B. cyclone D. sunny

Il. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed d

from the others.
l. A. natural B. disaster C. volcano D. typhoon
2. A. earthquake B. thunderstorm C. temperature D. experience
3. A. erupt B. collapse C. gather D. occur
4. A. forecast B. tomado C. hurricane D. tropical
5. A. extensive B. dangerous C. furniture D. carriage

lll. Choose the best answer.

1. A forest fire ........... valuable wood, wildlife and good soil.

A. is destroyed B. being destroyed
C. destroying D. destroys

2. Because of the drought, many people starved to.................... .

A. death B. dead C. deadly D. die

3. The hurricane was .......... it knocked down all the houses on its way.
A. destructive B. destroy
C. destruction D. destroying
4. During a long drought, farmers had to find ways to .................... their crops.

A. save B. cook C. raise D. set

5. We have to suffer .. a lot of floods due to our serious destruction

of forests.
A. on B. with C. from D. to

6. Aheavy storm swept through the village and many people

A. kill B. are killed
C. were killed D. killed

7. There was .......... rain yesterday that several roads were flooded.

A. too much B. so much C. too many D. so manY

8. The heavy rain .......... floods in the houses by the river.

A. caused B. made c. did D. resulted

A. done B. affected C. suflered D. caused

10. The hurricane took several days to blow itself .

A. in B. out C. down D. off

ll. It was the biggest eruption of Vesuvius ..... ... some years.
A. for B. since C. in D. from

12. The earthquake .. the city at two in the morning.

A. occurred B. hit C. swept D. measured

13. A funnel-shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm is called

a.................... .

A. typhoons tsunami B. C. tornado D- hurricane

14. The last tsunami caused a lot of .. to the countries along the
Pacific coast.
A. eruption B. dissasters
C. destruction D. damage

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n s6ch tidng Anh

15. The snow.
roof collapsed under the weight of
A. fellin

B. broke off I

C. pulled down D. put away I

16. Severe thunderstorms are . ...... for Tuesday night.

A. missed B. brought C. forecasted D. damaged

17 -Tidalwaves are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of

the earth. I
A. clear B. sudden I
C. impressive slight
D. I
18. The floods have killed hundreds and made thousands
A. homely B. homeland C. homeless D. homesick
19. Farmers are worried that the storm and flood .... again next year. I
A. will happen B. happen I
C. happening D. would happen
20. ournatural ...... need conserving for our future generation.
A. forests B. substances I

rv. use;;i;",. orthe word ,** .:::mprete each ,"n."n.". I

l. Our . tums out to be correct. (predict) I
2. volcanic eruptions are one ofthe most . ..... . natural disasters. (destroy)
3. The two teachers have different students. (Egpect)
....... of their I
4. T\e most . ..... earthquake in Japanese history damaged rokyo *d
Yokohama. (disaster)
5. .. ... ... -,the typhoon didn't cause any damage on the village. (tuck)
6. A tidal wave brings death and .. in its wake. (destroy)
7. Their stated aim was to free women from domestic .. . (slave)

8. It was thebiggest ... of Vesuvius for some years. (erupt)

9. The buildings was .. .... damaged by the fire. (Egtend)

10. Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor . ... deforms. (abrupt)

Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs


l. I really enjoyed the book that you told me to read it.

2" Hundreds of houses destroyed after a tomado hit the small town of Texas.
3- Many people got iqjured in the storm because they weren't prepared for
the disaster.
{. It is reported that six people trapped in collapsed building have freed
so far.

5. The earthquake occurred at midday when many people had had lunch.

Complete the passage with the correct form or tense of the verbs
h brackets.
As many as 1,500 people (1).... . (kill) in Haiti after tropical storm Jean
.. (hit) the island nation more than a week ago, dumping heavy rains
(3).........i..(cause) deadly flooding and mudslides. At the present in Haiti,
workers (4).... . (struggle) to distribute supplies to hungry residents
(5).... .(not eat) since their homes (6).... .(destroy),

;ii; : cililil :Lil ii&; e;'d #
The northern city of
Gonaives (7).......... :.(completely'destroy),
residents (S).... .(wade) through streets trying to find missing

and mourning the dead. At the moment, mass graves

(9).. ..(dig) lo
as 80 per cent
hundreds of bodies. Some officials have reported that as much
fatalities to rise as
the country in under water to some degree, and they expect
water(10).. ...(subside).

Vll. Choose the one option (A, B, C or D) that hest complet

the passage.
Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries
and (l)'
was one of
thousands of minor tremors each year. But the Kobe earthquake
(2).... .. in the country's history - 6,433 people died' Nearly 27'000
were injured, and more than 45,000 homes were (3)' ""' ' The total cost
repairing the damage was estimated (a). .... more than $100 billion'
struggled to (5). .....the huge impact of the 1995 earthquake. New
blocks and malls were built to attract back the 50,000 people
after the quake.

Japanese scientists have since tried to improve (7)"" " of quakes'

to forecast when
seismology is an inexact science and it is extremely difficult
where quakes will (8).
- tremor (n): sY chAn dQng.
- seismologY (n): tlia chAn hgc.
1. A. controls B. exPeriences C. causes D. strikes

2. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. badest

3. A. destroYed B. struck C. swept D. torn

4. A. to B. in C. at D. for

5. A. studY B. create C. avoid D. overcome

6. A. who B. which C. where D. whose

7. A. predictor B. Prediction C. predictive D. PredictablY

8. A. eruPt B. come C. reach D. occur
Vlll' Read the
text and then choose
rha h^-. answe
the best
rwoorthemo.*,*:." r A, B,c or
_*:":::e D.
rhey are,*,";#ffiT ;ff "*.tAmerica are hu
Jff: mavliveio-r;T#;::il".T#".
t Every year homes
rrao+*^-, ri
,re .{ad*^_-_
Are ,
I ro:*: ffi;;:ffi;:ffiT'J::1""
until to
*o *o or,* rost
their hote. ,ri""'*ou.
the storm passes.
nves are
I o"u, arooott"o caused
] rain and ;,r"*, ii.1T;,illi: :: arong rhe coasrs
by both the
1* -i,;:,".*:Ji"ffi::1;
[ enormous damage. ;:",siderab,y
vv rains associated;il1;ffi:l'r'Jill:
Hurricanes usually
develop befweer
carrv hemendous
power with driving.],,|'||]T,no;tober' once thev hit land rhey
Tornadoes are
violent low - pressurr
d+s the summer;;;;" storms. These
"*, ^:o**to

eir and even uplift
ry can pick up trees and
,"r- ,t-^-,.
Both hurrin,.^- ^:ul".
hurricanes anrr
.r.i ffi#::;ffi#::fr
-'- -rv'rvD arq rarlways

rru*#;;ffi FTIH
;::Tn :,*
:asily than in
the pasq
.r damage,.,ire

I. What are two o.

most dangerour
A. Thundersrr.:""
c Hurrican., #,H
ilffi ""fill"}:T:
D. Huricanes
2. At which part and fphoons.
of the year do
hurricar: tesusually
A' July andAugust develop?
C. FromA"r*JAtofhenurthmonth Between July and October.
3. what is the
o.AlI the year round.
major similarity
A' They.ou", orr, uhurricane and a tornado?
of both
a small area.
. .:, ::':.::.1-".'
**"anied bv rain' i H"i liJ:;': #*:::*
4. which of the following is true of tornadoes and hurricanes?
A. They cannot be predicted with accuracy.
B. They are easier to control today than in the past.
C. Tomadoes are more dangerous than hurricanes.
D. They can be predicted today with greater accuracy.

5. which of the following was not mentioned in the article?

A. The damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes.
B. The tremendous power of these stormsl
c. The number of people killed each year by these storms.
D. The time of year when they are most likery to strike.

lX. Reorder the words to make sentences.

l. largel disasters/ across/ canl havoc / areasl Naturav wrea7 .

2. thel wilV heavily/ falling I be/ iflsnow/ snowstorm/ There/

continues/ a/-

3. itl would/ stop/ mudslide/,r wer rf/didn,t/ anticipatel rainingl al.

4. powerfuu propefiy/,/ al lotsl caused/ ofl yesterd ay/ damage/


5. volcano/ evacuated/ ervpted/,rpeople/ thel time/Bylhad/ thel.

X. choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first.
L food and medical supplies had been delivered when clothes were gathered'
A They delivered clothes after gathering food and medical supplies'
and medical supplies'
B. After clothes were gathered, they delivered food
c. They gathered clothes after delivering food and medical supplies'
I- The strong winds last night scattered debris across the seaside,

A Debris was scattered across the seaside last night'

B. Debris was scattered across the seaside by the strong
winds last night'

c. The strong winds last night created debris at the seaside.

put it out'
*- The forest fire had raged for two hours by the time rescue workers
o{ Rescue workers put out a two-hour forest fire'
B. The forest fire was put out after two hours'
C. Rescue workers put out the forest fire in two hours'

$; In 2004, a tsunami suddenly destroyed a part of Indonesia'

B. Apart of Indonesia was suddenly destroyed by a
tsunami in 2004'

C- Indonesia suddenly destroyed a tsunami in 2004'

Use the
ffrite a short paragraph about some effects of acid rain'
oles below.
+Air pollutants * water droplets making up clouds : acid rain'

+fitling trees, harming animals, fish and other wildlife'

+Destroying leaves of Plants.

+Changing chemistry of soil, lakes and streams'
+Containing tiny particles that can get into people's lungs, causing healthproblems'

Minhthangbooks - Chuyen s6ch ti6ng Anh


: I;T#ffcontinuous
pronunciation . stress in words ending in -ity and -itive



1. Form (cdu tr(c ):

S+ wilVshall +be + V-ing

Eg: She will be cooking dinner when you arrive'

C6 dy sd ndu blca dn #i khi bqn dAn'

S+ won't/shan't *be + V-ing

Eg: They won't be living in Paris next year'

Hq sd kh6ng s6ng 6 Paris vdo ndm toi'

WilVShall + S + be +V-ing?

Eg: Will you be doing next week?

Bqn sd iluqc ldmvdo tuin toi phdi kh6ng?
2. Ciich dirng
Thi tuong lai ti6p di6n tlugc dirng d6 di6n ti:
'Mot hinh tlQng sE xiy ra vdo mQt thoi itiom nh6t dinh trong tuong lai.

Eg: This time tomorrow I'll be sitting on the train to Hanoi.

Vdo gid ndy ngdy mai t6i itang tr€n tdu d€n Hd N1ri.

He will be staying with his parents tomorrow morning.

Anh iiy sd 6 voi bii me vdo sdng mai.
. Dg do6n cho tuong lai.

Eg: Don't phone now, they will be having dinner.

Dhng gpi di€n thoqi lilc ndy, h9 itang dn tiji.

@ ro-rNFtNtnvEs (DONG Tu NGUvEN rvrAu c6,To,,)

D0ng tti nguydn mdu c6 "to" (to-infinitives) dugc dring trong c6c tru&ng
tgp sau:

1. Hinh thrfrc nguyOn m6u c6 rrto" c6 th6 dugc dtng nhu mQt tin ngfr trgc
fifa sau cic ilQng tir sau tliy:
rfiord c6 the, fi) care quan tdm demand y*u ciu
rgree -; y
ctong cease di,rng lqi desire mong mudn
arTange sap xep
choose lqa chpn Egpect mong dqi
ack h6i claim ddi h6i fail thiit bei
{tempt co gang continue nep ryc fear sohdi
Lcar chiu ilgng decide quydt dinh forget qu€n

beg ndi ni deserve xung ddng help giilp dA

bcgin biit ddu determine quyAt tdm
hesitate do du mean c6 y dinh prepare
hope chuiin bi
hi vgng need cdn promise
intend h*a
du dinh neglect kh6ng chti y propose
Iearn dO xuiit
hoc offer bidu, tfing refuse
like t* chiit
thich omit b6 s6t regr_et
Iong niii ttiic
mong udc plan dw dinh start
hate biit ddu
ghdt love y€u prefer thich hon
manage tqt xoay s6 pretend gtd vd seem dudng nhu
Eg: I want to drink coffee.
T6i muiin u6ng cd ph€.

Trang decided to leave

b*g dd quyilt dinh roi kh6i

2. Drfrng sau .,for', ,,sp, +

vi trfic tir:
Eg: The machine is too
heavy for me to lift.
Cdi mdy nfing qud 6i
kh6ng nhiic niir.
It was kind of you to help.
Cdm on bqn dd giilp dd.

3. Cflu c6 f chi mgc tlfch, k6t qu6:

Eg: I saved money to buy
a bicycle.
T6i dd tiiit hi€m tiin
d€ mua mQt chidc xe dqp.

- Stess in words ending n -ity and -itive. (Tio. ng Am cua cric hr c6 du6i -ity vir -itive.)
- crlc tu c6 ilu6i -ity vi -itive c6 trong 6m roi vio 6m ti€ttru6c cric du6i niy.
. Nhfrng tir c6 ilu6i -ity

n ls\tlfi/ nang luc

n /pose'brlrtil ss c6 th6
f,iiXt ,ta .
rt','., md
i .. .
n lnnJan'r,latil quoc tlch

t.ra' ,./ ,,.:. t:,if ,C4 rhAnh

hn'ftnttwl v6 ilinh

";,|.'L,,ffi|$ .i,,,,',,,,,,',,"
,,,r.1@ l::t..,,
l'pozetw/ tich cgc

,l_. ttr,o,,.t,l: :,:


A. other B. leather C. weallhy D. brother

-\. television B. elephant C. sgction D. Swedish
.\.gxplain B. current C. dgsire D. electric
.{. thrgaten B. thread C. seat D. brcad
-\. dcaf B. leaf C. mgat D. heat

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn sdch ti6ng Anh

2. Write ,*t-^
? ulfyi+^ the ...^-r c--- -^- L.
words- fronn r
the hox ,
in the correct part o$ the tmble,
::.; ,1 j
-i majority minority fatality curiosity opportunity quality
,,t . quantity reality community university possibility security
,i additive appositive insensitive positive infinitive primitive
i inquisitive repetitive transitive definitive acquisitive genitive
i purity continuity inactivity l0ngevity mentality density
i gravity capability clarity facility hospitality nationality
: srmilanty priority authority relativity visibility generosity

il Ooolooool"oOo"

;l I


i ,---'
i t
vovABUL,Afry ANm 6RAM&eAm

i t " fiVlateh the rneams of eormm:umieatlem Es.B tFEe Ssryx"trsith t$*e p$etu*,es.

! ptron. cell phone computer pen fax machine

i letter newspaper card magazine television
q|)|,lT 1o: CoMMUNtCATtoN


10. ............

Minhthangbooks _ Chuydn srich

tidng Anh
2. Match the words or phrases with their meanings

1. The sharing of information between A. chat room

individuals by using speeches.
2. It includes body language, physical contact, B. language barrier
facial expression etc.
3. You move your body instead of using words C. verbal communication
to express your feelings.
4. An aroa on the Internet where people can D. non-verbal communication
communicate with each other.

5. The difficulties people face when they cannot E. snail mail

communicate with each other because they
don't speak the same language.
6. The rules of correct orpolite behavior among F. body language
people using the Intemet.

7. The system of sending letters by post, as G. netiquette

opposed to using mail- used humorously.

3. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below.

face'to face online connecting emails text messages
multimedia','.,,bodf'.1,alt$ ge non-verbal chatroom,videocoul
1. Today there are many different ways to communicate .. ..
ing social networking, chat, VoIP and blogging.

2.The Internet isn't just about finding information. It's about

friends, family and people you've never met before.

3. He had .. interview, not a telephone one yesterday.

4. The use of .. helps visitors learn better about things in

5. Which is more useful, verbal or .... ..... communication?

6. .. . . .... allows us two or more locations to communicate by simultane_
i ,,...

ous two-way video and audio transmissions.

7. How often do you enter an Internet .........?

8. Arms crossed over the chest is an example of ....

9. These days young people send a lot of .. to ondanother on their

mobile phones.

10. ... ...... help us to communicate quickly.

c*ryrpiete the sentemees witEr tlre futr.rre eontinuous tense.

l. Mai . @hone) her grandparents at seven o,clock tomorrow.

2. This time next week, I (s#) . on the beach in Nha Trang.

3. (work)
At 3 o'clock tomorrow, I . in my office.
1. At7 o'clock tonight, I (watch) . the news.
5. What Oou/do) . this time tomorrow?

6. At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, he (wait) . for his train.

7 . (Tom/meet) ... .... me when I arrive at the airport?
8. This time tomorrow, we @et) . ready to go out.
9. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, she (study) . in the library.
10. we .. a universal translator to deal with any foreign language. (else)

Use the verbs frorn thc box into V-infinitive or V-ing to conrpEete r.r-.

call chat create keep make

meet post seno use work
l. I've tried . her many times, but there have been no answers.

' "llll : ::::::::il:::::*'nFaceb"k

""6:'ci,;r# #ii ;i6ilA;i;
3. I'd like .. ...... a call from my Gmail account.
4.My brotherdislikes about politics and religions.
5' They planned
. in touch with each other
by using emails.
6. We don,t like video chaffing.
We enjoy . F2F.
7. Tom agreed . us at Galaxy Nguyen Du.
8.I'vedecided . anewskypeaccount.
9. Would you mind
. me your home address,
I\zks. Taylor?
10. Mr.Lam would prefer
. landline phones for personal
5. Which verb form is correct?

l' a' I regret taul-qg/ to tell you that the

model you want is out of stock.
b' It cost me a fortune, but I don,t
regret soending/ to spend
around the world.

2' a' Remember checking/ to

check your answer before
handing in your exam p
b' I remember putting/ to put
the money in the top drawer,
but it,s not there
3. a. Have you forgotten meeting/
to meet me years ago?
b' Don't forget finding out/ to
find out how many people are
coming on
4' a'r hied getting/ to get the table
through the door, but it was
too big.
b' I tried taking/&lake some
aspirin, but the pain didn,t go away
5' a' He needs working/ to work
harder if he wants to make progress.
b' It's difficult problem. It needs
thinking/ to think about very
6' a' I think Nick meant breaking/
to break that glass. It didn,t
look like an accidenr
b' If we want to get there by 7.,,,that
means getting/ to get up before
7. a. Canyou help me getting/
to get dinner ready?
b' He looks so funny. whenever
I see him, I can,t herp sm,ing to
g. a. I,d advise
eW to take more exercise.
b. I'd advise you taking/ to
take more exercise.

nhasachminhtha;;:; " " "'

the ffi
@ nenDtNG
phrase among A' B' C or D that best fits
1. Choose the word or
passage' ffi
blank space in the following

connect with people thalttrev

can also allow children
tunily memb"rr. rrr"v ffi
safer while online' ii
srvices can help parents
(3)" " " " 'i."':i1

messages. These iij,-]

(4)'....... can easily send and receive
Through e-mail,
o' Signing up for i"'
msages may also have text' audio' nitt*1 ''

(5)"" "" most services offer"t::T"::J"ltt;

a e-mail account is simple ii'"'''
il'Tlffi:;";"*' **'* viruses' *.:t"l '"T:::,i"
l":lnropriate . . . . people.
... ...
of e-mails from (6). .

to be wary I :,"
lEents should warn
.-rr- ^u^,,+ /?\ :' l

ur. ontin" hang-out spots where

:nvon: "T:]l:::::Y)r;;;"
other conrmon
current events, books' and content i
keep a cl0se eve onthe
;;ffi:::Jil,";;, *r"nur,,thatparents
dany (8) ...
C. for D. through
l.A. to B. with
C. asked D. called
3- A. met B. gone
C. surround D. keeP
3-4. save B. protect
C. users D. Parbrers
4- A. receivers B. messengers
C. because of D. so
B. because
5-A. due to
C. unknown D. unPoPular
6. A. known
B. well-known
C. nothing D. anYthing
.T-A. every B. something
C.letters D. users
ffi. A. conversations B. meetings

another when ttreV are;1;1t
Telephones help people speak to one :I#;;
randline. Alandline telephone
every terephone was a
;TJ.:;#; ..+
is one that needs to be connected by
a wire to a network of other telephones.
Because of the wires, people could
not take those telephones with them
when they
left their homes or offices.

,ffi yu, if you had to make a ca, while you were away from home? you had
,! . + Er r'v,wD crs r.nrurrnes
round tn public areas. Many pay
,n:n:. are on the street. you can make a cailfrom inside a grass ;

$j a phone booth. once you are inside

or metal I

i,1, :u'": the booth, you put coins into u slot i,
a ,ro, in I
; -";.ffi":.:ff;"':a
rhe phone to make a call.

,, .,
have seen a rot
phones do not
lot of
progress. Today,
roday, many people
need to be connected with wires.
peopre carry ce,
cell phones.
onrr.r. I
l{ ;;" I
They can be used armost
anywhere and can fit in an adult,s
hand. ',,ust
iifi hand.
tiiil Ma'y cell phones sord
Mary sold today are smart phones. A smart
. has rots of
: that onorr" I
phone is a cell phone r

computer-style features.
features, For example,
iii tolli;li:::::""_"::uter_;,trr;
exampre, peopre use smart
check e-ma,
e-mail and go on the Internet. And
,ion.. jI
smarr ,ior..
all that can be done using something
alr ,o-.ttirr* I
i pocket
small enough to carry in pocket a
j f. What is a landline phone? I
: a' a terephone that can be carried around in your pocket
and use anywhere I
B. a telephon e thatcan be used in public
3. Pay phones are probably not used as much today as they were in
the past'

What piece of evidence supports this conclusion?

A. Many people today carry cell phones, which can be used almost
B. Pay phones are landlines found in public places'
People could not take landlines with them when they left their
D. People put coins into a slot in the pay phone to make a call.

4.What might be a reason that cell phones were invented?

A. People wanted to be able to make calls from their homes or offices.
B. People wanted to be able to make calls away from homes without

a pay phone.
were apart'
C. People wanted to be able to speak to one another when they
D. People wanted to be able to speak and see each other from far distance.

5. What is the main idea of this article?

A. Telephones are used to keep people apart as much as possible.

B. Cell phones are much less useful than landlines and pay phones.
c. Landlines and pay phones still play an important part in the world nowadays.
a lot
D. Telephones have been used for many years, and they have changed
over time.

@ wnlnNc

!. write complete sentences with the cues. You may have to change
the given cues.

l. They/ plan/ plantl 100 trees/ areal last meeting/'

2. In/ future/ people/ not need/ corfiactlother/ phone/'

3. No matterlhow hard/ hel try, he/ cannot/ communicatel herl.

4.Weldecide/ havelpicnic/ tomorrod because/ day off/.

5. Why/ she/ want/ move out/ when/ l8/?

2. Rewriting the following sentences so that their meaning stays

same, using the words given.

l. Barbara isn't trying to solve her financial problem. (effort)

Barbara is ..............

2. Annafeels sad because Fred ignored her needs in several months. (caring)
Anna thinks

3. When we get together, everybody talks a lot, freely and cheerfully. (enjoy)

4. Anna is always very quiet with her husband's family. Everybody thought
was acting superior to them. (differenQ

5. Fred always feels uncomfortable because everyone in Anna's family is

quiet. (the way)
Fred feels

L choose the word that has a different stress pattern
from the others
I.A. appliance B. activity C. adventure D. average
2 A. favorite B. government C. influence D. identiS
3-A' economic B. volcanic c. disappointed D. scientific
{-A. reputation B. description c. suggestion p. pollution
S-A.magazine B. picture C. documentary D. entertain

. Choose the best answer

I. John managed his family in England by using Zalo.

A. contact B. to contact
C. contacting D. to contacting
2. They advised video chatting in the next meeting.
A. use B. to use C. using D. will use
3- we to have an Internet connection installed in our house
next week.
A. completed B. suggested
C. admitted D. arranged
4" They about video conferences at this time next Monday.
A. will talk C. are talking
B. will be talking D. are going to talk
5. We with each other by mobile phone in 2050.
A. won't be communicating B. aren,t communicating
c. haven't communicating D. aren't golng to communicate
6. I don't mind ........ late, if it will help at all.
A. to work B. to be work
C. working D.being working
7. I remember ........ to the zoo when I was a child.
A. to take B. to be takert
C. taking D. being taking
8. We managed over the wall without ........
A. to climb/ seeing B. climbing/ being seen
C. to climb/ being seen D. to be climbed/ seeing
9. Isabel expected to the university, but she wasn't.
A. to admit B. to be admitted
C. admitting D. being admitted

A. to hold up B. to be held up
C. holding up D. being held up
11. After their children had grown up, they decided to a condominium
in the city
A. to move B. to be moved
C. moving D. being moved
12.The new students hope in many of the school,s social activities.
A. to include B. to be included
C. including D. being included
13. Does Dr Johnson mind ........ at home if his patients need his help?
A. to call B. to be called
C. calling D. being called
14. Email are often necessary to join social networking sites, online
games, and virtual worlds.
A. address B. information
C. senders D. accounts
15. Email, and chat rooms let children with friends and family members.
A. talk B. say C. speak D. communicate
16. Skype is a voice allowing users to talk to others across the world.
A. hardware B. software application
C. Internet access D. web browser

[7. Seven of l0 people prefer face-to-face ........ when having a date.

A. code B. sigu
C. language

18. We should not ........ passwords with anyone.

A. share B. send
C. bring D. lend

A. borrow B. to borrow
C. borrowing D. to borrowing

20. She is looking forward her grandparents again soon'

A. see B. to see

C. seeing D. to seeing

lII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find out and Gorrect it

l. As soon as he will come back from his office, tell him to see me.

2.Heregretted not Ey goodbye to his girlfriend at the airport.


3. Nowadays, teenagers Pre[e1 to using social media to communicate'

4. Our new neighbors had been living in Paris since ten years before moving :

to their present house. :

5. The explanation that our teacher gave us was difficult than the one you gave us I
IV. Complete the text with the past simple,
present continuous or fu-
ture continuous
10 years ago'
l. It (be) expensive to make a phone call in a long distance

other easilY and inexPensivelY'

3. By this time tomorrow I (learn) )apanese at Language center'

4. When I (be) young, I and my friend (write) letters to each

other so that we could keep in touch'


6. I (get) .. a lot of emails from customers these days'

8. This time tomorrow I (chaQ "
with my cousin in Sydney on Skype'

9. When (call)
I .' you this morning' my mobile phone was dead'

10. We (have) .. a video conference at the moment'

or -ing form"
v. Put the verb into correct form: "infinitive, to-infinitive'

1. you shouldn,t let your children (pla' with matches' It's very easy
.. (catch) fire.

2. I enjoy @e) busy. I don't like it when there is nothing " (do)

finish " (paino the office before 3:00 today'

3. Let's hurry! We must
a proposal we generally avoid
4. As we don't agree " (carr)'out)

(discuss) the subject.

5. I don't mind .. (remind) you...'... " (lock) the door' but you'd better
..(trv) .. (remember) on Your own'
6. Please stop . . (intemrpt) when I'm explaining something to you. you
can .. (ask) questions at the end.

7. He admitted .. (enter) the house but refused .. (steal) the money.

8. I don't really fancy .. (spend) my whole holiday with your cousins. I'd
rather .. (spend) my time with you.
9. We had hoped .. (finish) the project by the end of the month but we
keep . . (delay) by changes in the plans.

10. You'd better .. (go) and see the boss and say what you've done if you

put off .. (explain) it to her, she'll only more annoyed.

Vl. Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of theword in brackets.

1. I think Paul is not ................... because of his unfriendliness. (communicate)

2. Sue cannot talk to Tom because his nickname is .............. (visible)

3. High speed Internet provides me with ........ videos. (interact)

4. With telepathy, the information will be sent ........ (immediate)

5. He used signs to tell me ........ that we were late. (direct)

6. Mike ..... and missed some phone calls yesterday morning. (sleep)

7. The secretary put Tom through the manager's landline .. (instant)

Vll. Write the sentence, using the given cues.

l. U havel air-conditionerl fix/ tomorrow.

2. She/ decide/ go back/ shop/ buy/ long dress.

Minhthangbooks - Chuyen sdch ti6ng Anh

3. V pleased/hearlyou/ offer/ job/ assistant manager.

4. Itl wortV tryl makel changel her mind.

5. There/ no point/ persuade/ her/ gol us

6. We'd prefer/ play tennisl ratherlwatch/ itl TV.

7.U jnstlfinish/ read/ long noveU write/Arthur Hailey.

8.Il regretlinform/ you/ your/ application/ refused.

Vlll. Read the passage about body language and answerthe q

Body language is much more sincere than verbal language. We can easily
when we talk, but our body always says the truth. If we are in a class or
ence and we consider boring what the speaker is saying, we will probably
out arms, or we will touch our face implying that we are evaluating the
In a social event we can see who is the most important person in a small group
looking at the tip of the shoe, or at the eyes, to see the degree of like or dislike
a person towards another one.

Body language is intemational. But there are some differences due to

different culture and religions. Those differences could cause misunderstandi
For example, eye contact is very important in Europe and in the uSA, but in so
Arabic or Asian countries, looking into the eyes can be considered as a threat
sign of being a "bad woman". In Japan, for example, women should not look i
men's eyes.
l. What will we probably do to show our boredom in a conference?

2. what can show -"';;'; ;;; ;;; ;*.;,


3. What factors create the differences in using body language?

4. Where is eye contact important?

5. What shouldn't Japanese women do?

[X. Choose the co]rect answer to complete the passage.

Telephone,television,radio,andthelntemethelppeople(l)..... witheach
other. (2).... .. these devices, ideas and news of events spread (3),...
ell over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the results of
m (4). ..... in another country. An (5). ..... football match comes into
hmes of everyone with a television set. News of a disaster, such as a flood can
tring help from(6). ..... countries. Within hours, help is on the way. This is
because modern (7).. .. .. information travels fast

1. A. communicate B. communicating C. to communicate D. A&C

2. A. Although B. Because Despite
of C. D- Because

3. A. quickly B. quick C.slowly D- slow

4. A. electing B. elective C. election D. elected

5. A. rural B. international C. nation D. urban

6. A. close B. space C. distant D. rich

7. A. technology B. technological C.technique D. technical
X. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are
(T) or false (F).

Telepathy is the ability to communicate information using your mind.

is transmitted from one mind to another using means other than your well-
perceptual senses. Telepathy ranges from the basic reading of minds to more in
power, such as implanting or disrupting thoughts in otherpeople,s minds.

There are a few common reasons why someone becomes telepathic.

example, there are those who are simply born with a sense of knowing.
people talk about seeing spirits. But they tend to suppress their abilities as chi
and often lose it as adults. Alternatively, a life-changing event ma| open them
to being telepathic and exploring their gift even further.

Also, there are times when a near-death experience or serious accident gan a
open someone up and cause a telepathic awakening. And in some cases,
or healing sessions can help a sixth sense to awaken. Such sessions help
getting energy flowing and causing a shift in awareness and consciousness.

f . ielepathy is the ability to communicate information using normal


2.Telepathy can be found in several forms.

3. People who often talk about seeing spirits may be telepathic.

4. Some people may not recognize and develop their telepathic

abilities, so they lose these skills.

5. A near-death experience or serious accident can make a person

become telepathic.

6. We can awaken telepathy by making energy flowing and causing

a shift between awareness and sleep
Write an essay about advantages of giving cell phones to children.

Grammar Review: Future tenses
. Reported speech: Statements
Pronunciation . Stress in words ending in -un and -im


- cAu rRuc rlEP vA cAu GIAN TIEP
Trong .a., oOl tr.uc titip (Direct speech) chirng ta dua ra ldi n6i chinh

mQt nguoi ndo d6 n6i vi chirng ta su dgng d6u nh6y'

j' nhirng
Trong cdu n6i gi6n ti6p (Reported speech) chirng ta dua ra nghia cta
md mQt nguoi ndo cl6 n6i nhrmg c6 mQt vdi su thay d6i vd kh6ng
dung d6u nh6

Eg: Lan: want to become a teacher."
Lan said that she wanted to become a teacher'

Khi d6i mQt cdu trin thuft tu tr.uc ti6p sang giSn ti6p ta phii:
o'said" hof,c "told"
1. Dr)ng tlQng tu gioi thiQu

2. N6u dQng tu cria menh dO chinh trong cau tr.uc ti6p o thi hiQn
tai <lcrn (

says,...), hiQn tai titip di6n (is/amlare saying,"'), hiQn t4i hoin
thanh (has
gi5n ti6p ta chi
have said,..) hoac tuong lai (will say...) khi chuyan sang c6u
aoi tintr ru s6 hlru, dai tu vd chia dong tu pht hqp voi thi d6.

"S2 + V (chia thi phir hqP)", 51 saY(s)

+ Sl + say(s) that 52 + V(gifr nguyOn thi)
Eg: "I will wait for you", she says.
---+ She says that she will wait for me.
^^ ay not rang J / - t ..^,
co co^ ay se dqt rct.

"S2 + Y (chia thi phir hgp)", S1 have/has said

+ Sl * have/has said that 52 + V(gifr nguyOn thi)

Eg: Jane has said, "f am doing my job."

--+ Jane has said that she is doing her job.

Jane ndi rdng c6 iiy dang ldm viQc cfia minh.

3. N6u dQng tu ctra mQnh ttO chinh trong cdu tr.uc tii5p o thi qu5 khf <lon (said,

Ud...) thi khi chuy6n sang cdu gi6n tiiip ta phii bi6n tl6i thi cira tlQng tu (lii thi),
&i tt, tinh tt sd hfru, tr4ng tu thcri gian ncri chtin nhu sau:

Form [d{ndiuqtfidp

trEGn tai don "S2 +V(s/es)", 51 + said + 51 + said (that) 52 + V (qud khri don)
Q He said (that) he was a teacher.
"l am a teacher'i he said.
Anh dy n6i ring anh 5y li mQt gi6o vi6n.

lfi6n taiti6p "S2 + am/is/areVing'l 51 + said Q 51+ said (that)52 + was/wereVing (quii

J5n "l am doing my homework'i Mai khf ti6p di6n)

I Mai said that she was doing her homework.

Mai n6i ring cd dy dang lim bii tOp vd nhir

llignQihoin "S2 + have/has P2", 51 +said 0 51+ said (that) 52 + had P2 (qu6 khtl
thinh " I have repainted my hoin thinh)
Duy said

house." O Duy said that he had repainted his house.

Duy n6i ring anh 5y di son lqi nhi minh.

Minhthangbooks - Chuyen sdch ti6ng Anh

HiQn tgi hoin "S2 + have/has been Ving'f 51 + said O S1+ said (that) 52 + had been Ving (qui
thirnhtiip Ha said, "l have been waiting for you khrtr hoin thinh ti6p di6n)
di6n for 2 hours." S Ha said that he had been waiting for mc

for 2 hours.

Hi n6i ring anh dy tl6 chd tdi sudt 2 ti6ng

ddng h6.

Qu6 khtldon "52 +V(ed)'i51 + said e) 51+ said (that) 52 + had P2 (qu5 khrl

He said, "l didn't steal your money hoin thirnh)

yesterdayJ' c) He said that he hadn'Lstolen my money

the day before.

Anh ta nrii ring anh ta khOng in trQm ti6n

c0a tOi hOm qua.

Tuong laidon "S2 + will+ V'i 51 said S 51+ said (that) 52 + would V (tuong lai

trong qu6 khrl)

"We will come back A They said that they would come badr
tomonow'ithey said. school the next day.

Hg n6i ring h9 se trd lai trudng hoc ngiy


Tumg lai ti6p "S2 + will be + Ving 'i 51 said c) 51+ said (that) 52 + would be + Ving

di6n (tuong laiti6p di6n trong qud khrl)

He said,"l will be sitting at the caf6'i O He said that he would be sitting at the caf6

Anh ta ndi ring anh ta s€ ngdi chd d qu6n

ci ph6.

Iudng laigdn "52 + am/is/are going to + V'i 51 + + 51+ said (that) 52 + was/were going to
said +V
"We are going to move to New York'i c) They said that they were going to move to
they said. NewYork.

Hg n6i ring h9 sip chuyin t6i NewYork.

09ngtfr "52+ canlmaylmust +V"51 said" g 51+ said (that)52 + could/mighVhad to +V
Hruydtthiiu He said: "1 must decorate the house.' Q He said that he had to decordte the house.

Anh dynrii ring anh dy phiitrangtringdi nhi.

might, ought to" thudmg

Eg: She said to me: "I should go to school".

She told me that she would go to school.

Thay il6i tinh tr} chi ttinh, trpng tu chi thoi gian noi ch6n

Lli n6i trgc ti01 Ldri n6i gi6n ti6p

@irect speech) (Reported speech)
This/ These ThaU Those

Here There

Now Then

Today That day

Ago Before

Tomorrow The next dayl the following dayl the day after

The day after tomorrow TWo day after

Yesterday The day before/ the previous day

The day before yesterday Two days before

Last week The previous week/ the week before

Next week The next week/ the following week/ the week after

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch tidng Anh


Questions (Cflu h6i trong loi n6i gi6n ti6p)

Cdu h6i trong ldi n6i gi6n ti6p tlugc chia ldm lopi:
Yes/ No questions WH- questions
(CAu h6i yes/no) (Ciu h6i c6 tir d6 h6i)
tilan trep S1+ asked+ (O) + IF/WHETHER 51+ asked+ (O) +WH- (when,
+ s2+ v 0ti thi).. .. where, how,...) + 52+ V Qti
Vi ds Miss Nga said, "Are you a My mother said. o'Where are
foreigner?" you going?)' '
+ Miss Nga asked (me) ifl $ My mother asked me where
whether I was a foreigner. (C6 I was going. (Me tdi h6i t6i
Nga h6i t6i c6 phii ld ngucri nu6c dang tli <10u.)
ngodi kh6ng.) He said, "What time does the
Nga said to Nam, "Can you speak film begin?"
English?" I He wanted to know what
c) Nga asked Nam if
he could time the film began. (Anh 6y
..4. r ..
speak English. (Nga hoi Nam xem mu6n^ bi6t m6y gio bQ phim
anh 6y c6 thO n6i titing Anh kh6ng.) bEt dAu.)

Stress in words starting with un- and im-. (Trqng 6m cria c6c tu bat dAu binp

un- vd im-.)

C6c tu c6 ti0n ti5 un- ho{c im- mtv dAu cdu, trgng Am ctra tu kh6ng thay d6i sc
UN lT 1.H,t$C[EN,fifi, *ND TECH NOLOGY

. Tir bit dAu bing un-

unable {dj
unlucky adj /an 1*i/ kh6ng may min
lm'nret[raV kh6ng tu nhiOn

. :.: i.,iiilil:illllilir,l.llllii:::li

/im,!i ,....:;

ltmpe'lattl kh6ng lich sU

d 'f E'

m:N&w:,:,, khdmg ki€n nhen

hm'pjaerl kh6ng tinh khitit

', , l.f ili'ie 'Jii|.riin*,;l:i ff .,lrlfi F'!i9 i'.:,,-i.,:

l:r ti.Fr,e

r :,ri,Ifi[i',ii] U(] 5ti?e ,:'Cf-,eSg p:;;t{U,tf ;'i.

uncommon uncommunicative unworried uncompleted unpopular

impossible immeasurable impersonal improbably immortal
immovable immaterial rmpreclslon impurity impassable
unacceptable unachievable unafraid uncertain unambitious
uncomfortable unaware unbelievable unfasten unemployment


Minhthangbooks - Chuydn sdch ti6ng Anh


2. Write the opposite of these words, using un- or im-, and then
the words aloud

1. tidy 6. friendly

2.happy 7. possible

3. polite 8. lucky

4. patient 9. kind

5. natural 10. pleasant


1. Filt in the blankwith one suitable word from the box'
invention scientific admires technique archaeologists
r s[il;t :..t,$t#efll#i,ti1:3soffii'''1;'t" '$6$iffi'et" 's1€ f:i':.:':':'i."'
l. My brother is very good at natural .... subjects such as chemi

and Physics.

2.The .. of penicillin is very useful because it has saved lots of

3. The creators of smart phone have just improved a special

4. An ancient tomb in Egypt was discovered by three """"'

5. It is said that the ............ engine was invented in the 1Sth century'

6. Eric .... Thomas Edison for inventing the light bulb'
7. Recently, a popular game has been created by an anonymous ...................

8. Tom said that robots brought us a lot of .............. in dally life.

9. ...................... is considered a step forward in the medical fleld.

10. A...................... exhibition is going to be organized next month.

2. complete the sentences with the opposites of the words in the


2. The scientists grew ..................with the bad results of his-scientific research.


3. It is for you to know everything in the field of science. (possible)

4. Latest developments in science help us find out more about .......................

stars. (known)

5. The researcher was .................. about announcing his scientific discovery.


6. It is that fossil fuelwill never run out. (probable)

7. They are trying to improve the new device because it is still

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in future
tenses (be going to+ V future simple or future continuousl.

l. They (fly). . .... ... to New York next summer holidays.

2. we (observe) ...... Mars from the National Space center at this time
next week.

3. People (travel) .. by flying car in the future.

4. Japan (build) .... a robotic moon base by 2020, built by robots,

and for robots.

Minhthangbools - Chuy6n s6ch tidng Anh

5. China (connect) Beijing to London with a high-speed railway

6. They (test) ........ the latest model of Iphone at 9 o'chock

7. I think they (invent) ......................a new building material next week.

8. According to the approval, they (develop) ................. a new medicine in

9. At this time next year, scientists (explore) ...................... the environment

some planet.

10. Due to the plan, Ms. Oven (be) .......... the special guest speaker
Friday moming.

4. Circle the correct words or phrases in reported sentences.

1. The children said, "Our mum will come at seven."

The children said that our/ their/ ru mum udLV would come/
come at seven.

2.The reporter said, "The thief came in through the window."

The reoorter said that the thief had come/ have come/ has come in
the window.
3. Brenda says, live in New York."
Brenda says that she/ tltey/ we livelU have lived/ live in New York.

4. Mai says, "I have never eaten meat."

Mai savs that thev/ he/ she had never eatenl has never eaten/ have never
eaten meat.

5. Mr. Smith said, 't[ew York is the coolest city on the planet."
Mr. Smith said that New York has been/ were/ was the coolest city on
the planet.

6. His sister promised, "We will go to the concert tomolTow."

His sister promised that we/ thEy/ she /wouldga/ will go/ would have gone
to the concert the next dayl the day before.
7. Her brother said, "A friend of mine may visit the museum."
Her brother said that a friend of mine/ a friend of his/ a friend of hers lwyl
lqighy will visit the museum."
8. Peter said, "My sister went to Italy in 2005"

Peter said that xgy/-his/ her sister gg/ wd had gone to Italy in 2005.

5. Change the sentences into reported speech.

l. "I want to become a scientist when I grow up," Phong said.

2. "I don't want anything to eat now." He said.

3. "You must do your homework everyday." Jane told me.

4. "You should go to the library more often." Tom told us.

5. I cannot go to the science class tomorrow morning," said Hoa.

6. "They have studied this kind of plant for two months," she told us.

7. "We don't open the laboratory today," Mr.Vinh said.

8. "I'm finding evidence for my research now," said Nick.

9. may be late for the workshop this afternoon," I told Mary.

10. "My sister isn't leaving London tonight," said Jane.

Minhthangbooks - Chuy6n s6ch ti6ng Anh

6. Rewrite the sentences using direct speech'

1. She said that she had seen the robber leave the bank'

o .............

2.He said he couldn't get to sleep that night'

3. He told her that he would call her the next day'

o ............. "'-""

+ .............
5. He said that he was going to hire a robot the following Saturday'

+ .............
6. Mary told me that her parents didn't want her to participate
in that project.

+ ..............
7. They said they wouldn't send people to the moon the following

+ .............
8. Mr. Smith told me that he had worked with my father for 10 years.

+ .............
g. Lucia'said that they weren't going to the cinema last night.

+ .............
previous year.
10. Mr. Brown said that his wife and he had travelled to Egypt the

+ .............
7' Com plete the sentences with the correct form of the words i n brackets.

l. Viet Nam is a ..... coun@, not a developed one. (develoil)

2..............aretryingtheirbesttoprotectthenaturalenvironment. (environment)
3. Aeromobil is a unique combination of car and airplane, a fuly ... .. car. (fly)
4. SirAlexander Fleming was the ...... ofthe penicillin. (discover)
5. Amazing . ..... discoveries help a lot in improving our lives. (science)
6. Thomas Edison was a wonderful ....... (invent)
7. The highly ...... discussion benefited them all. (produce)
8. The famous ...... live a fairly simple life. (research)


1. Read and choose the best option A, B, c or D to complete the passage.

The bicycle is one of the simplest yet most useful inventions in the world.
what is most surprising is that it was not (l). ... ..earlier, although the great
inventor Leonardo da Vinci had drawn picture for bicycle and also for flying
machines and some other things. Those things were not produced (2)....
long after he died.

A person riding a bicycle use (3). to make the bicycle move,
and there is no pollution at all when you are riding. Even so in developed
(4).... .., most people don't travel to work by bicycle. It is not because the
bicycles are expensive orpeople feel (5). .....ifthey ride to work. It's because
(6).... on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes (7)....
to ride a bicycle. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to
work (8). .....their cars, and in this way, the situation is made more serious.

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn sdch ti6ng Anh

(9).... .. the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create
only for bicycle and to make (10).. . difficult and expensive for

to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use their bicycles.
1. A. had B. used C. invented D. ridden

2. A. before B. when C. since D. until

3. A. much of C. very little

B. quite a lot D. many

4. A. world B. countries D. earth

5. A. lucky B. glad C. sorry D. tired

6. A. the number of B. a number of c. this kind of D. all kinds of

7. A. safe B. more dangerous C. much D. popular

8. A. by B. in C. use D. drive
9. A. Hardly B. Maybe C. Perhaps D. Nearly

10. A. it B. them C. us D. that

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions


People have been inventing things for years. Paper was invented about 2,000

ago. The wheel was invented more than 5,000 years ago. What would life

without paper to write on or bikes to ride? Those inventions have made life easier.

The Wright Brothers invented the first airplane in December 1903' That
2003 the 100tr anniversary! Before the airplane was invented, most
traveled by cars, boats, and trains. Today, airplanes help people travel faster'

do airplanes help You?


Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. Before the telephone
invented, people keep in touch by writing letters or talking in person' Today
phone makes it easier for people to talk to one another. How do telephones help

The first four-wheeled gas-powered car was invented by Karl Benz in lg9l.
Before people had cars, they couldn'ttraveleasily, they walked or rode horses for
Sort trips.
They took trains or boats for long trips. Today cars are one of the main ways
people travel. How do cars help you?


People worked for years to make the first computer. It was built in 1946.T\e
frst computer was called ENIAC. Today computers are atimportant part of many
people's lives. People use computer as tool to write, get information, and much
more. How do computers help you?

1. Which of the following are two inventions in the passage that were invented
before 1900?
A. the telephone andthe car
B. the car andthe computer
C. the computer and the airplane
D. the airplane and the telephone

2.what do all the inventions described in this text have in common?

A. All these inventions were invented in twentieth century.
B. All these inventions were invented byAmericans.
C. All these inventions made people's lives easier.
D. All these inventions changed how people travel.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that....

A. The wright Brothers spent a long time tryingto invent the airplane.
B. Someone had the idea to invent the computer in the 1940s or early 1950s.
C. Karl Benz didn't like to walk or ride horses for short trips.
D. Alexander Graham Bell wrote many letters in his lifetime.

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n sich ti6ngAnh

4. What does the word anniversary in the second paragraph most nearly
A. an interesting idea B. an event
C. a statement of fact D. a celebrated date

5. The primary purpose of this Passage is to describe

A. the invention of airplane in December 1903
B. some inventions that have made a big difference
C. some ways that computers help make our lives easier
D. the reasons that Karl Benz invented the gas-powered car

@ wnrnNc

1. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first.
1. My classmates said Facebook had been invented by Mark Zuckerberg.
A.My classmates said, "We use Facebook of Mark Zuckerberg'"
B. My classmates said, "Mark Zuckerberg invents Facebook'"
o'Facebook was invented by Mark zucketberg."
c. My classmates said,
2. Susan said, brother will meet a software developer this week"
A. Susan said my brother would meet a software developer that week.
B. Susan said her brother would meet a software developer that week.
C. Susan said her brother would meet a software developer this week.

3. Sarah told me that she had read a scientific magazine the previous day.
A. Sarah said to me, read a scientific magazine yesterday"
B. I told Sarah, "She read a scientific magazine yesterday"
c. Sarah said to me, .'She read a scientific magazine yesterday"
4. Mai said, "I can finish writing code for the new Programme tomorrow."
A. Mai said she might finish writing code for the new progftllnme the next day.
B. Mai told me she could finish writing code for the new progralnme tomorrow
C. Mai said she could finish writing code for the new prografllme the next day.
5. Tomt father said, "I was an admirer of Alexander Belll'
A. Tom's father said that he was an admirer ofAlexander Bell..
B. Tom's father said that he had been an admirer ofAlexander Bell.
C. Tom said that his father had been an admirer ofAlexander Bell.

Write a paragraph about the topic:'Advantages and disadvantag-

es of smartphones", using the cues given.

There are several advantages of smartphones.

l. Smartphones/ give/ users I abillit/ surf websites/ instead of/ use a desktop
or a laptop.

2.They/ also have applications/ help us/ create/ editMicrosoft office documents.

3. Smartphones/ have GPS/ helps/ us/ find/ the placelwe/ look/ for.

4. With a smartphonel welhave accessl any email accounts/ Outlook or GmaiV

social networks/ Facebook or Twitter.

However, smartphones have some disadvantages.

5. Smartphones/ not durable/ especially/ when/ they/ not taken/good care of.

Minhthangbooks - Chuy6n s6ch ti6ng Anh ffi

6.ltl very expensive/ buy smartphones/ compared/ other phones.

7. Smartphones/ only work effici entlyI when/ therel intemet

you/ a computer/
8. You/ not depend/ smartphones/ for all your work/ but/
some tasks
l" Mark the letter A, B, c or D to indicate the word whose main stress
is places differently from the rest.
l. A. unpolluted B. unbalanced C. unreasonable D. unlawful
2. A. imbalance B. immortal C. impolite D. important
3. A. imbecile B. impossible C. uncommon D. unhappy
4. A. adaptation B. uncertainty C. impossible D. environment
5. A. impure B. unchanged C. porter -D. unfair

ll. Choose the best answer.

l. He set ... a new laboratory to do experiments.

A. of B. on D.up
2.My sister is keen . .. doing chemical experiments.
A. of B. on C. in
3. Future home will take advantage ... robots to do housework.
A. with B. at C. of D. on
4. Recent ...developments have made robots more user-friendly, and
A. science B. scientist
5. Teenagers spend most of their time playing computer gu
"/ . .., they
lose their interests in daily activities. /
A. moreover B. so C. however D. as a result
6. Science and technology have ...the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed

7. Terrorists are using modem technology ...their destructive work.

A. about B. at C. for D. with

Milhii#;#il:'Cilr; #ii iiiiiliilil' ffi
8. With the advance of the science and technology, our life changes greatly
A. scenes B. fields E. sights D. regions

9. The 2lftcentury has already seen considerable ... in computer

A. progress B. progressing
C. progresses D. process

10. It is not easy to predict how this ... is going to develop.

A. technique B. technology
C. technologies D. technologizi4g

1 1. One major . .. is in the use of computers in transport regulation.

A. advance B. advances
C. advanced D. advantage

12. My sister asked' ........ .. the dress for me?'

A. You used to by B. You would buy
C. Will you buy D. You buy

[3. '.. for a cup of tea?' I asked my friends.

A. We will meet B. We are meeting
C. We shall meet D. Shall we meet

14. Mother asked Lorie ... in her tests.

A. if she will do well B. whether she did not do well
C. why did she not do well D. why she did not do well

15. We advised Sue not to be a spend thrift and that she ... more
A. not to save B. was saving
C. should save D. not save

16. The teacher said ... a week off on the occasion of the
Labor Day.
A. we will have B. we didn't have
C. we have D. we would have
[7. Tomoko and Kiko said that they . .. cycling the day after tomorrow.
A. will go B. have gone
C. would go D. has gone

18. 'The sun ..........'declared my younger brother confidently.

A. set in the west B. are setting in the west
C. are set in the west D. set in the west

19. The teacher told us ... of the failure if I tried all my best.
A. don't be afraid B. to be don't afraid
C. not to be afraid D. to don't be afraid

20. Generally speaking, most technology has had a ...... .. .. e'ffect on our lives.
A. benefit B. benefice C. beneficial D. beneficent

lll Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the box. Use y@ur
dictionary if you need.
laptops hard downloaded virus internet scanner
websites floppy surfing software chat forum

l.It's so easy to use a .. when you want to send photographs to

friends by e-mail. It's just like using a photocopier.

2.I've lost a lot of data. I wonder if my computer has a .

3. I'm always impressed by people who carry their . on aeroplanes
and work on them during the flight.

4. Those disks don't store nearly enough information. You really

need to use your . disk for all the data you want to store.

5. If you want some photos of the USA, you could just try ......... the
Web. You'llbe amazed how many you can find.

6. I belong to a great ... There are about ten people who are all
interested in 1960s music. We e-mail one another almost everyday, and can
talk live to one another.

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch ti6ng Anh

7.1 .... ..... a good program from the Internet the other day. Would
like a copy?

8. Do you ever visit any .. for pop stars or film stars? Some of
have photos and music too.

9. .... ..... is the programs that you put into a computer to make it run-
10. Students should be encouraged to use the .. as a resource.

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words

I. Global communication was changed by the ................. of the Intemet.

2.We apologize for the .... caused to the passengers. (convenient)

3. Using the Internet in daily life can be ............. (cost)

4.The Internet is very useful means of ...................... (communicate)

5. Robots save workers from performing ....tasks. (danger)

6. One disadvantage of robots is its high cost for the ............ (produce)

7. Thousands of ......... are used in everyday products - in our water,

food and in the air we breathe. (chemistry)

8. ............. in Japan have found that human ageing may be able to

delayed or even reserved. (research)

V Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in

sentence that need Gorrecting.

l.Tom said that he will create a Web browser when he was at university.

2.Maitold me that she didn't wanted to become an ordinary person in the future.
3.Mike said penicillin has been discovered by Alexander Fleming in l92g
4. The news said that space explorers was planning to land on the mooR.
5. Kim said a software developer could write lots of code fo a normal day.
1r. complete the sentences to report what was said. use appropriate
verb tenses and make other changes you think are necessary.

1. "You can sit here."

The steward said

2.'I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.,

She said

3. 'Jim may arrive late today.'

She told me ...........

4.'I've only had this new computer since yesterday.,

Louis said..........

5. 'John left here an hour ago.'

She told

6. "The twins can't go to school because they,re ill"


7. "I grow these carrots myself."

He ...........

8. 'I saw Susan in a local shop last week'

Mi;,:dr,;i,';bilil :' thU6"#[ ;i6,t di" ffi$

9. 'I won't be home this evening because I have to work late'

Mike ........ ......................:

10. 'I don't know where Archie is today'


VII. Read the article and then decide whether the statements
true (T) or false (F).
lf you've ever said, "I wish I knew where I was going" or "If only there

some ways to find this address," then it may be time to consider buying yourself
Global Positioning System, or GPS.

Let's look at some of the uses of GPS device. Maybe you travel a lot by car
cannot look at apaper map to find your way around. There is a GPS for cars
speaks to you and tells you exactly how to get to your destination. Maybe you're
golfer who has lost his golf ball and you need to find it on the field. There's a
for this. You're a runner and want to track your speed, distance, and the cou
you run. Well, there's a GPS for this, too.

What kinds of GPS devices are there? Well, GPS devices come in all kinds
shapes and sizes, and are available in a variety of prices. Some are small and
fit into a pocket, and others are waterproof. And for people who don't like to

anything extra with them, GPS systems are also available on smartphones.

r r:fl
1. GPS is used to find out where you are going. n fl
2. GPS cannot replace a paper map. n n
3. GPS can tell you how to get to a place while you are driving. n tr
4. A GPS device can look for a small moving item. tr tr
5. A GPS device can track your speed, distance but not the
directions tr tr
you nrn.
6. GPS devices can be in all kinds of shapes and sizes.
7. You cannot use a GpS device in water trn
8. There are also GPS devices for smart phones trn
YuI. choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that benefits fits
the blank space in the following passage.
Computers are helpful (1) ... . many ways. First, they are fast. They
can work with information even (2) ... . quickly than a person. Second,
computers can work with a lot of information at the same time.
Third, they can

the common people do. (a) ...., computers are almost always correct.
They are not perfect, but they usually do not (5) ... . mistakes.
Recently, it is important (6) .... about compute$. There are a
number of things to learn. Some companies have (7) .......1... at work. In
addition, most universities, (8) . .. . day and night courses in Computers
Science. Another way to leam is from a book, or from a
friend. After a few hours
ofpractice, you can (9) ... with computers. you may not be an expert,
but you can have (10)..

l. A. in B. on C. at D. over
2. A. much B. rather C. more D. less
3. A. hold B. carry C. more D. keep
4. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
5. A. do B. make C. have D. take
6. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. knew
7. A. classes B. meetings C. schools D. discussion
8. A. send B. offer C. bring D. spend
9. A. use B. make C. work D. take
10. A. fun B. tunny C. enjoy D. for fun
IX. Unscramble the words to make sentences.
l. thatl the/ internet/ helps/ u;sl, get/ relevant/ information/ easily/ U agree.

2. futrrel that/ killlthe/ disagreel wilV inl I/ robots/ robots/ people.

3. usefuV veryl isltechnology/ modern/,/ short/ In.

4. benefits/ ofl list/ The/ unlimited/ is/ science/ from.

5. Modern/ makes/ you/ distance/ technology/ easyl long/ transportat

itl travel.

6. changing/ entertainment/ Modern/ isl thelindustry/ technology.


7. brought/ and/ great education/ changes/ Science/ on/ has/ health.

X. Write a paragraph about the advantages of inventions and
Life on other Planets

Q rvrnv AND

l. May (c6 thd)

a. Form (cAu trric)

S + maY+V

Eg: He maY be in the Post

b. Usage (cich dtrng)

sg' trang trgng'
. may: dugc dring dO xin ph6p mgt cilchtdt[ch

Eg: MaY I come in?

T6i vdo trong duqc kh6ng

MaY I use Yow comPuter?

cr)a anh daqc kh6ng
T6i c6 tne d*ng mdy t{nh
viQc c6 thO ho[c
dtng oc aicn dat khi n[ng mQt hdnh dQng, su
o rnaY dugc
xiy ndy kh6ng chic chin lim'
L'h6ng thO
may not be at home'
Eg: You can't come' He
ta co thd khing 6 nhd
Bqn kh6ng tne den' Anh ,#;
2. Might (c6 thd)

a. Form (c6u trrric)

S + might +V

Eg: They might be at home.

b. Usage (cich dtng)

. might dugc ding e6 aiSn ta khe ning mQt hdnh ilQng, mQt sg viQc c6 th6
rahaykhOng, mric t10 ch6c ch6n hon may.

Eg: He might get on the taxi. I think his car is broken.

Anh iiy c6 thA dang di tdc xi. T6i nghi ld xe cfia anh dy bi hdns'
. might c6 th6 tluqc dtng dO dua ra ggi y, nhung khdng chic chin H ngudi
nghe sE thich gqi y ndy.

Eg: You might try an ice-cream.

Bqn c6 th€ th* dn kem.

3. PhAn bigt hic niro thi dirng "may","might"

1. Khe nlng xiy ra

Mric khi n[ng: Ci hai tu dOu n6i v6 khi nlng ctra mQt s1r viQc, nhung
rtQ ctra

chring ta dtng might khi khe nlng xiy ra th6p (du6i 50o ), cdn dtng may/<hi khi
ndng xiy ra cao hon (tr6n 5O%). I

Eg: I may go to Ha Noi tomorrow. (khi ndng cao)

T6i c6 the di Hd N1i vdo ngdy mai.

She is very busy, but I hope she might join us tomorrow.

C6 Ay h ngwdi riit bAn rQn, nhung t6i hy vgng c6 iiy sd tham gia voi
chung ta vdo ngaY mai.
2. Chfc tgng
Khi chric tpng ai <16 hay n6i vo hy vqng ndo <16 thi chring ta dtng may (chri
th6ng phdi might)

Eg: May you both be very happy!

Chilc cd hai thqt hqnh philc!


C6 hai loai: cdu hoi Yes/ No vi cdu h6i c6 tu de h6i.

l. CAU h6iYes/No (Yes/ No questions)

Khi d6i sang ldi n6i giSn ti€p tacin luu j,:
- St dung ttQng tu gi6i thiQu "asked, wanted to know, wondered,....."

- Dtng "if'hoflc "whether" ngay sau dQng tu gi6i thiQu.

- Thay COi c5u tnic cdu sang hinh thric tuong thuft (S+V).
- Thay COi Api fi, tinh tu sd hiru, thi ctra dQng tu, vd mQt sO tu chi thdi gian,
noi chi5n.

Eg: She said to me: "Did the alien talk to you?"

She asked me iflwhether the alien talked/ had talked to me.
She said: 'oCan you speak any foreign languages?".
He asked me if I could speak any foreign languages.

2. CAu h6i c6 tUatd h6i (WH-Questions)

Khi d6i sang ldi n6i gi6n liL}p hthgc hiQn nhu sau:
- Dtng dQng tu gi6i thiQu: asked, wondered, wanted to know.....
- Sti dlmg lai tu tt6 h6i (what, where, when...) sau dQng tu gi6i thiQu.
- Thay A6i c5u truc cdu sang hinh thric cdu trAn thupt (S+V).
Minhthangbooks - Chuy6n s6ch ti6ng Anh
- Thay AOi Aai tr.r, tinh tu so htu, thi cira tlQng tu vi mQt sO tu chi thoi gian
noi ch6n.

Eg: She said: "What were you doing at this time?"

She asked me what I was/ had been doing at that time.
He said: "When does the film begin?"
He asked me when the film began.

Stress in words ending in -fult and -less. (Trqng 0m cira c6c tu c6 du$i
vi -less)

Khi ta themtlu6i -ful holc -less vdo danh tu hay t1Qng tu dC thnnh pp tinh
trgng dm ctra tu kh6ng thay t16i.

1. Tit c6 tfln cirng li -ful

beautiful /'bju:tefuV dep

grateful a( l'greitfuU Uii5t on

2. Tt c6 tQn cirng lir -less

careless adj /'keelis/ biltchn

waterless /'wc:telis/ kh6ng c6 nu6c

@ enoNEncs

t. Add -ful or -! ess to make words.

l. beard ll. spot
2. forget 12.bteath
3. delight 13. farrh
4. father 14. end
5. thank 15. skill
6. comfort 16. success
7. direction 17. respect
8. use 18. harm
9. effort 19.motion
10. wonder 20.breath

2. Complete the sentences, using the suffix -ful or -less with the words
given in blankets.
1. The pan is .............
very hot. She must be .... (care)

2.He does not have any friends. He is ........ (friend)

3. He always has a big smile. He is always (cheer)

4. Now she is very tired, because she spent a ............... .. night. (rest)

5. That old man has a bad memory. He is ........ (forget)

6.Hedoes not care about his actions. He is often (thought)

7. We have made a lot of progress this school year. We have had another
year. (success)

8. ..........
You should throw this pen away.It is . (use)

9. The picture has many colours. It is very (colour)

10. We enjoyed the party. It was very ......... ........ (oy)

1. Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the box.
Nopld[e Galaxy:
planet ,


1. Is "The Milky Way" another name of the .. . .. . .. . ...?

2. In the solar system, counting from the Sun,.. . ranks eighth.

4. UFO is an abbreviation for ".. ...........".

5. Earth is the . ..... on which we live.

6. ..
A .... is a vehicle that travels in space.
7. An ...... is a creature from a planet other than Earth.
8. A .. ... is a person who flies an aircraft.

9. A large piece of rock from space that appears as a bright light in the sky

10. ... ..... are natural substances such as coal, oil, salt, gold, or diamonds.

11.A. ... isabeautifulexpensivestonethatisusedtomakej

12. At ...... is a curved path taken by a planet or an object
if moves around another planet, star, moon, etc.

2. Complete the sentences us:ng might/ moy or might not/ moy not + one
of these verbs: bite, break, need, roin, slip, finish, woke, invite, be, hove.

1. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It ......later.

2.Don't make too much noise. You .. .... the baby.
3. I'm very busy at present. I ..... . my report on time.
4. Be careful of that dog.
It .;... /ou.
5. I don't think we should throw
these papers away. We
them later.

6. If I know them .....

better, I .....:. . them to my party.
.I've got one or two things to do,
so I ..
. time to come out tonight.
8. Be careful. The footpath you
is very icy.
9. I don,t want the children to play in
this room. They . ....... something.
l0' There
a meeting on Friday because the director
is ill.
3' Choose the best answer
in brackets to comprete sentences.
l ' In my opinion, Jupiterians
(can/ might/must) have three
eyes and four arms.
2. Professor colin Evers, (car/
must/may) I ask a question
about life on venus?
3' sarah is such a tarented pianist.
She (must/ may/ can) practice
4. (Might/ Must/ Could) you
show me yourpassport?
5. rt (catt/ must/ might) rain
tomorrow so we,d better pran
anindoor dinner.
6. Customers (can/ may/might)
use staffwashroom.
7 ' r'm sure you (can/ may/ could) speak Spanish seeing
that you,re from

8. You (may/might/ can) leave now you

if wish.
9' You (might/ can/ may) ask
questions after my presentation.
10. We (can/ may/might) find aliens on Mars.
ili;i,iffi;ilii" : 6;;3;;'d;dil6[A,ii
4. Complete each of the sentence with the correct form of the word
in brackets.

1. Do you believe in the of UFOs? (Egist)

2. UFO is an . ...... flying object that has been recognized as a

possible or actual alien spacecraft. (identify)

3. I find her story about UFOs hardly (believe)

4. She is an . teacher. She has great skill at teaching. (Egperience)

5. Environmental pollution has led to the ... .... of many species

plants and animals from our planet. (disappear)

6. The United States govemment has record ofthousands ofUFO

including photos. (sight)

7. The exact origin of the universe remains a ..... ... (mysterious)

8. I think UFO are just the ...... of some people. (imagine)

9. This is really ...... news! (marvel)
10. Is there any .. .... for the existence of life on other

5. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

l. 'oDo you live here?"

Q She asked him ..........
2."Are you going to the cinema?"
O He asked me ............
3. "How often do you come here?"
I He asked them .........

4. "Is she late againtoday?"

O He asked his sister
5. "When will we meet again?"
0 He asked them .........

6. "Where have youbeen?"

c) The mother asked her ..........

7. What are they doing?

Q She asked me ...........
8. "Are you doing anything tonight?"
c) She asked me ...........

9. 'oAre you enjoying yourself?" _

S He wanted to know

10. "What's the weather like?"

Q She asked me ...........
11. "Does Ann always go to church on Sundays?"
O He wondered
12. "\rlhat does Frank do for a living?"
c) I wanted to know

13. "Have you seen John recently?"

Q She asked me ...........
14. "Has Debbi been working here long?"
0 He wanted to know
15. "Why is Maria crying?"
c) She wondered

16. "What kind of holiday has Marco had?"

0 We wanted to know
*Did you study hard for the exam?"

Q She wondered

18. "How long have you both been living there?"

Q They inquired

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch ti6ng Anh

*Will Ted andAlice be at the party?
O She asked me

20."What did you think of the performance yesterday?"

0 She asked me

@ nrnDrNG coMpREHENsroN
1. complete the passage with the suitable word from the box.
ccIrdifions r. ,.,, diffsrcfit thinking galaxy
pogress planet human however
Are there intelligent beings on the other (1) .... in our solar system?
Maybe there are. In our own (2) .... there are millions of stars. Some
must have planets with (3) .... like those on earth. Somewhere in
space there could be other (4) ........... beings. They would probably
so(5) ...thatwemightnotrecognizethemaspeople. (6)............
if their planet is older than our planet, they may know more than us. They may
have more (7) ............ in aspects. They may be travelling in space and be
examining (8) ............ beings.

2. Choose the one option (A, q C or D) that best completes the passage.

Many people have seen uFo's and have (l) ........... great pictures of
them.'There is a mystery through, why haven,t they landed and made contact
(2) ............ us? That is a difficult question, and remains to be answered.

The(3) .... of unidentified flying objects is overwhelming. with new

UFO (4) ... popping up every week, they just can't be ignored. Take for
example the UFO sighting at the Chicago O'Hare airport. Several every credible
people saw the unidentified flying object up close and, gave eyewitness evidence
as to (5) ... they saw. We believes that contacts with these aliens is
coming (6) ............ humans (7) ........... such as the threat of Global
Warming. Alien Technology from certain alien races is surely far superior to (8)

1. A. showed B. made C. taken D. covered

2. A. with B. to C. of D. for
3. A. existence B. evidence C. experience D. imagination
4. A. signs B. sights C. sightings D. sightseeing
5. A. who B. which C. that D. what
6. A. soon B. lately C. quickly D. early
7. A. facing B. face C. to face D. faces
8. A. us B. our C. ours D. we are

3. Read the passage carefully, and then Ghoose the correct answer.

Will our grandchildren spend their vacations on the moon, or their honeymoons
in a hotel orbiting Mars? A few dreamers at the International Tourism Fair say

space trips for average travelers could come sooner than we think.

A company at the fair displayed a model of a space hotel for space tourists that
it hopes to build one day. However, the model shows that travelers won't find as

much comfort floating in space as they would in a normal hotel on Earth.

The space hotel, designed for use on the Intemet Space Station, is comprised
of four tiny rooms with berths for couples, a cofitmon room and a very simple
bathroom. As for food, space tourists would also have to eat dried foods like
astronauts instead of delicious meals prepared by a chef.

But despite the lack of comfort, there are still many people willing to pay a lot
of money to travel to space. If this hotel becomes a realiry a one-week stay will
cost about US$ 2 million.

1. The space hotel will be located on .. .

a. space station b. Mars
c. Earth d. the moon
2. Compared with hotels on Earth, space hotels are ...
a. more luxurious b. cheaper
c. more comfortable d. uncomfortable

3. The rooms in the space hotel is

a. quite b. extremely small
c. stuff d.light andary

4.T"lte food at the space hotel is

a. prepared by a chef
b. like the food at a regular hotel
c. the same food astronauts eat.

d. delicious and high-calorie

5. It will cost US$2 million.

a. to take a one-week trip to space
b. to build a space hotel
c. to stay in the space for one week

d. to stay for one week in a space hotel

@ wnrrrNc
1. Reorder the words to make sentences.

l.Earth/ species/ otherlsome/ might/ living/ like/ planets/ have/ the.

2.Threl gol lectarel tol isl tolabout/ ,lblt/ hard/Tim/ understand/ might/ UFOs/ itl.

3. mayl humans/ be/ more/ Aliens/ than/ powerful/.
4.TheylCelsius/ Mars/ rarelylthat/ on/0/ temperatures/ degree/ exceed/ think.

5.must/walking/ on/anastronaut/ oxygen/ ,leachlWhen/ carrylmoon/tanl</the.

2. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the first.

1. Students are allowed to borrowed only two scientific books at a time.

A. They allow students to borrow two scientific books at a time.
B. Students may borrow only two scientific books at a time.
C. Two scientific books are borrowed by students at a time.

2.Paal asked me, "Have you ever seen any space buggies?"
A. Paul ask if he had ever seen any space buggies.
B. I asked Paul is he had ever seen any space buggies.
C. Paul asked me if I had ever seen any space buggies.

3. Sarah asked Mike, "How do you feel about the aliens on this film, Mike?"
A. Sarah asked Mike how he felt about the aliens on that film.
B. Mike asked Sarah how she felt about the aliens on that film.
C. Sarah asked how Mike feels about the aliens on that film.
4. My brother asked whether I could buy him a ticket to the space exhibition
the following day.
A. My brother asked me, o'Can I buy you a ticket to the space exhibition
B. My brother asked me, "Can you buy me a ticket to the space exhibition
C. My brother asked me, "Can you buy me a ticket to the space exhibition
the following day?"

5. Mai said, "I am watching a programme about Jupiter now."

A. Mai said she was watching a programme about Jupiter then.
B. Mai told me that she was watching a progralnme about Jupiter now.
, C. Mai said that she watched a prograflrme about Jupiter then. . j
Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n sdch ti6ng Anh 1SU#qr'
3. Use the information below to write a paragraph of 120-150
aboutVenus, a planet in the Solar System
- Second planet from the Sun
- No natural satellite
- 224.7 Earth days orbit Sun

- Astronomers know thousands years

- Name after Roman Goddess of love, beauty

- Brightest thing in night sky except moon

- Sometimes call morning star or evening star
- Sometimes call sister planet of Earth: similar in size, gravtty
- Many explorations by humans since mid-20n century
- Scientists discover atmosphere mostly carbon dioxide with clouds sulfiric
acid very poisonous to humans
- Surface is too hot for any living to be able to survive
l. choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the others.
1. A.planet B. p14ne C. space D. strgnge
2. A. moon B. ballssn C. flood D. proof
3. A. disappearg! B. decided C. freed D. claimcd
4. A. dream B. seat C. ready D. believe
5. A. pllot B. flying C. sighting D. mineral

!1. choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differentty
from the others.
1. A. alien B. disappear C. meteor D. minerals
2. A. experience B. existence C. evidence D. condition
3. A. balloon B. planet C. orbit D. aircraft
4. A. enjoy B. collect C. examine D. capture

5. A. precious B. aerobics C. marvelous D. wonderful

IIl. Choose the best answer.

1. When you are in orbit, you will be able to get ...... of you. seat.
A. in B. on C. out D. down

2. The crew have been living ... ... space for over three months.
A. in B. at C. on D. for

3. Do you believe ...... the existence of UFOs?

A. on B. in C. at D. for

4. Many people ...... that they had seen UFOs in the sky.
A. suggested B. claimed
C. persuaded D. decided

Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n sdch ti6ng Anh

5. Have you ever seen . . .... UFO in your life?
A.a B. an C. the D. some

6. There's no ... ... that life exists on other planets.

A. experience B. condition
C. creafure D. evidence

7. Scientists have spent years collecting information about UFOs.

A. containing B. requiring
C. gathering D. seeking

8. When a ..... enters the earth's atmosphere it maketa bright line

in the night sky.
A. moon B. UFO C. balloon D. meteor

9. The UFO stayed in the sky for about thirty seconds, and then it went away.
A. disappeared B. appeared
C. flew D. traveled

10. The earth takes ayeff to . ... the sun.

A. approach B. move C. orbit D. connect

11. Scientists say that if people .....

see a IIFO, it
....... be an aireraft.
A. shall B. would C. might D. should

12. What makes you .. .... rn the existence of UFOs?

A. believe B. to believe C. believing D. belief

13. An astronaut has to wear a spacesuit ...... it may be very cold

A. so B. but C. because D. because of
14. The UFO landed on a ...... area.

A. grass B. grassy C. grassed D. grassing

15. Scientists have been trying to find ..... of aliens.
A. amounts B. records C. traces D. sights
16. There have been many UFOs ...... reported.
A. sights B. signs C. signals D. sightings

17. Mars is called the Red Planet due to its ..... surface.
A. red B. redder C. reddest D. reddish

18. In the mid-l9trcentury scientists discovered that Mars had some similari-
ties.. .... Earth.
A. to with
B. C. of D. from

19. Neptune is bright blue . . .... it is named after the Roman God of
the sea.
A. because B. but C. so D. or

20. There is a lot of interest in doing experiments in the

A. weigh B. weighing C. weight D. weightless

!V. Fill in the blank with one suitable preposition.

1. A lot of people said they saw a UFO . .... the sky.

2.Have you everheard ...... UFOs?

3. The satellite will remain ...... orbit for several years.
4. Apilot reported that he saw nine large round objects traveling
about 2,800 meters an hour.

5. Once you get ...... the space trip, you will be in a different world.

6. He traveled ...... the space shuttle Discovery.

7. The first man walked . the moon 2l hlJy 1969.
8. Do you want to take a trip . ..... Mars?
9. One day on the moon lasts . ..... two weeks.
10. The qirplane hadl25 passengers and crew ...... board.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that

;T.; hury, or the train mieht leaves without us.

2. If I_uould have a lot gf money, I could take a trip to space.
3. I asked her if she believes in the existence of UFOs.
4. NeilArmstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, whl taught at
University in the 1970s.

5. When you are in orbit, you will be able to get out your seat and walk in the cabin
VI. G ive the correct form of the words given to com plete the sentences.

l. WWF is committed to saving ..... animals such DAIIGER

as black rhino, leather turtle and shola.
2. UFO, which means flying saucer, is the abbreviation for IDENTIFY
...... Flying Object.
3.95% of the atmosphere on Mars is carbon dioxide, which is POISON
...... to breathe.
4.NASAhasfoundoutthatKepler-62ehassome SIMILAR
to Earth.
5. Do you think astronauts feel a great sense of .... LONELY
when they travel alone in space?
6. NASA scientists believe the ... ... of alien life is EgIST
not far away from Earth.
7. Many astronauts said that it was ...... to see the WONDER
Earth from space

8. Oxygen is essential for the ...... of all plants and SURVIYE

animals, whether they live on the land or in the water.

9. Astronauts who are orbiting the Earth often experience WEIGHT

sensation of ....
10. John Harrison is a space ...... who wants to TERROR
destroy Earth.

Vll. Read the passage and choose the best O ,8, Cor D.
The larger question, "Is there life out there?" has been around for a long time. It
( 1) .. . .. . demanding our attention after Galileo tumed his new telescope
on the moon in 1609. If the moon and the planets were like earth, then mighfir't
they sentient support life?

Five years after Galileo's telescope had sent shock waves through seventeenth
century astronomy, John Wilkins was born (2) .. . . .. England. By the age
of twenty, he published a master's degree at Oxford. When he (3)
twenty four, he published a book with the remarkable title "The Discovery of a

World in the Moon". This was the first such study of the new secular moon. In it,
Wilkins argue thirteen propositions - some accurate, some not.

Contrary to the Church's thinking, he argued that the moon is solid and opaque,
(4) ... earth, it made of base and comrptible matter. It has no light of
its own. It only reflects the sun. It has mountains and valleys, and it suffers meteor
impacts. This was six years before the death of Galileo, and he's (5) ...
that earth orbits the sun just as the moon orbits earth. It's long before Newton, yet
he accurately describes how orbiting bodies stay a lot.

" " " "rii"'r,ir,";ffi

;i.; : afic;, iiAil ;;'il ffi
1. A. begin B. began C. have begun D. to begin
2. A. in B. on C. at D. for
3. A. were B. is C. was' D. has
4. A. as B. if C. like D. because
5. A. confident B. confidential C. confidence D. confidently

Vlll. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for
each question.

Scientists have discovered a new planet, Hero. They are very confident that
human beings will be able to live there, as it has water, light, oxyg6n and the tem-
perature and air are similar to those on Earth. They have done tests and known that
plants can grow there. They have not seen any alien life there, but they cannot be
sure that it doesn't exist.
They have decided to send a spaceship of people there from Earth, to start a
space colony, and a new human society. But there is space for only six people.
These people will have to stay there for the rest of their lives. No one else will be join the space colony for at least a hundred years. They will take enough

food tablets for five years, together with four guns to protect themselves, and blan-
kets, space-tents, etc. The spaceship will be controlled from Earth, so there will
not be a pilot. The journey to Hero will last about ten weeks.
The organizers have asked for volunteers, but fortunately only ten people have
volunteered. The spaceship must leave in two days time so there is no time to find
new volunteers.

1. Which of the following is correct?

A. Scientists have found wateq light and oxygen.
B. Scientists have discovered a new hero.

C. Scientists have discovered human beings.

D. Anew planet has been discovered.

2. Scientists cannot be sure that... ... doesn,t exist.
A. water B. alien life
C. plants D. oxygen

3 . How many people are ready for the joum ey to Hero?

A. ten new volunteers B. more than ten volunteers
C. 10 volunteers D. many people

4. The word "alien" in this passage is closet meaning to

A. planet B. plant
C. animal D. strange

5. It is estimated that the trip to the planet will take.

A. more than ten weeks B. around ten weeks
C. as long as five years D. as long as ten weeks

lX. Read the text below and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false).

LrFE ON OTrmR pLA TETS _ rS rT POSSIBLE? l:r';.-;t,

I:, :,. i.
. Whether you imagine aliens as friendly beings or something a bit scarier, the
i' ,-"
thought of life on other planets is interesting. Could there really be other life in the
!' '
universe? Scientists think it's likely. Find out more all about life on other planets. i
ln recent years, scientists have discovered many stars that have planets orbit- !
ing around them. There are probably many more out there yet to be discovered. i
chances are, at least some of these stars might have planets like Earth.

The Kepler telescope, launched in2009, is looking for planets like Earth.
So far, it has found more than2,700 possible planets. A few of them are simi-
lar to Eafih.

The Kepler telescope's most exciting discovery was the planet Kepler Z2b.This i
planet is a liule larger thanEarth,but it is about the same distance away from its j
star as the Earth is from the Sun. Scientists believe it might have water on it. ,.

""""""' .&j
{ ilt"."
The Kepler telescope is currently broken. Scientists hope they can fix it. If they
can't fix it, the project willbe over.

l. People imagine aliens as ugly beings. ......F

2.It's interesting to think of life on other planets.
3. Recently, scientists have not found any stars with planets
orbiting around them.

4. The Kepler telescope was used for learning more about Earth.

5. Over 2,700 planets have been found by a Chinese student.

6. Earth is a little smaller than the planet Kepler 22b.

7. The Kepler telescope is now working well.

X. Change the following questions into reported speech.

1. "Do you believe that there is life on other planets?" she asked her friend.

+ ............

2. "Why are you looking into the sky?" Ha asked Hoa.

I ............

3. "Did you really see a UFO last night?" he asked his brother.
+ ............

4. "What did they say about the new telescope?" she asked.

+ ............

5. 'oHave you read the article about life on Mars?" Lan asked Huong.
+ ............
6. will the next space brggy be sent to the moon?" they asked.

+ ............
7. "How and when was the universe created?" Tom asked the presenter.

o ............ :.......................

8. "Are you going to visit NASAnext Thursday?" said Mai to Dr. Taylor.

+ ............
9."May I ask you some questions about otherplanets?" Laura asked Ms. White.

o ............
10. "Do you want to travel to space one day?" Nick asked me.

+ ............ .............;...

Xl. write a short paragraph about what you would do if you met an

I have always dreamt of ...... an alien. If I met him somewhere on Earth, I'd...


1. D 2-B, 3.A 4. D 5.C
l.D 2.C 3.A 4.4 5.B


l. airpollution 2.hghtpollution 3. noise pollution
4. waterpollution 5. visual pollution 6. thermal pollution

1. poisonous 2. contaminated 3. death 4. die

5. damage 6. damages 7. contamination

2.8 3.E 4.H

6.G 7.8 8.D

l. harmful 2. environmentalists 3. industrial

4. unheated 5. pollutants 6. carefully
7. death 8. warming 9. dramatic
10. flooded
l. will ring, is 6. will reduce; grow
2. will break, get 7. recycle; will reduce
3. don't learn, will be 8. will save, turn
4. will also cut; cut 9. hear, will have
5. reuse, will minimize 10. have, buy

l. was/ were 2. would offer

3. did you choose 4. drovel*"." Ori',riog

5. lived, would take/ could take 6. wouldn't have, didn't work

7. wouldn't mind, was/ were 8. wouldn't wait, would go

9. had, would drive I 0. was/ were,wouldn't permit

1. If you drive fast, you will have an accident.

2. If he doesn't stop smoking, he will die of lung cancer.

3. If she stays at home, I will give her a bar of chocolate.
4. If your English is good, they will accept you.

5. If they don't open the door, the room will be very dark.

6. If you don't spend too much on shopping, you will save a lot of money.

7. If we pollute the river, we won't have water to use.

8. I will show you how to write a book if you try to study.

9. If she doesn't hurry, she will be late for school.

10. If you don't take the medicine, your health will be worse.

l. If Sandra had her camera, she could take aphoto.

2. If she didn't buy a lot of clothes, she would have money.

3. If I didn't have to work tomorrow evening, I could meet you.
4.lf it wasn't / weren't raining, we could have lunch in the garden.
5. If I didn't go to bed late, I wouldn't be often tired in the morning.

6. If we had a calculatoq we could work this out quickly.

7. IfNick had a map, he could find the way.

8. If David wasn't/ weren't so clumsy, he wouldn't have so many accidents.

9. If I wasn't/ weren't so busy, I would write to my friends.

10. If Susan had a watch, she wouldn't be often late for work.

lll. Reading comprehension

1. Soil contamination

2.Factorychemicals or sewage and other wastewater.

3. Yes, it is.
4. For thousands ofyears.
5. When contaminated land is returned to use as buildings or agriculture land.

6. Away of stopping or reducing land pollution.

7. To reduce our need for new ones.

8. We need to clean up many contaminated sites.

1.7 2,7 3.F 4.7 5.7 6.F

1.B 2.4 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B

!V. Writing


l. The temperature in the water rises, so it destroys ecosystems.

2. Water pollution causes flooding because of the accumulation of solid waste

and soil erosion in rivers.

3. Oil spills in the water make animals die.

4. Dumping solid wastes in rivers, lakes and oceans leads to water pollution.

5. Water temperature goes up due to global warming.

6. Oil pollution happens because of oil from ship travel.

7. If we use more oil and coa1, pollution will increase.

8. If the climate changes, we will meet with natural disasters.


There are some causes of water pollution. First, sewage from domestic house-
holds and factories results in water pollution. Second, soild wastes dumped into
rivers and oceans make this type ofpollution happen. Third, industrial wastes from
factories lead to water pollution. We should try to prevent/ stop water pollution.

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B

l.B 2.8 3.A 4.A 5.D

6.C 7.8 8.A 9.B 10. c

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn sdch ti6ng Anh

11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. c
16. A 17.B 18. D r?.A 20. ts

!t t.

1. will be - leave 6. come - will be

2.won't speak - says 7. waslwere - wouldn't mind
3. would feel - went 8. will you do - don't find
4.will go - have 9. would travel - could afford
5. would see - lived 10. didn't read - wouldn't know

1. pollution 2. illegal 3. pollutants 4. simply
5. original 6. harmful 7. Treated 8. chemicals


l. C. because of+ because. 2. B. being doing + dorng.

3. B. being threaten --+ threatened. 4. D. to --r for.

5. D. problem --+ problems.

1. will 2.will 3. was 4. am
5. wouldn't 6. ask '7.were 8. will
i.s 2.8 3.D 4.8 5.A
l.B 2.4 3.D 4.C 5.B
l.D 2.8 3.A 4.D 5.C
l. You aren't allowed to climb without a safety rope.
2. If Nigel had satellite TV, he could watch the game.
3. You shouldn't walk home alone.
4. Martin asked Susan if someone had rung her an hour before.
5. If you throw a stone into water, it sinks.
6. Unless you have a reservation, you can't travel on this train.
7. Sue advised me to take the job.
8. It was such an easy exam question that we all got it right.
9. Despite his inexperience, he got the job
10. If you finished your homework, you could come with them.

l. Phonetics


1.A 2.D 3.8 4.D 5.D


l. guaran'tee 2. refu'gee 3.'goffee a

4./ 5. Japa'nese 6.4. {

7. Portu'guese 8. addre'ssee

Il. Vocabulary and Grammar


l. Vietlramese 2. Japanese 3. Canadian

4. Nepalese 5. Taiwanese 6. Portugese
7. Scottish 8. Chinese 9. Asutralian
10. Singaporean ,j
Minhthangbooks - Chuy6n sdch ti6ng Anh
1. native 2. unique 3. Arctic
4. symbolises 5. South 6. accents
7. scenic 8. excursion 9. official
10. museum

1. has grcwn 2. have lived 3. is

4. amwatching 5. is rising 6. is increasing

7. has visited 8. starts 9. (oesn't live

10. hasn't been

1. doesn't arrive 2. is 3. return

4. starts 5. visit 6. retires

7. leaves 8. opens 9. has

10. rises

f . is coming, arrives 2. has lived

3. does the film start?, Are you watching
4. is coming 5. comes
6. does the bus leave 7. is he leaving
8. Has he left...?

l. official 2. inventions 3. endless

4. entertainment 5. legendary 6. flight
7 . native 8. official 9. different
10. wonderful
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.8 5.A
lll. Reading comprehension
1. Chinese. Because China has huge population (more than one billion people).
2. More than 300,000,000 people speak English as a native or first language.
3. No, they aren't.
4. More the three-fifths of the world's radio stations are in English.
5. More than half of the scientific and research journals are in English.

1. bigger 3. southern

4. rest 5. winter 6. middle
7. animal 8. become 9. word
10. are

lV. Writing

l. The USA is an enornous country, more than 2 times the size of the European

2. The USA is a land of extremes. It's both one of the hottest and coldest places
in the world.

3. About half of Australia's population go to one of the fantastic events on

Australia Day.

4. The other half of Australia's population celebrate the AustraliaDay at home

or on the beach with their family and friends.

5. They have barbecues and they watch the Australian of the Year Award on
Canada is a country in the northern part of NorthAmerica. By area, Canada is
the second largest country in the world. Canada consists of ten provinces and three
territories. Although Canada is really big with an area of 9,984,670 km2, it has a
'..-.-........ Anh
Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n s6ch ti6ng ffi#
population of 35 million people. In Canada two languages are spoken: English and
French. Canada is one of the richest countries and among the countriqs that have
the highest living standards. The capital city is Ottbwa, but the biggest town is
Toronto. The national sport is ice-hockey, and there are many beautiful landmarks.
In terms of geography, the longest river is Mckenzie, the tallest mountain is Mount
Logan and the largest lake is Bear Lake. So come to Canada and you'll have fun!

t.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D

l.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D
6.A 7.8 8.C 9.A 10. c
11. D T2. D 13.B 14. D 15. D

1.8 2.C 3.A 4,8 5.A
l. have visited 6. takes
2.have organized 7. has welcomed
3. has become/attracts 8. has adopted
4. is f. is taking part in
5. has 10. is

l. national 5. legendary
2. celebration 6. famous
3. iconic 7. unemployment
4. peaceful 8. friendship
l. The Big Ben 2. millions of tourists
3. the House of Parliament in Westminster in London

4. four 5. nearly 13 years

6. July 1859 7. every 15 minutes
8. destroyed

1. D 2.8 3.D 4.D 5.A

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.4 s.c


l. Malaysia has considered English as its officiar language for years.

Z.The Golden Gate Bridge is an iconic monument of San Francisco.

3. Sydney is not the capital ofAustralia, but Canberra is.

4. The Maori are native people in the North Island of New zealand,.

5. The National children's Museum in washington D.c. opens at 10.00 a.m.

6. california is home to the most iconic theme park in the world.

7. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is an icon of this famous city.

8. Australia is home to unique animals like the kangaroo and koala.

l.B 2.C 3.A 4.8 5.A

""--------------:-.------- ...r,..r-rr..#fh'
Minhthangbooks - Chuy€n s6ch tidng Anh
l. Phonetics
oOoo analogy, apology, astrology, biology, ecology, ethnology, geology,
philosophy, psychology, biography, geography, telegraphy,
photography, calligraphy, stenography, cosmography.
ooOoo archaeology, audiology, futurology, ideology, methodology,
musicology, sociology, volcanology, radiography, oceanography
oooOoo bacteriology, biotechnology, microbiology, historiography.
1. pho'tography 5. psy'chology
2. ge'ography 6. bi'ology
3. tech'nology 7.te'legraphy
4. bi'ography 8. zo'ology

ll. Vocabula.ry and Grammar


1. typhoon 2. thunderstorm 3. tsunami 4. earthquake

5. drought 6. tomado 7. lightning 8. landslide

9. flood 10. snowstorm

1.D 2.C 3. G 4,E, 5.B 6.A 7.F 8. I 9. J lO.H

l. eruption 2. lightning 3. avalanche

4. volcano 5. landslide 6. draught

7. flood 8. sandstorm 9. earthquake

10. typhoon
1. had already ended - arrived 2.went, had heard.
3. could not send, had forgotten. 4. Had you finished
5. had already sold. 6. went.
7. was. 8. had lived, moved.
9. told, had learned. 10. had worked, retifed.

1. was rebuilt 2.hadbeen evacuated

3. had been already sent 4. were destroyed, happened
5. were killed 6. will be polluted- t
7. was caused 8. are planted
f. is being cleared 10. will be sent

l. The classroom is cleaned every day.

2. English is understood by everybody.

3. I am surprised by this now.

4. Glass is made from sand.

5. When was this bridge built?

6. How were these windows broken?

lll. Reading comprehension


1. earthquake 5. beforehand
2. risks 6. plan
3. family 7 . threat
4. what 8. emergency
l.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.D i
3.i :
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.8 5.D ;

....-.,;.--... ......-....,#ffi%
Minhthangbooks - Chuy6n sdch ti6ng Anh

lV. Writing

1. That was a terrible earthquake but luckily we survived.

2. Within the last 100 years, deserts have been growing at a frightening speed.
3. People living near the edge of the Gobi Desert will leave their homes if
sandstorms are not stopped.
4. A local man said that the mudslide was caused by ground which has been
made unstable by heavy rainfall.
5. Where were you when the earthquake began yesterday?
1. There cats have been rescued by the volulrteers.
2.The fumiture should be moved to higher places because of the flood.
3. Their house had been repaired before the typhoon came.
4. What kind of injuries are caused by earthquakes?
5. The people weren't wamed about the possibility of a tsunami by the government.
6. Has the damaged bridge been restored by the workers yet?
7. The car hadn't been put into the garage Oy me) before the hail occurred.
8. Rescue workers willbe sent to flooded villages.

9. His house was completely destroyed by the storm and now he is living with
his friends.
10. A state of emergency following the earthquake has been declared by our

A severe earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale happened in Hawaii,

Alaska last week. It caused damage to buildings and bridges. So many buildings
and bridges collapsed. Debris were everywhere and roads were blocked. A lot of
people were trapped in the debris. Thousands of people were left homeless. There
was no power and drinking water. What a terrible scene!
2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D

2.D 3.C 4.8 5.A

l.D 2.4 3.A 4.A 5.C

6.C 7.8 8.A 9.B r0. B
11. A t2.B 13. C t4.D 15. A
16. C t7.B r8. c 19. A 20. c

l. prediction 6. destruction
2. destructive 7. slavery
3. expectations 8. eruption
4. disastrous 9. extensively
5. Luckily 10. abruptty

l. D. (read) 4. D (have been freed)

2. B (were destoyed) 5. D (were having)
3. C (hadn't been prepared)

l. were killed 6. were destroyed

2.htt 7. was completely destroyed
3. caused 8. are wading
4. are struggling 9. are being dug
5. haven't eaten 10. subsides

Minhthangbook - Chuy6n sdch tidng Anh

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.8 8.D.

1.C 2.8 3.D 4.D 5.C

l. Natural disasters can wreak havoc across large areas.
2. There will be a snowstorm if the snow continues falling heavily.
3. If it didn't stop raining, we would anticipate a mudslide.
4. Yesterday, apowerful earthquake caused lots of damage to property.
5. By the time the volcano erupted, people had evacuated.

l.A 2.C 3.8 4.4 5.B

Air pollutants combine with water droplets that make up acid rain to fo# acid
rain. When acid rain falls over an area, it can kill trees and harm animals, fish, and
other wildlife. Acid rain destroys the leaves of plants. When acid rain goes into
soils, it changes the chemisfiy of the soil making it unfit for many living things
that depend on soil for nutrition. Acid rain also changes the chemistry of the lakes
streams that the rainwater flows into, har:rring fish and other aquatic life.
1.C 2.C 3.8 4.C 5.A

Ooo purity, gravity, claity, quality, density, quantity, additive, primitive,

positive, transitive, genitive

oOoo longevity, mentality, priority, authority, facility, majority, minority,

fatality,reality, community, security, appositive, insensitive, infinitive,
inquisitive, repetitive, definitive, acquisitive

ooOoo continuity, inactivity, capability, hospitality, nationality, similarity,

relativity, visibility, generosity, curiosity, opportunity, university,

1. cell phone 2.magazine 3. letter
4. computer 5. pen 6. newspaper
7. card 8. fax machine 9. television
10. phone

1.-C 3.-F 5.+B 7. --->E
-D 4.+A 6.
-G 8.+F
1. online 6. Video conferencing
2. connecting 7. chat room
3. face to face 8. body language
4. multimedia 9. text messages
5. non-verbal 10. Emails

Minhthangbooks - Chuy6n s6ch ti6ng Anh ffi

l. will be phoning 2. will be sitting 3. will be working
4. will be watching 5. will you be doing 6. will be waiting
7. WillTombemeeting 8. willbe getting 9. will be studying
9. will be studying 10. will be using
1. to call 2. posting 3. to make
4. chatting 5. to keep 6. working
7. to meet 8. to create 9. sending
10. to use
1. a. to tell b. spending
2. a. to check b. putting
3. a. meeting b. to find out
4. a. to get b. taking
5. a. to work b. thinking
6. a. to break b. getting
7. a. to get b. smiling
8. a. taking b. to take



l.B 2.4 3.D 4.C

5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A

1.C 2.4 3.A 4,8 5.D


1. They planned to plant 100 trees in this area in the last meeting.
2. In the future people won't need to contact others by phone.

3. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't communicate with her.
4. we've decided to have a picnic tomorrow because we have aday off.
5. VIhy does she want to move out when she is 18.
1. Barbara is making no effort to solve her financial problems.
2. Anna thinks that Fred stopped caring about her.
3. Members in my family really enjoy conversation/ meeting each other.
4. Anna has different communication style from her husband's family.

5. Fred feels uncomfortable with the way thatAnna's family communicates.

1.D 2.D 3. B 4.A 5.B


l.B 2.C 3.D 4.8 5.A

6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B l0.D
11.A 12. B 13. D t4.D 15.D
16. B t7.D 18. A 19. A 20.D 1. ,:

I ll.
A. will come + comes 2. B. say -+ to say i ruir.:li
3. C. using -) use 4. C. since for
5. C. difficult than + more difficult than

1. was 2. are helping
3. will be learning 4. waslwrote
5. will be delivering 6. am getting

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s4ch ti6ng Anh

7.wilU shall be communicating 8. will/ shall be chatting
9. was calling 10. are having

V. -to catch Z.being- to do

3. painting 4. to carry out - discussing
5. reminding - to lock -W - to remember
6. intemrpting - ask 7. enteing- to steal
8. spending - spend 9. to finish - being delayed
10. go - explaining

l. communicative 2. invisible
3. interactive 4. immediately
5. indirectly 6. overslept
7. instantly 8. non-verbally

1. I'mhavingll'11have an air-conditioner fixed tomorrow.
2. She decided to go back to the shop to buy the long dress
3. I'm pleased to hear (that) you were offered a job as an assistant manager.
4. It's worth trying to make a change in her mind.
5. There's no point in persuading her to go with us.
6. We'd prefer to play tennis rather than watch it on TV.
7. I've just finished reading a long novel written byArthw Hailey.
8. I regret to inform you that your application has been refused.

1. We will probably cross our arms.
2.The tip of the shoe or the eyes
3.The different cultures and religions.

4. It's important in Europe and the USA.
5. They shouldn't look into men's eyes.


l.D 2.8 3.A 4.C

5.B 6.C 7.4

1.F 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.F 6.F

One of the most important advantages of giving cell phones to children is that
it becomes easier for parents to track where there children exactly. It is said that
mobile phones give a sense of security to the parents and children.
For instance, if a child comes home alone from school, it becomes easier for the
parents to know where he has reached. Also, if the parents is running late to pick
the child from school, then, he/she can contact the child and tell him about it. Apart
from this, people also believe that giving a cell phone to children is a good way of
saying them to take up responsibility. It is said that children who have cell phones
tend to be careful not to find their mobiles as well as stick to usage limitation set
by the parents.



oOo uncertain, unfasten, uncommon, unworried, immortal

ooO unafraid, unaware
oOoo uncomfortable, unpopular, impossible, impersonal, improbable,
immovable, impurity, impassable
ooOo unambitious, unemployment, uncompleted, imprecision
oOooo immeasurable
ooOoo unacceptable, unachievable, unbelievable, immaterial
ooOooo uncofllmunicative

l. untidy 2. unhappy 3. impolite

4. impatient 5. unnatural 6. unfriendly
7. impossible 8. unlucky 9. unkind
10. unpleasant


l. science 2. invention 3. technique
4. archaeologists 5. steam 6. admires
7. programmer 8. benefits 9. Penicillin
10. scientific

1. untidy 2. impatient 3. impossible

r;tl 4. unknown 5. undecided 6. improbable

I 7. imperfect
.:l 3.

,lr 1. are going to fly 6. will be testing

2. will/ shall be observing 7. will invent
3. will travel 8. are going to develop
4. will have built 9. will be exploring
5. will connect 10. is going to be

1. their, would come 2.hadcome

3. they,live 4. she has never eaten
5. was 6. they would go, the next day
7. a friend of his, might visit 8. his, had gone
1. Phong said that he wanted to become a scientist when he grew up.
2.He said he didn't want anything to eat then.'
3. Jane told me I must/ had to do my homework everyday.
4. Tom told us we should go to the library more often.
5. Hoa said that he/ she could not go to the science class the next/ following
6. She told us that they had studied that kind of plan for two months.
7.lvk. Vinh said that he didn't open the laboratory that day.
8. Nick said that he was finding evidence for his research then.
9. I told Mary that she might be late for the workshop that afternoon.
10. Jane said that her sister waso't leaving London that night.

1. She said, "I saw the robber leave the bank".
2.He said "I can't get to sleep tonight."
3. He told her, "lll,callyou tomorow."
4.T\ey said, "We have to get up early tomorrow mondng."
5. "I am going to hire a robot next Saturday," he said.
6.*My parents don't want me to participate in this/that project," Mary told me.
7. won't send people to the moon next year," they said.
8. "I have worked with your father for 10 years," Mr. Smith told me.
*We aren't golng to the cinema tonight," Lucia said.
I0. Mr. Brown said, "My wife and I travel to Egypt lxtyea{'

1. developing 2. Environmentalists
3. flying 4. discoverer
5. scientific 6. inventor
7. productive 8. researcher
lll. Reading comprehension

l.c 2.D 3.C 4.8 5.D

6.A 7.8 8.B 9.C 10. A
1.A 2.C 3.8 4,D 5.B

lV. Writing
1. C 2.8 3.A 4.C 5.B

There are several advantages of smartphone. Smartphone gives users the ability
to surf websites instead of using a desktop or a laptop. They also have applications
which help us to create and edit Microsoft office documents. Smartphones have
GPS which helps us to find the place we are looking for. With a smartphone, we can
have access to any email accounts, like Outlook or Gmail, social networking sites,
..1 . ,r
'. :,.'.t such as Facebook or TWiffer. However, smartphones have some disadvantages.
!,;,rli;i: :i.l
r'l ;Lr_l:i'::l

,fi:i ,' n
Smartphones are not durable, especially when they are not taken good care of. It
, :.r
ii:ri.r I

is very expensive to buy smaftphones compared to other phones. Smartphones can

only work effectively when there is an Internet connection. You cannot depend on
smartphones for all your work but you need a computer to do some tasks.

l.A 2.C 3.A 4,4 5.C
1.D 2.8 3.C 4.C 5.D
6.B 7.C 8.8 9.A 10. B
11. A 12. c 13. D t4.D 15. C
16. D 17. c 18. A 19. C 20. c

1. scanner 2. virus 3. laptops 4. floppy- hard

5. surfing 6. chat forum 7. downloaded 8. websites
9. Software 10. Interret

f. invention 2. inconvenience 3. costly 4. communication
5. dangerous 6. production 7. chemicals 8. Researchers
1.B 2.8 3.A 4.8 5.D


1. The steward said I could sit there.

2. She said she was taking her driving test the following/ next day.
3. She told me Jim was arriving late that day.
4. Louis said she had only had the new computer since the day before/ the
previous day.

5. She told me John leff/ had left there an hour beforel earlielr
6. Chris said the twins couldn't go to schoolthat day because they were i11.

7.He said he grew those carrots himself.

8. Paul said he saw/ had seen Susan in a local shop the week before,/ the previous week
9. Mike said he wouldn't be home that evening because he had to work late.

10. Vicky said he didn't know where Archie was that day.

Minhthangbools - Chuy€n s6ch ti6ng Anh

l.T 2.F 3.7 4.7
5.F 6.7 7.F 8.7

l.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.8
6.C 7.4 8.B 9.C 10. A

l. I agree that the intemet helps us get relevant information easily.
2. I disagree that robots will kill people in the future.
3. In sfoert, modem tecbnology is very useful.
4. The list ofbenefits from science is unlimited.
5. Modern fransportation technology makes it easy to havel long distance.

6. Modern technology is changing the entertainment industry.

7. Science has brought great changes in health and education.


Science and technology brings a lot of benefits to people. First, it is fast. When
we use science and technology, it helps us save time. For example, it takes us
only two hours to fly from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh. Second, it makes life easier.
For example, we can use computer to replace typevniting, or we can use a car, an
airplane or a boat to replace walking. Third, it saves our physical power, such as we
can use the machine to represent our energy. To conclude, science and technology
has a lot of advantages in the way that it gives people convenience and comfort.


l. beardless 6. comfortless 11. spotless 16. successful

2. forgetful 7. directionless 12. breathless 17. respectful
3. delighttul 8. useful 13. faithtul 18. harmful
4. fatherless 9. effortless 14. endless 19. motionless
5. thanktul 10. wonderful 15. skilltul 20. breathless

1. careful 2. friendless 3. cheerful

4. restless 5. forgetful 6. thoughtless
7. successful 8. useless 9. colourful
10. joytul


1. Galaxy 4. Unidentified flying object 7. alien 10. Minerals
2. Neptune 5. planet 8. pilot ll. gemstone
3. outer 6. spacecraft 9. meteor 12. orbit

l. maylmight rain 6.maylmight invite

2. may/might wake 7. maylmight not have
3. may not/ might not finish 8.may/ might slip
4. may/ might bite 9. maylmight break
5. maylmight need 10. may noV might not be

l. might 2. may 3. must 4. could 5. might

6. may 7. can 8. may 9. can 10. might

Minhthangbooks - Chuydn s6ch tidng Anh

1. existence 2. unidentified 3. believable
4. experienced 5.disappearance 6. sightings
7. mystery 8. imagination 9. marvelous
10. evidence

1. She asked him ifl whether he lived there.

2. ...... ifl whether I was going to the cinema.
3. ...... how often they went there.
4. ..... . ifl whether she was late again that day.
5. ...... when they would meet again.
6. ...... where he had been.
7. ...... what they were doing.
8. ...... ifl whether I was doing anything that night.
9. He wanted to know ifl whether I was enjoying myself.
10. She asked me what the weather was like.
11. He wondered ifl whetherAnn always went to church on Sundays.
12. I wanted to know what Frank did for a living.
13. She asked me ifl whether I had seen John recently.
14. He wanted to know ifl whether Debbi had been working there.
15. She wondered why Maria was crying.
16. We wanted to know what kind of holiday Marco had had.
17. She woirdered ifl whether I studied/ had studied hard for the exam.
18. They inquired how long we had both been living here/ there.
19. She asked us ifl whether Ted andAlice would be at the par:ty.
20. She asked me what I thought/ had thought of the performance the previous.
1. planet 3. conditions 5. different 7. progress
2. galaxy 4. thinking 6. However 8. human

l.c 2.A 3.B 4.C

5.D 6.A 7.8 8.C
LA 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D


l. Some other planets might have living species like the Earth.
2.The lecture about uFos is hard to understand,
but Tim might go to it.
3. Aliens may be more powerful than humans.

4. They think that temperatures on Mars rarely

exceed 0 degrees celsius.
5. when walking on the moon, each astronaut
must carry on an oxygen tank.
t.B 2.C 3.A 4.8 5.A

venus is the second planet from the Earth. It has

no natural satellite. Venus takes
224,7 Earth to orbit the sun. Astronomers have
known venus for thousands of years.
It is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty.
venus is the brightest thing
in the night slry except for the moon. It is sometimes
called the moming star or the
evening star. Venus is also sometimes called the
sister planet of Earth as they are
quite similar in size and gravity. There have
been many explorations to venus by
humans since the mid-2Oth century. Scientists
discover that venus, atmosphere is
mostly carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid,
which is very poisonous to hu-
mans. The surface of venus is too hot for anything
to be able to survive there.
. ... .. . ..
Miil;#sb;;il :eh.r;#h ;i6fi;;n'ffi '
2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D

2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B

l.c 2.4 3.8 4.B 5.A

6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A r0. c
11. c t2.A 13. c 14. A 15. C
16. D t7.D 18. A 19. c 20.D

3. in 5. on 7. on-on 9. for
4. at 6. on 8. to 10. on

l. D (leave) 2. A (had) 3. C (believe)

a. C (taught) 5. C (get out of)

1. endangered 2. unidentified 3. poisonous

4. similarities 5. loneliness 6. existence
7. wonderful 8. survival 9. weightlessness
10. terrorist

t.B 2.4 3.C 4.C 5.A
t.D 2.8 3.C 4.D 5.B

l. F 2.7 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.7 7.R

l. She asked her friend ifl whether he/ she believed that there was life on other
2.Ha asked Hoa why she was looking into the sky.
3. He asked his brother ifl whether he had really seen/ really saw a UFo the
previous night.
4. She asked what they had said/ said about the new telescope.
5. Lan asked Huong ifl whether she had read/ read the article about life on Mars.
6. They asked him when the next space buggy would be sent to the moon.
7. Tom asked the presenter how and when the universe has been created.
8. Mai asked Dr. Taylor ifl whether he/ she was going to visit NASA the next/
following Thursday.
9. Laura asked Ms. White ifl whether she might ask her some questions about
other planets.
10. Nick asked me ifl whether I wanted to travel to space one day.

I have always dreamt of meeting an alien. If I met him somewhere on Earth,
I'd take some photos of him, try to make him understand me and take him to my
home. Also, I would ask him some questions about his planet and maybe his fam-
ily. Then, I'd invite him to have dinner with my family.

Unit 7: Pollution .......8

Unit 8: English speaking countries. ....31

Unit 9: Natural disasters

Unit 10: Communication 78

Unit 1 1: Science and technology 00

Unit 12: Life on other planets 12s

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