Chapter 3

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Chapter III


This chapter presents how the researchers conducted the study. It

includes the locale of the study, respondents of study, research instrument, data

gathering procedure, and statistical tools. This chapter explained how the

gathered data was analyzed and interpreted.

Research Design

The study is basically a quantitative in design; it utilized a survey

questionnaire in data gathering. The research is a descriptive quantitative

method since it involves varied Senior High School students from different

academic strands. This study aims to determine the influence personal, social

and academic factors on the self-efficacy of Senior High School students in

online learning modality.

The survey questionnaire contains the extent of personal which includes

motivation, interest in online class, and parental/guardian involvement; extent of

social which includes family members, teachers, classmates, friends, and

neighbors; extent of academic which includes prior knowledge, online learning

environment, teaching strategies, and teachers’ competence; and the level of

self-efficacy in Reading and Writing which includes organizing information,


Variables of the Study

Profile of Senior High School Students

Sex Research Design

Academic Strand
Descriptive Quantitative
Socio-economic Status Data
Technological Resources Locale of the Study
Extent of Personal Factors
NDDU-IBED (Main Campus)
Respondents of the Study
Interest in Online Class
Grade 12 Students
Parental/Guardian Involvement
Research Instruments
Extent of Social Factors
Family Members Survey Questionnaire

Statistical Tools
Friends Mean

Neighbors Pearson r

Extent of Academic Factors T-Test for Significant

Prior Knowledge
t-Test for Independent
Online Learning Environment
Teaching Strategies
One-way ANNOVA
Teaching Competence

Level of Self-Efficacy in Reading and Writing

Organizing Information

Academic and Professional Writing

Critical Reading

Figure 2. Research Design

academic and professional writing and critical reading. The researchers will

correlate the extents and the level. The researchers also wants to discover if

there is significant difference in the self-efficacy of the respondents across their

profile. s

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Notre Dame of Dadiangas University IBED-

Main Campus. Notre Dame of Dadiangas University is a private-Catholic

institution, and has basic and higher education. It is located at Region 12,

specifically in General Santos City, Philippines. The institution is administered by

the Marist. As a matter of fact, this institution has three basic education

campuses namely: Notre Dame-Espina, Notre Dame-Lagao, and Notre Dame-

Marist (Main Campus). The institution is also known as the “Home of the

Kingfishers,” and known for their excellence in terms of instruction and

community engagement. The school also produces graduates who are Christian-

leaders, community-oriented people, cultural-sensitive individuals, and molding

competitive young professionals in the future.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the Grade 12 students who are

enrolled in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University (Main Campus) in Academic

Year of 2020-2021. The respondents of the study will be coming from the

different academic strands, specifically STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy and Business Management), and HUMSS

(Humanities and Social Sciences). The respondents of the study should be

enrolled in last Academic Year 2020-2021, and took Reading and Writing Skill on

the Second Semester of the same Academic Year.

The respondents of the study was 118 Grade 12 students. The

researchers will only get 8 percent of total population of Senior High School

students. The researchers used 8% margin of error and 95% confidence level

because in the software that the researchers used it was indicated that the

acceptable margin of error used by most survey researchers typically falls

between 4% and 8% at the 95% confidence level. It is affected by sample size,

population size, and percentage. In order to get the sample size of each strands,

the researchers used the Pollfish sample size calculator to determine the sample


Box 1. Respondents of the study

Academic Strands Population Sample Size (8%)

Science, Technology, Engineering

And Mathematics (STEM) 393 40

Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) 79 39

Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) 70 39


Total 542 118

Box 1 shows the respondents of the study. The total population of the

Senior High School students are 542; 393 are coming from STEM, 79 from

HUMSS, and 70 are from ABM. The STEM strand compromised the total

population of respondents used in the study is which is 40. The HUMSS has the

population of 39 respondents to be used in the study. The ABM strand has the

population of 39 students to participate in the study. A total 118 students involved

in the study comprising 8% of the population.

Instruments of the Study

The researchers utilized a survey questionnaire in gathering the data

needed in the study. The survey questionnaire that was utilized is a self-made.

The researchers created the instruments with the use of the Curriculum Guide in

Reading and Writing Skill subject. The survey questionnaires to be answered by

the respondents was in an online platform, specifically Google Document Forms.

In the first part of the survey questionnaire which is the profile of Senior

High School students. It focuses on the students’ sex, academic strand, socio-

economic status, and technological sources. This was the intervening variable of

the researchers.

The second part of the survey questionnaire is the extent of personal,

social and academic factors. It focuses on the independent variables of the

study. The three factors are separated in the test questionnaire, however; the

researcher utilized a five-point scale in this part of the survey questionnaire. The

five- point scale used as a basis for answering the survey questionnaire. The

five-point scale is described in Box 2.

Box 2. Scale for the extent of Personal, Social and Academic Factors

Scale Interpretation Verbal Description

5 Very Highly Extensive The provision is observed 80-100% of the time

4 Highly Extensive The provision is observed 60-79% of the time

3 Moderately Extensive The provision is observed 40-59% of the time

2 Less Extensive The provision is observed 20-39% of the time

1 Least Extensive The provision is observed 0-19% of the time

The first factor which is the personal found in the second part of the

survey questionnaire, the researcher will present its sub variables. In each sub

variables the researchers constructed 5 questions. These variables are

motivation, interest in online class, and parental/guardian involvement. The

second factor which is social followed the same procedure of the first factor. The

sub variables of social are family members, teachers, classmates, friends, and

neighbors; and it had 4-5 question in each sub variable. The third factor which is

the academic followed the same procedure of the first and second factor. The

variables of academic are prior knowledge, online learning environment, teaching

strategies, and teachers’ competence; and also had 4-5 indicators.

The last part of the survey questionnaire is the level of self-efficacy in

Reading and Writing. The researcher also used a five-point scale in determining

the level of self efficacy in Reading and Writing of Senior High School students.

The five- point scale used as a basis for answering the survey questionnaire.

The five-point scale is described in Box 3.

Box 3. Scale for the level of Self-Efficacy in Reading and Writing

Scale Interpretation Verbal Description

5 Excellent The level is highest at 80-100%.

4 Very Good The level is high at 60-79%.

3 Good The level is moderate at 40-59%.

2 Fair The level is low at 20-39%.

1 Poor The level is lowest at 0-19%

In determining the self-efficacy, the researcher constructed 4-5 questions

addressing to the sub variables in the level of self-efficacy in Reading and

Writing. These sub variables are organizing information, academic and

professional writing, and critical reading.

After the researchers constructed the survey questionnaires, it undergone

in a revision and validation process. The survey questionnaire was validated by

three experts. Validation of research instruments is important because the

instruments that used is the most essential part in data gathering of the

researchers, it should be valid, accurate, and free from errors. According to a

Malaysian journal, the purpose of this is to ensure that the instrument used is

measuring what it is supposed to measure (Lai, 2013). The following experts who

validated the survey questionnaire are some teachers who have their Masters

Degree or Doctoral Degree in their chosen field. After the survey questionnaire

was approved, the researcher revised the things that needed to be revised. After

the validation and revisions, the researchers conducted their data gathering.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sent a request for the approval of its research adviser to

conduct the data gathering. After the research adviser approved to conduct their

study, the researchers created a letter of consent addressing to Mr. Felmar L.

Maloto the assistant principal of the Senior High School at NDDU IBED (Main

Campus) about conducting a study and making some of the Senior High School

students specifically the Grade 12 students as its respondents of the study.

Once the assistant principal of the Senior High School approved the letter,

the researchers created a letter of request to the students/respondents of the

study. The request letter covers the request for being a respondent of the study,

some agreements specifically their confidentiality in answering the survey

questionnaire, and approval. After the students/respondents approved, the

researchers sent a message the respondents in Facebook Messenger and

immediately sent the survey questionnaire. After the respondents are done

answering, the researchers appreciated their sincerity and gratitude in

participating and answering the research study.

After the respondents answered the survey questionnaire, the researchers

encoded the answers of each respondent. The encoding of the research data

was presented in a tabular form. The researchers summarized the data gathered

from the survey questionnaires. The data gathered was encoded assuredly, so

that it will be free from miscalculation and misinterpretations.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

In the analysis of the data gathered, the researchers computed the total

mean scores coming from the survey questionnaires. After the researchers

analyzed the data gathered, the researchers interpreted the mean scores. In

interpreting the mean scores, the researchers used a criterion in interpreting the

mean scores.

The researchers utilized two boxes in interpreting the data gathered in the

study. Box 1 refers to the extent of personal, social and academic factors. The

criterion for interpretation is shown in Box 4.

Box 4. Criteria for interpreting the mean for the extent of Personal, Social

and Academic Factors

Mean Range Interpretation Verbal Description

4.50-5.00 Very Highly Extensive The provision is observed 80-100% of the time

3.50-4.49 Highly Extensive The provision is observed 60-79% of the time

2.50-3.49 Moderately Extensive The provision is observed 40-59% of the time

1.50-2.49 Less Extensive The provision is observed 20-39% of the time

1.00-1.49 Least Extensive The provision is observed 0-19% of the time

Box 3 shows the criteria for interpreting the mean of the extent of

personal, social and academic factors. The highest is 5.00 which interpreted as

‘Very Highly Extensive’ and having the description of ‘the provision is observed

80-100% of the time;’ while the lowest is 1.00 which is interpreted as ‘Least

Extensive’ and having the description of ‘the provision is observed 0-19% of the


The second box 2 is the criteria for interpreting the level of self-efficacy in

reading and writing. The criterion for interpretation is shown in Box 5.

Box 5. Criteria for interpreting the mean for the level of Self-Efficacy in

Reading and Writing

Scale Interpretation Verbal Description

4.50-5.00 Excellent The level is highest at 80-100%.

3.50-4.49 Very Good The level is high at 60-79%.

2.50-3.49 Good The level is moderate at 40-59%.

1.50-2.49 Fair The level is low at 20-39%.

1.00-1.49 Poor The level is lowest at 0-19%

Box 5 shows the criteria for interpreting the mean level of self-efficacy in

reading and writing. The highest is 5.00 which is interpreted as ‘Excellent’ and

having the description of ‘the level is highest at 80-100%;’ while the lowest is

1.00 which is interpreted as ‘Poor’ and having the description of the level is

lowest at 0-19%.

Statistical Tools

The statistical tools utilized in this study are the Mean, Pearson r, t-Test

for Significant Relationship, and t-Test for Independent Means, and One-Way

Analysis of Variance. The researchers determined the weighted mean scores in

each variable.

The researchers used Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation

or Pearson r in identifying the Statement of Problems 2, 3, and 4 because this

statistical tool is used to determine the significant relationship between the two

variables. The t test for significant relationship used to determine the Computed

t-value of each variables.

The researchers used two statistical tools used in determining the

significant difference in the self-efficacy of the respondents across their profile.

The first one was t-Test for Independent Means, this was used to determine the

significant difference between Sex and Level of Self-Efficacy. One-Way Analysis

of Variance (ANOVA) was used in determining the significant difference in the

Academic Strand and Level of Self-Efficacy, and Socio-Economic Status and

Level of Self-Efficacy.


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