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Student Discipline Committee ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Discipline Committee

The Student Discipline Committee is appointed by the Senate. The Committee will meet at least once per year. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Terms of Reference To advise the Senate on policy matters in relation to student discipline. To determine and keep under review the Universitys Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure. To keep under review the terms of reference and constitution of the Student Discipline Panel and the Student Discipline Appeals Panel. To receive reports from the Student Discipline Panel and the Student Discipline Appeals Panel on cases considered by those panels, and any issues of principle arising from them. To report on its business annually to the Senate.


2 Chair

Constitution Vice-President (Student Affairs) (a) One faculty member from each College/School, nominated by the Dean (b) Four members appointed by and from the Senate (c) Associate Dean of Graduate Studies (d) Director of Academic Regulations and Records Office (e) Director of Student Development Services (f) Two undergraduate students nominated by the Students Union (g) One postgraduate student nominated by the CityU Postgraduate Association



Administrative staff member appointed by the Chair

Student Discipline Committee ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Membership Membership Term of Office (until) ] Ex Officio

Constitution Chairman: Vice-President (Student Affairs) Members: One faculty member from each College/School, nominated by the Dean

Prof Paul K S LAM


Prof Alan T K WAN (MS) Dr Lucas Robert KLEIN (CTL) Dr C Y CHUNG (AP) Dr Olli Tapio LEINO Dr Francis C Y TAM Dr GUAN Wenwei

] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

31.8.2012 31.8.2011 31.8.2012 31.8.2011 31.8.2012 31.8.2011 31.8.2011 31.8.2011 31.8.2012 31.8.2012

Four members appointed by and from the Senate

Dr Ron C W KWOK (IS) Prof Linda WONG (SA) Prof K S CHIANG (EE) Prof Matthew K O LEE (CB) Prof Y V HUI

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Director of Academic Regulations and Records Office Director of Student Development Services Two undergraduate students nominated by the Students Union One postgraduate student nominated by the CityU Postgraduate Association Secretary: Administrative staff member appointed by the Chair
6 Apr 2011

] Ex Officio

Mrs Mary Rose W W CHU

] Ex Officio

Mr Joseph K N CHAN

] Ex Officio

Mr CHAN Tin Yau Mr LEE Ka Hang

] 31.12.2010 ] 31.12.2010

Mr MOK Kai Cheung

] 31.3.2012

Ms Adeline LAU (VPSA)

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