Endoscope Disinfection by Sos

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Journal of Hospital Infection ( 1999) 41: 59-70

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of

a new super-oxidized water, (SOW) , for
the disinfection of endoscopes
J. B. Selkon*, J. R. Babbt and R. Morris*
*Departmen t of Microbiology, George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, Nun eaton CV IO 7BL and
tHospital In fection Research Laboratory, City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmin gham B 18 7QH

Summary: 'T'he antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, (SOW), has been tested
against ll1ycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, Mycobacterium chelonae,
Escherichia coli (including type 0157), Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis
var niger spores, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, poliovirus type 2
and human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. Under clean conditions, freshly generated (SOW)
was found to be highly active against all these micro-organisms giving a 5 log 10 (99. 999<¾,) or
greater reduction in two minutes or less.
Keywords: (SOW)t erilox; endoscopes; high level disinfection.

Introduction tract. 3,4 Furthermore, glutaraldehyde is only

slowly effective against mycobacteria and spores
Thorough cleaning followed by sterilization, or and the disinfectant manufacturers advise con­
at least high level disinfection, is an essential tact times varying from 20 min for high level
prerequisite for the re-use of heat sensitive med­ disinfection to 10 h for sterilization. A minimum
ical and surgical instruments such as flexible contact time of 20 min has been recommended
fibreoptic endoscopes. 1· Gaseous sterilization

by the British Thoracic Society° for bron­

with ethylene oxide is an option but few hos­ choscopes but even longer periods of up to
pitals have such facilities and the process, with 120 min have been proposed for ]Uycobacterium
subsequent aeration, takes more than 24 h. It avium-intracellulare . 6· 7 The costs of additional
is therefore impractical as a between-patient endoscopes, required due to long disinfection
procedure. Disinfectants such as 2°/c> glu­
contact times, are substantial.
taraldehyde are consequently widely used for
Of even greater importance are the health
this purpose but aldehydes are toxic, irritant
hazards associated with handling these al­
and sensitizing to the skin, eyes and respiratory
dehydes and the substantial compensation pay­
ments for allergies, such as occupational asthma
Received 18 December 1997; revised manuscript accepted and dermatitis, that have been incurred. 3· 4 The
I 5 July 1998 newer quarternary ammonium disinfectants,
Address correspondence to: Dr R. lvlorris, 142 Hinckley
Road, I3arwell LE9 8DN. Tel/Fax: 01455-842145; Email: such as Sactimed-1-Sinald®, are comparable to
wmorris@microbe. demon. co. uk glutaraldehyde in their bactericidal activitl 'J

019S-6701/99/0 I 0059 + 12 $12.00/0 I 999 The Hospital Infection Society

60 J. B. Selkon et al.

but they are ineffective against some en­ final solution redox potential of >950 mV as
teroviruses and spores. Other disinfectants, such recommended by the company. Prior to any
as 0·2°/4, peracetic acid (Steris®), 0·35% peracetic testing procedure, the possible interfering ef­
acid (Nu-Cidex®) and chlorine dioxide fects of the disinfectant was established, e.g.
(Tristel® ; Dexit® ; Medicide®) have been shown effects of neutralizing solution, diluents etc. In
to be effective against a wide range of micro­ none of the investigations reported here was
organisms including mycobacteria and spores there evidence of interference with the test pro­
after only 5-10 min exposure. 1 0-12 However, cedures.
these are more corrosive and damaging to en­
doscopes and processing equipment than glu­ E.fficacy tests: mycobactericidal activity
taraldehyde, 13 are still associated with health
risks and are more expensive than glu­ The method used was that of Griffiths et al . 15• 16
taraldehyde. Suspensions of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (NCTC
Although the development of automated 7416), M. chelonae (a glutaraldehyde-resistant
washer-disinfectors with vapour containment strain isolated from an endoscope washer dis­
or extraction systems has substantially reduced infector, HIRL 1 5 ) and M. avium-intracellulare
exposure risk, 14 it would still seem appropriate (clinical isolate), all cultured on Middlebrook
to select a disinfectant which is less irritant 7Hl 1 agar (Becton Dickinson, Cowley, Ox­
and yet is still effective and non-damaging to ford, UK), were prepared by harvesting and
instruments and processing equipment, if mixing each strain with 10 mL sterile distilled
this costs no more than presently used dis­ water and glass beads. The mixture was shaken
infectants. 13 for 5 min, then allowed to settle for 30 min,
We report here our experiences with a new the supernatant was removed and allowed to
disinfectant, (SOW), a water containing a settle for a further 2 h. The resulting super­
mixture of oxidizing species ('super-oxidized natant was used in the disinfectant tests. To
water'). The main product is HOCl (hy­ simulate organic loading, each bacterial sus­
pochlorous acid) at a concentration of about pension was prepared in the presence of 10%
144 mg/L and Cl2 (chlorine). This disinfectant v /v defibrinated horse serum ( total protein
is generated at the point of use by passing a 7·0 g/dL). Freshly generated (SOW) with a
saline solution over coated titanium electrodes redox of >950 m V (900 µL) ,vas added to
at 9 amps. The product generated has a pH of 100 µL of the test suspension (with or without
5·0-6·5 and an oxidation reduction potential organic loading) and biocidal activity allowed
(red ox) of >950 m V. The resultant solution, to proceed for periods up to 1 h. At each
(SOW), is claimed by the manufacturer to be sampling time (1, 4, 10, 20 and 60 min), 10 µL
non-corrosive and non-damaging to endoscopes of the mixture was removed and added to
and processing equipment. 990 µL of a neutralization/recovery system.
For (SOW) and sodium dichloroisocyanurate
(NaDCC) the neutralization recovery system
was nutrient broth (Oxoid No. 2, Oxoid, Bas­
Materials and methods
ingstoke, UK) containing 1 % w/v sodium thio­
sulphate and 0·75% w/v lecithin/Tween 80
(SOW) disinfectant
mixture (5 g lecithin in 50 g Tween 80). This
This is the product of the electrolysis of an solution has been shown to be effective in
aqueous saline solution passed over a mixture inhibiting biocidal activity of (SOW) and
of proprietary catalysts to give a mixture of NaDCC without inhibiting the growth of sur­
viving test organisms. For glutaraldehyde, a
oxidizing species, particularly The dis­
infectant was produced as required on each double strength nutrient broth (Oxoid No.
test day; the apparatus (supplied by (SOW) 2) containing horse plasma was used as the
Medical Ltd, Abingdon, UK) was operated neutralizing recovery medium. Dilutions were
to give a
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, (SOW) 61

prepared to 10- 3 in 900 µL Ringer's solution Efficacy tests: sporicidal, bactericidal and
with duplicate 100 µL aliquots of each dilution fungicidal
being plated onto Middlebrook 7H11 agar Other micro-organisms tested against (SOW)
plates. These were incubated at 30 ° C or 37° C were:
for up to six weeks (depending on the choice
of test strain) and colony forming units coun­ (1) Three strains of Escherichia coli (type strain
ted. All tests were carried out in duplicate. The NCTC 9001; type 0157 NCTC 12900; type
results with (SOW) solution were variously 0157 clinical isolate from a case of haemo­
compared with the effect of n;, glutaraldehyde lytic uraemic syndrome17 ) were grown over­
and sodium dichloroisocyanurate (a chlorine night on Diagnostic Sensitivity Test (DST;
releasing agent) included in the present testing Oxoid) agar plates. Culture plates were
protocol as it is often used to destroy glu­ flooded with 5 rn L phosphate buffered sa­
taraldehyde-resistant strains of NI. chelonae in line (PBS) and the growth gently scraped off
endoscope washer-disinfectors. 1" into suspension. The recovered suspension
was adjusted to 20 mL with PBS, gently
agitated for two minutes and allowed to
Efficacy tests: virucidal activity
stand for five minutes before removing the
Poliovirus type 2 Sabin vaccine strain was supernatant. Each organism was washed
cultured in Vero cells maintained in 199 three times with PBS by centrifugation (to
medium (Sigma, Poole, UK) with 1 %, v/v foetal remove contaminating organic rnaterial de­
calf serum (FCS, total protein 6·4 g/dL). The rived from the culture medium) and the
supernatant (1055 TCID50/mL) was used for final suspension in PBS used for inactivation
virucidal tests. Human immunodeficiency studies. Assays of pre- and post-inactivation
virus (HIV-1; cell adapted strain 2036 Cam­ samples were conducted by plating on to
bridge) was grown in MT-2 cells maintained DST agar plates.
on RPM 1640 medium (Sigma) containing 10% (2) A recent clinical isolate of methicillin­
v/v FCS. The resulting cell culture fluid (1055 resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
TCID50/mL) was used in the disinfection tests. phage-type 15 was prepared for use in the
Inactivation studies were thus carried out disinfection tests and assayed as described
using viral suspensions in the presence of or­ above for E. col£.
ganic material (approximately 1 <X, v/v FCS (3) Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC 6749 was
for poliovirus and 10% v/v FCS for HIV). grown as an overnight nutrient broth sus­
Aliquots of each virus suspension were mixed pension and used without washing of the
with freshly generated (SOW) (redox cells. Assays were conducted by plating on
>950 mV and used within 5 h of preparation) in to tryptone soya agar (Oxoid) plates.
the ratios of 1 :1, 1 :5 and 1 :10 virus suspension: (4) Enterococcus Jaecalis N CTC 77 5 was grown
disinfectant. The viruses were exposed to the overnight as a nutrient broth suspension
disinfectant for periods up to 20 min with and used without washing of the cells. As­
samples being taken at appropriate times into says were conducted by plating on to tryp­
foetal calf serum (final 2% or 10%; sho,vn to tone soya agar plates.
inhibit any residual (SOW) without inter­ (5) Bacillus subtilis var niger NCTC 10073 sus­
fering with virus growth - data not shown) pension containing > 10 7 spores/mL (pre­
before being assayed by the 50% endpoint pared by heat shocking the bacterial
(TCID 50) method. Test cultures were observed suspension at 80 ° C for one minute im­
for the development of cytopathic effect (cpe) mediately before use) was used without
with results after three days (poliovirus) and washing the cells. Assays were conducted
seven days (HIV) being used for calculations. by plating onto tryptone soya agar plates.
Tests were carried out in duplicate. (6) Candida albicans (a recent clinical isolate)
62 J. B. Selkon et al.

was grown for two days at 37 °C on Sa­ Results

bouraud's agar (Oxoid) and the growth har­
vested and washed as described for E. coli Mycobactericidal activity
above. Assays were conducted by plating
A >5 logw reduction in M. tuberculosis is in­
onto Sabouraud's agar plates.
dicative of the suitability of a disinfectant for
Disinfection testing was carried out by adding high-level disinfection. It will be seen from
1 mL of each micro-organism suspension Table I that (SOW) in the absence of organic
to 9 mL of freshly prepared (SOW) soiling gave a substantial (>5 log10) reduction of
(redoxmV) and mixing thoroughly (final 1: 10 M. tuberculosis within one minute of exposure.
organism suspension disinfectant). For in­ In comparison, 2% glutaraldehyde gave a similar
vestigations of the microbicidal effect with an reduction but only after 20 min exposure. Under
organic load, the reaction mixture also contained conditions of light organic loading (i.e., a final
serum (horse or calf, total protein 7·0 g/dL) at concentration of 1 % defibrinated horse serum;
varying levels, i.e., 1, 5 and 10%. Samples of 0·5 g/litre protein, in the reaction mixture),
reaction mixtures (1 mL) were taken at intervals (SOW) again out-performed glutaraldehyde by
during the test period (up to two hours) into achieving >5 log10 reduction within one minute
9 mL of neutralizer (as for mycobacteria) to exposure compared to 10 min with glu­
prevent further inactivation taking place, plated taraldehyde.
and incubated as appropriate. Inactivation tests When the effect of (SOW) was compared
with the above organisms were carried out in with the action of 2% glutaraldehyde and two
triplicate. concentrations of the chlorine-releasing agent
sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC; 1000
Surface test with B. subtilis var niger and 10 000 mg/L), a >6 log 10 inactivation of M.
A preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of chelonae (a problematic washer-disinfector isol­
(SOW) (compared with 2% glutaraldehyde) ate resistant to 2% glutaraldehyde) was achieved
in reducing the numbers of spores of B. subtilis within one minute under both clean and dirty
var niger in a surface test was carried out as conditions with (SOW). In contrast, the poor
follows. Spores, deposited onto aluminium foil mycobactericidal performance of 2% glu­
(prepared according to DoH specification taraldehyde previously noted (Table I) was
TSS/S/330.012 and obtained from Steriseal confirmed whilst NaDCC (at 1000 mg/L) per­
Ltd, Redditch, UK) were immersed in 10 mL formed better than glutaraldehyde but not as
of either freshly prepared (SOW) or 2% glu­ well as (SOW) (Table II). Inactivation was
taraldehyde. At specific time intervals, i.e., 1, comparable to (SOW) findings only when
5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 min, the spore strips NaDCC was used at 10 000 mg/L but
were aseptically removed and placed in 10 mL inter­mediary concentrations were not
of the appropriate recovery neutralizer broth investigated. Similar results were obtained
(formulations as above). Five spore strips were when the three disinfectants were compared
immersed in separate universal containers for using M. avium­intracellulare as the test
each time interval. One of the five strips was organism (Table III).
agitated with glass beads in the recovery broth
and enumeration carried out as previously de­ Virucidal activity
scribed above. T he remainder of the dilutions
prepared together with the other four strips As shown in Table IV, (SOW) failed to achieve
were incubated at 37 °C and examined for adequate virucidal activity against poliovirus
growth up to 14 days. Spores were recovered type 2, probably due to the presence of organic
in the same manner from three untreated strips loading (as FCS) in the viral preparation, when
in order to determine the pre-disinfection mixed with (SOW) in equal proportions (1:1).
chal­lenge. However, with increased volume of the
dis­infectant (more closely reflecting use
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, (S OW) 63

Table I Inactiv ation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by (SOW) and 2% glutaraldehyde

Test conditions Mean log 1 0 pre- Meant log, 0 reduction after exposure
disinfection for
count I min 4min IOmin 20min

No organic loading
(S OW) 8·1 >5· I* >5·I >5·1 >5·1
2% glutaraldehyde 8·0 I·3 2-8 4·6 >5·0*
I% horse serum
(S OW) 8·3 >5·3* >5·3 >5·3 >5·3
2% glutaraldehyde 8·0 0·5 2-2 >5·0* >5·0

* Detection limit of test

t Tests carried out in duplicate

Table II Comparison of effect of Steri/ox, 2% glutaraldehyde and NaDCC on an atypical glutaraldehyde­

resistant Mycobacterium chelonae

Test conditions Mean log 1 0 pre- Meant log 10 reduction after exposure for
disinfection Imin 4min IOmin 20min 60min

No organic loading
(S OW) 9-4 >6 ·4* >6·4 >6·4 >6·4 >6·4
2% glutaraldehyde 9·1 0 O·I O·I 0·3 0·3
I000mg/L NaDCC 8·8 1·8 >5·8* >5·8 >5·8 >5·8
IO 000 mg/L NaDCC 9·2 >6·2* >6·2 >6·2 >6·2 >6·2
I% horse serum
(S OW) 9-5 >6·4* >6-4 >6-4 >6·4 >6-4
2% glutaraldehyde 9-2 0 0 <O·I <O·I <O·I
I000mg/L NaDCC 9·5 <O·I 0·8 3·2 4·8 5·9
IO 000mg/L NaDCC 8·2 >5·2* >5·2 >5·2 >5·2 >5·2

* Detection limits of test

t Tests carried out in duplicate

during endoscope disinfection), the effects of Other tests of microbicidal activity

the interfering organic material were overcome
( quenching of the disinfectant demand exerted T he efficacy of (SOW) against a range of other
by the serum) and inactivation occurred rapidly micro-organisms is shown in Tables V and VI.
with a reduction of at least 4· 5 log 10 within Table V clearly illustrates that, in the absence
two minutes exposure. A low initial titre of of interfering organic material, inactivation
virus and dilution during recovery prevented was both rapid and complete with at least a 6
measurement of reductions in excess of 4· S log 10• log10 reduction for E. coli and MRSA and a 5
Inactivation of the HIV strain was rapid at all log 10 reduction for C. albicans within four
levels of (SOW) with the presence of serum minutes exposure. However, it was noticeable
apparently having little effect. T his probably that the two laboratory adapted strains of E.coli
reflects the differing characteristics of the two obtained from the National Collection for Type
test viruses. Cultures (i.e., NCTC 9001, the E. col£ type
strain and
64 J. B. Selkon et al.

Table III Co mpariso n of effect of (SOW), 2% glutaraldehyde and NaDCC o n Mycobacterium avium­

Test conditions Mean log 10 pre- Meant log 10 reduction after exposure for
disinfection Imin 4min IOmin 20min 60min

No organic loading
(S OW) 9·5 5·2 >6·5* >6·5 >6·5 >6·5
2% glutaraldehyde 9·9 0·4 1·2 2·0 H >6·9*
I000 mg/L NaDCC 9·9 <O·I I·5 3·I 3-7 5·2
IO 000mg/L NaDCC 9-6 >6·6* >6·6 >6·6 >6·6 >6·6
I% horse serum
S OW 9·2 5·5 >6·2* >6·2 >6·2 >6·2
2% glutaraldehyde 9-6 1·2 3·8 >6·6* >6·6 >6·6
I000mg/L NaDCC 9-5 O·I 0·3 0·5 1·5 >6·5*
IO 000 mg/L NaDCC 9-6 3·6 4·8 >6·6* >6·6 >6·6

* Detection limits of test

t Tests carried out in duplicate

Table IV Virucidal activity of (SOW) against Po lio virus-2 and HIV- I

Virus Ratio virus: Mean log 10 pre- Meant log 10 reduction after exposure
(S OW) disinfection for
count 2min 5min IOmin 20min

Polio-2 1:1 5·5 2·0 3·0 2·0 3·0

1:5 5·5 >4·5* >4·5 >4·5 >4·5
1:10 5·5 >4·5* >4·5 >4·5 >4·5
HIV-I 1:1 5·5 >4·5* >4·5 >4·5 >4·5
1:5 5·5 >4·5* >4·5 >4·5 >4·5
1:10 5·5 >4·5* >4·5 >4·5 >4·5

* Detection limit of test

t Tests carried out in duplicate

NCTC 12900 a genetically modified type 0157 loading did not seem to affect the inactivation
lacking the ability to produce toxin) were more rate of C. albicans.
susceptible to (SOW) than the recent clinical Table VI shows the results of a comparison
isolate of type 0157 which had only received of the disinfection efficacy of (SOW) with 2%
minimal laboratory subculturing. Even so, the glutaraldehyde using three other organisms.
latter was totally inactivated within five Both disinfectants were effective in inactivating
minutes exposure under clean conditions. As suspensions of E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa in
expected, the organic loading (5% calf serum) the absence of organic loading with complete
reduced the rate of killing although this was inactivation within 30 s exposure. However, the
complete for all E. coli strains within 20 min. biocidal activity of (SOW) against P. aeruginosa
Again, the two laboratory adapted strains and E. faecalis was slower than 2% glu­
were more sus­ceptible to disinfection by taraldehyde in the presence of high organic
(SOW) than the recent clinical isolate. load (10% horse serum). The sporicidal
Interestingly, the organic activity of
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, (SOW) 65

Table V Effect of (SOW) against oth er micro-organisms at a ratio of I 0: I disinfectantorganism

Test organism Calf serum Mean log 10 pre- Meant log 10 reduction after exposure for
disinfection 0·5min I min 2min 3min 4min 5min IOmin 20min

E.coli NCTC Absent 8·7 >6·7* >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7
5% 8·7 >6·7* >6·7 >6·7
E.coli NCTC Absent 9·0 >7·0* >7·0 >7·0 >7·0 >7·0 >7·0 >7·0 >7·0
5% 9·0 >7·0* >7·0 >7·0
E. coli O157 Absent 8·8 4·0 4·0 4·0 4·0 >6·8* >6·8 >6·8 >6·8
clinical isolate 5% 8·8 <1·8 <1·8 <1·8 I ·9 1·9 2·4 4·0 >6·8*
MRSA clinical Absent 8·7 >6·7* >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7 >6·7
isolate 5% 8·7 <1·6 <1·6 <1·6 <1·6 <1·6 <1·6 4·6 >6·7*
C. a/bicans Absent 7·2 >5·2* >5·2 >5·2 >5·2 >5·2 >5·2 >5·2 >5·2
isolate 5% 7·2 l ·I 1·8 3·7 >5·2* >5·2 >5·2 >5·2 >5·2

* Detection limits of test

t Tests carried out in triplicate
MRSA methicillin resistant S. aureus

Table VI Comparison of th e effect of (SOW) ( I 0: I ratio) and 2% glutaraldehyde

Test organism Disinfectant Horse Mean log 10 Meant log1 0 reduction after exposure for
serum count pre- 0·5 I 2 5 10 20 30 60 120
disinfection min min min min min min min min min

B. subtilis (S OW) Absent 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5 7·5
spores 1% 7·2 2·0 5·2 5·2 7-2 7-2 7·2 7·2 7-2 7·2
10% 7·5 0·2 0·4 0·5 0·6 0 ·7 1·6 3·2 7·5 7·5
2% Glut Absent 7·9 0·4 0·4 0·5 0·5 0·5 0·9 2·I 3·2 7·9
1% 7·8 0·2 0·3 0·3 0·3 0·5 0·5 1·7 3·2 7·8
10% 7·8 0·2 0·3 0·3 0·3 0-4 0·8 1·9 3·0 7·8
E. faecalis (S OW) Absent 7·7 7·7 7-7 7·7 7-7 7·7 7·7
1% 7·7 7·7 7-7 7· 7 7·7 7·7 7-7
10% 7·5 1·2 2·1 4·4 7·5 7·5 7·5
2% Glut Absent 7·7 7·7 7·7 7·7 7·7 7·7 7-7
1% 7·7 7·7 7·7 7-7 7· 7 7-7 7.7
10% 7-7 7-7 7-7 7-7 7·7 7-7 7·7
P. aeruginosa S OW Absent 7·8 7·8 7·8 7·8 7·8 7·8 7·8
1% 7·8 5·6 7·8 7·8 7·8 7·8 7·8
10% 7·9 1·7 1·7 3·2 5·8 7·9 7·9
2% Glut Absent 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0
1% 8 ·0 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0 8·0
10% 7·9 7·9 7·9 7·9 7·9 7·9 7·9

t Tests carried out in duplicate

66 J. B. Selkon et al.

Table VII Efficacy of (SOW) a�er 2 4 and 48 h storage

Test organism (organic Age of (S OW) Mean Jog 10 pre- Mean t log 10 remaining after exposure (min)
loading) solution disinfection 0·5 I 2 5 10 20 30 60 120
- --··

P. aeruginosa clean Fresh 7·8 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
24h 7·9 2·0 1·2 O·O O·O O·O O·O
48h 7·8 3-3 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
1% serum Fresh 7·8 2-2 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
24h 7-9 5·9 J,7 O·O O·O O·O O·O
48h 7·8 6·0 2-9 O·O O·O O·O O·O
10% serum Fresh 7·9 6·2 6·2 4·7 2·2 O·O O·O
48h 7-9 5·3 5·3 5·0 H O·O O·O
E faecalis clean Fresh 7-7 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
24h 7·5 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
48h 7-7 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
1% serum Fresh 7-7 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
24h 7·5 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
48h 7-7 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
JO% serum Fresh 7·5 6·3 5·8 3 ·1 O·O O·O O·O
48h 7-6 5· I 4·6 4·6 1-4 1·8 O·O
B. subtilis spores - clean Fresh 7·5 O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O O·O
48h 7-6 4·5 2-3 1·6 O·O O·O O·O
1% serum Fresh 7-2 5·2 2·0 2·0 O·O O·O O·O
48h 7-7 5·6 3· I 2·0 I ·3 O·O O·O
10% serum Fresh 7·5 7·3 7·1 7·0 6·9 6·7 5·9 4·3 O·O O·O
48h 7·5 7·1 7·0 7·0 6·7 6·7 6·0 4·7 1·9 O·O

t Tests carried out in duplicate

(SOW) was far superior to that of 2% glu­ was some slight loss of activity, when tested
taraldehyde in the absence of an organic load under clean conditions the disinfectant was still
and in the presence of 1% horse serum. In effective within 5 min even when 48 h old.
conditions of high organic soiling (10% serum),
(SOW) was slightly more sporicidal than 2% Surface test using B. subtilis var niger spores
glutaraldehyde but both disinfectants required T he results shown in Table VIII indicate that
a contact time of at least an hour to result in a (SOW) is an extremely effective sporicide when
5 log10 reduction of bacterial numbers. used in a surface test under clean conditions.
In comparison, the same level of reduction
Efficacy tests (>5 log10) was only achieved with 2% glu­
taraldehyde after two hours exposure.
Effect of ageing of (SOW)
Whilst (SOW) is intended to be generated fresh
at point of use, it is possible that there may be Discussion
residual older disinfectant within the production
equipment. Accordingly, it is appropriate that There has been a recent interest in the use of
the efficacy of (SOW) solution be measured in super-oxidized water as a disinfectant because
the event that there is a delay before fresh of its rapid and highly biocidal activity against
disinfectant is available. Evaluations were car­ a wide range of bacteria. 18 However, the elec­
ried out using P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis and B. trolysis of a saline solution using the Super
subt£lis spores using disinfectant stored for 24 Oxseed alpha 1000 unit (Janix Inc, Kanagawa,
and 48 h. Table VII shows that, whilst there Japan) produces a super-oxidized water with a
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxid ized water, (SOW) 67

Table VIII Efficacy of (SOW) against B. subtilis var niger spores in a surface test

Disinfectant Pre-count log 10 Log 10 remaining after (number of tubes showing growth)
5 min IOmin 20min 30min 60min 120min
---- -
···- --�--- -
- ·--··· ---··

(SOW) 5·6 0 0 0 0 0 0
2% Glutaraldehyde 5·6 5·6 4·4 4·3 3'9 I ·3 0
(5/5) (5/5) (5/5) (5/5) (5/5) (0/5)

highly acidic pH of 2·3-2·7 which limits its All the standard methods for testing dis­
suitability for many applications, in particular infectants are based on the need to demonstrate
the disinfection of endoscopes. We have studied activity in the presence of gross organic soiling.
a different system (SOW 2500) which passes a However, the presence of organic contamination
sodium chloride so­lution over coated titanium is of little relevance to the proposed use of
electrodes at 9 amps to produce a (SOW) as a single use disinfectant wash after
super-oxidized water, '(SOW)' with a redox endoscopes have been through a thorough val­
potential of >950 m V and a pH in the range idated cleaning process. Any organic material
5-6· 5. This product has been (a) tested for present in or on the endoscope after cleaning
occupational exposure levels of chlorine will be reduced to a concentration of less than
which was found to be below analytical detection 0· 1 % protein by the large volume ( usually
limits (Dr J. Dennis, Bradford University Re­ 10-20 litres) of the (SOW) used in the dis­
search Ltd, shown to be non-toxic orally and infection process. Furthermore, the residual or­
non-irritant to skin and mucous ganic material will be rapidly saturated and its
membranes (Report from Huntingdon inhibitory effect quenched by the disinfectant
Research Life Sci­ences Ltd) using flow. We propose, therefore, that the tests used
internationally recognized testing protocols in this study are appropriate for this specific
sat­isfying the requirements of the EEC method of usage of a disinfectant.
Directive 92/69/EEC (1993). Another area (SOW) has shown promising potential for
apparently being evaluated is the effect of the use in automated washer-disinfectors where the
disinfectant on the materials used in the quality of the initial wash and the single use
construction of the endoscopes, but at this of the disinfectant can he guaranteed. As a
time the authors have not seen the outcome of consequence of this approach, i.e., to use
such investigations. 10-20 litres of fresh (SOW) for each dis­
As shown by Tanaka et al., 18 the addition of infection cycle, we have chosen as an appropriate
bovine serum albumin, at a concentration of in vitro bactericidal test a concentration of one
0· 5'½>, reduces the biocidal activity of super­ part of micro-organism suspension to be ex­
oxidized water. \Ve have confirmed this and posed to ten parts of (SOW). \Ve believe that
agree that in the presence of high organic loading using the disinfectant in this way, this 1: 10
the biocidal activity of (SOW), as with ratio is a very conservative estimate of the
other chlorine releasing and oxidizing agents, actual situation achieved during use. Using this
is impaired and thus is not suitable for the 1: 10 ratio, we have shown that, under clean
disinfection of spillage or grossly soiled in­ conditions, (SOW) rapidly inactivates my­
struments. However, when organic loading is cobacteria (M. tuberculosis, A1. avium-
substantially reduced by thorough manual in­tracellulare and 1\,1, chelonae), MRSA, E.
cleaning of endoscopes followed by automated Jaec­alis, P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis var niger
washing as is the norm, there was no inhibitory spores, E. coli (including 0157) and C.
effect on the biocidal activity of (SOW) against albicans. In addition, (SOW) has been shown to
mycobacteria and B. subtilis spores, the most be effective against B. subtilis spores on
resistant organisms we tested. aluminium strips (surface test).
68 J. B. Selkon et al.

The introduction of endoscope washer-dis­ are claimed to be non- or less irritant and as,
infectors has greatly improved processing stand­ or more, effective than glutaraldehyde. These
ards and has reduced the likelihood of staff include improved quaternary ammonium com­
exposure to irritant chemicals. 14 However, sev­ pounds (e.g. Sactimed Sinald, Dettol ED®),
eral new problems have arisen with automated peroxygen products (Virkon®), peracetic acid
processing which are difficult to overcome. If (Steris, Nu-Cidex) and chlorine dioxide
the washer-disinfector is not disinfected, at least (Tristel, Dcxit and Medicide). (SOW) could
on a sessional basis, or the rinse water used to be another alternative for glutaraldehyde if field
remove toxic disinfectant residues is not sterile, trials confirm it is compatible with instruments
infection or pseudo-infection may ensue. 19 This and processing equipment.
is a major problem in bronchoscopy, where The manufacturer of the (SOW) system em­
the misdiagnosis of tuberculosis has occurred phasizes that (SOW) can only be generated and
because the bronchoscope has become con­ stored using the apparatus provided. To ensure
taminated with acid-fast M. chelonae from the full microbicidal activity, all production criteria,
rinse water20 some strains of which are highly i.e., generating current (9 amps), voltage across
resistant to glutaraldehyde. 16 the cells (9 volts), redox potential (1000 m V) and
This study shows that a glutaraldehyde-re­ pH (5·5), must be met before the disinfectant is
sistant washer-disinfector isolate of M. chelonae made available to the user. Since (SOW) is
was highly susceptible to (SOW) and that generated on healthcare premises at the point
this could, therefore, be used for disinfecting of use, it could be argued that there may be a
washer-disinfector filters and other rinse water need for confirmation of the biocidal efficacy
pathways. It is also likely that (SOW) will prove of the solution. This is in contrast to other
less damaging to the processors than some of
disinfectants which may have their efficacy and
the chlorine-releasing and oxidizing agents
stability checked on a batch basis before release.
currently used. Furthermore, as with other
Confirmation of the microbicidal activity of
disinfectants, the water used to wash out dis­
(SOW) at point of production is assessed on
infectant residues must be of a suitable micro­
installation and may be periodically monitored
biological quality. Sterile, or at least bacteria­
from then on by biological tests or by de­
free, rinse water is required for bronchoscopes
termining available chlorine levels ( 2140 mg/
and all invasive endoscopes. An advantage of
the (SOW) system is that it has been shown
There is another important issue which may
that it is possible to produce bacteria-free wash
affect efficacy, namely the ageing of the solution
water by automatically mixing the disinfectant
with potable water (final 2% SOW in wash in pipework and reservoirs, particularly if the
water) to achieve this (Dr R. Morris, endoscope washer-disinfector is some way from
report). The effect on biofilms, or the the generator and there is a delay of more
organisms present within, has not been than 24 h between processing sessions. It is,
investigated in the present study. therefore, necessary to ensure that the system
There is now a greater awareness of the ir­ is purged completely with freshly generated
ritancy and sensitization problems associated product as part of the daily routine. However,
with the use of glutaraldehyde and other al­ data presented in this report indicate that
dehyde-based instrument disinfectants. In the (SOW) maintains its efficacy for at least 24 h
UK, the Control of Substances Hazardous to after generation (Table VII).
Health (COSHH) regulations require an This study has examined the microbicidal
assess­ment of health risks associated with efficacy of (SOW) against a range of bacteria,
processing and, where possible, to substitute viruses and fungi which are indicative of the
a safer al­ternative provided it is effective. In types of organisms that may be expected to
response to health and safety requirements, a be encountered during the use of flexible
number of alternative disinfectants have endoscopes. In particular, several species of
emerged which
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a new super-oxidized water, (SOW) 69

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