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PATHOLOGICAL OR ABNORMAL URINE CONSTITUENTS :I- Proteinuria - Proteinuria or albuminuria is a condition in which urine contains an abnormal amount of protein.

Presence of proteins in the urine that may indicate glomerular nephritis, diabetic nephropathy and leukemia - The majority of proteins found in the urine arise from the blood. - As blood passes through healthy kidneys, they filter the waste products out and leave in the things the body needs, like proteins. Most proteins are too big to pass through the kidneys' filters into the urine unless the kidneys are damaged. The main protein that is most likely to appear in urine is albumin. Proteins from the blood can escape into the urine when the filters of the kidney, called glomeruli, are damaged. Sometimes the term albuminuria is used when a urine test detects albumin specifically. - Large amounts of protein in the urine may cause it to look foamy. Also, because the protein has left the body, the blood can no longer soak up enough fluid leading to swelling in the hands, feet, abdomen, or face. These are signs of very large protein loss.

:II- Glucosuria Glucosuria is a condition in which urine contains an abnormal amount of glucose and is present in hyperglycemia an increased amount of glucose in blood.Usually found in conditions like diabetes Mellitus, impaired tubular reabsorption, .nephrosis Tubular reabsorption of glucose is by active transport in response to the body's need to.maintain an adequate concentration of glucose The blood level at which tubular reabsorption stops is termed renal threshold which for.glucose is between 160-180 mg/ dl Glucosuria occurs in diabetes mellitus, which characterized by abnormal blood glucoselevel (hyperglycemia) and usually increased volume of urine. The urine may be light in .color and have a high specific gravity :III-Ketonuria Ketonuria is a condition in which urine contains an abnormal amount of ketone bodies.Presence of ketones in urine and may indicate diabetic acidosis, starvation, .excessive CHO loss and toxemia in pregnant women - Ketone bodies are three chemicals that are produced as by-products when fatty acids are broken down for energy. Any production of ketone bodies is called ketogenesis, and this is necessary in small amounts. But, when excess ketone bodies accumulate, this abnormal (but not necessarily harmful) state is called ketosis. When even larger amounts of ketone bodies accumulate such that the body's pH is lowered to dangerously acidic levels, this state is called ketoacidosis. - The three ketone bodies are acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone. The first two are not technically ketones. (They are called ketone bodies because they come from ketones).

- The exhalation of acetone is responsible for the characteristic "fruity" odor of the breath of persons in ketosis states. - Both acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate are acidic, and, if levels of these ketone bodies are too high, the pH of the blood drops, resulting in ketoacidosis. This happens in untreated Type I diabetes and subsequent starvation. - Urine ketones measurement frequently provides a more reliable indicator of acidosis than blood testing because they appear in the urine before there is any significant increase in the blood.

:IV- Hematuria and Hemoglobinuria - Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells (RBCs) in the urine. Closely related to disorders such as renal or genitourinary in origin.Bleeding may be result of damage or trauma to organs. Indicative of glomerular diseases and tumors. In microscopic hematuria, the urine appears normal to the naked eye, but examination under a microscope shows a high number of RBCs (see the figure). Gross hematuria can be seen with the naked eyethe urine is red or the color of cola. REFERENCE:

Creatinine coefficient

Daily urinary creatinine excretion and creatinine coefficient of eighty-four healthy medical students have been studied for three consecutive days. Daily creatinine excretion has been observed to be higher in the male subjects compared to the female counterparts. Creatinine excretion has been observed to be dependent on body weight of the subjects. The variability from subject to subject was higher than observed by most other workers. Day to day consistency within the same subject was rather low. Creatinine coefficient is the amount of creatinine in mg exrceted 24hrs./kg of body wt. Normal values are 20-26 adult male and 14-20 mg in adult female. And the significance of it is that it helps to detect presence of muscle wasting, starvation, fever , and muscular dystrophy (low creatinine coefficient values). And it was computed per kg of body weight as well as per kg of lean body weight. In both the cases, it has been found to be higher in the males than in the females. Though an important factor, yet body weight of a subject alone could not explain satisfactorily wide variability of creatinine excretion in the present study. The possible influencing factors have been discussed along with clinical implications. REFERENCE:

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