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정리토익 이차연 RC 700+ A

PART 5. 기출문제 Half Test (5min)

101. Metro Transportation does not offer ------- for 109. The Malave Center for the Arts does not
lost tickets. ------- food or drink to be brought into the
(A) refunds theater.
(B) refunder (A) equip
(C) refundable (B) allow
(D) refunded (C) enter
(D) perform

102. The sale at Abby’s Furniture is expected to

------- many new customers into the store.
(A) earn 110. Chef Liang Chu prepares meals for the 200
(B) offer sailors ------- live on the ship.
(C) bring (A) where
(D) support (B) whatever
(C) who
(D) whichever
103. The board members have indicated -------
approval of the facilities expansion.
(A) theirs
(B) them 111. The Internet connection that day was as
(C) their ------- as Ms. Diana had ever seen it.
(D) they (A) slow
(B) slowly
(C) slower
104. The senior media ------- at Far Journeys, Inc. (D) slowest
coordinates the planning of all promotional
(A) directs
(B) directly 112. The marketing team will review the
(C) director advertisement and provide ------- to the artist.
(D) direction (A) talent
(B) attention
(C) feedback
105. Mr. Kamaka praised the sales team ------- (D) experience
achieving significant goals in each of the last three
(A) to 113. SJ Motors has demonstrated extraordinary
(B) for ------- in the design of its electric vehicles.
(C) by (A) creativity
(D) with (B) creative
(C) creatively
(D) create
106. The e-commerce site for Carol’s Fitness
Apparel ------- all major credit cards.
(A) accepts
(B) accepting 114. Changes made after the fifteenth of the
(C) accept month will be reflected on the ------- month’s bill.
(D) acceptable (A) becoming
(B) following
(C) likely
107. Conference organizers ------- wanted to hold (D) potential
the event at the Blanchi Center, but it was
deemed too small.
(A) finely
(B) smoothly 115. Diverty’s corporate policy is that all
(C) perfectly electronics must be turned off ------- meetings.
(D) originally (A) only
(B) during
(C) way
108. The Friskins Pet Store closes ------- at eight (D) now
o’clock every evening.
(A) prompting
(B) prompted
(C) promptly
(D) prompt
정리토익: 수업만 열심히 들어도 놀라운 점수 상승! + 최단기 고득점 달성은 정리토익!
정리토익 이차연 RC 700+ A

접속부사 / 어휘 / 시제 / 문장 고르기

Part 6.
Questions 131-134 refer to the following information.

Masky Airlines Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my flight booking has been confirmed?

135. -------. If you have not received a confirmation, check your credit card statement.
If no charge has been added to your card, it is 136. ------- that your booking did not go
137. -------, please contact us at 555-0168 so that we may look into the matter. Calls
to this number are free of charge from a landline phone, but 138. ------- that there may
be charges for calls made from mobile phones.

(A) Your flight details will be sent to the email address you provided.
(B) Please include your confirmation number in all correspondences.
(C) There are several options for making changes to your itinerary.
(D) Incorrect charges will be removed from your account immediately.

(A) right (B) likely (C) proper (D) correct

(A) Finally (B) Moreover (C) In contrast (D) In this case

(A) note (B) noting (C) noted (D) notes

정리토익 최단기 점수상승! 유쾌 명쾌 강의로 최단기 토졸!

정리토익 이차연 RC 700+ A

PART 7. 문제 유형 7가지 ( 총 54문제, 54분 안에 풀어야 함 한 문제 1분! )

1. 주제와 목적: 편지를 쓴 이유, 글을 쓴 목적(purpose) 주로 첫단락에서 끝내야함!

2. 세부사항: 언제, 누가, 어디서, 왜 등의 구체적 정보, 키워드 찾아서 본문에서 찾아 패러한 말 고르기

3. 사실확인: state, indicate, mention 언급된 것(맞는 것) 고르기,

또는 Not state, indicate, mention 언급되지 않은 틀린 보기 고르기, 비교적 까다로운 문제 패러한 말 핵심!

4. 추론문제: suggest, infer, imply, most likely, probably 로 묻는 유추 문제

본문에서 단서 찾아서 이를 통해 유추할수 있는 보기 고르기! 까다로운 문제! 패러 핵심!

5. 동의어 문제: 총 2~3문제 출제, 단락에서 단어 의미로 쓰인 동의어 찾기

6. ”말의 의도”: 총 2문제 채팅창 지문에서 몇시 몇분 말의 의도찾기! 주로 직전말에 대한 찬성/ 반대표현

7. 문장삽입: 총 2문제 / 미리 삽입 문장 읽어서 단서 찾은 후, 다른 문제풀 때 동시에 풀기

정리토익 최단기 점수상승! 유쾌 명쾌 강의로 최단기 토졸!

정리토익 이차연 RC 700+ A

이메일/ 편지
1. 도입부 (Introduction)
도입부에서 흔히 나오는 질문은 다음과 같다.
• 수/발신자 정보 묻기: 뭐 하는 사람인지, 무슨 회사인지, 어떤 관계인지 등을 묻는 문제
편지 : 맨 위와 맨 아래 수/발신자의 이름, 직책, 회사명을 확인
이메일 : to(수신), from(발신) 부분 확인

2. 본문 (Body)
사실 본문 부분에서 가장 자주 나오는 질문 유형은 사실 관계 확인, 키워드 찾기. 추론과 암시 유형
이다. 이전에 각 단원에서 배운 요령에 따라 답을 찾으면 되겠다. 따라서 그 부분은 생략하고 다음
과 같은 질문에 대한 해결 요령만 추가로 언급하고자 한다.

3. 마무리 (closing)
마무리에서 물어볼 수 있는 내용은 주의 사항,당부 사항, 연락처, 웹사이트나 전화 관련 등으로 한
정된다. 따라서 이런 질문이 나온다면 마무리 부분을 보면 될 것이다.

Questions 151-152 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Sales Managers
From: Yuichi Miura
Date: February 11
Subject: Sales Territories
Attachment: Miura_draft

Good afternoon, everyone.

At our last management group meeting, we discussed ideas for redrawing the boundaries of
our sales territories. I have drafted a brief overview of the suggested changes. Please review
the attached document and let me know if anything else needs to be addressed before we
release the final proposal to the rest of the sales staff.

Thank you,

Yuichi Miura
Senior Sales Manager

151. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To provide corrections to a sales report
(B) To follow up on a task discussed at a meeting
(C) To provide an updated list of business addresses
(D) To approve drawings for a product catalog

152. What does Mr. Miura ask recipients to do with the attached document?
(A) Read it and provide feedback
(B) Sign it and return it to him
(C) Share a copy with their sales teams
(D) Bring a copy to an upcoming staff session

정리토익 최단기 점수상승! 유쾌 명쾌 강의로 최단기 토졸!

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