Rules of Procedure For Annual Meeting of The Society of International Affairs in Gothenburg

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Rules of procedure for the Annual Electoral Meeting of the Society of International Affairs

in Gothenburg

The purpose of the rules of procedure is to ensure that the Annual Electoral Electoral
Meeting is efficient, democratic and transparent. They exist for the meeting to proceed in
the best possible way. This means that the rules of procedure are flexible – It is always the
participants at the Annual Electoral Meeting who are in charge of the practice.


The principle of first speakers list applies. The one who asks for the word in a matter is noted
on a speakers’ list and the ones who have already spoken are noted on a secondary speakers’
list. The first speakers’ list should always be clear before anyone on the secondary speakers’
list has the word.

Why: The purpose of a first speakers’ list is to ensure that there is an equal opportunity for
everyone to be heard at the meeting.


Everyone attending the Annual Electoral Meeting has the right to declare a point of
information in the matter that is discussed. When a point of information is raised, the
speakers’ list is interrupted. During a point of information, the speaker is only allowed to
state a fact and not express opinions or in other ways debate. In the case of an online
meeting through Zoom, a point of information can be raised through the function of the
raised hand.


A point of order interrupts the debate and needs to be addressed before any other issue is
addressed. In order to request this, one can raise both hands in a time out-sign. In the case
of an online meeting through Zoom, a point of order can be raised through the function of
the raised hand.

Why: Points of information and points of order can be necessary in order to clarify facts,
request a break or explain the decision-making.


During elections, the nominee needs to leave the room after the presentation and questions,
in order for an eventual discussion to take place. The nominee has the right to be present
during the vote. In circumstances that require the elections to be held online, this can be
arranged digitally (such as break-out rooms in Zoom).
The purpose of having the nominee leave the room is to enable the voters to discuss the
candidates without them being present.


The voting is done openly unless there is a request for anonymous voting. In a digital
meeting through Zoom, the voting can be managed through the functions allowed through
the program, such as a poll, or through an approved external program. A decision is made by
majority vote. A member has the right to one vote. Members have voting rights when the
membership is registered no later than five weeks before the meeting.


Members are eligible if they nominate themselves for the Annual Electoral Meeting before
the election point on the agenda is opened or if nominated by the Nomination Committee.

One can nominate him- or herself until the election procedure begins. When the election
procedure has begun, it is too late for nominations.


Elections are to be held anonymously if this is requested. During an anonymous election, a

ballot needs to include the equal number of names that there are positions to be elected, in
order to be legitimate. A vacant position is regarded as one person during the vote.


In a digital meeting through Zoom, the participants' microphones should stay muted until a
participant is given the word upon request to speak. The purpose is to ensure that there is no
disturbing sound during the meeting.

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