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Przykładowy egzamin wstępny do klasy pierwszej liceum

z języka angielskiego do klasy dwujęzycznej

Name: ………………………………………………… Date:………………………

I. Napisz list do swojego zagranicznego kolegi o zabawnym wydarzeniu, które cię ostatnio spotkało.
- podaj kiedy i gdzie doszło do zdarzenia.
- opisz osoby biorące w nim udział.
- opisz szczegółowo przebieg wydarzenia.
- podaj jak to zdarzenie wpłynęło na twoje plany tego dnia.

Zachowaj odpowiednią formę i styl wypowiedzi.

Zachowaj limit słów 120-150 (+/- 10%).
Podpisz się XYZ . 30p

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given
in bold.

1. How much have you paid for your bicycle?


Could you .................................................................................................................................................?

2. I think you ought to think it over.

If ................................................................, I ...........................................................................................
3. May I call you again later on?

Would .......................................................................................................................................................?
4. They don't produce Fiat 125p any more, do they?

Fiat 125p........................................................................................,

5. He directed three horrors before he was twenty-eight.

By the time he.........................................................................................................................................

6. I didn't really want to stay at the hotel.

I ..............................................................................................................................................................

7. You should buy a new bike.

It's ...........................................................................................................................................................
8. He said he hadn’t told her anything.
He ..............................................................................................................................................................

9. I would like us to go away at the weekend.


10. When did you begin working for them?

How ..............................................................................................................................................................?

III. Complete the emails .

Unfortunately , note, join, let, with, for, over, to, at, of, forward, arrangments, regards, details, suggestions,

Dear Jack,
Just a quick ________________ to _______________ you know that I
__________________________(arrive) and
I _______________________________ (stay) at the Royal Hotel. Could we meet _____________ dinner
the Trattoria Romantica tonight? I’d like to discuss some __________________ of the contract before the
_________ the board. If not, I___________________________(send) you an email with my
and we may go ________________ the points tomorrow , just before the meeting.
Hope to see you tonight.

Dear Tanya,
Welcome ____________ Huston again. I hope the Hotel is fine. It
(renovate) lately and the hotel restaurant is known _______________ its unique selection of
wines. You should treat ______________________ to a glass or two tonight.
I won’t be able to ___________________ you for diiner as I have already made some other
______________________ but I’m sure we___________________________ (have) enough time to
your suggestions when we _____________ (meet) before the board meeting.
Looking _________________ to _____________________ (see) you again.


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