Neyra NCM109 Act.1

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Activity #1 Different Pregnancy Complication

Answer the ff.

1. What are the complication of labor
2. Describe each one of them
a. How does it occur?
b. Nursing Intervention on the complication


 Uterine blood vessel tears in a blood vessel in the uterus. Bleeding into a hidden tissue
area or space in the pelvis. This mass of blood is called a hematoma. It's usually in the
vulva or vagina. After the placenta is delivered, these contractions help compress the
bleeding vessels in the area where the placenta was attached. If the uterus does not
contract strongly enough, called uterine atony, these blood vessels bleed freely and
hemorrhage occurs. This is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage.Nursing
intervention for this complication first, medication (to stimulate uterine contractions),
manual massage of the uterus (to stimulate contractions), and removal of placental pieces
that remain in the uterus. Examination of the uterus and other pelvic tissues.
 Placenta accreta is a serious pregnancy condition that occurs when the placenta grows too
deeply into the uterine wall. It occurs when the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine
wall during pregnancy. Scarring in the uterus from a prior C-section or other uterine
surgery may play a role in developing this condition. Nursing intervention for this
complication is Surgery is the most common and effective treatment for accreta. After the
birth of the baby, this usually involves either the surgical removal of the placenta, or a
hysterectomy to remove the uterus along with the accreta. The ovaries are almost always
left in place if a hysterectomy is performed.

3. Meaning of the ff.

a. Amnioinfusion- is a procedure in which normal saline or lactated Ringer's
solution is infused into the uterine cavity to replace amniotic fluid.
b. Amniotic Fluid Embolosim- fluid that surrounds a baby in the uterus during
c. Augmentation of Labor- the act of stimulating labour contractions to speed
up the birthing process when labour slows down or stops
d. BattledorePlacenta- a placenta in which the. umbilical cord is attached at the
placental margin
e. Dysfunction Labor- to prolongation in the duration of labor, typically in the
first stage of labor.
f. Dystocia- slow or difficult labor or delivery.
g. External Cephalic Version- a procedure used to turn a fetus from a breech
position or side-lying (transverse) position into a head-down (vertex) position
before labor begins. When successful, version makes it possible for you to try
a vaginal birth.
h. Hypertonic Uterine Contraction- is a potential complication of labor
induction. This is displayed as uterine tachysystole- the contraction frequency
numbering more than five in a 10-minute time frame or as contractions
exceeding more than two minutes in duration.
i. Hypotonic Uterine Contraction- is an abnormal labor pattern, notable
especially during the active phase of labor, characterized by poor and
inadequate uterine contractions that are ineffective to cause cervical dilation,
effacement, and fetal descent, leading to a prolonged or protracted delivery.
j. Induction of Labor- Labor is induced to stimulate contractions of the uterus
in an effort to have a vaginal birth. Labor induction may be recommended if
the health of the mother or fetus is at risk.
k. Oxytocin-a hormone released by the pituitary gland that causes increased
contraction of the uterus during labor and stimulates the ejection of milk into
the ducts of the breasts.
l. Placenta Accrete- A serious pregnancy condition that occurs when the
placenta grows too deeply into the uterine wall.

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