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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Digital Business: A Primer

Matthew N. O. Sadiku , Uwakwe C. Chukwu2, Abayomi Ajayi-Majebi3, Sarhan M. Musa1

Roy G. Perry College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX, USA
Department of Engineering Technology, South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC, USA
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Central State University, Wilberforce, OH, USA

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Matthew N. O.

Digitalization is the digital transformation of any business into a Sadiku | Uwakwe C. Chukwu | Abayomi
digital business using digital technologies. The businesses that have Ajayi-Majebi | Sarhan M. Musa "Digital
gone through the process of digitization are successful in economic, Business: A Primer"
Published in
financial, and customer satisfaction. Digital business relies on
International Journal
technology to operate and grow. It applies digital technology to
of Trend in
reinvent business models and transform a company’s products and Scientific Research
customer experiences. The paper presents a primer on digital and Development
business. (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD50574
6470, Volume-6 |
KEYWORDS: technology, digitalization, digital technologies, digital Issue-5, August 2022, pp.816-822, URL:
transformation, digital business

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Digitalization or digitization has been gaining organizations need bold leadership committed to
momentum and popularity in recent years. change and a focus on the impact of digital change on
Digitalization plays a crucial role in contributing customers, products, and services.
towards the United Nations Sustainable Development
Digital technologies have refashioned our ways of
Goals. Without transformation of existing businesses,
communicating, working, consuming, living, and
both economic and environmental challenges of the
doing business. They have challenged existing
future cannot be solved sustainably [1]. Digital
business models and continue to do so. Technologies
transformation is one of the largest forces in today’s
such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep
competitive market. The concept of digital
learning, robotics, big data, cloud computing, edge
transformation uses a customer-centric focus to guide
computing, blockchain, 5G, cybersecurity, Internet of
the implementation of digital technologies in business
things, virtual reality or augmented reality can impact
models. The digital business models offer highly
a business and make it grow. Digital technologies
engaging, revenue-generating services that are
have profoundly altered society and continue
consumed differently than traditional goods and
impacting virtually all business. Just about everything
services. Digital business is the end goal, and digital
can be digitized. Products and processes that were
transformation is the process that companies undergo
once physical are now digital. Unfortunately, the vast
in order to get there. In addition to technology
majority of businesses are not ready for the move to
changes, digital transformation has also redefined
digital business models.
customer experience. Digital transformation should
not only be considered as an exciting opportunity to WHAT IS DIGITAL BUSINESS?
view your business through a new lens, it should be The term, ‘digital business” was popularized when
regarded as providing for leveraging technologies in Nigel Fenwick wrote a blog post “2013: The Year of
new ways [2]. For a successful digital transformation, Digital Business.” Nigel said: “As mobile, social,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50574 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 816
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
cloud, and big data come together we see the of the following human behaviors: planning,
emergence of digital business strategy: the ability to learning, reasoning, problem solving, knowledge
leverage digital technologies to transform the representation, perception, speech recognition,
customer value equation and drive competitive decision-making, language translation, motion,
advantage” [3]. The traditional way of doing business manipulation, intelligence, and creativity.
is compared with digital business as shown in Figure Artificial intelligence is used in business
1 [4]. operations and gaining insights for decision
making. Today, AI is integrated into our daily
Digital business aims to create value, improve
lives in several forms, such as personal assistants,
revenue and growth, and accelerate the performance
automated mass transportation, aviation,
of an organization. It is the creation of new value
computer gaming, facial recognition at passport
chains and business opportunities that traditional
control, voice recognition on virtual assistants,
businesses cannot offer. Digital businesses employ
driverless cars, companion robots, etc. [6]. For
technologies (such as AI, IoT, robotics, machine
example, DocuSign uses AI as the connective
learning) to create new value in business models,
tissue for all enterprise applications.
customer experiences, and capabilities that support its
core operations. Digital business has evolved into Internet of Things: This can help develop smart
more than selling online; it creates competitive products. The IoT is a link between objects in the
advantage. Digital business focuses more on how real world with the virtual world, thereby
technology allows companies to create new value and enabling anytime, anywhere connectivity for
experiences that differentiate companies and give anything. It allows all types of elements (sensors,
them a competitive edge over their peers. Therefore, actuators, personal electronic devices, laptops,
in order for an organization to undergo digital tablets, digital cameras, smart phones, alarm
transformation, it needs digital business. As systems, home appliances, industrial machines,
illustrated in Figure 2, a digital business model etc.) to autonomously interact with each other.
focuses on harnessing digital technologies to create a The goal of IoT is to integrate and automate
value proposition [5]. everything from home appliances to plants on
factory floors [7].
Digital business is not just about technology,
disruption or even business in the strict sense, but Digital Engineering: This transforms customer
about people and processes. It is business with a journeys, enabling the rapid innovation that
people-centric or customer-centric view, whereby launches new brands and industry-first
digital technology is used to enable people technology that resets customer expectations.
(customers, employees, managers, partners, vendors, Digital strategy: A strategy is a document that
etc.) to succeed, optimize all business functions, and explains “why” and “how” you plan to reach your
make business more relevant and profitable. goals. Digital has the potential to drive revenue
Organizations, executives, and people use digital growth. Implementing an effective digital strategy
business to improve the ways they serve their across front-, middle- and back-office IT
customers, collaborate, and operate. Digital environments is crucial to staying relevant. A
transformation heavily depends heavily on a company must invest in technology projects that
company’s executive team to serve as inspirational will drive digital experiences and win, serve, and
leaders. retain customers. Organization culture can ensure
Digital business is changing the way organizations digital strategies thrive, because the progressive
use and think about technology. Most organizations internal cultures can help attract new talent and
go digital to achieve four things: flexibility, engage the existing team develop innovative
scalability, culture, and quality. digital solutions.
COMPONENTS AND ELEMENTS OF DIGITAL Common elements of a digital business that
BUSINESS differentiate digital from traditional processes include
To create a digital business requires the following [8]:
components: Use existing technologies
Artificial Intelligence: This is regarded as one of Embrace the concept
the most efficient methods in digital businesses. Explore new business models
Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer Use existing technologies to cut costs and provide
science that deals with designing intelligent a better customer experience.
computer systems that mimic human intelligence. Embrace the concept of digital transformation
Typically, AI systems demonstrate at least some

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50574 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 817
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Explore new business models that put customer Commerce website supports a variety of e-
experience at the center payment methods. With more and more people
Leveraging AI to improve customer experience shopping online than ever, e-commerce sales are
Capturing data to improve business intelligence rising yearly. Amazon is a good example of
online shop and e-commerce business. Without
digital technologies, the whole supply chain of
Digital business is mainly used in a context of digital
Amazon would disintegrate.
transformation, holistic business optimization,
disruption and integration/convergence. It is also Automotive Manufacturing: The traditional
about digital marketing, retail banking, ecommerce, business model in the automotive industry is
social business, etc. Home businesses can take shown in Figure 3 [11]. The automotive industry
advantage of digital technologies to reach thousands has created competitive advantages through
more customers than before. A variety of companies advances in the fields of mechanical and electrical
have entered the ecosystem, seeking opportunities engineering. Moving from the traditional to the
created by digital disruption and the application of digital business model gives the industry
digital business models. Typical applications of opportunities to create the autonomous cars of the
digital business are presented as follows. future. Some of the digital services that can be
Digital Marketing: According to the American encapsulated in cars may include insurance
services, travel suggestions, infotainment,
Marketing Association (2013), “Marketing is the
monitoring car diagnostics, driver health services,
activity, set of institutions, and processes for
etc. Some automotive companies like Ford, GM,
creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for Audi, BMW, Tesla, Nissan, and Mercedes-Benzs
customers, clients, partners, and society at large” have promised to deliver self-driving cars soon.
[9]. Marketing has always been about connecting EXAMPLES OF DIGITAL BUSINESSES
with your customers in the right place and at the Digital business platforms (DBPs) such as eBay,
right time. It is the technique by which businesses Google, and Uber Technologies have seen enormous
advertise their products and services to their growth. Amazon, Netflix, and Uber are some
customers. Offline marketing is not as effective as examples of digital businesses. These companies
it used to be. Digital marketing helps you reach a would have no business without the technologies of
larger audience than you could through the Internet.
traditional, offline methods. Digital marketing, Uber is a transportation technology that allows its
also known online marketing, is any form of users to ride from one place to another. It is
marketing that exists online, where customers digital business that allows customers to schedule
spend much of their time. It is the marketing a taxi online and view trips. It is a platform that
efforts that occur on the Internet as businesses uses GPS, mobile devices, and apps to connect
leverage digital channels such as search engines, people and drivers through the Internet. It has
social media, and email to connect with current transformed the taxi industry and offered low-cost
and prospective buyers [10]. Digital marketing is services to consumers. Figure 3 shows the Uber
experiencing tremendous growth and is no business model [3].
slowing down.
Netflix was primarily a DVD-rental company. It
Intelligent Business Automation: This offers
has switched from e-business to digital business.
one solution to this by allowing to quickly build
It uses technology to manage an inventory system
and deploy business applications that increase
and mail people CDs or DVDs. It provides the
business efficiency. Doing manual processes is
ability to consume movies and TV shows at any
extremely time-consuming and relatively slower
time or place.
than automated techniques. When the processes
are done manually, there are higher chances of Disney has switched from traditional business to a
mistakes. Digital transformation gradually shifts digital one. It provides many services and
away from manual processes toward a customer- improves the experience of the customers.
centric, technology-focused business model. Other popular digital businesses include [12]:
E-Commerce: Digital marketing and e- Social media and content marketing
commerce have completely changed the channels Web design
through which we reach and persuade customers. Online retail (clothing companies, online
If you are selling products, having an e- bakeries, bookstores, etc.)
Commerce website is necessary. Ensure your e- Drop-shipping

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50574 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 818
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Industry consulting CHALLENGES
Wedding planning There are some challenges we all face in the age of
Virtual assistants digital business. The real challenge is being digital.
Digital technologies are complex and are everywhere.
Digital-driven changes can be complex as well. The
Digital business design is about serving customers,
complexity, speed, and effectiveness of digital
creating unique value propositions, leveraging talent,
business models make it increasingly difficult for
achieving improvements in productivity, and
companies to master the challenges of transformation.
increasing profits [13]. Digital businesses require
This makes it difficult to convince senior
little effort to set up and manage. You build a
management that digital transformation is worth the
website, call it a platform, and you have a digital
effort and expense.
business. The cost of running a digital business is
relatively low. There is no risk involved in starting a Many organizations are in a nascent stage of
digital business. Other benefits of digital business developing a broad understanding of IT's potential.
include [12]: The success of the IT effort largely depends on
communicating the company’s strategy and enlisting
1. Automation: Digital businesses have one thing in
managers in making decisions about technology.
common: they automate everything.
Many organizations flounder here and they can
Digital businesses use technology to not only
overcome the hurdle by investing in digital literacy
automate business processes but also create new
value in their business models, customer experience,
and internal capabilities. For example, automating a CONCLUSION
customer service will provide the consumers of that A digital business is one that uses technology to sell
sector with high-quality information and support. to its customers. Digital business has become the
need of the hour for all types of businesses. No
2. Enhances Productivity: Automating manual
business will escape the impact of emerging digital
processes has a huge impact because everything
business models and disruptive technologies. In the
will be done with the help of robots and thereby
global community that is obsessed with all things
minimize mistakes.
smart and mobile, businesses that fail to keep pace
3. Lower Operational Costs: The ultimate aim of with the latest digital technologies will soon become
any business is to save time and money. irrelevant. Various megatrends as well as digital
Digitalizing the organization will be more technological trends will change the digital business
efficient and less expensive. modes of the future. Business leaders must adopt a
4. Governance and Reliability: The automated mindset and embrace perpetual change.
services are very consistent, enabling the user to Digital business is still evolving. Digital Business
rely on them. Reliability is now the digital World Congress brings together inspiring speakers,
transformation imperative. global influencers and authorities, who discuss
5. Better Decision Making: When the information different roles, industries, and technologies from the
is analyzed, it will help transform it into current digital revolution perspective. It is an ideal
knowledge which helps in making better forum for executive leaders who want to understand
decisions. the digital economy and new business models.

6. Better Engage Customers: Digital business It is a great advantage to have a degree in digital
reinvents how to interact with their customers, business that covers emerging technologies in depth.
employees and partners. It enables the business to The digital industry is actively seeking professionals
generate new growth, meaningful differentiation, who are proficient in digital technologies along with
and real economic value. marketing skills. Several educational institutions are
now offering courses on digital business and allowing
7. People-centricity and Humanization: It is student to specialized in this cutting-edge field. More
important to put people at the center of your information about digital business can be found in the
technology strategy. Nothing works when we books in [15-25] and the following related journal:
ignore that human element. We cannot do Digital Business.
business if we cannot be “human” and inefficient
at the same time. Since we are not robots, we REFERENCES
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50574 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 820
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

World of Traditional Business World of Digital Business

Stable environment Dynamic environment
Low level of competition High level of competition
Certainty Uncertainty

Business Strategy Business Strategy

Business Processes
Relatively simple and static business processes
Limited ways of doing business
Business Processes

Dynamic, IT-based business processes

Multiple ways of doing business
Figure 1 Comparing the traditional way of doing business with digital business [4].

Figure 2 Digital business model – How digital transforms value [5].

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50574 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 821
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Figure 3 How Uber has different sided platform models [3].

Figure 4 The traditional business model in the car industry [11].

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50574 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 822

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