Violence Capstone Syllabus

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18 Suramer Term 2010 MAW 10:66 am to Location: CH 187 FOuG 9 invest gating and conceptualizing, this course encourages active, sa motivated and empowered learners. Specifically students wi? study various forms of violence and analyze naw cultures and groups become more ori Students will probe social norms and practices to and the effects of various strategies. They vi encouraged or discouraged. + 2. Communication - Through writing, graphic and video production, students will enhance their capacity to communicate, to collaborate effectively with others in group work, and to be competent in appropriate communication technologies. Students will learn interviewin will learn experientially through interviewing leaders in the feid about to overcome violence and aoverty, and will produce oral and video: skits, 2 - Students will study a variety mnpacts people differentiy. They wi about vilence. Through earning about nd through written ret ity of belie they wi chen thelr appreciation for and Dd of the ‘complexity of responses to violence, inciucing the study of differences in ethnic and cultural perspectives, class, race, gender, sexual orientation, and al + 3.The Diversity of Human E: soups to understand how + 4. Ethics and Social Responsibility - Students will analyze how individuals have created wars and how they might create peaceful communities and famities. Students will expand their understanding of the impact of violence on culture and the value of individuals and their choices on society, bath intellectually and socially. Through study of viotence and strategies to decrease violence, they will expand their personal awareness of, and commitment to, ethical actions. Texts: > Canada, Geoffrey , Fist Stick Knife Gun, Beacon Press, 1995 > Eggers, Dave, What is tre What? Vintage Books, 2005 terviswing, The Renge of ersity Press, 2005 Gilligan, James, M.0., Violence, Our O Putnamy’s Sons, 1996 Turnbull, Colin M., THe Mountain People, Simon and Schuster. 1972 Ury, Willem, The Third Side, Penaui thy Epidemic and vy Additional recommended reading: Re ining se wot assigned of Eggers, Dave, What /s the What? Remaining sections not assigned Turnbull, Colin M., The Mourrtain pola, Ichn, Blumenshine, Amy, Tubesing, Donald and Yancey, Veie Them Home Help Them Heal, Pastoral care and ministry from war Prof, Cornel West, noted black scholar, on "Gangsterism of Amer, NVPLMRVCER feature Youth and Violence ~, Youth & Violence: Matia Lazu on Mobilization, UCLA re: youth incarceration Human Trafficking - Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) ~ rawa,org Main Learning Objectives By the end of the course students will: > recognize psychatagical and sociological theories an the violence > understand the background, history and current work of globally and iocatly > acquire and apply interview and data analysis skits > identify the reasons behind violence in cultures > apply theories to rea! fife situations of violence occurring in the local community and in the world. > analyze situations of violence in order to explore more peaceful resoiutions > synthesize information into a final presentation > compare strategies used in other cultures to violent situations in the US and evaluate their applicability Community Partner: Mercy Corps International ers in Port eopie build secure, pradu ercy Corps tums crisis inte oppor’ '5 toughes where intolerable conditions create an opening for profound transitions, and where hardwerking families have the chance to build something new. Mercy Core prog’ Of vivienice, which are often linked to a tack oF resources su equi fe with the negotiation tools and skills they Fequi 3 solutions to these complex issues. Community Partner Proiect Description During summer term we will familiarize ourselves with the work of Mercy Corps by exploring their website and by visiting their Action Center. We will support thelr work in conflict resoluvio @ political and histarical background of selected conflict eas and by interviewing people in the field who have developed strategies to The videotaped interviews will be to create video files wh will be presented to Mercy Corps and £0 the public In Finalareduct Using "Eikiminate” software, which is a platform for video conferencing and record you wilt research strategies to overcome violence in various areas of the worid, Teams of students will research political and cultural background of In the country of the interviewee. You wilt contact and set up interviews with selected people working with community based organizations to build peace in their regions. The be the interviews will be techniques and strategies they have found helpful violence in their countries and regions, The interviews will be video rec During the fast w reflections on strategies to overcor term you will present segments of the interviews anc your e violence to Mercy Corps and 6 the public Reading: The first few weeks of the course will be concentrated on readings to ground students in theories of violence and on research on the subject. In later weeks you will be working on interviews and preparing for presentations. Assigned readings are a basic introduction into the subject. They are Intended to lead to more in-depth readings on the “additional recommended readings” fist and to your own research into the topic. Background reading on the history of conflict and poittical conditions in particular countries witl be necessary to prepare for interviews. It is expected that students spend about 12 hours per week in work outside of class. ‘The schedule for reading assignments is heavier in the early weeks of the class and less in later weeks when more time will be required in preparing for and editing there will be wet! aifitudes and thoughts aba reauired participation tn ck questions, speak nents ai Class Participation: Some ways to participate include asking up in class discussions, demonstrating you have Gone reaciing assi preparing for interviews, Blackboard posts must make it obvious you have read the materials and must demonstrate original thinking, not just parvoting back readings. During the term we will be discussing some controversial subjects stout which people may have strong opinions, Our goal is to learn from each other, not to dehate, It is expected that everyone will show respect for other opinions, students, guests and instructors at ali times, 2, two students will sign up to be disc $ discussion leader your job is to read the ss discussions. ginning of the te day's reading assignments. reading assignments anc class will divide into tea 12 interviews. Each team will have the ponsibilty of researching the history and politics surrounding the person being interviewed and preparing questions for the interview their research on interviewee #1 on July 14 and m1 will present to the ek will conduct their interview on July 19 “Team 2 will present their research on interviewee #2 0n July 21 and will conduct their interview on July 26. Team 3 will present thefr research on interviewee #3 on July 28 and thelr interview on August 2. condi Final oral and video p ions are due August 9 Expectations and Gradina Standards: Particication and Attendance 20 points Leading class discussion 6 ooints Journal reftections (3 pts. each assignment) 24 points Presentation of Research on interviewee 25 points Final presentation 25 points ‘Total possible points = 100 Participation Points: If you let me know ahead of time that you are going to miss class, or email me the day that you miss class due to iliness or other urgent matter, it will be considered an excused absence and credited with one point for that day. You may do this twice. After that, no points will be received for participation unless you are actually in Class and contributing. It is also important that you arrive on time and stay the entire class period. Participation points start counting the second week of the term. A 92% or above 80% to 81% A. 90% to 91% CH 78% to 7 B+ 88% to 89% c 82% to B7% Class Courtes Cut of respect for me, our guest speakers and your classmates, 1 ask that you please abide by the following courtesies: + Arrive on time and ready to participate: Turn off cell phone ang other electror «Keep laptops off and closed; «IF you must text or otherwise use your elect classror vice noises, ase step outside the fent Conduct © html). Tt details your rights and res Portland State Community, Itis strongly en bttp:// and as a memb 2 student Disability accommodations ‘Accommodations are coliahorative efforts between students, facu! Disability Resource Center. Students with accommodations approved throug are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students wie believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through the DRC should contact the DRC immediately. Veterans’ Services We thank veterans for your service and welcome you as a valued member of our campus community. Ttis our goal to provide you with the highest quality education and a college experience which will serve you 2 lifetime. Portland State University has a long and proud tradition of providing quality educational services to Oregon's retuming veterans, In fact, PSU wes founded specifically to provide veterans returning from World War HI with a state-supported university in the Portland metro area. For more information about services to veterans, please contact PSU Veterans Services, 425 Smith Union, 503-725-3876,, Communications T enjoy communicating with students during the term and appreciate being updated on things outside of class that might impact your participation or the quality of your work, I think you will find that I am quite flexible if you communicate weil. Blackboard: 1 have set up Blackboard for this dass and will use it regularly for communication purposes. I will past assignments and your points there, as well 2s ‘general announcements for the class. You are responsible for knowing the information posted so, please check it daily! You may also communicate with each other via Blackboard. Email: Please use Blackboard to email me. 1 will check my email at least once a day and more often during the week. I will also use Blackboard to email you, so be sure to check it daily. Phone: I prefer communicating by email. However, if you have an emergency or ‘an urgent question, you can use my phone number: 503-231-3354. ‘Appointments; I would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. Please contact me via email to set up an appointment. \| Introductions: Syllabus Review: Introdui Readings: Canada, Geoffrey, Fist Stick Knife Gun, Parts 1 and 2, pp. 1-103 Eggers, Dave, What is the What? Preface, Ch. 1-6, pp. 3-71 | Due: Reflection: How have I been affected by violence in my life? Z ‘ion to Mercy Corps 250 words minimum. 23 ‘to Mercy Corps Action Center | Meet at Action Center | | 28 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97204 | | _ | On red and blue MAX line —- jeek 2 _ = 6/28 | Examples of Violence in Sudan and the US: ( | | | Reading: | | | ist Stick Knife Gun, Part3, pp. 107-179 | What is the What? Ch. 7-11, pp. 72-142 | \ | Due: Week 1 journal entries : i (6/30 | What makes people violent? | | Readings: | Turnbull, Colin M., The Mountain People, Preface + Ch. 1-3, pp. 11-89 | | Ury, William, The Third Side, Intro + Ch. 1-2 weeks — + (7/5 | PSU Holiday — No class j 717 Are there alternatives? | | | Reading | | Third Side, Ch 3-4 | | Gillham, Bill, Research Interviewing, Ch. 1-9 | __| Due: Week 2 journal entries _ ‘| How can we stop being violent? | Readings: | | Third Side, Ch. 5, 7 + Conclusion | Research Interviewing, Ch. 10-18 Due: Week 3 journal entries _ 7/14 | Preparing for Interviews Readings: | Research Interviewing, Ch. 21-22, pp. 157-168 | Mountain People, Ch. 4-6, pp. 90-154 | Due: Team 1 presents research on interviewee #1 Week 5 = : 7/19 | Psychology of Violence Readings: ‘Mountain People, Ch. 7 and Ch.10, pp.155-182 and 234-264 Gilligan, Violence, Prologue + Part I (Ch. 1-3) pp. 1-85 Due: Week 4 journal entries Team i conducts interview . 7/24 | The “Germ Theory” of Violence | Readings: | Mountain People, Ch. 11-12, pp. 265-295 Violence, Part If (Ch. 4-5) pp. 96-136 Due: Team 2 presents research on interviewee #2_ Week6 7/26 | Poverty, Biology, Gender of Violence Readings: Violence, Ch. 8-10, pp. 191-267 Due: Week 5 journal entries ream 2 conducts interview 7/28 | Identity-Based Violence Readings: re: hate crimes against sexual minorities Due: Team 3 presents research on interviewee #3 _ Week 7 - ~ [8/2 Readings: Mazrui, The Africans, (handout), Intro + Ch. 14, pp. 275-293 Due: Week 6 journal entries __Team 3 conducts interview a 8/4 ‘Strategies to Overcome Violence Discussion of strategies learned from interviews _ Week 8 a _ _ 8/9 ‘Student Presentations Due: Written outlines of presentations _ _ 8/11 | Wrap-Up, Course Evaluations Due: Final reflections paper

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