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26 AUG 2021

To :
MIWr> YOUR f'IAWWERS Subject : Kevin ,,
'Mind Your Manners' is about guiding oneself into
Hi Edwin,
behaving well and proper so that your behaviour Have you heard about Kevin's accident? I met hisl
is socially acceptable. You know how to behave uncle who told me that Kevin suffered a broken wrist.
so that you will not embarrass yourself or cause Kevin was riding a motorcycle to his tuition class when
others to feel uncomfortable. The book also tells he hit a dog and lost control of the motorcycle. Let's visit
stories and anecdotes that can educate children him this Saturday afternoon after our football practice.
indirectly. fJeU

4 The book provides

A interesting and educational stories for
Jeff is asking Edwin
. .
A to JOm him for football practice.
children. B about Kevin's condition.
B stories on the disadvantages of C to visit Kevin with him.
behaving well. --+-

C useful guidelines on how to have good Alisya,

etiquette. My grandmother had a fall this morning so
my family and I are leaving for Skudai now. I'm
sorry that I could not join you and Fariz to go J
Traditional Games Festival , bowling as planned. I guess you need to find a
28th August - 31 st August 2021 replacement for me. I think you can ask Julia. She
Tapak Ekspo SeberanJ Jaya often goes bowling with her brothers, therefore \
she is good at it.
Take part in Enjoy Free Entry into
competitions Interactive various
RM 10 per games Food and drink
person RM 2 per outlets 7. Alisya has been asked to
• 'Wau· nying person Jin, A cancel the game for Eleena .
• Top spinning • 'Galah B go bowling with Fariz.
• 'Sepak raga panjang C request Julia to Eleena.
bu Iatan· • ·seremban·
• ·congkak'
'Cutie Cats' offers:
Organised by: basic grooming and conditioning
Performance Arts Club. Universiry Science of tick treatment and prevention
Malaysia hotel stay (only up to 10 at a time) _,,,,__
5. Visitors to the festival can Reasonable fee for each service provided
A get the experience to play a game for Contact: Tina 019 2138990 or
B gain some knowledge about traditional Come to No. 322, Lorong 4,
games. Taman Kempas, Kulim
C win prizes at the food and drinks
outlets. 8. The services provided by 'Cutie Cats'
A benefit busy pet owners.
B are limited to ten cats.
C include the daily care of a cat.
PT3 Q9 - Q16

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.

For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Last Sunday, I attended a traditional Malay dance class (0) .at the first time. I never
had any formal dance lessons before, so I felt quite nervous. When I (1) � at the
dance studio , there were already some girls (2) .waits_. They were also beginners like
me. It was a small class of only ten students. The dance instructor, Puan Azah said that
(3) h.e.r wanted to guide everyone personally and it would be difficult to do if there were
too many in the class. She also stressed that a good dancer should be able to perform
(4) graceful. The first dance we were going to learn, the 'inang' dance was originally
(5) � court dance before becoming a folk dance, enjoyed and performed by all
individuals. She said the dance steps were not difficult to master and the slow music
would enable new learners to move in rhythm easily. Then, she demonstrated each
(6) � of the dance for us to follow. After that, she played the music so we could learn
how to practise the various dance steps. At the end of the class, we really had a great time
and enjoyed (7) QULS. very much. Now, I am already looking forward to learn the 'Joget',
(8) wb.Q.m is a fast-paced dance with a catchy beat.

(8 marks]

PT3 Q17 - Q24

Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 8. J..:i'm,Ffft!fJa G?sJ
Herita9e Preservation: The Resplendent GlortJ
Aida used to love watching her grandmother and her aunt doing the 'tekat benang emas' or
gold thread embroidery during her weekly visits to her house. She began to show interest in the
craft although she knew that the craft work needed patience and perseverance before a design
could be completed.
As Aida grew older, her passion for the craft also grew. She started working with simple
designs. Aida had to be cautious when doing the task because of the expensive materials used in
the embroidery work. She would focus on her work so every strand of the thread must be carefully
woven. After painstakingly running the needle through the material and delicately smoothing the
gold thread for weeks, the completed piece looked silky and shiny. The gold thread gleamed in
vivid contrast against the bright velvet, the fabric normally used as based of the embroidery, giving
self-satisfaction to the embroider.
After her SPM, Aida, together with her aunt, has been involved in the craft business full time.
They now own a shop aptly called The Resplendent Glory, referring to the gold as well as flowers
chosen for motifs. They sell small souvenirs and take orders for wedding packages. Aida has also
started giving demonstrations and workshops to visitors who wish to learn the basic skills of the
handicraft. Doing the crafts on their own lets them understand and experience the tedious process.
In addition, Aida also trains any individuals who wish to be skilful in the craft.
In Malaysia, this 'tekat emas' craft is a unique tradition in Kuala Kangsar, the royal town
in Perak. For the future, Aida hopes that more steps should be taken in preserving the heritage
involving the craft.
(Adapted from

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
Heritage Preservation : The Resplendent Glory I
This person plays a big role in crafting Aida's future 11
An embroider has to be careful in doing her job. Why? 2.
How does a completed piece of the gold embroidery
3. -
look like?
Who is Aida's business partner? 4. - - -- --
The shop was named based on these objects. 5. - -
One of the services provided by Aida. 6. ----
The royal town where 'tekat emas' is associated to. 7. - I
Aida's wish for the future. 8. •I
PT3 QZS - Q34

-- -
Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 10. L.5 3.1.2, 3.1.3

A Dream Comes True ------ \���

Jon has always loves music. His parents noticed his interest and he was sent to learn music
at an early age. At seven, he was able to play the piano quite well. Now as a teenager, he is able \ .,
to play the guitar and a drum, too. At school, he is a well-known boy because he has often been
called either to perform on his own or to provide accompanying music for his friends' songs.
Although Jon is a good student, he has the habit of drumming his fingers most of the time. l
It can be annoying to some of his friends and teachers, especially his Mathematics teacher Puan
Maznah. She often calls out, "Jon, please stop drumming your fingers!" To Jon, music is his passion.
It allows him to escape into a world of his own and sometimes, Jon is actually trying to compose his
own music.
Every day, after completing his homework and doing some revisions, Jon usually plays the
piano and his guitar. A few friends will come and stay just to listen to him playing the instruments.
Some of them can play the guitars, too. Jon hopes that there will be a teacher who has music interest
like him so they can start to form a music club. He has heard that some schools have music clubs
which members learn to play traditional music instruments like 'kompang' and 'gamelan' or 'cak
lempong'. Having the club will help students to enhance their musical talents and hone their skills
in playing an instrument.
Last Monday, Jon felt so bored and sleepy. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon so he
closed his eyes and slipped into a reverie where everyone in the class was playing a music instrument
or singing songs. He was so lost in his dream that he did not hear Mrs. Kavitha was actually talking
to him, "Hello, Earth to Jon... " Laughter filled the room and Jon could feel all eyes were on him. He
felt so guilty that he kept apologising to Mrs. Kavitha. Luckily, she was in a good mood. He escaped
punishment that day, instead he became topic of the lesson during the last few minutes before class
was dismissed. Mrs. Kavitha asked the class about a number of idiomatic expressions which they
had to form sentences with.
As she was leaving the class, Mrs. Kavitha told Jon that the Principal wished to see him
after school. Jon wondered whether the teachers thought he was really a nuisance and reported
his behaviour in class to her. It turned out that she wanted Jon to help Puan Norlida, the teacher
advisor for The Arts and Culture Club of the school. She has proposed for a 'Kompang' group so
the school can get the group to perform during special functions. He would be a member as well as
t' the person in charge of the group because of his music knowledge. He was so overjoyed that he
nearly shouted before he realised he was in front of the Principal. It looked like somehow his dream
r had turned out to be a reality!
Now, the 'kompang' group is often invited to perform at other schools and also for wedding
t.� ceremonies. It is really an experience that Jon will always keep as a memory.

'&'- ,
� 4'7_,,_ ....L.
46,i• \
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

1. Jon's parents sent him to--------------------'-- at an early age.

fl mark]
2. Jon can play an instrument like the--------------�---- when
he was seven years old.
fl mark]
3. Puan Maznah finds that Jon's habit of---------------'-------­
disturbs her.
fl mark]
4. The audience who listen to Jon playing his musical instruments are----'-------­
------------------- from school.
_[1 mark]
5. Jon is hoping for a ____________________ who can share his
interest in Music.
fl mark]
6. Mrs. Kavitha told Jon to see the school ___________________
just before she left his class.
fl mark]
7. Jon felt so happy that he nearly shouted because his ________.;________
____________________ had come true.
fl mark]
8. Besides performing at schools, the 'kompang' group of Jon's school has often been invited to
perform at ___________________
fl mark]

Questions 9 and 10
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word
[1 mark]
9. feeling slightly angry

10. pleasant thoughts I [1 mark]

[10 marks]
PT3 Q35 - Q40

You are going to read about a story about Renuga.

Six sentences have been removed from the story. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap
(1 - 6). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. For each question, blacken the
correct answer (A - H) on your answer sheet. 4!--:CH·W


Renuga used to live in Korea for 3 years when she was studying for her degree at one l
of the universities. At the beginning of her stay, she would often crave for 'nasi lemak' and l
'curry' for breakfast. After a while, she attempted a few Korean dishes and consequently,
Renuga has grown fond of the food especially 'kimchi'.
I I1 I While the most popular type is the spicy kimchi made of cabbage, there
are also certain types of kimchi which are not spicy. Most Koreans eat it at nearly every
meal and kimchi is also a main ingredient in many other Korean dishes. The vegetables
mainly used to make kimchi are usually Napa cabbage or Korean radish. 2 I I IThe

condiments used can be chili powder, garlic, fish sauce, scallions, ginger and various other
seasonings, depending on their availability during the making procedures.
After all the vegetables have been thoroughly mixed with the condiments, they are

I packed tightly into airtight containers. 3 The containers will be opened daily
I to check on the maturity of the kimchi as well as releasing the gas from the fermentation
process. When the kimchi is ripe enough, it is best to store the kimchi in the fridge.
Kimchi is a very versatile food. Renuga likes to have it together with hot rice or
noodles. Sometimes she makes kimchi into soup or simply eats the kimchi on its own.

I Besides its great taste, kimchi is said to have some health benefits. 5 Eating
I kimchi helps in producing radiant skin, shiny hair, lowering the level of cholesterol and
l helping the person to lose weight.
! These days, it is so easy for Renuga to find Korean food in Malaysia. J_6�1--�
l She can have the dish of her choice and feels she is transported back to Korea again. ,
A Then, they are left to sit at room temperature for one to five days.
B The air at room temperature will make kimchi to be fermented well.
C The cool temperature will prevent the kimchi from becoming over fermented.
D Whenever she misses Korean food, she can always go to the many Korean restaurants.
E Kimchi is a famous traditional side dish made of salted and fermented vegetables.
F During fermentation process, kimchi traps more air.
G Firstly, these vegetables will be cleaned, chopped and coated with a mixture of ingredients.
H Due to the fermentation process, kimchi contains good bacteria and probiotics

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For each question, blacken the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

-eong1<alulafion..:1 Family Day

on the arrival of your The Tok Chat's aan
new twin baby girls on
20th April 2021 : 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
They surely bring joy at
and happiness into Lata Rambong
your hfe! Let us enjoy ourselves just for the day:
good company, tasty food,
fun games, cool dip.
1. Carol sent the card to a friend
See you there!
A who is getting married.
B because she envies her friend's twins.
C to share her happiness on the arrival
of the babies.
3. Those attending the family day can
A enjoy themselves for a whole day.
Dear Fara,
B have a swim in the river.
I'm sorry to hear that Fiza has to be admitted. C check in at a hotel there.
Jo, Karen and I are going to visit her this
afternoon. Do take care of yourself, too. Surely
your Mum will be at wits' end if both her 7ari <;emalai Fine Arts Presenting
daughters are sick . Be seeing you, bye! Classical Dance Performances
Enjoy liuely music and elegant moues

2. Siti and her friends are

19th Sept 2021 and 20th Sept 2021
3 p.m. and 8.30 p.m.
Dewan Budaya Shah Alam
A visiting Fara at home. TicRets : RM40 and RMSS
\( � For booRing, call: -
B going to the hospital. �� • •
' - 011 3442112
C worried about Fara's mother. Joyce - 013 3799877
, .. • '·

4. The organiser of the dance performance

A gives off free tickets to those who book
B wants to promote modern dances.
C offers discounted tickets for students.
Dear Meera,
We have a tough time choosing a winner Sorry as I couldn't wait for you. I've to
out of more than 700 photographs! get home early because Mom has to meet
Congratulations to Puan Hasni and her someone and she insisted that I'm at home
15 year-old daughter, Hanani for winning to be with my younger brother. I'll be free
our Mother/ Daughter lookalike contest. in the late afternoon. I'll go to your house
They win a 5-day / 4-night stay at Sense so we can continue the discussion on how to
Hotel, Penang. Thank you to everyone for go about doing our class project. No need to
ask Pinat to come. We can just tell her the
submitting your entries. Happy Mother's
part she has to do. See you later!

5. The Mother /Daughter lookalike contest

A is an annual Mother's Day event.
B has received a little response. 7. The discussion on the class project
C requires participants to send pictures
A only involves Meera and Shanti.
B will be at Shanti's house.
of themselves.
C is the first one.

To :
-=-----------' Dr. Andy Tang, a top motivational
From :I
speaker is the special guest for this
one-day course!
Subject : I Grandpa's Birthday
Hi Lian, BO El.EVA a
Mom and Uncle Ken are preparing for ,roSV 'SSS
Grandpa's 80th birthday celebration in a YOU RAV
fortnight. As your family is in lpoh, Mom said -ro Al,£
your father can help in the invitation of the THE S TAI
guests which can be made through emails and
phone calls. She'll contact him later. It is going to Students, it's free but only to the first
be a grand occasion held at Hotel Two Seasons, twenty. Come and register at
Klang. It will be nice to be able to see you there Kelab Rekreasi Bintang,
since it has been quite some time that we see 12, Tingkat 1, Jalan Pasar, Rawang.
each other. Bye for now. or call Ms Zura- 012 3343899
1(/ei, 1(/ei, Course fee :- RM50.00

6. Wei Wei and Lian 8. The course is organised

A are close friends. A for people who wish to improve
B have not met for some time. themselves.
C will help to prepare for Grandpa's B based on first come first served.
birthday. C only for limited number of people.
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Traditional games, whether played indoors (0) and outdoors can be an enjoyable
pastime for children. Even adults can have fun playing 'congkak' (1) whQ needs one to
have swift movements (2) h.ut the ability to make quick mental calculation. Playing
'batu seremban', also known as 'selambut' (3) requiring a skill in tossing a small pebble
upwards, grabbing a few other pebbles spread on a flat surface before (4) caught back
the one tossed upwards. Outdoor games can be a challenge of physical fitness if you want
to play 'teng teng' or 'galah panjang'. Jumping on one leg from one box (5) at another
is necessary when you play 'teng teng' while in 'galah panjang', you must (6) ran fast
to escape from being touched (7) a member from the opponents' team. Indeed,
children nowadays should be introduced to these traditional games to gain benefits which
(8) � for mental alertness and physical fitness.

0 \or

Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 8 •"·IMP:ftlfu

Now Everyone Can Fly!

It was Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, the entrepreneur who first introduced the budget
no-frills airline into the country. In 2001, at the age of 37, Fernandes made his move into
airlines by snapping up AirAsia, an existing Government-owned airline that had run up large
debts. The price? One ringgit!
Tony Fernandes had his own childhood dream. After his graduation from the London
School of Economics, he worked for Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Group in which an
airline industry was also part of its company.
Determined to succeed, Fernandes had no qualm in investing his money into the
ailing airline. He said that it was all about ideas, passion and implementation. Rebranding
the name, clever marketing and making use of digital technologies were among successful
strategies to promote the airline. Starting with domestic flights, AirAsia has now spread into
international destinations. AirAsia Xis a long-haul budget airline dealing with ticket flights to
United States of America, Australia, Europe and Asian countries. It has grown into a leading
low-cost carrier in the South East Asia region, serving various destinations in countries all
over the world.
Indeed, Tan Sri Tony Fernandes as the CEO has moulded AirAsia into one of the biggest
business success stories. Using the tagline, 'Now everyone can fly!', it provides opportunities
for people to get cheap, affordable flights to any destination of their dreams.

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
What do people associate AirAsia with? 1.

The name of college where Fernandes studied. 2. -

The cost to buy the problematic company. 3. - ---
State two actions carried out for the success
of AirAsia. (HOTS)

It is a long-haul budget airline. 6.

The reason more people can travel to various 7.

destinations in the world.

T he motto used by AirAsia. 8.

Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 10. LS 3.1.2, 3.1.3

Love or Hate?
I have read about a certain old man being interviewed that none of his eight children
ever come to visit him. Another paralysed old woman was left at a budget hotel where the
staff there had been more caring than her own relatives. There are many others staying in
old folks' home around the country with similar predicament. Apparently, it is a fact that a
number of these elderly people have been abandoned by their own children who think it is
troublesome in carrying out their obligation.
Most elderly people who are sick or bedridden definitely cannot manage themselves.
They need personal care and attention which cannot be provided by working children. After
some time, children will feel that it is a burden to them especially if they have been working
the whole day. Yet, they do not earn enough to hire a maid or a caretaker and the old folks'
institution can be the best solution. At least, someone there should be able to care for the
elderly person.
Some old people are simply fussy or just being difficult. They cannot get along with
everyone and argue over nothing. Understanding children may not have any qualms about
this issue but other sensitive members of the family can get irritated. A solution needs to be
found and old folks' home seems to help in solving the problem.
However, some children just think that it is pay back time. Some of the old folks' residents
had been bad parents who had neglected their children. Thus, there is nothing that bonds
them together. Poverty and attitude can be cited as reasons why these people have been
abandoned but I think an important fact to be considered is the lack of love. When love is
missing in the relationship between those children and the parents, there will be no guilt,
sympathy or any sense of responsibility. Love forms a life-time bonding between children
and parents for them to go through difficult phases accordingly. These loving people usually
have great patience in putting up with any bad situation till the end comes for them to say

Answer the questions below.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
1. The woman left at a budget hotel became the concern of ___________
[1 mark]
2. The writer cited that children who abandoned their parents felt it was a burden in carrying

[1 mark]
3. Why can't most elderly people manage themselves? ___________
[1 mark]
4. The children cannot hire a maid or helper because they do not ____.;..______
[1 mark]
5. The old folks' home can be the best solution because someone there can care for
[1 mark]
6. Sometimes the habits and attitude of an old person can make others feel
[1 mark]
7. Some old folks' residents know that they have been abandoned because they themselves
had ___________ [1 mark]

8. The writer believes that ___________ plays a role in bonding the relationship
between children and their parents.
[1 mark]

Questions 9 and 10
Complete the table below with a word/ram the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word i
[1 mark]
9. circumstance
[1 mark]
10. invalid

to Treasure

Nonetheless, the kites have now become beautiful works of

arts with elaborate and intricate designs made by skilful craftsmen. These kites which are made
for decorative purposes come in various sizes, materials and designs.

© Penerbitan Pefangi Sdn. Bhd. 14

You are going to read a letter about Yu/i's experience.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap
(1 - 6). There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use.
33, Jalan Citra, I

Bandung, 40115,

Dearest Dayana,
I1I I I hope everybody is well after the hectic week in preparation for the
wedding. My family and I arrived home safely two days ago. All of us were grateful for
the kindness and hospitality of your family. Everyone enjoyed the wedding and the trip to
Your sister's wedding was very simple but memorable. I2 I She was just
lovely as well as elegant during the reception afterwards. The food served was marvelous. I
love the 'biryani' rice and the spicy chicken very much. The curry mee, the durian porridge
and the various local cakes were really delicious. I felt so full because I had eaten so much
that day! I3I I
The trip to Langkawi was exciting. It was my first experience to take the cable car
ride because I am afraid of heights. The ride was a bit scary for me but I love the view
from the top of Gunung Mat Cincang. 4 j I Mom was a chocolate lover and she was
thrilled to see all those chocolates! She bought a lot of them, for herself and her f iends

here! However, she was not very interested in the cookware. I 5 I I

I think it is enough from me. Thanks again for the wonderful time we had there.
I hope you and your family will have the opportunity to visit us here in the future. I

I6I I Goodbye for now, my dear.

Your loving friend, I:
\ � )
A It was magnificent.
B Luckily, I didn't get any stomach pain.
C I thought the food was just a waste!
D The bride looked so radiant during the solemnisation ceremony.
E They were just pots and pans.
F They would certainly be bulky and heavy to be transported home.
How are you and your family now?
I'll be looking forward to the day soon. I
4. The book reveals
A all the secrets to follow if you want to Dad,
live to the age 100. I know you want to keep the compound
B about healthy food that can be found of the house clean but burning the dried
around the world. leaves is not good for the surrounding
C some interesting facts on how some area. You are contributing to air pollution
people lead their lives. all around and our neighbours may not
like it, too!
You should put the leaves into large plastic
KL Car Free Morning bags, instead.
Mark your 2021 calendar for a healthy weekend Your son,
and take part in the Go Green KL Car-Free �
Morning. The event is scheduled to be on
the first and third Sunday of each month and
everyone can cycle, jog, walk or even skate 7.Nathan's father
on major streets of Kuala Lumpur Golden �, A is advised to stop doing open burning.
Triangle. Don't miss this BIG LIVELY Sunday B wants to place the leaves into rubbish
morning! Together, let's support the Go Green bins.
campaign! C does not like his neighbours
5. Participants will
A support the Go Green event if they miss \
the event.
B ride motorcycles along the main GUNUNG :JERAI �%
streets of Kuala Lumpur. For ti,
C be able to join the Sunday event twice 2. D ays first e
N1%t camp Nature 50
a month.

To :
Subject : Thank you!
My school had a successful Environment Week that ended
yesterday. I'm grateful to you for giving me ideas on the
activities that I can carry out during the week. Thank you
Get closer to nature by joining this
very much for suggesting the gardening activity which the camp at Gunung Jerai
students enjoyed participating. Open for both kids and adults
Interesting and exciting activities for
6. Ashley is © Ca{[/Contact:
tl'n> A in the same school as Rihanna.
B grateful to her friend's suggestions.
'l(Jtrimafi 012 434 2121 orjeraitopcamp@emailcom
for cost ana 600/<jng aetai{s
C organising a green campaign.

8. The nature camp is

A not giving any discount.
B organised for 50 participants.
C suitable for a family
PT3 Q9 - Q16

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.

For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.
It was Monday morning and the principal (0) is. giving his weekly speech during
the assembly. I suddenly felt so weak and slid to the floor. When I opened (1) illf. eyes,
I was lying on a bed, at the hospital. My body temperature was (2) dl.e.c.k and a blood
sample was taken. Based on the high temperature and my other symptoms, the doctor
suspected me of having dengue fever. It could only be confirmed after the blood test
showed positive result. Meanwhile, I had to be admitted (3) tu a ward. I was given an
IV drip and some medicine (4) wh.o..s..e. made me sleep. It was a relief as I woke up a few
hours, feeling much better. The next day, my body temperature was back to normal and all
my (5) headache were gone. The result of my blood sample was also negative for dengue,
so I was able to be discharged. However, (6) a doctor gave me a two-day medical leave
for me to be well-rested before going back to school. I did not know whether the fever
was a curse or a blessing in disguise as I had missed (7) .sit for my trial examination.
Nevertheless, I have learnt that it is more important to take care of your health (8) fill
being sick makes you helpless and dependent on others.

[8 marks]
0 I was

PT3 Q17 - Q24

Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 8. LS 3.l.1, 3.1.2

Fitness Coach 'Copy Cathy'

Katijah was still in school when the reality show 'The Biggest Loser' made its debut. It
became one of her favourite programmes to watch and she enjoyed watching the two trainers,
Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels. Although she was more on the plump side rather than obese,
Katijah became inspired in eating healthy food and doing the work-outs.
At school, Katijah started to get involved in sports. She worked her way to be one of
the top 20 finishers in the cross country event at school and showed her talent in becoming a
goal-shooter in netball. As she began to lose her fat, she took part in more track events.
Her good performance in sports enabled Katijah to further her studies in Sports Science.
During her last year at the university, she shared her past experiences when she was at school
on social media. Calling herself 'Copy Cathy', her intention was asking the young people with
similar problems as hers to follow her ways. Besides sharing personal experiences, Katijah also
shared healthy menus and fitness tips. Within six months, 'Copy Cathy' had gathered almost
ten thousands followers!
Now, Katijah is working at a famous gymnasium as a fitness coach. She helps individuals
who come to the Fit Forever Gym either to lose weight or just to train them to exercise the
right way. Quite a number of them know that she is 'Copy Cathy' and want her to continue
making more videos that would encourage other people to achieve their goals.
Katijah really loves her job as she gets to meet people from all walks of life. Her working
hours are flexible and she has the advantage to workout anytime she wants. She hopes to gain
more working experience before venturing out as a personal trainer on her own. Her dream?
Definitely to have her own fitness studio.

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
Fitness Coach 'Copy Cathy'

Inspiration from a famous TV series. 1.

A game she first played at school. 2.
Her field of study at university. 3.

Her name as known on social media. 4. lI

Her place of work. 5. II
Types of working hours. 6. f
Her future goals. 7. to be I
8. to own I

PT3 Q25 - Q34

Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 10.

( The Unsung Heroes

Aunt Kalsum is my neighbour who is active in joining clean-up programmes. Every first Sunday of the
month, she and her friends, together with some other volunteers will be at beaches where the organiser has
decided to carry out the work.
"Aunt Kalsum, may my friends and I join you for the clean-up programme this weekend?" I asked her.
"Of course, Sheila. We would be glad to have as many volunteers as we can. This Sunday we'll be
going to Pantai Merdeka in Sungai Petani. It's quite far so I think you and your friends need permission from
your parents first," she replied.
"Alright, I'll tell my friends about it. How do we go to the place?" I asked again.
"Not to worry. We always carpool. Just confirm the number of your friends who want to take part," Aunt
Kalsum said.
That Sunday morning, we arrived at,the beach at 7.30 after travelling for almost half an-hour. We were
divided into small groups and assigned the areas that each group needed to cover. Then, we were given
plastic bags and gloves. We were asked to collect all trash even small pieces like cigarette butts and sweet
wrappers. The garbage bags were to be sent to a few collection stations along the beach. Everyone was
to gather again at the same place by 9.30 a.m.
I followed the other members to the far side of the beach and we began doing our job. We separated
the recyclable items like plastic and glass bottles into one bag whereas other rubbish was placed into another.
Everyone was busy picking up the rubbish until we were satisfied that the area was very clean. When we
finished, it was almost time to get back to the place where we first assembled.
As we were having the refreshments provided for us, I took the opportunity to get to know other
volunteers. Most of them were also first timers like me. We agreed that the cleaning programme was a good
effort to see cleaner beaches and reduce sea pollution. The representative of the organising committee also
thanked everyone for a job well done. My friends and I were happy to be able to take part in this community
event. Our contribution might be small but it did have some advantages to the people involved as well as
to the environment.

Answer the questions below.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

1. Aunt Kalsum is involved in beach clean-up programme on the __________

______________ of every month.
[1 mark]
2. Sheila and her friends would be going to ______________ in Sungai
Petani with Aunt Kalsum.
[1 mark]
3. Their journey by ______________ took almost 30 minutes.
[1 mark]
4. They collected ______________ of trash like cigarette butts and sweet
[1 mark]
5. Plastic and glass bottles were ______________ so, the volunteers had
to separate them.
[1 mark]
6. The volunteers assembled again at the place at __________;_____ after
doing their job.
[1 mark]
7. There were ______________ for all those taking part to regain their
[1 mark]
8. Sheila and her friends thought that the ______________ would benefit
from their small contribution.

Questions 9 and 10
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word

9. ascertain I [1 mark]

[1 mark]
10. food and drinks
PT3 Q35 - Q40

You are going to read a story about a camping trip .

Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap
(1 - 6). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

: Faizul and his twin brother, Faizal have always love trekking, hiking and biking for :
:I a few years now. lI
: One day, a friend called Faizul about a trip up Mount Yong Yap, the 6th highest :
l point in Peninsular Malaysia, standing at 2168-meter-high. 1 I I IIt is said to have
one of the toughest trails in the peninsular which triggered the interest of the twins. On
the day of the trip, the two brothers met with the other members of the group. They had !
been waiting for the day to come after weeks of preparation for the hiking experience. :
2 I
Everyone seemed to be excited, ready to take on the challenge yet, feeling nervous
with the knowledge that the jungles are still home to wild animals such as tigers and
elephants. 3 I I INevertheless, the thought of conquering one more mountain peak
gave everyone the drive and motivation.
They started following the trail which was gradually ascending up the mountain.
They went across streams but getting wet was not an issue at all. Along the trek, they also
' had to tackle thorny trees, fallen trunks, slippery moss and sharp bamboos.
4I I
Consequently, they had to rest now and then especially when the terrain was getting steeper.
As they climbed up higher and higher, they could see other mountains surrounding
Mount Yong Yap. They were eager to reach the summit which they managed to finally arrive
in the late afternoon of the second day. 5 I
"congratulations, everybodys!" someone
shouted. "Hey, let's take the group photos with other mountain as the backgrounds," said
the leader. Happy faces were seen all around them.
"Being in the wilderness of Mount Yong Yap will never feel the same as trekking
in other mountains," said Faizal. Knowing the risks they had taken in hiking the mountain,
victory made them proud of themselves. 6
, shared with family and friends.
it was an experience that would be
A They were so tired to celebrate their success.
B There have been a few fatal attacks and one person has been missing without trace.
C The mountain is located along the states of Perak and Kelantan.
D All of them felt so thrilled and ecstatic.
E Everything was so challenging!
F They went jogging and did their workouts to increase stamina and endurance.
G The trek was very difficult to climb.
H They needed to have continuous effort, determination and persistence in achieving the final

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.

Protein is an essential nutrient which Q : Dear Doctor,

is important to the body. Children need I am a 15 year-old boy. I would like to know how
protein to grow up healthily. A deficiency I can lead a healthy litestyle. My parents and
in protein can have a bad effect to the teachers are not the people I can ask because
growth of their bodies. Protein can be I think they also have not much knowledge
found in both plant and animal-based about this matter.
food which can be easily available in our A : There are many tips that you should do in order
country. to lead a healthy lifestyle. Basically, it lies on
practising the following 5 steps. The food you
1. Some of the plant and animal-based food eat every day should be balanced and you
are must also exercise.You can jog, cycle or swim
A milk, fish and legumes. at least three times a week. It is good to sleep
B soy drinks, nuts and grains. for 6-8 hours at night and you have to avoid
C meat, carrots and tomatoes. having too much stress. The most important
step is to avoid taking toxic substances such
as cigarettes, drugs or alcohol.
According to a health expert, snoring
can lead to sleep apnoea which causes 4. To be healthy, a person has to
the snorer to stop breathing for up to ten A study a lot of important things.
seconds at a time during sleep. Apnoea B avoid doing many things.
can lead to high blood pressure and early C carry out good habits continuously.
2. What are the effects of snoring?
• • • • • • • • • • • •
A Sleeplessness How Often Should You Get a General
B Health problems Health Check-up?

C Being overweight • • • • • • • • • • • •
In the past, a person is advised to get an annual
medical check-up if you do not have any health
Want to escape the hustle problems. However, there is a current opinion
and bustle of the city? that you should do a periodical assessment of
Too much work? Come
every five years if you are in the age range of
and visit our resort by the
18 - 39. It is necessary for those aged 40 to have
sea. Have a relaxing time,
medical examinations done every one to three
enjoying yourselves on the
white, sandy beach! years thereafter.

5. A 45-year old man should go for a medical

3. The resort promises you check up
A that you will enjoy the sandy beach. A annually.
B that you cannot escape the city. B every one to three years.
C a relaxing and enjoyable vacation by C three times in a year.
the sea.
: I ��=�
: I 1
/ loin our 1 0 . 000 steps a 1 ,000
day Campaign
_ 0

Subject : I Healthy Eating , ' Registration fee : Free •••••'S ,

i Meeting point : Stadium '
Dear Dr. Mazlin, = Kelana. Butterworth ' I
I would like to invite you to give a / Time•730am ="�h�\
talk on healthy eating for the benefits
of students aged 13 to 17. The talk is
organised by the Science Club as one of 7. The campaign is to encourage the public
the activities for the Co-curriculum of the to
school. It will be on Wednesday, 24th April A count their steps.
at 2 p.m. Please inform me if the date B lead an active life.
given here is not available and do provide C walk around themselves.
us a date based on your schedule. Your
presence at SM I< Batu Pauh, Manjung
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Fat, Oil. Salts
and Sweets
Betty Chandran
(Sec. of Science Club) ....

6. The students in SMK Batu Pauh will get Eat More

Fruits and
an opportunity to
A attend to a talk about good and bad rains and
Eat Most
food to eat. •··:.
.. -:,'\

B listen to Dr. Mazlin's speech on her

career as a doctor. 8. The food pyramid guides people
C be a member of the Science Club. A to take only vegetables and fruits.
B who want to cook their own food.
C in eating a balanced diet.
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.

A Healthy Lifestyle
There are many ways on how people can (0) le.d a healthy lifestyle. If you want to
be fit and well, (1) :}mllr should maintain a healthy weight, eat a balanced diet and do
physical exercises. You also (2) needed to consume more fruits and vegetables instead
of rice and noodles. Drinking a lot of water (3) .ar:.e. necessary and reducing the intake
of carbonated drinks, coffee and sugar can be beneficial. It requires some discipline to
exercise (4) regular. Thus, you have to get moving and stay active. It is also important to
relax. Stress is bad to the mind and the body. (5) Getting a good night sleep so you can
feel revitalise when you wake up. In addition, go for a medical check-up (6) b.u.t if there is
any disease, it can be detected (7) in an early stage. Practising a healthy lifestyle means
making changes to your bad habits and to be consistent in doing them. The rewards
(8) � worth all the effort being made.

0 I lead

Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 8.
Why I Enjoy Gardening
My mother loves gardening as a hobby. She has a small vegetable plot at the back
of our house whereas the flower pots are in front. Mother will always ask me to help her
in weeding or watering the plants. After some time, I realise that I have become fond of the
plants and will do the chores without being asked.
Mother has a collection of orchids in various colours. The plants are hanged under a
tree near the porch. I watch the plants grow and both of us can feel the satisfaction when
we see the orchids start to flower. It is a calming sight to see all those colourful blooms
hanging in their pots. They really make the house looks beautiful and cheerful.
I enjoy gardening when it is harvesting time for the vegetables. I pull out the mature
kale and spinach and cut the chives. There are ladies' fingers and chillies, too. Mother will
also give some of the vegetables to our neighbours. The taste of fresh vegetables is different
from those bought from the market.
I find that gardening is a good way to exercise, both for the body and for the mind.
Gardening teaches me patience and responsibility, too. It is a recreational way in which
people can use to have fun and relax. Start your own garden and you will know the feeling
and the difference that gardening can do to you.

Complete the following table.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
Why I Enjoy Gardening

In which part of the house is the location of the 1.

vegetable plot?

Tasks the writer do

Plant for decorative purposes 4.

Vegetables planted

Benefits of gardening
Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 10.

Let's Save the Earth!

Being an environmental-friendly person means you are

concerned with what is happening to the Earth. You would want to do
things that can help to protect the Earth instead of damaging it. You
need to pick up ways that can contribute towards conservation of the
Earth. Going green needs some effort but it will benefit the Earth and
everyone on it. Here are some of the ways which you can do.
Just follow the 3Rs which will not be that difficult. Buy things like
biscuits, dish-cleaning detergents or instant coffee in refill packages
so you can reuse the old containers at home. You can make use of
these plastic and glass containers as vases, flower pots for handicraft projects. If you are
not that artistic to turn the containers into works of art, just recycle them. Recycle things by
sending them to a nearby recycling centre.
Reduce is what most of you can do. Reduce energy by using energy saving bulbs. You
can also save energy by switching off and pulling out the sockets of unused appliances.
Increasing the temperature of the air-conditioners or to only switching them on very hot days
will achieve the same objective. Reduce the use of water by taking short showers and using
rain water to water the plants. Saving energy and water means you can save money, too.
One other thing you can reduce is plastic. Reduce the use of plastic bags, containers and
even straws. It is good if you can stop using them and try to find other possible alternatives.
Everyone should be consistent in doing their part to save the Earth from further
destruction. The future generation needs a better environment-clean surrounding, fresh air
and safe water supply.

Answer the questions below.

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.
1. People who pick up a lifestyle that help to save the Earth are ___________
[1 mark]
2. To go green needs a person to put in ___________
[1 mark]
3. You need to be creative and artistic if you want to reuse plastic in ___________
[1 mark]
4. Reduce the use of electricity by buying ___________
[1 mark]
5. One of the ways of conserving water is by ___________
[1 mark]
6. If you can reduce the use of energy and water, it means you -------=-------
[1 mark]
7. What can you do to reduce the use of plastic bags? ___________
[1 mark]
8. Environmentalists are helping towards a better environment for the----'--------
[1 mark]

Questions 9 and 10
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word i
9. preservation I [1 mark]

10. possibilities I
[1 mark]

Practice 3
Read the text below and answer questions 1 - 10.

(/ Work Out Your Way

Everyone knows that doing exercises will be a great advantage to their
bodies. Physical exercises can be relaxing thus, improving their mood and
make them more energetic. Doing regular exercises certainly benefits
people of all ages, male and female by improving their physical abilities.
It will help them to control their weight and to reduce the risks of getting
stroke and diseases such as diabetes. As exercising can be an enjoyable
activity, there will be less stress and anxiety which can be a boost for
mental health.
Most people lead a sedentary life at work and when they go home,
they spend more time in front of the television. They have to make some
changes in their daily routine if they are concerned about their health. As a start, they can use
the stairs instead of lifts or escalators. They can also park their cars further from the places
they want to go and continue to walk towards their destinations. Walking 10,000 steps is a
recommended way to stay healthy if people cannot make time to do real exercises due to time
There are many other kinds of activities for people who want to be active. However,
they need to check with the doctor first if they have not exercised for some time. They can
ask the doctor for the types of exercises that are suitable to their ages so there will not be any
complications later on. Swimming is fun but they have to go to a swimming pool or to the beach.
Unless they have a swimming pool at home, going to the public pool can be quite a hassle. Cycling
is becoming popular but a bicycle is a must. The easiest way will be to invest in a pair of good
running shoes and go jogging, running or brisk walking. They get to enjoy the surrounding view
and may meet new people, too!

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 32

You are going to read a process of making a drink.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap
(1- 6). There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use.

, ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' I


I love to drink all kinds of fruit juice. The juice is refreshing as well as healthy. I love
pineapple juice but mango juice is the best. During the mango season, I will be making it
daily for the whole family. It is not that difficult to prepare my own mango juice like the
one I usually order from the shop. 1 I I I In this regard, remember to always do the
cleaning up afterwards so no one will complain about the condition of the kitchen.
Let me share with you how I make my own mango drink. 2 I I IThe milk
makes a healthier drink but you can go without it. First, peel the mango. Take a slice of the
mango, cut it into small cubes and put them aside. 3 I I I Next, add in about two
tablespoons of sugar. You can put in more sugar if you want a sweeter drink. Then, pour
in a glass of iced water and squeeze in half a lemon juice. 4 I I I
After that, add a
glass of unsweetened milk, either UHT or evaporated. Blend again and if the mixture is too 1

thick, just add in more water or milk depending on your preference. The juice is ready to
be served.
l -s---,-1---,1 Take the mango cubes and place them carefully into the
drinks. Finally, put a scoop of vanilla ice cream, if you have any. This is just optional.
I Making your own is more economical if you wish to entertain your friends. You
I will also feel the satisfaction that the juice you have prepared has more flavour as well as
I being hygienically prepared.
\ I

A Blend the mango until fine.

B Finally, you can enjoy the drink especially on a hot day.
C Everybody can take a drink.
D Pour into tall glasses and put in some ice cubes.
E Slice the remaining mango into chunks and place them into a blender.
F Prepare all the ingredients needed.
G You need a ripe mango, some sugar, milk, and lime juice.
H What you need are the ingredients and some effort.

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