Global Warming

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GLOBAL WARMING Global warming refers to an increase in the Earths average surface air temperature.

Global warming and cooling in themselves are not necessarily bad, since the Earth has gone through cycles of temperature change many times. However, as used today, global warming usually means a fast, unnatural increase that is enough to cause the expected climate conditions to change rapidly. The first cause of global warming is industrialization. The fact that global warming started at the 19th century, which is when industrialization started, showing the relation between industrialization and global warming. Two aspect of industrialization that increases global warming are fossil fuel combustion, and deforestation. These fuels, during their combustion, tend to release a tremendous amount of greenhouse effects gases, especially CO2. During the Industrial Revolution, people began to use coal and, later, petroleum, to heat cities and run machines. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a by-product of burning both coal and oil, began to increase. Since then, levels of carbon dioxide have risen, methane concentrations (coming from riceelds, landlls, and leaks of natural gas) have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations (another by-product of oil) have gone up by about 15 percent. Some chemicals invented by humans, like chlorouorocarbons, are also greenhouse gases. What can we do to reduce this problem? It is the question that appears in the mind of every people nowadays. First, the laws involving the environment can be strengthen to make sure that our environment is being taking care. Other than that, the programme about reducing global warming can be improved to make our people nowadays become more concern so that we can make our life better. These increases have a giant effect on weather, climate zones, plants and animals, sea life, glaciers and river flow. In response, our planet has been changing with warming winds and rising seas. The planet has heavier downpours now but also deeper droughts. Down into the temperate zone, change is rearranging the boundaries of life. The plants and animals with whom we share the planet are adapting and moving -- some even going extinct -- because they have no choice. We, six billion humans are being affected, too. Coastal towns are suffering from rising sea level. However, we have choices to make to help correct and ameliorate global warming. This is a story of frightening scale and and great urgency that is just beginning to be told. (400 words)

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