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20. Types of dehydration and its management?

21. ORS?
22. Cows milk protein allergy?
23. Write 5 causes of hepatomegaly and splenomegaly?
24. Short notes on neonatal cholestasis?
25. What is peptic ulcer disease? What are the types and clinical features? Discuss
management ?
26. What isn upper GI bleeding? What are the causes and management ?
27. What is ascites ?what are the clinical features and management?
28. What is inflammatory bowel disease? Difference between crohns and ulcerative
29. What are the causes of acute abdominal pain?
30. What is liver function tests ?what are the parameters involved in it?


6 Marks
1. Define suture materials? What are the types of suture materials?
2. Explain briefly about the types of abdominal incision.
3. Discuss briefly about the classification, signs & symptoms, management of
4. Briefly explain about any 3 types of Suture materials.
5. Write about the classification of Suture needles.
6. Explain about Gowning techniques.
7. Explain about Gloving techniques.
8. Write about the basic surgical instrument – with one comments on each.
9. What are the methods of tourniquet application?

3 Marks
1. Mention the uses of suture?
2. Define the term Anastomosis?
3. Define the term Dissection?
4. Define the term splitting?
5. Define the term ligation?
6. Mention the duties of Surgical Assistants.
7. Define endoscopic procedures?
8. Expand the following surgical procedures.
a) SSG b) MRM c) I&D d) CABG
9. Define surgical incision?
10. Mention the indication of tourniquet.

6 Marks
1. Write short notes on DVT and its prophylaxis.
2. Explain about Dermoid cyst.
3. Write about Malignant melanoma.
4. Explain the classification of burns.
5. Write briefly about the Squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity.
6. Explain briefly about the salivary gland tumors.
7. Write about the diagnosis, clinical features and surgical management of Varicose
8. Define wound? Write about the classification of surgical wound?
9. Mention the complication of wound healing.
10. General instructions for the wound dressings.
11. What are the factors affecting wound healing.

12. Mention the complication of pulmonary embolism.
13. Write short note on thyrotoxicosis.
14. Define pulmonary embolism- etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
15. Difference between acute abscess and ruptured aneurysm.
16. Write briefly about TB Lymphadenitis.
17. Mention the risk factors for development of surgical site infection.
18. What are the contraindications of thrombolytic therapy?
19. Write the Comparison of primary and secondary lymph edema.
20. Write about the classification of hand infection.

3 Marks
1. Define dermoid cyst.
2. Define sebaceous cyst.
3. Define carbuncle and mention its clinical features.
4. What is ARDS?
5. What is Reynaud’s disease?
6. Differentiate between keloid and scar.
7. What is compartment syndrome?
8. Define cellulites? Mention the common sites.
9. What are the causes of cold abscess?
10. What are the instruments present in Suture tray?
11. What is the classification of aneurysm?
12. What is amoebic colitis?
13. What are the wound care methods?
14. Define thyroglossal cyst.
15. What is Ischial abscess?

1. Define peptic ulcer. Discuss briefly about the causes, diagnosis and management
of complicated peptic ulcer.
2. Discuss the clinical presentation, investigation and management of Carcinoma
3. Discuss the staging, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Carcinoma
4. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and management of urinary tract infection.
5. What is acute appendicitis? Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and its

6 Marks
1. Write about the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of fistula in ano.
2. Write about pyloric stenosis.
3. Methods of blood loss management.
4. What is the role of CT scan in abdominal trauma?
5. Explain benign prostatic hyperplasia.
6. Discuss briefly about the post operative care of surgical patients.
7. What are the advantages of minimal access surgery?
8. Write briefly about the fibroadenoma of breast.
9. Write short note on GERD.
10. What are the pre operative surgical checklists?
11. What is the pre operative care of a patient posted for major abdominal surgery?
12. Write a brief note on inguinal, umbilical and femoral hernia.
13. Write briefly about the pre and post operative care of tracheostomy patient.
14. Write about the congenital anomalies of head and neck.
15. Write about the tracheostomy surgical procedure.
16. Discuss the various types of incisions used in surgery of breast.
17. Differentiate between Extra Dural Hemorrhage and Sub Dural Hemorrhage.

18. Explain briefly about the classification of abscess.
19. Explain briefly about the classification of ulcer.
20. Write about the clinical examination of ulcer.
21. Write a short note on treatment of diabetic foot ulcer.
22. Explain Glasgow coma scale.

3 Marks
1. Write about ano rectal abscess.
2. Write about umbilical hernia.
3. Write about hiatus hernia.
4. Write about acute cholecystitis.
5. Write about the classification of jaundice.
6. What is laminoectomy?
7. What are the indications of tracheostomy?
8. What is epigastic hernia?
9. Mention the types of skin grafting.
10. Define urinary retention.
11. What are the ano rectal disorders?
12. What is BBH?
13. Write about ESWL.
14. Enumerate the surgical positioning.
15. Complication of positioning.
16. What is craniotomy and cranioplasty?
17. What are the types of aneurysm?
18. What are the common urological procedures?
19. What is the surgical step for circumcision?
20. Write any 2 difference between arterial and venous ulcer.
21. Define lymph edema.
22. Mention the causes of thromboplebitis.
23. Define grave’s disease.

1. Describe the basic equipments needed for endotracheal intubations?
2. What is endotracheal intubation? What are the steps involved in techniques of
3. Adult – basic life support algorithm.

6 Marks
1. Discuss the ASA physical status classification.
2. Write about the NPO guidelines for elective surgery.
3. What are the indications for endotracheal intubation?
4. What are the common problems encountered in recovery room?
5. How do you confirm tracheal placement of ETT.
6. What are the complications of laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation?
7. What are the components of IV line therapy? Mention the importance of each.
8. How will you sterile the anesthesiaequipments?
9. Explain briefly about the surgical safety checklist followed inside the OT?
10. Write ASA recommend monitoring for general and regional anesthesia?
11. Write about the criteria for the patient discharge from PACU (modified alders
score) ?
12. Write about the functions of Boyle’s machine.
13. What are the requirements of anesthesia breathing system?
14. What is laryngoscope? Mention its indications and types of laryngoscopes blades
15. Define face mask. Mentions its types and available sizes.
16. What are the indications of control venous access?
17. Write about the components of AMBU bag?

18. Preparation of emergency intubation tray?
19. What are the steps involved in surgical hand wash?
20. Mention the personal protective equipments and describe the role in infection
21. Write in detail about hospital waste segregations?
22. Pre-operative anesthesia safety checklist?
23. Differentiate between crystalloids and colloids.
24. Compositions of crystalloids.
25. Mention the equipments used in difficult airway patients with one comments on

3 Marks
1. Write about WTG Morton.
2. Write about august bier.
3. Mention the duties of the anesthetic team?
4. Mention the purpose of anesthesia?
5. Mention the common routes of drug administration.
6. Mention two common sites for monitoring IBP.
7. What are the available IV venflon sizes with color coding?
8. Name the two ideal sites for vein puncture?
9. Name any two induction and opioid drugs?
10. What are the available sizes of Ryle’s tube with color coding?
11. Mention the triad of general anesthesia?
12. Draw ET tube and label its parts.
13. What are the available sizes of spinal needle with color coding?
14. Difference between spinal and epidural anesthesia.
15. Define breathing system?
16. Write short note on brain circuit?
17. Write about the JRM circuit?
18. Mention the indication of oropharyngeal airway.
19. Define an airway. With examples?
20. How to attach ECG electrodes?
21. Name the sites of measuring spo2?
22. Mention any two emergency drugs used in cardiac arrest?
23. Mention the indication for tracheostomy?
24. Define CSSD?
25. Define nosocomial infection?


UNIT – 1: Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynaecology
6 Marks
1. Classify Gestational trophoblastic Neoplasia. Write a note on choriocarcinoma.
2. Diagnosis of molar pregnancy. What is the treatment of molar pregnancy
3. Vertical transmission of HIV.
4. Diameters of fetal skull.

3 Marks
1. Draw parts of uterus.
2. What is TORCH infection? List 2 effects in pregnancy.

UNIT – 2 : Obstetrics
1. Classify Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Define pre-eclampsia. Discuss the
clinical features and pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia [2+1+4+3]


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