Narrative Writing Practice

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Narrative Writing

‘The quest’. Write a story with this title. You could try the following structure, and end on a cliff -

 Start in the middle of a situation and refer to the characters

 Convery information about their search through what the are doing and saying

 End with them seeing/finding something which may be what they are seeking.


We called him Stockholm for her possessed all the power to destroy and resurrect any living thing.
There was a problem and none of seemed to find the perfect solution for it. Behind those doors, was
a vault filled with 10 million tonnes of Gold hidden by ‘Priest’ in the 1700’s. The problem was that it
was built by barbarians and once it was opened and any living thing that stood close to it was
attacked by arrows and approached by some hungry pythons who hadn’t eating for almost 200
years. Fear creaked in and we no longer saw ourselves escaping from here alive. “If only we had the
machinery and weapons” , said Elisa who was trembling due to cold climate. We all stood there
desperately trying to find a solution till we heard a voice, it felt as if someone was screaming for his
life. With shock and fear, i Boston decided to go with a piece of rock and a catapult hoping it could
help do something. I listened carefully to the echoing voice and walked quietly so my steps were
never heard. To my dismay, it happened to be an old man who was desperately clinging onto the
edge of a rock. I asked him a few questions before i saved him. I found a rope lying aimlessly on the
group and tied up his hands with it. I wanted to explore this mysterious island which was also knows
as ‘The Island of the dead’. You may be asking yourself why did i get myself involved in this. Well it’s
obvious, its for the gold.

It all started when i was approached by Stockholm on a cold Friday night in my village, the village of
swords. He approached me with an offer and as an individual would do i rejected him because he
looked a bit crazy and wasn’t determined enough in my eyes. I walked closer to him and gazed at his
eyes, i could see fear, failure and a bit of determination. He spoke with a British accent but didn't
seem British at all. I took one last close at him and decided to accept the offer. I asked him, “What is
the probability that we will make it out alive , Stockholm”, he replied, “about a 50% chance”. I
looked him in eye and said, “Perfect! then, let’s do this”.He smiled at him and i gave him an evil grin.
He seems to handsome to be involved in a heist like this but who am i to judge. We drove to a
spooky warehouse and that's where i met them, my fellow heist members which later turned out to
be betrayers till the very end. It took us weeks to plan this and everyone seem determined. In our
crew, we had: Elise, a strong warrior that loves money than any thing in the world, Andre, a secret
assassin who loved to kill people and animals, Boston aka me, a young girl who fought for justice and
hated discrimination , Jason, a mysterious man who never spoke nor smiled, Stockholm, a
determined man who waned this to work out. “So this is the plan, we sail on a boat the Island of the
dead and keep the plan on mind” said Stockholm. We all nodded our heads and looked at each one
more time before we attempted our very 1st official heist.

We split up into our different groups and carried out our missions. Everything seemed to be going on
a smooth patch till curiosity made it way into the island. Elisa out of curiosity accidentally fell from
the edge of a rock and sustained a great injury the good thing about that was she was surrounded
with glittering, shiny gold that sparkled and reflected it beauty. We all thought the gold was behind
the doors but it was just beneath us. We all jumped unto the gold and screamed with joy and
happiness. Remember the man who had just been tied up earlier on, unfortunately due to our
foolishness and greed for gold he accidentally touched the vault and this led to pythons being
released and arrows being short My crew members took all the gold and ran for their lives while i
stood thee surrounded by hungry pythons and never ending arrow being shot directly to me. I began
to gasp for breath and finally just told myself to ‘RUN’. I run without looking back and found out
what we though was gold was actually golden eggs laid by the pythons. An evil grin spread across my
face and i saw myself at the end of a cliff. I looked beneath it and saw a stream of waterfall. I jumped
even though i knew all kinds of animals were going to be there. To my dismay, it sent me to another
world, a world where everyone smiles, food was displayed and gold just stood there for anyone to
take it. I heard the screams of my fellow crews and as i explore this other world i realized it all
seemed off and found myself standing between member of the ‘priest’ former crew who were
destined to kill me. I finally began to see everything unfold and saw Stockholm standing in front of
me with a cutlass ready to kill me...

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