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Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

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Fairness critically conditions the carbon budget allocation across countries

Keith Williges a, c, *, Lukas H. Meyer c, *, Karl W. Steininger a, b, Gottfried Kirchengast a, d
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz, Brandhofgasse 5, Graz A-8010, Austria
Department of Economics, University of Graz, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Graz A-8010, Austria
Department of Philosophy, University of Graz, Attemsgasse 25, Graz A-8010, Austria
Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Universitaetsplatz 5, Graz A-8010, Austria


Keywords: Countries’ nationally determined contributions to mitigate global warming translate to claims of country specific
Greenhouse gas mitigation shares of the remaining carbon budget. The remaining global budget is limited by the aim of staying well below
Fairness 2 ◦ C, however. Here we show how fairness concerns quantitatively condition the allocation of this global carbon
Climate justice
budget across countries. Minimal fairness requirements include securing basic needs, attributing historical re­
Basic needs
Historical emissions
sponsibility for past emissions, accounting for benefits from past emissions, and not exceeding countries’ soci­
Legitimate grandfathering etally feasible emission reduction rate. The argument in favor of taking into account these fairness concerns
reflects a critique of both simple equality- and sovereignty-principled reduction approaches, the former modelled
here as the equal-per-capita distribution from now on, the latter as prolonging the inequality of the status-quo
levels of emissions into the transformation period (considered a form of “grandfathering”). We find the option
most in line with fairness concerns to be a four-fold qualified version of the equal-per-capita approach that in­
corporates a limited form of grandfathering.

1. Introduction and more recently GCB distribution have been categorized based on
three equity principles (responsibility, capability, and equality) and
The global effort to restrict global warming in accord with the 1.5–2 their various combinations (Clarke et al., 2014). However, there exist

C goal of the Paris Agreement (UNFCCC, 2015) requires severely numerous approaches to each principle, and in some cases they are
limiting future global greenhouse gas emissions (Rockström et al., 2017; classified in such a way that belies their normative implications.
Rogelj et al., 2019; Rogelj et al., 2018; Xu and Ramanathan, 2017) and Recent work by (Dooley et al., 2021) brings the normative di­
has motivated a wide field of literature focused on how countries can mensions related to effort-sharing studies to the fore and emphasizes
define transformation pathways to achieve low-carbon goals by mid- that studies are currently lacking in a number of areas. The authors
century. Over time, a multitude of allocation mechanisms have been highlight a lack of clarity in definition of ethical principles behind
proposed, ranging from those which prolong the status quo, such as allocation mechanisms and conflicting or erroneous categorization of
grandfathering rules, constant emissions ratios, etc. to mechanisms mechanisms as major issues in current work. An example of such an
based on equality, ability to mitigate, or responsibility for past emissions error can be found in the varying classifications of two simple mecha­
(Pan et al., 2015). While these have predominately focused on defining nisms; namely per capita convergence (PCC) – analogous to “temporary
country emission pathways or targets, more recently, greater emphasis grandfathering” as described by Schuessler (2017, p. 158) or “contrac­
has been placed on distributions of a global carbon budget (GCB), tion and convergence” by Posner and Weisbach (2010) – and equal-per-
allowing for flexibility at the country level to determine the pathways capita (EPC) (Jamieson et al., 2001; Singer, 2004). EPC in its simplest
which fit within a given budget (van den Berg et al., 2020). form distributes a remaining carbon budget from the current point in
As the literature on methods to distribute the remaining carbon time until an end point (e.g. 2050) by allocating equal emissions to all
budget to reach Paris goals has evolved, the number and complexity of persons living in this period. By doing so it reflects an egalitarian un­
approaches has risen. Effort- (or burden-) sharing mechanisms devel­ derstanding of justice. PCC on the other hand derives an allocation of the
oped in the literature initially to create scenarios of pathway allocation remaining budget based on today’s unequal level of emissions (thus

* Corresponding authors at: Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz, Brandhofgasse 5, Graz A-8010, Austria (K. Williges); Department of
Philosophy, University of Graz, Attemsgasse 25, Graz A-8010, Austria (L.H. Meyer).
E-mail addresses: (K. Williges), (L.H. Meyer).
Received 18 December 2020; Received in revised form 19 January 2022; Accepted 28 January 2022
Available online 16 March 2022
0959-3780/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Table 1 Beginning with an analysis of the shortcomings of both simple

Effort-sharing approach categorization and description of allocation approaches mechanisms in terms of addressing equity principles, based on the
used in this study (based on (Höhne et al., 2014)). fairness literature, we identify three key aspects in which both ap­
IPCC Category Description Analogue in this work proaches are lacking, and suggest qualifications to address these issues.
Responsibility Use of historical emissions to Historical emissions
We propose a new metric for addressing a need-based equity component
derive future reduction goals qualification (Historical) by introducing an allocation based on fulfilling basic needs, emphasizing
Capability Disregarding causal and Basic needs qualification (N- those most vulnerable to climate change. Furthermore, we attempt to
moral responsibility, qualified) reconcile a possible justification for a limited form of grandfathering and
approaches relating
introduce a qualification which attempts to incorporate the one positive
mitigation goals to capability
(or capacity) to pay for – or aspect of such an approach, in line with the third guideline.
most efficiently to contribute Finally, we operationalize the theoretical discussion of both the
to – emissions reduction or simple forms of PCC and EPC and their fairness as well as feasibility
approaches aiming at qualifications. For that we argue for and rely on proxies. We do so by
securing people’s capability
of leading a sufficiently good
first quantifying the limit defined by the Paris Agreement by placing a
(decent) life. global constraint on the cumulative total anthropogenic carbon dioxide
Equality Allocation based on equal Equal per capita approach (CO2) emission budget from fossil fuels and industry over 2017 to 2050
emissions per person, (EPC simple) (34 years), our GCB. We adopt three GCB options which target the 1.5–2
applying current and/or ◦
C goal at different levels of ambition consistent with recent literature
future population projections
Responsibility, Includes approaches placing Basic needs, historical (Rockström et al., 2017; Rogelj et al., 2019; Rogelj et al., 2018; Xu and
capability, and emphasis on historical emissions, and benefits Ramanathan, 2017); all options assume that a limited budget of only
need responsibility, balanced with qualifications (NHB- about 100 GtCO2 remains for beyond 2050, i.e., humanity reaches net
capability and need for qualified); for EPC also zero emissions near mid-century so that sustainable anthropogenic so­
sustainable development reasonable burden limit
lutions for atmospheric CO2 removal (Griscom et al., 2017; Rogelj et al.,
qualification (NHBC-
qualified) 2019; Xu and Ramanathan, 2017) are not overstressed thereafter.
Equal cumulative Combines equality with Historical emissions and The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses budget allo­
per capita responsibility (cumulative benefits qualifications (HB- cation mechanisms from a perspective of fairness, beginning with dis­
accounting for historical qualified)
cussion of simple forms of PCC and EPC, identifying objections to these,
Staged approaches Differentiated commitments, Per capita convergence and suggesting possible remedies in the form of qualifications. Section 3
various stages, sectoral approach (PCC simple) outlines the methods by which we calculate the GCB and operationalize
approaches, or the mechanisms and qualifications from Section 2. Section 4 presents the
grandfathering approaches results and provides a sensitivity analysis of results to different param­
eterization, as well as isolates the magnitude of effects on countries of
favoring mainly wealthy, high-emitting countries) and population differing development, and Section 5 provides discussion and
shares, with convergence to an equal per capita distribution by the end conclusions.
of the budget period. While PCC (or as it is alternatively titled
‘contraction and convergence (CAC), particularly in pathway-based 2. Equity-based budget allocation to countries
allocation literature) is defined by some authors (e.g. (Pan et al.,
2015, 2014)) as being based on the status quo, others (such as Robiou du As introduced above, PCC simple means that we accept countries’
Pont et al. (2017) and Robiou du Pont and Meinshausen (2018)) classify current and very different levels of emissions together with population
such convergence towards EPC as addressing the equality principle. shares as the starting points for budget allocation, with convergence to
While the previous examples are drawn from pathway allocation liter­ an equal per capita distribution by the end of the budget period in 2050.
ature, they serve to demonstrate that neglecting to define the normative EPC simple means that while we also accept countries’ current levels of
reasoning behind an allocation mechanism and/or mislabeling it can emissions, we do not factor it in in our allocation but distribute the
lead to erroneous contributions misguiding or even obstructing progress remaining permissible emissions according to the EPC principle over
in further discourse. And as described in van den Berg et al. (2020) the 2017–2050.
pathway-based CAC and EPC mechanisms have analogous approaches When applying EPC to the distribution of the GBC among states, the
for determining emissions budget; which are defined with the same question arises: Should the populations of a specific (current or past)
equity principle in mind. year be used, i.e. assumed that for the purpose of the calculation the
Three main guidelines for future work on climate equity and dis­ population is fixed (option 1) or should the expected population
cussions on defining carbon budgets or emission pathways have been development in the period of transformation be relied on (option 2).
suggested by Dooley et al. (2021). The first is to make explicit the Normatively, the second option seems in line with the rationale of the
normative assumptions and positions taken in analysis. The second is to EPC, namely that every individual existing person should count equally
emphasize and acknowledge the need of those most vulnerable to the when it comes to allocation of the remaining permissible GBC. Against
effects of climate change, with the third being the emphasis on work the second option one could argue that expected population develop­
which “will clarify differences in interest or ethical positions, identify ment should not be relevant as states can (and should) change their
key issues of divergence, [and] suggest points of convergence.” (Dooley population policies and by doing so reduce their population. However,
et al., 2021). for the relevant period until 2050 states have close to no influence on the
With this work, we ground the derivation of allocation mechanisms development of the size of their population or at least not when they rely
for national carbon budgets firmly in the literature on fairness, with the on ethically acceptable policies (Bradshaw and Brook, 2014; Budolfson
aim of addressing the key issues highlighted by Dooley et al. (2021), and Spears, 2021). Against the first option, one could object that picking
with a focus particularly on the third. We accomplish this by deriving a any year might be unfair. If the EPC is given in terms of a current (or
set of allocation mechanisms for a remaining global carbon budget past) year, countries will effectively be disadvantaged depending on the
(GCB), making clear the equity principles underlying each stage of our current mix of ages of their populations (Singer, 2002). Based on these
approach. We first define two simple allocation mechanisms, namely considerations we find that option 2, namely the use of projections of
PCC and EPC as discussed above. population development for the period of transformation, is therefore
preferable for our analysis. To be sure, if the projection turns out to be

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

false (e.g. owing to a global catastrophe) countries which end up having Appendix B for a discussion of the increasing variation between ex­
a lower population than the initial projection are benefitted (since they pected and committed NDCs, and Fig. B.1. therein). As a result, the
have fewer people for the same emissions) and those with larger than implicit budgets of high-emitting countries far more closely resemble an
expected populations lose out. Thus, if the projection changes, this approach with grandfathering being given some weight rather than
should lead to a changed allocation of the GCB among countries. what would be expected had countries taken an EPC-based approach to
We follow a similar approach to Meinshausen et al. (2015) and determining contributions.
generalize allocation to a basic choice between PCC and EPC simple. EPC simple does not attribute normative force to the current levels of
Given this binary starting point, we address fairness concerns raised by emissions with respect to how the benefits and costs of transformation to
each allocation method and introduce qualifications corresponding to low-carbon society ought to be distributed. For that reason, EPC simple is
the stated equity principles and categories, as described in Table 1. This not open to the grandfathering objection in the way PCC is. However,
table also indicates how we integrate the principles available in the there is a different rationale for grandfathering relevant for qualifying
literature in our approach, thus enabling a consistent quantification of EPC which is discussed further in Section 2.3. Note that both PCC simple
their respective implications. and EPC simple take the status quo of highly unequal past levels of
In qualified versions of both approaches, we consider two concerns, emissions for granted.
securing the basic needs of all people and recognizing different historical Both approaches are open to criticism in terms of two central
responsibilities for past emissions and their consequences. These con­ normative dimensions of distributing the benefits and costs of the
cerns are arguably central to fairness. Both can be understood as mini­ transformation process. We suppose, first, that the process would be
mal requirements of fairness (Kolstad et al., 2014; Miller et al., 2020; unfair if it did not help to secure the basic well-being of all people (Barry,
White, 2021, sec. 2). For qualifying both the PCC and EPC approach, we 1995, pp. 61–67; Pogge, 2002, pp. 196–204). We further suppose, sec­
consider meeting these two concerns as fairness conditions for achieving ond, that the distribution would be unfair if it did not reflect a minimal
the goal of net zero emissions. The Paris Agreement can be interpreted to understanding of the differentiated historical responsibilities of the
reflect such a conditional understanding in Articles 2(2) and 4(1) agents—who we consider countries or states (Friman and Strandberg,
(reflecting the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities 2014; Meyer, 2013; Meyer and Sanklecha, 2017; Rajamani, 2000; Shue,
and as being based on equity and in the context of efforts to eradicate 20152015). These two dimensions lead to three specific objections to
poverty, respectively). both burden-sharing approaches, which we distinguish below.
We limit ourselves to these anthropocentric fairness concerns and do a. Because PCC simple implies a highly unequal per capita share of
not specifically address the moral claims of non-human animals and eco- emission rights for the period of transformation, it very likely imposes
systems. Emission reductions and reduced overall climate change effects high risks of frustrating the basic needs of very many people in devel­
are likely to be beneficial to non-human life forms also. However, if one oping and newly industrializing countries. This is also the likely impli­
were to take into account the claims of non-human animals and eco- cation of EPC simple: For countries with historically very low emissions,
systems, this might well require further and more drastic emission re­ an equal-per-capita share of the remaining global emissions might not
ductions and measures aimed at protecting these claims (Pörtner et al., suffice to generate conditions conducive to securing citizens’ basic
2021). needs. We assume the existence of a link between increased ability to
According to some interpretations the remaining IPCC category of fulfill basic needs (using the Human Development Index (HDI) as a
capability is not directly related to fairness concerns. However, we proxy) and emissions, at least in the past. For the transformation to a low
develop an understanding of capability that identifies a minimal fairness carbon society to be successful, the world will need to decouple the link
constraint for budget allocations relevant for both PCC and EPC. We will between meeting basic needs (and more generally, welfare) and carbon
finally propose a qualified version of EPC that additionally takes into emissions. Fig. C.3 in Appendix C illustrates the correlation between
account a burden limit on the countries’ emission reduction rate per rising levels of HDI and emissions in the recent past.
year, reflecting feasibility constraints. In developing this understanding, b. We have strong reasons to consider actors liable to know about the
we assume that an allocation of the remaining GCB that can be under­ harmful consequences of anthropogenic climate change since (at least)
stood to be fair is to be preferred over one that is subject to basic 1995 when the IPCC confirmed that anthropogenic emissions affect the
normative criticisms, all other considerations being equal. climate, with the IPCC 2nd Assessment Report being published in 1995,
the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entering
2.1. Shortcomings of simple mechanisms into force in 1994, and the Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997 (for dis­
cussion see e.g. (Gardiner, 2011; Kenehan et al., 2017; Sher, 2009).
Using a PCC simple approach in determining national budgets can be Neither PCC simple nor EPC simple address responsibility for having
understood to be problematic for the following reasons: caused emissions since 1995, but rather, view all emission-generating
We can characterize PCC simple as being a form of grandfathering. activities up to now as non-objectionable, and in the case of PCC sim­
First, it attributes legitimacy to the status quo of the highly unequal ple, grants higher shares of the remaining permissible emission rights to
attained levels of emissions. Second, it justifies fair shares relative to those countries that today emit most. Arguably, this is highly objec­
today’s highly unequal levels (for discussion see, e.g., Caney (2009, p. tionable especially for countries that already in 1995 had very high
127) and Jamieson (2005, p. 230). For the period of the transformation levels of emissions and have not substantively reduced – or have even
process PCC simple will imply highly unequal amounts of emissions per increased – their per capita emissions as a share of global emissions
capita and per country. Highly industrialized countries will have far (applying a production-based accounting approach of the 36 OECD
more emission rights in the transition period, thus they will very likely countries, 10 had increasing emissions from 1995 to 2015, while using a
realize many more benefits from emission-generating activities. No consumption-based approach 14 nations had such). According to PCC
justification is provided for prolonging this inequality beyond the fact simple countries that knowingly – and thus, arguably wrongfully (for
that countries happen to have reached highly unequal levels. discussion see, e.g., Butt et al. (2017) and Heyd et al. (2017)) – used
While grandfathering (prolonging the inequality of the status-quo more than their fair share will be allocated an even greater share of the
levels of emissions by allocating future allowances based on current budget. This objection rests on the notion that it is impermissible for
emission shares) is not explicitly supported by countries, we observe states to exceed their fair share of the remaining global permissible
that countries’ stated future emission levels (via Nationally Determined emissions since they were liable to know that limiting global emissions is
Contributions (NDCs)) – reflecting their implicit budget claims – are necessary for avoiding “dangerous climate change”.
closely correlated with current levels of emissions, in comparison to c. From the perspective of securing or maximizing human well-being,
their expected contributions if they followed an EPC approach (see what matters are not emissions as such, but the benefits that people

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

realize by engaging in activities that have emissions as their uninten­ allow for increased emissions by those states in greatest need, such
tional by-product (for discussion see, e.g., Meyer and Roser (2010) and implementation is more commonly found in literature on emission
Heyd (2017, pp. 34–40)). Importantly, many emission-generating ac­ pathway allocation. While it would be possible to delineate partial
tivities have long-term beneficial consequences: they benefit those who country budgets for different consecutive phases of the period of
carry them out but also future people. Accordingly, we suppose that transformation to climate neutrality, we focus here on budget alloca­
distributing the GCB aims at distributing (chances of realizing) benefits tions among countries for the whole period, leaving it to the countries
from emission-generating activities fairly among both currently living themselves how to use their budgets in the transformation period and
and future people (Meyer, 2013). By distributing shares of the GCB refraining from prescribing pathways to climate neutrality.
relative to today’s levels of emissions, neither PCC simple nor EPC simple As a proxy to indicate levels of well-being relevant for setting the
reflect why we care about emissions, nor do they take into account the sufficiency threshold (indicated in results as N-qualified for basic needs
received benefits from past emissions. As these benefits differ dramati­ qualification), we use the Human Development Index (HDI), a com­
cally, one can criticize both approaches as unfair for failing to account posite index of life expectancy, education, and per capita income, as
for this dimension of the normative significance of past emission- reported in an annual time series by the UN. This composite index is a
generating activities. This objection rests on the notion that from the proxy only. As (Doyal and Gough, 1991) point out composite indices
perspective of (distributive) justice the well-being impacts of emission- such as this do not account for the fact that basic needs are non-
generating activities matter, not emissions themselves. Emission- substitutable (e.g., having a long life without education and signifi­
generating activities have well-being impacts regardless of whether cant income does not get a person above the sufficiency threshold).
those carrying out these activities were liable to know about their effects Instead they propose specific social indicators for each of their pur­
and regardless of whether in carrying out these activities they stayed ported needs. At this point we do not see a possibility of operationalizing
within the limits of their fair share of the remaining permissible emis­ such an extensive and multifaceted measurement instrument.
sions or not. The resulting per capita emissions for 2015 relating to this HDI
Next, we show how one can respond to the objections common to threshold are taken as the per capita allocation for all countries with a
both PCC and EPC simple by introducing three qualifications. 2015 HDI at or below the threshold level as their initial emission
allowance, based on current population, for the first year of budget
2.2. Qualifying simple approaches to address fairness concerns allocation. Countries below the threshold are allocated an initial CO2
budget that suffices to cover emissions starting from this level.
a. Introducing a sufficiency threshold on the basis of HDI. This After having reduced the overall global budget until 2050 by the
responds to objection a. by introducing and operationalizing the idea total required emissions allocated in this way, only for the remaining
that all people have a priority claim to reach a sufficient threshold level global budget allocation – across all countries, including those with an
of well-being (for discussion see, e.g., Frankfurt (1997), Meyer et al. initial “below-HDI-allocation” – do we proceed ‘as normal’ (e.g., equal
(2009), Shields (2016)). In placing the threshold of sufficiency, we aim per capita or contraction and convergence). In a contraction and
at an approximation of what fulfilling basic needs requires (see Copp convergence allocation the “initially-below-HDI” countries are assigned
(1998) and Gough (2015)). That something is a basic need by itself a CO2 budget that could cover emissions starting from the basic needs
entails that it ought to be met, and that doing so matters more than threshold level in linear reduction to a global per capita equal emission
meeting non-basic needs or mere preferences (Braybrooke, 2014; by 2050.
Gough, 2015; Thomson, 2005). According to Copp (1998, p. 124), “[m] Low-emitting countries may actually find it preferable to immedi­
atters of basic needs are things anyone would require in some quantity ately build up a low carbon infrastructure and thus not utilize all of the
and in some form in order to avoid a blighted or harmed life” (see also emission budget they would be allocated, but instead sell some of their
(Doyal and Gough, 1991; Thomson, 2005; Wiggins and Dermen, 1987). would-be share of the budget to finance the build-up of this
Such an understanding implies material needs but is not necessarily infrastructure.
restricted to them (Anscombe, 1958; Kowarsch and Gösele, 2012). As shown in Table 1 this interpretation of the relevance of capability
The priority claim made above can be understood as an interpreta­ (capacity) differs from other interpretations discussed in the literature.
tion of the relevance of capability (or capacity). It focuses on people’s This study rests on neither the understanding that the greater an agent’s
capacity to lead a sufficiently good or decent life. Minimally this re­ capability to pay the greater the proportion of the costs they should bear
quires persons securely being able to satisfy their basic needs. When a (Moellendorf, 2014) (often referred to as the “ability-to-pay principle”)
person’s basic needs are not or not securely satisfied the person is nor on the understanding that the greater an agent’s capability to effi­
necessarily severely harmed: he or she is not able to autonomously ciently implement measures the greater the proportion of the efforts that
choose among valuable options open to her or him and to pursue them the agent should bear (which could be dubbed “ability-to-contribute“
with a chance of being successful in them (Meyer and Pölzler, 2022). We principle). While the (repeated) application of an ability-to-pay-
suppose that avoiding this can be understood as a requirement for principle is likely to lead to a reduction (and in the longer run elimi­
leading a minimally good life. If this is the case, the allocation of the nation) of the inequalities between states in terms of their ability to pay
remaining global carbon budget can count as fair only if all people have for solving the problem, this is not the case for ability-to-contribute. Its
a chance to lead a minimally good life. distributional implications are open. They depend on how the efficiency
Accordingly, we suppose that a fair allocation aims to distribute the gains are shared among all states. However, the ability-to-contribute
remaining permissible emissions among states in a way that all people understanding says nothing about how the gains ought to be shared. It
are likely to reach the basic-needs based sufficiency threshold. Only then aims at maximizing aggregative benefits from the remaining global
may the still-remaining permissible emissions be distributed. Budget carbon budget during the transformation to net-zero. Thus, neither the
levels are adjusted in two ways: First, we secure for all countries ability-to-pay nor the ability-to-contribute understandings by them­
currently below the threshold level the budget required for all in­ selves account for the priority of generating conditions under which all
habitants having the chance of reaching the threshold of well-being. countries are able to secure the basic needs of their peoples. On this
Second, we correspondingly reduce the unadjusted budgets of those ground they are open to the objection of not meeting the minimal fair­
countries with emission levels higher than required for reaching that ness condition reflecting securing basic needs of people.
level. While our approach is not the first to address distribution of Introducing a sufficiency threshold on the basis of HDI reflects an
emissions based on needs, and various approaches have been suggested understanding of the relevance of capability that aims at securing peo­
– particularly in literature relating to defining emissions pathways – ple’s capability of leading a sufficiently good (decent) life.
such as (den Elzen et al., 2006) which defines multi-stage approaches to b. Moving the point of accounting back. In response to objection

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

b., moving the point of contraction back to 1995 (indicated as a historical the capital stock may no longer be in operation or may have been
emissions qualification, in results indicated by H-qualified) (Friman and depreciated. To address this, a fractional proportion of capital stock
Strandberg, 2014; Gardiner, 2011; Gosseries, 2004) makes countries could be calculated based on an adjustment factor, the determination of
accountable for the emissions they caused since 1995, that is, since they which would necessarily be based on speculation. Due to such indeter­
were liable to know that limiting global emissions is necessary for minacy, we do not consider an adjustment factor in our calculation of
avoiding ”dangerous climate change” and that it is impermissible for the benefits received from past capital stock formation.
states to exceed their fair share of the remaining global permissible Second, benefits that current generations receive due to previous
emissions. Then countries effectively used up the emissions they caused activities connected to emissions will not be restricted to those gener­
since 1995 from their share of the remaining global permissible emis­ ated due to available infrastructure. The emission-based rise in past
sions. Such an approach of moving the point of accounting to a historical (economic) activities most often will also have raised aspects in other
year is widely-used in both budget and pathway allocation approaches dimensions relevant to current benefit, such as the institutional capac­
(e.g. (Lucas et al., 2020; van den Berg et al., 2020)) although the starting ity, education level, and knowledge (human capital) beyond what they
year of accounting can vary widely, from 1850 and the start of the in­ had otherwise been. Again, these aspects would be significantly more
dustrial revolution to the time of publication of the first IPCC report difficult to quantify, and involve a substantial portion of speculation.
(Gosseries, 2014). Also, ascribing a single point in time at which all However, as many of these aspects have a much larger likelihood and
countries were similarly knowledgeable or culpable for emissions is speed to spill-over to other countries and regions than they were initially
problematic as noted in Gardiner et al. (2016). In fact there has been an generated in (Grossman and Helpman, 1991; Romer, 1990), the benefits
increasing awareness over time (as documented in e.g. subsequent IPCC which arise tend to be available in a more equally dispersed way,
Assessment Reports) and access to information has not been uniform for reducing at least somewhat their relevance to base a divergent carbon
political agents. At this point we do not see a possibility of operation­ budget on. In contrast, the available infrastructure is not only a major
alizing the complexity of the issue. Instead we rely on the simple production factor in economic output, but is also clearly location spe­
assumption that at least since 1995 all countries were knowledgeable of cific. We thus consider (only) the infrastructure stock, yet acknowledge
the consequences of emissions and liable for future impacts due to such, both that doing so simplifies a complex issue and that doing so is likely
as discussed previously. Further, as shown in Fig. C.2 and discussed in to represent a lower bound for the divergency to be considered based on
the Results section, changing the reference year for historical emissions perceived benefits.
has little effect on the results for years between 1995 and 2005. Finally, using such a proxy relies on the adoption of what has been
c. Taking into account received benefits from past emissions. dubbed “isolationism”. Isolationists (such as by Jamieson et al. (2005),
Some of the emissions caused even before 1995 can be taken into ac­ Ott (2012), Singer et al. (2010), and Torpman (2021, 2019), among
count on the basis of the benefits that currently living people have and others) hold that we should consider the fair distribution of one good in
future people will have (designated as B-qualified i.e. benefits qualifica­ isolation from other goods and then, one after the other, qualify the
tion), owing to the long-term consequences of the activities that had distributions in light of what a fair distribution of other relevant goods
these emissions as their side-effect. We consider emissions embodied in requires, with the aim of determining an overall fair distribution. When
infrastructure available in 1995. This is to respond to objection c. it comes to the unequal shares of received benefits from pre-1995
From the perspective of distributive justice what counts are the well- emission-generating activities, isolationists hold that we should
being impacts of emission-generating activities for currently living and address the fair distribution of this good in isolation from other histor­
future people. For these people to realize the benefits caused by ically caused inequalities. Isolationists disregard these other issues for
emission-generating activities it does not matter whether those carrying the time being. Integrationists (e.g. Caney (2012), Margalioth and
out the activities were liable to know about these impacts or whether Rudich (2013), Posner and Weisbach (2010), and Roser and Seidel
they caused them by exceeding their fair share or not. We propose to (2016)), in contrast, argue that in distributing a good, we should
deduct the amount of pre-1995 emissions that were caused in generating consider all other goods relevant for an overall just distribution of
the received benefits among currently living and future people from the benefits and burdens; so they might argue that in addressing historically
beneficiaries’ shares of the remaining permissible emissions (for dis­ caused inequalities one should address all of them together.
cussion see, e.g., (Meyer and Roser (2010, pp. 233–240); Page (2012); Arguments against full integrationism reflect epistemic and
Heyd (2017, pp. 34–43)). In that way we account for the unequal con­ pragmatic-political concerns.
sequences of what can be considered wrongless past emissions (that Distributing a good in isolation from other goods is said to be more
agents caused while being non-culpably ignorant about their adverse tractable than the alternative in which we consider all the connections of
consequences) on the basis of the distributive principle of equal benefits this good with the unjust distributions of other goods (see, e.g. Meyer &
from emission-generating activities for currently living and future peo­ Roser (2006, p. 239)). In addition, the integrationist approach arguably
ple (see for further discussion on the distributive significance of conse­ fails to address the real-world conditions under which historically
quences of wrongless historical actions Meyer (2013)). caused inequalities are being negotiated. As Torpman (2019, p. 760)
As proxy to indicate benefits current generations receive due to writes, “[t]he political community will, plausibly, have an easier time
previous activities connected to emissions, we use the capital stock agreeing on one thing at a time, than agreeing on all of them at once.”
present in each country (covering the stock of buildings, infrastructure,
production facilities etc.) obtained from the Penn World Tables (Feen­ 2.3. Accounting for a reasonable burden limit
stra et al., 2015). As proxy for a lower bound on past emissions related to
this capital stock we use the average capital stock carbon footprint of While EPC simple does not imply grandfathering in the sense of
investments. This is calculated on the basis of Müller et al. (2013), who justifying unequal shares of the GCB relative to today’s highly unequal
estimated the carbon emissions embodied in global accumulated capital levels, it misses two points which arguably speak in favor of some
stock for the year 2008. limited version of grandfathering. The first is the argument that
This proxy warrants discussion in three dimensions. reducing emissions from a high to very low level in a short period of time
First, the argument could be made that instead of compensating is more costly, owing to the frustration of “legitimate expectations” of
directly for emissions embodied in capital stock, we should instead high emitters as such drastic reductions are likely to come with high
allocate the amount of emissions necessary today to provide the benefits costs of both adaptation and the substitution of or giving up of certain
of capital stock produced before 1995, e.g. as the emission intensity of goals; fairness requires taking into account these special costs (Meyer
industrial processes to produce such capital may likely have been and Sanklecha, 2014; Meyer and Truccone, 2022). Secondly, emission
reduced in the intervening time period. Additionally, some portion of reductions may be infeasible if they require a too high rate of reduction,

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Fig. 1. Three options for the global carbon budget 2017–2050 (GCB). Derived from five estimated ranges aiming for below 2 ◦ C at different levels of risk (orange
bars), based on a diversity of recently published estimates (Refs. left): (LB2C) a ‘likely below 2 ◦ C range’ in line with IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report Synthesis Report
as cited in (Rogelj et al., 2016); (T1.5C) a ‘target 1.5 ◦ C range’ in line with IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ◦ C cited as (Rogelj et al., 2018); (WB2C) a
‘well below 2 ◦ C range’ after (Rockström et al., 2017); (T1.5Cext) a ‘target 1.5 ◦ C extended range’ according to (Millar et al., 2017); (1.5-2C) a ‘1.5-to-2 ◦ C range’
following (Xu and Ramanathan, 2017). They informed our choice of the three GCB options used in this study (bottom), among which we chose the WB2C option with
a GCB of 700 GtCO2 as primary (boldfaced, red circle), since it was found to be the most plausible across all estimates (see text for explanations). (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

with feasibility concerning the economic, technological, institutional, harm is a condition for standing under duties to provide compensation
socio-cultural, ecological and/or geophysical dimensions (de Coninck then states that played a constitutive role in forming these expectations
et al., 2018). can be understood to stand under such duties (Meyer, 2021). On the
The first argument pertaining to legitimate expectations is ques­ basis of the historical emissions qualification states have been responsible
tionable at the very least, and we reject it for the following reasons. For for pursuing a strategy of transformation to low-carbon society at least
an estimation for the levels of frustration of legitimate expectations one since 1995. Arguably, such a strategy aims, among other things, at
would need to take into account the consequences of overall burdens changing the expectations of their citizens with regard to permissible
and benefits of transforming to a very low level of emissions. They levels of their emissions.
include mitigation, but also adaptation costs and losses & damages. However, the second issue of infeasibility justifies an argument for
Reducing to the same very low level in a short period of time might limiting the burden faced by individual countries in terms of reduction
prove to be less costly overall for high emitters, compared to low rates to remain within feasible ranges. While there is no evident
emitters owing to lower adaptation costs and losses & damages (e.g. threshold for a prohibitive reduction rate, the literature assumes some
owing to a smaller percentage of welfare realized in sectors like agri­ reasonable ranges. E.g. Stocker (2013) in his feasibility analysis of sta­
culture that tend to have above-average vulnerability to climate bilizing GHG concentration to meet the 1.5 and 2◦ targets builds upon
change). Further, even if higher costs for high emitters owing to the den Elzen et al. (2007). He concludes that “economic models estimate
frustration of their “legitimate expectations” can be established, argu­ that feasible maximum rates of emissions reduction may not exceed
ably this is not a factor in the international distribution of the global about 5% per year” (their Fig. 3).
carbon budget. Instead, if we suppose that being causally responsible for Rockström et al. (2017) in defining the “carbon law” conclude on a

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

global emission reduction rate of halving emissions every decade to correspond to about median (50%) probability for reaching 1.5 ◦ C by
2050, which they deem feasible – translating to a 6.7% reduction per 2100 (~75% probability for below 2 ◦ C) (Rockström et al., 2017). For
year. To avoid overly-burdensome yearly emission reductions (placing a the two additional scenarios introduced, the more stringent T1.5C
constraint on maximal yearly reductions, or C-qualified) in the equal per budget targeting 1.5 ◦ C and the more risky RB2C budget towards 2 ◦ C,
capita case, we use the latter rate (rounded to 7%) as one example for respectively, we illustrate the implications of their use in Appendices C
such a limit, and apply it at the country level, from 2016 emissions and D. The T1.5C option, with its smallest budget representing more safe
onwards, assuming that on average, countries have similar opportunity estimates (Rogelj et al., 2018; Rogelj et al., 2016; Xu and Ramanathan,
costs in terms of the transformation. We calculate the minimum possible 2017) to reach 1.5 ◦ C given that the global warming committed by 2016
cumulative budget a country could reach given this limitation. This is estimated to amount to ~1.2–1.3 ◦ C already (Mauritsen and Pincus,
minimum is then compared to the budget allocation under an EPC simple 2017), reflects a highly demanding CO2 emission reduction combined
approach, and if EPC simple is found too demanding, countries are pre- with very challenging CO2 removal requirements (Friedlingstein et al.,
allocated the budget difference. For the 7% rate suggested above, the 2014; Rogelj et al., 2018; Xu and Ramanathan, 2017). The RB2C option,
resulting budget reductions would be less than 20 t CO2 per person for marginally compatible in most estimates with likely reaching the 2 ◦ C
countries below the burden threshold, while states over it see rises in limit (Griscom et al., 2017) and hence risky, reflects substantial CO2
their budgets from e.g. − 300 to around 25 t CO2 per person. emission reduction possibly feasible without or with limited CO2
By initially allocating all countries a budget compatible with this removal (Griscom et al., 2017; Rogelj et al., 2016). For a full overview of
burden constraint we take into account an interpretation of grand­ how the reference GCB ranges are obtained, see Appendix A.
fathering in a strongly limited but justified way. The resulting EPC
approach with all qualifications including such a burden constraint 3.2. Calculating country budgets with various distribution criteria
(indicated as NHBC-qualified) appropriately remedies the shortcomings
of both simple approaches: First, it does not take for granted and beyond All budgets are calculated via use of either PCC or EPC mechanisms,
criticism today’s highly unequal levels of emissions. Second, it takes into standalone or with the qualifications described in Section 2.2. In EPC
account the three minimal fairness considerations we distinguished. scenarios, countries are immediately (from the starting year of the sce­
Third, it respects reasonable socio-economic limits of emission reduction nario) allocated emissions based on an equal per capita principle, based
burdens. on current and future population levels. In PCC scenarios, countries are
While emissions trading can address this issue (and we discuss this assigned budgets based on their current emission level and population
possibility in the Discussion and Conclusions section) we introduce the share as well as on emissions converging at a global equal per capita
idea of adjusting the national budgets according to the burden constraint emissions level at a future point in time (we choose 2050).
to approximate the relevant size of the effect of a normatively-justified The following sections describe the calculations for fully-qualified
way of taking into account highly unequal current levels of emissions EPC and PCC approaches. These NHB-qualified scenarios contain all
in line with the rationale of PCC, rather than assuming tradeable emis­ three considerations qualifying the EPC simple and PCC simple ap­
sion rights will assuage the problem fully. Fig. C.1 in Appendix C pre­ proaches (i.e., consideration of basic needs, historical emissions, and
sents a sensitivity analysis indicating that while the very imposition of a benefits from earlier emissions). The computation of the budgets for the
burden constraint has a significant effect on carbon budgets of higher- specific qualifications (N-, H-, and B-qualified) becomes clear inter alia in
HDI countries, the choice of the rate has little effect on per person this way. The final specification used in this work, NHBC-qualified, is
emission budgets, for rates between 5% and 7%. described in a separate step, as it only applies to EPC distributions.

3. Methods 4. EPC – all qualifications

3.1. Determining the remaining global carbon budget 4.1. Step 1: Calculating emissions to be allocated to countries which
require yearly reductions beyond the reasonable burden limit (NHBC-
We first quantify the limit defined by the Paris Agreement by placing qualified)
a global constraint on the cumulative total anthropogenic carbon diox­
ide (CO2) emission budget from fossil fuels and industry over 2017 to To implement a reasonable burden limit, we pre-allocate countries
2050 (34 years), termed global carbon budget (GCB). We adopt three additional emissions if they would otherwise experience reduction rates
GCB options which target the 1.5–2 ◦ C goal at different levels of ambi­ through an EPC distribution which exceeds the specified limit (7%). We
tion consistent with recent literature (Rockström et al., 2017; Rogelj first calculate the minimum budget required by a country, assuming a
et al., 2019; Rogelj et al., 2018; Xu and Ramanathan, 2017): (i) a constant 7% rate of reduction. Based on the start emissions estart (in year
baseline option aiming at well below 2 ◦ C (WB2C) with a GCB allocation t start = 2016) we begin by calculating the end emissions eend (in year tend
of 700 GtCO2 used as primary option, (ii) a drastic option targeting 1.5 = 2050) for each country via

C (T1.5C) with a GCB limited to 500 GtCO2, and (iii) a marginal and ( )
eend = estart * (1 − δ)(t − t ) ,
end start
hence risky option to stay below 2 ◦ C (RB2C) with a GCB of 1100 GtCO2.
These options correspond to comprehensive emission scenarios incor­
porating non-CO2 greenhouse gases. All options assume that a limited where the annual reduction rate (indicated above as δ) is assigned 0.07,
budget of only about 100 GtCO2 remains for beyond 2050, i.e., humanity and calculate the country minimum budget using the equation specified
reaches net zero emissions near mid-century so that sustainable in step 2 below for the global budget, yet here for every country indi­
anthropogenic solutions for atmospheric CO2 removal (Griscom et al., vidually.
2017; Rogelj et al., 2019; Xu and Ramanathan, 2017) are not over­ We then calculate the difference between the budget from an EPC
stressed thereafter. simple approach and the above-calculated country minimum budget, and
Fig. 1 illustrates the three global carbon budget (GCB) options for when the EPC simple approach results in a smaller budget than the
this study in the context of relevant recent estimates considered most country minimum budget, we earmark the difference to the respective
reliable, showing them to reasonably reflect the GCB range. In our main country, termed bburdenComp below. We then follow the subsequent steps
results, we focus on our baseline WB2C scenario which is used as the as normal but incorporate the burden-compensated budget allocation
primary option, reflecting ambitious anthropogenic CO2 emission re­
i during the final step 3.
ductions combined with substantial anthropogenic CO2 removal
(Rockström et al., 2017; Xu and Ramanathan, 2017) that we consider to

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

4.2. Step 2: Calculating emissions earmarked for countries below an HDI sions to reach a level of “goal emissions per capita” by the target year.
threshold (basic needs) Only countries currently below the HDI threshold are assigned such an
additional emissions budget. Countries are assigned an equivalent
Initially, countries currently below a given HDI threshold are allo­ aggregate basic-needs carbon budget as they would need to cover the
cated additional emissions via a PCC approach. To identify the level of current threshold emission level (start) and their linear reduction in
per capita emissions currently corresponding to a specific HDI threshold, emissions from start to end points in time, thus allowing for simple
we carried out a panel regression of the log of emissions per capita on calculation of the (globally uniform) emissions per capita at the end
inequality-adjusted HDI and country population from the World Bank’s point, epcend .
Open Data portal (World Bank, 2018) using yearly fixed effects, for years The global budget formulation, as a basis for obtaining epcend , then is
2010 to 2015. Model specification can be found in Appendix C and ∑ ∑ end
Table C.1. (tend − tstart )( estart − ei ) ( end start ) ∑ end
B= i
+ t − t * ei ,
In the main scenarios discussed, we use an HDI threshold level of 2
0.55, corresponding to the minimum HDI needed to be classified as a where B equals the remaining global budget (e.g., for the WB2C option,
country with medium human development. Based on empirical current 700 GtCO2), t represents either start or end year (2016 and 2050,
emissions this threshold implies an annual per capita emission allow­
respectively, for our remaining budget period 2017–2050), estart
i or eend
ance of ~1.6 tCO2. For the sensitivity analysis in Fig. 4 (panels C and D)
represent emissions of country i at the indicated time, and are summed
thresholds of 0.65 and 0.75 correspond to annual per person emissions
across the country index i (for 177 countries) to calculate global emis­
of ~3.1 and ~6.2 tCO2, respectively. Countries below the threshold are
sions. This budget equation translates to the bracketed portion of the
allocated an initial CO2 budget that suffices to cover emissions starting
following equation, which solves for the unknown emissions per capita
from this level.
at the end point in time (2050),
All countries below the HDI threshold are initially allocated the
threshold emissions, and a simple PCC approach is used, allowing for
emissions that are starting from that level, and linearly reduced emis­

Fig. 2. Mitigation burden of differing budget allocation approaches for the GCB option WB2C. Coloration indicates the years remaining until budget exhaustion, if
countries maintain their 2016 level of emissions. Blue shades indicate budget exhaustion at some point in the future, and orange shades indicate countries which
already exhausted their budget under such an allocation. The left and right columns represent forms of equal per capita and per capita convergence distribution
approaches. A simple approach (panels A and B) and a distribution using EPC or PCC with qualifications of addressing basic Needs, inclusion of Historical emissions
and Benefits received from previous emissions are shown (panels C and D, NHB-qualified). Panel E represents an EPC allocation with the previous considerations, plus
a Constraint on a reasonable burden limit in terms of maximum reduction rate (here indicated as NHBC-qualified). Budget allocations for the alternative GCB options,
T1.5C and RB2C, can be found in Appendix C (Figs. C.4 and C.5). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Fig. 3. Carbon budgets per person for selected countries for the GCB option WB2C. The global carbon budget is distributed following EPC simple or qualified and
PCC simple or qualified allocation approaches, including qualifications for addressing basic needs (N-qualified), counting historical emissions (H-qualified), benefits of
previous emissions (B-qualified), and a combination of all three previous considerations (NHB-qualified). For EPC, including the additional qualification by a
reasonable burden constraint results in an EPC approach with all qualifications (NHBC-qualified). Rows indicate levels of country development, as indicated: first row:
developing countries, second row: BASIC countries, third row: G8 countries.

{ ∑ }
2B− (tend − tstart ) estart
of country i in the starting year.
tend − tstart
epc = ∑ ,
4.3. Step 3: Calculating remaining emissions for all countries based on an

where pend is the population of country i at the end point in time (For the EPC approach
2050 target year we use the population forecast scenario of the IIASA
Shared Socio-economic Pathways data base, following population pro­ Next is the calculation of distributing the remaining – after step 2 –
jections for SSP2, a middle of the road scenario with moderate mitiga­ budget, i.e., remaining beyond the basic needs considerations, via an
tion and adaptation challenges) (Kc and Lutz, 2017). EPC approach. This remaining budget is allocated to all countries, i.e.,
With epcend , we can now calculate the additional budget allocated to both those at or below the HDI threshold and those above, on a cumu­
lative equal per capita basis. Thus, we take into account future popu­
individual countries below the HDI threshold, bHDI i . This is comprised of
lation change, using population projections from the SSP2 pathway for
two components, one granting budget to continuously allow (over the
2050 to calculate the total proportion of emissions to be allocated to a
34-year period tend − tstart of 2050 – 2016) the emissions per capita
given country based on population at the start (either 2016 or 1995) and
feasible for the end year, and one to additionally allow for emissions per
end (2050) points in time.
capita starting from those related to the adopted minimum HDI
When including all qualifications to the EPC approach, we also
threshold (epcHDI ) and leveling off to the target emission level per capita consider emissions from 1995 to 2016 (both cumulative and country-
by 2050 (epcend ), specific, via data from the World Bank’s Open data portal) as well as
1 ( end )[( ) ( )] the emissions embodied in the capital stock that was present in 1995.
i = γ HDI
i * t − tstart epcHDI *pstart
i − epcend *pend
i Both these cumulative global emissions are added to the remaining
( ) ( )
} global budget of 2017–2050, while the total budget already allocated to
+ tend − tstart * epcend *pend
i . countries at or below the HDI threshold is subtracted from the global
budget. Only for the EPC NHBC-qualification (as introduced in Step 1
The variable γ HDI
i is a binary-valued activation factor set equal to 0 if above), do we also include a burden compensation term.
country i is above the HDI threshold, and 1 if it is at or below, thus only The final equation to determine individual country budgets under a
allocating emissions to the relevant countries, and pstart
i is the population fully-qualified EPC approach is:

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Fig. 4. Sensitivity of country carbon budgets (2017-2050) for the GCB option WB2C. Effect of various carbon budget allocation approaches (panels A and B) and
HDI thresholds (panels C and D) for countries sorted by HDI level. A and B illustrate the change in budget distribution for EPC and PCC approaches, respectively,
when adding considerations of basic needs (N-qualified), combined with historic emissions (NH-qualified), and the benefits of prior emissions (NHB-qualified). For
EPC, an approach with all qualifications (NHBC-qualified) is illustrated as well. C and D illustrate the sensitivity of the budget distribution to increasing HDI threshold
levels for what is considered a basic need and the corresponding emissions to fulfil that need.

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ pstart + pend 5. PCC – all qualifications

i = [B − bHDI
i + EiHist + (ψ * ki ) − bburden
i ]∑ i
i + pend i
+ bHDI − EiHist − (ψ *ki ) + bburden 5.1. Step 1: Calculating emissions earmarked for countries below an HDI
threshold (basic needs)
i i

where B is again the remaining global budget 2017–2050, bHDI i is the

fundamental basic needs allocation to below-threshold countries from The calculation of the budget allocated to countries below the HDI
threshold to address basic needs concerns is identical for both PCC and
above, EHist
i is the sum of historical emissions from 1995 to 2016 for
EPC, so calculation steps will not be repeated here. See Step 2 in the
country i, ψ is the average embodied emissions in one unit of capital in
previous section for calculation.
the capital stock, ki is the total capital stock of country i in the starting
year, bburden
i is the allocation to avoid overly burdensome emissions re­
5.2. Step 2: Calculating remaining emissions for all countries based on a
ductions (only relevant for EPC), and pstart
i and pend
i is the population of
PCC approach
country i in the starting/ending year. The starting year is 1995 in this
In contrast to Step 2 in the previous calculation, here we calculate the
The equation can be broken into three parts; the first [bracketed]
required emissions per capita, which the world will converge to in 2050,
portion calculates the total global budget to be divided, from the base­
based on the global budget minus those emissions earmarked to address
line e.g. 700 Gt remaining budget plus additions for HDI, historic
basic needs concerns. The calculation of emissions per capita in 2050 is
emissions etc. The second portion determines the country share of this
hence as follows,
total budget, given national and global population at start and end pe­
{ ∑ start }
riods. Following this, country-specific amounts of already-used budget 2(B−
bi )− (tend − tstart ) ei
(e.g. for historic emissions) or additions due to basic needs consider­ (tend − tstart )

ations, are taken into account. epcend = ∑ ,


where t start and tend are starting and end years, respectively, B is the

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

remaining global budget (e.g., WB2C option 700 GtCO2 over since 1995 and/or those embodied in infrastructure available in 1995)
2017–2050), bHDI i is the budget allocated to address basic needs for into account, these emissions turn out to be so high that they account for
country i, estart
i is the emission of country i in the starting year (2016), practically the remaining difference between PCC and EPC simple for the
and pend the population in the final year (2050). below-HDI-threshold countries and most of the difference for the his­
torical high emitting countries. These results are robust to a change in
This emission per capita for countries to converge towards, epcend , is
the historic reference year, at least between the period 1995 to 2005.
then used as basis to calculate national budgets. Cumulative historical
Under a PCC distribution, moving the reference year to later would
emissions and the emissions embodied in capital stock are once again
result in only Oman seeing budget effects larger than an order of
included for the PCC approach with all qualifications,
{ magnitude. Under an EPC approach a larger number of countries would
1 ( end )[ ( )] see such effects (13 of 173); the change predominately affects highly-
bPCC = bHDI + t − tstart estart − epcend *pend
i i
2 i i
developed countries and particularly countries which rapidly
( )( ) expanded their emissions from 1995 to 2005 (e.g. South Africa) with a
+ tend − tstart epcend *pend − EHist − (ψ *ki ).
i i
strongly increasing budget allocation, or conversely, saw their emissions
decline (e.g. Czechia or Finland).
The bracketed portion of the equation calculates the cumulative
Our empirical findings show that qualifying both PCC and EPC in the
emissions throughout the period in question, equivalent to allow for a
ways described makes a big difference in terms of the distribution of the
linear decrease from starting emissions to the per capita emissions in the
GCB among countries (see Table 2 and Fig. 3 for selected countries and
end year, as calculated previously. This amount is added to any basic
the supplementary data file for all countries).
needs budget allocation (if non-zero) and a country’s cumulative his­
As shown in Fig. 3, we find that it is the consideration of historic
toric emissions from 1995 to 2016 and benefits-generating emissions
emissions that changes remaining country budgets most drastically for
embodied in capital stock are both removed from the budget. The
most of the countries, even for countries below the HDI sufficiency
resulting budget then is the PCC country budget bPCC
i remaining for 2017 threshold chosen (Ethiopia, Madagascar) more so than adjusting for the
to 2050. ability to reach the HDI threshold. Conversely, consideration of historic
emissions has a smaller impact for those countries that successfully
6. Results reduced emissions (of those shown in Fig. 3: Germany under a PCC
approach). For these latter countries - if emission reduction concen­
We observe that an NHB-qualified PCC has implications that are trated on the last two decades, but was not emerging earlier - the
similar to the implications of EPC simple (Fig. 3, 4 panels A and B). This consideration of benefits embodied in capital stocks more sharply re­
we can explain in the following ways: first, when we qualify PCC by duces the remaining budget. Finally, fairness modifications under an
giving priority to bringing all countries up to the HDI threshold, these EPC approach generally affects budgets to a smaller degree than under
countries are in fact granted a budget almost similar to the EPC simple PCC, with the exception of G8 countries.
budget. Second, when we qualify by taking past emissions (emissions Under a PCC approach, varying what is considered the minimum

Table 2
Selected country total and per person carbon budgets from 2017 to 2050 for three GCB options and different burden sharing approaches.
Target 1.5 degrees (T1.5C) Well below 2 degrees (WB2C) Risky below 2 degrees (RB2C)

Simple qualified Simple qualified Simple qualified Simple qualified Simple qualified Simple qualified

Country total carbon budgets (Gt CO2)

Ethiopia 8.1 12.7 − 2.2 10.4 11.4 18.7 1.3 15.5 17.8 30.4 8.3 25.8
Madagascar 2.2 3.3 − 0.6 2.8 3.0 5.0 0.4 4.3 4.7 8.2 2.3 7.2
Philippines 7.7 10.2 − 0.3 8.7 10.8 12.8 3.0 10.3 16.9 17.6 9.6 13.4
India 92.8 129.5 16.1 106.7 129.9 199.2 54.1 163.0 204.2 333.9 130.2 275.6
China 79.7 108.7 175.4 23.7 111.5 105.8 203.1 37.0 175.2 95.8 258.5 63.6
Brazil 13.3 10.7 6.5 9.8 18.6 15.3 11.6 12.3 29.2 23.9 21.8 17.2
Germany 4.9 − 3.9 12.4 6.9 6.8 − 4.0 14.1 7.7 10.7 − 4.4 17.6 9.4
Russia 8.4 1.6 30.2 15.0 11.8 1.6 33.2 16.4 18.5 1.1 39.2 19.3
USA 21.9 − 18.6 93.2 32.2 30.6 − 19.4 102.0 36.5 48.1 − 22.4 119.7 45.0

Country per person carbon budgets (t CO2)

Ethiopia 72.4 113.3 − 19.5 92.5 101.3 167.0 11.6 138.5 159.2 271.2 73.8 230.6
Madagascar 80.0 122.8 − 23.1 104.7 112.0 185.0 13.6 159.1 176.0 305.7 87.0 267.7
Philippines 71.2 94.5 − 2.4 80.7 99.7 118.3 27.9 95.3 156.6 162.4 88.4 124.3
India 67.9 94.8 11.8 78.1 95.1 145.8 39.6 119.3 149.4 244.4 95.3 201.7
China 57.0 77.8 125.5 16.9 79.8 75.7 145.3 26.5 125.4 68.6 185.0 45.5
Brazil 62.8 50.6 30.8 46.5 87.9 72.5 54.9 58.1 138.2 113.2 103.1 81.3
Germany 58.4 − 47.3 149.3 82.7 81.7 − 47.9 170.1 92.7 128.4 − 52.6 211.8 112.7
Russia 58.3 11.1 208.9 103.8 81.6 11.0 229.7 113.8 128.2 7.4 271.2 133.7
USA 66.6 − 56.5 284.0 98.2 93.3 − 59.2 310.9 111.1 146.6 − 68.2 364.7 137.0

Table note: Units are total country emissions budgets (Gt CO2) (upper portion) and per person emissions budgets (t CO2 per person) (bottom), for the period

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

basic needs threshold significantly affects the allocation for all HDI cooperation between countries in their implementation of nationally
country groups (see Fig. 4 panel C), with raising the threshold markedly determined contributions (NDCs) to achieve the Paris Agreement (i.e. in
increasing the budgets of low-HDI countries and reducing those of high- activities under the Agreement’s article 6), we see that beyond the pure
HDI ones. Under an EPC approach, raising the minimum threshold also permit market a rich set of possible approaches to more diversified green
clearly reduces the budgets for high-HDI countries, but only moderately industrial policy has become available and is discussed, including
increases the budget for the other countries, as their allocated global deployment subsidies and regulation (Meckling and Allan, 2020). With
budget – in aggregate only slightly larger – is distributed on an equal- the Paris Agreement the differentiation of specific subsets of countries
per-capita basis anyway. In both cases, setting a moderate threshold (for example Least Developed Countries) for certain substantive issues
(e.g. 0.55 or 0.65, where a majority of countries are above the threshold) (e.g., climate finance) also supplies a more diversified basis for such
results in a shift of emissions towards low-HDI countries, but the overall voluntary cooperation, beyond the earlier rigid distinction between
trend of the emissions allocation remains similar. Increasing the industrialized and developing countries. However, for the fields of
threshold to a high level such as 0.75 results in a drastic shift, with a PCC cooperation here relevant, in particular climate finance and technology
N-qualified approach resembling an EPC simple allocation, as the ma­ transfer, the self-differentiation of countries indicated by their NDC
jority of countries now are found below the threshold, and threshold- formulation is often inconsistent with that of the Paris Agreement (Pauw
level emissions increase markedly. et al., 2019), which may render cooperation case-specific, and more
difficult to transfer and generalize to other settings within the context of
7. Discussion and conclusions the Paris Agreement.
A second premise and further qualification concerns the fairness of
As noted in the introduction, Dooley et al. (2021) highlight a need for assuming the same maximum reduction rate. This would be unfair to
literature on effort-sharing to make more explicit the normative posi­ countries that have made serious efforts to reduce emission intensity in
tions taken, emphasize the needs of those most vulnerable to climate the years before 2016 and still will need to drastically reduce their
impacts, and focus on approaches which suggest convergence points emissions to reach the convergence point. For these countries, the “low
between different ethical positions. We have tried to address all three of hanging fruit” have gone and they now face a more difficult task of
these issues to a varying degree. In terms of the first issue, we explicate reducing emissions to the required level. Thus, we cannot expect them to
the normative assumptions taken up in our analysis, in a clear and reduce up to the same maximum level. There is evidence that some
consistent manner. Indirectly, we have also attempted to address the countries did make such serious efforts, though this is difficult to
needs of the most vulnerable populations with an explicit sufficientarian establish; it seems to be the case for very few highly developed countries
allocation qualification. However, this attempt is imperfect, as those (e.g. possibly Denmark). For such countries we would need to reduce the
covered by our basic needs approach do not fully overlap with those maximum level of reduction imposed accordingly.
most vulnerable to climate change impacts, but there most certainly We conclude that simple so-called equality and equal percentage
exists a strong correlation. Our highlighting of the issues of historical reduction approaches are open to similar criticisms. Responding to these
responsibility, addressing feasible reduction rates as an interpretation of criticisms requires taking into account major and minimal fairness re­
limited grandfathering, and derivation of an allocation approach that quirements. A critical interpretation of these fairness concerns allows us
takes into account all of the previous concerns can be seen as our ful­ to identify a four-fold qualified EPC approach. Arguably, this approach
filling the third guideline proposed by Dooley et al. allows to specify a fair allocation of the GCB across countries for the
We have investigated the allocation of national budgets if all coun­ period of transformation to a low-carbon economy and society. By tak­
tries would limit their budget to their fair shares, in other words, under ing into account the legitimate reasons for grandfathering the thus-
conditions of strict (or full) compliance, and have shown that it is qualified EPC can be understood to reflect what is defensible in the
possible to quantitatively determine the fair budget shares of countries rationale of PCC. We submit that the EPC approach with all four qual­
(or of smaller units, which the approach also allows (Steininger et al., ifications (NHBC-qualified) reflects widely shared minimal fairness
2020)). Under conditions of partial compliance – when some or many concerns in a systematic and open way. The implications of operation­
countries (continue to) exceed their fair share – different views have alizing this approach for the allocation of the remaining GCB in a
emerged as to the budgets of those committed to limiting their emis­ transparent manner which invites critical engagement with its norma­
sions, with some arguing they should stay the same (Miller, 2016; Miller tive underpinnings can guide countries in reviewing and adjusting their
et al., 2011; Murphy, 2000) while others defend notions that emissions NDCs.
should either decrease or, if the compliers are able to do so, increase
(Singer, 2002; Stemplowska, 2019; Stemplowska, 2016). However, we CRediT authorship contribution statement
do not investigate issues of partial compliance in this paper.
An EPC approach with all qualifications (NHBC-qualified) will Keith Williges: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing – original
distribute the GCB in a way that would impose on some countries draft, Writing – review & editing. Lukas Meyer: Conceptualization,
reduction rates that come with higher burdens than those we argue to be Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Karl
bearable. We can mitigate this problem by assuming globally tradable W. Steininger: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original
emission rights. Then, one can expect highly developed and high- draft, Writing – review & editing. Gottfried Kirchengast: Methodology,
emitting countries to be able to buy the additional emission permits Software, Investigation, Data curation, Visualization, Writing – review
from countries whose shares of the global carbon budget are greater & editing.
than what they require to reach the reduction convergence point within
the limits of a bearable reduction rate (i.e. the latter countries might
Declaration of Competing Interest
choose to not fully make use of emission rights allowed to them,
enabling cheaper achievement of emission reduction for the former
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
group). With respect to actual instruments in the context of voluntary
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

the work reported in this paper. Subtracting 70 GtCO2 for starting from 2017 instead of from 2015, and
discounting for beyond 2050 a safety margin of 100 GtCO2 as for
Acknowledgements Rockström et al. (2017), we arrived at the T1.5Cext 630 to 1300 GtCO2
range. Note that despite addressing T1.5C compatibility, these estimates
We thank Pranay Sanklecha for valuable discussion and contributing appear the most risky in comparison. The main reason for the high es­
to an initial design of an earlier version of the manuscript, Stefan Borsky timates is the construction method as visible from Fig. 1b in Millar et al.
for discussion and Thomas Pölzler for his comments and suggestions. We (2017): the distinct decrease in the slope of the Observed-to-RCP2.6
also thank participants in the seminar “Responding to Climate Change: temperature change trajectory as function of cumulative CO2 emis­
Intergenerational and Transitional Justice” for their discussion of the sions around the new “zero” reference time, from readjustment to 2010-
draft manuscript. The work of K.W. and K.W.S. was funded by the 2019, leads to markedly higher future carbon budget availability for
Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (ACRP project SHIFT). The work of G. given warming limits. However, such a sudden weakening of tempera­
K. was performed as part of the Carbon Management project of the ture sensitivity to cumulative emissions at current cumulated CO2
University of Graz ( amounts appears physically implausible. We hence doubt the T1.5C
compliancy at least of the T1.5Cext range beyond 800 GtCO2, not least
Appendix A Determination of global carbon budgets given that the global warming committed by 2016 is estimated to
amount to ~1.2–1.3 ◦ C already (Mauritsen and Pincus, 2017) and since
Describing the five reference GCB 2017-2050 ranges shown in Fig. 1 this is also more in line with the above T1.5C upper estimate of 740
more specifically, these were obtained as follows. GtCO2.
The estimated ‘likely below 2 ◦ C range’ (LB2C) of 420 to 1070 GtCO2, The estimated ‘1.5-to-2 ◦ C range’ (1.5-2C) of 320 to 1020 GtCO2,
dubbed IPCC AR5 SYR in Rogelj et al. (2016), used the budget “IPCC dubbed Xu-Ramanathan (Xu and Ramanathan, 2017), used the “Target-
AR5 SYR, TAB (threshold avoidance budget), Value from 2015: 590 to 1.5C option” and “Target-2C option” of Xu and Ramanathan (2017) as
1240 GtCO2” from Table 2 of Rogelj et al. (2016) as basis, specified basis for the lower and upper bound estimates, respectively, providing
therein as “To limit warming to below 2 ◦ C since 1861-1880 with 66- for a GCB from pre-industrial of about 2500 to 3200 GtCO2, quoted in
100% probability, accounting for the non-CO2 forcing as spanned by the the section “Mitigation: A Three-Level Strategy” therein as “the cumu­
subset of stringent mitigation scenarios in the IPCC AR5 Scenario lative emissions from preindustrial to 2100 must be less than 2.5 trillion
Database (10-90% range)”. Subtracting a rounded amount of 70 GtCO2 tons of CO2” (Target-1.5C option) and “will limit the cumulative CO2
for starting from 2017 instead of from 2015 and a 100 GtCO2 allowance emissions (since preindustrial) to 3.2 trillion tons” (Target-2C option).
for residual emissions beyond 2050, we arrived at the LB2C 420 to 1070 Subtracting 2080 GtCO2 (estimated historic emissions up to 2016
GtCO2 range shown. (Friedlingstein et al., 2014; Rogelj et al., 2016) for starting from 2017
The estimated ‘target 1.5 ◦ C range’ (T1.5C) of 370 to 740 GtCO2, instead of from pre-industrial, and discounting for beyond 2050 a safety
dubbed IPCC SR1.5 (Rogelj et al., 2018), used the budget “Remaining margin of 100 GtCO2 (Xu and Ramanathan (2017) suggests particular
carbon budget from 2018, 50th percentile (median) of TCRE (transient caution), we arrived at the 1.5-2C 320 to 1020 GtCO2 range.
climate response to cumulative emissions) to reach ~1.5◦ C, additional
warming since 2006-2015 of 0.5 to 0.7◦ C” from Table 2.2 of Rogelj et al. Appendix B Empirical evidence of “grandfathering” from NDC
(2018) as basis, corresponding therein to 530 to 900 GtCO2. Adding a pledges
rounded amount of 40 GtCO2 for starting from 2017 instead of from
2018, subtracting an amount of 100 GtCO2 suggested therein as allow­ Evidence of grandfathering was derived from country Nationally
ance until 2100 for “additional Earth-system feedbacks (such as CO2 Determined Contributions pledges (Fenhann, 2018), for the commit­
released by permafrost thawing or methane released by wetlands)”, and ment period 2015 to 2030, with 99 countries for which adequate pledge
subtracting another 100 GtCO2 allowance for residual emissions beyond data was available.
2050, we arrived at the T1.5C 370 to 740 GtCO2 range. Total commitments submitted to the UNEP imply a total global
The estimated ‘well below 2 ◦ C range’ (WB2C) of 600 to 730 GtCO2, budget of 671.3 Gt CO2 to 2030, with yearly global targets of 44 and 42
dubbed Rockström et al. (Rockström et al., 2017), used the scenario Gt for 2020 and 2030 respectively. The total budget is seen as the cu­
illustrated in the Figure “Decarbonization pathway consistent with the mulative allowance to 2030, and distributed using an EPC simple
Paris agreement” of Rockström et al. (2017) as basis, providing for a approach based on 2015 population, arrives at a per person cumulative
GCB from 2017 of about 700 to 830 GtCO2 and quoted as “broadly allowance of just over 36 t. We assume linear changes between pledge
consistent with a 75% probability of limiting warming to below 2 ◦ C; a years in the UNEP database and calculate country cumulative pledge
median temperature increase of 1.5 ◦ C by 2100; estimated peak median emissions to 2030. Dividing by national population in 2015 arrives at
temperature increase of 1.7◦ C; a 50% probability of limiting warming to per person pledged emissions. This pledged per person allowance is then
below 1.5 ◦ C by 2100.” Subtracting for beyond 2050 a safety margin of compared to the expected EPC simple value using the total budget of
100 GtCO2 (as argued for in Rockström et al. (2017)), we arrived at the 671.3 Gt CO2 to find the difference between expected and committed
WB2C 600 to 730 GtCO2 range. budgets in percent, as shown in Fig. B.1. As can be seen, with increasing
The estimated ‘target 1.5 ◦ C extended range’ (T1.5Cext) of 630 to initial (2015) emissions per person the difference between expected and
1300 GtCO2, dubbed Millar et al. (Millar et al., 2017), used an estimate pledged emissions rises rapidly, implying an increasing use of grand­
contained in Fig. 3 of Millar et al. (2017) as basis, providing for a GCB fathering approaches for countries with higher initial emissions per
from 2015 of about 220 to 400 GtC (800 to 1470 GtCO2), quoted at end person. Additionally, Table B.1 shows regression results indicating the
of the section “Adaptive mitigation and carbon budgets” therein as strength of 2015 emissions per person in corresponding to the eventual
“Using a TCR [transient climate response] likely range of 1.3–2.5 ◦ C and difference in needed (“expected”) versus pledged emissions per capita.
an ECS [equilibrium climate sensitivity] likely range of 2.0–4.5 ◦ C, the
remaining budget for a 1.5 ◦ C warming would be unlikely greater than
400 GtC and unlikely less than 200 GtC (see Supplementary Fig. 18).”

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Fig B.1. Increasing variation between expected and committed NDCs with increasing emission intensity. Countries with higher initial (2015) emissions per person
are pledging NDCs with resulting total emissions per person (over the period 2015 to 2030) much higher than the expected value that would apply if one assumes
them to follow an equal per capita approach. This discrepancy increases with increasing initial emissions.

Table B.1
OLS regression results of the (%) difference between goal (“expected”) and actual NDC
pledges given initial emissions per capita, total budget from 2015 to 2030, and 2015
Dependent variable
% difference in goal vs pledged emissions per capita

2015 emissions per capita 43.572*** (3.011)

Cumulative emissions 2015 to 2030 0.001 (0.001)
2015 population -0.000 (0.000)
Constant 73.085*** (20.192)

Observations 93
R2 0.725
Adjusted R2 0.716
Residual Std. Error 124.763 (df = 89)
F statistic 78.362*** (df = 3; 89)

Note*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01.

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Appendix C Sensitivity analysis and further results

Fig. C.1. Sensitivity analysis of varying the maximum annual rate of reduction adopted as reasonable burden limit. For the EPC NHBC-qualified allocation approach,
a range of adopted reasonable burden limits were compared to a scenario with no rate restriction, here shown for the results with HDI threshold level set to 0.55.
Choosing a maximum rate between 0.05 (5 %) to 0.07 (7 %), versus using no rate restriction at all, has a much larger effect on average budget allocation than the
choice between different plausible rates. For countries with low HDI, generally not expected to be required to reduce emissions at rates higher than the reasonable
burden limit, the average allocation is reduced slightly, while for states above the threshold, budget allocations can increase dramatically, avoiding burdening
countries with large negative emissions requirements. This typically increases the cumulative budgets 2017-2050 of these countries, in some cases by more than 200 t
CO2 per person.

K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Table C.1
Identification of model to estimate required per capita emissions for a given level of Human
Development Index (HDI), applied to determine per capita emissions levels for minimum HDI
threshold level.
Dependent variable
log(emissions per capita)

Inequality-adjusted HDI 6.938*** (0.131)

Population (billions) 0.922*** (0.181)
Year 2011 -0.050 (0.089)
Year 2012 -0.051 (0.089)
Year 2013 -0.076 (0.087)
Year 2014 -0.088 (0.086)
Year 2015 -0.093 (0.086)
Constant -3.285*** (0.094)

Observations 831
R2 0.774
Adjusted R2 0.772
Residual Std. Error 0.726 (df = 823)
F statistic 403.555*** (df = 7; 823)

Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01.

The model controls for yearly fixed effects and country population data sources and use of results can be found in the Methods section of the
(as per capita emissions are higher in more populated countries, and main text.
population is a parameter of our allocation mechanism). Discussion on

Fig. C.2. Effects of changing the historic year on resulting budget distribution. The figure illustrates the percentage change in resulting country budget when
changing the year when historical consideration of emissions begins (in the main text given as 1995) to the years indicated. The left panel shows changes to PCC H-
qualified budgets, the right panel EPC H-qualified. As seen, changing the historic year has a larger effect on developed countries using an EPC approach, but there are
lesser effects on less developed countries compared to PCC. For the majority of countries, effects would be minor, although the reference year would have outsized
impacts (either positive or negative) on a small number of outliers as seen.
K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Fig. C.3. Correlation between inequality-adjusted HDI and emissions

Fig. C.4. As in Fig. 2 of the main text but using a target 1.5 degrees Celsius (T1.5C)
17 option, resulting in a global carbon budget over 2017 to 2050 of 500 GtCO2.
K. Williges et al. Global Environmental Change 74 (2022) 102481

Fig. C.5. As in Fig. 2 of the main text, but using a risky below 2 degrees (RB2C) option, resulting in a global carbon budget over 2017 to 2050 of 1100 GtCO2

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