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o g g g 气 co S esœ S $9c£gcde3K


[ Translation approved by the Laws Translation and Law^ Revision
Committee, appointed by the Government of the Union of Burma.]



C H A P T E R I.


Sections pags

1. T i t l e and commencement ... ... ... ... i

2. Persons subject to th is A ct ... ••• . .. ... i

3* I^cfinitions ••• . ••• ••• ••• ••• 2


A pplication of Act、

4. A pp lication of thig A ct to certain forces under the U n io n Government 6

5. Special provision as to rank in certain cases ... ... 6

6. Com m anding officer of persons subject to m ilita ry law under clause (d)
o f sub-section ( i ) o f section 2 … ... ... y

7 , Officers exercising powers in certain cases ... ... 7

8. Power to declare persons to be on active service . .. ... 8


C ommission and E nrolment.

9* ••• ••• ••• ••• ••» S

10. In e lig ib ility of aliens for enrolment ... ... ... 8

1 1 . E lig ib ilit y o f females for enrolment or em ploym ent ... ... 8

12 . Procedure before enrolling officer ... ... ... 8

13. M ode o f enrolment . .. ... ... … 9
14. V a lid ity of enrolment … ... … ••• 9

A ttestation.

15* Persons to be attested ••• ... ••• •” 9

i6 . M ode o f attestation … … . .. … … i〇
:§3i^cS cc ngc
jc feedsj^cocc hCc

II:函 迓 cSCC

••• 一 ocooesoEJspccspbco ^ ccjoooaoo n tc

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O«J OO J O û J
nr scoseec
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il s i i c i
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ib ç o o d c o c s cœ& noœ ï〇 §js 3C3c



C onditions op Service.

17. Tennination of servicei by Pre8id ••• ••• •••
18. D ism issal or removal or reducti<
ion by the C h ie f of Staff and by other

19. Power to modify certain fundamental rights in their a沖 lication to

persons subject to this Act ... ... ... ...

20. Retirement or discharge ... ... … …

a i . Certificate on termination of service ... ... …

a2. Discharge or dismissal when out o f the Union of Bunna ...

C H A PT E R V .

S ervice Privm oes .

23. Authorized deductions only to be m^de from pay and allowances

34. Remedy of aggrieved persons other than officers •••
*5. Remedy o f aggrieved officers … ...
a6. Im munity from attaenment ... … ...

a 7 .Im m u n ity from arrest for debt ... … ...

a8. Immunity of persons attending courts-martial from arrest

29. Privileges of xeservistB ... ...

30. Priority in respect of Defence Services personnel's litigation

3 1. Saving o f rights and privileges under other laws ...

C H A P T E R V I.

O ffb n c ss .

3a. Ottences in relation to the enemy and punishable with death

3 3 * Offence o f being a tp y for the eneovy and punishable with ^fath

34* Ofiences in relation to the enemy and not punishable with death

35. Offences punishable more severely on active service than «t other times

^ M utiny ... ... ... ... ... •••

•••• — ^cuéîx» ngi
• •, •••• •••• CCCSOCCQU^O
. oocofij coiooîoQ |s 〇 p S D i^ s ja ^ o SRji^co OüODcÂïcPfli^cGsc^œ nC<è
•… • •* :cP«SoQ cccspcccüocoüûccc© oRcScccoccœobtccib nfeci
一 •… SoR cccsjccjücocügcco of^cScci«ÆI^£occ cucocsccib n ié

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iisj :c<ueec

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一” -•• •-• :j§ j 〇ôtca:gçü^Sÿ>:jeop:cP(f«j) 〇o5 9 ®H〇<i

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-•• 一 ^joütcfcgo^o 全ic x o ccc^JcfeSo|3oc|^52051^ «<i「


nC saaeec

••" •■ •• ..•• jocooojico^œ ^cocnei^cooc

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•••• ••• * ••“ •••• 白 cogb
〇§ 9^〇〇〇» iio^jocoooticoQ œ œscfeSàœtcbJcc SéÿlPctosSsbacococco hoc
•… ••” •••• :
p§J 5>b’5〇:5>§〒 X)S9 〇 cocoocccc〇d3 〇i u 2x:

ifeçufeiacüiçS® cioœ soêjiooooco

\\i> saueec


37. Desertion and aiding desertion ... ...
38. Absence without leave ... ...

39. Striking or threatening superior oflSccrs ...

40. Disobedience to superior officers ...

4 1. Insubordination and obstruction ... ... 23

4a. Fraudulent enrolment "• ... 24

43. False answers on enrolment ... ... 24

4 4 - Unbecoming conduct ... ... 24

45. Certain forms of disgraceful conduct ... 25

46. Ill-treating a subordinate ... ... 25
47. Intoxication ... ... ... 25

48. Permitting escape of person in custody ... 26

49. Irregularity in connection with arrests or confinement 26

50. Escape from custody 27

51. Offences in respect of property 27

52. Extortion and corruption a8

53. Disposal of equipment 28

54. Injury to proiserty ... 28

55. False accusations ... ... ... 29

56. False declaration and falsifying official documents 29

57. Signing in blank and failure to report ... 3〇

58. Oifences relating to courtB-martial ... 3*
59. False evidence ... ... ... 31
60. Unlawful detention o f pay ... ... 32

6z. Offences in relation to aircraft and flying ... 32

62. Other offences relating to aircraft and flying ... 33

63. Disobedience of lawful command of captain of aircraft 33
64. Offences in relation to ships 34
65. Breach of discipline ... 37
66. Miscellaneous offences 37
67. Attempt ... ... 38

68. Abetment of offences that have been committed 38

69. Abetment of offences punishable with death and not committed 39

70. Abetment of offences punishable with iznprisoncncnt and not com-

m i t t e d ' ... … … 39
— …

71. Civil offences ... ••• ••• ■■尊 •■• 39

C lr f triable b y coia r t - m a r t i a l ... ••• ••• 4 〇

«■3 00 03 0


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Sections PAGE

siiments awardable by courts-marti

73. Punisfi 4。
74. Alternative punishments awardable b y c -martial 41
75* Combination of punishments … … … 41
76- Cashiering of officers . .. ... ... 4^
77* Field punishment … … … … 42

78. Position o f field punishment in scale o f punishments ... 4之

79. Result certain punishments in the case of a warrant officer 1
commissioned ouicer ... ... ... 4Z

80. Retention in the ranks o f a person convicted on active service 43

81. Punishments otherwise than by court-martial ... 43

82. Punishment of persons other than officers and warrant officers 43
83. Lim it o f ptmx8hments under section 82 … … 44
84. Punishments in addition to those specified in section 82 44

85 « Punishment of officers and warrant officers by brigade cozrunanden

And others ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ^

8 0 . Punishment of officers and warrant oiBcers by aivisional commanders

And othcüà ••• ••• ••• ••• 4S

87 .Punishment of warrant officers by commanding officers ... ••• 45

88. Transmission of proceedings ... … … ... 46

Review of proceedings … … ... ... 46

9〇. Superior military authority ... ... ”• ... 46

91. 0011ecdve fines ... … ... … … 46


P9 tal D eductions.

92. Deductions from pay and allowances of officers … ... 47

93. Deductions from pay and ■ Uowancesof persons other than officers ... 48

94* Computation ot tune of absence or custody … … … 5〇

95* Pav and allowances during t r i a l — ••• ••• ••• 50

96. L«imit of certain deductions … … … … S〇

97. Deduction ffom public money due to a person ... ... 51

¢8. Pay and alloitrances o f prisoner o f war during inquiry into bis conduct 51
S 3 9 0 DS

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Sections pace

99. Remission o f deductions ... ... ... … 51

ioo . Provision for dependants of prisoner o f war from remitted deductions 51
301. Provision for dependants of prisoner of war from his pay and allowances 51

102. Period during w hich a person is deemed to be a prisoner o f war ... 52


Arrest-and Proceedings Befohe T rial.

303. Custody of offenders ... ... ... ... … 52

304. Duty of co m nianiing officer in regard to detention ... •*.

305. Interval between committal and court-martial ... ••• 53

106 . Arrest by c iv il authorities ... ... ... … 53
i 〇7. Capture of deserters ... ... ... ... 53
ï 〇8. Inquiry into absence without leave ... ... … 54
i 〇9. Provost-marshals ... ... ... ... ••• 54


C ourts-M artial .

310 . K inds of courts-martial ... ... … 55

a n . Power to convene a general court-marrial ... ... … 55
i 】2. Power to convene a district court-martial ... ... ••• 55
113 . Contents of warrants issued under sections 111 and 112 … 55

1 14. Power to convene a summary general court-m artial 55

115 . Composition of general court-martial ...

116 . Composition of district court-martial ... 56

1 17 . Composition of summary general court-m artial 36

118 . General com position o f courts-martial ... 56

1 19 . Summary court-martia] ... ... 56

120. Dissolution of courts-martial ... ” • 57

12 1 . Powers of general and summary general courts-martiai 57

122. Powers of district courts-martial ... ... 58

123. Powers of summary courts-martial ... 58

124. Prohibition of second trial ... ... 58

125. Period of limitation for trial ... ••• 59



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Sections PAGE

126. L ia b ility o f ofifender w ho ceases to be subject to the A c t ... ... 59

127. Place o f trial ... ... ... ... ... 60

12$. C h o ice between crim inal court and court-martial ... ... 60

129. Power o f criminal court to require delivery of ofifender ... ... 60

130. Successive trials b y criminal court and court-martial ... •“ 6i

C H A P T E R X I.

P rocedure of C ourts-M artial.

131. Presiding officer ••• ... … ... 6I
132. Judge-Advocate ... ... ... … 63
>33. Challenges … ... ... ... 64
134, Oaths o f member. Judge-advocate and witness ... 65
135. Voting by members ... ... ... ... .
136. Oeneral rule as to evidence ... ... ... 7
137. Evidence of accused ... ... ... ... 7a
138. Judicial notice ... ... ... 73

139. Summoning witnesses ... ••• ...

140. Documents exempted from production ... ...

141. Commissions for examination of witnesses ... ...

142. Examination o f a witness on commission ... ..

143. Conviction of ofifence not charged ... ...

144. Presumption &9 to signatures ... ... ...
145. Enrolment paper … ... ... ...
146. Presumption as to certain documents ••• …
147. Reference by accused to Government officer ...

148. Evidence of previous convictions andgeneral character ...

149. Lunacy of accused ... ... ... …
i5 〇. Subsequent fitness o f lunatic accused for trial

151. Transmission to the President of orders under section 150

152. Release o f lunatic accused ... ... …

153. Delivery oi lunatic accuse^ torelatives ...
154. Order for custody and disposal of property pending trial

155. O rder for disposal o f property regarding w hich ofTence is committed 73

156. Powers o f court-m artial in relation to proceedings under this A ct 74
tocoroo O

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C onfirmation and Revision.

Sections page:

157. F in d in g and sentence not v alid , unless confirmed ... ... 74

158. Power to confirm finding and sentence of general court-martial ... 75

159. Power to confirm finding and sentence o f district court-mart ici ... 75

160. L im ita tio n o f powers of confirming authority ... ... 75

161. Pcw er to confirm finding and sentence o f summary general ,court-

nmrt 1&1 ”• •♦ • "• •" ••• 75

162. Power of confirming authority to m itigate, remit or commute sentence 75

163. Confirm ing o f findings and sentences on board a ship ... ... 76

164. R evisio n of finding or sentence ... ... ... ... 76

165. F in d in g and sentence of a summary court-martial ... . .. 76

166. Transm ission of proceedings o f summary court-martial . .. 77

167. A lteration o f finding or sentence in certain cases ... ••• 77

168. Rem edy against order, finding or sentence o f court-martial ••• 78

169. Annulm ent o f proceedings . .. ... . .. ••• 78


Execution of Sentences.

170. Form of sentence of death ... … ... . .. フ8

17 1 . Commencement of sentence o f transportation or imprisonment . .. 79

172. Execution of sentence of transportation ... ... ... 79

173. Execution o f sentence of imprisonment ... ... . .. 79

174. Tem porary custody of offender ... … ••• … 8〇

1 7 5 . Execution of sentence o f imprisonment in special cases ••• ••• 80

176 . Offenders sentenced to transportation — H ow dealt w ith u n til trans­

ported ••• ••• ••• 8®

177 • *Conveyance o f prisoner from place to place ... . .. … 8o

178. Com m unication of certain orders to prison officers ... ... 80

179. Execution o f sentence o f fine ... ... … … 8i

180. Establishm ent of m ilitary prisons ... ... … 8i

181. Inform ality or error in the order or warrant ... … ••• 8i

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Pardons, Remissions and Suspensions.

S ection s

18a. Pardon and remission ... ... . .. ...

183. Cancellation o f conditional pardon, release on parole or rémission ...

184. Reduction of warrant officer or non-commissioruLed officer

185. Suspension of sentence of transportation or impr:risonment
186. Orders pend

187. Release on suspension

188. Computation of period of suspension

189. Order after suspension ...
190. Reccmsideration of case after suspension

191. Fresh sentence after suspension ...

19a. Scope of power o f suspension ...
193. EÆsct o f suspension and remission on dismissal or cashiering


Special P rovisions in Relation to S hips .

194. Master of merchant vessel to obey orders of convoying offioa

■ ked :
195. Other perssons embarked as passengers ... ... ...
ng d iiscipline in ships in naval service in time
i 〇6. Provisions respecting
of ••• ••• •••

19 7 . Provision s i n consequence o f wreck,, loss, destruction or capture of

sh ip s ••• •••

C H A P T E R X V I.

PROPEEms of D ecbasedt P ersons, D eserters and L unatics.

198. Property of deceased person and deserters other than officers

199. Property of officers who*die or desert ... ...

200. Decision of questions as to regimental and other debts in camp or

quAXtfl & >••• ••• ••• •••
f9 :
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n saoecc

S ectio n s PA G E

201. Representative powers of commanding officers or Com m ittee "• 9»

202. Power o f the President to hand over estate of deceased person to the
Adm inistrator- G eneral ... ... • ... “• 93

«03. Disposal o f surplus b y prescribed persons ... ... … 93

2〇4. Disposal o f effects, not money ... ... ... ... 9^
*05. Disposal o f certain property without production of probate, etc. ... 94
ao6. Discharge o f com m anding officer, C om m ittee, prescribed person and
the P residen t ••• ••• ••• ••• 95

a 〇7 , Propertj^ in th e hands o f commanding officer. Committee or prescribed

person n ot to be assets where com m anding officer, Committee or
prescribed person is stationed ... ... ... 95

ao8. Savin g o f rights o f representative ... ... ... 95

109. A pp lication o f sections 198 to 208 to persons o f unsound mind or to
persons reported missing on active service “• ”• 9^

a 10. A ppointm ent o f Standing Com m ittee o f Adjustm ent in certain cases 96


A ppeals from C ourts-M artial,

a n . Constitution o f Courte-Martial Appeal Court ... 9^

a ia . Supplementary provisions relating to the Courts-Martial Appe
Court ••• ••• ••• ••• 97
a 13. Right o f appeal from court-martial ... 98
a 14. Presentation of memorandum of appeal ... ...
at5* Determination o f appeals in ordinary cases ... ... 99
a 1 6. Powers of the C 〇ui:
ts-Martîal Appeal Court ... … 99
a i 7 , Decision of the Cdurts-Martial Appeal Court, to be final subject
Appeal to Supreme Court ... ... ... 101
ax8. Supplementary powers of the Courts-Martial Appeal Court IO Z

t l 9 , Right of appellant to present his case in writing ... 104

230. Legal aid to appellants ... ... ... 10+
%%l. Proceedings to be heard in absence o f appellants 104.
122. Right to be represented in appeals ... ... 104:
Suspension o f death sentences ... ' ... ÎO+
924. Restitution of stolen property, etc. ... ... 105
sc$. Person, not'to be tried again where conviction is set aside 10^


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如 - - - - - oo6
X contents

S e c tio n

226. Furnishing on appeal, of documents relating to trial ... ...

aa7. Duties of Registrar with respect to appeals, etc. … ...

aa8. Special references to the Courts-Martial Appeal Court ...

229. Exercise of certain powers of the Courts-Martial Appeal Court by a

jud^c tii£i*cof ••• ••• •••

*30. Rules of Courts-Martial Appeal Court ...

231. Interpretation of substituted finding and sentence



232. Powers to make rules ... ... ••• •••

a t P o w e r to make rules in respect of prisons and prisonen ...

2科 Restriction of rule-making power in regard to corporal punishment

^35. Power to make regulations ... ... •••

Publication of rules and regulations in Gazette ...

S37. Repeal

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•••• ••"* •"♦ .… •". CC8XCCgG3〇3:^3士 il「 s r

il :cr〇c e o 3 :c3 i

(Act No. XLIII of 1959.)

It is hereby enacted as follows :一


Pr e l i m i n a r y .

1 . (i) This Act may be called t;he Defence Services Act, 1959.
(2) It shall come into force on such date as
T id e and Com - the President may, by notification, appoint in
mencement. . . , , ^ ir
this behalf.

2» (1) The following persons shall be subject to this Act wherever

they may be, nam ely:—
Penons subject to
this Act.

⑷ officers o f the Defence Services;

(b) persons enrolled under this Act ;
(c) persons w ho were subject to the Burma Army Act» or the
Burma Naval Discipline Act, 1 9 4 7 , or the Burma Air F o rc e
(Discipline) Act, 19 4 7 , immediately before the commence­
ment o f this A c t; and

?d) persons not otherwise subject to military law, who, on active

service, in camp, on the march, or at any frontier post
specified b y the President by notification in this behalf,
are employed by, or are in the service of, or are followers
of, or accompany any portion of, the Defence Services.
C C C c
°6!)0 ^ f GI
[3g:)g ôâél 3305güC333y〇5 (Jp||j

C \ OC C f C H C 〇 C c
G 33 っ0 0 0 t o o jc s 33C〇eüeS33|Ç3 の (y ç っ辛: c^n o co g^ i

3 9 0 0 DS O il


OU II ( 〇) 〇1|32r〇püG3 c8 l OQ°\(i S 令©I ODOÜGCOO 33rDDOG3 üD G ôfcO C

c e c ( l) 2 S33 œpüG3 C〇pDl SCCGOOOCaüCQCO
OT^ ?> S C c^oSu œ c % c S o ^ g灼 c5 o ^ ®œ é 325C^
co^cp さ丨丨

J II 11( 0 ) G33つCOO^ G(^r[^0 0 つ:CÇüJつSCOさ ü g e o g G 子Cp 3 X|CJ2 ÜS^ GCpnS

^ e 〇c 〇〇§ cSc^oc, ! » f a V r o e 〇 G3r§ -

〒 p*"

(OO) CQUÜGOoSo^C 03ÿœ 2 :G予lO^SODつ33甲 ^ psi

( S> ) g の n〇g 〇G3.03C| ©<DWC〇i : 33(^© OつG|CSO^#GCDつ つ 11

( ° ) 5 f« 〇| c c g g : 〇QoascogüGO (The Burma Army Act) i ^§co^

w jc S |y^t)D^ccG'C|〇〇ü (o c o s ra y s j 32C〇g 〇G3 [ T h e

Burma Naval (Discipline) A ct , 1 9 4 7 ] icScogosucncDi

^ ü 〇|cc#GcoCD〇(©g5 :r〇üî) 33CDgüG3 [Thç Burma Air Force
(Discipline) Act, 1 9 4 7 ]i c^i g^j^rSgoco 33つcbdつc〇爸
o co co œ o3LcS^*x|CD«ps 丨o^jyc

(CO) 33 目つ:今运: 33 0: b q ©®œr〇g〇G3 r S COC^O^COg «UOODGOCOOy

c^ p c c c qcc c c c c q e n c o r 1
Cr^S|yg©OÜC〇y2Qj^gI ©©©3 ^2CDC! O©ôjG^C0 g 33S>lC0Cl CD<X)^〇5
c 0c • c c 0 〇 n oc I * c r f f 0 P
Ü O jœ そCCGCO つCÛÜCOCO ^|CO J33CO C I ⑦ 《令G [g つ[g o o つ co:|g つ:
c c j t n ぐ c c c c c c c ç p c
COCO9COOOつS(ÿ:(y©GCOつ f C 0 ©ü®〇〇£^S0 0 3 0 C0 CI COOGGCOつd l 3 3 ©C0

3 X )tCÎCX)QQCD G © aCÏ^ C:
3 C|0 Dgj〇: | CÛODgSÜOxS 0 X :
33©C0 3 ^8 c l

CO^ÔCDC 3 3 0 0 0 W:
gCOG^C)COÜJO: I C^œgSüOJOD* CÛC*33©0033^ 5 x

co 巧 o jé g 予っrêcv^œ g そつcx>。 I 巨 o K T jo ^ p i c§ c 〇2〇îü a jc S (X ^

0 c oc c o c , r- ^
G^>coa)〇ct co o ^ ç c^cwlcooJnjogwjoi»

(2) Every person subject to this Act under sub-section (i)# clause
(a)9 (b) or (c) shall remain so subject until his services are terminated
or he is duly retired, discharged, removed, dismissed, or cashiered
from the service.

3 , In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject

or context—
D e6nitions.

(a) " active service ” as applied I〇 à person subject to this Act,

means the time during which such person一

i) is attached to, or foi^ms part of, a force which is engaged
in military operatictas against an enemy, or
(2) is engaged in military pperations in, or is on the line of
march to, a country or place wholly or partly occupied
by an enemy, or

(3) is attached to or forms part of a force which is in military

occupation of a foreign country ,*

(fc) "a ircraft" includes aeroplanes# balloons, kite balloons, air

ships, gliders or other machines for flying ;

Jc) aircraft materialM includes any engines,' fittings, guns,

gear, instruments or apparatus for use in connection with
aircraft, and any of its components and accessories and
petrol, pil, and any other substance used for providing
motive power for planer;

(d) ** air s i g n a l m e a n s any signal intended for the guidance of

aircraft, whether given by flag,, ground signal, light, .wma
indicator or in any manner whatsoever;1

( 1 ) Mcivil offenceM means an offence which, if committed in the

Union of Burma, would be triable by a criminal court;

( j) C 3 y à ( 〇) f 32 0 3 ( c 〇) l ( 〇) l o S œ p S ü œ œ ( 〇) 02C| r^ j3 3 r 〇g 〇G 3r 〇
o c or c oo ç c c f-*c c\ o c c o ç c roc
O^CD平つS|QJ〇^CSCD由 I OOgOOQSgCS €p©C^CDC〇g3 3 C O I 平g :C O 〇2CTXT)J

©っSGüS0^〇5 :
D g 3 3 0 § l C Ç r S g G ü S C ^ r ê c o g o ^ l 令c ê o c S c ^ ré c o g 330§1 33(^C 〇|s
c c o c c o o c c c c r\ c c c o c c o.
axD 〇oconocopû3 3 (X)i coœgsüCDœ qcosjg) osgco^s ooœüocoœcogD 33001
c L 〇r* o c co c JL
n ^ 3 3 r 〇güG 3(T) CVXO^DCOJCTXj^ygDII

pu ll^ 3 3 œ g ü G 3 C 2 C っés33Gp|C|y©G©l GgG 〒っnDCODっS C ^ S3eylu 5

〇n c 〜 一 c âeIü<DGOI ÜSOSCD|CCO|C —
Q3Oü1ü0G(ÿ| lyOJODfcjJOJII J i Ü Jl

( cd ) “ cof:|q.c 0 0 © yœ «:S)]拳,
, socd^ üoi rrj)3 2 CDg〇G3 rD cSoS^ocjCo

CDgS^C CDœs8 cG©CP9 l G3 3 〇m ôl 3 Pc8 cSI C^CDC^OCGSOpCgODG^

03 g 333 ^ r D SOCOODg» ^

(O ) G jfcç 号( ^ J C 孕 <^ 〇5^3 〇5 今

、 そGCÛっ COU^CO^O^CI c^ co œ œ っ: c o g
oScOgDSÜÜDCD ül〇CC0 Cû323 ]^l cScDgîüCDCD

U ) S f 0^03 ^SOSCOOCjCSI CDD C〇œG 3 0 3 GCû5 cjCg| COÜÎC^CDCOWGCDっ

oc p c 「 * ce「 c c 厂c o c\ c \ c
CO Cî|ygC 〇[ygDg[C5©G©| G平cpco 治 挖 说 ©1 ODCO^SOC^ G f cog5
3 3 sy^i cSœ gsüœ co cocscècpccoo c S c :[y g œ | y g ^ | y ©go K

G ^cp o o scSI^ o G o i © o ^œ nocpg 〇! o c c o g 3 3 ^ i co œ gso ü D co

(p ) そc c g っ: そc c c D パ o § 5 :夺 nSœ っ: g co っ co 5 会c o ^ c^ c o ^ oqcS ooo :

ODg3 3 〇j^| cScOgOÏQUOCO 0 1 0 Sû3 g 33 ^ f h

(S>) G:
0 0 5 っg S^a>aS©CT)っSC jSo jé GCOCÛっg 〇JÜ JっSI o lc o c jsü jü jっïl GCOOÔ.
軒 ©IC O C^cîjP pîl GCOCÛGCÔ つü p :l ©cS^GCOCÛ つ^ ^ つ: I ^ 〇〇g :ü ü ^ c 5 ,

3 3 § 〇:
〇JCÛ^ :
(o ) É c c o œ o p ü o ^ s s^co gS ©œ っ:c | 5 c ^ g co ’j o っg 朽 o ü c o jg îg

3 3 $ : 反GCOっ©r S y j っ: 1 CDOSOCOOっ: GDDっÜ Jp î)S ü p :l GOD予c S o j っs’ r 8 寻

LÜOOJっ: 1 司拳受crSoj っ: i oSco 至 :Ü O jeS 00 拳30 っo a ) っü p :l GCOCDっき各

3 3 C a i5 ü g ど ü j) : 子g 33 〇2 〇g 会 : y j っ: I o ^ c GCOOOっg o jü j っ: c ijo o f:

そCCJf 一 S33っ: Gü:GG|:330^CO 330^ G C O っ &1c〇3〇l O c S a S g 3 3 § っ:

3 3 Cp〇g[ÜJDÎ oloCCO^H

(CO) GCOG[^3:
)Cr33SjJcS ぼ , # :
〇aSu っ
丨 〇x Ô § € (y è G O I 333JcS
函 C啦 银 &S©I ü:SÇpC§ 犯 (&SCI GCOg 拳: 兩 ① っ §CgÔG©l 3 3 呂っ |r

子 会 〇 )そ 泪 银 石 g ©i Gc o œ っ き co^ sg 租 GcjS3 3 C g r è 叫 土 ©:反

eco っ 3 3 S jj;g § è :c ^ a ^ o o g i i

(p ) ^ ü d d xd ^© ^ a o c o g y o i jygGoooS© ^ y 〇^ c 〇33C〇c s œj||^sco|

〇3^^© g§© CO |C I CpcOCOODCpî^rcO^SOD ©©GSDÎ〇€jc|cG CD O ^© «CO-

s ç c o c o g ii
(f) ^ civil prison M means any jail or place used for the detention
of any criminal prisoner under the Prisons Act, or any
other law fcft* the time being in force ;

{g) Mcommanding officer ** used in relation to a person subject

to this Act means the officer for the time being in com­
mand of the unit or detachment to which such person
belongs or is attached, or any officer specified as such by
the President;

(ti) corps M means any separate body of persons subject to this

Act which is prescribed as a corps for the purposes of all
or any of the provisions of this Act ;

<i) “ court-martial” means a court-martial held under this Act;

(/) 44Courts-Martial Appeal C o u r t m e a n s the Courts-Martial

Appeal Court constituted under Chapter XVII of this Act ;

(k) criminal court ** means a court of ordinary criminal justice

in the Union of Burma;

(i) " Defence ServicesM means the army, the navy, and the air
force ;

(m) ^department0 includes any division or branch of a depart­

(n) enemy M includes all armed mufmeers, armed rebels, armed
rioters, pirates and any person in arms against whom it is
the duty of a person subject to military law to act;

(o) 4, military ** shall be construed to refer to any or all of the

Defence Services;

(p) ** military c u s t o d y m e a n s the arrest or confinement of a

person* according to the custom of the Defence Services ;

iq) 9t military prisonM means a miKtary prison established under

the provisions of section 180 of this A c t and indudes a
« S ccK 'te loocoo〇ï3fcuœçücc«» cccjj|: coo ibcns
:cPo〇)feskBQ |〇 ouc oso ic 〇3ccge { ocœssSPcoecojccaio (œ )
:oë)scoopènlPeeG œcno:3cocc iso§scoo:çc:occ sccccc cccs>
cucc〇9co:3 co :o 〇Dec§ftœ:œcœsooco icfÆ ccoe ^olPeecçoccoo
coouccue>OT|〇ecG co3ccs^c9ç5b ajeecosoneccooec isccosooco
axnos5co?3 isccecoccoo^oco ÿccobscajoScco e ccccoo fao)
œaccocüo cx)écoco SccSo ic5obe soSJœsboec issSœccb
ciajco CüG9〇?a:cc®a> i〇BjeG:œ:cecQs(0 isocEûloccs isocËuJsiba
ucosceccc?jJ ^eèœsobsè&o 〇)a>iouco isœscœéo?coa;a)icocu
i:cosceccc'S| o^coèooo oœa)èa)co ocoobscœoSccce ÉCcrib ( 〇)
h3 c c oo^oeecoeicS œcno
xcècDcc leecosooccccoec » e o o ic5 occnbscccoSccfe 4*cS 广M
O O O 〇 o c J O O ù O U >9 V. /
Il S c c
coœ ajccococoo céoccbo i〇cosc9 C] iceo^octe cccoonco fZ)
■ iia:cc〇3gegL)sfe cccsobosàco ocoj^cb
ioccc osocooo^coéQ oocoosÆRj icoS ccœ ^sfesdbcoccoodb (§)
»3cc 〇3g2 gjsfesdsco ecnecoxcoo) ccce>oecs3os5
ibec Le soDeec ç>G2〇da:ceIS ico^ccoe (<:fesàcoecr)eGa:ccoa> (3 〉
gDs&sàœaxp cccsoœsfe becG3〇3a->eGiix) icfÆ ccce sfesdbcocKD 广P〇、

ii3 cc?v 〇s coocca)C〇:c6]scc cCccbcécoco gjcooSœ ec

( S cccsscœccoœcc coSco^eGoco cdcocgscPo^ ^eeco cccno
•3coa: iscoscecaîPesicoQ ioceo3a;eGlp ico Sccœ <{çecoco ( の)

0)s3s9œ O
J O J J «J 〇

〇 ”
œcoficccœoooT cccoosScocc ituoàeG cccsiscu o a ;
Û ®J O J 0 0 0 0 \ 0
cocPcossceG^eec isobcccocuoacorœe isobcccs^joœ cccoscoo
a>ccœ sccGccœ odcoosoBcocc ic c c s Êjoccod nea:o9ccsc〇Dsi?:cc
Eœcccûo o^scccccbcècoco a jc so S a je c B icoc5ccoe sooco (œ \
J 〇 O çoeecccbis cccooscccorc

occossSPcücg ccc 3 cS1soccg
• O wJ
〇 〇 J
o3cc3a lîobccc^bGGeeajGeodictaDscGjeG ce3co uobcccobcc
e s03cuec :cfoocooss3Pa:eG icecdccœ ocœssSPccŒûücccni ( 0 )
J J J J O “ J «> O J » \ /

m ilita r y p riso n as notified b y th e President fr o m tim e t a

t im e ;

)(r) Mm ilita r y r e w a rd '* includes a n y g ra tu ity o r a n n u ity fo r lo n g

se rv ic e o r g o o d conduct, a n y good co n d u ct p a y , good
service pay or pension, and a n y other m ilita r y p e c u n ia ry
re w a rd ;

(s) “ non -com m ission ed o fficer” m eans a person h o ld in g non­

com m issio n ed ra n k in the D e fen ce Services, and in clu d es a n
a ctin g npn-com m issioned o 伍 c e r ;

(t) ** o f f e n c e M m ean s a n y a ct o r om ission p u n ish ab le under th is

A c t and in clu d e s a d v il offen ce as h erein b efo re d efin ed ;

(u) " o f f i c e r ” m ean s a person com m issioned, g azetted o r in p a y

as an officer in a n y o f the D efen ce Services ;

(v) “ p rescrib ed ’’ m eans prescribed b y rules m ad e under th is


fw ) ** p r o v o s t m a r s h a lM means a person appointed as su ch u nd er

se ctio n 109 and includes a n y o f his depu ties o r assistants
o r a n y o th e r person legally exercisin g a u th o rity u nd er h im
o r on his b e h a lf ;

(x) v r e g i s t r a r m e a n s the registrar o f the C ou rts-M artial A p p ea l

C o u rt;

(y ) ,4 R u les o f C ourts-M artial A ppeal C o u r t M m eans th e R u les

o f the C ou rts-M artial A p p ea l C o u rt m ade b y th e Su prem e
C o u rt w ith th e approval o f th e P residen t;

(z) “ su p erior o ffic e r ” w hen used in relation ïo a p erson su b ject

to this A c t , includes a w a rra n t oflScer and a n on -com m is­
sioned o ffic e r ;

(fltf) “ u n it ’’ in clu d es—

(1) a n y b o d y o f officers and o th er ranks fo r w h ic h a sep arate

a u th o rized establishm ent e x is t s ;
ô^eecosS®CG^icD Hcccojo :cfe?c
œ în a S à cc pfecPefeobcG icccoscoofebSjce sccoj)〇sc0qR sc6]scc ( c)
— ocoscoscccaScccfî oco (b)

〇〇[〇|co E〇1cg cécccedbcG ^eceSccscœsiSs^c I5ouccœo bésSco
ccbcécoco ODGeoScceclE ocoobsccooSccœ bctecoxoec (a ))
〇〇 〇 O j j o 〇 «〇 o ” \ J
IlScCCOgS GUîcfoGOoSsSésfeîàcO
ccocgcoccoo cccsc1)! œolPecc〇0Cûcb^d3C〇 ibSjcüPeSco cccscc
tscooccccosoo1? ico Sccb s scPfiGeoSsSèsfescbco ecneccLccoa) fa)
3 O • OO J O U J •• • ■ノ
^oce cuècsotcec i^sfesciccecneeajccoo icocSccce èosocoec fcc)
し j
ë 〇

) 〇〇、 ■
ccc e3ec
bsceodcoeGB isobcccoscocoa; polPeséoooco isobcccso&üc
^ . -5 じ O ù OO b 〇 JO O O O 0 *J
eçücecococu BpolPeséœoco cocoosScoœ lolPesèoooœcuccoscüco
•û 〇 〇J 〇〇 〇 〇 o 〇 o JO J •o J
.*3 〇 〇 〇
OO 〇
oRloo ii3cccooe
tüolPesooooco cccsoecle ibec 3oc ogo tcoSccce olPesiœoco ( 〇)
O O 00 O J J û J O “J JO. J » \ /
n3cccoœ ousoScôficocc pQ
〇 o o o j 5」
J J wJ ibecGsodcoeclB
J J iceÆccbs
J ô 3ccœococc
<〇 J J » (çy)
\ /
Jucc cccoéslsbcoco
o. o o o
o J e
o o
ocoeecooco isccôooood cccnoscdœcc icccssH^Rccoo oco^coéBI
û 〇J ^ ,> J O O J J Jwj
bsççc ico;o:Hoec^e oHcc&Aec oosfîœéB) icexrccbs feàee fo)
〇 〇Jj O O^Jl O J J OU J O Cf〇 ” ゝノ
uc5cco〇|〇 :cccamQaîC 〇fn4 cioob
*cûjocû 〇R]§〇 nScccoge çoeeco oojcüojPo 00cn〇îS t^ | c iÜ a>

J 〇O J J j JJ
J b
ite a0 ^ .e fc « f l ( 士)
0 “ Jjh \ ノ

0010 scriccgcPeoGjlecSee) oœnbsccucîbD oQœ nccccaoie cccc

〇 し j j wJ o 0二]o ù 00 o
cccsoKl'ococo boseGotolec occccoeecco icoccccbs oEolec fe )
hc3cco〇io ceoooos ccocoa»
•D J し O <5 0
J O scSec
ZJ loSeceecccoco
^.J ?occosSbco
J 0 leecosEulsoe
.1 J3o
o? cocoosScocc leeoosEûlaoecccaros isobcccsajcoeGsoccje^cob
〇 O O 0 ._1 O ù ù ù O
co isobcccsaicoec
Où ù
3 6 cüccoco
o o o
ù o j
o u j
(c )
ù yj \ /

iiScco o in sScoocooosSPoceGajccaa» SccccSPa)e>éB!coœ cocPcoo

j o し j j j 〇 j山 〇

0一! J O .__) Ù 〇
O *J
0 O O 〇


(2) a n y o th e r se p ara te b o d y o f persons com posed w h o lly o r

p a r t ly o f p erso n s su b je c t t o th is A c t, and specified as a
u n it b y th e P rescribed ;

(bb) w a r r a n t o f f i c e r m e a n s a p e rso n appointed o r in p a y as a

w a r r a n t officer in the D e fe n c e S e rv ic e s;

(cc) th e ex p ressio n “ regim en tal and o th er debts in ca m p or

q u a rters ” in clu d e s m o n e y d u e as m ilita ry debts, n a m e ly ,
su m s due in re sp e c t o f, o r o f a n y a d van ce in resp ect o f —

(1) q u a rte r s ;

(2) m ess, band, an d o th e r re g im e n ta l a c c o u n ts ;

(3) m ilita r y c lo th in g , a p p o in tm en ts and equipm ents, n o t

e x ce e d in g a su m eq u al t o th ree months* p a y o f th e
d eceased , and h a v in g b e c o m e due w ith in eighteen m o n th s
b e fo r e his d e a t h ;

(dd) Mr e p r e s e n t a t i o n i n c l u d e s p r o b a te and letters o f adm in istra­

tio n w it h o r w ith o u t th e w i l l an n exed and a su ccession
ce rtifica te co n stitu tin g a p erso n th e e x e c u to r o r a d m in ­
istra to r o f th e esta te o f a d ecea sed person o r a u th o rizin g
h im to re c e iv e o r re a lize th e n e t assets o f a d eceased
p erso n ;

(ee) “ r e p r e s e n ta tiv e ” m eans any p erson who has ta k e n out

rep resen tatio n but does not in clu d e an A d m in istrator-
G en eral ;

\t[) ** C o u rt o f I n q u i r y m e a n s C o u r t o f In q u iry co n stitu ted in

a c c o rd a n c e w i t h th e ru les m a d e under this A ct.

(gg) a ll w o r d s and ex p ressio n s u sed h erein and defined in th e

P en al C o d e an d h ere in b e fo re defined shall b e d eem ed t o
h a v e th e m ean in gs r e sp e c tiv e ly attrib u ted to them b y th a t
C o d e.
H^okcOODO GOc9cC0S| SOO〇eGSCr〇œ^〇©CG
ccratcooQj^o oco:E|coccadboo icBccœ^ogen çpscoscec ob
sccüo pèscoscojo S cc îc œ sè islc oc〇G0〇3coec(^ icccoscoooRJ
jooco^fiecG ocoajœec B^s^scœ Qj^ooœ ^ooec ocosEô]œcc>scb

h3 occoos ^s&csbe>§ce30〇>sfiK3rc2>cdcc?c5o^ cceebércPa

J 0 0 0 •• J J) • O J \ O J
G3〇dsc0 è Scc^beGGejoScoecE icocSccpe s&esbosœsKPO); 000


e^i j ù 〇
o o 〇
o o
o o o o e ¢5
coococo oecuSocœasccKnco icoccccôe cccuiocœ5»;c3>cniL)
ù O O J O O 〇 。 ひ ,, \ J

û J し J
〇 • j è beccœoe>ec
〇 •J
oHoo icoïeséœ
jv J o j JO
o^ec ccc^ioocoso
L \
00cnosScocc icccaiocosocosococce jcoaajojoicdcoen coroco
O O 0 U V J J J w Jû 0
CC3 SrcoCGÇOCCiOCeG 1 0 0 0 ^iC^Ç^G O
09CG &cdèiPcüsR]oœ Sjscüj^ ^ccsœ ccs CpJ〇f=)s5c〇|c iS cc o s
J ù
つCC3:士œSe>ec i:obocce)CccSl?3GDescosp)CDcc3
J〇 O' o 0 J
唆 Scsbsœe»

•C€gs3 cocc
• © っ?oobsccoaxW ccie
o j o 〇 «o j ^ i o J O J î V( cc^ノ
c o è a x o っe a jS o c c ç sisc o c n iü

nccoocceico ccobcu o§occ〇0 ecocf}ee>eG itcotecoocc ojcc

go SccoSlccoboœ soo socoeccco^eGcooécoœco cuoccseccoo
〇 O ^>J 〇 J J J 〇 o o
loRjSccoococooo cBœrood o^c®co axoeccoscc ^ cdsosccs ^
iigJ〇bca)5e>5c9iccsoboco oBlco
t-l O 〇 J J o
^cccob «T'i
JO \ ノ
hàésdboto 士3 (c )
iiccccooiooe) Æoboce5〇e> ojodcg
〇 〇 し 〇 j ù
oe>soe>oco<£| cocoosoBco^c loopccfco S ccsSPcuog oécojoouceGs
cccoaiQ scfoS]§S]3〇jcc0a> lOGDobsccooccccôs “:cfc 涉 0U!3
sc0ec b^scfoS|s〇j|e>ocD S c c S losoSScbéscbobois losoHêséca» fo 、
—i 〇 «j «~ ~ ij ù o jw Jj クo j » Vノ
Il S e e

œce ccc3é3&bcoco o ^ œ < x ^ ^ œ lo ^ œ ICCC3

rcoofe ogecsacoœ ^eàec ococc〇3«oco icoccccœ cooecbec (co)

nccccoo^oeeoo s^oeG^ec
scê|sccscë]eG Sccoo^ojj^ec axnosScocc îsœsceGocbcècüco a>
S 3 0 3 0 )ec(u> is讶 scœR|jpe>:c@scc in 200002co coc〇(%c (^coeoっ; (「)

A pplication of A ct .

4. ( i ) T h e P resident m a y , b y notification, a p p ly a ll o r an y o f the

. p ro v isio n s o f this A c t t o a n y fo r c e raised and
Ac^ 〇 certain forces m ain tain ed b y the Parliam ent o r a S ta te C o u n c il,
under the U nion o r xmder th e a u th o rity o f th e President.
Governm ent.

(2) O n su ch n o tifica tio n b ein g m ade, a n y p rov isio n s o f this A c t

so ap p lied sh a ll h a v e e ffe c t in respect o f persons b elo n g in g to a n y
su ch fo r c e as t h e y h a ve efEect in respect o f persons su b je ct to this A c t
holding in th e D e fe n c e S ervices th e sam e ran k as th e aforesaid persons
hold fo r th e tim e b ein g in th e fo r c e to w h ich th is A c t is so applied,
and sh all h a v e efFect in re sp e c t o f persons w h o are em p lo y ed b y , o r
are in th e se rv ic e d f, o r are fo llo w è r s o f, or a c c o m p a n y a n y p ortion o f
a n y £iuch fo r c e as th e y h a v e e ffe ct in respect o f persons su b ject to
th is A c t u n d er cla u se (d) o f sub-section (i) o f se ctio n 2.

(3) W h ile a n y o f the p ro v isio n s o f this A c t a p p ly to a n y such

fo rce, tile P resident m ay , b y n o tificatio n , direct b y w h a t a u th o rity a n y
jurisd iction , p o w e rs or d uties in cid en t to the op eration of these p ro v i­
sions, sh a ll b e ex ercised o r p erfo rm ed in resp ect o f th a t fo rce , and
m ^ y suspend t h e op eration o f a n y other en actm en t f o r th e tim e being
app licab le t o h a t fo rce.

5. (1) T h e P resid en t m a y , b y notification, d irect th a t a n y persons

o r d a s s o f *persons .s u b je c t t o th is A c t under
Special provisions clause t(d) o f sub-section h ) o f se ctio n 2, shall
cases. b e so su b je c t as oflBcers, w a r ra n t officers o r n o n ­
com m ission ed officers, aiid m a y a u th o rize a n y
officer to g iv e a lik e d irection w it h respect t o a n y su ch persons an d t o
can cel su c h d irectio n .

33S0D S J II

^ j3 3 n § g ü e G Ç ç 〇û〇§ ao cco [g cs n

9 11 11 ( ° ) (y c o |s3jc o 〇3〇so5sac>gi cocogsw coco coîjoco^

g p îo o o o c o cooS u lœ ü ^ r a Q o G o i [yg ^ co G C O o c© C Q 3 ^ œ |q © G © l そc c

CS3〇œ § 3 3 ^ 6 0 3 0 0 )0 ^ GCQOCOÜCD^ 3351330CFD〇32〇E 〇GOI ^© Æ œ pSeO O O C

o x^ œ つsg cd つ co5gœ s)S)§(E c o rê s^ c jü p S c ^ ! 5 g o ^ co ^ p 3
c â fc o g e îii œ 〇3y 令q ç g っ!^:) 〇っ G œ jg っ| c c o g ii

(J ) CX)Ssc§3^ G j ç g っjg っ®っ ajcS j^ G C O J g っCD g3^ 1l c8c8coœ 举 GOCO会

01133n§gü© 3^ 反 g っ平: s jr é o jっsoo会 i o ^ 〇3 ro g ü S3 ^ C co csco co ro 举 g o gcd)

O X )2 C d 5 J lo 5 0 JOJOSI 3 3 3 3 3 っSGCOJっ$ っ1 # 0 0 っSGCOっ 33SO⑭ 5 œ ^ 0 姿 33S〇5 c 8

C〇5 ü G œ 50 2 C C jgœ っSGGDっ C ^ 3 3 rê gü G 3 C ^ ŒJCD干っg c jo jjo jっS93g J T S^Œ^SCOO?

G îp c S o D O ^ l (y g っ拳:q o o ü p s o û g l O^COO^OJCül〇C D ^ p S 3 3 G JT GXX^SO X^GCpCO

GOCJügll* 0 ^ 5 q S ü J l C p ^ (3 )€ Î3 3 〇L3 (Qû)35C|l(TSl33cSgüG3r^CVjœ+OC)C^OJつ*

np Q c c \ o o q c\ c o c oc o c r-»c
• Q c c c o c 〇c c q c c c
SCJ30WJつ21 0 Îœ @ SG C IJC 0 œCS33«0C033üLC S O ^ 3 C 0 C ü l〇C33贫 OOüSgCD G子C JC l^ p n
o c c C o C oc _ c c 〇c c npci~~1 o c
COCOgDSOœCO CDCS330OT33UCS C0 3 3 C0 C G^oa>c^c7DG^onx)l[cj®la)coojosi c o c o g s

o œ co C〇ê s3 3 0 C 0 3 X {C :a )明 令 夸 C^OX>1c〇 つicqcou j つ: 33GüTc〇g^S 33à3j[:〇c)〇5


( ? ) 2)133C^ B ÜG3§ lygofssyœcoooDD^Si . oogoü^ co〇3 3 ^gü T 〇3œj|:aûcb

G cpcoG ^ ogi o 8 [ y g o ^ : ô jc o o jo s ssro ^ sco co eG p n S ^ csG ^ -x a > s 〇G s o o c g c f X j « ^

©C|é裝 3 5 3 3 0 CTOっI 33因っS33っcrooopsi CJCO gSO U ^cSoDO O 拳O cScQ Cp〇OS)S)〇ÿ ^ C O g

o c O C \ C C c e • \ c c c 〇〇• c ' 〇c

G [çgっ[g っ0 っ 献 gg拳0 っsそc c o g ii œ jy c 0 ^ 3 3 っsg co jo q っ a jœ o j^ cûct> 3 ^ co 沒

f— c r* c c o c oc oc c1
|ygっ^ sœ っÎGCXO 33[gっSgüG30D€|6€|üfTJ e p s^ e sœ っSそc o o g ll

3« n ( o ) t^§0 J l 0 3 0 3 ( o ) ^ 3 3 Ü 3 ( cû ) 03€|l ^ 3 3 C D g ü Ô 3 c8 C^CO^O^O^

。 r c œpSpS33 〇s[5 ©GOI COCDüJjSOSO'DS C0ü | ;

C0©0 :

は ね 球 … 昆 わ み ! 爲 I 逆 裳 ^
ぐ ぐ 厂 》俨 È デ つ 〇 つ 咕 欲 巴 つ :和 ① 跑 晒 a jo g œ g :^!界

o œ c o ro g 33COOJC2 ^ in q o îs jm o x jo G O îC i^ ç " o Ç ^ j^ o S s jo o d ^ oücw ücdï^

« 3 3 C p ^ C O g :Ô :a 3 2 : 3 3 3 1 3 3 7 C n ? 3 3 U â i C :I c 2 〇a ) U

(2) A ll persons su b ject to th is A c t o th er than officers, w a r r a n t

ofR cers and non -com m issioned officers sh a ll, if th e y are n o t p erson s in
resp ect o f w h o m a notification o r d ire ctio n under sub-section ( i) is in
fo rc e , be deem ed to be o f a rank in ferio r to th at o f a non-com m issioned

6. (1) E ve ry p erso n su bject to th is A c t under clause (d) o f su b­

section (1) o f se ctio n 2, shall, fo r th e pu rposes o f
Com m anding officer th is A c t, be d eem ed to be under th e co m m an d in g
o f persons subject to
m ilitary law under officer o f th e co rp s, departm ent, u n it, ship,
clause (d) o f sub-sec­ establishm ent o r d eta ch m en t to w h ic h h e is
tion (i) of section 2.
attached, and i f h e is n o t attach ed to a n y co rp s,
d ep a rtm en t, u n it, sh ip, establish m en t or d etach m en t, u n d er the
c o m m a n d o f a n y o fficer w h o m a y f o r th e tim e being be nam ed as his
co m m a n d in g officer b y th e officer co m m a n d in g th e fo rc e w ith w h ic h
su ch person m a y fo r the tim e b ein g b e serving, o r o f a n y o th er
p rescrib ed officer, o r , i f n o such officer is n am ed o r prescribed under the
co m m a n d o f th e said officer co m m a n d in g th e fo rce.

(2) A n officer com m an d in g a fo r c e shall n o t p lace a person under

th e co m m an d o f an officer o f ran k in fe rio r to th at o f su ch person, i f
th e re is present a t th e p lace w h e re su ch p erson is a n y officer o f h ig h e r
ra n k u n d er w h o se com m an d he ca n b e placed.

7. W h e n e v e r p erson s subject to th is A c t are serving u n d er an

officer co m m a n d in g a n y m ilita ry o rg a n iza tio n
Officers exercising n o t in this se c tio n sp ecifica lly nam ed, and bein g
in t certain jn the op in ion o f th e President not less th an a
brigade in th e case o f th e arm y , and n ot less th an
a fo rm a tio n p rescrib ed as an e q u iv a le n t to th e brigade (arm y) in the
case o f th e n a v y o r air force, the P resident m a y prescribe the officer b y
w h o m the p o w ers w h ic h under th is A c t m a y be exercised b y th e 0 伍 cers
co m m an d in g arm ies, a rm y corps, d iv isio n s and brigades in th e case
o f th e a rm y o r b y oflScers co m m a n d in g eq u iv a len t fo rm atio n s in th e
case o f th e n a v y an d the air fo r c e sh a ll, as regards su ch person s, be
ex ercised .
ncScco^coôcocc coœoccccosoo? icnSoboiscc cuScteG
O 000 O O • OO O \ ® O
S c c S o Kcoccœo b?scFoccco cugcPocouceG c c c so ^ sa : ibeGG0〇3a)CGl[3
uobcüScPe|cbeG cccq ^üocü gjscPosSoeGçec cccsScoôéccoooco œcnosScog^
O」 J
0 0
しJ J
〇 O O
ccc 0(X)
\ O
〇co coscPoccocooco oéscPaonco iscPesEolooco
O O ^ 〇 éJ J
J J し ^ I j O し :5 . i 〇 ^

J J 0 0
b O
〇 VJ
0 \
coccoo cccoœcnoNooo œcooccccosaos isobcoœoo
0 O % J :___ ___ r J' ^>〇
°•. _r, - 〇» nscPo6d;5€〇
CüCeGOSCGGÇGOeG 。 'ccscœco^cocc
r ob eGscdoecocs ^ _. n°
- __ 0
^-,r- . r / (•、 ° J 门 v )?cc
〇 îclftcaoccc
c c c 0 c c c o o § (o co scca ji) ccnaoco iouin〇
)bjcucocG〇-3D J v v P* i 〇 in.
e ^ o 一 、0 、 〇 . "ノ ,f じ ù CüCoecscloobŒÇü uecc
cos) œ c o fis c d c û c c 丨
ooobs は:)b i n c T O f t c ü c c g s c c o o o c o °
J D 0 〇 ù û Ù 0
icüioo^l cocoeGocosSÈul
し 〇J :>
j 一 I j 山
wJ O j
o o
〇 lEii


〇 o o
j e o
o o o
j 〇 O e o
ccc 0J〇JS fâoscdcoooseG
JO〇 0
D JvJ 0 J 00 \ 0
œccoo ococké9CXsSccœ
0 0 0 o o
〇 0cos3co SccsScol^àœ cccsésaDoco cuècoocco (T)
6 J O O ノ

O Où
J O し 0
cccsœ oa)
& 0
0 、 *5
〇 O^J
〇 J J
o o
o»-J o
ù ù
o e o
ccsoco iGooKiccccccccsocco
o o o wjj o o
fâs3s3c〇 l3cbeG2Cfe(€G CCCSâCCOCOOCCCC 103aQoODOJCeGOCCOO fâsSsSoD&dsCG
j é o o J o 〇 jJ j j j b ©© o
as>oo ocoèPseGoo icu&àcc
D oo o ob O 〇
cccsbœ oa) icGcfc
\ J j

ieec icüooco
し o \〇
o oo o o
o o j \,
Eajccœ œeeccocccccoe
b o \ o \
000Doscccoœ uccaeG^ec icccocc iocû léco loecoco
JCCGOO l〇B|cCf)bc〇COO ODODCGScioSaj (pGS〇3cce£-l^
icncSccfe ocoajceGQGüco (issooco cccecaoco cuoco 〇 Jo 0 1
^ 0 ^ 0 ^ v J ^ ^ \ O 0 -0 c ü c c g x ï) bec ( 〇3 ) gocg
coœe cocnasc^cocc icosœoeGoeG iojcccscc iojocd td (c) i「 《 so

〇 、 J O \ scec<=)〇
O〇 i3ccsorx»ccb
û 〇〇
l i n n ins i / \ 1 /
iaj^D gjG0〇3cüeclu) ibec coeciis (c) heco if ogo ( c) h ut

ncSobcnœ o cocxiccoSIscPoccÊboecG c c c s ô é
cocecsbcecc ÿscœ 〇 yeG lœioœ^ascfeccoçecucc ôéobcoœPeâcGjiS cccno
sScogD icocbjcEJoèfieG ccc3sccoif)]a)〇o ibec (c) eoco loSccscoscecccb
cia>to cüGOoSoüeGp is^ooooecFeoEoleG oéscfecooedseG iscPotxbec (Q

8. N o tw ith stan d in g a n y th in g c o n ta in e d in cla u se (a) o f sectio n 3,
th e President m a y , b y n o tifica tio n , d eclare th at
Power to. declare a n y person o r cla ss o f persons su b je c t to this
•crive^ 〇 n A ct w ith referen ce t o a n y area in w h ic h
th e y m a y b e se rv in g o r w it h re fe re n ce to an y
provision o f this A c t o r o f a n y o th e r la w fo r the tim e b ein g in fo rce , be
deem ed to be on a ctiv e service w ith in th e m ean in g o f th is A c t.


C ommission and Enrolment .

9 • 丁he President m a y g ra n t a co m m issio n t o a n y p erso n as an

Commission. officer in t h e D e fe n c e S e rv ic e s..

10. N o person w h o is n o t a c itiz e n o f the U n io n shall, e x c e p t w ltù

th e co n sen t o f th e President signified in w ritin g ,
Ineligibility of aliens be en ro lled in th e D e fen ce Services.

1 1 , Fem ales shall b e eligib le f o r en ro lm en t o r e m p lo y m e n t in the

D e fe n c e S e rv ic e s in su ch co rp s, d epartm ent,
Eligibility o f females b ran ch o r o th e r b o d y fo rm in g p a rt o f attach ed
fo r enrolment or
employment. to a n y p o rtio n o f th e D e fe n c e S ervices as the
P resident m a y , b y n o tifica tio n , s p e c ify in th is
b eh a lf.

12. U pon th e a p p ea ra n ce b e f o r e th e p rescrib ed en ro llin g officer

o f a n y p e r so n d esirou s o f b e in g en ro lled , th e
Procedure ^ efore en ro llin g o ffic e r sh all read an d e x p la in to h im ,
e 80 er, o r ca u se t o b e read and e x p la in e d to h im in his
presence, th e con d ition s o f th e s e r v ic e f o r w h ic h h e is to b e en ro lled ;
and sh all p u t t o h im th e q u estio n s s e t fo r th in th e p rescrib ed fo r m o f
en ro lm en t, an d shall, a fte r h a v in g c a u tio n e d h im th a t if h é m akes a *
fa lse a n s w e r t o a n y su ch q u e s tio n h e w ill b e lia b le to p u n ish m en t
ibssGOOccueGl^ io I^ soscocco ) 0 JobcoKjoec cccoioacDcno ps^Pcooo
oêèecosiesos ^obse〇 oKjgo iiodobsèSjsoo scecocgo IjïcPo îèesos cocsîcoo

9 i? )e> §^°c ? SccscooooftODCC ébsoccsobco ablecsoco

賢 ? 。 f?
scr〇œ[bs 〇œ s a 〇
丄」ヲ 3 J » ir i ? S°fo : ふ:?
a o b c é œ œ ^ s e œ o o o ^ œ bd aœ oo f?bca ? g œ s?c〇 g?tt
iieccSccÊcoào s9s3co ccœsoccsobco oSecsoœftoo
cccucaecüffîoàcG sbosoccsobca oSleGsooofiaio crcsscœ coococcii uPc
C J J O O J ^J 〇 O *i J

nSf>b& osot)]oeo^oaî〇co
<7 1 ク i ° °r-y 0 kJi? JO JO O|
OCJÜS l〇3a>Sj〇eG§〇OCCSDOC〇 OgeGSOOOOOOSCP〇6 S?0 , 7 , , , ^ J6
ocooecscSeG CCC3SCOOCUCCCO cocoosScocc iccceèô ° ° l
〇 o c ^ c 巧 c o je e c o
?。し ぜ ccœ ^G 铲 çcc3R?œ て 知
oocoos3cocc teécîD iéc5 loecoco pcœ sfioco iS c c °
R]|〇2)sc0 scc oS]c5]cEûl0|geG cocoeccccooooi' i| oîoeGâcoljSii h cc

丨け ?§Kos?J
nb:o?c«S=bca ^ bc? ^ ir °
oQeGS6〇oea<o ccoçcosooco r〇çu ccodo icc&beco ° 诗

ajPeScocccocc pcoocccoooooè i〇rco〇Dcooscccoo^ oocooscSBjn 1100

u«〇§ o cc| e 。
#-> 1 «• ri n 〇Bec 6 à c c oos^coini
ncccco^oeGse omcgscoo ° ° ^
fecbeGoosocoèBI ococo030000 0200occcda ic?cccoacc ccoooo^n ii 3
O O O O-J 0 0 O O O 〇 0 O •J 〇

iisoEjsoccsobco çRecsoooooo ôéso0oec|e oE>|ec&cl9ccoo:acoéR|

il d s a o e œ

〇<J J o » I oo
œc〇 fxrcœe>oo^
^ •〇〇
J wJ
x P A C c G jlè o a jë s o o o a o o c c H s ic o îb e c c o io o c G p c o o S a je c K S is o b c œ s S s é c S
.—_I O J O UO 0 Ù 0 J J b J
b coeeco

fâobobco GooSscbcoscelec
〇 wJ O J 〇 J
œSco cocPcusscecieec cocooscSoocc iiscsoSccec AL
^ i j o b c c c s K s ic S S b o je e c D c n é pftScoPcosoooeeH? i 百 H R I•去c〇」
s c To c c o d 1 0 3 0 3 s c e G g c o œ s lP o c o c o lO s c o S js c e G s d s S c o c c d '
〇 ご」 b o»J e o
0 0 C
O J Oし O O J 3
oco V{co^.eGoec
ノ \〇〇
\è ogoii


under th is A c t, record or cause to b e record ed his a n sw er to ea ch

su ch q u estio n .

13. If,
a fte r c o m p ly in g w i t lî the p rov isio n s o f section 12, th e
en ro llin g officer is satisfied th at th e person
Mode of enrolment. desirous 〇f being en ro lled fu lly understands th e
q u estion s p u t to him and consents to th e con d itio n s o f service, and if
h e p e rc e iv e s n o im p ed im en t he shall sign and shall also cau se th e
p erson t o sign the en ro lm en t paper, and th e person shall th en b e
d eem ed to b e enrolled.

14. E v e r y person w h o has fo r the sp ace o f three m on ths been in

receip t p f m ilitary p a y as an en rolled person and
Validity o f enrol- borne on th e ro lls o f a n y corp s, d ep a rtm en t,
u n it o r ship shall b e deem ed to h a v e been d u ly
en ro lled an d shall n o t b e entitled to cla k n h is discharge on* th e grou nd
o f a n y irr e g u la r ity o r ille g a lity in his en ro lm en t or oi> a n y oth er grou nd
w h a tso e v e r ; and if w ith in the said th ree m on ths süch p erson claim s
his d isch a rg e a n y su ch irreg u la rity or ille g a lity or oth er grou nd shall
n o t, u n til s u c h person is d isch a r^ d in p u rsu a n ce o f his claim , a ffe c t
h is p o sitio n as an en ro lled person under th is A c t o r in v alid a te a n y
p ro ceed in gs, a c t or th in g taken or done p rio r to his discharge.

A ttestation .

15. T h e fo llo w in g persons shall be a tteste d , n am ely :一

(a) all perscMis en ro lled as com b atan ts ;
Persons to be (b) all persons selected t o) be non-commission*ed
Attested. officers or a c tin化g non-com m issiom ed
o ffice rs; and
fc) all o th e r en rolled persons p rescribed b y th e President.
c œ o :Q s o œ s o b c o o SJcgsoooS g C' ^ cc ^docccg cucoocc ccoooo ^ ( ü)

:o§or)Peîëo oSjecoEojeGffieo ûDooos^cogc ioEoIod (e) «xcPoœb^cScc
u^jccGcbs^îoccîobco oQcgxFos^ J W ooocoo) ( cü)
11030bCj^jcScc c3ccîcfoa:
[〇ûJceGe>ü hCe

il soëjojcScc

nboocoBJcüPoo bcbu|s>eeco^üfen|
^ c C jo c c (ogscG ic0ccàeG cocoosScogb ijoteocolÇj louFecoEocceo ç9ccc3^
cccoeoDsbsec jooeG°ccoo oocnosScoa: icccsêococ^j obooecooDccœ œcof^
jboejODgœo gjéoec^eG^ccaD SccésGSjs^co ccsQscœsoccsobco>
oQ cgsoooooo bcGce>o3a)eG|^ f3cceeœ 〇üPeR]socQseGsc6]eG 00000scBccg^
içjPeQsocSJscG sjë]〇rœ|oeôéG£>o3sdl3co 000dosS co j: lOüfeQiocCjoec:
so§Pcoos«cosc3é し
o^scg チ 肪 汾 推 es翌 œ ÿ^ so e ^ ÿjSo scecsjb 3ecô 备
a)PeœsQCCoe)〇o lol^oesoccosoecoco coccgo isocoeccosccjogeeG oRjob 11b〇3|ft
っcc〇3会^ 〇& 章 sQ1姻 sec i^SfiJocuPeQsミcCIseB cccc翌 fiscQcc
oocooscccofc ieecocuPeR]spcEü|3eG 2〇ë]pPœ|〇3 o^GSJoSsdbco cocooscSœcc
ieec〇üuPeQsocEô]3eG so5|Pcoosocos3i 8cbsoccsobco oKJeGSooooooccco oH^>
iiccîobcocoo coccccoHsBJsoœsobco oSjeGsoooaoa» fcoco 们 ,

:OCOs3i COSOGOCcésfelO 0500cosobcoco fâCCCSCC . • つ」 :?00 ir

Ç)îno:c3cû& ioco i^cS ioccococdcc5« lolcosKjéaÉb J J
cücocooüccoo focoscc o^ésecsSco œsfilsoccsobco a>fi]eGsoœoca>ii 116c

il jdoboocoo co^ccoSJsfijsoœsobca) ofijessfioo^oo ouœoo icoc^osQa)3soo§be>

ûoococu sc3cusceGCcoo psoosb3coecoco cjüococncoao ocooo ébsoccsobc® 〇£]〇>

:ocooa>o JoSAs^cbajoec 士bcnosaSJ ト ?過 ;:
)œsobe® っ ijf to
oéE ols co&dbec sbs>soccsobco oBlecsocooda» coccccco •
〇 »_.J ^o o r _〇 1
_ ^ 一 。 o p.cH^^occ
coerce coîcPftcoPesoûuscdcD c3oocécücosfic〇f5〇a> ilbcrico L *〇 v
〇 o o o^ ■«へ 〇 % o 〇 〇_ sobeo jubiec : 0000®®
• ci côcnc3B| cüscPosiesao icdcccccosoœsobca> oSJcg j j °
:«œ«oa> isRjoullocose cécooD sooDCGscPocuPesécSfij ^ Te oooii 114c

lÆ o b o sco o sb s cocr)«sc3 coa: icSobcoosbs

lôœ oo G〇coeGa>ecosées〇3 ioœeG sHsoe>cocc scecccœ coccobe soElcooPeaDGCDR:
0 0 e j し。 ¢1 o o 〇 • 〇jこ !

16, (i) W h e n a person w h o is to b e a tte s te d is rep orted fit fo r d u ty ,

or has c o m p le te d t h e p rescrib ed p e rio d o f p ro b a-
Modeof attestation tion , o a th o r a ffirm a tio n sh all b e a d m in istered
to h im in the p re sc rib e d form b y h is c o m m a n d in g ofiBcer in fr o n t o f h is
c o r p s o r such p d r tio n th ere o f o r su ch m e m b e rs o f h is d ep a rtm en t, u n it,
oc ship, as m a y b e p resen t o r b y a n y o th e r p re sc rib e d person.

(2) T h e fo r m o f oath or affirm a tion p re sc rib e d u n d er th is se c tio n

shall co n tain a p ro m ise th at th e p erso n t o b e attested w ill b e fa ith f u l
to th e C o n s titu tio n , and th at h e w i l l s e r v e in t h e D e fe n c e S erv ices a n d
g o w h e re v e r h e is ord ered b y la n d o r sea o r a ir , an d d ia t h e w ill o b e y
a î l com m and s o f a n y o 伍 cer set o v e r h im , e v e n to th e p eril o f h is lif e .

(3) T h e f a c t o f a n en rolled p erso n h a v in g ta k é n -the o a th o r affirm a­

tio n d irected by th is sectio n t o be ta k e n sh a ll b e en tered o n h is e n ro l­
m e n t paper, a n d a u th en tica ted b y th e sig n a tu re o f th e o ffice r
adm in isterin g th e o a th or a ffirm ation .

C H A P T E R IV .

C onditions of Se r v ic e .

17, S u b ject to th e p ro v isio n s o f th is A c t a n d th e ru les a n d r e g u la ­

tio n s m ad e th e re u n d e r, th e President m a y
Term m ation^o^ dism iss o r re m o v e fr o m th e se rv ice, a n y p erso n
•• su b ject to th is A c t .

1 8 . (1) T h e Q i i e f o f S taff m a y d ism iss o r r e m o v e fro m th e s e r v ic e

a n y p erso n s u b je c t t o th is A c t o th er th a n an
Dism issal or re - officer*
S e ^ h i e f o S r J :! (2) T h e C h ie f o f S ta ff m a y red u ce t o a
by other officers. lo w e r g ra d e o r ra n k o r to th e ran k s a n y w a r r a n t
o r a n y n o A -co m m issio n ed ofl5ccr.

(?) & 3 2 SC〇6 3 3 0 ^ré(^Üül〇 )l CoSüUDつG3 3 つcS ü C üS g ODつ 3 3 会3 2 ©会 C§LI GC)

co6i o ^ c o g ^ ü jc o G coœ 5 〇3corS[^©(jlrDi coS ücoっ ([ç g p ? œ 5 ) 今$ opLg :D g R

c r c > c c c \ c 〇 c*、 ç 一…5
COD^CQOOつ2C〇 pp 33泛 33©さ G33 つ00 ÜCCDGCOつ 33ÜG3C0bs〇^ ngOCOCOg

œ p s y c o o l s o«c73uf75Gjapcogsgso§i © o y œ y s g c s ü 3 ^ [y c o ^ s o o ^ o c ^ c c o g i
c c coc c

COCpCQC ODつ0205GCJSgSOSSjjみ CD0 I2I 33[g 〇S 33CpQC〇gSgSC0gDl 33CpSCJCV

foqycQ ^ sjcogsro © oüooysgcso 33gco^ sü 〇ocoo©Gji c o œ g sü œ c Q ü^œocucji

( 9 ) 供 ( ? ) CüS gJ T 函 |s<5C0っ 33Cp 备 CDさSきSCO邑 I S S c ÿ n k jG C O っ 32Gp£cjCO

C0gSgS33 つSI j œ g S s ü ü ^ C O G51235COさSきS03っSI 趟 與 GCOつ330^ ° ^ 6 〇 (301 4 3 平兮

«COっ Q3S0£0^CG© I CO^O)っ S33S〇 5 〇^(DG(DI GCV^|03J^CC0CÛ II
C〇5 :ÛつS9330CCQ G C O jp jœ つS G 3 つ 3 3 C p 4 :〇 C〇gS33:)S‘ C j^ ^ SO 討 ç


( 3) G〇^ 3 3 ^ g ü X g S ^ i COü^SO^gûl œ 33[rgü.^ G 3^güC 0gS 33^O CjCS^133§

O)子2 3 3 3 0 C^COgSsüOjeS G^33[2 3 〇g œ ô c o っS33SO(|œr&阳 GCOっ33 设 〇0 军 S33S〇q

Ü^C^JCI œ 5 :X)っs-3330(Sdf y œ ^ O C S C O C ^ ^ 33ü 令GüS今 CCCC01I

(り g^js3C 〇g 〇 G3 备 j^ g っ拳 SSJC&QpS子q c p ’ @ Q rD g (JG 333q g c O g 平 会 SgUG3 I

〇?œ^SOUDCO o g s ü jg s g ü G S ü p S 子《 qcsi OS〇| 〇DJCG020 ^ju3ü5(C S33Ü 夸CSCO つS

CCDつ の つ CDつ^ p s c ^ 〇^S$C|ügSH

〇g » HCOOyGCoSl O§C0gSüCQC0 CD〇ÜGC〇5<â 3300033ÜCSCOSQâè ® ^ J g S3


Ç0CpSgüG£JCX)S|5 气5 凾 函 っ 拳 ssycSüjっ? , 《 〇a 〇!C 〇
S 〇表 c ▲.•«
l —
" c£ ------- 丨' 35^1(3^0 つ|gつ0 つ 0 C g j3 3 fD

認 彳 輝 ^ :— 巧 ,
wocrooHIl COGg33üJ[S330っSI 33C〇l〇 CÜÜっSDDüÇ^yJsSS© っS1 03义
33^33©pSI 33CDCSI Q3〇 G3üJs33€i〇Si S3 e 〇3©pS
33〇J[s33COSI cScOCÛSQœœQSCOCS 030^S33©0S CD03C〇C«S 〇 I 33DDCS
OcJÿ©C]^ S3SC33GCJ: J COCO0DSQCOCO 3 3 ^ 〇 lc 〇OOI CÛCOoSsüœCQ
33 COC J33ÿC0 O ^écO ^CO S^gSSO CDCOUX)^ 333033G€|SI


[(^COüCOgÛ °JC 0 3 0 |[y ^| a? c 〇g〇s〇œ c 〇 S3CgSs〇3GOSÛ? CDCOGCprOCj^
33^isaiGGjSI C§COgSy〇)CD 0 ^ 3 0 ||y ü 〇r>CGCDOCjCSI O^330gOS33GOSCaC

(3) A n o fficer co m m a n d in g a form ation n o t less th an a brigade in

th e ca se o f th e a rm y , a fo rm a tio n prescribed as e q u iv a le n t to n o t less
than a b rigad e (arm y) in the case o f the n a v y or air fo rc e , o r a n y o th er
p rescrib ed officer, m a y dism iss o r rem ove fro m th e se rv ice a n y person
u n d er his co m m a n d o th e r th an an officer :

P rovid ed th a t a W a rr a n t O fficer, Class I, shall n o t be dism issed

o r re m o v e d fro m th e se rv ice b y an officer oth er than th e C h ie f o f Staff.

(4) A n y su ch officer as is m ention ed in sub-section (3) m a y red u ce

to a lo w e r g ra d e o r ran k o r th e ranks, an y w a rra n t officer o r a n y n o n ­
co m m issio n ed ofi&cer u nd er h is com m an d :

P ro vid ed th a t a w a rra n t officer reduced to th e ran ks shall n o t be

req u ired t o se rv e in the ran ks against his w i s h . .

(5> T h e co m m a n d in g 0 伍 ce r o f an acting non-com m issioned officer

m a y o rd e r h im t o r e v e rt t o his perm anent grade as a n on -com m issioned
o fficer o r, if h e h a s i no p erm an en t grade above th e ran ks, to the ran ks.

(6) T h e e x e r c is e o f a n y p o w e r s under th is se ctio n sh a ll b e su b je c t

to th e p ro v isio n s o f th is A c t an d the rules and regu latio n s m ade th ere­
u nd er.

19. S u b je ct to th e p rov isio n s o f any la w fo r the tim e bein g in fo rce

rela tin g to th e D efence Services o r to a n y b ran ch
Power to m odify th e re o f, th e President m a y , b y n o tifica tio n m ak e
certain fundam ental • • , , • .
rights in their applies- rules r e s tn c tin g to such e x te n t an d in su ch m an-
tion to ^person^ sub- ner as m a y be necessary th e rig h t o f a n y person
" S • su b ject t o this A c t—
(ü ) to b e a m em ber o f, o r to be associated in a n y w a y w ith ,
a n y trad e u n ion o r lab ou r union, o r a n y class o f tra d e o r
la b o u r u nions o r a n y society, in stitu tio n o r association^
o r a n y class o f so cieties, institutions o r asso cia tio n s:

(b) to atten d o r address a n y m eeting or t o t a k e p a rt in a n y

d em on stration o rg a n ized b y a n y b o d y o f persons fo r a n y
p o litic a l o r o th er purposes ;
KîeoKjœoœeGgcccocû la s a R jœ ô œ c G c c c sô é P )I l__
anicoœ cccaoépo sceGs3s9ox)EoleD axr>n:Scoa: i,s?3 ^ c I〇d〇^j〇c〇«:3c 〇g=
1:5s3coc〇ûecbsG ic3cco1Pesos3 sbs>cncucco (P ) • ° ,P〇&âlc*c^
, n a œ 〇| ç n o ^ ç o c o o îç B c o S : i〇^ c c o | o n ' ^ e;
2Pg t\ ^ c T
coco sicoQec egoQsficooao scecsSsScoccbcIcoco
ûjG3〇9a>ed^ is^oco«î3s^coodbec JcSccolPesjjSsbscococco (c ) i hoc

iioCcco^cnoçol cocnos^œgb
ic3 cco^ oococojçco0€ g OSO0SOCOOOQ) sceGs9s9coccbcé n ^
0n °rr〇 0 !® 0 n :o&a>obou:D0:ooo
° isooo§:ciaG3
, .r ° n b 〇d:çlhscco odcooscccocc
へ d 〇 い igsoc
! へ T ①^ 产 ??|
:o3i c3œS]beGG3〇3ÿjeGU) isob^scP«soë]séc5f)] ^ogs>o5cücd|[Sii nie
iiscCbcüPes^Güscco <]sooe:oE|:000000
O ù ù ÙO O J

1!S s æ e c c

0 J
〇:ocEôle>iocooo colSdsec SccooSlcoccccou cocooscccoa: icaccsofto
J .^ I J J 〇 O w丨 Ô J J O J
0 〇 J ©J j O J
O 〇J ù
O •• J O
Oi J ù O „

iJüsocGJIss BIISIc S ccoocü
O J . J oJJ O
O ù O
oo 〇

0 0 ^
5 J
c rs300œsBlsoccsobco
O éU ^ J
oB cg:0000<jkî (à )

ii3f^6[ 〇cüfeS]oocü isobpcoç3〇[〇

ec 士 oo[S^0〇ucce£3 fâoo laDJCuscœ^oec psSsSco&dseccüOoec cccs>olPeneG
〇je )〇 ijobBayrftîcœoofescwxKreGipoo
O 0 0
àéo^cc^Bo ios>oQoS]gbe:ocbD[e>coe) ia)S^Qof)jsbesocCJe>be> 1030
jocEôloiéou pojSsoœoecÿjcbojo ococco300co isob^cooJofooucfeocoosecc
:士00 oo ^ S cucccgp «o iajG〇o3e03cc ?)〇lPeoeGs3o^ icrccccSobSJcScc
o!ooc8cccocu çDCoosaroocc ic8ccsoPcu crccçoacocc b cco co ^
uSoboo^l loooSjcSccgoou icdsoQ cqccsoPco scesccoo c〇2^s5co〇Diuc)gcë]eG a?cc
:cooo3000cc is^eco^œ scœ coooocc cocoos3 0 oœ ic5ok®e>?>] ioe>oSjcSccgocu
i〇)S^Qc 8cc ;o Pcü cüsS ocû ^ccgD ïjgDecoçccccco^occ ujb^œsûcocuc^sSe)
^scPo& cœ ol^coçcüAscuco ocçcecc gdcoosS cocd ioco lécS^œ go isob
^ooœ œ cosSosoocGœ geG^^ooDio ijobcœsoœœcooSooeGocoipccoo 103
<^|[pcG^3cc^e:Q 。〇〇〇〇〇怜ec !es^Gec cccsscœ^o 3印 。

oocc loexjbJjeeGSccbeiofejosococc cocdcccoooôcc J w

Jbpcœosoœîdbcoooo^ocoj I〇5ccs3cocc cccsoBjcBobc^cocc (c^n ngc

(c) to co m m u n icate w ith th e press o r to p u b lish o r cau se t o b e

pu blished a n y b o o k , le tte r o r o th er d o cu m en t.

2 0 . A n y p erson su b ject to th is A c t m a y b e retired , o r d isch arged

fro m the se rv ice b y su ch a u th o r ity and in su ch
Red i s S te.〇 r m an ner as m a y b e p rescribed .

2 1 . E v e ry en ro lled person w h o is dism issed, rem o v ed , d isch arged ,

o r retired fro m th e se rv ice, sh a l 】 b e fu rn ish ed
Certificate on termina- b y his co m m a n d in g o fficer w it h a ce rtifica te
setting fo r th —

(û) th e a u th o rity term in a tin g his se rv ice :

(b) th e cau se o f su ch te rm in a tio n ; and

(c) th e p erio d o f his se rv ice in th e D e fe n c e S ervices.

22. ( i) A n y person en rolled u n d er th is A c t , w h o is en title d u n d er

th e co n d itio n s o f his e n ro lm e n t to b e d isch arged .
Discharge or dis- o r w h o se d isch arge is o rd ered b y c o m p e te n t
a u th o rity , a n d w h o , w h e n h e is so e n title d o r
ordered to b e d isch arged , is se rv in g o u t o f th e
U n ion o f B u rm a, and requests t o b e sen t to th e U n io n o f B u rm a, sh a ll,
b efo re b ein g d ischarged , be se n t to th e U n io n o f B urm a w ith a ll
c o n v e n ie n t speed.

(2) A n y p erso n en rolled u n d er th is A c t w h o is dism issed fro m th e

se rv ice and w h o , w h e n he is so dism issed, is se rv in g o u t o f th e U n io n
o f B urm a, shall b e se n t to th e U n io n o f B u rm a w it h all c o n v e n ie n t
sp eed :

P rovid ed th a t, w h e re a n y su ch p erson is se n ten ced to dism issal

co m b in ed w ith a n y o th er p u n ish m en t, su ch o th e r p u n ish m en t, o r in
the case o f a se n ten ce o f tra n sp o rta tio n o r im p riso n m e n t, a p o rtio n
o f su ch sen ten ce, m a y be in flicted b e fo re h e is se n t to th e U n io n o f
Burm a.

(3) F or th e pu rposes o f th is se c tio n th e w o r d “ d ism issa l•’ sh a ll

in clu d e re m o v a l.
iic^eboôjoscBco soScnocoè
0200bsccx;o ® cc^5 soElcoœoosècoQcG^ œSocGîcPoSaj (à^

〇 〇〇 •
e o 〇 wJ
〇 • OO O -J
cœ sSH
O «-J
〇 〇 O O O
üœ GoHœ iiecccccscoofe
J O 〇«J〇 し 〇

J Jo O %
J Jo O O
O 〇 O
ûJJ J ç し 〇

^coso cceecocaDGoRlscSJeG céciDGa>ooooosècoS|cG sceG:3s3coccco o2odbcc

«cBaboèRI cooPcccœs ^>ccoh
一 0 J oo
oPcocœ9 çcooècoéfil occcooSRl isccgsS sS co ccsRlsoœsobco oBIeG5e<x>fi«o bec
0 〇 • OO OU 0 0 J O O oJ O O 0 JJ 0 〇

J 〇
J J wi O • J 0 *>‘
1 J
O «J し J
• OwJo O O \J
O \ O
O • 〇J o O O \j
Ù^J ù 0

iiS o b o é fl cooPcccœ9 [fKcoèoPcccœ9 ccooècoéH b ccœ s3 H lesoeoceccoo

J 一〇ミ」 ▽ JO 。 •〇 〇 o -J 。 J <9〇 O O
sccGsdsdoo ccshjsoccsooco obecsftooooo gcggsoc
coccfe icccsesccoooéboifil œooècoéS] oocœ s^fi] ïi*oE|o〇c〇〇d
ô3ccos0co5soooooo 8ooG p o o ^ c o ls oo cœ sSf) ^ C〇

coco ibeG2cr〇〇L>Peîù〇Cüséo cJsoossoeisoccsoisco oH cgîoooocco fc')n ii 「厂

O ■〇 ù JO O ù Owl O O v /

llc3〇k 〇CGS09 CüsSoœipîcîX) CÜOCOSCOÛD6COCO cccsscooQjosojco

icccoüi^ec Sccêsoooéooœœ ococœsooco (o)
ISobsOcCjsCG (p )
icœccGoecG ccc9 〇ob lüîoëlseooooo ssccoo (co)

v — s c œ io ^ & c c c s r R s o & îo b c ® ?^ b
o EIcgsoooooo Sœ beso0:〇9scoso51eG cocooscScoçc w
lîoëjsosoeojœ isoêjcnoaD^ isoë|occcoosécoS]ec osoëjsoooeGOii nef

这 §
ooecüoo ^ocnftsgcco
II〇5CCO^SOOOCCÜCO COCOOs3 c〇Ç3 lÔ^OD 条 Iî〇0 :〇s,sc〇s«5]œ
s c o îe jje c osoêjsoooo^o becsecoscdé (!cccscœGDe〇Dcc
CüOOCCi3CeG ScCSCOOGOOCOCCISCeGS'3s3c〇 CcbcéçügD gJGSodcüeGlyjll II 〇r
hScco^scPoGsoSscdé ébcccc|cu [ftccœcocc|co oQscdécccccococc|cü
isbeecoeec ébcooscoooo^o ccJo«s3co
J 〇 O JO* ^ J
ち3 îsbeesoeec éboscoœo只 ) œeJsco xccec①fies sftcocoscScc
O O O J 00• O 〇 <3 J
J 〇 O
ico iocgco cccnoscdcoœ
J 〇 〇 O
O O O J O O 〇〇•
\ /



S e r v ic e P r iv il e g e s .

2 3 . T h e p a y and a llo w a n c e s o f e v e ry person subject to this A c t

due to him as su ch under a n y regu latio n fo r
Authorized deduc- th e tim e begin in fo rce shall be paid w ith o u t
tions only to be made a n y d edu ction o th er than the deductions authoriz-
from pav and allowan- , , , , . , . ^
ces, • ed b y or under th is or any other A ct.

24. (i) Any person subject to this Act, other than an o伍cer, who
deems himself wronged by any superior or other
R e m e d y 〇f a g g r i e v e d officer, may, if not attached to a unit or detach-
officc^S other than m ent, complain to the officer under whose com­
mand or orders he is serving ; and may, if attach­
ed to a unit or detachment, complain to the officer commanding the

(2) W h e n the o fficer com plain ed again st is the officer to w h o m a n y

c o m p la in t shou ld , u n d er sub-section ( i) , be preferred, the aggrieved
person m a y co m p lain to su c h officer’s n e x t superior officer.

(3) E v e ry officer r e c e iv in g an y su ch com plaint shall m ake as c o m ­

p le te an in v estig a tio n in to it as m a y be possible fo r g iv in g fu ll
redress to th e co m p la in a n t ; or, w h en necessary, reier the co m p lain t to
.superior a u th o rity .

(4) E v e ry such c o m p la in t shall be preferred in such m an ner as

m a y fro m tim e to tim e be specified b y th e proper au th ority.

(5> 丁he President m a y revise a n y decision b y the C h ie f o f Staff

u n d er sub-section (2), b u t, su b ject th ere to , the decision o f the C h ie f o f
S taff sh all be final.

25. A n y officer w h o deem s h im self w ro n ged b y his co m m an d in g

o ffic e r or a n y su p erio r officer ând w h o o n due
Rem edy o f aggrieved a p p lic a tio n m ad e t o his com m anding officer
officers. d o e s n o t receive th e redress to w h ich he considers
33S>0DS ^11


jpil l!^j3X^gUG3 f^ C^OD予っGjCÛC§ésCC^I œ gSsà CgSsüJ&güS3 œ 3 3 3 3 G|l

r r ^ | 33nig(jeï3c§ c^co 辛 っ €|cog€|ajc〇Gcoっ cv:

&°5œ ceyj *3: ©gcQGcroi o^jasœpuGoroi a§cop〇gQ(xco cÂ&^cddoqo
œ〇D〇 œto&c ©SoSoioi 1r c u L ^ じc ^ a 〇L c ^ c Cn
1 c c J* 1 u 33Q!Ci0 G®l09 q 0SS3C0 pUG:
3 C0S 3 roiD5C0 p6sW0DCQ33 S〇;
〇今〇X|予U r 「ぶ cLL c ド ? : L U-î
GQn〇güG3 œs>333€j[^cs©丨今OXüS)C[ÿC〇g GCÜJつSGCT)ü !SI

JQII II t O 1 C〇
t〇D子つG)CD^33Gpgüü^〇5c〇œ g s を CÛ0DI ÜÜSDつ2
, G30D:
OTCp^jüjO. ü copspsœ üCOCpstüCOpOCO OCOÜX)lc〇l OOCÜÜOI cducosi
f <S GW O zo ^ p iê 。じじc c T じc L J o ぐ c い LJ C cL
c c *V c o œ g s y œ c o 3 0 0 œ co o co sco cocotoooosco « œ cocojci
Û üüf^ O^OCOGCÜっI c^œposyc^co 33y!G(JS今CGCÛっ 33CDÇ
〇 〇C ( • oc c ope 〇 c o c c \ c e o \ c
œ co c[c g o s§ c c û g ]i cojyc cxjcoyoi œ o œ s i cooogosyœ cQ .oœ cocoocosco 0300œ
1 c *1 〇 LcKJ C \ L C "*■〇 c \ ^ L 。 よ *4oc^— ■
œ つsc^J^Da^ci oc^œüi c^ œ 白 s« c^ cq ^ a ^ œ œ u aj rçüCDGco:) 33cp gœ o^c[2 3 つs
oc .
/ ヽ oci~~• n e • 2 c c \ ,ヽ 〇c: | • c 〇
LC|2 p S g C S 3 CjGCDっ O XpgOûgl 03^3 (û j 3X| Œjclcq っSSJOX^

COO)S>C)Ü会 33Cp絶 <ÔC0; dS3331| 予0 平っûgCOg^i O^OXpQCOcS œ S 〇(^[^G CD っ 33C0C§

o ® o cr~ , oc c
ascpgoo co clcq o s^ c co g n
f \ o n o c i —1 c o c • o o oc c 〇 〇c i~ ■
[ ^ j S5S0ÜI C〇LC1230SSy〇X 〇t COODS)€|gGCDつ S3Cp^|C〇LCSCDg5l a jo jc ^ ro s
C 0330S G ^Ü SC O ^ CDOOjCÛGUSCjl 3 2 C 0 Z II O D O D C 0 O S 9 jr 〇S C © ocopsq) (〇 p î >
oc 广 c» c o C C C O C C O C C O 〇C |•
SCCO^j [yp50 G33 つC ©OüSO©GSOS€|ügl COCOgSüUDCO a^33ÜCO|CI ODŒ>c[cg〇S
CQœroa^ocîooüccDCû cocjyc|ügoii
/ \ o n OCI~~1 C G © o c oc oc
(c^j s ^so ü I cocjcgosojo) s 3coscosœ>i corosoccp 犯つanoqc( oQsl
02っSGCopapi ふ邑っ sgcsT[^ c〇S fgDsco5 s33c 〇
Lcs œccocsGjyaiii

今CCGCOつCOyCQOD色 I COOODCÛGC|S gSOSQJ[〇œ i 0 3 0 3 y j 03€| S>JÜ〇>

〇n c c o p c coc c o r oc» c c o
QCOO S0S[yCQ3jroC0S 3 nr) (ycsocsccogDii COCpODC ^CCGCOOCOOCOœ cocsco
r^ c c rc p c c e e c e •(— 〇 c c ro r> c i— c
[y c æ c jg c s 叫ÿL〇^)C! 00つCÇCOG〒 gSOSS^Ü^I S^SlgODSJCQCDCàl Q3|y5ù^[y〇: c jDGO

s ye H

J2 n iiy g c o g 〇33cp^üsc)i y y e îœ ü y s œ i cococogüODœ 33œ r 〇3xpQ cogsgs

产 or TOI ÜÜ3305 oœqps (ÜCOpDœ QCDCoâl yü^CQÜÜSoÔ
««DSOGOOO 33C PQ « C C 丁 $ 一 1' (? C "■ぎ。 〇 C J,LC
J T c r ワ szoscoysœcDi Gcqjocoooosœ iœ ^c üü GiœœcooDüD
œ o o o œ c c i C(œ? ÇH Tdi d c<ÿ c 〇c dc oJ ° o c1 L c èc L
OjJSOGCÛつ no つ0 X 0 そCl GJÜ^CSCO^ üCjga^CI cocoo^ccp

h im self en title d , m a y co m p lain to th e P resident in su ch m an n er as

m a y fro m tim e to tim e be specified b y the p ro p e r a u th o rity .

26. N eith er th e arm s, clo th es, eq u ip m en t, a c c o u tre m e n ts o r

necessaries o f a n y p erson su b je c t to th is A c t
Immunity from n o r a n y an im al used b y h im f o r th e d isch a rg e
attachment. o f his d u ty , shall b e se iz e d , n o r shall th e p a y
a n d a llo w a n ces o f a n y su ch p erson o r a n y p a n th e r e o f b e a tta ch ed , b y
d irectio n o f a n y c iv il o r reven u e c o u rt or a n y r e v e n u e o fficer in satis­
fa c tio n o f a n y d ecree o r order ep fo rcea b le again st h im .

27. (x) N o p erso n su b je c t t o th is A c t shall^ s o lo n g as h e b e lo n g s t o

th e D e fen c e Services b e lia b le t o b e arrested fo r
Im m unity from d eb t u n d er a n y process issu ed b y , o r b y th e
arrest for debt. a u th o rity o f, a n y c iv il o r re v e n u e c o u r t o r
rev en u e officer.

(2) T h e Judge o f a n y su ch c o u r t o r th e said o ffice r m a y e x a m in e

in to a n y co m p la in t m ad e b y su ch person o r h is su p e rio r o 伍 ce r o f th e
a rrest o f such p erso n c o n tr a r y t o th e p ro v isio n s o f th is se ctio n a n d m a y ;
b y w a rra n t u n d er his hand , d isch arge the person , a n d a w a rd reason able
c o sts t o th e co m p la in a n t w h o m a y re co v e r th ese c o sts in lik e m an n er
as h e m ig h t h a v e re co v e re d co st a w a rd ed to h im b y a d ecree again st
th e p erso n o b ta in in g th e process.

(3) F o r th e r e c o v e r y o f su ch co sts n o c o u rt-fe e shall b e p a y a b le

b y th e co m p la in a n t.

28. (1) N o p re d d in g officer o r m em b er o f a co u rt-m a rtia l, n o ju d g e

a d v o c a te , n o p a r ty t o a n y p ro c e e d in g b e fo r e a
immunity of persons co u rt-m artial, o r his le g a l p ra c titio n e r o r , agent»
martial 8fr〇m a rm t, n o w itn e ss a c tin g in o b e d ie n c e to a su m m on s
t o atten d a co u rt-m artial sh a ll, w h ile p ro c e e d in g
3 3 っ0 0 0 ^ 6 〇01 3 3 ^ 3 3 つ * ® つ c S :因つ:GC^rj^OOつ: 手0S:C〇^Q 3C^CS そCCG CoS

soocooô c^ c ( § ds| c :ï ^ ii

j S II 110x p :
u^ :
c 〇j^£e〇
)l Q33|GCQ 〇gsr 〇|g©G©l 03^ G C q 5 33Cp| 〇a^©G©l

+ • が f00
cc^ jsi
i ” A
o c CO 全 O が jf J l
C C ‘ 雙CT*'
c g c o g s y u ^ c o a j3 x p g n o o cjo dso çg co っ 故 咕 O:
c c oo c o c
0 3 0 C033© っSÜJっSI ü g 由 : 〇5C|COっ GO手30 つ。 COつ》J : WI O^PÜQOD っ 33Cp 〇g3|ÜJO: l

C^CDOOSOODdS c8 〇D COOO^ 0 0 0 œ c p î G 300C gn 〇^ G 3 0 g œ 33C05^G 0D0 c S c j ^ ^ r Ç

c8 5 :UgC〇5 :S§: 因 及 C|l C^CO邑 Syü^cS 0 ^ ( â COOつ, 4 c q 〇033 つSO^I ^ 00运 :《ojg S

COOCDO)G3CüC^ CX|9:0 0 0 ^CÎüjÿCjll

J^ ll 11(0) 0^33r〇eUG30^C^ra予っCJÛJOC^SCO^I COOOGœScgê J I ocg 令CXXjl

— rd C C « rc œ 〇q〇OODCO: l 〇p c 〇^ CDCpSOQSl 33§SGODOÇjSI C&DOW
c}œ :fiî 〇rono owwoijûci c c c~ 〇 〇 c c oc c
レ ロ A c c ^ c 'J üü^OO 333^G 0D つ Q X pe|rD ya 〇 aXDSOÇGCOつ 33GSSOÇCO
” 〇jœ r o c :g c i’i pc o• .J o c L c * o 〇 c10 * c
ODd93X|l^OGOi 0 〇q : l OJOOCûSt)CDOD 0033Cp^Ol QTOC

S3 つCWつ今さ35 邊 I ajcSsC^GCOつ 33ü 令SOÇOつ3X|p®G©l G屈 S§33CÇT0 CO &sStgS:

(j) C〇6〇GC〇5〇〇é üloc平 CDっ 造 故 00 güGSO^ ajœ予っCJOXDき î»っ”
^ 〇3 ü ü 1 2 g 〇f :
sjœ «J 〇î^8 so^ay|o^|aS oo5 :a§:|g5 s^é o ô c o j ^ i o8coi c S œ ^ :

«odo5 0000ci roœœœcpl^ c^qic^osojcSf^ s^sçoloxps^sâ o x p îc ^ w

CDCO^ÎÜC^oS 33Î& j1 S3||G 〇a 〇3Xp^O D gl ©Sg QDÎGOS^Î^ (^ uSoOC COCÙfjcS

GCjto^cæD o^» :
QX| o^ogœos c g c io o ^ c c o g ^ J q S i cxjajctcqoîcosjot ooé
GCOJOGCOO aj^ayo^oSujo: G〇 sc|ügüX〇 pSî 33S|oj«co^cxigSii coc^ârqo*
CgCD遠 I のつ^§CÇQ3〇cîT 3 CO^œC)5 0 Ç ^J^oSg OSGODつ OJ^(TjJ©^〇§tJpicÇ|

Ëf^ss^sl^20^ çg:c〇ü:Q3〇jc:i c^co^oc>joc)a>«j〇j(^ qmgecogSti

(?) »a^ol o^(Dj©^〇S«ja 秘 côさ cp和 3〇^§i 戈 cw a 命 碎 ©0〇5
jo n » ( 〇) © ocrxp^s a>q:<5 g ç g g i © & o c p :^ co q sê i o ^ o c i o o go co

to , atten din g, o r retu rn in g fr o m a co u rt-m a rtia l, b e lia b le t o arrest

under d v i l o r re v e n u e process,

(2) If a n y s u c h person is arrested u n d er a n y su ch process, h e m a y

b e discharged b y o rd er o f th e co u rt-m a rtia l.

29. E v e ry p erso n b e lo n g in g t o th e U n io n o f B u n n a R eserve F o rce s

shall, w h e n c a lle d o u t fo r o r en gaged in o r
Privileges 〇f returning fro m tra in in g o r service, be en titled
reservists. to a ll th e p riv ile g e s a cco rd e d *by sectio n s 2 6 and
2 7 to a p erson su b je c t t o th is A c t.

30. ( i ) O n th e p resen tation to a n y c o u r t b y o r on b e h a lf o f a n y

p erso n su b je c t to th is A c t o f a ce rtifica te fro m
Priority in respect th e p ro p er m ilita r y 'a u th o r ity o f leave b f ab sen ce

ïe S ê * u £ iS n ! h a v in g ^ to or {6r ^
f o r th e p u rp ose o f p ro secu tin g o r d efen d in g a n y
su it or o th e r p ro ceed in g in su ch c o u rt, th e co u rt shall, o n th e ap p li­
ca tio n o f su c h person , a rra n g e , so f a r as m a y b e possible, f o r th e
hearin g and fin al disposal o f su ch su it o r o th e r proceed in g w ith in the
period o f t h e le a v e so g ra n ted o r a p p lie d fo r.

:(2) T h e ce rtific a te fro m th e p ro p e r m ilita r y a u th o rity sh a ll sta te

the first and la s t d a y o f th e le a v e o r in te n d e d leave* and se t fo r th a
description o f th e case w it h resp e ct t o w h ic h th e le a v e w a s g ra n ted
o r applied fo r .

(3) N o fe e sh a ll b e p a y a b le t o th e c o u r t in resp ect o f th e p resen tatio n

o f an y su ch certificate, o r o f a n y a p p lic a tio n b v or on b e h a lf o f a n y
such person f o r p r io r ity f o r th e h earin g o f his case.

(4) W h e r e th e c o u rt is u n ab le t o a rra n g e fo r th e hearin g an d final

disposal o f th e su it o r o th e r p ro ceed in g w ith in th e period o f su ch
le a v e o r in te n d e d le a v e as afo resaid , i t sh a ll reco rd its reason s f o r its
in a b ility t o d o so, and sh all cau se a c o p y th ere o f to b e fu rn ish e d to
such person o n h is a p p licatio n w ith o u t a n y p a y m e n t w h a te v e r b y him
in respect e ith e r o f the a p p lic a tio n f o r su ch c o p y o r o f th e c o p y itself.
11030b〇3〇cGî〇e> ojocqoco IISoo pœPeooajbsoo
•CCG&io ocbo^Sjo lî^üsjEjjcoeosoô ?>osCjs)33ccç3o coîcgD isjb^ccô
Çi^Pcx>2〇 jé c 〇D〇 >c(£oo oocoecllcoo çpouPeœasbsio i:jbcœ o^s3Pcooopél(S 〇
ÿ§üPeœ^sb3gp io(î>Dsccx>ÿjclt〇2) oucc^o »3«b^D^îbo œsfescbcogo guscPo

〇 j 〇 jwloo
&èo iieeG^Sccoèso
〇e o o し J 〇〇
ぅ030o œsfcsàco 士bsoぅ。bo>
〇e • o o o
çcî^ cgsQ cg 05300ciscEol œSeGscêjeG cocoosoBcogb 150sàco sc&CGouboe
jojeœ ^ccsccojoSgdb ibsoo coiooscdcog:, icdccscœsoo lœsoco (6 )
«b®Gjc〇03s〇3fî ccoaiesfe ^sfesdsco isçbç.cco^s3Pcx)〇o 6éso0soccococco
cosltos lasa^cocogj^ccgD 1009>S]coccgo ^üSoecébsoesaKscéîcEô] psoascosS
^>5cg jp çg isobcccop:3rcooo o^:o0Qoooseco coooücocccoouccoo (<i)
IICC〇bs〇CDB|j«0 :c3coœsocEô]ocG ^occ cccosdrcooopçsoëjscoo
isi^ccoscoSoe çpcno:o3co& isoBbcocosoecuboe oHœ Æ obscœ Bl ioo loœ

Cüblosèeajcis 5io 5o ^oulspe odccoo&çdb ibsoo ^ocoosoBcogcM^ubjeScc

«:〇〇:〇〇 io?oço^ üco ecco^œ cœososçoœ O ü j^cüccG ÿxcjG dboge ( f )
〇 IÎk c o §
a^ > -9
J 〇üï&
• sà^oo

し 0 00 0 -sœ3®oœœ
^ Q 〇 loftojcoococltoo
O O èbsooobo
ooSjœs^eG i^sœe>jocèsc^ÿ)ScGscEJeG^ocoosç3cogc i5o:dbœoo iSocoec^jbje
〇 o
o ù o
o ù
o wJ j 〇 〇 ■ o
Jjc^3scoofe2 〇cc〇3 ibbcobos oüccod œDgcaDceGOD 00coos300& isocEû)e>
«cooîoa^üboe scecccoo ioooo?x;aDceG çoccoKiiàoœ 门 - , ,.
100051iboPesKse 1000)B|ébceo coeèco oecscSeG œcoo 〇 ベ: % ° °v
拷 “ 4 私 み ① :ぶ ー g 呼:产 — , ?a
ico jKügccgo ia)s>çS]cosds3co & b c 士cogo c〇£3eo3ÿ3eG|ü ( c ) ii iioé
a>lob c〇2C〇2cec ol?ca>esi>sPc〇3 cccoscooocgsoo coco oé g f oso iscecsdco
Jb&cècogD ajG 〇o3〇je G ^ i^eeGcccaéoccoiR] {〇ooK]oso5]soœo〇0 KnsaiSjosbo
o Pcücos ODcoeicdooœ iieecœissooooc&G coœoscdœ 。 „ R
i 丄 ム . .J S 、• ° 2 卜 n° iiscPaoescoesisPcos»
& lo e io D ia x o o C0 C0 6 SCCC0 CC ije e c c c c c b ç s o d le s p J ;f
〇 、 Jn ” ° 广î J ir〇 し 0门 ” 。 ? し七、 »scro seooeco oas
jœ 109jbgücoec soe]200000kd icîe^ioicucoeGsbojicü J •
co^ iSccsocoxèooop jcoscfooocobeo i^ooçcftiS] a>pcoooc3B]ii ii 3「

n^cco^oncoco scecccœ beG^occ psb

>àc〇3® oI^èsos?occ beceeco cooœ^oec (ooeec iscecsSscco ccgD ( Q
nboscüœeo spëjsgesacc beGC〇〇œ|geG dboœccoséeeô
〇 〇 o
losdbco ^:obcc
〇33〇)^3ccoif)l osfescbœa>o isobçcco 3a>ie>coa3〇
j o»-! • o 5 J j ù

I f in a n y ca se a question arises as to the p rop er m ilita r y a u th o rity

Bed to -gran t su ch certificate as aforesaid^ su ch question shall a t
fln c e b e referred b y th e c o u rt t o an ofScer com m an d in g a fo rm a tio n
n o t less th an a b rig a d e in th e c a se o f th e arm y, a fo rm a tio n p rescribed
a s eq u iva len t t o n o t less th an a b rig a d e (army) in th e case o f th e n a v y
or a ir fo r c e , o r a n y o th er p resc rib ed officer, w h o se decision sh all b e
fin a l

3 1 . T h e rights, an d p rivile ges specified in th e preced ing sections

o f this C h a p te r shall b e in ad d ition to , and n o t
Saving of rights and in d ero g atio n o f, an y oth er righ ts and p n v ile g e s
gm^lcges under other co n ferred o n persons su b ject t o th is A c t g e n e ra lly
b y a n y o th e r l a w fo r th e tim e b ein g in fo rc e .


O ffen ces.

3L A n y p erson su b je c t to th is A c t w h o com m its a n y o f th e fo llo w in g

o f f r e s , t h a t is t o say,—

O ffence, in relation (a) s h a m e fu fly a i d o n s , o r d eH vert u p a n y

t o the enemy and pun- garrison,, fortress, p ost, p lace, sh ip o r
iih a b le with death. gu a rd , com m itted t o his ch arge, o r w h ic h
i t is h is d u t y t o d e fe n d , o r uses a n y m eans t o co m p el
in d u c e a n y to m iM n d in g officer o r a n y o th er person t o
c o m m it a n y erf th e sa id a c t s ; or

{&) in te n tio n a lly uses a n y m e a n s to com pel o r in d u ce a n y p erson

su b je c t t o m ilita iy l a w t o abstain fro m a ctin g again st th e
tnemy, o r t o d isco u ra g e such person fr o m a ctin g again st
A c e n e m y ; or

(c) in t h e p re se n c e o f th e e n e m y , sh a m eh illy casts a w a y h is

a n n s, to o ls# o r equipm ent o r m isbehaYes in
stich m a n n o r as t o s h o w c o w a rd ic e ; o r
çpooosoBooœ lo lto ^ c lto s o jc c o oQ
ôyos&aa SocoüdsoàccQ cü:
oQs〇3écccobccoo cocoos^coœ 10P&0
c&rjccüS)Ç>Scœ6 iuscPoccoocosico ccnba>s38o §ocoo
i S o o f e «cPewcPc 〇3 s o :^ e is c P o œ é û u œ ^ « o o c o c ü c 〇3 l§ 3 ^ c c é b
gol9os受 00^xijf^o^js^cecミoco
^ iS c c o B o loaoQoccGoouFooog éboosboec jo o œ c c é b ioe>jK|
4b:occos>scSj ocœe>scce> lo o c E jib ^ l ofcocGsocoeG : ccg:3 s3 co
& b c 4 〇ü 〇o cüG3〇3 éb^EôjocSs) osoSjcosbsec jo o c c & é b ( e )
COCOOS^COgb IjlcXDcÇJsCCeG 0 5 0 Sc c c So
JOS〇S ]ib :〇CCOS)SC^OC〇e3ïCC3 IQ)2K3)Réb(Ç]〇PcjUCGSOC〇eG isobccco
zcœi^co ocic^ec isobcccoîCCGsSs^coîSooo ébicoslIPco gjeeco
S〇î 〇包 ^ècGïcPoooco1^ (oieec ooco«^cô& loltooecsos) cocno
j S c o î c ip [to o o |o coïdccüocckcou6 gjeeoosoco
n:cr«ft〇Rl cccsp cc
c〇iiy«JPco& 丨
cpocc idbie i<üoPcüfocço mco ,
jügo çiüccco pnjoücc
い せ eo500jcos 罰 cccs§!ck〇5〇oéocco ébee ^
^ojcco gg œioosoBcog: icccsîcoooeGcoïceGoo (eu) ^
— 53œs3s3co ccbc^ccxo eue3030uecl^ii nfd
n:c!W5j Q

n g ?aoecG

1115030§ 0 :
0§ 0 〇 nçüfe:5§ çoeoœ
^ 却 •を : ⑵ ユ
頌 域 興 = 蒙 ぬ
b ) 〇ccD〇 iicecscRwbcs^üco œGsoScuecÇü icoeeco ; 30g : i œ scg]œ
co o Ss^ co ^ Q ^ 03^ 00 i^ccscrojescoesàsPœo j^sclb
jbocG oeœ cc co îcœ Q jp o scS Jsc c o?oscfh«G 〇^ocoooeG ^ s a D e e e ^ u wcà
il cceb〇9〇SjcoB|c8
i Q cg SccojPec^Sjsce ^IsàeGgo noâobpeGcosoë|çüPe ousèscb^cogo ébsoocoSjsce
œs§:3œ 6àcGsc5|eG cccoscœ^oococc çdcoos^ cocc lœs^co^cbec ^ecco
〇c〇 cosg9ocG^eG cccocnoo çüceGosccoesçec Sccscœcoococc coc3cc^co
(oooscSCj) cenooco iou^o®SjcucoeG〇coc〇3 gocoosç30oœ locobs, gusocoecoec
CCCO5 0 0 0 COCCGOCOn^OCO ICü ^Og SJ^ü COSCOCOS^EÔI I0ü c 4 œ c S]§0 !〇Pc〇§ 0 [0 3 J 0 3

ciarR | cccscncoîoo œco ccSoeoèsos cocoaoucooo loBccooccaDcecoucc

<^o cccà^ücooecsoo a)coo〇)coecc3cucc locecc igeo jco o o jSccSo (C )


{d) tre a c h e ro u sly h old s correspon d en ce w it h , o r co m m u n icates

in te llig e n c e t o th e en e m y o r a n y p erson in arm s again st th e
U n io n o f B u r m a ; o r

(e) d ire c tly o r in d ire c tly assists th e e n e m y w i t h m o n e y , arm s,

a m m u n itio n , stores or s u p p lie s ; or

(f) tre a ch e ro u sly o r th ro u gh c o w a rd ic e sends a fla g o f tru ce t o

th e e n e m y ;o r

(g) in tim e o f w a r o r during a n y m ilita ry o p e r a tio n , in te n tio n a lly

o cca sio n s fa lse alarm in a ctio n , c a m p , g arriso n , qu arters,
u n it, p la c e o r sh ip , o r sp read s rep o rts c a lc u la te d to c re a te
ala rm o r d e sp o n d e n c y ; o r

(h) in tim e o f a ctio n leav es his co m m a n d in g ofi&cer o r his p ost,

gu ard , p icq u et, patro l o r p a rty w it h o u t b e in g r e g u la rly
re lie v e d o r w ith o u t le a v e ; o r

(i) h a v in g b een m ad e a p rison er o f w a r , o r w h i l e b e in g a p riso n er

in th e hands o f th e e n e m y , v o lu n t a r ily serves w it h or
aid s th e e n e m y ; o r

(j) k n o w in g ly h arb o u rs or p ro té cts an -enem y not b ein g

a p r is o n e r ; o r

(k ) b e in g on w a tc h on a ship o r a sen tay in tim e o f w a r r o r a la rm ,

sleep s u p o n h is p o st o r is in t o x ic a t e d ; o r

(I) k n o w in g ly does a n y a c t c a lc u la te d t o im p e ril th e su ccess o f

th e fo rc e s o f th e D e fe n c e S erv ices car a n y fo r c e s co -o p eratin g
th e re w ith o r a n y p a rt o f su ch fo r c e s ; o r

(m) treacheroxisly uses a n y fa ls e a ir signal o r a lters o r in terferes

w it h a n y air s ig n a l; o r
(û ^ ) C j^ C O ^ Ç ^ O G O l jy g G O D O C © j y |ü 0 ^ C C S 5 0 S COOOSCOOCOC COOOQODC^

( œ gSgS^çjyCG O l Cûgつ4 © つ ©つG(J2のつ(JÇ [^C\6a^|Cl c3 c 〇^SÜO D〇5


© つ CDCDCSGUSSOrDCgüScOjél C^œ cSsüü^oS

( c ) coœ cjœ G Cooqcsi cgü Sq rà gjG co Scjé si c jfc g s s つ§ c;[gs< sci co ro ^ œ

üj つsi S ’JoosysGTOj つodüj つsi o 繁gSsüj つsi cô œ gSsü œ cS c œ つc& J

o j^ S ü p s g ç ro g c o jc i c^ c o ^ io ü 505

(© ) CD©っ 知 っ I 名 0 )さ SüOJoS CDdGCOっ〒g s C 〇| ^ G||c〇〇Ô ©©Cjüs8c:GC|î

03050DOœ üCOjCI CD0Dû 5sü CD0§

( œ ) © êjycsco っ233lgGC 〇5cjési ©(Ês〇(?GC|SO^ [ÿLG^©gCOCGCOOC^CSI c8 〇5

gi ©C©3 乎SI ^ S Î 〇| c 〇(JOS^SI G子C^GpG 子spi C〇5 l G予çpi CûœgstK^CO

û dsodooo c 晏< s œ つ 0 3 6 0 ^ üo§ œ ü é 百 占 g のc ^ j c i cûcogS s

ü O jœ ©艰 (DGCDつ333ISGCoScjési、©OS〇5 g G|S 0033 [^COüG^OgCJC

GCO つq c s i œ ü C O ^ ü C 〇[5© G © l ©CO©1c 〇ODJSOC2üCD[C5<DGOI O^COSG©C|Ç


( e ) 0^ 5 池 0 厶1沿乎03 ぼ 33^1〇2〇 fgS?CO^SCOTOJ COつO+C^G日: ^ : G(Js|〇C:

。ヨ〇〇[^5©01 O CüG jga^ 占g ©i 货 si cSotcS süojo !) ÜÜCOつo 子coj

c -c p i nocsi g ©つgcocsi o j^ c o é s i cS œ gsü ü ^ cS 3 ^ c 8 o s J c ç つscojéi

o c c
«L C* L
〈 ©j j c ô ü 晏 s œ きs § 5 c g s
ぅ 择 cd發 33 sÜg cû っ G ^ c o è ïiœ n S c ^ s c g é 〇3fX)j 各 :

œ っSODさ S g O G 子€|GCO: > O T s iG C o S c jé s i S S 3 3 0 ^33G C O J っo S G ) |c 〇^ £ s 3 C g

o^üooüigœc^jci coœgSsoo^oD ^ f 0^0? œ û a jjc i co co gsocoo S

(g ) G3CDJを co っsœ きsüü:jcS gcd っ G ||cçœ きsœ cSccycS子专 œ c& oçso^ êi


⑷ ©艰 5 のきI CÛCO;
X)SÜ〇^〇5 CO503|G 〒のさI noざSG®つ 子 G|GCOつ33S)l|y〇Ç©l

COGoSつGC^O^é G©つ4 色g^GfCJGCOつ3331[Ç5〇G©l ODつ0 亭Œ)J G fC pO ^


(q ) c 〇î j y G c o o | c o ü ^ ü j o s ^ i c o c o g D i ü ü o c o a 8 œ o ^ ü j o s ^ < 5 o s g ü Ic s g s o o c

1105GそCogoDU^COS^âl oSœ gsüU ^cS 333^ü1c〇5 ^üJつSg〇3(DC〇33^CS

C0 3 0 (â GG3 っ司y c 贫 33SCpcS(^5 G©€)争 G^ÇSCOJODI ÜDDDD会 反 0^ %

O O o c cp C O c c

(R ) ü a j 〇5 〇 ( ^ G C 0 っ G C O G ln cp êsQ 2 S y c5 [y C D S )S O ^ C ûgo^gっ 3 3 0 ^s[ÿLCV^5l

COODglOÜDOO GCOG |Cq 〇5 § G 3 3 J c S [y c 〇3 ô t 8 c |y o 5 s c o o ^ j c i œ cogs

g o ^o 5 g 子っ^ jco o ^ c i q^œ a^sG o^cS


(n) w h e n o rd ered b y h is su p e rio r ofiBcer o r otherw ise u n d e r

ord ers t o c a r r y o u t a n y m ilita ry operation s, tre ach ero u sly
o r s h a m e fu lly fa ils t o u se his u tm o st exertions t o c a n y
su c h orders in to e f f e c t ; o r

(o) in tim e o f a c tio n , does n o t affo rd a ll practicable re lie f and

a ssistan ce t o a n y tro o p s, ço m b ata n ts, ships, o r a ir c r a ft
o f th e D e fe n c e Services o r a n y fo rc e s c o o p e ra tin g th e re ­
w ith ; or

(p) tre a c h e r o u sly o r sh a m e fu lly cau ses th e ca p tu re or d estru ctio B

b y th e e n e m y o f an ^ a ir c r a ft, ship, ta n k , gun or a n y o th er
m ilita r y p r o p e rty b e lo n g in g t o the D e fen c e S e rv ic es;
sh a ll, o n c o n v ic tio n b y co u rt-m a rtia L b e lia b le t o su ffer death o r su ch
less p u n ish m e n t as is in th is A c t m en tion ed .

33. A n y s p y f o r th e e n e m y sh all b e d eem ed t o b e a person s u b je c t

t o th is A c t an d sh a ll, o n c o n v ic tia i b y cou rt-
O Ç en œ 〇f being a m artial, b e lia b le t o su ffer deatb^ tx transportation^
«py fo r the enençry pud
punishable w ith death. o r iin p riso n m en t# a n d sh a ll also b e U able t o

3 4 . A n y p erso n su b je c t t o th is -A c t w h o co m m its a n y o f the f o llo w in g

o ffen ces th^ t .js t o s a y #—
Offences in relation (a) is ta k e n priscm er, b y w a n t erf due precaution^
o r th ro u g h d iso b ed ie n ce o f w d ers, o r w ilf u l
n e g le c t o f • d u ty , o r havin g been tak e n
p riso n er fa ils to rejo i^ th e D efence S e rv ic es
w h e n a b le t o d o s o ; o r

(h) w itK o u t d u e a u th o r ity h o ld s co rresp o n d en ce w ith or co m ­

m u n ica te s in te llig e n c e t o th e e n e m y o r h a m g com e, b y
th e k n o w le d g e o f a n y su ch co rresp o n d en ce or co m m u n ica­
tio n , w ilf u lly o r n e g lig e n tly o m its to d is c o v e r it im m e d ia te ly
t o h is co m m a n d in g o r o th e r su p e rio r o fficer ; o r
oocoosScoa: I〇ft〇€ü2üûüp〇 cScPc〇〇[〇3
œcoos^cooc iolîx>ÿ3Cua)Pooaco
fedbcGOucoecscSjeG i〇9aE|gusSçco^o ôéouffcoœ uobcccoiuèeco
sjQîoosococconcccuce isobccco^efecxjsoEjocoSj co co îo sco g:
s j 〇v œ ^ :^ c o & çltosossjcocc co?ccüœ〇jc c ib œcoos^cogb
ïjltooco1^ ïocosooco oéccéb iccSacaüccGDéec ccco jcclj (e )
cocnosjdcoœ ipf(X>a)〇üCüPo
ibccoéfi] ooo^eœScco|cco(piR| œccoeiooco iCücéoc3cc:Bj
scœoSj ispb^ccoîcccîSPoucc isobccc3îio°cc cocnasg30og^ iofto
:cœ oQ scccsSPcoec cocoos^ccog: iséo°cc

ホ 肆 _ 濟 裳 邊
«obccco 〇cto)o :
〇§bo 〇«® 〇codd cccooccb (œ j ^ J J
— çc:ccs5s3co ccbcéœgo gjoeodcuec^n nèé

ii3o be :^ c 〇îp5)œ6fcæG〇3

^coœ bcioüco îpGOoSœeGpj io3cc:3s^co œ jbj^occ oucoecccibn <n^

iicSoboeôccœœ K5eoE|a3G〇Q ccce^Pcoe^ccscœQjoooooGooS

axs p ioe^S]a)Gcca i^eœcccoobQ sclSoooSjQ cüsfesàcooa
jlîwSJîobccco cosoccoocn&ÿjB igpbcœscoecâcc ibo^cÇl 103cQ
2〇E|sœçüPo loôoElso^sgesocc co&éb iceoous38oaxj:c6]eG cocno
:o9cooc icücQ scg isccüoco icçcocc i3ccocos33cc5a ooccosooco (coJ
odcoos^ coo: loltoioccsoco güîcPo '
S 3 *cü〇cüco〇3 1003cœcucc cccoloccoècücQooG] |〇S〇|CeG^CC
é 3S[O〇Ê)|〇0Ug0 10500ÜScPoçOCO c3cc3 〇 CCCoéoCülloCO5020(OÔJO
çècbsob ooa^:^coœ igeogüscPoSccocos jocoosc000^ iscPo
cp e cc iscPf^ooo^o i:cR ^c?cc(jcScc3o psûo so çco (æ )
ÇJCOftS^COCC ijlto
cocoœPo côsoccuocnccÿj& ^ocoos^coœ icoêcScc ébcooosccc
SC〇Sc£| IÎî CCSOOCOCOOO œcoecsbocol300030 OCeGSCüC^jesQ ÛDSCpf)
loeego i〇9〇E)j|eeGSccsQ|b scPo|peG jSjs3és3écosc6]eG ioso B]

^ecQçBccsoâ^occ coScJseGOoooeci3 0 0 ^ 9 ^ °^ œ eèû osbsoœ ^ (o )


(c) w ith o u t due a u th o rity sends a flag o f tr u c e t o th e e n e m y ;

(d) n e g lig e n tly cau ses the ca p tu re o r d estru ctio n b y th e e n e m y
o f a n y a ircra ft, ship, ta n k , gun o r a n y o th e r m ilita r y
p ro p e rty b elo n gin g to the D e fen c e Services ; o r

(e) w h e n ordered b y his su p erio r officer, o r o th e rw is e u n d er

ord ers to c a rry o u t a n y m ilita ry op eration s, n e g lig e n tly or
th ro u gh o th er d efau lt fa ils to use his u tm o st ex ertio n s to
c a r r y su th orders in to e f f e c t ;

shall, on c o n v ic tio n b y court-m artial, b e liable to su ffe r im p rison m en t

fo r a term w h ic h m a y e x te n d to fo u rteen y e a rs o r su c h less p u nishm en t
as is in th is A c t m ention ed.

35. A ny p erson su b ject to this A c t who c o m m its any of th e

fo llo w in g offen ces, th a t is to s a y ,一
Offences punishable (a) fo rces a safegu ard , or fo r c e s o r uses crim in al
more severely on fo rc e to a s e n t r y ; or
active service than at
other times.

(b) b reak s in to a n y house o r o th e r p lace in search

o f p lu n d e r ;o r

(c) b e in g o n w a tc h on a ship o r a se n try sleeps u p o n his p o st, o r

is in to x ic a te d ; o r

(d) b ein g a se n try , or on guard, plunders or w i l f u ll y d estroys o r

in ju re s a n y p ro p e rty p laced under h is c h a rg e o r u n d er
ch a rg e o f h is guard ; or

(e) w ith o u t orders fro m his su p e rio r officer le a v e s his gu ard ,

p icq u e t, p a tro l o r p o s t; or

(f) cau ses fa lse alarm in action , cam p , g arrison , qu arter, u n it,
p la c e o r ship, o r spreads re p o rts c a lcu la te d to crea te ala rm
o r d e sp o n d e n c y ; o r

(g) m ak es k n o w n tile parole, w a tc h w o r d or c o u n te rsig n t o a n y

p erson n ot e n tit le d .t o re c e iv e i t ; o r k n o w in g ly g iv e s a
(O) | cû5 gc〇っ 33 皆^33 っCDっü 尋:7^1 G||c 〇00 ©(Sc|üsS 5 sGC]S 33〇5〇030?
O c 〇 c c
oc^jci œ cogsycD co
c çoc c i c c o r e
H œ u g G œ ろo c
p c
gcouoつg 丨 〇:><5〇〇つ丨
c cA o o c c

œ ç œ つsi D3G(yつroi cocD gsyc^o)
e r~»c r * c c o r^c
g のS©l & そ G(i]GCOJつ!Dつp C O jC I c S œ g ^ ü c ^ c S
(c ) <D^SO(5g€]S CX)3ôn§[ÿLC0üC|^ üü(â3300053x p 备 CD 33G令GüSG0g^3^
[^©S©l 33 邑つSCO子g ï 乎g s g S3Ü 令ÜJ つS G j^ S C O g )3331jy 〇G© 丨G c!]g C〇J 3

j^CSGJÇgっ孕 COCO运 SfeK^oS っS切 CQCçés[^CSG因 っ O^O^ÜJÔèaj

つC0G03つC GSOつ(?gfD G 气S〇3C〇a>l üüCQ〇5ig&CÛ^J [ÇÇS© つS350S
^ c|^ ü jo 5 m o 5 c^ jci
rrj)33œ gü G 3C 〇c gü 丁 |gœ つs c o g c œ j マg c o つ|^〇3CeS(^©g ® i 0805cocGOGjügo 11
C . • . ブÎ,J
? 3 H " ^j 3 3 4 C^ 〇5〒つC|OD O D g sg e o a S ------ .、尹

( œ ) S3GCっI O3[cg〇3^ 〇s 35§C030DC0 ^ u |ÿ LCOJCI

^ 0j f üJ0800n^ COCOpSüODCO ODCSG©OÇ ODOS330SI 3 3 |c3 3 〇〇CD

« F l| g é Iis〇 G é ? j È ^ J cC| ^ c o ^ œ c S œ & G Î 〇ê ^ o s i .

oc c
500C C 300 g— 。 :!!
oioD pSüœ oS
( s ) o ÿpD SC^ œ cêcocjf ^ ^co ^ SsSSi co co ^ so œ co e ^cp co o so q o \co

( 。) 0 0 CSG®つ 子 CJGCOつ33Ü(y 〇G©l CÛG〇5つGC^OOC G © 0 ^ |^ 会 G子C|GOÛつ
3331g©G©i Q ü â iœ つofn oj G fc p œ S s §5 güj § g 子a^jci gœ gsü u ^ œ
OJCDOG^C^JCI c8c〇g :OU)0§

fe o ) OD&G®:^Gf€jGCDつ3331品 ©GOI 33G©つ$ODJG平GCOつ S3S)1回 OG®l ÔQ

33 つs g ©つ€ g ^p 〇5gj| 00 つc | güsooつsgcûつ ü^cog ü jg s r ê ü a 8
c^ cdodudc^ jci cgcogSüCDœ CDüéüjrosSsa^jci c8a>gsü(-D〇5 üjnS
osgoc^ jci q800^ : ü 〇3〇5
««(âe3000533cp^œü 33ü|üJ0Sü€|^C01 üü^coési G〇occnct\ co ^
odcii cS œ gosüajco œ o o |c o jG ^ c p c 8 ©lolcooscojci q o co g so œ c o
(©) O ^T^I <D&D〇ト 黡 G©つを〇 6 © 3 # Gf 孕 CpG乎cpi œ 5 l (S〒 cpl c8c 〇g^S
üu ^co ûdgc6 つogé ü œ c S ü ザ参gcoつ œ < 5 co |g r^ 5 G © c ^ |6 i 至ï

coœcsojoscoccoici coœ gsü 〇)〇5

(3D ) ©CDつSÇfê〇^l5G©l 4 •阮 (DODつ:Ç〇5c^<&3〇’ ギ ぶ 晏 333J〇5^C ^O
G©l COC^C^^GCOつ CÇODをを 33つ; 0§G©CV^I CgODgSs œ 〇5 üü

parole, w atch w o rd or countersign different from w hat he

r e c e iv e d ; or

(h) w ith o u t due authority alters o r interferes w ith any air sign al;
shall, on conviction b y court-martial,
if he com m its a n y such offence w h en on active service, be liable
to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term w h ich m ay extend to fourteen
years o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned;
if he com m its a n y such offence w h e n not on active service, be
liable t o suffer imprisonment fo r a term w h ich m ay extend
to seven y ears or such less punishment as is in this A ct
m entioned.
36. Any person subject to this A c t w h o com m its any o f the
follow in g offences, that is to sa y ,一

(û) begins, incites, causes or conspires w ith a n y other persons

to cau se a n y m utiny in the D efence Services or any forces
c o o p e ra tin g therew ith ; or
(b) joins in a n y such m utin jr ;o r
(c) being presen t at any such m u tin y, does n o t use his utm ost
endeavours to suppress the s a m e ; or

(d) kn ow in g or having reason to believe in the existence of any

such m u tin y, or o f any intention to m utiny or of any
such conspiracy, does not, w ith o u t delay, give information
th ereo f t o his com m anding o r other superior officer ; or

(e) endeavours %〇 seduce any person in the Defence Services

fro m his d u ty o r allegiance to the Unicm ;

shall, on co n victio n b y court-martial, b e liable to sufEer death- or such

less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned.

37. (i) A n y person subject to th is A c t w h o deserts or attempts

ta» desert the service shall, on ccmviction b y
Desertion a n d aiding court-martial.
i f he com m its the offence on active service
or w hen under orders fo r a c tiv e service, be liable to suffer
death o r such k s s punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned ; and
cosof^cccocPcoo Scc:coof^j〇ô oZoc ©o3 oücd^ itoo Qoûgcco i^ececccoobo
scfeoœooQ cosfeîàcooc lofcccoioscœ ibiîfoslIPcü

i^îoôooocîccfilskp iSccsSs^co fcbcéœ go Î ogso S cücc^ü ( c ) h h66

1190boojcco>go 1000Q^eoBtcccocfcoo Sccscoo

Q jp s OCOGS)〇3〇)eG^ l〇)S>〇fil〇3GCCO !(ee£3CCC〇〇b 〇Sc6〇0〇S 〇F)| œsésàcDOO
loltcœoosccc sco:<!ü |
^l^cœ9:cce> uobccce)し5>s3司a»3CuIV^oe> I ccc 〇3 c 8 〇c |5<:〇〇3 〇。 |
iî 〇bccc 〇[6so6]o〇ûuBocœ3〇scbcoœoéocco io s d s d œ oocco30000 ( 。)

œœ 〇:C300 ÇC l〇rc〇^9〇cs〇3«s〇c〇cc ccoo^oecCJIEü] secs

6dbcc ouooec scQeG œcoos3co^c iscecsSocoisoo i〇ô〇>51cé
œPco&sDcEü)9eG ébSEollo ioS)a»5|ôécuPcooc »sobcccogüsocEô|o6
eeco ^^EoJsojoosogo isobccc0cosoc0 s 6 èeco cuPecoSG]
ib^oécyéî)〇o isobcccocpsocEclofe eèœ Sécuiooo jocecc
|c io I^d^S)Cc S]o ^SœœsccGsccïsïul fecc:e3>œ〇D»oç ébso^o^
^eècü^na>oœ%oécoPcciofe ocoàsi?H3)Qeeco Sicuèooo roceçe ^
00Joes300 安 loIîxDoqooSofefeco A io ^ o iDÎsec ^
- ooc〇6sa^co& ioltoScîtx)lsop2)so œcnosoBcorc ioltooe>t[〇o ^
i〇rcoc〇S3*ço i〇r〇j 〇c〇(Sjocc6 œ ap^ccSo èb〇3.s|〇oS|eecooècüio
00 isobcccoocceeco Soco cccoioœ Socœ o 1f. ,,
40103so béccoaeoco jsobccroococcoeecxo (co\
〇し 〇 J O ù o o \ /
— pçcs^sSco œ lx ^ ^ g J c o n S œ c s ^ ir ugé
nSftbosbcccolo ia»oS|coca»Rj cccocPcoo ocoseo3eoeGjâ
iosoBlqpGocooo ooo^oée iieeccccoobosc5oœaoB w ihiàscom icoioéco
:11Pccj acoi^ee S cc œ ^ é P e ^ co JW S R sico ^Sftè^ 0〇ccc〇€〇 lOoa^ittDGCïF^
GiçcécPcos) Sœ scœ Bjjoo ocoGSoSœ ee^ 1000EjœooGœo œoéscoococsco
Heeccccoobosc6oco«®RI cosfesàcoco icüioiœslIPcü o lo ^ î^ a o o c c fijsé c o
lolîuoj&bcéo cocoosc000 cc ioRuço

socfijo g^eecoBjojPeeGsocCJscos iccÊ o cœ c^ e cc ccc 3》c c! (©)

cccooscdcoa: lolco
s〇3〇§a;Pcocc joaoGjgjeco Q 〇)Pec&èS|*co ioso0œëcoco〇îcax&
co los^^eœ œ oscœ occcsçoçu ccœcoosogDecSccsccofeb



if he commits the offence under a n y other circum stances, b e

liable to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term which m a y extend to
seven years or such less punishm ent as is in this A c t

(2) A n y person subject to this A c t w h o , know ingly harbours a n y

such deserter,^shall^ on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer
imprisonment for a term w h ich m ay exten d to seven years o r such
less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned.

(3) A n y person subject to this A c t w h o , being cognizant o f a n y

desertion o r attempt at desertion o f a person subject to this A ct, does
not forthw ith give notice to his or other superior officer, or take an y.
steps in his power to cause such person t o be apprehended, shall, on
conviction b y court-martial, be liable t o suffer imprisonment fo r a
term w h ich m ay a tten d to t w o years o r such less punishm ent as is
in this A c t mentioned.

38. A ny person subject to th is A c t w h o commits a n y o f , th e

fo llo w in g offences, th a t is to say,—
Absence without leave

(a) absenfe him self w ith o u t le a v e ; o r

(b) w ithou t sufficient cause overstays leave granted to h im ; o r
(c) being on leave o f absence and h avin g received inform ation
from proper au th ority that a n y unit, detachment, ship o r
department, t o w h id i he belongs, has been ordéred on
active service, fails, w ith o u t suffident cause, to rejoin
w ithout d e la y ; o r

(d) w ithout suffident cause fails to appear at the tim e fixed,

at the parade o r p lace appointed fo r exercise o r d u ty ; o r

(e) w hen jon parade, o r on the line o f m arch, w ith o u t sufficient

cause o r w ith o u t leave fro m bis superior officer, quits
the parade or lin e o f m arch ; o r

(f) w hen in cam p or garrison or elsew here, is found beyond any

lim it fixed, o r in any place prohibited, b y a n y general.
lèèco^oeGscëJeG oocoosoBco^c i|oecb?ccG 9 iloecPcncccns iccSba
sobçccococcDbS isobcccoœoooojcocÇjpè eçofecbeGoüœeGiisea
r^oéofegsoo&DcbéoSccSoosîoosSco^ciséeoocoocco^ isisooo ( 〇)
œcoosoBcocc loltc^eajco 〇g〇0 ccc〇^a)〇œ œooosSœcc is〇§Q
sboaKi>oo igobôccspcSsbobe 00013cbecccœeG poo isobcccocclso
S3C^]S)CCCCC£)^JCC0S^0 l〇0^)回 を 去 £>チ 03隹 010> 10)3^]3〇>士sfijslssao ( 〇 \

occooscdcocc ioicocücüojPo ib œ 0321cod

O J O O J J ù ù
c œ o ^ c 0310 isobcccaccàée) cccosccDces^
ocoè^eec cccoscoobss^e iGoobjg^coeG scbcccoo^occo loaofij
œœeesœepioycco isabcccaccàRjsbaao o?oé^ecccce)ëcœœsé^ fcri^
|c lol^œcuojPoébccoéRj ccisoe/ctol^C] 〇K)§〇 icc!oe)socEü|oeG
cccocuccoolo ô^ouPccfeb cuPescCJsocEoJocG 〇0000caoceedbooe
^spcCJoscoososloeG oucoesébâeœooaî&RIséco sceceecoicB
œcoos30 00: icçcocc inccœooe 100cSccociooo iSoiobécübbc (o \

O •> O loftoée^hcuaxübbè
J J OJ 〇 O
CCC3S09 scœoo içc§ 〇i| c § s e c cccsœ ccosïo (e ) ,,^ «,^14
ûDÏnosoccocc 1〇^〇: 〇;?〇〇〇?〇〇〇© ( cü ) 00

— ccccs3s3co ocbcéœco iuGonScceGlBu woà

ù 6 0 J Ô 0^ J 〇

iicd61303bccccoo losoElœcofil
cccecfcoo ccccscooH io s oœc9030jc g Iüd losoSlciüGaccûaoooéoé iieecccca
J J 山 〇 ^ O 0 Ji o 0 O J o し

obo sel30000g B| ccsfescbcooo lolî^éoccœëocœsft [^ccsocitcocooo ip^oec

O 〇 & ù
100z c o cocnosScocc
0 0 0 〇 O iofcoiaccscEolocoosoSajPe
〇 \ .一_ Ijo Owio îoeoShccc
〇 〇
ec sc 0 ec loocDKlsceGfetfeeGcuœeGfâeo bécofcooRcc igobeceolo
Zi 〇Cj O O OO 0 0 J Jo
〇 O O O
〇 « i J
ô o J j isobcccQcüsocbulsèccgiIPcoosQsoc])
〇 〇 .~ I o J j s3coe
ccbcécoco goGSoSccecI^ Æ ccg32300 ccbcicoco 〇DG3〇3a;eGliX)

O ù ùO
000Sja〇G〇R| cœ ocftos SccscccH |j0S) oc〇Ge)〇dcx;ecluj losoEjœGocœs
œ oèoêb
O ù O
し O O
〇>0 a;sfesàccaa) i 〇rcoebcrcocopèouPcoçc
• 〇 J •J J J ù O
e e J o
し 〇
o e ô
: > 〇 〇
0 )G3〇3coeciB
〇 0 、 ノ

J O O O tooccEjauGoBl
Cf-Jj Jwi cccocPccè SO ccscodJBI山|〇9 Joco
GOoScoeclLjB loeaGœGcccos cooioée iieeGcccoobQSCoocoacDQ cusfesàcoco
O J oJ j j ù ÛJ û し J Ô J J wj • O
•orcococoscec èbècosliPcoosReajo œcoascccocc loitcécoslirajosHsoo oco
O O Ù J Jj J J J O 0 0 wl J O
^ neecsc5]eG ô^ccoDcooé^eG &œèœ Sccœ œ oR & iicSobo^ôccœooiosoQ


local o r other order w ith o u t a pass or w ritten leave from his

superior o ffice r; or

(g) w ith o u t leave fro m his superior officer o r w ith o u t sufficient

cause, absents him self from any school or p lace o f instruc­
tion w hen d u ly ordered to attend there ;
shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable t o suffer imprisonment
fo r a term w hich m ay exten d to three years or such less punishment
as is in this A c t m entioned.

3 9 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o , kn ow in g or having reason

to believe a person to be a superior officer, uses
Striking or threaten- crim inal force to o r assaults a superior officer
1Ua J o r uses threatening language to him shall, on
coifviction b y a court-m artial, if such officer is a t the tim e in the
execution o f his office or, i f the offence is com m itted on active servicè,
be liable to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term w h ich m ay extend to
fourteen years or such less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned,
and in other cases, be liab le to punishm ent fo r a terfti w h ich m ay extend
to ten y ears o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned;
and if such person a t a n y tim e uses insubordinate language to such
officer, he shall, on co n v ictio n b y a court-m artial, b e liable to suffer
im prisonm ent w h ich m ay exten d to fiv e years or such less p u n ish m ^ t
as is in this A c t m entioned.

4 〇. ( i) A n y perscm su b ject to this A c t w h o disobeys in such

m an ner as to sh o w a w ilfu l defiance o f authority
D isobedience to a n y la w fu l com m and given personaBy b y his
superior officer. su p erio r officer in th e execu tion o f his office
w hether th e same is given o rally , or in w r i t i n g s b y signal o r otherwise
shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, b e liable to suffo* imprisonment
fo r a term w h ich m ay ex ten d to fourteen years o r such less punishment
as is in th is A c t m entioned.

(2) A n y person su b ject t o this A c t w h o disobeys a n y la w fu l com­

mand given b y his superior officer shaU# on œnvicticm. b y court-aartialf
CüA:dbcogo 10110 ^œ c lpeico|gco ccceS ô îcso S ^3oc^ oco6A cgojcocg

iô m gSo维 :çod^ o〇5 § : 童co i3œ Æ :3cooccia>^ cpcsoSoucGp (P)

ù j
çjÎd loeçQÿDGçf^cccscrcoo S ccîcooQ j[〇o jgogoo3 〇ücg^6 1030Qodgocooo
goœpéîcooôooeco neœ cccojbo^ 6jooSçQ œ:fe:dbcooo iprcoiosg çédbcc
?>〇> cccocüdboàéoeooococcgDcœ coeecoiocc cccsjgBoçcsoçî^à ^0 >Scc^)s

ûwl O P O O J û O
o>6 dbcG〇L>o〇jeGpçg i3cc:§:3co ccbc^ouco ^ügsoSoücg^ ( c) ii 1106

noSabooôcccüèo loojQaDGoQcccocPcoo 癸 ccscooQ丄0 3

çcoGsodoucGlï) 1000 ^æ cocoo3 0 0 0 necccccsjb^ sc6 5 0 0 wf>| ou:p:coco
loltogecQoscœo cccoiœ«ïçcü :§3o iscœSàcGOüooœjoœcG igeooooé^ee
5 c c 3 o Scccoe iSocœoo oRœ «Sobooôcccuœ ioe>oHœG〇f)|cc〇ôcPc〇0 S cc
x œ Q jo ô 68ocso3œcc|ju losoHaDGocooo œoécoos necccccoobo ^6000

co:&:dboo^o iolboœcQo:ccxx^cccs§L)cPe3 je 6 | cocoosScoa: ioJîx)éco:llPc〇ft

ÿ x b ô a x o ÿ)coosScocc lol^SJguoSJouooccçpcG cccs:oa>o〇D〇^ à . locoi^cc
k:0 cg Sœcoco«i|ecG ccocis>ocœsseoo:dboocooiocco çocoo:Sco& 1000
wl 0 〇 ob 0 ^ 0 j 0 0 o 0 j
i^œ :cE]cc i:cœ 6 dbcGÇü〇oCG [ogecc io3cccccd
| ju ioskdE^Ioogocoos oooé.Koocnœco ipeGCCcoobo ^feoooSof^ cüsfeîàcooo
iolto^cQs:ccooccce)^ucre€>:o6 ] ÿ>coos3co& ijl^^sllfcüoÿjcfes^co oocoo
^ c o œ loltojS] ^a<S]〇üœcG〇§œicœo:ocü 〇^ o à i ^ ir
4^œo3ccéoocoes:ooo îdbcoœoiocœ ÊcJxg^üoocgoc) ^ ^ .- 1 v ««c〇cPeô:j ^

0 J 0 0 ._ U
100 oBôécoPcocc :occüie>of)feàcG
oUj j 0 0 «_I OvJo
çüœcG i:ccG;3c 〇6dbcG〇uœcG icSœ^sdcooc^icaco 〇üce>o3oucG(L〇n 11 dè
Ù 〇〇 O û 09 〇〇〇 O O
uSoboopccoüoo loopSjgDSof^cccocfcoô SccxcœBJjps) oco
GQoSœ CGlUL) ia>〇a>SlÿDG JC003 o o ^é scc H eCGCCCS 〇b g :
c 6 p 〇〇S ÿ R l cosfescjxoo ®

- lol^ois
cccocbôcücoo ip b çccscc 6o:ocC]ocG cœe>cocc〇3C〇 isobcccoccS
booè 0006cbcGCOOOCGfâOO lieœCCC0SCC30SO3^f)CG Pcocosoco:c3i
ib c o à s ÿ x o gf^cbésdbscEô^cc coJoo:另 00 & i:ocPoue^3cccCf>【 œ 1

5〇coo^ 3 co& iolîx>bbcoo loojE^Eeeco

dbèo cccoscoopSJscco ëoeGoo^coi ^BccscooscEJsjg bcc


i f he co m m its such offence w h en on active service, be liable to syffer

im prison m en t fo r a term w ljich m a y extend to fourteen years o r su ch
less p un ishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned, and if he com m its suclt
offence w h e n n o t on active service, be liable to suffer im prisonm ent
fo r a term w h ic h m ay exten d to five years or such less punishment a s
is in th is A c j m entioned.

4 1 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its any of the fo llo w ­

ing offences, that is to s a y ,~ •
Insubordination and (a) being concerned in a n y quarrel, affray, or
disorder, refuses to o b e y any ofScer, though
in ferio r in rank, w h o orders him into arrest, o r uses
crim inal fo rce to o r assaults any such officer ; o r

(b) uses crim inàl fo rce to, o r assaults any person, whether subject
to this A ct o r n o t, in w h o se custod y h e is law fu lly placed,
and w hether he is or is not his superior officer ; or

(c) resists an escort w hose d u ty it is to apprehend him or to h av e

him in charge ; or

{d) breaks ou t o f barracks, cam p or quarters ; or

(e) neglects to ob ey any general, local o r other order ; or

(f) im pedes the provost-m arshal o r an y person, law fu lly acting

on his behalf, o r w h en called upon, refuses to assist in the
execu tion o f h is d u ty a provost-marshal or a n y person
la w fu lly acting on his behatt ; o r

(g) uses crim inal fo rce to o r assaults any person bringing provi­
sions o r supplies to th e forces ;

shall, o n co n victio n b y court-itiartial, be liable to suffer imprisonment

fo r a term w h ic h m ay extend, in the case o f offences specified in clauses
せœ é g 〇:&| 5 GOC)つasd l 003 QU^GCO:f5 〇8 GOO〇S î3C|S§(5g ©I O^33 r 5 güG 30 gS G(ÎT巨
OOOja^GCOJOGCOO^SQaS^OGOl 0^〇5 c〇|G©C)OgSll 〇8^C 08030 Dgl OTa^ül^SooS
co拳sj^^D^oodssy拳tx^cSco邑 33笱 |ogé roj|i:o^ajj& oéoxp:弓:no 巨 っ î
& j5 g 〇D:
)33s 1| c1î 今& 8 〇00〇630§@&3の1 dasrSgOGSOgé G (irg œ っÎOD@ GC0J3
p c cr^ c _. 〇c c c
CODO |^〇3 æ 0 〇G〇i cx3co 〇)çeo cp c 5 n

9 〇 ll 110133O0gOG3OD COCO^OCjOD 00g:^ :CÛgS—

«£5:œ£, Sœ| g ?c:«>1 H J'

A SSg3300) Q3a〇
ÇüC^GCû5c〇:»: ««330500:30»
书 SdS|G U :G Cü つ3 X p ^ ⑦ & を①つ: 子つ^ | g c :o o S o ^ é ) C§GOg:ÜC^O>

C ^ 3 X p ^ 3 3 っ: C p TC cê 〇œ ê :G œ っ 33释 330o c ^ jg d 湿 o ^ jé l C§00至 :

üu ^cS çonSccpc5 ttœj|[î〇^c^| 6 i cSoog&üüooS

( 〇) S S 〇30S güGQ^tÇ33g OOgSODCüDpœGCOODJG» COCDGO30000〇ê 8^0

oooscpjg œ ^ » g i n^35œgüG〇f 〇 coœ^ocico o^oSooo^îijTOoi
〇ü>œco^|(j 〇G〇i c8|^£ SSâs^oocSsxp^ œ o o co g^ S eo i w x &
〇3^Sg<Seoi oçogîno: cpcocSorocsGcoo ©|c3DcoaS
反 cqjSi c^co^ ü ü x S coooccpoog œj|[:
co|c^|éi q gœ g îo œ o S
( 〇) S & 330: O & 9Sk )| c C0 0 C|£: I C0〇ê 〇8|:^ GODO^CSI cooo^ooSoDcp:
CjGCOO Q3G©〇5 s a jg 5 œ ^ :Q30: そÔC^jSl COCODDÎQO^CO
( a > ) c & » | :COJO: I 0 0 0 9 1 : l cSoO ^Q O D cS 6 f 〇DCC|^ G fCpQ O CüCOnSdï


(c) G O > O ^ J3 3 ü | l G3CD 系C p S 栗1 3 3 § 0 :0 5 « | C O Ô ^

子っ5 ¢)手 cycSo?oSo^i q§œ:&Gc^cS

(©) 000001SOJ[ÜODGCOO^CSI OXXX)|20J[ü<si OXOOOS C0CpSgüG33X|l
c s o o S g c S c p c o っ ogcoをきsn^GcoScjési œ |o a っ:c^jSi c 8o ^ « x ^ o 5
Od5 c〇^ :©J[6cD^(DGOI C〇6〇〇|s〇J[üeic805002 C0Cp:g〇G33X| GSDOC
gn§G^Ga>o cooogsgsœ|y〇G©i œoo|ooxocp:i œü:csoo5cp^ œro
Q^GOTO&S^GCÛっ33 ^]| 巨(5:ü〇S〇5|£l C^OT运 SOC^aS
tao) cx>5 ÿ 〇jo:co oos^üqœoüjosjyoGoi Gœoœoo©gs9jo:^©G®i
GSOO&OOCÇ CO g:き:3 3 。: CpTOODOODCSGCO。 33零é 33000S 温
CCj^ë] c 8 o t ^ 2 ü ü DCO COCDGCpCOU œjj[SCO^C^[CI

000x p : 令:ro [yc^ œ ég つ: ©g|cgcd つ33Üi os辑 (CD) g (c ) œ ccSs 因つ: güT 设
œ oîcaoo (uô«^p:^©ülro ^©5 ©oo goooc3 〇o^S g©i r^ 33rSg 〇G〇cDC G〇r|y œ o i

(4) and (^) to tw o years, and in the case o f the offences specified in the
o th er dauses to ten years, or such less pxmishment as is in this A c t

4 2 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its a n y o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, th at is to sa y ,一
Fr*ud\^nt^enr〇l- ⑷ w ith ou t h aving first obtained a regular
discharge from the service to w h ich h e belongs,
enrols him self in the sam e o r a n y other service o r a n y fo rc e
constituted under the B unna Territorial Force A c t ; o r

(b) knowing, o r having reason t o believe, th at a person is a

deserter, procures o r attem pts to procure the enrolm ent o f
such person,

shal>, on conviction b y court-m artial, b e liable to suffer im prisonm ent'

fo r a term w hich m ay extend to five y ears o r such less punishm ent «s
is in this A ct mentioned.

43. A n y person having becom e subject to this A c t w h o is discovered

to have made a t th e tim e o f enrolm ent a w ilfu lly
false answer t o a n y question set fo rth in th e
prescribed form o f enrolm ent w h ich has been
p û t t e }um b y the enrolling officer b efo re w h o m he appears fo r the
purpose o f being enrolled shall, on co n viction b y court-m aitial, be
UaUe to suffer imprisonment fo r a term w h ich m a y exten d to five
y ears or such less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned.

4 4 * A n y ofBcer or w arrant ofBcer w h o behaves in a m anner un­

becom ing his positicm and character exp ected o f
him shall, on co n victio n b y court-m artial, if he
is an ofBcer, be liable to be cashiered o r to suffer
such less punislm ent as is in this A c t m entioned ; and i f he is a w arran t
officer# b e liable to be dismissed or to suffer such less punishm ent as
is in this A ct mentioned.
10006103goQ cccocltoo SccjcooRjjoo
0200030u e c^ iooo Q ^ ooodoosocoQ cg cüjooSls^œccQecteG cfeccio
1 0 9 0 Q oDGo F] GCCOc PcOO c5 cC :CO〇Q JOO 〇î 〇GS)〇3

〇 ^ o c i d goo o cog o o joccHec
o \J
〇 o
しo 二l e o
A9t>| dStpjdocooo ioüocgioBs
i o i c o ô (9 i c c c o c Pc o q o „ 和 _

j«SbcopPcocD cœocxKD^ocûeo 〇B|Sccçlb〇5 〇 p^ ^
5 ô S ô^ô ÔJ 〇〇 OJÀÔ û J-
licocGÔœeGüpoo iSœiSscoo cooedbcc cocoascScoa: «Ssdoo&àeGH n&6

nocabosbcca^go iQOG^aDGoRlcccocPœo o3œicooR|jco

00063030JCG^ l030Ï)|gDGJCaDQ 03^8^0 HeCGCCCOobjSC6000S〇R| CüjfesàcOOO
io RxjÇ& 9 cocdccè:0000co oœé^cG ;
o3œsocc:obco oSjeGsoooooo ilcobobco
Qocd ^Bccèoooocof) 0db:i^s 〇3 ccfecbccio sccgoo
.b è k o .ilre o cccS:
c c ^ l1〇o oco^o | c ^ œ œ W ^ ^ ^ 〇
èbxooctobco 〇g œifla .o 〇o .Lecôu-ccbçüàs ccgpcoa ^

lo b c o oBJecjoœ Soo i9 cc: 3 i 3 coœ 9 ^ :Q b c iœ g o güGe)〇3 ÿ jc c p ii wàb

1130koopcccooD 1000SIodgoB| cccocP

coo cdccscœB|jpe>oco
L>CG^3 lOQoRaDGOCœs 000^ 2(0 upcGCCcoobojcfeocoooF)] cosfesdacocio
GS〇3 〇
joltoÿ)001ccg ibjo^ouBoc'oco œcoorc0 0 0 lol^soscoëocœo
^o œ so b co oSIcgsoooroo losoSjoécüPcobsocCjscG ébSEulço
♦ô^lQjéGüPcoœ cü〇3ccot)]:dcosQsoaccoo icccccccecccc〇£〇c:5co (e )
axno:c3coçc iolîx):
occj〇bco oEJcg: 000000 uobcccoocceecooco

C0C3JC00 sç5〇〇 bcG (W V 33J0J IBJJCnjJWl B.uuna oq丄)

csoa^œ 〇c〇oc®9§3§ ?3>|coé§] Itobçccsoto 1r , , 〇 v
饮 :中 晚 カ ナ 逆 b w
iCÜCOSfiCO:严 g jo e c o œ «OCOCCC.S)0 0 1 0 ( C ü ) ° 。 5 J JO

— ^cc:^:3œ ccbcècü^o ougsoScücg^ ii ||厂6

ii3oboe>jccce§o iooo£]ü〇G〇f)j cccscPcuo

odcctcooBjjos ocoGooSoues^ü io o o ^ odgocooo oooécnce iûu^o〇{)|sc Poo<i>Q

CCC〇:CC〇fîjjO 〇:C § :
g : 〇COICP〇GOCG: cëjcs 0〇 00 1030 SJajGjQcccsôPoDsScc

4 5 , A n y person subject to this A c t, w h o commits the follow ing

offences, that is to say,—

d Æ ぬ *3 u0cft . ⑷ is 产 o f any 此 啊 也 1 conduct o f a

(b) m alingers, o r feigns o r produces disease o r infirm ity in

him self, o r intentionally delays ftis cure or aggravates his
disease o r infirm ity ; o r

(c) w ith in ten t to render him self o r oth er person unfit fo r service,
v o lu n ta rily causes hurt to h im self or that person ;

d u ll , on co n v ictio n b y court-m artial, b e liab le to suffer imprisonment

fo r a term w h ic h m a y extend to seven y ears o r suCh less çunishinent
âs is in this A c t m entioned.

4 6 * A n y person su b ject to this A c t w h o strikes o r otherwise ill-

treats any person su b ject to m ilitary law being
subor- his subordinate in ran k o r position, shall on
conviction b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer
im prisonm ent f o r a term w h ich m ay ex ten d to seven years or such
less punishm ent as is in this A ct m entioned.

4 7 . (i> A n y p erso n subject to th is A c t w h o is found in a state o f

• in toxication , w h eth er on d u ty o r not, shall, on
Intoxication. co n victio n b y court-m artial, if he is an officer,
be liable to be cash iered o r to suffer such less punishm ent as is in this
A c t m entioned ; a n d , i f he is n o t an officer^ be liable^ subject to the
provisions o f subhsection (2 ), to suffer, im prisonm ent fo r a tenn w h ich
m a y extend to t w o y e a rs o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t
m en tion ed

(2) W here an o ffe n ce o f being in to x icated is com m itted b y a person

o th er than an o fficer w h en not on a ctiv e service o r n o t on duty# the
p m o d o f in^prisonment awarded shall n o t exceed s ix months.

E xplanation .— F o r th e purposes o f th is offence, a person is guilty

o f intoxication if o w in g t o the influence o f alcohcd or a n y d n % w hether
alone o r in co m b m atio n w ith a n y o th er circumstances^ b e is unfit
to be entrusted w it h h is d u ty o r a n y d u ty w h ich he m ight have been

93» I丨 邊 っ ,;^ 0 0 をさ : c a 运 -------

( C D ) G | n § 〇r S G C 0 0 I C û 0 g 0 ^ 3 O ) 〕l 0 ^ C D p S : Ü U ^ c S G g C 0 : >
g s C ^ C O J C G .こ
D つ $33üJ|t33© つS C C ^ j y o C Û g g C O O ^
GOO つc î e CO つ1 3 5 & 3 3 ü C 0 3 ô r ^ G 〇^ C I4 〇D:
ü U^〇5

(s> ) cô o o 子0050ocp: つcgj子 u r o j 子: y 〇〇D子G3〇つ::cv^éi c 5 c o g : ycpco

Q^nOCOCOC 33^OG€p 〇lGC0O C}CÏI 3 Jp D ^§ C :

GC00CJC: ! (^© G üTü: ^
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Q ü JO O D O D C Jü a ) a ? y c | n g ^ | ( g 〇G (D ^ JC I C O ^ œ gSü O O O D ü u a 33^0

G C p 〇1cD G C O O C jC : l Q J g ^ g C S G C O O C jC S I C〇yC 00 :
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Ü Ü X»
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( 〇J ü ü r D Ü X ^ C G C Û * X jC M Q 3 ;
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@ C S 3 3 C 〇a ) ÜCOÇGOOO

G © C )f î » [ 〇^[CJG ü ü 3 3 C O 3 3 G ( X jj0 ^ ü t ) r § U ^ r 〇§(D G © t OOODœ^OGO

子つfT^G<D 〇y<?» 、

iD 〇o o cp :g :œ [y w c o c c jo : ©s)c g c d 〇33q 1i o ^ o ^ ooo ço o つ ら よ ほ 咖 忉 <Tj3^œ

gO G Q Coé G ü fjy œ o sc o g f GCOJOGCOO |y©30D|y©S©l c 8 〇)C〇£ g ©C|ÜD3II

ç S h H ^ |0 3 C 0 g ü G 3 0 § C O C O ^ ^ C O C 0 g :
g :
C 0 p l 9 3 3 〇i 3 3 0 :
lü ié G 〇L>5cjCS! Q3C 〇X
n c c c oo c C C «n c c c
c い r r CD9 :|(gCGC00CC*l «ÜCT COTDG33 つ003[g©GCD:) OO^CO
〇^ s t eue3; 7i
一 •J Jl Ü(JJCO 3 3 0 つ: gpSü^S§Ü©r aC^j CI ©OOXptQÎOO
つ: Ô CJCG C003^]| 拆石子 ¢>00 GCÔつ53051g 〇G©l d 〇3n〇gU G 3C§C G (ir 巨

CG>っ::13沒 c c o jy c o っ j^ & K ^ ig O S D l C^OOCO$GO<|g邑 II

1 1 ( 。) m |33 :
S g 〇G 3C^ C^OD子つS|CO C 0 g :g :C 0 gSî CO。。萃0 0 0 0 0 €ps GSO つC

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k Ji Q :CO©G^CO|CI©OC〇^ ) :^ :
CX) ^®Ü 00CÇ)0 : O^CGDD09501

っ の 甲 多 c o き: ( g © ü l c o 奇 o ^ co y : a jd 3 0 53 æ 色©g ©i 邊 s x ^ g O G îîc g S

X 3 (irjy 〇0 0 :3DDD GCOJ〇GCD〇y© 3 0 D jy 〇G©l COD3QO Q ^ g C O g S (^ C O 〇Tc 〇l

/ \ O T- C C C c c \ C C 〇 Ç* c n c c c
( j j 5 |yg つ香: S J jO ^ p J H ÜSO 令a>JCG のブDI 令0 令©C〇 GC〇:
)CîKP0© G O I ^ j3 X X )g O G 3

co cG 〇r jy o o o :o o g g c o jo s c o o ^ © 3 æ ^ © G 〇i c ü ro c o JG o ç ^ g n
/ \ c p c c C QC c c ^ c c c c c
Q ) « 中 0 2 2 OûÿDCXWSJl予Ü Ü JCO CD g S D D lG D X K p l anOfOOOOOCpWGeOOC
gn oç^ coao 〇3 3 1 g c o d ^ c : i D ^ c p ^ c o o l j j 3 3 § o : o j œ g t 〇D g i f ^ î o o o ^ œ ^

X j\ c 〇\ 〇8 c 〇Î P 〇:Q JÜ C O C O gf G C O O C Q C n O D g l 〇\ ^ 〇œ ? D œ ( D 9^ô(D C)n

^ C ïC 〇5l© jm H HGCDC|gGCOC|CO O O O O TgîcS Q5〇| c 〇C c | ^ 〇5§©C©1 C0Q3

》つ GS〇:CD cS 〇S 。發 ① 户 备 る S3 つ寧00(§G123つ: ^ OG©いSCO^ 会 GCOCjnàl cSo o:&

^U 3C 0 GSO :ODOX)C〇g g ir§ 3 » § O ÎO t» 〇| : COJC GJÇ2 つさ: 齡 : 甲 ⑦ c a lo o ü

3 5 0 ^ 0 D ^c[rq 〇S§© GO» W Ü^CDOO^ o e o o xp :o ô c:o o c jC Ji ü S ^ O * o o tso o


called u p o n to perform , or behaves in a disorderly m anner o r in a n y

m anner lik e ly to bring discredit on the service.

48. A n y person subject to this A c t w h o commits a n y o f the

fo llo w in g offences, th at is to say .一
S S y 〇 f (a) w h en in com m and o f a guard, picquet,
p a tro l o r post, releases w ith o u t proper
authority, w hether w ilfu lly o r w ith o u t reasonable excuse,
a n y person com m itted to his charge, o r refuses to receive
a n y prisoned o r person d u ly com m itted ; or

(b) w ilfu lly or w ith o u t reasonable excuse allows to escape an y

person w h o is com m itted to his charge or w h o m it is h is
d u ty to keep o r guard ;

shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable, if he acted w ilfu lly ,

to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term w h ich m a y extend to fourteen y ears
o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned ; and i f he has not
acted w ilfu lly , to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term w hich m a y extend to
tw o years o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned.

4 9 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its any o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, that is to say,—
Irregu lftiityin con­ (a) im necessarily detains a person in arrest o r
nection w ith arrest or
conûnem eat. confinem ent w ith o u t bringing liim to trial, o r
fails to bring his- case before th e proper
authority fo r investigation ; or

{b) having com m itted a person to m ilitary custody fa ils w ith o u t

reasonable cause to deliver at th e tim e o f such committal*
o r as soon as practicable, and in a n y case w ith in tw en ty-
fo u r hours thereafter, to the ofS cer o r other person into
w hose custody the _person arrested is com m itted, an
account in w ritin g signed b y h im self o f th e offence w ith
w h ich the person so com m itted is charged ;
S|C^90B --------------
|^ o tl59œ % xx> i^ ic o c il» h à e s *〇〇〇〇〇〇

eccôicœ^e令 jooccocbeolfecG |csoco :ooocGbcèK〇efoœoé

ÿx:io^3cc*^n(cd&> | c ^d igeoj^soBè o^ccoBo lîjb ccco co jlto cœ e
l^oèjPcpç.oço uçbjœopcolpsoœ^o |c^o
i 〇ooE>llü6dbcG cccobe :oE|oeG5o éb:ccxx)lfe jcccœbe :p 6Jige
4«cc ojcèscdcciQ occîa |co 1Pccccücc9 〇 i:ccg2ccccooüccooco:^ co ( o)
oocooroccocc io I^oououcüPo i h R
hSR x >«
全co çq j^ cc^ ccg çüSocg古b iœ sjo :eoo 另备
ôjllb ÿ〇ln<*
oîPe c o ^ ^ c o o c iol^DK:oo:oejficc ôjocœjocc *|ec〇& °
!? 3 W C
^ —occcj38300 ocbcè^üta lüGsoSoüccyDii u3i>

ii3 o b o sjccÿ ;ço 1000003coRj cccô c Pcoo S ocicoo

Q jo o ocogooS cücg^ü 1000GJæcoccoo œoé*oé cüj〇Q〇cno〇(S| cccoî^ooco

o©of)|ÿDG〇f^ cccocPcoo Sccicœ Q jo o oîocooSœœÇD iooo ^ odgjcooo goœ
^fccoocooeco cüicxdG|oS| ccco ^ j «co i^ecGcccsobo :c 6oœSof^ cüÆidxoao
091(^9 ^ 0 jfcc&OJOcEüJôCG CCCOÿXCOôÇO lOOjQoftCO
i*cçwdi3co occccofe lîçbcccoéocco iboEû]çc®® uobcccoiocco
^b»k)〇pc〇d 〇〇 oocoo:3co|c içccoicooocgSo èbiiœ ^coo :cœ o« (e )
^oltoorx^:o5| èbeaxo «cccj^Pcücb iooo 0 ^ :^ i 9co

Î cccdoocs^o P〇üCO:OC〇x 3 i 〇〇〇« 〇Dioo:cccocc loltooococb

-oc^bA ccixccpeœ güîS^oo ccicooocd^ d ébiégojcoD

«« »® ?g ?% §« ct f „研 ,

路 # ;含 :! ^ : H 一 “ •
---- 〇3cc»9*§c〇 îçciouloGOcÆcüCGÇSll 116&

ÿlSœcSoCOSA Çfcîx) lL〇5 〇CGlCr<R5gL) l〇lî»W^ 〇3cc〇ccccs§üc〇f»c〇

igoo i^ x c c o Sœ dbkooô céoé§j|gD gjaoc)çcoo〇fl〇a>

ccG〇ç c 83g :^ p S §dîo «§3 cd|c I j l^ ^ c o ^ j c p o
rntgcp y S c x B feom oo ttg b ^ cc^ itto ^ b cp g o p ^ co o S cc^ < d
dial], on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer im prisonm ent
îo t a term w h ich m ay extend to tw o y e a r s o r such less punishm ent
a s is in this A ct mentioned.

50. A n y person subject to this A c t w h o , being in la w fu l custody,

escapes o r attem pts to escape, shall, on convic-
Escape from custody. tion b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer
imprisonment fo r a term w h ich m a y extend to five years or such less
punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned.

5 1 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its a n y o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, th a t is to say,—
(A) com m its th e ft o f any p ro p erty belonging
to the G overn m en t o f the U nion o r o f a State,
or to any m ilitary m ess, band or institution, o r to a n y
person subject to m ilita ry la w ; or

(b) dishonestly m isappropriates o r converts to his o w n use any

such property ; or

<c) com m its crim inal breach o f trust in respect o f any such
property ; or

(d) dishonestly receives or retains any p rop erty in respect o f

w h ich any o f the offences under clauses (a), (b), and (c)
has been com m itted, k n o w in g or having reason to believe
the com m ission o f such offence ; or

fe) w ilfu lly destroys or injures an y property o f th e G overam cnt

o f the U nion o r o f a State entrusted to him ; o r

(f) does a n y other th ing w it h intent to defraud, o r to cause

w ro n g fu l gain to o n e person o r w ro n gfu l loss to anodier
p e rso n ;

shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable t o suffer im prisonm ent

f o r a term w h ich m ay esttend to ten y ears or such less punishm ent as
Is in this A ct m entioned.
« o o o c p ^ x n o |y©ÜOOCÇ|OS0C|CGCOO33^l SO^COO GCD0C3CD§© G0I g | 3 5 r 〇gOÔ3

CD CG üT(yœ 〇ÎO D ^ GCOJOGODO Jy© 3CID§ 〇G©| c S c S o ^ G O C jG g ll

3011 l!^ 3 3 C 0 g O O 3 f^ COOO^OCjOD CX)g:g :CX)gDl Ü 9 S 3 0 Î 〇D€p!gOG30X| SJ[U

Q3〇â « 0 〇^CQCW §OG© l ^ 3 3 C 〇pü G 3œ C G ofjyoO O taO gg GCOJOQCOO ^© 3 〇S§O G © I


3011 n^jsDcogoGGro coœçocjcoœgjgjaûgû—

P c c oc* O OC O c c

° 5巴 ザ H [yoDGœ oc© scc 000jc jo c c c o o i coœ gîüüD CD

g î 利 110111Jw ^ æ ^tCjüCGCDO l ODGOgSüœOD ©©COCO

ÇjüOOOl C010CÎI O O CD gîQ üXO G0gf»©30:C0Ô3
oc 0 c c c c 0 〇c 0 e oc
〇©〇〇: c 〇9 〇œ oruacv^jci c q r o g tü œ o )

( 〇) 03SÔü1ü©gS:0D3^n8l ü 尋: ÜQ 回 O^GCOOCOGCOっ§ 5 S3COcÔï ©OÏ^lC^|C1

c S œ g î o a x o «oâi o g 〇Dsc»|g©oS g ^ oc : co^ cs^ cvj|ci oSœ g:
Oü x S

( 〇) 333061 ^ Ç g S :
C03»§C © ü ccyg ï^ l CpCOODüœCSGCOO œ lc r jg 3 X )亨
6C |:co lco ü jjn o yœ œ j||sco^cvj|ci 0 5 0 0 gosoo^co

(C O ) 33 如 い 0)1 ( 3 ) 托 (O ) 03; ] [yOGOûつ |ÇJ© ^p:33ÇfO 巨

©ucxjjgtGcoo oc^soDQoroi œ^©üroj|[:co|G(cgoct oScojnô^c
0© G© i cp|cqpx|^ 9 3 G ^ go c:^ ccyrD ^c^ © G © i t t ^ 〇G § o S c a > o
00G coo 阴 co cS^ co ji^ 气 ⑦ さ : 《üÿ3§ gooScono 〇〇っ: 料 5 丨 0100

( c ) ü ü 3 3 〇t c ô ^ g roo ^o ooJG C ooi ^ g 〇G œ o c© ^ cc 〇3 〇:ç | à o Sco gc


ÜJCO€tCOC^|Sl c S c o g s ü o x o

(© ) CO O œ pXO güjjO îcSG CO O œ g:


«oxp:c|coc<DC|^ Q ^§ê(g© G 〇i ooxp: €〇:cj:

GC£|| so^g^éjg& oi
î» § 0 :Ü ^ a D g 3 X p 〇ÿ )3 8 ^CV^|C

« © O X p iy œ jy©ÇO 〇5ç|Ot & jC C 0 0 0 3 3 〇)l œCOÇ©OÔGCX)OC3Cro^©GOI 0^33T0

£U G 90D C CoT^O O O tCO gg CCV^OGDD0^©3O0§OG©l. 〇8 c5 c 〇éG O C)üg H


52 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its a n y o f fhe fo llo w ­

ing offences^ th at is to say,—

& t 〇rtiH t £ 撕 (a) commits e x to r tio n ; or

(b) w ithout proper authority ex a cts from a n y
person m oney, provisions o r s e r v ic e ;

shall, on co n victio n b y court-martial, be liable to suffer im prisonm ent

fo r a term w h ic h m a y extend to ten years o r such less punishm ent
as is in this A c t mentioned.

5 3 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o conunits any. o f th e follow *

ing offences, th at is to say ,一
D isp o sa l o f equipm ent.
(a) disposes o f, or is concerned in disposing o f, a n y property
belonging to the Governm ent of th e U nion o r o f a State
issued to him for his use o r entrusted to him ; o r

(b )lo s e s b y neglect anything m entioned in d a u se [a) ; o r

(c) sells, p aw n s, destroys o r defaces a n y m edal o r decoration

granted to him ;

?hall, on co n victio n b y court-martiaL be Kable to suffer im prisonm ent

fo r a term w h ic h m ay extend in the case o f the offences sp cd fiea m
clau se (a) to ten years, and in the case o f the offences specified in the
o th er clauses to five years, or such less punishm ent as is in this A d
m entioned.

5 4 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its a n y o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, that is to say,—
In ju ry to property.

(a) destroys o r injures any p roperty belonging to the G overnm ent

o f the U nion or of a State or any property belonging to any
m ilitary mess, band or institution, o r to a n y person subject
to m ilitary law , or serving w ith , or attached to th e D efence
Services ; or

(b) com m its any act w hich causes damage to, o r destruction o f,
a n y property o f the Governm ent o f the U nion o r o f ^ State
b y fire ; or
cp lo « 3 co § : lofto^gjeccoooèo^
qccoooo Q soG|ïéS|œPo œîooso3co& 1s5 § °3C^®^îJS J f,
n2 9 sÇ ^
- èècosSêo oocdosS co^ : iç b s ^ o o i bocc〇9ç3R] (e)
ODcnosScog: loltoosrasœPo
o xo o s3 co & lôlto^sœPo cpiecos^BSo icœoc^s^clcocc Sccbe
:o 6]:cooa>cc&) ^ ccooooco œcoosoScog: iSœ ésœ SsoooSccïocc
ôtcc 〇ô«oco 〇Dcno:c3co& icccooosSsSco œ bciœ io œ csoS
coccto ooœ〇î^<X)〇b icccoo^ecco;3oœSeG œcoosoScoo: isoosco
icccobajccoo ooioo:3coœ icccooWssoœ c n i
c3Rj œ^o«:c300œ icoceoobsocc ooèoocoosfeQ ( cü) h^ooijjü IVïcüi^ S o

— o3cc:9s3co ccbciœ to gjGsoSoîeG^ii iifcC

hSoboobcccüoo ios)00c&dcoBI
0 J O〇 OiJO
cccsèrcos 没 ccîcoo BI |〇3 o5dgôo3cü€g 臣 丨
aooKî〇DG:xœe) 00aéîio 丨cü|〇g S|
«JJL* 〇
〇 j b o oj し し
O^OasX^Q COC3SCO〇QjOd:cgsCC OOOSc P〇〇ÎXG :c 6JcG 1000£)|æG〇Q cccsclfcoo
b 1030tilæcocooo
J ooolcooe
OO J igüiogH cüoocgS oR
し JvJ J 〇J
U 9
〇?〇 fco) cncs iieeccccoobo : 〇&〇〇〇〇〇0 ousfe:dbcoa>o
o \>ノ〇〇 し oo O • O
olcocproçcaîcCÎ) cocoajcdcoœ loltosœcoPo iolto§oioo loltosodbo
〇 >eecoooeû〇?c xœ coas3cocc 100ecooe ccca:coooQ:PesccG〇o (o)
ûocno^ccûcx: lolcoîœcccPoe)
O J O J •O
eecosSSo cccoscooQjoo oco ( cü) gocg 9c E0]oocPc〇2>[〇3 (e j
_ ù O 〇
lOlcooojo ococbeoo
lw>lLUUU*C? uu
û o し 〇 \ 0 & 〇〇
0 0 0 loltoeoo
\ 0ajeecoscSSooo
«5 JO
b:occœè 3 fi] coc〇3:cccocc loobroec oo^coifi] _ „
° 〇• 〇ー 迟 - o り 。 ノ J uS|œ scISkcoo
opcœocdQ ^ cccce«cœéoeG 3 0 1 en scccfio occoo
cœèco ccn^cü tcxiaa
sc3c&œ icccoscooîosooco
iccc : iscecoo sonècccGoa fco)
---- 3 cCs9 s3 c〇Ccbc^Gut〇 COGO〇5 c〇eG^II \èQ
こ ôo o o o j b

Il C0 〇b 〇3 Ç ^ C 〇ÛD IG>3®H 〇U G a flc C C 3 C P C U O S c C S C œ H 1 0 0 0 CO

O î O O OwJO J «J J J 丄 J
goo 3cJ ü c g |〇B io o g
^ 〇
écoœ iieeccccoobo
RIo o c o c c o ® 0 0 0
〇o J し OO 8clScœe/
O 〇RI ajs&sctcooah
» O
l 〇ltc g 3 :OCCD3

loPcoec:000cc ébîosçüêpcœoeeco oocoosçScocc iscPoccbboésco

03005 (e )
loosEolo 000:3:dcoœ icc&bo ccDcœoeecœoJe
n%:cbco b i
- œ coa
c〇9 Moa:>cPc»
:3 c o g : ijlt o 童co :ilfco ^ j5 S n :o c c o ^ o ^ Jc P e 3 * c o 】

-c3ccs3:3coccbcé〇ügc) a ;Q2>〇3a)CGÏjüii «PC

(c) kills, injures, disposes o f, ill-treats o r loses any anim al entrusted
to him b y the G overnm ent o f the Union o r o f a State ;

shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable, if he has acted w ilfully^

to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term w h ic h m ay extend to fourteen y e a rs
o r such less punishm ent as is in th is A c t mentioned ; and i f h e has acted
w ith o u t reasonable excu se, to suffer imprisonment fo r a term w h ic h
m ay exten d to seven years or such less punishment as is in this A ct
m entioned.

55. A n y person subject to this A c t w h o commits a n y o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, th a t is to say,—
False accusations.

(a) m akes a false accusation against any person subject t o

m ilitary la w , k n o w in g o r having reason to believe such
accusation to be false ; o r

(b) in m aking a com plaint under section 24 o r 25 m akes an y

statem ent affecting the ch aracter o f any person subject to
m ilitary la w , kn ow in g o r having reason to believe such
statem ent to be false o r k n o w in gly and w ilfu lly suppresses
any m aterial facts ;

shall, on co n victio n b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer im prisonm ent

fo r a term w hich m a y extend to fiv e years o r such less punishm ent a s
is in this A c t m entioned.

56. A n y person subject to this A c t w h o commits^any o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, th a t is to say,—
False declaration (a) in any rep ort, r e tir a , list, certificate, book or
docimienter8 other docu m en t made o r signed b y him , o r o f
the conten ts o f w hich it is his d u ty t o
ascertain th e a ccu ra cy, kn o w in gly makes, o r is p rivy t a
th e m akin g o f, a n y false o r fraudulent statem ent ; o r

(b) in any docu m en t o f th e description m entioned in clause

(a) k n o w in g ly m akes, o r is p riv y to the m aking of, a n y
om ission, w ith intent to defraud ; or
ぴ , . ぎ n « 孕 co を

lo fo o o ^ o 8 à ç o a x 〇r〇 ilx )c o S | c o e ic o co co o jcü co œ lo lto o x u

c ü Po o é a ;r〇x c é b o œ ?)Ia)e è co ô ^ E ü jc c c o c o 〇Dscfi|o3coc3co


œœoÆcorb 1011000.0ëcfeS] ^ k o œ fe è e o x x ^ )
mor^sScoo: ïoI I ^ oçcoP
cocc lüiecocureîeccco ccca«:QSco
^ 〇36〇3 œ co ^Sco & ic c c a ^ è o a D Îo o 1030E>)o2o«:Poàîü

0C CCC e>5^00C0ûD:
Db SceSse3500000^OCCO 4Î5COCP


OJCC rsobco i W g icoeSbocc ic c c s îc o o îo o .〇45 ^ ^

:be>çoaa>cooo oocoascScoœ icœ oxœ ocoîjjoo (ou) ° 。 分
— o d ccsà S co o cb cé o u co èuce>o3a)<!G|üH k^C

11030booôcccooo loôoSjæGofitcccocrcco SccscooQjoo cco

coo3coœ^ü i 〇3〇
)l^aDG〇co〇ô odo^ s^o necccccoobc&sc100000afi| cos&sdbcooo
loltoscœar^ousJîooco oécüPcoœ ojscPodbsoEJsocEülscc.
cccô(psbs>eG coio 〇:3 c o & iosoSI会^ ) Pco6s〇c (x)1〇cg éb
3C|çn loooQoéoüfaxc s^t^oèaaoocoo cüPeœœoooo \ h j e e c o
ojPeoeojaD coc3coeooœbcoôlix)cc ^î3s3co ccbcéa^) ^) 〇3〇3
ÿ x c a o îB d b ^ e co œ P e scto jo œ ib cc C P ogo c o c o a s S c o œ ife f a c o (e )


:? 崎 1/ 0^ èaooocno 持 丨 :c e ^ S c o fcbc 缺 ト W

— cSccsd scco ccbciœ co c ü G S o d c o e tB u itC C

O Oo 000 O O

hSobooôcccoœ iosqBIodgoQ cccôcP

cos> S ccscooQjoo cooceoScoec^
l® 9 〇Q a)G 0 C C 0 3 c o o io iè icoiaoSaX] cccsK] CC&OSGcSjaOG CCCOCüCCOÔCO

i〇3〇>QœG〇f)| cccscfco a S c c s c o o Q jc o 000G so S c u e e p i〇Q〇SjœG 〇co 〇D co

oéscx)〇mosco icotoofilo?)! c c c a 16100co iiecccccsoboscfeGOoeof)! cosfesàccoa
lolî^oeîissœ coJoascdcofe <o£ocoao^séos3 S io!toca> loltcoo
0 • • 0 0 0 0 J j 〇0 0 ^ \ Ù

oPcocé loltoco^cocc ie « cpico b 〇DScco?o cccoscoo^ ocgSEoIco

îcecgo loooKJcübsoccœicBR 1090Rcybsocc ooèoocœ eSfil ( 〇)

(c) kn o w in gly and w ith intent to injure a n y person, o r k n o w in ÿ y
and w ith inten t to defraud, suppresses, defaces, altets or
m akes a w a y w ith any dcx:ument w h ich i t is his d u ty to
preserve or produce ; or

{d) w h e re it is his official duty to m ake a declaration respecting

any m atter, know ingly makes îài false declaration ; or

ie ) obtains fo r himself, or fo r any oth er person, an y pension,

p a y , allow an ce o r other advantage o r privilege b y a state­
m ent w h ich is false, and w h ich he either kn o w s o r believes
to be fale or does not believe to be true, o r b y m aking or
using a false e n tiy in any book o r reco rd o r b y m aking any
docum ent containing a false statem ent o r b y om itting
t o m ake a true entry or docum ent containing a true state*
m ent ;

shall, on con viction b y court-martial, be liable to suffer imprisonment

fo r a term w h ic h m ay extend to seven years o r such less punishm ent
as is in this A c t mentioned.

57. A n y person subject to this A ct w h o com m its any o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, that is to say,—
in blank and (a) w h en signing a n y docum ent relating to p ay,
t〇 arms, ammunition, equipm ent, clothing*
supplies o r stores, or any property o f  e Governm ent o f
th e U nion o r o f a State frau dulently leaves in blank an y
m aterial part fo r w hich his signature is a voucher ; o r
loltosccolBo^oire cccooSE Jo ^èeoo : oocg

œgcc Gccopbôecœ ofijcccocc c c c s to ^ fij^c o 〇Bc〇ooo
giœPc 〇|〇oG| a)Peeÿ>co〇ô !〇3 cc 〇D〇ajçj>- ipoo socEôjsicuéf^
ç^Sbœèeco :ogœ œ gax- cccôjoîbocG ^ c b ^ îb o œ o a x o
ijfefeoD^cccca)^ ïococo cccas^Pcooo oieecoscBSo ^ b :o œ

— ト ç>讀 — 费
o x o o ^c o g : i:cr〇:odor) oocoe:3co& iscPosSîo
〇ÿ)cooa ucaœcoocc ucPoccoocœ士cocmbco 5 ^ * 8°

iaxftxj3:o îftcoe iK:lir)coéaxo icoco fcul

— 5 cc: 5 î^ co cb céa^ ) Jügôo 3 〇ücg8jüh uLC

11030bosocccc^D icootîjæGoRcccecPcoo Sccîcœ Q joo 9S0

^ îôoScüccCS laeaElctGocooo oooéoéë iiecccccoobo xScœSoQ cü:
O ^ J J OJ < J し 0 6 ù

〇 〇 •

(p^D& ipeK.oeî|JcüCG cocnosodcocc icobo icoco ic®co:co:〇5)eG
.1ooo^œcocc:^:3cp ccscëjcc loexïEjûucoeGoo isobcccsôt)|:o6|
axücülo ibocN^jecoscccecoofeccseccco cccafejoecocuPebsco&D
cccoioçoco œcooscSco^c lecoœrcsoccsbocccsiocoîo uobcccs
〇 二i : 山
〇(I)l coeeco:ccceccoacD:
j 〇 )
〇 J
O し
cœoioococoo isobcccsôblsoblSlsœeG ccobcoajPeî〇îc»bô éoo
Ù ù Ùù 0 J1 J w iw J • O J 0 o 0
cocoo çcsoco isobccc3〇H:o0oiocI)| ouobcoouPesoccrbo cccoèo«
0 〇 ù ù 0J j 山 wJ 〇 〇 j ù 0
coioft ocoeecosoœco« cocnos3ooçc jocgco isobcccooQèco
。 ù 〇 〇 ^ 〇 〇 j

coFeoecuoo co^soEJsSo^cdcclso soëlSEôlcn 00 cnc3ccé^>cû〇n

D 〇 〇 Ow) 〇 〇 〇 OwJO .— !• 00 O O J
cocoosScoçc icccooHsSccScc^Eolco cocnoÆcocc IC C C O C 0
O 0 6 J U J 0 O . I* J J O J «J
îScoodccooee socEoloéfMtocno ïoHSccoElîScoSccioococno fo )
J O 〇〇〇 J w-J 0 0 «3二JJ O^J J O 0 O \ J

tcâcoœ loltoR i^e)cooo éaocccoo o^coPcocc lococbSscîxocoo
〇 O ù JJU 、 / 〇 〇 〇 00 0 0 O 0
éocco 500 GücfcoœGscodb ibRl mocnoo ifâscPcoooosobobcoSco (co)
0 j 00 j 3 J J J l» o o ù ù o ù d 0 、 ノ

cDcnosc3co& lolcocoPococPoe cxktjosS co

J ^ O Ù ù J Ù 0
<c »oltoco:ocf)jo ijKxjoioSJocecsboljScocc lolto^oocnœso cG]
Q c c cœs>^:c05foc3cooco.èüs9s3cocc oéoufcocc cocoo^coœ
i^G ^œ 4 ^e cio ^3 :3 co cc j^coPccœ IjeecoscccecœocGîacoco
<,ocs<^:c3bcocooiocco 1000QibBjooo 103051ibîcoo;occ:ioo (a )

(6) refuses or b y culpable neglect om its to m ake o r send a report

o r return w hich it is his d u ty to m ake or send ;

tiia jl, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer imprison­

m en t fo r a tenn w hich m ay extend to seven years o r such less
IKmishment as is in this A c t mentioned*

58 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its any o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, th at .is to say ,一
Offences relating to (a) being d u ly sum moned o r ordered to attend
court^mmrtiaL as a w itness before a court-m artial, w ilfu U y
o r w ithout reasonable excuse, makes default in atten d in g;

lb ) refuses to take an oath o r ma^e an affirmation legally required

b y a court-martial to be taken or m ad e; or

(c) refuses to produce p r deliver any docum ent in his p o w er

o r control legally required b y a court-martial to b e produced
o r delivered b y him ; o r

(d) refuses w hen à witness to answ er any question w h ich he is

b y la w bound to a n s w e r ; or

(c) is g u ilty o f contem pt o f court-m artial b y using insulting o r

threatening language, or b y causing a n y interruption o r
disturbance in the proceedings o f such c o u rt;

shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, b e liable to suffer im prisonm ent

f& r a term w hich m ay extend to three years o r such less punishm ent
a s is in this A c t mentioned.
S9 9 A n y person subject to this A a who» having been la w fu lly
. sworn as a w itness o r as an interpreter in proceed*
r a N M id m e . i ^ 〇Tt a court-m artial car before a n y board
or dfficer hskyin% pow er b y virtu e o f this A c t to adm inister o a t& 'm â k e s
a statem eiit m Aterial in those proceedings w h ich he kn ow s to b e false
o r does not believe to be tru e shall, on conviction b y courMnartial»
b e liable to suffer imprisonment fo r a term n o t exceeding seven years
o r 5〇d i less puoidim ent as is in d û s A c t mentioned.
^ «© cltoo Sccsccx)Qjoo 〇o〇GS〇3çüCGp iooc Q cccocooô œ olo^e
ccoobo:c6〇cx>SoQ cusfesdxoco io(hD ^^coa)feÎ22cx;co ccc〇(〇sbs)CG oco
icPoSœsoco icœe6eso6]o3Cjcnoo coécciecoèo oocoosScoœ icccsccoo 〇>
ô ^ ^ c o ^ o îQ fe ^ c o c o c c so P c ü b cccso 3 :d b co isobccre^pKjaQcGîSco
« Q sccüo i5〇 5 c < r s 〇 Q 〇 Q eG s3 œ cc ea x c ic? ccoa 8scfeScü: o e o c c c o i s É œ à o

:3 c 〇 & l ^ l § 0 sfec〇 :fesdx 〇 GO io3ccs3s3coccbcicoîo cügooS ojcg ^ ii ll3C

f iS o b o e ô x c ü f e la so B œ G o flcc co cP cu s S ccîcooH [ M oco

O J OO OwJO oJj û 」丄 O
G ô o c ç c a jiy j loeoQcEDGOcœs 0005stc u e e c c c c so b o sc&coo«oR c c sc sd x o o a
0 J O O OO* し 《J O 〇 〇J • O
toftoKiscoscusooo ajî& sdbcoaoio isobccco
O J O O • J O J O
o Q sccgsdE| 〇 9 〇 Q a^ecoso 6]a>feocçe) œcoosoBcoa: iso0 o j 6 o c §3

a jà o o o oooscPoocoîoeo ^sfeco îfescicûa>〇 i:obccce>ofilsc€G

s3§S3sSccg ^ lcaj〇cccooücPessçfej oocooso3coœ iccce>sccoc« (o )
cocoasScocc i 〇rcocnoso51 èbccBo cueeca
ù 0 0 0 0 OvJ 0 0 d O
:ieî«e> c c co S éo c co é b o s 0 ô bcGGSoâràco b ^ a Q c c s3 c c c c sa ^ G (c o )
cocoft2 3 0 0 a : ioIto 〇Q〇 s〇 5] cc cd c cîo e S c G o é c o o S s à c o curfeoo
:fe îà c 〇 GG isobcccoèbocGsos) îso b ccco èb R o co cüecosccccGCoôeG
• 〇 00 00 ù ^ j J j 0 û
0 00 0 〇 〇ー〇」 〇 JO 0 00 \ /
c o c o o s S œ rc io IcocooîqS c o 3 c c ;o e 3 c c
0 ^ 0 0 0 0 00 e
oécooSsdbco œsfesdbcocDo èb(9 1030 HcScccoco toooBlcSccsoPaj fe \
。 • 〇 〇 lJ 0こ] o j JJ J \ /
SgBodcc io IcoououoüPo èbcoàsjcoco isobcccoccfeasocEolocG
j 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 j \ 〇 〇 . 1
cccô a xco siô isobccceoaoo icoPcobesoëloeGPe h,r „
n ^ ゴ丄 ° À ^ ° n *i°Kù 11
Ioücosocoscc? loscDb CQ^oec jo o o b c o é c o c c s b •• r n « i
ii:cP««aR ccco
oJ 0 0 jdrcooo 〇ç :clo:b5d»coo<ï
o jc b sco c o obbbfCGSccoccsa^cc ocsbœ sbscbcoco ^co ) へ 。 •
1— c3ccs3s3coccbcèa>îo ^ gooScOcgiioii iiü£
û e e 0 0 0 A j

ii3 a b o so c c c o o o 1030H cügoH cccoc Pcoô ôdccsccîoflj u >o o co ceo S

O O 00 0JJj 0J } Ù 0
cücgE i〇 0 g Q cedgoco〇 3 œ o é o ie n cc cc cc ^ o b o s c b o œ o a fl ousfesàcooo
0 〇 ûvJ o 0 000 し 〇 0 0 〇J • 〇
loltooucocüfo ôS|§
cfcosFoe) cccocüboeœ G oBl :3 lolcocnosoQ icooH
し 《3 O OU cocoô
0 0
0 0 0 0«-i
é b o so o toooQ èbololSl loeecosfiCoèKl cocnesccooœ ic o e c b
•0 O JUO O O J 3こ) 0 0 0 •J
o c e cccolsscfecocooioccoB ao isobccce>ibRsoo uobcccôèboîo?)! ( o \
• 〇 〇〇 〇〇〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇〇 u \ /


6 0 . A n y officer, w arrant officer o r non-comm issioned officer w h o ,

having received th e p a y o f a person subject t a
Uolaw^il detention this A ct u n la w fu lly detains o r refuses to p a y
pay* th e same w h e n due, shall, on conviction b>r
court-m artial, be liable to suffer im prisonm ent f o r a term w h ich m a y
extend to ten years o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned.

6 1 . A n y pexson subject to this A c t w h o com m its any o f the fo llo w *

ing offences, th a t is to say,一
Oflcnccs in relation /n) w ilfu lly o r w ith o u t reasonable excu se dam -
to aircraft and flying. ' j “ , . -
ages, d estro ys o r loses a n y aircraft o r air­
craft m aterial belonging to the U nion G o vern m en t; or

(b) is guilty o f a n y act or n eglect lik ely to cause such dam age,
destruction o r lo ss; o r

(c) w ithou t la w fu l auth ority disposes o f a n y aircraft or aircraft

m aterial belonging to th e Union Governm ent ; or

(d) causes the loss o f life or b o d ily in ju ry to any person b y an>r

a ct or neglect in flyin g, o r in the use o f an y aircraft, o r irr
relatio n ‘to a n y aircraft o r aircraft m aterial, w h ich causes o r
lik ely to cause th e loss o f life o r b od ily in ju ry ;* o r

(e) during a state o f w ar, w ilfu lly or w ithou t proper occasion-

o r negligently, causes th e sequestration, b y o r under th e
authority o f a neutral State, o r the destruction in a neu traî
State, o f a n y aircraft belon ging to the Union G overnm ent r

shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable, if he has acted w ilfully^

to suffer, im prisonm ent for a term w h ic h m ay extend to fourteen y e a rs
o r such less punishm ent as is in th is A c t mentioned, and in a n y o th e r
case, to sufFer imprisonment fo r a term w hich m ay extend to fiv e
years o r such less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned.
no3nb®3jccaio lasaGjaDcaiBjcccocPcco S ccjco o

Qjoo- 0CDGS〇3a :CE^ 10006]〇JG3COO0 COO§:p ICX^OO:000 ft^jcCCoS]00CO

tooo^ajfcoQ cccocfopo o3œ:cocQjj)s> occcooScca ^ loooSjaoGoccoô-
ooo4sccocooeco ccco^jcoco neeccccocbo scéaœeoQ a;sfes«iccoa>

J * Jwj O 〇
0 0 »J
5dR:oco é a sc d a;cno:5cooc loltcoobesoBcbsecc. uobccco
j J o o —j Ù J O J « o*J 〇〇 〇 J

bcG^oec üc3Rcoœfil:occéescEDl isobcœsœEKcccdQsoccéo

jo j o J o J 〇〇 j j
scC] i〇f)®B]ocC]〇ficrcoo[oo Kfôa^ccSosocCJoeG cccocfcosjcc
ios>oR3 f)CD œdccocos) oob:bccoo^occœe»ccR ccccoieaQ ao foV

O •>
〇ô〇t)10000 PaDcéi yœ coij coînosc9co& iSsSsoeccccec scecsSsSco
ce isobcccoBsSPcooo pçscdSoSccocco cccnoscccorc tSccocoo
itobccc9000c d N scccg CÜCCCDCX3 isebeCC3〇2c à s ia P o bcEulo
ù ù 0 wl • O O J J J 〇 • O .~ I
èecoecPcc3[〇3 cocnaïScocc iRnîx^j cccs>üoo 〇3cr>0 aocoo
sScocc iccc9 〇0 Gb]ooPccc^ycGœaj cccoo ^ cdoc iSi©sœaxceG (co)

œcoos02000: iolto|oo océocaoceebcec cccocdbéL303sàco

lü :5a)〇cccr/œo cccnesScoa: iSccocco oobsiecoo^ oocoosccKI (o )
O O J J O 〇 û JO o • 〇〇 J JJ \ ノ

oocoosSooœ lorccooofijosSsoe aocooscScofe losœcoPo

iXcéoésocufo jcC]oefecoocPccs[oo cocoascccooc i«ocoX] ccco

000 SlosSsœ
jw J • ■
j j <5
ù eo
joœec 、
oxooiSœoc 1010DossDsœ cocoo: ç3cdcc lol^osoe
cpto ioItcooc$os:(Kuin isobacocc 6 0 2 ccfojocG «scPftSÿQàoge
ccc9a i c 〇3'co ° ,〇t,c CC30ÇCÛ IGJECdSoScCOCCs> Sccocos pfcbwiccla
cocoos3cocc iScœœe» oobsaccoc^ oocœoccKI (aS)
J J 〇 O J〇 o ♦ OO O «3 こJ V ノ

— 3ccs3s3coccbcécüio ^uceo9 a:eG ^n »icg

ll^ob oo bccccoo ro3〇Kj〇DG〇f)| CCCSCpCOO <XCC2CO〇B]j 〇3 OCCGO〇8ajeG |3


b j sel3000caGl
J 6 j
• J
J 〇 j ?
éb: 〇9 cocne»sc0co?c lol^otcœsoœ içcsoôo ^ o Pcü ,,
iœ o^c^odîoboo iieecarccoDcboPccé^cG ^xoco^o ゾ .- 。 っ•ネ曼

i^^ acd ccsQ scœ eaxo a:coco ^ sd œ ccb c?a j 〇û co J J J

c o o d a D c c B icâccsSsSœ o EJec cocoasc^œ fe lœ o e à c c ifed^ccn hou
o o ^ a o o û o o 〇• o O
¢ 2 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its a n y o f th e fo llo w ­
in g offences, th at is to say,—
〇th « offences relating 《
句 âgnS any certificate in relation to an aircraft
to aircraft and flying. or aircraft m aterial belonging t o th e U nion
G overnm ent w ithout ensuring the a ccu ra cy th e r e o f; or

(b) being th e p ilo t o f an aircraft belonging to the U nion G overn­

m ent, flics it a t a height less than such h eight as m a y b e
specified b y thé Chief o f Staff, e x cep t w h ile takin g o ff o r
landing, o r in such other circum stances as m a y b e specified
b y th e C h ief o f Staff; or

(c) bein 2 pilot o f an aircraft belonging to the U nion G overn­

m ent flies it so as to cause, o r to b e lik e ly to cause, un­
necessary annoyance to a n y p erso n ;

shall, on co n victio n b y court-martial, b e liable to suffer im prisonm ent

fo r a term w h ich m a y extend to tw o years o r such less punishm ent as
is in this A c t m entioned.

6 3 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o # w hatever his ran k, com m its

a n y o f the fo llo w in g offences, th at is to say,—
idience of (a) w hile he is in an aircraft disobeys a n y la w fu l
command given b y th e captain o f th e air­
c r a ft w hether such captain is subject to
this A c t o r not as respects all matters relating to th e flyin g
o r handling o f the aircraft, or affecting the s a fe ty th ereof ;

{b) being th e captain o f a glider aircraft tow ed b y another air­

c ra ft disobeys any law ful com m and given b y th e captain
o f th e to w in g aircraft, w hether the latter is su b ject to this
A c t o r not, as r e je c t s all' m atters a fo resa id ;

d u d L on conviction b y court-martial, b e liable to suffer im prisonm ent

f o r a term w h ich m a y extend to fourteen years o r such less pim ishm ent
a s is in this A c t mentioned.
ù 〇 0 0 i<K>oQœcoQca
OvJj j J
:ôcPccs> 0SccscooH 100 oco
JjJl, j
W 〇3 〇ü œ p loaoQœGDcœo ijecocccoobo :cl3000SoQ cos&:dbcooo

*〇 〇
b0:]Pf>:o@îéccPo cccodbko<>oo0so0051151
O O O OiJ 0 • O J〇J
• ,
0 0 o*J\
j o j 00 0
• 00 j 0 J V ノ

^ a
IBâicuceGsbHeG 0SccscooR
• 0 ^00
^JJU 0
0 e 0
p j
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:Q jj»:c6jscc 〇ü〇1fesos3 :baco〇üccu axoosScooc iSoéojqœaxc
Sccocoo OcccflHe)
O 〇ニJJ
13〇^2>|eccooSccocco ooRHo
〇 し 0 J ouJi
O J «3二]、
〇 〇
•〇 〇

ooèoe:3co& lolcoîoosboooecoco
co9000 cocPecc^ socE>|o?CüéoPcüGD ouecco ii:cfef5jQ:cgcc i
o〇<Kücoecce>axc cœs>s3Pcooa>b^203005ccocos ocecccocoa pfcbotjccPo
<ï)îne:o3cocc i3ccocoo o^bsoeGoo^oocooeSQ ( oü)
— 3ocs3s3co ccbcéobco gJGooSaxo^n «fg
6 p ll M OgCOg333^C 〇aCJCj03gO ^ j 〇3COgOGQCD COC*D^〇C|C^ C X )g ^ « 〇g — -

w n ^ i"
ま 。 , ); 擦 ■

A oo^:a3Q:
c q ^ c c 〇Q〇qc:ic^o^ccaooq& icocD q 5 c
capo 050330rcosstC © cxo jgs^ q^ g c o c p つ知 sc o c o sg 〇3つ o x p x g o c s
CO c oc 〇 o c c o c c
33«|C0^OO5 030^0^|CI CO CX>gSüüÿJ)

( 3 ) 33 因つSGCOCOつさOD&CO 5^Dp:€|GCO•つ ©nO^GCOCOつさ00©:さ GODCOoS供

|y〇C02ÛC0CI sàûDgGCO COO püSÜO l ^ 3 3 C O g 〇GDc8 COCD^O^CO O ^cS
C02û|q©G©l «ÜXQC0g|Ç3<DG©l 3300C〇aSà[^:GCO つ C0J33 つ

©aODJgS^ O^CCOCOつpgSCOGÜSGCQ つO X p S g ü G 3 ,《さ O D ^ » y 令①

o c c


33rSgüG 3O^ 〇
Jy 〇
3C^ SGO丨
Çg ©

< 4. ( i) A n y person subject to this A c t w h o hazards o r suffers

' to b e hazarded a n y vessel belonging to o r in
‘Offences in relation th e service o f th e D efence Services, s h a ll on
t〇 ships. conviction b y court-m artial, be liable, if b e has
acted w ilfu lly , to suffer im prisonm ent fo r a term not exceeding fourteen
years o r su chtless punishm ent as is- in this A c t mentioned ; and i f he
lias not acted w ilfu lly , to suffer im prisonm ent for a te n ç w h ich m a y
extend to seven years or such less punishm ent as is in this A c t

(2) A n y person subject to this A c t being an officer o f a ship

appointed fo r the c o n v o y and p rotection o f a n y ships o r vessels ^ i o
com m its an y o f the f 9110w in g offences, that is to s^y,—

(a) fails to perform his d u ty w ith o u t delay according to the in^

structions he received in th a t b e h a lf; 〇:•

{b) fails to defend the ships and goods under his con voy w ithou t
deviation to a n y o A e r o b je c ts ; or

{c) refuses to fight in their d efen ce i f th e y are assailed ; o r

{d) co w ard ly abandons or exp oses the ships in his c o n v o y to

h aza rd ; or

(e) demands or exacts a n y m o h e y or other reward f^om a n y

m erchant o r m aster f o r c o n v o y in g . a^iy ships o r vessels
entrusted to his c a r e ; o r

(i) misuses the masters o r m ariners th ereo f;

*shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, b e liable to suffer death o r such

less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned, and shall also be liable to
m ak e such reparation in damages to th e m erchants, ow ners and others
a s the H igh C ourt exercising A d m ira lty jurisdiction m ay adjudge.

(3) A n y person subject to this A c t in comm and o f an y ship w h o

receives on board or permits to b e received on board such ship a n y
01360àooe GDCOftSoBcoS: lOCGOÏtPftOCoèîü ODOCC:〇db〇CG |:cf 〇3 〇éc〇 CCC3〇K|
cccibscccçcsjccgo iœcc;3s9coso3ccnbe) ccbcioDco 〇üGèo3〇)CG p (ci)
H〇3obsoa:ceGscPoccîc6]cG ô^jcPaofeoo i:cPoo3ccéco
i:Scocx)sEü)3crcoe oBcccoSjsoeobo lœ fcooscccaDCCGÔeonobo s o c S js b s )
cüccoooD&îdbeo lo Q S ftb o e p c c c ü œ 1030^ œ c o fijc c c a c rc o a o3œscco<
RJjc ô ocoGonSoüeG^ 1090Qœ cccs) i^eeGcccoDbosc&oooooQ cusoscbcooo
iolœ(S]?cccGC〇cG coscPosccdcccecc œ œ oscdcocc
scPos«3ccobs oscPeSccobo c o cn o sS c o a : iscPocçcscc^ogeeG ( o )
œ co o sSco œ igiœ ccîo cœ so Q e G so co e G c o co o sS c o a :
spcg 〇3œ eeœ ccccoœ sc6|cG œ o o o sSœ œ ics^ iœ sS sS co so S cco b o
cocoas3 0 0 0 0 S c c iœ 〇D:
jo c o o s S c o œ iscPeccceçc ccc3scoo§oeGSceG 〇o ib c q c & s o c o s ) ( o )
o^cof):3 0 0 ob io ltoscoo cc6o
œ œ œ cco œ .œ cr)Asc3co& io(c〇îc c c ^ e | o c o sc d é c c csb c c ocecq
spcüftondb^eGScco i〇üscPoccce>œ^o〇3eG ccco cco o E o jo co o b E jo o
000nôsc 30oœ iofKDœo:p^ébœecoco sfi]
eecncüccu o jsc P o c S o ia ) ô^scPocçcsjccioœ eG toujobesoÊlouècoco ( o )
• ù O O ù 3 し O し * J 〇〇 〇 \ }

œ ioIcocucüûuPo ibeeœ cxjcco ;œ:çP<fKca|éœ o§5ç(ixcc,〇(5C çœo
o E ^ o c o s b ^ o o ic c (^ o s o ts l^ D c œ e 2〇cB|e)co feaKî)〇ü c 3 cccc 〇:c6]cG ( e )
oocoosoccocc 101100uaxoPo
ibooBocœo 001300cEül|Eül çosdbcoœoèoccotôoo cSccbé
JcRFKüPescCjèScccsfeb jocaccocü ^bçoSocœ o ijsà c o o o o io c co (eu)

i — 3ccs3s3coccbciçüco ajne>o3〇üCG ^ ,§3CC? 3

s3〇〇| à c G |^)SOOCOCCC2)CC CCC3be :pÇ|〇CG20S3è〇C œ CüCOCGCO:〇S|ax :b90C02)»
cocüccu p^soÉ]〇Çü]c)C〇3bSj coscr^ccobo cocnojcccoœ iscPocccbcc (Q

HCCftboôOCCCUOO 1030ElcfiJGoRi
c c c ô c Pcoo c d c c îc o o Q jc o oc 〇G2>o3çü€Glp io 〇9 E|aDG〇c œ o œ o ? o é e icüiococno*
r o Q c c c s >S|oocd lo o o R æ c o f^ c c c o c P c o o S c c îc o o Q j^ o o oo G sodoacG jjj 10 0 0 ^

æ co co o s 0005scv>9〇oœ co c〇[〇oB|«cQ co cs^joooo }|eœcœe>ob 〇Jc&oaDmf)li

^oioa:9 0 0 & 丨因
lô § Cccçœ
C O &扭5 Ç>CCGS>:JOUfi nnfh
o c œ 9 ! 〇cü « 〇n à ?穿CrnsmA
G ;CCS> sg〜
Pc〇 〇 a . ^ cPficcc:

jC〇3 c 〇〇b s CCC 〇(S]sCCeG

r 3 (SjsÇCCG CüCCOOOOCO COOOOS3 0 0 c c ° ° J 1

iOOCCOOOOCÛ c9 ccs9 î3 co ccbcécüco ojg so S cocg ^ (c ) n Hら3


goods o r m erchandise w hatsoever, other than fo r the sole use o f the

ship, e x c e p t goods and merchandise belonging to an y m erchant, o r
on board a n y ship w h ich m ay b e shipwrecked o r in im m inent danger,
either on the high seas o r in some port, creek, or harbour, fo r the
purpose o f preserving them fo r their proper owners, o r ex cep t such
goods o r m erchandise as he m a y a t any tim e be ordered to take o r
receive on board b y order o f the President or his superior officer, shalU
on conviction b y court-martial, be liable to be dismissed or to suffer
such less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned.

(4) A n y person subject to this A ct w ho com m its any o f the fo llo w ­

in g offences, that is to say,—
(a) fails to preserve all the papers, charter-parties, bills o f lading,
passports and other w ritings w hatsoever, that shall be
taken, seized or found aboard a n y ship seized as p rize ; o r

(6) being the com m anding 0伍 cer o f th e ship w h ich shall take
such prize, fails to send the original papers, charter-parties,
bills o f lading, passports and other w ritings w hatsoever,
entire and w ith o u t fraud through proper naval channels
to the High Court exercising A d m iralty jurisdiction o r suctt
cou rt or commissioners as shall be authorized to determ ine
w hether such prize be law fu l capture, there to be viewed^
m ade use o f, and proceeded upon according to la w ;

shall, on conviction b y court-martial, be liable to be dismissed o r to

suffer such less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned, and in addition
thereto shall fo n e it and lose his share o f th e capture.

(S) A n y person subject to this A ct w ho com m its any o f the follow ­

ing offences, that is to say,—
(a) takes ou t o f a n y p rize or ship seized fo r prize a n y money»
o r goods; unless it shall be necessary fo r the better securing

tjptjpcgrS üüjc§ & c)| c8号scdosooっs q y g o ^ c o g c o を を 裝 o ^ o ^ j p s i

ro 〇〇S 〇^< D güJっ$ 33。 ’ œ O D g sy a jo S S ^ c p g c g c m つ2o x ç r é «OJODO:咐 00やSC§5 :

0 0 つs e p ぎ üêœ uS 日£ c^ 段(Sg ©I COG cÆつS § 5 c g ê 运©GOl G 3JO C :

C O C S O gcjg® G O I

9 0 0 œ ^ S C g é 巴©G©l ü J 〇5& C^つ::

O oScû G céつe o T c O & S O D O C j& l (SCO;
!» 急C p o S G Ç p c S ü g

S O S o jy O G C D O C 0 C : ?5 つgJT o ^C G C D O C ^SI geo^ oo 拳の;X Æ j p îl OTGCpCS3 3 0 0 0

〇^© g^pSü33C^ C^CogsüO^ÇO GDDCÛgSSSjj^O^üSO §CCGCOつCOÜOOCD|ÇÿDQ©f ü<y

33000533Cp号(T^< 〇Q<D| COGoSっGcJTcÇÔ OJQSOっéc|拳(SCOOCpi COCOOCJ拳GCÛっCjCSl
S3 つS OTt^GüSÛQ逢 丨33GCp&Q3OüS〇0^ D ^ p S 3 3 3 0 1 ««ODGC^Og J T c^C

03色つSüpDCOgO^O gU Jつ:丨 33GCpésS3 0 CJÔ0 ^ © cS y ⑶ 0 ぞぬ^ COODOO^él C^OO邑 2

OUJoSvCOCOSC)爷 济 反〇^ & ©Æ>cocp:护 ra っぬCjCeCOつ3 ^ 1 l S»Q c 〇5:ajcSü<S

Q O ^O G O l ^ Q 3 0 § g 〇G3ODCGüT|yCOOSC0^ GCOJOGCOO^Ô〇cê|^T O © ï ODCOCDC^


(幻 d 〇3cS g〇Gî3c^ c ^ o § ^ つc jo j œ をきs a > g —

(CD) ODÜ^ÜggîOT运邱JÇ CD9 Î30S00つSGCOつ ODG〇é 〇〇)© é:GjT〇^é C %


od| soogjo : i 5 〇ca > :co c〇ü a ) « j〇î^ ç a ^ jg o îo g c o g g o c 〇ü î 〇3 ü 〇)

3 SC0 0 :
C0üS〇 00^:
D ^S0 0 0 S^| OJCOODTOCOjCI co c x )g : ü œ c o


< ^0 D つe g iQ O O D ^O ^C l <SC|G^g〇é :Ô ^C 〇COC 3 3 0 0 o o c p îc ^ c S o c o 。

CDGCOO^CÎI Q 3 S w lc〇üS C |O ggS ty〇SrD 00q p S g O G 3 ^ 3 3 g COO:


|g c 0 ^ ^ 330CE)〇 003300O O ÎCO g COCpS^ÎI OOCO^Î-

«O^oS a^33G C ):C ^Q X )9€j〇JC »C pçpj: 〇
〇ぅ 子:1 0 § 4 w j:
):iaÔC0 至 ::

QO^OD 33Cp知 つ : no 函 さ 货 〇<Sg 30:C)拳1 ぬ 辱 邛 碎 “ O X p :£ 〇G333Cj

so rê c o c o G S o o c g c S c jl 〇§ 〇つg rS c o o x w ty o îî c o G c ê o ç l: c o s y i& p u

odgcd つo ^co 600予s o つqj :« I Ic c fç s c o n S ^ c S o j つss c s a ^ o :0 0 0 >〇:


co« œ ^ v W ü j〇§〇2〇S |c 〇|C i

O©ザ CO っs I^ G C O っ33^1! £ » Q c〇5s a jc 5 〇ê 3 c é § ê G © l 邊 a x ê g O G î3020

c o f^ œ o îO D g gcojogcdo |y^3 a D |g © G © i c ç c o 〇D Ç G © c jü g |y c i c w s s o îc p c o s S

O J^ :
00« GOOOD O O O JC O ^ C Î^ C 3D :
C:j g C Î C 0 g :Ô 〇Sc〇G © C j9 g H

( ) ^ 3 5 C D g 〇a 3 0 0 COCD^OCJOg CDDSpîO ^g------

(n a ) G C |G 0 〇c : o c jc o c s c q s o c c ô o d ïo o ^ c d i oocpscocoG œ oœ co ^p:

güG Q ^Ç33pD gSü :

C|ü € ^ :
U D C ^ ^ 〇C Î Ô ^C a O sQ co g c: Ü g5

goods o r m erchandise w hatsoever, other than fo r the sole use o f the

ship, e x c e p t goods and merchandise belonging to any m erchant, o r
on board a n y ship w h ich m ay be shipwrecked o r in im m inent danger,
either on th e high seas o r in some port, creek, or harbour, fo r the
purpose o f preserving them fo r their proper owners, or e x ce p t such
goods o r m erchandise as he m a y at any tim e be ordered to take o r
receive on board b y order o f the President o r his superior officer, shall,
on conviction b y court-martial, be liable to be dismissed or to suffer
such less punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned.

(4) A n y person subject to this A c t w h o com m its any o f the fo llo w ­

ing offences, that is to say,—
(a) fails to preserve all the papers, charter-parties, bills o f lading,
passports and other w ritings w hatsoever, that shall be
taken^ seized or found aboard a n y ship seized as p r iz e ; o r

(b) being the com m anding officer o f the ship w h ich shall take
such prize, fails to send the original papers, charter-parties ,
bills o f lading, passports and other w ritings w hatsoever,
entire and w ith ou t fraud through proper naval channels
to the High Court exercising A d m iralty jurisdiction o r such
c o u it or commissioners as shall be authorized to determ ine
w hether such prize be law ful capture, there to be viewed,,
made use o f, and proceeded upon according to la w ;

shall, on conviction b y court-martial, be liable to be dismissed o r to

suffer such less punishm ent as is in this A c t mentioned, and in addition
thereto shall fo rfeit and lose his share o f th e capture.

(5) A n y person subject to this A ct w ho com m its any o f the follow ­

ing offences, that is to say ,一
(a) takes out o f a n y prize or ship seized fo r prize an y money^
o r goods; unless it shall be necessary fo r the better securing
ig 芒卜:過 〇 〇
3 c G ‘ Ge) 3
sdbco cucœsoocbîcbco lajfcoSsçcçcaxcc ^ o o o b o spcCJôbo (co)

— 3cc:3:3co ocbcécoco I ügôo3cocg( S (C )

HSoboooüooç :c3cosoE]:c5:pe p^:p§oosocc œooo oooïoBSo

ccocgb:ge:occ i ^ S < ^ 9 〇ccœbo ioooQodgoQ cccècfcoo S ocjcooQjod

oc〇G9〇9œcG^ü ioeoS]œG〇ooooo sacoQcc fjecGCCCoobo sc^ooo?W)Q œ éoo
f〇[ ^ 〇
ü S ^ r 〇ébo60200 ocb
c b o œ c ü c c o o o b s œ S ( w s c Q S c o 3 c o o c o lü o s c o e G s o b o îc c c e c c o o c G

:文cocckc巨]œ o§scP«ooa〇)cosc!ü〇〇5 iscPfxœicoocoécücçcexr

«cfoolPeco :[〇cccooc «cPesococoojBcooo ibcüSocœocococüoe
bcGG〇o3îdbco otibre:cccG lib îœ 000So3C| coscPoSàcc oocoo
^3cocci:cPftAoo lîobccceÆœscPofeàecœbeoeGçosboœoeG cocoo
: i^ îd x o Scctcœ occœ caocec ébco^sœ oocoo icoco
so0^s:occ 3cG 〇§Gs>o3sdbco cüscfosSSobsoccioœcG isobcccaœ
ccoooocosdxo feccaxec oeoooba>sDcGü|e>bo lOCOO^oco^joSccnba
p3ccobô Sabjcccocœ ôOD èocçcocc^oœcG o3œoR:3Sobsocc (e )
ooax^îçBcocc loltococüœPo ébgcoosocctéco oeocosccccG
coRCCsococG Scc^oscëjeG pçscPocooûücoîouoD^ ucPocœico
oco iaxçcocc iscPoolPcco îp :çce cc iscPosfK〇c®a>Sco ccco
feœo oœjootoococçcocc cccQscoosoe:«cc ô0oQcG:a3oob:occ (ou)

— o3ocs3s9co ocbcéajco ûdgsoS cücgSju

■pCCCOCO 1000QoDGoBJcCCOc PcOO œœSCœQj〇e)OCOGO〇3 〇
000000jocoQ cg necGcccoobosc600000fi| cüv&îdboooo tol^l^^ébecoco^-cocoo
sc30〇& lofcoeœco œ f^:cP(Æ oéa;coocGî〇àe>eG !îcf(Æoécücdcco3〇|cE]cc
ocojoe>cccocco« iocG〇scr〇3a>écüC〇oeGsodbf)CG i:
cPoc5oécü S ccîooI ^ cg secs
oo isobcccs»ébecüco isobccce>4bocœe>oo ocojoocçcocc 100c ?>Icu| c33€gcuoocg
oo ioe>o£)loucooccccoooo§ ocodco^ cgS ccS o obcooscdcocc ineGoscPoSoéco
000cssoàoeG i:cPoo3oiaxccc6 i sobcccoocojoscçcacc cccoofijoeœ
SftCüàôOoà^CGÎCCO l5〇b c œ 3 ^ J 〇e>CCC0CQ〇
ia>S)〇f)|oco:oc〇î 〇cPee> loooflocooœ cccocc foejoBjocooRcncoon c3«bscoo
:«cc:éooèbsoouPoo axocGjcPooéoocbooe cocoo^dco& loecoscfoSc^^co cooœ
îodbocG jscPao3®éco oo;3s3coo3œécü oBobscœsoccséoo èbsoçoPoo axoccrcPe


thereof, or fo r ;the necessary use and service o f any o f th e

ships o f th e U nion G overnm ent in com m ission, before th e
same be adjudged la w fu l p rize b y th e H igh C o u rt exercising
A dm iralty jurisdiction ; o r

(b) does not bring in the full and entire accou n t o f the w h o le
capture to be adjudged law fu l p rize b y the High C o jirt
exercising A dm iralty jurisdiction ;

sh all, on conviction b y court-martial, be liable to suffer imprisonment

f o r a term w hich m ay extend to seven years, o r such less punishm ent
as is in this A c t mentioned, and in addition thereto fo rfeit and lose
liis share o f the capture.
(6) A n y person subject to th is A ct w h o pillages, beats, ill-treats o r
jstrips off the clothes o f any officer, m ariner or oth er persons, on board
a n y ship or vessel taken as prize, shall, on co n victio n b y court-martial,
"be liable to suffer imprisonment fo r a term w h ic h m ay extend to seven
y e a r s o r such less punishm ent as is in th is A c t m entioned

(7) A n y person subject to this A ct, being the com m anding officer
o f a n y ship o f the Union Governm ent in com m ission, w ho com m its
a n y o f the follow ing offences, that is to say,—

(a) b y collusion w ith the enem y takes as p rize an y vessel, goods,

or th in g ; or
(ft) u nlaw fu lly agrees w ith any person fo r th e ransoming o f a n y
vessel, goods, or thing taken as p r iz e ; o r

(c) in pursuance of any /unlawful agreem ent fo r ransoming or

otherwise b y collusion actu ally quits or restores any vessel,
goods, o r thing taken as p r iz e ;

■ shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer im prisonm ent

f o r a term w hich m ay extend to seven years o r such less punishm ent
a s is in this A c t mentioned.
(8) A ny person subject to this A c t w h o breaks b u lk on* board a n y
v esj« l taken as prize, or detained in the ex ercise o f a n y belligerent
œeecosbecGjeeG oxo«w5coœ jS ccjcoo
:œ;occ oQ ecs33ob:〇cc i3 cc:3 i3 co ccbcècuco goce>o3a)eG^ (o )
n^oboooœ oüoo ios>a>S]æG〇Qccc0crcoe> o3ccsccx)Q^o ocogooS
cücgIE ia>3^£)lœG〇co〇3 co o ^o ie heeGCCCoolxû :céoœ ooR cüjfescbcooo
〇 ^ *3」 。 Ù O O J し J O O Juj • O
lolcococooecèRl 〇〇<〇〇
O OOO J 」 J •
.iS coo: id IKxocx)〇ocooüco iScG béso^scœ oœ j^So^sp^ooso
oRio3^îcë]eG 0x 00 :0300œ iScGÔéc〇resc〇oc5coccc2>cc o>fco
ofcoioe p^GsoSsd&co cococG^bcnsSo œeeco loooàcG oocoo
^sSœcc i:cPoc5o^co iSccobs) cœozcœiCGzecc bSjof)lcGsc3Sob:occ ( 0 )
cocoo:3cocc lotooDcocscc ouPcuoPcü^ce
o^Gô〇dic3xo o^:3 j8 cocc i4bôoco:Be) coeecoTSocbcc oocoa
igdcocc ï:cf«c3oicü icccnbo cccs>:coosœ:000 ôS)a>B|cG:o33ob:
ficc (e )
oocoo:o3cooc ioicvxnc0eGsocSob:f>cc cuèeco TSodbcc
cocoa:o3co& ucPooBoicü iSccobs ;QoioEul:o^ooso CQ3〇^ccéb ^cu)

— 3 c c :38900 ccbcéouco oügsoBcocgIE iS ccoH

0 e 0 ^ 0 0 ^ J ,5 o^-4
|dbec cccocoocü cosoococçcocc ccc^sooecbjocG oo^occœ oc3R ]( 乙)
iiccob®3Ôrccoœ loeo^œcoBJcccocPcoa S cc:cooQ joo ocogoo?
cücg^ KD3〇b j〇3G〇co〇9 œ oéoée i^eeccccoob® scfeocoooH cos^sàœ oo
iolcoooieo& îoscocGCooceipccîcQeG cocnaîScocc ucccccdacc ifecieGoo
•〇xoas3cocc iolcode:3c5cooo^ loltoco^oufe loltococnco coÆSco ccscëlec
〇 O O ^ V O J JO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 こJ

•oocooscccocD i:cccccce)cc iS àcc 6 (oodccobo cocoo:

cccoœ icccscc cccs
.:coosœ:6oc oS|cGî〇35ob:occ icccc:3 ;3 go ccbc^coco cugooSojcgI ^ ( g )
n3oboe>coooe scScosoBs&jœ o§ îd 0 cosocc coboaspoo \hcoiccoo 3 cc«b
5〇5î «cc iDRlcdftbQsocccüœ
© 0 j 〇 0

〇R cccscPcoo SccrcooH \oo ocogsoS
«3 ニJ 〇 J jX j

coeclB iosc Q cügocood coo^o^h iieeccccoobo scÊoœooH cosfesdbcooo

0 じ o U o 0 0 0 j し J O J ùu • )
•occcoo B dcoS3C〇 JucDecSHcG daeGsoetolseG fâso0obsœs«cc
\ J0 0 • 0 J 0 ._«I O OJ o Ô 0
cocoec ébîoeKjoHsèe っba> jocEôlaoSlscd-^obsocc cdecoèceoc:
〇 0 O JJ • J O O . I O wl J OO © 0
îdboo cüCC〇3 C〇cosdbco icüPcooscc cœceGoeooDbo soctds^bs ( e )
J J O N• 〇 〇〇〇 O J .__I \ ノ
cocnoscccoœ lolcococooo 000
O 〇 〇 〇 O \
cçcskt ccc3:
cœsœsttcc 0 0 ec:c38ob:occ coèoosScocc iooosccSo
3 O J OU 0 00 O 〇 O V 0
Iss^béœ œ œ oSœ ocGœ éb^soceG cocoeG:
oococccocc cccoia
?>|:cceG b:GCG〇〇ç 〇)〇co〇9 3 f)| cocooscccorc io§cccocnoc3ccoecco
<j〇coeco^]çooo iscoiob lœocucroèco cocoosScocc loêœcc


righ t, o r under a n y A c t relating to p ira c y or to the slave trade o r to the

C ustom s, w ith in ten t to em bezzle anything therein or belonging there­
to , shall, on co n victio n b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer im^risoiir
m en t fo r a term w h ich m ay exten d to seven years 6 r s u a i less
punishm ent as is in th is A c t m entioned, and in addition thereto forfeit
and lose hiâ1 share o f the capture.

65. A n y person subject to this A c t w ho is guilty o f a n y act or

. omission w h ich , though not specified in this Act,
Brea 〇f i s c i p l i n e . 15 prejudicial to good order and m ilitary dis­
cip lin e shall, on conviction b y court-m artial, be liable to suffer im­
prisonm ent fo r a term w h ich m ay extend to seven years or such less
punishm ent as is in this A c t m entioned.

66. A n y person su bject to this A c t w h o commits any o f th e follow -

Miscellaneous offences, ing offences, th a t is to say,—

(a) being in com m and at a n y post o r on the march, and receiving

a com plaint that a n y on e under his command has beaten
o r o th erw ise m altreated o r oppressed a n y person, o r has
disturbed a n y fair o r m arket, or committed a n y rio t or
trespass, fails to have due reparation made to the injured
person o r to report the case to the proper authority ; or

(b) b y defiling a n y place o f w orship, or otherwise, intentionally

insults the religion or w ounds the religious ieelin gs o f any
person ; o r

(c) attem pts to com m it suicide, and in such attem pt does any
a c t tow ard s the com m ission o f such offen ce; o r

(d) bei^g b e lo w the rank o f wairai^t ofiBcer, w hen o ff duty,

appears, w ith o u t p roper authority, in o r out o f the unit
I ~• c n 「 * o c r c 〇c o c c c c p c o c o c c
G Q G im つC : G l : | y 〇^O D gC :S C JC C pl C^CO 色 : ÜÜ^OD C Ç j+ O ^ O ^ C : S C J C C p i CÇJCO色 S Ü U ^œ


G(jT备 I ギ⑦邑 Sü〇^〇5 GG|CÛっ 發 é ü gC O g D3Cp〇gg|C^ÜS^I 33CÙCÔS©っ:[^ O ^ j拳
33固 限 03モJ|330(7XD Gü1n5系 cSüJO^él <D(S〇XpS 令:CO 屈 を 0 0 ^ っ:&JCGCDっ03311
。手©今è 〇§ GOOつC3GO[q〇GOI O^3SC0güG30OC Gü「(^œ つSCOg) GCOJつ60〇つ日©£3〇〇
r— C 〇c r C「 C C o o c c \ oo ç o oc 「c c
|ü © G 0 l œ n 〇C O Ç G 0 € | ü g | y C I CC-ü:
3 0 ï€ ) ü C 0 g Ü CCOSO Oy ü ü â lG O O C O C O ü S C D gC Î^ C

£〇:<g:[gcicog; soqcoGOCjügu

G 311 ii^ 3 3 n S g ü G 3 r n c o cD ^o c|a o œ g sg sco D D i ^ s 3 œ g 〇G 3 〇x : cS s^os

丁「 c c, 〇 c ope C C C c o
• r „ r c GOl büODOSGCOOCOpÛ:OS<DCOCD\ QrâCS^C O0<DO):
OpÔsCDüSGCJlODOIODON 〇〇*〇 「 C 一。「 C 〇
J C J。 C 4* C l
匚 ü Jt co ^ cogco つ (^ c o o g n ^ o ^ a cg co g ô w x^co «^ocoœ j

^ |g c :^ c © ooûdscdüs o o s œ s 3 3 〇c ü jr S n jr o c o jc i o © c 〇ip : ê | :
〇D ( c jo o o o c ^ o i

& ) 6 g C0 つ33J 1 GOOOCOœ ^CGCI ^ G^COgOGOCCC GüTjuooOSCûCû

GO^pGCOっ |y©C3C^©G©l O^rSûD^GOCjüみ

(sSll H^roœgüGGCD COœ^OCjOO co^sgsco^—

(n o ) COO〇Ia ) J G S ^ O D 〇r 〇 (D 〇rDGôQ©SlüKDG©| 〇〇^ ]

Gf ° S 6 0G° , üü œ 〇DG9 3 0 0 X) OOgSODGCJOOnS

^ ÎS 3 0 Ï ^œ ^œ û D C D I C ôœ gosoüpco 3 ^ Q 〇t

肀 g g s o 子: c o g i cgoD gw u^cS æ 子ü Q jic & jjc S r o s S i 绔 〇〇至:


C O C D ^üC ^œ ^ f:
€|C: S〇|QCO^C75<SCO〇CjCSI G œ j 0^ C S ÿ r 8GC0^ C t

œ j | [ s c o | c 〇05a ) c o q n q o s ^ p o o e jo r o q ^ c o jc o ^ c ^ © ^ o c o r8 080S
X)っ 子。ü € j^G 3 30C (ÿLC〇ü C |^ OJO§ODO§C^|CI COCOgOS
c oc oc • o © c® c c c C O c
OÜ>CO OÛCCp3 3 0 0 0 0 ÜCOD ^ C O 35©C|CQ€)^ o jc o œ 〇D C ^ |a c o c o g :


( S ) c8:(DU§OcS反 GCOっ 叫 干 ① 柄 今 U JC D gG O gC :巨C 运 ÔG©| 05目っ: 〒运:

§Ç§<DGOI C g o o g sg ^ COつCQつ CDつCD子つC^. C0〇éG©5cX>つSO^CI

q^CO吾 CÇCO g:g:g 03つCOOG€|:©œc^ ODoS予つ[g g îG O o ^ jê l

c 8 cx> ^ î » o jco

(o ) OÜODOÛOJ O ü C O O § C ||3 3 0 :
aX X > 3| 00C O 330 S0 0C 0 C D C D C 〇〇§ 〇« 〇>||[:
CO ^

^ eggQODO ^ o ^jcï cSœ gtü ojoo

(ODl 3 ^ P $ C 0 G 3 3 っcS OTœ ÇÇCgigècOJcSl 〇>〇〇10050x p : ÜO〇5lG3 〇〇é

a o ^ a M li œ c ^ 3 ^ î 〇〇(z>〇Q〇l^ c à i oqôi ^ œ ^ to u x S cèooiu
xS py^Ê Ü U ^ û » c Î 7 3 X32& 〇2êg&C>l g & x ÿ g & ^ l 5 〇〇(& ¢ 5

lines or camp or ship, carrying a rifle , sword or other

offensive weapon; or
(e) d irectly or indirectly accepts or obtains, or agrees to accept
or attempts to obtain, fo r him self or fo r any other person,
any gratification as a motive or reward fo r procuring the
enrolment o f any person, o r leave o f absence, prom otion
or any other advantage or indulgence fo r any person in
the service ; or

(f) commits any offence against the property o r person o f any

inhabitant of, or resident in , the country in w hich he is
shall, on conviction by court-m artial, be liable to suffer imprisonment
for a term w hich may extend to seven years o r such less punishment
as is in this A ct mentioned.

67. A ny person subject to this A ct w ho attempts to com m it any

o f thie offences specified in sections 32 to 66
A tte m p t. inclusive and in such attem pt does any act to ­
wards the commission o f the offence, shall, on conviction b y court-
martial, where no express provision is made by this A ct fo r the punish­
ment of such attempt, be liable

if the offence attempted to be committed is punishable w ith

death, to suffer imprisonment fo r a term w hich may extend
to fourteen years or such less punishment as is in this A ct
mentioned ; and
if the offence attempted to be committed is punishable w ith
imprisonment, to suffer imprisonment fo r a term w hich may
extend to one-half o f the longest term provided fo r that
offence or such less punishment as is in this A ct mentioned»

68. Any person subject to this A ct who abets the commission o f

any of the offences specified in sections 32 to
A b e tm e n t o f o f f e n - 6 6 inclusive shall, on conviction b y court-m artial,

committed!3^ beCn if the act abetted is committed in consequence

of the abetment and no express provision is

to ^ S o ü so o sceG lo c b à ç c c c Q o o o c G c o c ô b c : o § 3 2 ü ^ o :c Œ io ijc c c

a :| : o c ÿ c« c fe « ç b cœ o o go o œ L o œ îlo è a é 59 棚 か
fiotix) !〇〇 gg  P i eco iccœ:3:3co ccbc^cuco ouce>o3a)CG5JUn uog

〇 j o
oUo j J
cccocPcco oodocscoofil
\o o ooog
O0COGOCOOO oocüoco ipcocoxDGocoos) :c35scPoœ Scccoococc axoccooR oo
oZjù a o 〇 j o ù • j o j o
001CxÆ lSoR I S cC O ü îx JD b o ODGOCÛOS) ICCCCâoBl S ccco Î d : c c g é b 去JosHfco
L OwJ o J i o • o j e o o j j J o o o j

hS fïbcw bccaiio J ioooE ^ ) gcïR|


^ UX 〇 O O JUO J o o o
p.二 ! 、 o
o j o 〇 eo
o OwJ o
o j
ije a s S c c ^o :o 6 |:ic S Q ïococEsœœ œ G Jx^cüœ iD
éfxoofecüGGBI oüQDŒScoœjccc ioœ œ iiccccccsôbo :c5oœaa>B| cot&sdbcooa
lo ^S œ c e c D ^ S o to ^l cccoSëo &:o04co:llPcüSaiH ocodbcoooscœ&èo B cdcx)
-o U 〇 Ù wi O JU J ^w i 0 O O O JO
scœ ébécoslIPcü IciecoSoBj cüiccjtfeeoQ cccoscoo ^ n•
f3 I〇3 îc0 : cc oSojcPoogo cccooQoocdiocs îcoeoé °
ocoèo ico gg o Pé ogô 130c:3:3cd ccbcéaxo oügooSqüçg^ ii bZi^

Hcc«bcs>》cccüîx) 丨
oeoSI^G招 ccce>ôPcoo Scc:ccoQjj )〇 oSogooS
axs^ 1000 ^a)G 〇cœ o 〇3〇ç 〇^e ijecccccoobo :coooomB| cü:6 kÎ500oa

loltoicoîllfco ijeccoaoQ
c œ o o o a jh œ
0 OO
0 0 O J O
.0 O O O
J o o

B cg
cocoos3 co? c
ocoS H îoco
J ^ JJ J O
cccsèo :〇
(o )
\ ノ

cocofKScocc loltocDoosccG iisœ b <r>cne«3cocc lolbxo

O ^ 〇 O 〇 O J ù o o
CCC9 CC ibccuco cocoo:3cocc lorcccob 00cnosScoœ lolî^eouco
û • O O O 〇 ^ O O O J • O
Bcübonoc aDcoosScoœ icofeœco «obcœocüoocGîiococc i:ob
O ^ OÙ J J O 0 0 0 0 O O O ü , .0

cocoaxocco^ ^ e e œ :W 3i<wa^o^^c£xçccooe losxnHoQo^eG

coPecoSSb cucocGibsoocüBocœe) lîobcœsœeeco^Pcooaxo
J J o o o o ^ O O O J O
: c§ cg «obccco a->ceco:2):Pcüs:c5jœ uobcœscü :bob51s〇Dsoodb
i:obcccocü:bôb 〇ü〇oc oucoccidsSco ccéosoœooo cocooxBco
û j 〇 o - i o o e o o o o

cc libsoocüBocœo îosborxcîobco oê>)cgsoooooo 宁 s3:3cofc ( o).

û 〇 〇 〇
ocaeooço iüœiœco:cE]cG cccoo^oèb œcootcdcoa: icoco:[ô

A é.

m ade b y this A c t fo r the punishm ent o f such abetment, be liable t o

suffer th e punishm ent provided fo r th a t offence.

69. A n y person subject to this A c t w h o abets the com m ission o f

a n y o f th e offen ces punishable w ith death under
Abetm ent 〇£offences sections 3 2 , 33, 36, sub-section (1 ) o f section
^ d it î t b ,
ec ^ i ^ d Ü1
37 and sub-section (2) o f section 64 shall, on
conviction b y court-m artial, if that offence be
n o t comm itted, in consequence o f th e abetm ent, and n o express
provision is m ade b y this A c t fo r th e punishm ent o f such abetment,
be liable to suffer im prisorim ent fo r a tei*m w hich m ay extend t o
fourteen years o r such less punishm ent as is in this A ct m entioned.

70. A n y person subject to th is A c t w h o abets the com m ission o f

a n y o f the offences specified in sections 32 to
Abetm ent of o f f e n - 沉 inclu sive and punishable w ith im prisonm ent

cca punishable with shall, on c o n v ictio n b y court-m artial, i f that

S lS n itted . offence be n o t com m itted in consequence o f
th e abetm ent, and no express provision is m ade
b y tliis A c t fo r th e punishm ent o f su ch abetm ent, be liaWe to suffer
im prisonm ent fo r a term w h ich m a y ex ten d to one-half o f th e longest
term provided fo r that offence o r such less punishm ent as i s in th is
A c t mentioned.

7 1 , Subject to the provisions o f section 72, any person subject

to this A ct, w h o a t an y place in or bçyon d the
Civil offences. U nion o f Burm a com m its aiiy c iv il offence
shall be deemed to be g u ilty o f an ô ffen ce against this A ct, and, i f
charged th erew ith under this section , shall be liable tx> be tried b y a
court-m artial, and, on conviction, be punishable as follow s, that is
to say,—

(a) i f the offence is one w h ic h w o u ld be punishable under a n y

la w in force in the U nion o f Burm a w ith death o r w ith
transportation, he shall be liab le to suffer any punishm ent,
other than w hipping, assigned fo r the offence, b y
the aforesaid la w and such less punishm ent as is in this
A c t m entioned ; and

(b) in a n y other case, he shall b e liable to suffer any punishm ent,

other than w hipping, assigned fo r the offence b y the la w
cüoocgooH oo cüGsnSsdbcoœSco socoeGoo^coéfil ooc<x>32f>i
^ J J O 、 J J • 0〇 0J J J wJ

loccaœco^j] icü^00fij a j 2ocGecco^ofi| SccoccœccaDGoHscêjcc (c )

ofiISo iicB abesbocoüœ scS cocsjgoBI
j 」 0 J O J O O ù OwJ
cccocpcoo CdCCSCCoBl |î)0 OCOG3 0 3 CüeslCü ofileGODGaQ CCC3SCCO
:4 c § Q œ œ œ o o R jco cüg2>o3; cÎ 3C〇 jo ases lo e s o æ c e G l icü|〇oSJ
eooSoBl cœ so ^ c o o fe œ c o sé lc ü c o cococscScooc ioogccd bec
0J Ù〇 û ù 〇 O J J 〇 ù
eeco G9〇3:icoœ o 3co isocoeGoo^ca^S co cœ o SH «SocooRgo ( g j)
\ j j • •>〇 j J 〇 j 」 j j ^j c \ ノ

— le e c c c c so b o sc&oooooR cos6sàcoa>a> lo Q S o b c so S o b o sce ^ co

し 〇〇 j o w l * * •、 jw io • e o

*>J • j
• o
reo、 icucocGaoRœ
j jwk)
ibecosotto 3900 «Sobcocco
ニ O jJ o j o
cooSœ士?oîlIPcu cueco«afl ccc301Glbecce)03ccec这 fっ(to 士?osIIPcü Jofeeco
açfi| cuccçné lœ oocoüsccccc^o oocn| cccdo ^ 0 .
jcScoœ i:ocoœpo§coèQ odcoosSB) io3cc:9s9coccb J
cico îo Jjüse>o3cueG歧 icca»eoP〇y^œft bら cPecuPekc3Bj|〇 「乙 og^îii
ù O 〇 〇 J v J O ù J J し J

iiccoba>obœcü〇C ) 1000QodgoR
〇 〇 〇〇 〇wi
cccocPcoo arccscœ Qjos ocogooSojcg^ p 1030GIodgocooo gxcoco
OCOOO 20SScf«ÇG c 3 〇C:COOΫècSR CÜC〇ee?>® R 〇0 lCÜ|〇6 f i sd & ccos^ c d R î o o x g
«5 • J J 一I 〇 J*J〇 し <> O J J
ÇOCG CJOGofij C ü G S o S c L 'e C ^ C üœ C G 〇a 5 !u î0 3 S C C G g D

l0 C 0 (b èœ C W 30C X )€G S〇9 i c 〇sllP〇U ScR oO lieCGCCCO , T noS^WOOSCCC

obo :c é 〇œScH co skckcco .〇rc〇aJbS〇3Sce8 ib ^ ^ ^ S ® 000"0

城 — ^ ^ 严 — s s . S r 8
Qjooscëjscc OCOSCpOfiGO CCC3〇E)|〇〇eG^〇eG scofeos*
« §^ >§° 39 « r<i t^cx::
a :acD ^ b c é a j 1^ ^ G a o a a x s p ,, «A

1c c o b o s

çccco g o i 〇 3 〇>SlaûGGQ c c c ^ c r c c e S c c s c o o B jjo o o c o c e o S c u e c ^ u iq s o ^ o d g

^ c œ o œ o § s c 〇3çn 〇5co co io iso s o E l s c c c s i c ^ j socoe s
çpcGcaDGOnj œcooccoeGCo œcoeGRCCcü soescecgD i-»r - ' ^ c^so*
(〇codbècüc0ooœeG soSiœslIfœaoRoD iieecccceobo 各 ■f4 J 1|p J 4

J 4 g i :fe:c k 〇S n r c o a Æ c i i i ^ 〇,iirc 〇 ssâ t £ 〇 J "

çüeecooaiF)] cccobccojgcæGcco ibec ( f ) 5g p§
\cj Là ig c iiü ifci o g o i S c c i S s300 c c b c & D c o ^ C G o o S œ e c^ o ii

iiœ o b c o b c c c c c o œ c o H S c c s c o o s é c S B I c u c o e c s o b o o R c c c o ê
ù J 0 O J O % O wl J J OwJ V
士CosiJPaj i〇)|〇Da:DÊlscao:去 sつcoeccoec ouce)03caeclLS lîrcDpaH cuSoes
C し〇 *3J J J J Ô O J O J J
in fo rc e in the U nion o f Burma, o r im prisonm ent io r a
term w h ich m ay extend to seven years, o r such less punidi-
m ent as is in this A c t mentioned.

72. A person subject to this A c t w h o commits an offence o f murder

against a person not subject to m ilitary la w , o r
Civil offeiices not 〇î culpable hom icide not am ounting to m urder
tria b le by
n ia îtâ J . ourt. against such a person or o f rap e in rd a tio ii to
such a person, shall not be deem ed to b e guflty
o f an offence against this A c t and shall not be tried -b y a court-martial#
unless he com m its a n y o f th e said offences—
(a) w hile on active service, or
(b) at any place outside the U nion o f Burma, o r
(c) at a fron tier post specified b y the President b y notification
. in th is behaK.


Punishments .

7 3 . Punishm ent m ay b e inflicted in respect o f offences comm itted

b y persons subject to tbis A c t and convicted b y
courts-martial, according to the scale follow ing,
* that is tô say ,一

(a) death ;
(b) transportation fo r life or fo r any period n o t less than geron

(c) im prisonm ent, either rigorous or simple, fo r a n y period not

exceeding fourteen years ;

(d) cashiering, in the case o f officers ;

[é) dismissal from the service ;

(f) reduction to the ranks or to a lower rank o r d a 空 o r place in
the list o f their rank, in the case o f w arra n t officers ; and
redu ction to th e ranks o r to a low er raok» in tbe case o f
nonrcommissioned officers:

Provided th a t a w arrant officer reduced to the ran ks 由 all not be

required tù, serve in Jjie ranks against his w id i.
o SJj Q œ îc c c ç c o Cü Pc〇〇Pcü | 〇5

ô ^ l œ ^ ^ b is c c G s ^ c o ç o o e c ^ cccoscooPecPcoo g ^ j œ c c îc c c o c o

jc o d b œ iioDcPecPcoo & ôceœ sccco co œ c o o :S c o & ijœ c c

c o c s ç i ^ o ico jo oQ ajcocG îcP o o C |eG o ^ o b uœ cPecPcoo & 〇〇e œ

^ ccoco goc〇6 :
3 co& ic3^ o c c c e ^ i E o o co so b co o ce e c a ^ D îo b

iîéc〇€Gcccoô4 p o joœcGGCcoôèBo lœ^EJoJoocGScfeœgecîscG (0)

ug〇G〇oooœ sicoS|cG « s o ê jîo œ o o o (0 )

ligDGOOGOOOsècoQeG pP e〇〇S OÜIOcEl Gü2〇CG:Cp«j3ctcG (CO)


oococG ÿX 〇 o s 3 c o & io§î 〇 Eo]ocoec ccco g o j D é ;(X)e>ax3eco ( 0 )

〇 〇 〇


: 4 ISüco c c c s c P œ o o coccGSKuéoée cocoosc3 0 0 0 : læ c s ilc ü c o ç ü c c c o fe )

•d J OJ O 0 V/

» S o b 〇9jc c ç ü lo æ G〇p î^ e G s c a e G ^ e œ ( p a x œ a
ïœcœaobo sc6 0 0 0
IJCCGCCC2 c u M t S x o m içcioœ .
^PaooQ oBccécoslIPcü 0000 i^BccïcPo&bcigü^o^DGSoS^uœpii nàh

II:c P〇

I 乙 sæ ecc

iib ^ ^ c o jo E jo b g îc e s G ® cüsfesdbcooo :ceG ccic 〇îllPcü

S j Q œ oB gp ubonçoae îo^ocèJoslIPcü 〇 jeecûâq>Rj cc co o B b cc
c o o S œ e s ^ iolîx>cocnoso0éc 〇 îTipGü locoséeooo o o c n é c c c o sc œ
〇 J «3 j こb J ù j 0 Ù
*J*L . U e L 0
0 0 00 J o .〇Ils^
〇eG COOOftCC cooaoo^
0 *00
\ J
cocnosS cocc io?o eccb < ié3 feooB |oo§coiS ocx:0030051 f e )
O O O O O O 00 Owl O Û Jj \ /
0 J locoéfesoooSoocSHîéco
0 0 ob 0 0 j U 0
(c o )
、 ノ

-----COSjSjécOslIPcü lîp b ç cc o g jflîo g o IÎCCDÎ900

fcbcécocoaœoo :obcc〇3Çü〇cce)co
丨 Scccoco œcofi) R „ _
0 0 0 D ^T3 9 53 ° ° 0 n MîcP«ooHouccor>icoco
oooodb c œ ^ ^ y ô o o œ œ c o o d cco scco i^ ec«:co ccb b ^ fe à c o o a

gjGsoSouccoo i^ccs300 œbci^jco cüGe>oda)CG(U)U h「乙

o cccü o o lo e xjEjo îG o Q ccce^ P co o ç B cc îc o o Q jo o o û d g q o S ço cd ^ d

iQ d ^ œ e o c œ e ) g o o éo é c josoSjeecociDcoQ c c c o s c œ s ic o Q

forfeiture o f seniority of rank, in the case o f officers, w arrant

officers and non-commissioned officers ; and forfeiture o f
all or any part o f their service fo r the purpose o f prom otion,
in the case o f any of them w hose prom otion depends upon
length o f service ;

(h) forfeitu re o f service for the purpose o f increased p a y, pension

or an y other prescribed purpose ;

(i) severe reprimand or reprimand, in the case o f officers, w arrant

officers and non-commissioned officers ;

(j) forfeitu re o f p a y and allow ances fo r a period n o t exceeding

three m onths fo r an^ offence com m itted on a ctiv e service ;

(fc) fo rfe itu te in the case o f a person sentenced to cashiering or

dismissal from the service o f all arrears o f p a y and aDow-
ances and other public m oney due to him at th e tim e o f
su th cashiering or dism issal;

{l) stoppage o f p a y and allow onces until a n y p roved loss o r

dam age occasioned by the offence o f w h ich he is convicted
is m ade good.

74. Subject to the provisions o f this A ct, a court-m artial m ay,

on convicting a person subject to this A c t o f
Alternative puni&h- a n y o f the offences specified in sections 32 to
mènes awardable by 70 inclusive, awaj-d either th e p articu lar punish­
m ent w ith w h ich the offence is stated in the
said sections to be punishable, or, in lieu thereof, a n y o n e o f the
punishmebts lo w e r in th e scale set ou t in section 73, regard being had
to the nature àhd degree o f the offence.

75 . A senteùce o f a court-martail m a y aw ard, in addition to o r

w ith o u t any one oth er punishment^ th e punish*
^omfelnation of ns&tX specified in clause (d) o r clause (e) o f
section 73 and a n y on e o r m o re o f the punish*
m cijts specified in clauses (I) t o (i) o f that section.
©S) i^a^K.r〇a〇G^Rl ccc〇îcœQj〇3sc0:cc ocoscPo
C^CBCCCSoSjgOCG (§ ) O ( 〇) GOCS ^ G 〇œ |çœ C®H
coc 3 K:
œ b jj « 3 : c Q : p ^ ( o ) c^ § o^ î 3 co& i ( co)

e6cc 穸 さ 乙 《 go sQ œ feco^G ^Q ^cccüîx)00ÂPei孕 ccs|co ^ sd x o ç 〇 ndt

n^dœ ^iœ ePe cos&sdbcopo loooB&AècoœGoRj icüéœ:cP«

CDG<5t)IccC3cfc〇3pOCüCCE3:CCPeG:|{eeG CCC3SCO〇Qj 〇3D?0 èb ftG?) SCOCGCt)G〇f^
00 10 30 51 CüODGÿBjK:Ê]sCC CCC3 SCœF5j j 〇3 OCOScPftOGO [OOSCG CD^CCO^obo
cocoecoo^o uQscœçucœsjCücoocGsEüjeG péscoeG:|oeG〇〇)R] icc〇3〇Pcu|œo
ôé«:PoœPes^coBj [ogso S oücg^ sci^oo ^

:ÏPcü èèooojy ioüscgsc& J ^ cnDe>:co〇{〇| j 〇3scejsœ チ 日 ®?3 ⑴• • 似 ?®'

CCC3〇Sj^OCG[pCG 空蚤O穿OgO IgD 〇 厂さ 丨



SccîQ f^scfcoo cücocceeoo soScé^isom Po Goœos^cocc in fij
•Ç^cccolkoPeeccooDCCScl3 0 0 0 socEolocioéscxuPo oocoosScocb
jsjcEôjorësis ^ccoJoooRj :c 6 jooro R] sceeccco (5 )
iiébcnsçp :ço»:CG〇3Sc6|eG cccs^oobccgo 000

bîgCGioBjeGscFocobooécoœ cccoioSifco ibroosceG&goioco^peb

eODGOOOOOD séc〇S|œ osoëjsçoofioo 00 COfJÎC9 0 0 CC lÿDGJOCOœ
:ècûS]eG preçoëg^soco 10010jQajcoecs^co ccbeçooPe æGoooooo
sécoQec OSO0SOOOOOO ODcnoscccooc lajcoocoœsécoQcG pPeœë
11æccuco 〇0 co&] coscPoçobo) ôécococcce>o« ÿX3〇cuscc
aicoccicoogiR] cccoécoslIPco ocoi^soooooo SRIsioo ^ 3 )
〇a>fi| coa^o:c3cocc iGDôfecou
coéoosoR ] o S] c u œ e G s c P o 〇 D ü ] e G c § s c P o c c c e c b e G is c P o ^ c b e G (? o ^

c.rc〇3Ç〇cx:sft〇oec&o isobccco cucoeGobobcoogj cccssccocoacocc

scëjec uobccc3CüC〇eGcoc〇2cos«5jeG isobccc0cacoeG®§ü〇g〇Dcoco
ccccossbsoe gjcCGscococjco ÿ)cooso300cc iscoscec 〇üœsoœ«cp〇
isgcsob lœcoeGoœsbspSJsûoôœeG icu^oofij scPeccbcS|ôeG ocojoo
sçcc^üccseœo®® icSccsbs^SJsçooœeG 〇f>Jg3 læ ccltoosocoÿxr:
^•œeû icx>[〇of)Jcocoesscr〇〇üü]eG $4 scrfiaA eà cG iscfoSdseG ( œ ) 1

A n officer sh all b e sentenced to be cashiered before he is

aw ard ed a n y o f th e punishments specified in
C ashiering o f officers, d a u ses (a) to (c) o f section 7J.

7 7 . W h ere a n y person subject to this A c t and under th e ran k o f

w a rra n t ofScer com m its any offence o n active
punislvnent* service, it shall be la w fu l for a court-m artial to
a w a rd fo r that o ffë n ce a n y such punishm ent as is prescribed as a field
punishm ent. Field p u n ish m en t shall b e o f the character o f personal
restrain t o r o f hard la b o u r b u t shall n o t be o f a nature to cause injury;
to life o r lim b and shall n o t include flogging.

7 8 . Field p un ishm ent shall fo r th e purpose of com m utation be

f field deem ed to stand n e x t below dismissal in the
«ntiin «cale 〇f scale o f punishm ents specified in section 7 3 .

A w arran t o fficer o r a noncom m issioiied officer sentenced b y

R e su lt 〇f certain a court-m artial to transportation^ im p risoom ent
punishm ents in Æ e field punishm ent o r dismissal from th e service,
o ^ e r ° 〇r shall be deem ed to be reduced to the ranks.
m iw k m ed officer.
iibG9〇〇(〇« soëjasœooécüfe io c o o d g o B] j QQ m o
1。卜 : 潑 II— § 6 :| ;
〇 严 5 | Scc® 〒 きgo I:jb çcc 9 ^ しç œ ç 吟 l;
jb§CC 3
çücücccg î9 c o c c c e & iioSabooo^aDcoQ c œ s > G 0 :| | ( ^ î 〇E ^ o c o c G o d o o o « x îc o &

i:]|Jo:ob|œPeœircaxo io 3 c c o d g o 0 jQ Q 000 iic5cco^cooPeëcaxüG〇G| iS c c

藏 纖 H î為 i£ S
ÇÜ^D ^ sso a c u c c p ic c c ^ ç ü c œ9眜 〇3^ec33œ Idccsfeîàcooon 丨從

ncSoboooPe , , 〇 r
œeooœho sic 〇g œ §Peœ 5 lao^Peo ^ c o œ G®g ^ 3^
iœ icc:cPo 〇DG〇Rl cccoscœ ^jpoïcQ jcc ooo:c Pog?)cg ^ ° °
cccooBl ooec ( ü) o (ou) gocg is èb aco iîccgj3006dbœii ii^j乙

iio3cc〇|〇D〇Pe sQî〇(〇〇î 〇 losoHIBcxiüooècD

|〇Ô〇61è 〇〇a 3G〇R] IO)écC2cPaCÜGO^ CCC3 :
CO〇Q jp 〇îc 6 j^C 〇a>«:P〇G?)CGCCC3 0 §
OOCG (5 ) O ( 〇) SgCG ÇOGOOO 〇%3G〇g Cœ9îC00§jjp3SC§îœ OCO ( 〇) OTCB
cocno;o3coœ i(a> ) c^œ èb « go locajosiooaPeo ccoodgoB]:c § cg toBoc^ca
s&sdbooo® 〇R|& uodccoècooPe^:〇}〇o:o ia>9〇K|çoaxx)eco ioot ^ ggoosg
iic3aboxoo H:〇g § ü à ô a x c

cncBccbe soëlPecPcoo :c3coœbœœ ^.ccoco i^c c * 1 !^

r— \ ° i つ , 0 ■»〇 1 . ° n °rfi cccô co o P e îc œ :ç a > o c d c c
sdcoobute çocooscccocc icooscbco cccobe:ob|coore ノ コ t , 主」
© 一 ^ ? n J °r ^ v • oocoo:cdcx>octçooedbœ
cüGooooooîicobjeG o:oblsooo«oo cocoowcooœ
iodgo RI 〇R51e>00 IODGOCœ0 ICüGOséloJCO Cüîfeco sfeîàcOOOH 'tt3 lï

Hcdobcncoo üÀ 士9
c o 3 œ S c 〇rc o o c ü œ c c c a a jG o o c o o o séco^ec oco P

sc<Decs]JecG sc Poodgo^ cccsscœ Q jpaîcQ so^ | èb

«GO IoBcCCIDGoBI 〇B|Q〇00 ÛL)CDCG§œsO0TO5OcBj3j〇〇cPœ3a〇G(^n uoZ;

80. W hen , on a ctive service, a n y enrolled person has been sentenced

„ • b y a court-m artial to dismissal, o r to transporta-
R e te n tio n in the • . . ^ ,
ta n k s o f a p e rs o n t l 0 n 〇 r im prisonm ent w h eth er com bined w ith
co n v ic te d o n a c tiv e dismissal or n ot, the prescribed officer m ay
• d irect that such person m ay b e retained to serve
in the ranks, and such service shall be reckoned as p a rt o f his term o f
transportation or im prisonm ent, if an y.

8 1 . Punishments m a y also be inflicted in respect o f offences com ­

m itted b y persons subject to this A c t w ith o u t
wise thjm by court- intervention o f a court-m artial and in the
施 rtial. m anner stated in sections 82, 85, 86 and 87.

82. Subject to the provisions o f section 83, a com m anding oflScer

o r such other officer as is, w ith the consent o f
pensons oÆcr Æan President, specified b y th e C h ief o f Staff,
officers and warrant may> in the prescribed m anner, proceed against a
person subject t o this A c t o th erw ise th an as an
officer o r w arrant officer w h o is charged w ith an offence under this
Act and aw ard such person» to the e x ten t prescribed, on e o r m ore o f
the follow in g punishm ents, that is to say,—

(a) imprisom îient in m ilitary cu stod y up to tw en ty-eigh t days ;

(b) confinement to the unit lines o r ship up to tw en ty-eigh t days ;

(c) (i) Extra guards o r duties ;

(ii) Extra w o rk o r drills :

P rovided-th at such duties o r drills shall not ex ceed fourteen in

number ;

(d) deprivation o f qualification p a y not exceeding tw enty-eight

days, and in the case o f noa-com m issioned officers, also
deprivation of* acting ran k ;
(e) fine up to fourteen days* p a y in any one m onth ;

(f) severe reprim and or reprim and ;

H:o§Pe〇D!§ocooB| o o ^ s ^ c o œ i r ^ r e œ S j c c ^ c 〇éœ:oQ (o)
coos)I^o‘ coco g^gDSoee^jbsçoe^oœœ i^ee^ococo co^Bcc^So (o)
■:p.§oo〇Æ ) xooçQÇGCoeo taj|〇oQoucocG5C im Q œ j〇Q& i s o ë ] .
cüccoocoSj cococo spleecSbcG cccooo coœœcoeG^boocoœo^ ;(ca)
iib o e ^ coœocojscoscooeco ôSJsccdœcocGbseG

sc feso0Rsbsoo
ou J o ococnosc9oocc
o o
ù Lo j0200x〇c
hscPaso0 Rl?be〇K
3>ocG coooosc3co& 翁 oJoecîxc (T)
iiscr〇éoccooec œcoesoBcocc \^ h io c œ z o cv o œ (c ) ( ü)
oocüboscnœcDÇ ococccocc ooco^s3cocc \oco:cPosePcosècooo (V)
J o axubo&coœ
o o j j o〇)é ooax^ireœouccM
o j つ (co)
、 ノ

O JOO œecccccscaxoecocc
O O J ) : lîobcocoBocüooèco
. J o bo^. uobccc^
o o
coeecoaoGoRj !〇>èeG:cfocüG〇R jococcco iB〇bo:œoo<p :oîocG^co:3è
îcœœacocc i;ccgs9 coccbciouco oDGSoSœeB^jü c c c s o o ^ îS c o œ ^ c id s
coooo:3coœ ilsàcc ipoS]:cdcoc3ccbeso§®oo cocdcc •

,^ |〇
*^Zj )Pe3 côctc 3 cc o» coocc occoooo?
〇 e • oo ococoesScocc
o o
iSccsdcoîooco !cc〇f>oPcü|oeo ôéscPoouPeîicBB) [〇 ào ogoii «Po

, p g, , g , g ecceœ^e 1 4 1 1
cüScloœcoN soooeGsocoscc? ccccscœo jos ococo 6 o ^
ミr へXI。 a J L 」丄“ 1 ;? L〇 tcccocno o^îb^cooo
3 iLu il u. » go
o «叫 . \icc(S
J f^ofe obosœscDo
:■.〇 o 3〇S3scbcooa>
û j Ji • o
1蜂 3!^300:o§scPf>«a^ccc3!cosliPco coscPaccbc 去^ ga ^jssoc^jec 咳 il uco

iio^ebaxobs» ôSjoQecccGaco
〇cc〇3 cccoos^cccc lacGosèlcüco cccobefcüccoo cucocoüS cc
O O O ù O O • O O •>
:o œ e o < 5 ô é o b ie G s c œ o c o œ g o c o i o ic o e c o e P e io o o S cüodgocoos 100051o xü g o
O O J o JJ O 〇 〇 «5 V.J 〇*-i〇 o o 0 」〇 J o
sÜ c ü c o o B |& u S c c o ç s c G jé S ib s o œ ^ M cücoa>oe JJS〇q

OCOOOeCGJCCCOCO g^CCCO IC ü ê à e c cœ sX O pÇ O aC O C C 〇:
cc〇ca coc 〇as oœ bœ cc-

ijeC G C C C C G D efe IQ M D jC C S O jO O S O O | 〇a^>S|aJp<X>S 〇| 0 9 5 0 . SCCCOCO œ sdeo oebe

050D G 30CO C0 sécoQ eG Û D Œ îG D C œ S œ c n 〇s 3 c 〇& 5 ^

ic ü 〇D G ? )sélcü C D ioe>cSjca3G 〇o c c c o s è c o Q œ a js & 4 d b c o o o . 〇^ Ç 000?® S ^ 9 s〇œ

^ ob o o o cJ j
o © eJ j o
5j j

{g) penal deductions unSer clause {g) o f section 93 ;

(h) a n y prescribed field punishm ent up to twenty-eight d ays,

in the case o f a person on active service.

83, A n y aw ard o f punishm ent under section 82 shall not include

field punishm ent in addition to one o r both o f
L im it of punishnicnta 也 e p u n is h m e n ts specified in daUSCS ( fl) a n d (6)
under section 82. r ^ ^ *
o f that section.

(2) In th e case o f an aw ard o f tw o o r m ore o f the punishm ents

specified in clauses (a), (6) and (c) o f the said section, the punishm ent
specified in clause (b) o r clause (c) shall take effect only at the end o f
the p\m ishm ent specified in clause ^a).

(3) W h e n the punishments specified in th e said clauses (a) and ( i)

are aw ard ed to a person co n jo in tly , o r w hen already undergoing o n e
o f the said punishm ents, the w h o le e x ten t o f the punishment shall n o t
exceed in th e aggregate tw enty-eight days.
(4) T h e punishm ents specified in dau ses (a), (b)0 (c) (ii), and (fi) o f
the said section shall n o t be aw arded to any person w h o is o f thè ran k
o f a non-com m issioned oflScer o r w a s , a t the tim e o f comm itting the
oflFence f o r w h ich h e is punished, o f such rank.
( j) T h e punishm ent specified in d a u se (f) o f the said section shall
not be aw arded to any person b e lo w th e rank o f a non<ommissioned

84. T h e C hief o f Staff m a y , w ith the consent o f the President,

sp ecify such oth er punishments as m ay be
P u nishm en ts in awarded under section 82 in addition to o r
^ I d f ie d in section 8^
w ith o u t a n y o f the punishments specified in th e
said section, and the exten t to which such oth er
punishm ents m ay be awarded.

85. A n officer com m anding a form ation n o t less than a brigade

in the case o f the arm y, a fo m a tio n prescribed
Punishm ent o f offi- as equivalent to n o t less than a brigade (arm y)
c e « and warrant offi- in the case o f th e n a v y o r air force, o r an y oth er
ccrs b y b n ga d e com - , .v j
mandera and others. prescribed officer, m ay, m the prescribed m anner,
proceed against an officer below the rank o f
Sœ ôiaxcE ôbœ ccîoœ o Sccbeî 〇§ S n a a^çc^cLslIliü cœoàQ ccè&
o^bcGGsoSouœ^ uoloœ:«cow3é S cx^ cod^dS ûocc
ia«3:3co 6dbcc:c0œ cccs:coocd〇cdcc coè〇f»3co&: -,c^l? )e?9

ccoftçco 丨
cüjpg^^Soœ^cocc^ ÿ io e : ^ c o ^ : îçcobe °
ia»rcocG 〇c8 cccôotoo cacœoccnooco icüiocG) co〇3cgoc〇î3 E ü|!i t£ù

il Scco^fij joosc^scc
g ^ c ç o | 〇Dfife ooccfeSa*50030 cpscPeaosaQscgccoo u:也
^ cP e ^ sa ^ îcQ e G cccôoècooPe bcs fo ogo ibHajfe
çDG®gcœs>^§oJ.fe g « . 〇

~ ccoscaoQ |〇9
ec S c o c c c o œ »o 000cc ccosotÂ

〇 e o ibôcoaxco
〇〇 o 〇 r〇 fiS>
i:obçteô〇c|〇o cecDœcoR uobcccopsDioo:o bécccx)
IÛüéœ:cP〇03G〇Q CCC3:CO〇QjOÔ:cQîœ OCO fü OGOII u&o

«bocÀPco îcæ co R cc 〇3:

cqoQ jo o :c Q îc c oco ( o \ g 6cg
^ 〇g?) jcweœ i:ccg:3:3 co ccocœcc c c c s ô i axœoôœœoÊolcc (C )
uboooleo cü:cPoœG〇R cccoïcoo ^ jo o sc Q jod 000od ( û ) oé*
0 ) ( ° ) ,(c ) r(a>) G^)CC loœcc uccsîSî Sco ccboœccoEcjcs o œ i^ ic o
jlIPûü cü
〇 〇J
SoH cccobesosoHec

00coosodcoœ isSsScoccooosceoEüIcg (i>)
o o o e oo \ ノ
〇 O
O O 〇 O
:〇 (〇〇〇〇 neecSccb^ePco
J し し J _
〇 ùJX

2cPoaDcoH jo^
O J J しO
cg cocoosS cocc
し 〇
J J *3 し
5^ 〇 Jwl

cccojcooQjosscQsœ ocoîcfe (e ) pé {eu i gocg jooscg i:ccg :3 cocc

O •
〇coo ccæcof)l
J O Ù Owi
Sccscœ fi)
〇 j JL
|〇9îc JB :〇
cc oîo

(o )
\ ノ 〇〇
coeo cocnosScooc
j ) 〇
V ノ

ePco œsoBI S ccjcœ R ioo:cB:cc oco feo) gocg icoioêcoftPs isobcccoBo
• , 〇 ù Jj o o j 、 ノ JO し 、:
) J O ) p 〇■

aO xo eOo i isobcccsfeoç
O J 0
O O J 」
SJ ccîcco H
J 丄
〇 O
(U) $ ( e ) 《co) ) ç卜 が し 。X
UbS|oso§œoPesc|〇e>so , ^ S S 002
lîobcccap^scuoèaé isobcccso^eeco œcofi) i〇)éœ へ r°pe ぐ
scPeoDGoRl cccsscœ QjooscQscc cco (e ) /"〇〇) 00,> °、

〇 j 〇
œcsjgoF)! gH03G 〇
o o ù3 o J jJ J
cjügoBI io
o し
fo ogo
\ J

O J 〇 J 0
qq CCC3SCOOCOOCOCC icüinoHcücoeG;9co ccée>sooo«oo^B|:éco i 〇 )
h: 〇6J

cüccoe>cot>l scr«cobo o^coccoKIcecüg ibee fœ ) gocg ip C t) ogo ( cg \

j o U o o o oU o \ ノ J \ /

m ajor, or a w arrant officer, w h o is .charged w ith an offence under

this A ct, and award one or *more o f the follow ing punishm ents, th at
is to say,—
(a) severe reprim and or reprimand ;
(b) stoppage o f p a y and allow an ces until any proved loss or
damage occasioned by the ofiFence of w h ich he is convicted^
is made good.

86. An ofBcer com m anding a form ation not less than a division
in the case o f the arm y, an officer em pow ered
bffi- to convene a general court-martial in th e ca se
cers by divisional com- o f the navy o r the air force, or such other officer
manders and others. as is, w ith th e consent o f the President, sp ed fied
b y the Chief o f StàSf m ay, in the prescribed manner, proceed against
an officer below the rank o f lieutenant-colonel or a w arran t officer,
w h o is charged w ith an offence under th is A ct, and aw ard one o r m o re
o f the following punishments, that is to say,—

(a) forfeiture o f seniority, or in the case of any o f them w h o se

promotion depends upon length o f service, fo rfeitu re o f
service fo r the purpose o f prom otion fo r a period not
exceeding tw elv e m onths, b u t subject to the right o f the
accused previous to the aw ard to elect to be tried b y a
court-m artial;

(b) fine up to fourteen days' p a y in any one m onth ;

(c) severe reprimand o r reprim and ;

(d) stoppage o f p a y and allow an ces until any proved loss or
damage occasioned by the ofiFence of w h ich he is convicted,
is made good.

87. A commanding officer or such olBcer as is, w ith the consent

o f the President, specified b y the Q iie f o f Staff,
Punishment of m ay, in the prescribed manner, proceed against
r o ^ M d iS fr fB c e i^ a w arrant officer, w h o is charged w ith an offence
under this A c t, and award the punishm ent o f
î 〇0 obo :c 6oooaoQ Eobososaco î 〇coœ seco:3i
o -Jo © J ^ o e j o 〇

Sccscoo œococc lîcossHœo^edbcG Sccbesoëjooâ ' ntcînaûe

orÆœècQslIPcü ècoooQ cccecQbcGGS〇8cüeGp iSoc «ccs^-fo
6dbecscQeG SccQjpsscEjscc coolPesojS skeœcüccü csu*cfotf>〇c〇
•oRJœPecBcocccaœ ^coocc ccc3〇o | œcoasScocc /î ScdsSocoü ubo
noû3000 tcfecobo blcoco oocgcSccîBI
O \ J J O O O o 〇l
5〇sçPcoo oDcocGseco soScéoisocüPo cocoosScocc lïD@:
cccs)6 cofeeccoçücc scSoco soctülec^éjc^ajPo cocno:c3coœ
〇 O * O ù 〇 J o oo o ù 〇
^ocEül^sSsœ bcEZJlsaGR Sccbejoëlobo scoacoScuR scecccœ (co)
«aD^PecoSococfl cocnosc0coœ îaDcPecoSocooR co^ooîoR (v)
0 J J OJ O O O O O O J ニJ o o JJ \ ノ

〇 *5
000uooeG œhtccomœco
〇 ^ O J
0 0 V
(e ノ
licdccorcoPesB^ 〇0
J Ù〇〇 C ^vj

J ニj • 〇
o ♦
ôj o
〇R ocoàcc
o O
uœcc!t〇3 cocoœSco :osb0scobceeG axcccsacoeco ccco
〇 J O O 4-1 O O O O O J
po œooco^scoœco icü|〇gS| cccccsblSjoeG oœ j^aaxrsftocoço

i3cc:bs)pSjsco oœ ec^oe cccnascScooc læcclcooîçcocccc coeec (co)

iiocccû^coÂPe lîobcoc360
cocofeco i:obcccs>tcfecocüsa>Blia>去cgîcPocügoR i〇cocecs> Eobo:œs>oo soioec
O O O O O Û»J O O 〇ニI し J JO O 0 JO
Jocosœ^ Sccscœcoaoocc isceGîScocoieàeG œcoosorcocc iscccsScoédbcG
*cccs>oéax.cc3〇œeG s^ isocoq cocog Sccbe:oëjooo crScciccslIPo) ècoeofi]
cccoa>Sj bcscooSœ ee^ io5cc|cbesscÊ]eG cSccQjpa
scë]g〇3 coolPejosS icKjcoleSco cccscc ,uc*'a? c?9
^œ cco o o o l co ^o lS c o lc r.dcog^cs cccsbe
so§s〇5〇eccaDceG^ 〇e〇|s S o o olfesfesckoocD !〇;[〇〇§ 6ckc ;c§œ 〇0feS〇〇c〇
œcoecococoo coco^33000: locobo is3co6<icG See
〇 〇 O ^ O ^ Q O 〇
cooco QjsccoecçeG cccscooft cocecsonco x ^co^ ocosc^ 5j!h
icujogK) < jîgg

iiœcoobscPocobo oécoco œœcSccsQ

O O〇 O O o oi
soscPcoo ajcocGesco ?oëjc^oi?oa)Po c〇cnp»?3coa: iso@îî5?œ
cccs>| ojreeccoGuccscoooo socbü|3ciû>ésc»coPo œcoosScocc
^ocEuldsSsœ ocEolaeoBl Sccbesoëjobo scSooom^ îceBccoo (e j
moEjPecoSocooRj coco«s〇3cocc isoêlPeccSococtfl cà^œsoR (oSj
itScco?coaPe uobcccoprxcxxjeco isobcœecüèçcc£>j〇Q lajieGscPoœGoR
[oœccsa ipoborœ soo ;ceGs3coœlîedbes cocooscBcooc: iscessミà^dbes


88. In e v e ry case in w h ich punishm ent has been awarded under

a n y o f the sections 8^, 86 and 87, certified true
TransmissiQn of copies o f the proceedings shall be forwrarded, in
p d the prescribed m anner, b y th e officer awarding
th e punishm ent, to a superior m ilitary au th o rity as defined in section 90.
8 9 . If any punishm ent aw arded under a n y o f th e sections 85, 86
and 87 appears t o a superior m ilitary auth ority
Review of proceedings, as defined in section 90 to be illegal, unjust o r
excessive, such a u th o rity m a y can cel, v a r y o r rem it the punishment
an d m ake su ch o th er direction as m a y be appropriate in the
d rcu m stan ces o f th e case.

F or the purpose 0¢ sections 88 and 89, a superior m ilitaiy

冬a u th o rity ’ • means—

JpCrh〇rmilitary (<z) in th e case o f punishm ents awarded

a com m anding officer, a n y officer supe
in com m an d to such com m anding officer ;

(b) in th e case o f punishm ents aw arded b y a n y other authenrity,

the President, the C h ief o f Staff o r oth er officer spcdBed
t y th e C h ie f o f Staff.

9 1 , ( 1 ) W h en ever a n y w eap on o r p a rt o f a w eap on form ing part

o f the equipm ent o f a unit, com pany or
Collective fines. ^ stolen, the officer commaDding
a form ation n o t less than a brigade in th e case o f the ^rm y , a fonnation
prescribed as eq u ivalen t to n o t less th an a brigade ( a m y ) in the case
o f th e n a vy o r a ir fo rce, o r a n y o th er prescribed officer, m ay after
obtaining tb e rq>ort o f a co u rt o f in q u iry, im pose a collective fine
upon xh t w a rra n t officers, non-com inissioned officers and mwi o f
such unit, o r u pon so m an y o f them as, in his judgm ent, should be
h d d responsible*for such loss o r th eft.

(2 ) Such fine shall be assessed as a percentage on the p ay o f die

individuals on w iio m it falls.
j f e i ^BccgBccAjodcoco ^toPcx^co ccS obocœ sK ^ i〇j? « 〇DG|c^eœ ( Q
^ '0 〇〇 o
ooijjoôg i c œ IÎkcco Xçcccôob S^o^ ooooo ico^3 cc 6 èocoo l:
» ^ ( X « ÿ ) 5 c>cG5 :teœcPo 〇[〇fecG'cocoo:c 0 co œ i^cc:cPo:cccoco j ^:c Poo Eü |cg
fK feooiedbcc 6000^nœœ icoc^^^cofc g xoP eeob ÿœ ^ œ : 'i e : b 3 : oop iS c c
: CCC3:
COOÇOOCOCC 5〇c〇«s3c 〇^ ||(3x g S ccCü〇〇L) oj^B ocg
Scccccoqooo coccs3:t3ocsScG ddccscoocoococc cocdccSoo 6é ( 〇Ç〇:c5Eü|^
ccrtaoco icüiogH cücocccxocos cocdoîcSgocc ipcobo icusSoeGocG cccscnoo
ccccfeedcoooco îœiooQoxoœocosSG] ia>2>®f)]^ecGSçcfeeso§aDse i〇3〇S)^ecG
SœK3ecü〇r〇3 ispbcocôeeco scocgcoocg pecocui ひ .
° • へ -I T ^ ° c T-, 00 J % ^ う llîCr〇ODGO〇SO|〇e<l
oko «oocœoeecooü^coco œ ccoojo ococcoocœçco J Jü
ccobco:c3So Becoococoscœœ -cocoosScoœ leoco ioco fc^u uc3
u3.ccîoos Cü〇dbc6ïC0eG SccBI iosscQscc cooifesosS
^ 〇 Q O ^ —1 O *-«1丄 I_J 〇 Ù O O
îbscooDCCü cocoosScoïc iolPe:a):d:bocncüccü icooccçcosoof
lCü|0〇E)| Çj2〇e£3SCp(^G〇F>j CCCOOOoPe Cüî9:3ûO O^GODCeG:
cgcG (e )
tooe 〇j :
d :300 SdbcGcuœcG js:o,ocoio icüiooS
cocûeGscPocaDGoQ ccc 2>c〇ftPe 2 cô
cü: sKooo ( cü) hjoccsxccojoocc axcoa
S o c œ 1 oocœ ccGaxneGOüccoo w i^o^ccg S o ) 3o o o eco» "o3
ii 3 cc〇çccoSI
* j 〇〇〇 U
l^ c o ^ ^ b c o 〇)Pe:cEolic3:cë|cG SecPcx)ôpcc p^sc Podb:o6]spcCjaec ouP

oBlccfâficGio. loR lSccoèoocIloa oocooîS cocc icoîocR o uaccûjfoaxüG ofîlio

^œobcœcœ^c^sa; iolb:oecocos3co o^ccaxcccococG

eeaxaDG〇RSccœcca>f)Pe bcceeco « go ico^ecïo Lo bé çjü iCü ogoii h3 o

J O 0 O û J ク 0 ) Z) J

•> \ O D O O ^ J>〇
SocœcoçpoPeŒJGoQ oeceeco ogo lajéecgD io t )〇 iCü ogoii «oo

ucScco^coaPeaDGoob scPocobo oécaco coeGSccs^soocPcoo

ajcocGeeoo îgëjc^^çsocoPo oocoosodcogc isgiejspsœ ccco^Peecco^Jcc
jc&ooo ujcEül^cé^éîocüPo ^oœosScoœ iscc^ssSsce scEo)3 0 0 B]* c3ccbe



Pemal D eductions .

9t . T h e fo llo w in g penal deductions m ay be m ade-from the p ay

and allow ances o f an ofiBcer, that is to say,—

D eduction s from ^ an p a y a n d allow ances due t o an officer for

unless a satisfactorÿ explanation has been

given to his com m anding .officer and has been approved
b y the President;

(6) all arrears o f p a y and allow ances fo r every day w h ile he is

in cu sto d y or under suspension from duty on a charge
fo r an offen ce fo r w h ic h he is afterwards convicted b y a
crim inal co u rt o r a court-m artial o r b y an officer exercising
au th ority under section 85 o r section 86;

•(c) any sum required to m ake good the p a y o f an y person subject

to this A c t w h ich he has u n law fu lly retained or u n law fu lly
▲ efused to p a y ;

<d) any sum required to m ake good such compensation fo r any

expenses, loss, dam age o r destruction occasioned b y the
com m ission o f an offence as m ay determined b y the
court-m artial b y w hom he is convicted o f such offence,
or b y an officer exercising authority under section 8^ or
section 8 6 ;

<e) all p a y and allow ances ordered b y a court-martial o r an

officer exercising auth ority under section 87 to be forfeited
o r stop p ed ;

(f) any sum required to p a y a fine awarded b y t a* crim inal court,

or a court-m artial exercising jurisdiction under section j i
or an officer exercising au th ority under section 8 6 ;

(g) a n y sum required to m ake good any loss, damage, destruc­

tion o f p ublic or regim ental property w hich, after due
investigation, appears to th e President to have been occa­
sioned b y the w ron gfu l a c t o r negligence on the part o f
the c Æ c c r;
J § :ge〇ur〇
: o〇è〇f):c3coa: i:o^cia)è:a>coPo i:o§:S:oe:^5ooo
toboco œ ^oîSœ rcisSSoo^cSH crcoœ cococooœ ccqoooçico
^ ccb joo îQ i®30Q6cEÔ|o?KlbD3[〇3 lo so ^ b cQ aa^ c^id b co f)
i >|cbœ lœ ci^SccsQocoK] :ofe|:œoco:〇G〇 cœ ^o^olpoœ oco (œ )
uoeoSccneGooébocceosoo ^ooaDG^3ccooe)p3 cü^co&dscc
ccc3 〇|o:ccc 〇DceGbcc go ^go ^ocoosgBco^ ico:fe:dbcooo S cco ^
, iioccaoceG bsohobo bec ch eno cocnaso3co& icü:fe:c3xooo 〇5) à (o )
ii:œ:ccG〇obo ps
•-<îœ ccce 〇D〇Pe|acG^b〇3〇ob oçcoosc3co^ liboocnîoos cü:3 co

«SAee Scco'çosœcæceG bcc 60 or»ô 000dosS co^: iajs&;c3acûoo (o )

j ^ 3ccoc0〇Dèb:〇9 œ :C l〇cPcoe>SocooSl:ce œcocc:oëjî〇ecolV)
ÿxo«:o3cbgc iso§:5>oe iscPocoocobo Sccb jo e )
«J J
J .^ l JUJ
J 〇\ •
/OO®0bcG gü OGO loooBjbcs Cü OGO ÿDCOOsScOCC icü:fesdbcooo
cccaobo cno9ccsd&D〇oeoB| sccgs3001à>CG io§ccéco:llPcüecoaoQ (co)
.u oaSccocGcoébioacItoo
j 〇〇〇 j
ù y ©0
cé^jgD gL)G3〇9〇je G ^ icœ3èœoso5jibsosÿ;PcooPco|œ pécooS
■ icbco oocnosScoa: tcœoicœ,ktK 〇' cuPcooPco^œ p^cooBîdbco (o^
11^ccjccECobopéccîco Sccjccsio SiP o u
• J O J 0 O ù

cücoccsccîgDCGcüb S œ b isp :o6JsccDpecoee)a2œdb œono:o3oo cc

15?cc béseo jPeec_Sàe6io cüJ ocg !olîx) be 5C0 3 bo :c S ooo^ofil
icos^co^dbec cccoo^oscccaocrGicnooSIbcG go ogo ioooB|ba; Cü
OGO aDCDOsScogC ICÜ:fe:d^O O 0DO>O^3c〇 CC ICü:fe:(fcc〇OOOi>(t
jÿ)C$e> SccsQ be:o 6|a>oa> co^rcè?〇îllPa>ecoooRj içcccsSco^dbec (e )
IIJCOSCCGCobo 05CCWX) cccstpccb
ccûoœiCCScceGcob c0ccojcücüPo ooe ISasccoo :i〇coo:1T〇5gü
J 〇0 0 0 p 0 \ J O O t O O . ,

0 «J
O 0 O
O ù
ccoeoo^ loBlc^cCîfilsos»
« 0 〇*-!〇 OJ
scscs^cotôoa icoobc〇ûuPefes)6o cccosçccüs
V 丄^ 、。。タ门 0 0 ^ J ft • 5 ir i / \ tt:cRwoejcoc〇5〇s>«oo
cncco^ico^ îoWcca'OüCülofiÇfi œccsccobcbes (cx>y 1 J „ ,r \
ュ J 、 ノ ç^ooscdco pjcfcbcbec
«0SccoÙ Oicn
〇D§ scPno^rKücaîo pS]oSl^cs3s ra?;cPacobo ÿ^?cato:p:cPo&àeGi! ni 3

u u sœ ees

(h) all p ay and allowances forfeited b y order o f the President
if th e officer is found b y a court o f in qu iry constituted
b y the C h ief o f Staff, o r b y a n y prescribed officer in this
behalf, to have deserted to the enem y, o r w h ile in the
hands o f the enemy, to have served w ith , o r under the
orders of, the enemy, or to have allow ed him self to be
taken prisoner b y the en em y through w a n t o f due precau­
tion o r proved disobedience o f orders, o r w ilfu l n eg lect o f
duty, or having been taken prisoner b y jthe enem y, to have
failed to rejoin his service w hen it w a s possible to do so ;

(i) any sum required b y order o f the President, o r a n y officer

deputed b y him in this behalf, to b e p^id f o f th e maur-
tenance o f an ofBco-'s w ife o r his legitim ate o r illegitim ate
children, o r towards the c o st o f a n y relief given b y the
U nion Governm ent to th e said w ife o r children.

9 3 , Subject to the provisions o f section 96 the fo llo w in g penal

Deduedoo» from A u c t i o n s m ay b e made from th e p a y and ^ lo w -
p ay and aOowaxicM o f ances o f a person s u b je a to this A c t o th er than
pertooa other than
an officer, d ia t is to say,—

(a) aD p a y and allowances fo r e v e r y d a y o f absence eith er on

d e so tio n or w ithout leave9 o r as a prisoner o f w a r , and
e v e r y d a y o f transportation o r im prisonm ent aw arded b y
a crim inal court» a court-m artial or an offider exercising
au th ority under section 82, o r o f field punishm ent awarded
Dy a courM nartial o r such o fficer ;

(6; all arrears o f p a y aüd allow an ces fo r e v e ry d a y w h ile he

is in custody on a charge fo r an offence o f wH ich he is
^ icüîfeàcooo œ Jo o S c o ^ icüsfesàcoo30i) à i〇jc iô S c c :Q
be : 〇§^〇〇 co3cci?c:TIPcü iooftoQ i£3cc:3co &œcoo6à c c (o )

IlilcjCŒCÛbO oécoco
• ^O J
〇ü2occ:œ:occGa>b S ccb e 〇)G®Q 5 § 9 ô? ° cccôodo Pc 100oQ
cosfescî^cooo 1000Qcüfedbœ^o œc〇6so3co|c iouG3cœo
jilo x o ccc3000Pe ioôgQ cü: 9006dbcc S cco ^ o sccco xcg bœ
fo ogo ia>ôGQcüsji:dbcoccD lOôoQœifesdbco toaodb 〇Q ?〇 ioxocg
:oc:œcG〇)b S œ 〇j2üœPo isobcccopB|oS|cG s3cosio-èc isobçcco
ÿcQôsoëJejeüajPo oje isobccco ccEE30i〇6|sQsœ& 0000 (ou)

..................................................■卜 — ぶ 舞
ÿjîcPooojoaXeCGO 5>§5§ ^ 〇>g oçoscPoçobo «MclhicooSm ébeo
oècoco ^s9œ fcscQcc cœ obcicbco a?cso3cueE|i>
: & àcc içcoooRx>|œo béscPocaPe:ic5R| jo ^el 〇〇?)» n<i3

110003ccoceto So b:oo b csigcc ips?s^co&cfecG cocsscœ

oecco ibcüBocœocü coocc Occosooè" し
\ 0 •> J
|6O¥ccgS Ooub|B cocooscScofe
〇 J O
i^coocc ccoôoo^ iccœœœ^Pco^cü ^eeco e ô œ cco ^S œ cœ ^

:oscübsa>eG〇o?oocooa3Rj ioooQ ojscoqco ioooS|guscco〇[〇cecG

coJooscBœgD loucoœœbo ^sco^oucccocoo:dbco œoooscScoa:
\ sœo〇D〇osdbcoçs^co6dbcG œcoosoccoo^ ioo^o:ccno ^sdco&àec (Po)

H^sceccobo o§coco
• JO <3
ipfedbecœ Sobdosocc bc&lecc ç>ocecc ccoooc^ lofccœco
coecosfee :besœô〇ose<5CD cccs:o3oS ccsSsSccl^cfceG c œ o tc c o

coococc ioçoœâœÇü œcoosç3cocc io IPcjqs3,13300cüccü co2 cc

œcüœfo ^bccoiQ oco^eeG〇3œo^ccc|pifi| ojàrGGsboccBsoœeoo
lajcéssQscccoSl scccsSPcoec œcôos9co1ôc icoc?ccsccco5j
jcccs SPcccg cocoosScocc iséo*cc isobcccsccHseœ ccccPococo
ù 〇 j 〇 〇 • 〇〇 j .—«1 j j 〇
ibcc^ocosô sàcocooéocco isobcccs cctolooioeo^oeG c c c ^
〇ù 0 0 0. 0 0 ^ J -一》 I j ©〇〇 0
coPeeccaœccsc&cœ isobcccë bcto|osc0&e Seoocoïul cccô
*occ& cocoosSœ ïc icoc^cccoe gpscPo^oec ^ccéb cocoosScogc
i 3 cco >6socd〇6g. &eGp§ccib- Soie^d^Pcuœ soJcaco ^ccéb
OOCOOSOCCO& icoaîccsBjsaL'œ ccoo ccéb ooco% icdccsSccfeckeG
afterw ard s convicted b y a crim inal court or a court-martial>
o r b y an officer exercising auth ority under sertion 8 2 ;

(c) all p a y and allow ances fo r every day on w h ich he is in

hospital on accou n t o f sickness certified b y the medical
officer attending on him to have been caused b y an offence
under th is A c t com m itted b y h im ;
s, ‘
(d) fo r e v e ry d a y on w hich he is in hospital on, account o f
sickness certified b y the m edical 0 历 cer attending on him
to have b een caused b y his o w n m isconduct o r imprudence,
such sum as m a y be specified b y order o f the C hief o f
Staff o r such ofiScer as m ay he specified b y the C hief o f
Staff ;

(e) all p a y and allow ances ordered b y a court-martial o r b y an

officer ex ercisin g authority under any o f the section 82#
85, 86 and 87, tô be forfeited or stopped.;

(f) all p a y and allow ances fo r e very d a y betw een his being
recovfered fro m the enem y and his dismissal from the service
in consequen ce o f his conduct w h en being taken prisoner
by* o r ^rhile in the hands o f th e en em y ;

(g) any sum required to m ake good s u d i com pensàtion for any
expenses o r loss caused b y him to the Governm ent of the
U nion o r o f a Staff, or fo r a n y dam age o r destruction
caused b y him to a n y building o r property, as m ay be
aw arded b y his comm anding o fficer;

(h) an y sum reqtuired to p a y a fine awarded b y a crim inal court,
a court-m artial exercising jurisdiction under section 71, o r
an officer exercising auth ority under section 82 o r section 91 ;(i)

(i) an y sum requ ired b y order o f the O iie f o f Staff o r any

prescribed oflScer to be paid fo r the m aintenance o f such

CogsGOJcê マ § « O J 33S|| 33 つO D )D ^|(S g 〇Dつ 33Cp备 00き SCD 巨名甓




( 〇) 33Cp§Ü C^C0Cg 〇〇g : 〇

S 〇J つ吁O ^ C O gSl 〇| 3 3 c S g ü G 3 3 3 C ) b < D G :
D つ巨のO

C D ^ .^ O O^OJCOJjlS: ^ 拳Q C : G 固つ € 隊如下〇3 ^ ( ^ 1 0^C^33*DS G30SCD

GO SG CÛ O G 3 0 S 0 0 ^ 3 3 C p g C 〇 C 〇œ G C 0 3 C ^ | ê l OOCû G 30 S^ C 〇r 〇G ^ G | C O g

€|r〇333D SC 0 S33C D rD œ© 〇S C O^CD330SCOS II

(eo) • oxpgüujcScg 〇>き。

•凾 üjps子:)ücoみ ( & 〇 る 〇3〇)j(^ojrS(^:«登 1邊〇〇会

üü^ cS 3 0 C 因C 邑C : n x d ü G 匕っÇ [^ G 〇
T :
D:5œ i 〇8 c 〇3 3 つ: G 3 〇:n ^

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O j£ | 〇8 cD G 3 〇s à 〇) ; G そC J C Û g

C |a > 3 3 3 û :
CO :
3 3 C 〇r 〇œ 〇r>>JÛSGjS ^ S O S O J P C û C O g S 〇a> C D r 〇〇C O (X )G Ç \l

e:© :3Jp n 〇 〇〇s(gつSGoTjyOD冷 35叫 nosyücàGCX)つ G 3 S !3 3 q c5 :目。:

G 'iT|Ç p 奶 丨 丨 1
(c ) ©ooxps^sno! cScogsüœ œ 〇3〇 〇j i o y 〇G c〇33^ro os«
CD^30Gjt SQっCTOっÜ S ê c o g o ^ g c o さSCO cSSscçgo^ c^cog*
ÜU^cS €|。の9の€)拳 33S !S ^ cSgc〇:
> CO©つSさの号 C&33つ:O^SII
( 〇) a sc p g u o ^ ^ œ^!c§ «)f od. co^ (§|〇〇^ § 〇3^ G ^ ro ^ çSf cor»
Q3coje:〇)つ:s»回5 〇^:aSsœ つ:©き丨 cocogsüœco
COOD〇5CS^G^©gl CjCICl 0 3 ^ 3 3 « c jg ^ ©OÜOOÜsjgCSÜ CjC:
33S aof î Q ^ ^ lg c s s c jx g G^cjr〇3 3 ^ o :2 cjœssooscSsœcoco
C30) ^CC33©SC)l COCOgSÜ(J^CO^gû^UÛ33©S€|330S 〇QcS 〇<T>

ÜJO: œ |n 〇JG330C^©G©l 3OSgSG33OC^0G©l (ÿtDDüODg33CO^<

40 0gû^U X O 3 3 G 3 0 つG 0 0 3 3 ^ œ 明奇 C ^ O T gSsüü^ cê O g g : C D 祈 ^

üjn〇^S^0$〇G33Oc|y©G01 OJCD^)|;G330c[^©G©l ^œ üCO g3302CD

(e ) cpc?ccê œcps命 coi c^co吾 ©o j c S 9 。 3X |丨
êcjè裝 d 33つcwつ
ODSO^CGXO- ©oœcpî^soai CgCOpSsüüDCO OSÜ OJ 33C| (g〇G©t
CJ3Ü go Q3G|[^©G のI 3 3 ポ 3 3 つcio つ c ô s 轉 ê o o g 3 3 C p 备 0 0 きSCO SJ 兮C&



ç 号c e 3 pミscjco g u sg c û つ r g ^ G o o つc S c ^ o o ^ ^ a^ocyû^cSaacgCTS
personas w ife o r his legitim ate or illegitim ate child o r, to ­
wards the cost o f a n y re lie f given b y the U nion G overnm ent
to the said w ife or child.
9 4 . For the purposes o f clauses (a) and (b) o f section 93,—
(a) no person shall be treated as absent o r in
Com p utation tim e cu stod y fo r a d ay unless the absence o r
o f absence or custody. custod y has lasted, w h eth er w h o lly in one
day, or p artly in one d ay and p artly in another, fo r six
consecutive hours or u p w a rd s;

(b) any absence o r cu stod y fo r less than a d a y m ay b e reckoned

as absence o r cu stod y fo r a d a y i f such absence o r cu stod y
prevented th e absentee from fulfilling a n y -m ilitary d u ty
w hich was th ereby throw n upon some other person ;

(c) absence or custod y fo r tw elve consecutive hours o r upw ards

m ay be reckoned as absence o r custody fo r the w h o le o f
each d a y during a n y portion o f w h ich the person w as
absent o r in c u s to d y ;

(d) a period o f absence, o r imprisemmeht, w h ich com m ences

before, and ends after, m idnight m ay be reckoned as a

¢ 5 . In the case o f a person subject to this A c t w h o is in custod y

o r under suspension from d u ty on a ch arge fo r
Pay d u r ^ g ^ r i* 11068
an offence, the prescribed officer m ay direct th at
a n y part not m ore than two-thirds o f th e p a y
an d 1 allowances o f such person shall be w ithheld, pending th e result
o f his trial on the charge against him.

96 . The total deductions from the p a y and allow ances o f a person

m ade under clauses (e), (j) to (i) o f section 93
L* ^ u c ti 〇
slia11 not, ? x cePt w h ere he is sentenced to dism is­
sal, exceed in a n y one m onth one h a lf o f h is
p a y and allowances fo r that month.

TOOTO c S g CI: c^ o d さ:巧 cS cdcS ^ c500 っSGCO っ 33Cp 名

00g :
g : ^i 3 3 § |3 X | GÜ:
C |ü g § 〇S 3 5 ü C Û ^ G C I I

gcjii bü3Q gpi 〇^ 3 ( to) ( 〇) o8cB fDTOjosaacScl-----

1 ÛC 及0 朽 . <f © O D C 0G Q C 0Q 30îE é 〇DQ〇S 3 X D C :


S ® % rooco


S3 O:
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e[g o œ ^ o cp C D
a*c 'c

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〇CjC 8i
côr ^ *

c§ o n S ^ o c|œ c〇ügG Cû〇^ csi

c c

« | 〇3 〇^ çot « ^ co c 8^ | o x jc S r o o D c o o fo o jn S o ^ œ c o D D i 3X 0^5:

o o ^ a x ju

(ô ) COさ:OGCDOcSg CÛっCgCOg^l 00 €|み 3300 Sgcoj*^ ^é^ojcScgnSo^gi

O^^St'CDOO Q30J|0 §CC^C)0 D(yê ©OODOD CDO〇| 〇c6〇X p :
§:cgoœ cî»o5üGaooégcS|5cpi o8œ oo^ocSoxp:r8 sagoscoco^:
Œ> G SO つC g 〇S c |C ^ )é l G 39$ül s é ^ C ^ n D n S jg 5 s 〇5|y© G© l 3 3 0 j[5 ç ç

c^ c|§ & r8 ^ 5 G © ï co c jt o t cw jco cjjtS ^ c îi oocogsoc^ co 2〇s j [〇

ç l G ^ C jgC S O D G C p cS |£ 〇D gSll
(o) oosoœœg* ow〇üS^©^o^|g©G〇i oasocS ^ o^ o^ ooco o ^ ^ & soi

^ « ü jc o r p c S jg c : ! ^ œ g S s « a jc o 33〇j | 〇^ ç c ^ c j ^ c s â c d o c o c o g 3 co

œ j c c p c o o o ^ C | 〇X D c : c 8 o x j r t x o s o ^ o g œ o£«üjc5conS§c:i ooœ gD :

üü ^c o r ô © j[ 5 ^ £ c ^ c | ( g & c ^ c c jO D o S ^ c c o g ii

( cd) g o j o o o ^ i g o j Ÿ 〇^ G œ jo c o |§ s c o g G ^ o œ

ogc S5^ : cooSgodo çé«cjj〇x)x5 |g é : cr>oc〇G58é:33|go:c^i coco^o:

«0X 30 c o o o é o c r ) 〇j o x|n 〇Q〇[ g 5 c ç j 〇2c o | c a o g i i

gD " n^ 33cSg 〇G 3 c § c 8 c S ^ 0C|0 jj 〇D § s 〇3 ^ i g o o o ^ œ j|[î^ a j^ 〇3 ç5©

4 ぃ G^ ) ^ > :e c〒 送 33 01丨0 气 ç 鶴 祀 :自 ”
GSOSOC)C q 5 : » ^ :|^ œ c o ^ G fa o o ^ c t o^ coâ coo っ子5

■ C^COQJ つ: 3 3 そ〇5 O D ÎO ^ O ü O O C D Q ü G C D O G C rS U G U SG CD tCO 80C:

000: ^ I O xSy 〇5
000î g c o : ) a x p ç p g 拳( 3 0 1 そS c o p S i i

gSll IIÜQÜ gp ^ 3383 (c) (ao) W(©j) Q3〇

8 3385üJOS3Xjl œgx

‘《, が ^ 食 i
鱗 容 土 尚
『 SdoLoooisi ügD〇o^coojjCüa8i c〇co〇3〇>nS cooosd
o ^ o o g jo s e i

97 , A n y sum authorized b y this A c t to be deducted from the pay

and allow ances o f a n y person m ay, w ithout
D e d u c t io n fr o m prejudice to any oth er mode o f recovering the
ï pers〇n!°ney d le t〇 sam e, be deducted from a n y p ublic m o n ey due
to him other than a pension.

9 8 . W here the co n d u ct o f a n y person s u b j e c t to this Act^ when

being taken prisoner b y , o r w h ile in the hands
P a y a n d a llo w a n c e s
o f p r is o n e r o f, the enem y, is to b e inquired in to imder this
of w ar
d u rin g in q u ir y in to
A c t o r a n y oth er law , the C hief o f Staff o r any
his c o n d u c t .
oflScer authorized b y him m ay order th a t any
p a rt n o t.m o re than two-thirds o f the p a y and
allow ances o f such person shall be w ithheld pending the result o f such
in q u iry:

99. A n y deduction from p a y and allow ances authorized b y this

A c t m a y b e rem itted in such m aim er and to
R e m is s io n of such extent^ and b y such authority, as m ay from
tim e to tim e be prescribed.

1 0 0 . In the case o f all persons subject to this A ct, being prisoners

o f w a r, w h o se p a y and allow ances h ave beca
' Provision fo r
dependants of forfeited under clause (h) o f section 92 o r clause
prisoner o f war from (a) o f sertion 93, b u t in respect o f w h o m a remis>
rem itted deductions.7
sion has been m ade under section 99, provision
m a y b e m ade b y the prescadbed authorities out
o f such p a y and a llo w an ces fo r a n y depen<knts o f such person, and
any suc±i remission shall, in th at case b e deem ed to a p p ly o n ly tq the
balance thereafter rem aining o f such p a y and allowances.

101. Provision m a y be m ade b y the prescribed authorities fo r any

Provision for degendants o f a n y person subject to this A c t
dependants o f prison- w h o is a prisoner o f w a r o r is missing, at not
w LdYllowM cesî118 less h a lf ° « o f his p a y and aUowances.

gQII licoœgspscicooo^ç <D^〇SüJO:0〇yi n^3〇œgüG333C| ^COüJQclÇjjGOÎJO

GCCOI (& ç[y |(X )g C )a )G O T O G SÔ | c 〇D g 3 3 § 0 :^ gS :0 030
œ^ï 〇〇ccx>o<T>Ga)〇 〇
3 ^ ü〇
8ScÂs©COI SsjcoSOOSCO©000 «COülsi OOCO€]Oça>
ÛCOCCOpp 330ÎOGCÜ &〇〇 L c è V c oc é* 1 "
c o g è - il L ' ÛJ L C D g 33©SG|GÇ œ Q Q O O Q ^ C 〇œ § C C û g ll

go II l l ^ 33 COgOG3 CO COOD^O€]ODCOgSCOgSl €||c〇d5〇DOS30s[gC:

r8 OC<D^\
• c œ o D ^ îo c o c D c〇f7 i)œ c s r〇jG cpœ G ^C )g i SS^

5 #〇^:
S 3[ÿL3 3 Ü O ? l n ^ 3 3 C D g O G 3 3 X |^ O G © l 3 5 § 0 : C 0 C p îg ü G 3
が l c〇®〇?5 〇^ J 〇: « œ o ^ g é c o i ©0 5 soogsosc|ü ^ s Ii cooœ œ G ^ gsgs
3j[ 5 no<sco5 q c si t o o o jo S g cj: き:©ss>j|5æ 33〇anocosfeo
GCO つ 33Cp$ œ を き : n 〇GC〇S c jé :l G 3 3 ^J1 ^ 〇6 :© 5 © 3 0 :择 : 回 〇5 3 l C ^ D j^

CO© つ夸专 ©尋c S t jp : ^ i ザ 气 今 ^ 0 0 0 S o 夺 GCOOG5〇^ ÜGÜIGCO:cà 孕 :0 0 つî C)肀 33S卷

coc c 參

g g ll II^ Q 3 C 0 g Ü G 3 c S 〇c |ÿ LQ jaS 33€)l C O O O ^C O ^cS vj010 0 9 §CDC〇[gC I COO^cSr

3 ^ k » っ:G〇cy5ç:>i cocS^cSœ っ: ûd逢 î» っcmgcTOi cocS

* 〇SœGc«j〇scc〇|〇g^iii ücooo^jcog çgo:co« :33coc:i 〇3œycoœ〇sc〇G g 〇 GCX5J3
| ë œ è .i

〇〇〇n IIÜ3 Ü r? Jl 3^ 5 5 ( c ) 33 Cj^©G©l ÜQÜ 0 p! 3303 (c〇) 3 K)(ÿ〇G©l

CO®つÔCOC|CO«J つS cS 5s 〇)g C s 5 c |C O ^ ^ © C jl ü S u .g g Q>C|

û _ 兮œ œ つîg c c o 0 3 つc K o ü è tjp s c o 由 i a jc o © :
)令ç o c p D ü j:»

.0091 〇Ç c〇«JO :Q3G〇T OQG^OJOjbS33〇5cSl OO^GCOJOGOOO

GOOOODOG(〇gSGC〇§ GüS^CG©€]Og§ Il 〇8 [c jc < ^C O G œ 〇(WG[cgSGCGÔsCO|CI

ccc)j〇[ g c :c o g i . GW 〇c 5 ü e |fg sc ç ^ c o § s coj^ g ^ gcoo coopi c^o§«j つ: 夸ç c c o -

o o rS so c c o a x ^ ooocow gSn

00011 II〇5#ü ^ :œ gS^© GCÛOI cSœ pW CD O O GÜJOTDG^GCDOI ^ 3 3 0 0 g O G 3 O )

o^^üçia^oj 5^=2 œ g î g :33GüT «3GfC|»fcpî33œrSi a ) 00

« p :
3 3 œ 〇5 〇S ^ o ^ tà _ ⑦つ : G C O つ Q 3 0 C B D 0 ^ ^ j:
):C 0 l C ^ C ^ .O 拳: <5 C O O つ子4

co© っ g e ^ 〇S « p : a ^ © C jç o o ja o à ü œon§G33:>ré ügcoび coogcc8i gooっ

©CJOD©COO〇5g £ :l| . GÈ ÎG û ^ S ® G ü î I c G O C p g S II

102. For th e purposes o f sections 100 and i o i f a person shall be

deemed to continue to be a prisoner o f w a r until
Period during which the conclusion o f an y inquiry into his conduct
be r ^ n e ? ^ f ^ to such as is referred to in section 98, and i f he is
cashiered or dismissed from the service, in con­
sequence o f such conduct, until the date o f such cashiering or dismissal.


A r r e st and Proceedings Before T rial .

103. (1) A n y person subject to this A ct w h o is charged w ith an

offence m ay be taken into m ilitary custody.
Custody of offenders. (2) A n y such person m ay be ordered into
m ilitary custody b y any superior offtcer.

(3) An ofiBcer m ay order into m ilitary custody any officer, though

h e m ay be o f a higher rank, engaged in a quarrel, affray or disorder.

104. (1) E very commanding officer shall take that a person

under his com m and w hen charged w ith an
^ Duty of command­ offence is n o t detained in custod y fo r m ore than
ing offictr In regard
to detentions. forty-eight hours after the com m ittal o f such
person into cu stod y is reported to him, w ith o u t
th e charge being investigated, unless investigation w ithin th at period
seem s to him to b e impracticable having regard to the public service.

(2) The case o f every person detained in custody beyond a period

o f forty-eight hours, and the reason thereof, shall be reported b y the
commanding officer to the oflScer to w ho m application w ould be made
t o convene a district court-martial fo r the trial o f the person charged.

(3) In reckoning the period o f forty-eight hours, specified in sub­

section (1), Sundays and other p u b lic holidays shall be excluded.

(4) Subject to the provisions o f this A ct, the President m a y make

rules providing fo r the maimer in w h ich and the period fo r w hich
iÇ ^ lto g o jfô è c o o o Q ccc^ ^ lo jlllb ü &〇〇 icœ s^ ocxfcbciÿio I ogso S o x c ^
icc〇î!)〇Pcü|œ« |^icPe〇)fe^ c5Q jo co o S ÿ ^ cc p loicccoocc j c 〇3 〇o | (f>)
uo3ob:ccî〇ocoiPô œicP(fW übcodA:c§^3 ip b jg c s o ^ jc P o ^ sIsu ic o
iScboDOobo œ bcio!^çpœ :coo c œ o ^ ü 〇Q j 〇3 :cQ :gc 000 ( c ) | e ç o (è^

n jS o b o o l^ E <j〇^dbœ Sftbesoëjîcoo
jd c I^oq ^b:oo:o 3 oÇ èoo^:dbcooo:pco igjooœ jboobow esoo ^ccccbesoëj^oo
lîjb co o jreQ so cQ g cp |s:o 0 b:cooolPe 50005 scoo ccoo I:
〇W〇3 〇)
çsogDOcbetoQîtooolPe sQ icocfcos œ œ bcéoSÿ>œ :coo toBccsSoco (P)
nc9 〇b〇Jjfeü
ibjcooab^oIPecc g ^ œ ipoouoobciofeonqejcoo iccîosôooo s«obf> gLajPeooo
bo iî^ocoo^cG〇
3 ccœ a V )〇 cno^oEjo *?§ ^
sossoo :〇〇〇 to c o c c ^ é o 600ceîcoô lôcyesoQ bîC CD . » nt «

U tr 專 r—æ
^ ^ c o c o b e s o ^ M co3 œico:llPcü ecoooRI ic3 cc:oco:Soco (c)ii nf)〇c

n3 cc 〇5 :
〇3^ 〇〇3 ibscooô^olfeeccüccoo loccooecpH
j 00 〇〇 ^ 〇 〇 〇 〇

cqdSI ^gojooof) jQ :c ç c p œ œ g j :^:^coSdbœ cccooo^o ocoooKI sccü: cc

téfea cocoascdcoœ ioaifeôcéeKX>ococc iS o Q ib c o i iSccsScbodbcc fé )

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o^Jù 0 0 0 0 0 、 ノ

«ç3 ccj|:c!>e|oeG cüsd:3 co6 àcG œ oocc

ibscœ lRx) %cfi|
^ ccp ^ scœ b lo lfe c c 'o x c o o i^rStdou ccbc^ ^
û ÙO O Ù O J 0 6 0
g u œ ^ ^ o S c u c G ^ ic œ o b a îj^ o o lo j S c c ic o s lI f c ü ecof.oQ ( c ) ii wèoc

lüoBcüBocœôScüsoert «WotoElobatœooa ô 4 soBsœ:«cc

〇<-j〇 〇 〇 〇 〇«J j u j 〇 9 0 〇«J 〇 d

sœ eec

ù ù ù ù
:3co:éo cc iccfœccœ looecéfeee ??œoocooo:^cofileG cocn(?i:cccocc icdccoo
〇 O • O 0 0 JO J 0 0 J VJ O J 0 O J

0000 :éû〇0ec ^PeooKccœ io skîQ o!toaoa>œ sécoHec ^

1030010r^ o a ^ œ :500B tc Sfecoo sceeccoa osoSsoœ , „ .„
^ V J rn 0v J TO J >J S □ も M r ? -J n soçœcoccoSobcncoft co
巧 。 ?c § 加 e s j ^ し 。geeGl?g か k o ^ a ^ c c h p 矣 遇 : 3 œ “ 。• ビ :cœ

ajcoçüœ :3 c〇!4o *oc iœcGç3cctçe:§:o§:œ3 〇®so<j® 5c〇

〇 j
ipccào !
^ 〇 〇〇 j
:〇C〇eGcdcc:cœs?Sc3b oco 〇3 or>o
〇〇〇 0^
:ceGccccce>a)cc〇2>cos3co i^ogoecscPoScopco coc 〇5 00c ecoii nf o c


a n y person subject to th is A c t m a y be taken into and detained in

m ilitary custody, pending the trial b y a n y com petent authority fo r
a n y offence com m itted b y him .

105. In every case w here a n y such person as is mentioned in

section 103 and as is not on active service remains
Interval betw een in such custod y fo r a longer period than eight
m w r S r 31 and c〇 urt* days, w ith o u t a court-m artial fo r his trial being
ordered to assemble, a special report giving
reasons fo r the d elay shall be m ade b y his com m anding officer in
the m anner prescribed, and a sim ilar report s h a ll,b e forw arded at
intervals o f e>断 y eight days until a court-m artial is assembled or such
person is released from custody.

. 1 0 6 . W hen ever any person subject to this A ct, w h o is accused o f

any offence under this A ct, is w ith in the jurisdic-
Arrest by civil ti 〇n o f a n y m agistrate o r p olice officer, such
authorities. • J _ , „ ., . _
m agistrate o r p olice officer shall aid in tne
apprehension and d elivery to m ilitary custody o f such person upon
receipt o f a w ritten ap p licatio ir to th at effect signed b y his command*
in g officer.

107. (1) W hen ever any person subject to-this A ct deserts, the com ­
m anding officer o f the corps, department, unit.
Capture 〇
f deserters- sh ip dr detachm ent ter w hich he belongs, sfiàll
give^ w ritten inform ation o f th e desertion to such civ il authorities as,
in his opinion, m ay be able to afford assistance tow ards the capture o f
the deserter; and such authorities shall thereupon take steps fo r the
apprehension o f th e said deserter in lik e m anner as if he wfere a person
fo r w hose apprehension a w arra n t had been issued b y a magistrate,
a ad shall deliver the deserter, w h e n apprehended, into m ilitary custody.

(2) A n y police officer m ay arrest w ith o u t w arrant any person

reasonably believed to be subject to this A ct and to à oe^erter 01
to be travelling w ithou t au th ority, and shall bring him w itliout delay
b efo re the nearest m agistrate, to be dealt w ith accordihg to law .
« o B fîb c o ? I C C & C ^ O c E Z îlîtü l ÎC C O C T O O ^
_ D JL- o O v o _ 〇. I o j -

: [ j ! a - d b c o c o 〇〇d b îù e ^ e c é b ^ sfss e c S ecb ^ co o S scb co io R c 3 c c o 4 :o e :« c c

s ~» 〇 • e û o w o j 〇o o
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) 〇 〇 OO O \ O 0O O J .—_1 _ o o — « o
u Æ c c o R ls ^ c o c c io s c c c s b e 〇C |〇〇 caoccG oèec oD coosodcocc is S c o s B J s o a

l ! ;3 G j j c 〇 C〇3 ç c a S | ;3 c 〇 ccbc^ coco gD R S> 〇3 〇 > C E | S (P )

iic S o b o œ o j c b s c o c 'o fe o lfe e c c u c c o o œ œ co ite c c c c c e r o b -

o 0 0 o o o o o o o t o
: 02200 c lo filS o b a D îb s e G œ cüœ cc© £ ls 3 c o ccsco ocoo oso b o ib s c e s e .c c œ :E ô !c c
® J 山 〇、 0 © O O O © ^) 0 」
:d x o c o o o c fc o i œ e G ib s c e s a c c s c c c s R ja o o in o e e c i j e e c S c c b c o s c Ê ü js o c ^ o e G -

a> i^ c c s c P o o o c o D c e G in d s e c 11 c S o b s c C j s c c S J a e G sb e c o s o c E t^ a sQ o o x b

i_j〇: c l W 〇} ) C G D c e G g L c c p 去 i S c c œ c n œ S f w h o g )

S e G â j e G lè f e 2 ^ ^ i 2 : か : 步 ミ < ï^ a iô ô s K o c o p 〇C 0 $ œ そ

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1130 b p c o ocoscPosbseGûo lê^CGCCCs^b

^ jc o s c a cobssodc〇9 cccstgosbo œ ^cosSoco ipccgD oucoccibooec
œ àw jco tcolPsœgjccGo gésbosgesocc scccccgo i.oScc&dbecb oocno:ÿ :

鬌 à 3 ^ 3 ”0 o (1 cosclAoocaDcœ cucccr)?
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° 〇 〇 0 0 0 0 Où ù 00 • û \ • o o u
rcobnsos sccocg seco:94Scc:cœ c 〇fiœcc ofcecoajPeeobGCGsooeG S c c ^io
JO 〇〇 0 0 0 JO O 0 •O O JO し
v ^ 一 J ,
Sccb cE.一
llE o Il icxj: 0000
o • T " o 0 - 00
ocg SœWseoîTecG 000üba& çcsccssooo^eœ
J" •、 00 00 s s b ic c o p îèiasœcp®
}0 CLtOCG^bçb^
fèicoîèidfe^^^ 5„ *r^ 〇
»f\m *r
knt tœOQQ me* ^ t
tCCQ ^ 、• r* in °
o&s〇 y : c œ 0眘 dPeec
?3 s3 cqS: ccceÇjiioo :5 <xcck^3 sec)〇ooa> œBjsico ' 〇Bl
S c c c S ] œ feifje sb6:coooiPe sc^e?Sœ :cœ Bjj^oe>cco c^cc 11Coc

HoBccoÿfléCrOT^nSîSi èbsècSH cü
J J cyj J O ù J o
scBefiscoeccccou cS œ ohzccon^t ô^saœscSé sficusSo à o œ so0:cœ olPe oco
」 《30 ^O O O J O O O J 〇〇 0 」 J 0
0 j j
j j e o locoRlsfilo
o j こJ oJ joSlobosœ^cpo
j “j j e ^ co:3s3co
00 00
oocodccg bceec

108. ( i) W hen any person subject to this A ct has been absent

from his duty w ith o u t due auth ority fo r a period
absence twenty-one days, a c o m o î inquiry shall, as
w • soonaas practicable, b e assembled, and such court
shalL on oath or affirmation administered in the prescribed manner ;
inquire respçjcting the absence o f the person, and the deficiency, i f
any, in th e property o f the Governm ent entrusted to his care, o r in
a n y arm s, am m unition, equipment, instrum ents, clothing o r necessaries ;
and i f satisfied o f such absence w ithout due auth ority o r other sufficient
cause, the court shall declare such absence and the period 肌d
the said deficiency, i f any, and the com m anding officer o f the corps^
unit, o r ship to w hich the person belongs shall enter in the coutt-
m artial b o o k of. the corps, unit, or ship a record 〇 £ th e dedaratioo.

(2) If the person declared absent does not afterw ards surrender o r
is n o t apprehended, he shall for the purposes o f this A c t, be deemed to
be a deserter.

1 0 9 . ( i) Provost-marshals m ay he appointed b y the C h ief o f Staff,

o r b y a n y prescribed officer.
Provost-marshals. (2) The duties o f a provost-marshal are to take
charge o f persons confined for any offence, to preserve good order and
discipline, and to prevent breaches o f th e same b y persons serving in#
o r attached t o , tile Defence & rviçcs.

(3) ^ provost-marshal m ay at any tim e a n c s t and detain f o r trial

any person subject to this A ct w ho com m its, o r is charged w ith f an
offence, and m ay also c a n y into effect a n y p y^ sh m en t to be inflicted
in pursûancè o f the sentence awarded b y -a court-martial, o r b v an
officer exercising authority under section 82 but shall n p t inflict a n y
punishm ent on his ow n authority:

Provided that no offico* shall be so arrested o r d et^ n ed -b y a provost*

m arshal w h o is not an officer otherwise A a n on th é o riffr o f another

00011 I(o ) ds^cSgüGGirS そ:)cjœ œ きsき:coさic|gco^GC〇つa s g a a o c m

oq&coi §©〇x>5cc>c|〇5tj|l üü«â c〇0〇|cc 〇〇x p : 6 3 D0 C
が ブ 1 : バ 今 み “ ネ ゼ 33311 — 士 ®••, 包 —
' ©0DSG©CpDDII od{yc o x d
üœœ つsc〇0^ & co^ sg3c8<Esi
令: o8s^sco cor〇G〇D9j〇5r8 roj&CDgoscoつqc:i 0x 8
cooogodoc^csi jgGojysG^oœi oôcoiâ oc<è q|〇5œoî)«^c 00000502
œ つSGCOつ 3 ^ :€ j$ é O J^5süJ:
>:l c8c〇:
& 〇aC>cS COT§手C〇y jつ: I 3 ,
J 09SÜ:G (T>pcS«J0*l

üg 会 c8^œ つ co拳soooœoyj つ:I 33〇c§39©つ:I c^œ由 üu^oS c^»5eco つ ü g g :tjj〇«

GCOJO^ G s[g 5 s œ O Q ^C OüCOJgS^ <D€»y:©(DGSOSC)OgH COG^OcS 339801 Ô&5

OJcSngn5[gÔS3^!C|$CO 专 GCÛつG3SK:
33 つCDOt^cèl 〇
5 33 § つ:c^gcoooS
GCÛつ S 3 G ^g つésü$CDI 〇jn 5 c ç rS 因é :§ £ c 〇gSu^ G œ jfS ü lcO I C ^^S C O 否 33 s8 ü 1

Q5üüjœnon5[g£ssà çô$ojn5ogr6§cs<â raxos»^cs33§つsotJ^ci oogSs GCCjj^

g 令因es 辱cojéi 333 〇ü]〇ç 0 SsGcoj〇G^[gcsc8 ül GcojgocjügSii 參子つn§ oÇcgciloé
godつ 〇>5〇^ o t5 i D ^cogS:0 0 jcS co s o é つ CDOnàco達 3 x p ^ n o i o ^ œ 5 〇3ミ1 œ 5 i

C^OD多 SÜC平 S OOGO^O^i ©5 0 0 CDS命 9 0 § 0 0 & © つ3 ^ 5 乎 令 ① 把 つ SJCDO^ GC]:agCl

s °邑丨丨
( j) GœjgogcsscioDaD^i œcî^GO^-gojgîDDgsforS
c〇0 ^ 〇jfe ils 〇3 § ê ; üdCO jCI c o c o g s y œ c o G0C0330S C〇yS^ü€)COjCI ^ 3 3 C 0 g ü G 3 ^

c8g«jつs3308cli の5g[^îcogcjoつn S |g © c o ^ o ^ «œcçcjügii

3 © p i( il ( 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 子: s^ ü q j っ: r ^ i r o っdoo Sgcjs 各: & s y |ü œ e c o 5 q & i cooS ^cS

r or c 00 つSGCOつ 3 X p S c 〇g ¥ > 3 0 D « » X p i S^SÎO ^CCO 至 '

^ ü o o ô ©3302cS O Tsy[5§é œ つ: o ^ jp :o ^ g ©つç œ 爷 : c j^ c jê ïi o ^ : c 〇ü :

^ 5 c ç © 〇y ^ j

cj〇c8 C〇| :
CÔQSC)|cjCSI CDOOCœScoS ü I〇é 〇3 y 〇O ü S Ç |cS s^^G œ 〇l c8 〇D 0^«O > 〇S

o^oooSœつ:gcoつ c^jpsro 33soo1©gsro«ssc ©平(Bodcoj货 G〇ln 〇(^nS[gc:c^

pc c c 广c c
OTつ:[y©C|+CjC:l (gocogôu
00000^ s © j|ü œ g :c o g i ly o ü c o s œ coj|i : cu ^ gcoqi c3oog§s«cj〇co Q w

coosc © ô© [gcsoc|G C û〇i ^ 3 x n g 〇G 3 œ c o c o ^o c ]〇p œ ^ î^ s ro O gD C O gO J^kw S

C〇5 :s 8 s (^ :G 平つcSl ©Sg SOsS c^ I 3302cS 3J15 0 0 つ: 今C C 0 g 3 3 |Ç p © é co cp :令: CDG0i)5

q S s i彳 ん D J 35C| S» 装 3 3 0 0 0 つ C ^ S ^ S c û g ) o x p ç jc o き: r 〇G DD5cjé:l SjJ^oSoûg^

jy © 3 a D & |c |g c s § c 3 5 g § œ jô c |y g g (y© 3C 8xo〇Q 33œJ[scx>CDecpo5G33〇c c g o o c ^ n S

寻 éooaSll C^GCûScog: ODO〇8fsSJL5œ§Sa^l ü^<â33SC03っCÏDOC^ O^ǧî

|y©3cèr^üj »gü:C|II
oxpagc s»cp^ üüXDCÿ 〇Dü〇〇|:oj[〇oag:cû^i sx p § c o § :4 sagsm cpf
co^ sà 0001:i »c 〇g:
3u: Qi a x o ^ Q ü ^ œ



C o u r t s -m a r t ia l .

11 ®. For the purposes o f this A c t there shall be fo u r kinds o f

courts-martial, th at is to say,—
(a) general courts-m artial;
K in ds o f courts- (fc) district courts-m artial;
(c) sum m ary general courts-m artial; and
(d) sum m ary courts-m artial.

111.A general court-martial m ay be convened b y the President

o r th e C hief o f 5 taff or b y an y officer em pow eréd
Power to convene a in this behalf b y w arran t o f th e President o r
general court-martial.
the C h ief o f Staff.

112. A district court-martial m ay be convened b y an ofScer having

p o w er to convene a general court-m artial o r b y
a° y officer em pow ered in this beh alf b y w arrant
* o f an y such officer.

113. A w a r r a n t issued u n d e r se c tio n h i o r se c tio n 1 1 2 m a y c o h ta in

such restrictions, reservations o r conditions as
Contents o f wtrrantB
issued under sections the ofScer issuing it m ay th ink fit.
h i and SX2.

114. T h e foflow ing authorities shall h ave p ow er to convene a sum­

m ary general court-m artial, nam ely,—
Power to convene a ⑷ an officer em pow ered in this behalf b y an
onier o f 加 President o r o f the C h ie f o f
S taff;

(b) on a ctive service, the officer com m anding the forces in the
fid d # c»* any officer em pow ered b y him in this b e h a lf;
3 3 Q C Ï0 Î 0011

^IU1|0: D

DOOR ll^ 3 3 〇5gOG3^ c8jOJO :93〇Scll G33〇rDü)aPCOCSJ OCOO^S^S GCOStj|î

( œ ) c S o x p iÿ s ^ ô i

c . « (* ) c ^ tc fo x p q ji
coa xp w o x j« o « o i r \ c c . c c
f ㈧ 咖 犯 :ののcocp巧, g ç
(c 〇) ODOOX:©OOXpS^: H

〇〇〇H H|écca50 COÜOXD |g©G©l ODOODu5gC|S ^ :

Sî QJ[ÜCX)|^©<50I S6cco〇5
c • c ' c c DGa>, cSœpSîüœco œocoüSGos 5001
€)©C0Cp^»^U ï ° 2 ÏC|t G îc o c ll Q ^ S Ïo o E é 33000033Ü & CÎ000SGC00
330 GD0 H o*V r*c c* • c Jo \ c oc c
cog:g:co|g©G0i ©ooxp:qioj|ü〇
〇Qno <j© pi§cco^n

OOJII IIO©OXp:q :Sjj[ÜO>^ 33〇CfD〇C|g〇0 〇:e c 〇〇 3Kp^CDgSC〇^ 〇C€l

, c o〇3xp§cogîg:œ i ^ o D ja o c ^ l! t» 5 |© o g | otochd
O>èM>©C0^pl^l 2 〇£2*<ff Q
Q3^Ü C:
Ü S^C 0 0 0 ÏGCDÔ
: 000 〇Dg:
g: ^:
œ Q © G © l COCSdXDOXp:
•J O \ c oc
CO^CT) OOgî^CODgll

DOpH Hü 5 « 0001 a S c O g îO Ü X O Ü 3 « :O O J OXJI 000 S q ü î c s o o のO G gé

« ^ « o o a ^ o o ja x ,. c§ 3 s8 |o o r§ cocSg o sc x o axp§œ œ Scœ Sü^ aj

<»5 OO^CO^ C〇| 〇x 5 〇
JcSüJO: l g S :
QjrSüJO: l ^COgSüüXD
oloc» ^ »©g^S« 3»«p o^j^oS-sjjTOtyoî 010SSccopSn

ooç il iiccoocooIotocbjo^ cüjoîüo Q3cxj|g:©© oxp:g:pj[5 OOOO^


0^>jÿ , , 職 鱗

(o ) œ | î ^ g 00000g :
^ 〇DÇi œ S^yosc^ rooroG^cogg
sxp^ l q^O pSw axS C3Ç33^>gCD g jf » 5330 §cl| 330 CW0 CQÜ^&

(c) an officer com m anding a n y detached portion o f the D efence

Services on a ctive service w hen, in his opinion, it is not
practicable, w ith due regard to discipline and th e exigencies
o f the service, that an offence should be tried b y a general
court-m artial.

115. A general court-m artial shall consist o f n o t less than five

officers, each o f w h o m has- held a commission
Com position of ge- fo r not less than three w h o le years and o f whom
ncra not less than fo u r 'a r e o f a ran k n o t below that
o f captain o f the a rm y o r equivalent rank o f the other services:

Provided that an officer* w ith less than three years" service m ay

b e appointed i f he has acted as a Sessions Judge o r as an Additional
Sessions Judge fo r a t least tw o years, o r has p o e tis e d as an A dvocate
fo r at least ten years.

11 6 * A district court-m artial shall consist o f not less than three

Com position of officers, each o f w hom has held a commission
district court-martial. fo r not less than tw o w h o le years.

117 , A sum m ary general court-m artial shall consist o f not less than :
th ree officers-
Com position o f sum*
vqmij general court-
m trtiaL

11 8 , A t every general, district o r sum m ary general court-martiaL

Genera! com position th e m ajority o f the m em bers o f th e court shaU
of co u m -m artia l. b e from the service to w h ich the accused belongs.

11 9 . ( i) A sum m ary court-m artial m ay be h e ld ~

(a) b y the com m anding officer o f a n y corps, unit^
Sum m ary court- departm ent or detachm ent in the case o f
the a rm y ;
(&> b y th ç com m anding officer o f an y ship, unit, base o r sub-base
in th e case o f the t m y ;
(c) b y the com m anding officer o f a statiûi^ squadron, unît o r
detachm ent in the case o f tlie air fa a x i
✓ヽ c c c c c c c 〇 cr-c o o c c 〇
( 〇) oc© 由 :c o a s s e , ©ç o o o d c o o o ^o g c o つ c ^ 3 3 〇g c s ü j つS(Tj çoœ qp ccoaj

eœ っrèooっ :知 |cj5«odüco ©ococpsgjQ^o cos§<5 ©〇Ga〇8& |C^

œ S § êcçso c 〇e? 33 S]i cd子sgg) o é ^ a x ^ 拳cçè co6« gco っ

d i^ a ja S o o o s G D D O G p o a ^ q c s c o s s ^ o ^ o r ^ G fc o g s s G p g c o ^ s ii

00311 IK D O C O Ç p S ^ S O Jp aO O œ C c l : きS G 3 3 0 c S G 〒:D&:GC0 つ 3 3 C p ^ ü J つ: J lo c c j

11J q p j3 3 子 〇3 干g :
3 t^ G c o s g îC D :x n マ: o i r q s r o s o ç g c p G p s

§— é 丨

c^cpogê côs§êe33っcS gcojsgddっ © ^ooysaor^jo^ 3xp 号œ gso ^i orOQC
cocpîcojcgs 33^©[g(5cjcsi cpcoax>cDgc oxpscolcx)? so|g©|gécjc:i ss^gw q:

3 3 |q © (y c 0 3 ^ D 3 Î3 0 S 3 0 ÎJÛ §0 33fe>CO〇D fO G SO O C gO > 3C O SC D |(J® ajjC i 〇S c 〇3 3 0 5

۩ OXp:
^ S O j p 〇DC Q | 3 3 Ü ^ C C 0 g l l

OdS h MC^é:©è〇Xp: 令SCO^SO^ O^SGSS つ(DO子gSGODつ3 XD^9JつSüloCC)せ !

« S é w & O C p iÔ K ^ ü l〇5 C § 3 X P 5 3 3 d 5 s^ :
O ^ I p |C O O :œ 33C p§33§0§| a s f^ :
L cg^joju SOS 3 3 0 0 0 0 sgro)ysco|(g©€j〇 g n

OOQII ll3 3 C 0 J g :0 5 0 x p : 令: S>J[5c〇今o j é l 〇5L: き: G 3 3 0 Œ « 予g : G O D つ 3 3 C p fJ つ


SX^gSD^ oxp^soj^o 〇i〇CC)〇g H

coc olo5a?wyo:ii


r . c c 030§SD5;œcr OTGpSÔOOpS [Cqp3:ODWjCM>CO|CI o^doc
DOOXpSÛSUIOSCSOC ük)C g «一 ~. cL c ï-^ c 'H r ^ J • c
a ---------------------------
0 © C ^ |C l3 3 g O c y jO S C O C Ô^ G€|G
〇| CQCpsÔ
DOX)〇^©^|CI S3OOCOJ0 SCDgGCCCX)üy|c5(D€)üg II

/ \ c c c • • c CO 〇 • üCOC c
OOgll Iベ :)) COUOJC: ©OOXp:中 C〇g:CDC,
IG33つ〇X)l33Cpg〇J つS守 〒 今 CC〇g _
C C c • ((D ) [ Ô ^ p S s C D 5 3 3 C〇r S | q © :
0 |lC 00033^1 C O O IC O S l
rooojc:©©oxptQ: ii 、 ノし~Ôし c e r r e c e,
A a a cg co g so œ co 300 C0 C0 ÜC0 3 ÔÔI coooiii
/ \ c enc c s c c c 〇 c c c
い ) G € ) O X ) 3 3 〇2 a ) | y © C ^ ] C C D G O D O I Œ >0| G € |C O Ü © S ^ : J C Q C O g W C D O O G S | O X )

oo^:9〇addâcooo: il
000000DÜODOO^i〇X)gî n

(d) b y an y conimanding ofiBcer m entioned in clause (a), (b) or

(c) under whose command o r orders, details su b ject to
this A c t are serving on attachm ent.

(2) A t e v e r y sum m ary court-martial the officer holding sth e trial

shall alone constitute the court, but th e proceedings shall be attended
throughout b y tw o other officers w h o shall not, as such, be sw orn
o r affirmed.

1 2 0 * ( i)If a court-martial, after tHe com m encem ent o f a tr ia l

is reduced in num ber b elo w th e k g a l m inim um .
Dissolution 〇f it shall, be dissolved :
c〇 urtB" ^ Provided lh a t nothing contained in ûâs sub*
section shall a p p ly to a general court-martial if th e convening officer
appoints a e w m embers to provide th e legal m inim um a n d sô tong
as three original members o f the court remain throughout the tr ia l;
and w hen a n y n e w mémbér has been sw orn or affirmed, th e trial m ay
proceed after the recorded evidence o f each witness p revio u sly exam in­
ed has been read t o ;the court in th e presence o f the accused, the
persons a{q>eaiing on behalf o f the prosecution^ and o f the defence,
and thé |tidge advocate.

(2) If, on accou n t o f the illness o f the accused before the finding»
i t is im possible to continue the trial, a court-martial shall b e dissolved.

(3) T lie officer convened a court-martial m a y diisisdlVe such

court-m artial i f it appears to him th at m ilitary exigencies o r the ncccs-
sities o f discipline render it impossible o r inexpedient to continue the
said court-m artial.

(4) W h ere a oHBt-ni^Eial is dissolved under this section, the accused

m a y b e tried aga&k

12 1 A gen en d o r sum mary general c o im - m o B il $haQ have pow er

o f ffen en l t o tr y a n y person subfect I p d ib A c t f o r a n y
and w o m n m y general offence punishable therein *ând to pass a n y
coar^ flM 4bi.
sentence authorized th efd q r.
Güccpcc2ccâccoS<rf^ S œ ^ co o o fea x sa Q bcccooS œ ,»c»c〇〇〇
ù ^
ù '• 〇ù
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ù • ù

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ô é 〇 • j
o *
iicceS ccîoçccüP
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6 • o
becocMB fi>")
o 〇 V /
iiS cco 备
o oo
5〇ccc〇r〇 *co:fesdbcco〇i〇beeG loltooHooo cocPcoobrco cccoosScocç
OO J O • O w〇 O J O J J O JOJU O
oœ:fe <X)cocüœ:fescbcîc0000 iccEübscPoîcSôccto bc£?soccs5c5<ro axoorcccocc
ao ^ 〇 • 〇 o ^ 一」 〇 o j j o j o
!5cP e :9 6 |〇ç c c o cœ o co cib co cjjcco o içcccfedbcGoBcc : 0 3 0 0 :fe: (b co o o (ci)

hodrtiMficcœPoœîfesàcooG ptcoo^aiGlo
^ j 〇 j


leccoPcoccPeccElsoe (H
à j

il Sœo§oœV)laj〇xcœ a;so@oboioeoo® 丨
:ccD î^àœ oo gjœPeeocoœcc :^:ca)œ o:bp isjs^ccccsajcc SccsRjsiQsoo
sœooo cuoecn ^ ® 3i^^CGGô 〇3<K&^^cP<^ioco^œccesdbcoiscPecc|fxoîx>
oaxccosdbco je:àco i{eeGCCco;^S) lopa^cSccgcco loso^coccsoPcx) io3cc
:3s3co occooÎJcg oBIœ iibosoœojcco o^ccolPes&jàcboo 3cc:cPoaife:écSH
OO 0 J- \ JwW OÔ^O «î O • J 0 O 〇
joSocolB shxoococcolÎKc^feèrcx) oœscoœclî>x>coso0 obosœooo sc0cos3scc
し \ j b • j 〇〇 ô • o ^«J5 6 J o 6 •

ooRcgco^ fâ:fe:dbcca>o oBISocoec^e cüscPooccccooftœébSH bes9oo:dbco

〇V O • J Owio J O O J 0 \ 〇 〇wi
saesc3èeG〇u6à 〇3SccsocoR olPe:fesdbcoao ococtfe
• 〇 〇 j 〇 い * 〇 〇 〇 |(J〇 g

丨? 士 奶 fo, ト — 喊 ?I
丨 t c s c ld : 游 r〇

ajcecobes5〇〇:c3xo soesS^cc iSccboî^cG^cc ÿ c c

001。 ^ j^ s f e î à œ ^ iOJcieSœsf^occo so^jobosœoao (c)n iio 「c

nbo«^o losoHcoccaxü 100051coccsoPcü

.jccGsSc^l^cGxœsK^dîscccopcoo iiSebcod&ecüco occscccccFcoecoscPocoPo
* éj o ù ^ 6 o ù ù o • o
coBocaso Sousoeft iSccîdaé&àec :c@ec sSœcccocc iiSftbooio ccrsccco
〇 o o j «> do o し j
îScofedbec cSccococSlsoQobosœooG ocosccsccœsfesàœoo socooco (H
6 〇 j j «J o o o e o • o o o V/

icœ Q joo 〇2〇 ( 〇) ogee ûocnoscScoœ i(e ) i(o u j ^oec cccso^

xosüficc ccœosoBcocc icccoisccoco o j s c Po j c c c o c o 0 4 0 Eüjec

cccsbcèojco ajGooSojeG^b loBccCjéeœBseœfteG ^scooœccco (œ)


1 2 2 . A district court-m artial shall have p ow er to t r y a n y person

su bject to th is A c t other than an officer for a n y
Power» o f district offence m ad e punishable therein, and to pass any
• sentence au th orized b y this A c t o th er than a
sentence o f death, transportation o r im prisonm ent fo r a term exceeding
tw o y ea rs:
Provided that a district court-m artial shall not sentence a w arrant
officer to im p rison m en t

1 2 3 . (i) Subject to the provisions o f sub-section (2), a sum m ary

court-m artial m a y try any offence punishable
Powers ofaummary under this A c t.
courts-m artial. x r .
(2) W h e n there is no grave reason for im­
m ediate actio a and reference can w ith o u t detrim ent to discipline be
m ade to th e officer em pow ered to convene a dictrict court-m artial or
on a ctiv e senrice a sum m ary gen eral court-martial f o r the trial o f
A e alleged offender, a sununary court-m artial shall n o t t r y w ith ou t
such reference a n y offence punishable under any o f the sections 32, 33,
36, 64 (2> and 7 1, o r an y offence against the officer holding the court.

(3) A sum m ary court-m artial m a y tr y any person subject to this

A c t and under th e com m and o f th e oflScer holding th e co u rt, except
an officer o r w arran t officer.

(4) A sum m ary court-m artial m a y pass any sentence w h ich m ay

b e passed under th is A c t, e x cep t a sentence o f death, o r transportation
o r o f im prisonm ent fo r a term ex ceed in g the lim it specified in sub­
a c t io n (5 )-
(5) T h e lim it referred to in sub-section (4) shall b e on e y e a r if
th e officer holding th e sum m ary court-m artial is n o t b e lo w the rank
o f m ajor in the case o f the a rm y o r an equivalent rank in the case
a t th e n a v y o r th e air force, and th ree m onths i f such officer is b elow
Ib at rank.

1 Z4 . W h en a n y person su bject to this A ct has been acquitted o r

convicted o f a n ' offence b y a court-m artial or
second b y a crim inal co u rt, or has been d ea lt w ith
* under a n y o f th e sections 82, 85, 86 and 87, he
À a l l n o t b e liable to b e tried again fo r the same offence b y a court-
m artial o r dealt w it h under th e .said section.
soEjœsbocc bcGrcPoaGo^ogecc œ c o o s^ c o ^ ibîSjoîo^obosœ oôo K«oco îÆ fe
: à c 〇9 〇 cücocgocQ ^ o i|ecG Scc:Q 3nsb 〇CG b œ

S œ cüœ cococcosdbco oücocGecooool loocflousoscbco

J J ô j ù o CJ •
c o o ix t 10210fijcojfescîxooo i:ceGs3s9co îcbcécüèo ouG3〇3a>eG^3n 11S「 c

1130boEjcosccœ G ocoos c3cc 〇ü P e a x x :| 〇L) o3œ séc3o3b oco»

^ eftco jofcoSlcc& ôœ eG c c c saic o ce co o ce eG s^ c u o iScc& cbecioceeG oBlœ
loécocDGDcœo ScccoPecocc^co o c c c s é ^ c S b o c o f6 ) e e G 〇 i 〇rcocÆ|cc600ecc
j 〇 〇 ù j ù 〇 ù ノ 、 o j j wJ 65
ccceftiococeGsôoecGsîÇcoQ i3cc6dbccccccooo:fe isfe:dbcoca> socoooo
JO J O J 〇 J 〇 O JO • « û O O \ /
nScco^coftPe îceecoaücoRlscElœ cccco^ coaPc ibeGG〇o3cuccllju Uioco
O ÙOO O O jJ J J OOÙ O b し

acüG ocœ o S œ ooucxxüfecocc^cü cccoîcooRI i 〇3 sc 0 :c c 020 f C 'jlo c o CDOOO

ù o J J 〇 o JJU J o j V ノ 〇

ic S œ œ lœ eosélccco cocoosc000œ læ c c c o i3ccsfesdbcooa> socooco

j 〇 j 〇 j o o 〇 j o • ノ

ii3ccoèob® :oe© ao sccgsS sS coccîc EIcg c c c s b c é c o îo

O OOO 〇 O O O “J J O
çugs>o3 cucg| jü c c c o b é s e ro S œ o c u up&dbcG S c c é o o c 〇î& isoscbcooo :o œ
ocoœ siocoACooedb^G co cn o :S o o cc i&dbcc icccc:fe:dbcooo socooco
0 0 し JO* 0 0 0 0 J * ノ

hbc^oscSlobosœ sK io ojccco
•J o «_i j O J O
«〇〇] cccs>ico:llltuj〇e>CG&dbcG cSœioogosS) is&scbcocG socooco cocoascc cogc

ifeecoSofi] Scccoœ œ «fe 〇DGQ>B| beceeœoGO û j ^cc Sd c L ( f ) 6g igé

\àà ifé 〇§〇 iœS[o:o0 Qoco&^o neeG〇3cco^jooajeeG œfeàec bcæcec
je c c S c c o ^ S o ç olPesfesdxojoj^PcucG jcoi[e:oœ eaoo3Qséœ ÿxnoscSco^c
i:fe;dxooo:jjp ÿXOCG^bobjîoeeoo sceGCccccsbeso5|coo 0009 ccéœ:tlPcü〇of>[
lolcolso 2030Docioicueœ h jz c o jz S o Q o iob|o3cc&osoâcosocC]scG cccssEoj
w g œ l a œ ^ à c o a o :|œ o c o ( Q 士
„ d o c 〇| 〇bo.-œ9 5 0 g s flè o o a g S c c S a c c c s
cüooçnofe oogoo bcGG SoSœ ec^ iccosoPou|œo
ôé:cfocuPesic§Q [〇 ( 「 ) eoco i2cc:fe:àoogi 〇 sjccnco* (c)n ii^ fc

hbœoPeoÿDGOcœs scecs^cocoûeàeG iccccsfecosfescbccaosooo cccdbcc

nç5eb6ccaxeG éboD^Pe îüieccœ G 〇B]sc§cG çScccSJoe cocsoSaxcÇS

siocûoaüGoccoo cccsîxijœ oéo^ cûcnosccœœ iœ co n

:^ c 〇
J , œ o œ S ^ b o b o ^ ;: c ^ ?scS ^
cccobcicoco cogsoccocg^ i^ocoobcbcG odcocgccco 3 • °
〇〇Rj SccouçDCooPe cjdgoR] beccsoScoccp cosfesàcocosogDii 『 「 c


Explanation.一 A finding o f a general, district o r sum m ary general

court-m artial, i f n o t confiim ed, is o f no va lid ity ; in such a case, there­
fore, the accused has not been acquitted or c o n v i c t e d . .

1 2 5 . (I) ; E xcept as provided b y sub-section (2), no trial b y court-

m artial o f any person subject to this A c t fo r
Penodjof ^im itation any offence shall be com m enced after the expira­
tion o £ :
a period o f diree years from th e date
o f such oftence.

(2) T he provisions o f sub-section (i) shall n o t a p p ly to a trial

fo r an offence o f desertion or fraudulent enrolm ent o r fo r a n y o f the
offences m entioned in section ^6.

(3) In the com putation o f the period o f tim e m entioned in sub­

section (1), any tim e spent b y such person as a prisoner o f w a r, o r in
en em y territory, o r in evading arresft, or in hospital during th e period
o f arrest or suspension from duty, after the commission o f the offence,
shall be exclu dedt

(4) N o trial fo r an offence of desertion other than desertion on

a ctiv e service o r o f fraudulent enrolment shall be com m enced i f th e
person in question, n o t being an officer, has subsequently to th e com ­
m ission o f the offence, served continuously in an exem p lary m anner
fo r n o t less than three years w ith any portion o f the D efence Services.

1 2 6 . (1) W h ere an offence under this A c t had been com m itted b y

a n y person subject to this A ct, and he has ceased
L ia b ility o f offender to be so subject, he m a y b e taken into and kept
nho ceases to be
. subject to the Act. in m ilitary custody, and tried and punished fo r
such offence as if he continued to b e so subject.

(2) N o such person shall be tried fo r an offence, unless his trial

com m ences w ithin s ix months after he has ceased to be so subject
to this A c t :

Provided th at nothing contained in this sub-section shall ap ply

to the trial o f a n y su ch person for an offence o f desertion or fraudulent
enrolm ent o r fo r a n y o f the offences m entioned in section o r shall
oçjoQobgiasôoo »:œÆcoft:io cccô^&:liPco loooQijeecoSjfij içjéœxlW
So§ cœs>:c〇D§js)e) 〇& gd 〇§〇 io s ^ ) ? a § Sccîj& sjb co G^œîoœSco
ÇîcPcSfoScoooD losoS^ua^jooo i§3cc:cPocüPe:k3Q (p|^c?)p oïodbcc

obéra5000 ajfiÆècoSjo] :cccœgo ijlïx ^ S ] 05coo î 〇6]objweôj〇 scccœœ
Hjcoœcoœcga ÿ> cé ^cc^|o o b ajcs>o3§JcGp 0
cü g j Q ^ o b jw o p o o : ccg& oo igD Ç uccœ biscécoîo «iocco
^ o co g jo ? œ ce)〇3 ^ ü œ p 15塑 3 cc 讀 :co o |éplPeœ §ucc ナ せ

c cb cio u g L) ^ G » 〇a c o a s p SÜC*ô l9 i C0,,rcL, fl? 3

00Q [〇gôo9oxg ^D icdccsSs^co ocbcèœgo œcooSçjcG^ ( c) ii ug「c

ubcco〇|〇ocoo ouso0 obox»ooo cococcSoBlœ i: ccg

ccfo i p l ^ 〇ü6îeœScGs3côa;oeœ î^œ occcsaxcoscSjcéoio i^ io a x c c o
oéscc 1020eecosortcGCoocG ipccoo«oco ic〇cèoSccsRi?o:1IP〇jSoHœ lobfcccc
cocoojjdbsG iccccscœcci?o:1IPcü〇îR|9〇o oœ^cESccœcnoi^:exr>S〇G Sl^:iœ
<ocoos3 cdcc îftofilcdocîoccîobco oSlcGïftooftoa) KîcfoScoccco«co
0 0 0 0*J〇 O O O^J 0 0 O J O OP \ /
il b(9o:
06100cccosofcSœ lucocœ iSœ baxo
j 0 j 0 0 J
0003 iosot)lîüï〇6]scœ;〇5J〇cc oocoo
fesœo 3obioe i〇3〇E]〇jso6|:cooPeSesfi:
îc3 co& icdccio:?)cooc&o cüîoëlsœsocc cocooscccocc iSccie&oucJsotcoBscoi
0 0 j 00 0 0 oU 0 j j j 0 j 00 0 ^
ipccéb cocooscccog: iSoDésoE^çoccnsobséo*hz cücéoc5cc:Qé?osli PcüftjQ
cc^o ocpcDa<^co çü: c 6]cg: oocgcocco SccscœQjos ocoroeoco (<i)
11boooosaxco ô^îoblobosœooo cueecoScRl cuiccscfoeof)!
00 0 0 o ^j o e j o o*J 0 o«-J
Sccfcœ Bjjoo 500 g<i eco cûcdos^ co^ lèisoccsobco oSJecsfiooSoo ^scP«Sco
Scoeco OOCOOSC0COCC iS:R]ooo içccc:cPfKüPesécSR| [〇(c)|f5c^ (Q

光 T 聽 ャ ボ タ 七 た ト J
oéscc tobie>odccèc〇îIIrcüoob] :ccG:d:dco ccbcé
-coîo œcooScoeciS is[〇œo:ocoœ^3ccîéc5B| oco(Q&oco (c)n ii(pfc _

nboeo onSccobjîcISçœ
Sof3 GocoosScoœ icBccœcoccosàco scecçsàco jc^j^cccefeftîogtooe gcoo
i 6^ :j 6]cD〇e SccûüPecoÊlsoego iroœîœoî^oçBcoœ gjajfeooQ:oe ç>olPe:fesàco
<5〇s3fcüeG œcoo:3cx>g^ i:fe:àcoaa>:cco lolPerfesdscoooii ha>Pe:oco:o6

affect the jurisdiction of a crim inal cou rt to try any offence triable by
such cou rt as w e ll as b y a court-m artial.

(3) W hen a person subject to this A c t is sentenced b y a court-

martial to transportation or im prisonm ent, this A c t shall ap p ly to him
during the term o f his sentence, though he is cashiered o r dismissed
from the service, or has otherwise ceased to be subject to this A ct,
and he m ay be kept in custody, rem oved, imprisoned and punished
as if he continued to be s u b je a to this A ct.

(4^ W hen a person subject to this A ct is sentenced b y a court-

martial \o death, this A ct shall apply to him till the sentence is carried

12 7 . A n y person subject to this A c t w h o commits an y offence

under it m ay be tried and punished f o r such
P*ace o f trial. offence in any place w hatever.

1 28 . W h en a crim inal cotirt and a court-m artial have each jurisdic­

tion in respect o f an offence, it shall b e in the
Choice betw een discretion o f the officer em powered to convene
criminal court and
Court-martial. a general court-m artial fo r the trial o f the
accused, or such other officer as m ay be prescrib­
ed, to decide before w h ich court th e proceedings shall be instituted,
and, i f th at officer decides that th e y should be instituted b efo re a
coiu-t-martial, to direct that th e accused person shall be detained in
m ilitary custody.

1 29 . (1) W h en a crim inal court having jurisdiction is o f opinion

that proceedings shall be instituted b éfo re itself
Power o f crim inal in respect o f a n y alleged offence, it m a y , b y
^ I^ ery o f o f f é S e ^
w ritten notice, require the officer referred to in
section 128 at his option, either to deliver over
th e offender to th e nearest m agistrate to be proceeded against accord­
ing to law , or to postpone proceedings pending a reference to the
c oc o c t c • p c c • c c © c
〇c〇fD3〇cG〇c|i coœ psocDOC) c p e 〇G〇o x p s ^ :a 3 |y c i 0 0 0 0 cps^soocogos ®©caos©€|c
oc p c o c . o c c c « C O coc c o 〇〇 c
そCGCOつ そ:
0 气OJ D〇Ga〇S©C|CC|旱 cpeooococpsqsdl (DGJCCJCp35000つOJ ÜOO^OD


( p ) ほ !》 o ^ rê 子っsjc^co き: 33っsi © è o x p s 中 Co c o n ^ + c b i省〇〇さ

üuxq Gœ っëscés^cS G O D ooaQ li ooxcogo gcSs>j奇a^G ofso^C D O の3c£回S oot

C r 「 c* r\ c c c c*「 r • g c ^ r'
©〇y 〇09SQCSO 3 3 |y X^SODCDO©3CTOg〇G©l ODJ— GOTOつザ 0pLC0gÛS9C0CD 33 色つ:

c o ^ :^ g :
(g c i a J s ^ ro g o G o ro c o ç o ^〇G)CD33{Ç5© y c jü è x o s ^ [y 〇G©〇D〇o ooco
c o c o c c c r c c c c c c
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O \ O O c c oc c p c 〇C C C OC c
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广 c c coc c
001y c |y © a æ 3 jy c o § c c o 〇Dii

( 9) c r j 33r 5 güGî3r ^ coco予っC|〇^œ ps〇3つsi © è o x p :q ’ :oo Gc〇3 cib3j 兮cSgcoつ

•n o「 c c o c cro c 〇 ç c c o c c oc
Û3S)ll a^ejO S O X ^ G30つCgn〇[ySCO^)33COI g|33œ g(JG 3D D 色 I OÇD^Sq ÛDCOSOCG®

«iüé "
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>3QCj IgoGCûつ|y© üœ s)S)r^nD j|ドo ^ c o ^ b i o ^ r D g ü G s a j

oS cS * つqCOC 〇32j§S33 つSI üpC O ppG SC pC Q C üsSl 33SÔ 〇7

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ly c o a o c D O ) o o G s o s c c jc c j) jy © 3 〇n s j « c Q § c c o p h

O JO II IIÇ pe 〇CDCDCpSgS5iC ©OCDCpSQSÜOI [ y w o o s ^ c ©ÜCOJpSgl ©CjCOCSC

• ç 一 G30Cn〇330D:
CDSâGSGD3〇3^D lj 00«QCSfSorS QgOûpp
«pea» o x p ^ îC O OOGaOSOQCQOpSüD! O X p:
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6 01 o d a x p i Q ï T O bècoj てさ c . c1 " v T c o c ^ c . 1T
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s x p ^ i ^ODDDSüCOOT caooyoooooscopp 33Q 0to C p ^00
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c o c p ^ î a o ©OG30S (DCjCGJÜgCD 3OS|y〇0C^JCI COCps£33 〇;©Sc〇r 〇G^3J|5^ÇQOOS€|üg>

OO C 〇C Cl~ 1 〇c c
œi ü^cl CDGC0033COCSCDSlcriOSSCCOpO«


p c C c c c c 〇 〇 〇〇 • c c
G050 [cjoyaoo^sc <oaxyg:〇
3g qocscdoct)! üü^îcocüc
的 , i 〇2爷 〒 îc o œ \ o
c » c ç 一 c >pSao c x )C !« c c o a o c o p S 330l f (q<o« cTJ|||K 〇| a D r n i
«cprx? « w » u 〇* ŒXTOO? à ^ 1 c ロ ,11 c*1 V * V
て • 11 7 〇〇c 335S302 GDCCCO O X p S C û |œ : OC 0 0 C D *p üG 3§ C 33pD 3DOO
o x p ty ro c c o o c :» s c Tc L ' 〇 1 C I lC J r o Jp c C ô t .
0335 c o n o 3 3 G Q s a x j5 c〇(T>GcpcDG 〇sa3 〇g c s n 5 GOGCI § c c
ば r "■•丨 o f© p y © L V o 1 c
G 〇Dつ CDÜpDOO C O c[y(g c:C Q Ç Q |ysjy 〇 〇ü l Ü3CÎCCCGSOOC

gnDQjnSüJOS G^SOCîOOOr^CîCO^ÿDGCl Ü3 Ü O (O œ c G|pSgD|s〇

OOSC〇p 33€pg〇30 : !
03 年 :Gaoocgaxj^i cô sp co co oo^psgrœ I coGoaEccaDOCîaÇ
oc c

(2) In e v e ry such case the said officer shall eW ier deliver over the
offender in com pliance w ith the requisition, or shall forth w ith refer
the question as to the court before which the proceedings are to be
instituted fo r th e determ ination o f the President, w hose order upon
such reference shall be final.

(3) W hen an accused person subject to this A c t is standing trial

before a crim inal court, o r pending a decision b y th e President as to
the form o f c o iu t b y w h ich he is to be tried, the accused m ay be kep t
in m ilitary custod y to be produced before such court as and w hen

130. (1) N ow ithstandûîg anything contained in an y other law fo r

the tim e being in force a person convicted or
Successive trials by acquitted b y a court-martial m ay, w ith the
^ urN m artiaL^ ^ previous sanction o f the President, be tried again
b y a crim inal court for the same ofFence, o r on
the same facts.

(2) If a person sentenced b y a court-martial under this A çt or

punished under a n y o f the sections 82, 85, 86 or 87 is afterwards tried
and convicted b y a crim inal court for the same offence, o r on the
same facts, that co u rt shall, in awarding punishment, have regard to
the punishm ent he m ay already have undergone fo r the said ofFence.


Pr o c e d u r e of C o u r t s -M a r t i a l ;

1 3 1 . A t a general, district o r sum mary general court-martial the

senior member shall be the presiding officer.
Presiding officer.

132, E very general court-m artial shall, and every district o r sum-
ju d Advocate general cx>urt-martial m ay, be attended b y
u gc* vocae. a Judge-Advocatet w ho shall be either an officer
belonging to the D epartm ent o f th e |ud£e-Advocate-General. o r if no
b« cjysSwicbcG |〇iscc i:^bccco^co|àcc «icEylfecdoSro ^ccfeàcccooS

soœ ioQ^3aboojo :3cofeà€SGeo3oo k^ sccscccS j>IPeifeïdocooon n「 éc

no3oboQ5âu3 psèîAccocoo ç?cc «W5®

000œ îfeobecjo jajéc£?.?cfooo〇ec Sccgoio oocolfe cccôoÆjcoso»gœSS3
:fe:àco<3Kîs3PcceG œc〇f«3 coc> isfesàcooosoco mlPesfejdxcaon «cèo
• ù Y 〇 • j 〇 〇 j • 〇
h :ooôP 〇
• j
〇3 o b c ^ cOo cOo : c r 〇r&s


hcc sœeec

«oSobocôfe pSœcoooccaDGof^ c9cc

®QsB|bc2fcoo a>2ocG〇ofi](〇ceeG loccxfeocePe œcaQ ro3cc:&sdbccoo
:c&oœaoBI iBîoeoco cuîfeîcJsccccoûà isobcoceœcDecscreàsoBîOcEülscEi
«5 Ù*J O 〇 • 〇 J J J J^J 0 »一~»
ccccoGjïooœ i:obccc3〇ü8cccSoF)l SccoS|cooœ losoHcosScoccbe so@a)e>
IscGèèœ e^ io ogÎî 于 ー 夺 ① を !go iCü ifo fl声 icp^ oR
a-':3co œbesoQœoPe œPeobaœGafî] oüsfescÎKûao becc3030jcc^ (f)
ob〇ïœex3>〇)〇ooo bQcuPe^5ëoœc!ü| ecoocc cccoool n丨 濟 せ 0* * ^

0 J O 〇山 • ■? ou
cüs&:cbcooo occogo6joo〇ccœîo ococooHîcicoscëjccoeSco ( c) ii hcx^c

hoBob^ocojc oeÊsgfesàcoœ iecS ccgesocco»

co^olx:cojes>cjuesdbccoo icosfesàcoSccsœsoo iiS ccoçscoo p^olPeeccL'ccoo
^scbcooD losccobPefi ouPecoKjsœ cccooccccoooo§ ^s3Pcooo jéscoccs^oeG
か ?15? : 〇£〇〇>〇 scccesàœœ ccœ o;3cocc neeGCCcobèsecosoëjolso sœo
oa> oooîfesc350000〇i)db i3crs3ccescboo Sccbcécocx) oDcooSojeG^ (^ )
osoBjcoBleGsRjeG 3cccx)PecoS]sbe ip c c e c c c c o o o o b i^sSPtxoao^êœ
ccgo uoBfibQooosoBœfe œ coecccccoooh libcofijsos JucécxRjsbeœPeiëa sfe
œabccçDCKjüsDeo cccoosScooc ic^eboecsosccjdbsouco œ feè^IlPaA pR œrco
0 0 、〇 j j J O J J J J O 0 Z / .°
c iM o c œ o c ^ a x x )
• 3 0 ^ O
〇 O J
O J J O O し 0
x /


such officer is available, any fit person approved o f b y the Judge-

Advocate-General or any o f his deputies.

1 3 3 . (i) A t all trials b y general, district or sum m ary general court-

m artial, as soon as th e co u rt is assembled, the
Challenges. names o f the presiding officer and members shall
be read over to the accused, w ho shall thereupon be asked w hether
he objects to being tried b y any officer sitting on the c o u r t; and this
procedure shall be follow ed in respect o f a n y n ew member appointed
under sub-section (i) o f section 120 as soon as a general court-martial
is assembled after such appointment.

(2) If the accused objects to any such officer, his objection, and
also the rep ly thereto o f the officer objected to shall be heard and
recorded, and thei rem aining officers o f the court shall, in the absence
o f the challenged officer, decide on the objection.

(3) If the objection is allowed b y one-half or m ore o f the votes

o f the officer entitled to vote, the objection shall be allowed, and the
member objected to shall retire, and his v a ca n cy m a y be filled in the
prescribed m anner b y another officer w ith o u t prejudice to the same
right o f the accused to object.

(4) W hen no challenge is made, o r w h en challenge has been made

and disallowed, or the place of every officer successfully challenged
has been filled b y another officer to w h o m no objection is made or
allowed, the court shall proceed w ith the trial.

134. (1) An oath o r affirmation in th e prescribed m anner shall be

adm inistered to e v e r y m em ber o f e very court-
Oaths 〇f m em ber, m artial and to th e jiïdge-advocate before the com-
witncssfV〇 Cate 3ndniencem ent' o f the trial save as provided in
sections 120 and 133.
(2) E very person givin g evidence b efo re a court-m artial shall be
examined after being d u ly sworn o r afiirm ed in the prescribed form.

(3) The provisions o f sub-section (2) shall not ap ply w here the
witness is a child under tw elve years o f age and the court-martial is
^ ) ülc9〇c ç c & c^ ü w icctxK l^co ici gJtdbco^o éocco ^e^c»x)〇c)é^eo
igQ SccoQ oxcooco scoooü axffiôo^oècoœ co cpccœ i3 occcwlx3c ( 6 ^

ii3 o b îf» o o
PcocoîocosoBi i< ^^û ü c 8 c c o x o iosoBJôücSccsoPcü scAoccSccscœcofe
a x e «cecsœsocec feeccsaxc ocosfesc330000

^cS ccœ œ lo s o ^ c S c c s filtu 1000

io3cc6dbeGGSv〇3oo oé-ccscces oooec fâsfeœ sèscbcooo °
0 ^O .•» J O 0 O \ 0 • • J
i:l〇ccfeoioeGcccc:cœséc5Fïl occco Sâc fiGb ::专 o「c fc)ii wbàc
U JO J 0 J 0 0 û V ノ

cosoêlobosoeso® iSccsfesàcoco 100oQ
j j j 〇 j 〇 j」 j 0 j 〇 • j 〇」
oooiceEScceococo œœPeccouIccSccoco^ oocooscccd& î[〇eGcciccocoS|o
«5 し J * * J ^OJ J O J û * J 〇 J 〇 し o j J
:jE j 〇)2u^a; scecécîseGço isBJoec^e gjsScofeàccscQcG lo c o ü a ipsScobdbcc.
cocosccca:?00os ibQccecoco axüPeœœlcü la^oSlo&ieeeScccococoo epso®
oj&j | cd s^ocu1^ soE]œa)|cü icw o^^i^ecG W œ oco^o so6Joxu| cü ( t ij
u3cco^oecle soooecsocoscci SccscoocoÂœcc ucec:3co 6 à cc
0 000 〇 〇 〇 0 0 〇 0 0
SC0CG ocoàioSccocooco lœosoüfecoo cosbocEocec- S cco^ cü2u^ cü »esàco
«J 〇 〇T j 〇 \ 〇 00 0 0 0 〇〇J 0 0 •
ax.és>gD iiccobœœcD^ S ccoo^ cg cccsbc 〇ü5j|co i(eccgo 1130beaxo g j
^)Peçj?ü|cü loltosoeoecocoDs iocoPe^D?010) 丨
oecK|co:cfe^àccoo ぞœ cccsJ>
qjooaxxo 1000ElcucjooobssS çscPofeàocooîte ëccei^e^sooo (â )
iiSobcoBsce S s3Pcco<5 b'scoPeapculcD
co:cPft6cbeG ooScccccoèo&iPûü loSocrxoouPa ^feàco cccobeoxo^cü oQœ
H〇3ob〇Dasbe ip céscC ] îp 〇D〇uPe〇reo p lSà cc cccobecü2ü|cü péajPccü〇>
èco pesdbco io(tc〇)(X)|co cœ sàco gceciâscco Scbec ooSeG^œecc (Q
0 j j 〇
00 j j 0
0 0 j j 0o^ 3e cdocccg
0 ooJteio
û \ 0
:o0oîx>oltooîx)sfe olfesfesdbcca»o œ ciagRoecleccœ loltoocciesSscco gcccg
〇 « J 〇〇 0 00 * j ® j 0 0J 〇 〇 〇 〇 0 0 0 e e 〇

oo^ cg ibes (c \ êeco |3 o fc ceo oHœ iiSobs^lsoe) scecesdbco c m

iÎ oolÆü ^ oü œcüPeobosœs®© ps3s3co6dbec cccoéoocosfeooîo oîosfescbco

0010 iiceGCccosBlBlcocc ocod iic3okHcocc scecesdxo cpscPocSoec »scPo
j 0 し o J ニ !.) o 0 〇 JJj • ô 0 0
ooflec osécbec cccsœ ^ocœ o obiecBîod iso000001î» a v^
ogosè isbscDcooo pccobosœ ooo pQolPesfe " 。ュs 〇

îdbcoGOsSPcües cocnosScoœ isfesàccoosoco lolPesfesdscoco fc V i mâéc

ù Ù O J 〇 » O 0〇 «3 • ノ

igobcccogSsdco ccxcoobcc iicc〇cgE)1

0 J u 0 0 0 0 J 0
ficccocccscc loooSlcüsSsdco oireceoSao cocofc ioecQcoo1Pecoo3a>a) ioIodo^
O 6 ô 〇 0 O ù O ^


o f opvriion that though th e w itness understands the d u ty o f speaking

the truth, he does n o t understand th e nature o f an oath or •,レ…

13 5 . (i) Subject to the provisions o f sub-sections ( 2) a n d •ふ..

every decision o f a court-m artial shall be passed
Voting by m em bers . b y an absolute m ajority o f votes ; and w here
there is an equality o f votes on eithor the finding or the sentence,
the decision shall be in fa v o u r o f th e accused.

(2) N o sentence o f death shall b e pasÆd b y a general court-martial

w ithou t the concurrence o f at least tw o-thirds o f the m embers o f the
N o sentence o f death shall b e passed b y a sum m ary general
court-martial w ithou t the concurrence o f all the members.
In m atters, other than a ch allen ge 〇t the finding or sentence,
th e presiding officer shall have a castin g vote.

136. The evidence A c t shall, su b ject to the provisions o f this

A ct, apply to all proceedings before a court-
General ju le M to martial.

137. E very person accused o f an offence shall be a com petent

Evidence o f accused on ^ o w n behalf In any trial o f the

accused solely or jo in tly w ith a n y oth er person or persons, and his

evidence m ay be used against any person or persons tried jo in tly w ith
h im :

Provided as fo D o w s:—
(a) the accused shall not be exam ined as a witness excep t at
his ow n desire ;
(b) before giving evidence the accused shall I t warned b y the
Court that he is not boun d to give evidence, and that if
he does so his evidènee m a y be used against a n y person
or persons tried jo in tly w ith him ;

(c) the failure o f the accused t o g iv e evidence shall not be made

th e subject o f an y com m en t b y the prosecution and no
g c o 5 cj& i coc& D D g つさ ODGco つ そ つ SGCO姿 CJJ © è c o c p •トニ' :
^ : 一

Gccn3^ i 4ム?(J) d 今 0^ 予っGao°c2œ!9ん 5 〒

O P1H « ( 〇) oS«à ( j) fç c g s J g g ^ îO jf W j^ ^ é . u a o ^ T O jce ccci

. . . _f 1000x p :Q:œ p 〇! a o îG co o jfD cooco 000o x x x o o a a g
a^ocuiota>oco«ia»c: n 、 1 u ^ c c ミ「 c c c c c er«c
•も ü ^ QÜJ0S33C) c y o c o ^ p c jii »)ï|gcos»j〇^ c o o c o jg s g ig è c o i

^ 3〇
o^^cos}jré^ç (Dü^ygs^[c}©G©i ü 〇3 GG)〇
3〇x D a ? g c ^ c o g 33311 o o c o c p ^ ^
sôsgcoojCD O D aoi o x p :5 r o o x o o d o o c g o s c d ^ œ :y c 〇 3 jœ § é G © c )ü g ii

( j ) O©Q0Cp^S3J[üa)g0 l G^CCOTぜ :碎 。ぞ:4 今〇

〇> 〇3CCXOCgg3j r ^
(p ) G3 rDJg:
©5 〇

GCD3 æ 9 QJ^C0 ^tl

(cj) cd| ctxd9JTO! C^œgSÜÜXO CO:
邛 ゼ ©Scoj^ODg 知咖丨 OTgっ:nSgojっ?c ç c eçgg‘:》 g é GS〇0 % é a ^
Q K p fg l S ^ C t t G O îS c ^ C ^ g H t-

opfiu I丨邊JDfDgüGDül k 〇|:SjrS 〇Jっ Gaoçrojccccèi ODCDGC〇5 ax é

C3 (The Evidence Act) cogi coœop^xoyqtof,
^ * 5 cog^
W >C3D :
©C|Ca〇fO y s c s ro c 350SCÔ:

。抑 I n|ya)ÿco;î a c . チ ^ 睽 : _ ヲ 3 ^ 1 œを ① 会 : H g c :叫 a g g k c î

— — —
c 〇 c 〇c c • c c c o rrc c 〇 ç c - c 〇
s»c^œ o ^ jo a jc ODCOGDDSC)令 33C j;
è a 3 s y c :ç |a ;ÿ g è c )ü g ii c o ⑴ G c û s ^ jc è c ^

^ ÎC2 â CD g:
33G 〇TcC>c[ÿ©Gi〇l o a y jo s o s G o i œ 〇Q®<5«>»

ゼ :勝 0 ^丨丨


( cd) CrXpîQCTD ÜÜCOGCOっD (華 : CûfSc :

〇LGCOっ 加 lg 〇)Ô】
:l G2gJc
œC COCpîOO^ 00C0GC033^© OCGQîjgcS

(© ) o x p js ro cdcdccoqqS i ©ococp5q:33aSi cocpiôg con§Ga〇à | | œ oo^

« g u x^csi COCpSQOD COTDCCOOCOJCI cccpss^c o : o ^ ©ocao:

33G〇r CÇC^OGOI CD«J0S33GuT〇2〇|g(DG€l〇X p :


(o ) coepsoro o^roGCûüsi ü jrp 〇2c % ^ G i 〇3 〇c ^ Ü jœ œ nagàa^

Q〇Gl〇3 〇c î^ Lc〇jr o i o x p îc ^ a x o c o 〇3〇c 〇> or8ücg 〇q i s ^ d fc îk ^ p


court-martial shall draw any adverse inference there­

from .

T he righ t conferred b y this section, to be exam ined as a w itness

on oath shall be in lieu o f his right to m ake a statem ent w hich is not
〇a oath. He m ay exercise either o f the rights vested in him.

1 3 8 . A court-m artial m ay take judicial notice o f a n y m atter w ithin

the general m ilitary know ledge o f the members.
Judicial notice.

139. ( i) The convening oScer, the presiding officer o f a court-

m artial, the judge-^lvocate or the com m anding
Summoning witnesses. ofiScer o f the accused perscm*may# b y summons
under liis hand, require the attendance, at a tim è and place to be
under his
m entioned in the summons, o f a n y person either to give evidence or
t o produce a n y docum ent or other thing.

(2 ) In th e case o f a person amenable to m ilitary authority, the

som m ons shall be sent to his commanding officer, and such officer
d ia n serve i t u p m h im a c c o r d in g ly .
(3) In d ie case o f a n y otber witness, the summons shall b e sent
t o th e m agistrate w ithin w hose jurisdiction he m ay be or reside, and
s u d i m agistrate shall giye effect to the s u m m o n s as if the w itness
w ere required in the court o f such magistrate.

(4) W hen a w itness is required to prcxiuce any particular docum ent

o r otber thing in his possession o r power, the summons shall describe
i t w ith reascmable precision.

1 4 0 . ( i) N othing in section 139 diall be deemed to affect the opera-

t ir a o f sections 123 and 124 o f the Evidence
Act* o r r a apply to a n y letter, p ostcard , telegram
o r other document in th e custody o f the postal
o r té le ff^p h amhm ities.
iic3ob5r)co^ cnoosajcco 000GIô^ îccccgooocg
J J JO O JkJw ù
«çcocgscQcs i〇9〇G |oècosiè:Q o 100000èccogc O
icwcQoécocPeo cœobscoosoccsico cüîclooocæccG r iiicfoicœcc

ま 纖 も !‘ 、ポ ; rf‘ 雜 (: 却 峨 310
16303coec eocscüco fe〇JC〇resècBb©ccc0o 10 9êc «go ïc ) ii no6c

JJL j j 〇
〇〇〇 〇 0 0 cü
cecodbcc œc〇fts3co 〇3 isccceGûD«ecsococa>îxj ococoécScc ^eccccca:ofef>joco
«ccGCcsûüCoèo lîobcccogLJofecoàcsscÉJec ij 〇bcœs>œeecosccceGœf>eGî〇coco
: c§ : od cccô 〇oe〇|S ^eoo cocoosoScocc icccoo^lkoco tps3coccsœcc (6 )
ncôobocGpeca>$cooa &cüCcœof)lccscoccScc6loeG ocoifesdbco
0 0 0 0 \ 0 oU 0 0 00 〇 •
^çgjoocGococüOcœ Æ ccsCjccîdscooDoîxi (ocecc o^gD ncSftbo coécScc
oosG^a::c3xooooodb Scc6cæcecc&ob 〇b j so?ocgccg3 cccoocoée) cocoo
:^co 參 icœ oo|6ccoaxcèo a;^oofi] oucoecs^oo ccscüccsc6|cg (ci)
hS oboccPecoécocc ioôcgccJîo cüsc?ococo »3oboîocoic8cc œoo
^ 〇 ù OU O 0 0 0 00 0 0 •
sîfoco ^ cc^d cojooGj oîcdcgî^ co œ bcicüîo cüccaxec^occ coocco (Q

H3cco|jeopceébcüdbôcco ccdbéôoBccscœ
Q jooo?oi^eG jé œ b io odcc:cooQjos>ococoicScc ioe>oS51èbB)oco isobcoc©
scÉjec isobcccoîüeècosccceGc〇fieGSP>coco
:s>çucc isceGî3î3coœ ôBlcoécp/CC cccs ,ノ ー 」J 了
________ >co aa icdccsaocotôesàco cocooicdooœ , 。
•〇 O J 00 0 0 T • 0 j 0
i^dbœcooSoo iBouS^s&sdbcoao ifectecSccscSo^sfescbcoacj (c ) 11 ii3cic

H aC C oW oC ^ O で ニ 命
cofeeccocücc c o c o c c Jo q axcoo ipjcPoooocGibjcffcooo ^6 0 ^

èeo ôéâa)socEü|e>eG Sccc0o ococboboscîsco ic0ccsfesdbcoo〇H woàc

Hc3ccoèoscc ccsboccoeec dxocco§coc!o|fi〇

1テ 士 sbôCGoeecio u3oboSlscoeGjeo^(Çl cuPegeoooD cc^ecoccsaPco
<Sccooo^eccs<DCc ofxoa) Oüûoeceo Scd sb esàco ibeGG〇o3coœ(lij
0 0 00 « 0 000 〇 0 00 0 0 • 0 b

nboecoo ffKüsfesàcooo cdccoro

wœfeœœ cdoooc^oi scecesdbco œPco^sQcbul^ecœsoêJaxa


(2) If any docum ent in such cu stod y is, in the opinion o f a n y

D istrict M agistrate, Courts o f Session o r H igh Court, w a n te d ’ ï<»
die purpose o f a n y court-martial, such M agistrate o r C ourt m ay require
th e or telegraph authorities, as the case m a y be, to deBver such
to sucB person as such M agistrate o r C o u rt m ay Ærect.

(3) ï f any such docum ent is, in the opinion o f any other m agistrate
o r o f any com m issioner cS police o r district superintendent o f p olice,
w an ted fo r a n y such purpose, he m ay require th e postal o r telegraph
authorities, as the case m ay be, to cause search t o b e made fo r and
to detain such docum ent pending the orders o f a n y such D istrict
M agistrate, Courts o f Session -Or High C ourt.

1 4 1 . ( 1 ) W hen ever, in the course o f a trial b y court-m artial, it

appears to the co u rt th a t the exam ination o f
Commissions fo r e x - a w itness is necessary fo r the ends o f justice,
amination o f witnesses. _ , , _ - .
and that the attendance o f such w itness can n ot
b e procured w ith o u t an am ount o f d ela y , exp en se o r inccm venicncc
w h ich , in the circum stances o f the case, w o u ld b e unreasonable, such
c o u r t m ay address the Judge*Advocate*General in order that â co m ­
m ission to take the evidence o f such w itness m ay b e issued.

(2) The Judge-Advocate-General m ay th en , if .he thinks necessary,

issue a com m ission to any D istrict M agistrate o r m agistrate o f th e
first class, or a n y officer m entioned in sub-section (4), w ith in the lo ca l
lim its o f w hose jurisdiction such w itness resides, to take evidence o f
such witness.

(3) The m agistrate or ofScer t o w h o m the com m ission is issued,

or, i f he is the D istrict M agistrate, he o r such m agistrate o f the first
class as he appoints in this behalf, shall proceed to the place w h ere
th e w itness is o r shall summon the w itness b efo re him and shall ta!ke
d o w n his evidence in the sam e m anner, and m a y fo r thi.q purpose
exercise the sam e powers, as in trials o f w arrant-cases under the C o d e
o f Crim inal Procedure.
iü xfe xxa xcc o?cco:cc ^d b o b c w o » o 〇G:2x>
»Bo§2 R?ob ioa^reeœsœ<r(g»3coo soa:CGî«c〇î〇3èScc&)b loœPecccoaxc
o îo à o b o :05000 :cPoe:obo bcccooS ^ 〇r〇ü〇D〇odb loQ S ftbarjœ ^booja'fe
ioooH B
O jJb JUieo6œ
ôH coicocc œSôao œccoaxcoo losoSBcodbosccc
g sd tio db&ccsjojccoo icSccsCjocsdbcooDOodb sécoeBo ccce>ocG|e cüsEüJcc
îdbcoooo^dsoèeoo [〇〇ûcg5ou|B cccoosc3 co& ic3œ:Eo|i::dbco cooocbo&ca)
iofcoo6|sG3 fc:d&cocoooà:>fee icos^]œsdxoœ<^dbœ ODCoèsçjcogD
œcooîcccofc i9cc:Eü)cc:dbco〇D〇ixfc cccsbe:oÇ|sôia:oo qÊocgüo (d)
uSccoèsoe>cocD o6occü9^bS^b iocuPeeccsoucc ipccscoccoo a:œs3s3co
0 0 0 0 0 a 0 où • 0 0 0 ?0 0 • e 0
|dbcc Scc:cœ Qjosoco ( 6) ^eco coooesScoçc isCjccsctcooooccb sécooBo
i:Eofe:dbcû coooàofee cccsSccidccg oeooobo ;020cccooécoébfccGS ccco
oioiocceajcca) loltoœœoa coo3ccocg^ d io3cco1Pcgôo9 oo i|ecciD (Q
0 〇〇 一 J J w J 0 〇〇 O
:cœo1fecao300 jï〇îçÆ)oososçoooo6ftccüe> ibor>b cocoPeeccsçxe ipccscoccc»
ic^sfeîàccooooi^eœccceœoD :o3cucooè6bo ^so 0œcfcs)axcccscoccoo 8260
^dbcoocoo icc6e:oblo0 œcœs>cüçcco cocrwKdcocc
ioc6o:cè]Pcüico ojoooÔo lœ Baso^cG E^^jjfeocIo coîoœ

000 cosfetcbcooooo coodccocGco éb:0000 axcecocc 0 0 °

j.ooœsbo&b ocofosdbco Soieobosœ ooo pEjs&sàccoo (c )n ncfec

iiSccD^ieôœ oooBIcoîcPoocxcaxcG àoœ^4sEülô

0 000 0 OJ 〇 00 OO O .~ !
cPoooccücec cbsœco100co coàybzœoDCC léobofee oocoa^cccoob
100061 a j:
u ^ to o b axT)〇s^cog3 isçüjccsdbco GDacàgo ébscœsçcœsog^ oJcéosQoo
coc&èüïccccGODOCGseccco (Ogscc iocooPeo^ft€G ajccosoDCosdbco cocnoeoBcooD
lîbtcbco ofecuo i:Eü|cc:d3Cû〇D〇ûdb ofeeœ iolcocecoo§coo isobcccscosSjSco
iobofee isobcccecüîSs300sEulsoob isobçcce>œs3s3cû sEolcfcsàco cooodjscQcc
Jfxriccficcœ œôocGecœôccco cüeecoscœcGCooecjococG 1005cg ( c^
Hctfcco^œoœ usbcccecoscPaooccDCCG àoasîiésG jlo isobcccs>
〇 〇〇〇 j 〇 〇 〇 〇〇 〇〇 〇 .~ 1 〇 j
iüicPoogcaüceB dboœojODCo codbdboœ axc icc〇2>〇3C〇:dbco cocne«c3œœ
lîfescbcooÊcoo cocoasoâcoœ isGc^ccsàco 000s à c o lèboccîoocodbscoco
çp:ccceGa)f)eGS〇co cogo gXD cc:cEol|cc loeo^ccçcoooocoîcoco losofijcu
:è?<i>coc5a;o 10300 œ s^ccsdscocoo^cooo 101ccœor>3K|oCD cxjccosaxoidbco
coc〇f« Sco cc (sfeîdbcooËaja» uEoIccsdbco œo^cbofee cn3cc6coeGœcoCGdco
issfeîcbcooQ gjèeco sccccGCooeGsococo ccoesccosoccséoo ccoo


(4) W h en the w itness resides out o f the Union o f Burma, the com ­
m ission m ay be issued to any Consular OfiBcer or other official *〇£
th e U nion o f Burm a com petent to administer an oath o r affirmation
in th e place w here such w itness resides.

(5) In this' section and in section 142, the expression “ Judge*

A d vo cate-G en eral” includes a D eputy Judge*AdY〇cate«Geiierai.

142. (1) The prosecutor and the accused person in a n y case in

w h ich a com m ission is issued under section 141
Exam ination o f a m ay respectively forw ard any interrogatories in
witness on c〇m_ w ritin g w h ich the court m ay think relevant to
th e issue, and the magistrate or officer executing
the com m ission shall exam ine the w itness upon such interrogatories.

(2) The prosecutor and the accused person m ay appear b rfo re

such m agistrate o r officer b y counsel or, ex cep t in the case o f an accused
person in custod y, in person, and m ay examine, cross-examine and
re-exam ine, as the case m ay be, the said witness.

(3) A fte r a com m ission issued under section 141 has been d u ly
executed , it shall be returned, together w ith the deposition o f the
w itn ess exam ined thereunder, to the Judge-Advocate-General.

(4) On receipt o f a comm ission ^ id deposition returned under

sub-section (3), th e Judge-Advocate-General shall fo rw a rd the sam e
to th e cou rt a t w h o se instance the commission w as issued or, i f such
co u rt has been dissolved, to an y other court convened fo r the trial o f
th e accused person ; and th e com m ission, the return thereto and th e
deposition shall be opén to inspection b y the prosecutor and the accused
person, and m ay, subject to all just exceptions, be read in evidence in
th e case b y either th e prosecutor o r the accused, and shall forra part
o f th e proceedings o f the court.

(5) In e v e ry case in w h ich a com m ission is issued under section 14 1,

th e trial m ay b e adjourned fo r a specified time reasonably sufficient
fo r the execu tio n and return o f the commission.
( g ) o x ê c c o c o g l 日 gGCOつC兩 つ EéêjÿoCJCG fC ^G C D つ (ygGCO つéoj

( y l9 〇IcC<â cno つC(D(S〇拳cogïg:050^ ( S g(D1 COCOCDGCû G^OOCÛDg G^^pœc

Œ>j 5 sC0ÇっC^GODOCjCSI COCOCD©〇r 8GCDOCjC8l ^ LQCSC|^ 333Ç33 つœ つ0C03 つ
I^cS g OOっ j^|üつ 尾 G3目つ:oxp gcog:吾S〇5 œ 屈®G©l ajcêGüS

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©<D£OG33J|üu I〇CCÛ05 II

ocyj h 11( 0) 3€j

ûço 〇 eco5ü^jéoço§<süîC|çcDつ œcpsc^
COCO G3üC〇œa3Çp5§Ç cocpts 03GûSCOt〇8cûgl 33gf^
cœowoc 3X0603
coœsoccopScr> ©ooxps^ico coc|qcGC〇
つ G«t|^平
o^iroo: oScaosc»;^: c 1 LO ’• 〇OC y O c _ 一 c
S JC O © つCOÜSÜJつs a ^ G C |:C O つ: G ü : 讲 c c o g i i c g c そつ① gto つ

ü g !? 3 X | GSOつC gC Ô S|üg G p co œ co cp sc^ 色 : CD § © G 〇l

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( j) 〇8 c 〇€ p :
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GQC01 C ^ C O g tfe K ^ c S c ^ 3 3 € p 号G 纽 c S S S c S c S ü S © つl G § G 乎ÜJ つS S 3 つS 〇p S G G p c S G < 〇I c

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(gC:C0 C0 33gJc75〇C:Q30I
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G平つc S l CCjGno5 0 5 C33q ©©Gü s |^SCO: S CO rSecodi 33©©33JC§子夸330^ G^GC〇5 ü g c a jl

© O g ü G 3 3 Jp 〇Ô cS ^ Iü € |ü g H

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<200つ ©5〇X p : 令: 0^(S c© i c^o<Sœcp:命 c s jc 5 a § ^ :|^ :b c c \^ 0^C0Cp:ÔQ3つ:

OOG£OS©€|CC|^ <|〇^*CÛ^ 33[gjS©©C0CpS^SCû[y©G0l 5c|ü0ll ^§|3^ CDCptCOODCO

Q 3gœ n 〇33Cp|s(Ç O X p ï3 3 3 つî cSGœÔüCJCI COGCDOy^CS^CDa:) S3©C|C90〇SC
o^caa§Gc〇33©©3Sjcrô^c^gg(D5Gso 孕 s Sgoscjü会 ]^éi œcpwjooGCDつcoミo^œ
ODCp*〇œ(cjOS©l C0〇5gCD333^© cocolulcojl 00GC00i;GjCQ3CDCD 33©C|C3€^Ç
OOCÛCQGCÛ33003Sjnccocogi 0033t>œâ 35§C§3>ScS^©G©€jüg!l
(3 ) (p ü O^D 3X| GŒ)5ü^|COOO§GOSC|CDgS 03ÜC§C:C〇CI 〇8GfD〇t)CjC


G330C Cûsg〇:GüT[y〇3 g 3 3 ^ |〇〇l 0©GS0S〇^C@CÏCD G^3§C:OOOs|cCOgll

143. (i) A person charged before a court-m artial w ith desertion

m ay be found g u ilty o f attem pting to desert or
C o n v ictio n o f otTencc 〇f being absent w ith o u t leave.

n • (2) A person charged before a court martial

with attem pting to desert m ay be found g u ilty of being absent w ith ou t

(3) A person charged before a court-m artial w ith using crim inal
force m ay be found g u ilty o f assault.

(4) A person charged before a court-m artial w ith using threatening

language m ay be found g u ilty o f using insubordinate language.

(5) A person charged before a court-m artial w ith any one o f the
offences specified in clauses (a), {b), (c) and (d) o f section 51 m ay be
found g u ilty o f any other of these ofFences w ith w h ich he m ight have
been charged.

(6) A person charged before a court-m artial w ith an offence

punishable under section 71 m ay be fo u n d g u ilty o f a n y other offence
o f w hich he m ight have been found g u ilty if the p rovisions o f the Code
o f Crim inal Procedure w ere applicable.

(7) A person charged before a court-m artial w ith a n y offence under

this A c t m ay, on failure o f proof o f an offence h avin g been com m itted
in circum stances involving a more severe punishm ent, b e found g u ilty
o f the same offence as having been com m itted in circum stances
involving a less severe punishment.
(8) A person charged before a court-m artial w it h a n y offence
under this A c t m ay be found guilty o f h avin g attem pted or abetted the
commission o ï that offence, although th e attem pt o r abetm ent is not
separately charged.

1 4 4 . In a n y proceeding under this A c t, any ap plication, certificate,

w arrant, reply o r o th er docum ent purporting to
P r e s u m p tio n as
be signed b y an officer in th e service o f the
s ig n a tu re s .
Governm ent o f th e Union o r o f a State, shall,
on production, be presumed to have b een duly signed b y the person
ûDctsojcccccocc cnooÂojcoQjic) iso b^^oœ o oA oxoQ A o ^BccicooiioPcoo
:oco:〇C? icocc^obîgoooooüco pQ œ ^cocœ oœ A oœ cccccocc co^oaxo
抄 ^o is^oocuccüfccc 。好 5Jo: c &j )〇occô^ x c :ocEul3 locooPco|oe locodbQoco
œeecosccccGûDocGîococoscëjcG oocnos^co rcicoscC ]iR | isebo ic〇fxx>coeœD
cücc iccbax^ltoo ccc o ç jà e ÿ x c cc cscc coSœ ^osbô v #

coaoîco cusScofîàeG cccoéoieoooec ccococccoaxo Ir B1,?9C|[>SWJ85?>

- . , ° ^ -i ° ° -, s«cc œicr«cooaxuSjlo
fâbsoecor>icûcnçccnj coccojcccocc lasbioeGCCOooos- - ° w ° °
T o o j j j j o 5^ o j • ù 〇

co«i6jcD〇cooe>^3R|iocoeeco so^œ SococoScojoeo I^c C g o o ^ o j c g III)» ii 6 6 c

« 3 cc 〇î?coS|2〇e œsjpsdbco®000 cocccclS®BleG oücoeGo^ajsooîCcsÎD

cocooîcS cocc locoœîceccr) iî9coccce>be 〇j 〇Sloo 〇) K :c 0 e iooa>Hô0Sa32o
O O 〇 〇 〇 O J • J 」 、 0 > O
J03SCCG 4bèc〇sliPaj〇〇B[〇〇 IGSKîQpQoODOOîCeG ^béco:IIPcü〇oR|oo I^CCS^CO
ccbesoS]000 ocosfesàœoo ipSJeecoooQ ccce>of)|bccGe>o9a)CG|jD (o)
uOS ccO〇çcoSl: 〇3 cDjfesdbcooooo coc3cc6oRec a^eGccccèicojlIPcüaoRlœ oca
O J uj • • «5 O O O JJ 〇 O \〇 〇 w jo 〇

ésccBoec cœ 3OOO
〇ç 〇cccüœujG〇Blc3cccPco〇î〇3 !|ecGScco^R^:c&ooocceKX)cc
J J O J OwJj し し o ooJi O O
O ,• I O〇& isa:03eG cœ 3 〇^oœœ 〇DœG〇R lSccic 〇3 îG ]E î,) i3ccs3co
J 0 0 3 〇 ^J〇 O-Jb 〇 0 O
ccbsîoEjooo ocoj&sdbcooo lô^eccoo ®^ cccooSJbccssoSojCGM) ( 6)
sfesàcoQooo coSccéoRlcc oucocGeeoooofilîcBeG SooçcoQ jœ JocEol^SaBfcc

L oo o ob»?îcPocoPe:éc5R
j û
i 〇Ge>o3«3〇oPcücoo»odb ic3ccs3coccbe:o0
J し o o •
ooo ocosfejdbcooo iô5|ec〇M>F)] cœ 3 〇œcoooæG〇R| bec c 乙 ogo (g )
O OOJ J • cüjfesàcooooo
• O O cocdccSoRcc
o 〇•>J
c〇coeGeecoooR|:cS]cc cccso^çoo icecccgD ia)ieG:
cPoocF)]go cccc:cœR|jo&
ic 6|:œ ic3cc:300îc be so^o oo oco:&:dbcooo ôSleeooooRj ico4e〇:cPoSoR|
cccoscœ Q j〇3:c§:œ oc〇( co ) p 4 (u ) i (e ) i (co) coec (C) 皆 cQ 〇§〇
Ù 00
coQîce cosfesdxoooœ co9cdkï>QcG cococcftOscBIosccoo ccc34050 socüicS o
J J • • J O O OO wJ O O wJ 0 6 0 O
i3ccs3cûccbeano ôBjooscKjsjccoocccacccPesjoë] locosfeîd30000 ( 6.)
iiScro ico ^ sœ œsfesdxooobo cnScc&oReG ajcocceoudbeojco i3 c c i3 co

œbesoë]000 ofi]a(S]a;œeG〇§eG cccoioœeœooSs locosfesdbcooo (ci)

u3O ccokx)H: •3 ousîssdbcoooœ
ÙOÙ JJ 〇 • 〇 O
oHe〇 〇jccecf〇cüc〇cüP〇(=)ce iSccsccoccbeioëjooo o^j
oODCOJCCG ébécOsliPcUOsQoOa» IDCOS&jdbcOOO ( f ) 。’ r r 〇 Ul| ^
丨丨キ 由 ^ ザ :气 啥 。ぜ cc§ 邊 œ 严 《 5 ⑭
o œ 〇DCür〇a o e cocnoscdcocc iococo: ccg ibiœîlIPco
ic3ccs300ccbesoQ çoo 〇 Qo:R[e)00 ioco:fesd30000 (c )n ilさ Sc


b y w h o m and in the character in w h ich it purports to have been signed,

until th e co n trary is shown.

145. ( i) A n y enrolment paper purporting to be signed b y an enroll­

ing officer shall, in proceedings under this A ct, b e
E n rolm en t paper. evidence o f th e person enrolled having given
the answ ers to questions w hich he is therein represented as having

(2) T h e enrolment o f such person m ay be proved b y the production

o f the original or a cop y o i his enrolm ent paper purporting to be certified
to be a true copy by the officer having the custody of the enrolm ent

146. (i) A letter, return or other docum ent respecting the service
o f any person in , or the cashiering, dismissal
Presum ption as to o r discharge o f a n y person from , any portion
certain docum ents. _ , _ _ こ • . .
o f the D efence Services, or respecting the
circum stan ce 〇r any person not having served in, or belonged to, a n y
portion o f th e Defence Services, if purporting to be signed b y o r on
behalf o f th e President o r the C hief o f Staff, or b y any prescribed
officer, shall be evidence o f the facts stated in such letter, return o r
other docum ent.

(2) A n A rm y , N avy or A ir Force List or Gazette purporting to

be published b y authority shall be evidence o f the status and rank o f
the officers therein mentioned, and o f a n y appointment held b y them
and o f th e corps, ship, unit, arm, departm ent o r branch o f th e services
to w h ich th e y belong.

(3) W h e re a record is made in a n y regim ental book in pursuance

o f th is A c t o r o f a n y rules made thereunder or otherwise in pursuance
o f m ilita iy du ty, and purports to l>e signed b y the commanding ofiScer
tcooœ &bo ^oico àœ :ocG |ôœ ooo^cow xoçoA jjboco
b^üBocœ ocicüio bœsdbcooooécxicoçuccjo io sj § j E)|m 3 ^ ê|cb 1000Q ^e c
Ô#:cfeGO〇3 :3 é S c c l^ bcGG0〇9〇JCG p 100003 œ j^G ô o S^X Ep (6 )
axe o3œs9Pcooo isobjéoœcoo œcooso3co& locobo iocoscSG] isobôéic5
œ îoaj^cog: isfeoucooo ioco icccscc iScgoox3 cco〇[〇 scPo&àœoo «ooà
Sccsccofeb §cfo6dbeGgo i^œec isécoeGjosœ ç>scPo|dbeG o3ccscçoBjjos>
pc〇5〇b Æccecos^coéfi] ûdcoosS cooc isobcodboœ ooocoo œœosScog^
içcobs) iocosoBEu] cc〇9〇)cb0〇Dccccc9cc œcBcciQooœbeclocG ( f )
h^ obo»oB|eccocucc gscdsàs? 因 sミc 因 e>ec 孕 cc:cooQ 」tt2) 000 jo o

scoccGcooecsacocoscSjeG 〇DC〇fts3cojD isocoéB] icoœ i^œ :cœ œ c 〇f>es:pco

cosc§ccçocno?ccco<b isocoéBl ico^9cc:3Pcooo 1000R ^so c^o ê o o io o :3 s3 co
cc jcoeecojooeccocîCG jpcco〇f>oco looG^oéîocEi^sÆcoSs^ooocwSsScocc
チ 》g œ n s c œ e o ^ œ チ > lo o sg œ ^ c i^BccsSPcooo 丨os>oKlbé::ÆJsoo
peoüco i〇3〇^éso@ o 〇ÿ>œsécoQeG io m Qô& o6]000000sèœQcc pPe§c>8 sccq
:9s3cooc fteecosooesGCXDCG ISCC0300CD œcoos3coœ iSccîSPcooooésocEôlo
eœësftooSoo sSsScoœocoeèco sooeccoocc
0000 iccc9 〇üd39axccccocx: cr^œscoosœsbsœooüco , r v • 士r ,
i®ô〇 gcüs3s3cogcbcG coc3:cœoooaxc i®ô〇Kjscoor>aj み :為
T0 00 j J nJ jo j J
00k iooo^a^lPe:o:§sbs>oocüCCü 1000包œcoocc ccoooo^ (c ) 11 iigbc

« ^ 9 1 3
sç&oœccscücc cosoEjsoœsobco oSjeGSftooooo œœ bGlsoQQoco loeo^coeco
llœ g ccbîoccsobco oSjeGsoooooo icœ sœ àoçucccccocc Sœ:ccx>
sgosbo çooœœeccoçocc coéoliœo oüSdbcc cccobîoccségD tücoDîoocsobca
a>K|〇GSftœooo lo^S^soboccosjocsobco oF|€Gsoco«oo (〇
oscdH ojPeeccococc socEüjescœQjoo sjgoecgBccgeQo ouccbesogsoccsobc®
o^ eG :
o œ M 〇œ s c P o s é s § 〇0 [ 〇c c o s p c c s p b c o o o ioS c c c c o
SDOwSobea» o^ieGsaœæocœscüàscüCCGCcocc cna3cc 8POC8〇bc<KIiE]cGîflœflq)Q
jcœsgDsbscoaouœ œs3coÊd3CGsb0§5CCSobcG oKjec
soooeço ijeoeèco soSjcuBoccesScüsoeo bcGGe>o3^eG^ (c)n »C6c

n^obcncoo isjb ^ œ é fte cÿ )〇a)C〇Qsa>

^ c c s c c o s œ fh o c o s a c o s ^ i becsœ cb œ c c § 3 o b s œ ^ D R 〇ü c o cccd


or b y the officers w hose duty it is m ake such record, such record shall
be evidence o f the facts therein stated.

(4) A copy o f any record of any regim ental book purporting to b e

certified to be a true copy b y the officer having custody o f such book
shall be evidence o f such record.

(5) Where a n y person subject to this A c t is being tried on a charge

o f desertion or o f absence w ith ou t leave, and such perscMi has surrendered
him self into the cu stod y o f any officer o r other person su b ject t o th is
A ct, or any poftion o f the Defence Services, or has been apprehended
b y such officer o r person, a certificate purportm g to b e signed b y such
officer, or b y the com m anding officer o f that portion o f the D efen ce
Services, or b y the com m anding officer o f the corps, departm ent,
detachment, unit or ship to w hich such person belongs, as the case
m ay be. and stating4the fact, date and p lace of such surrender o r appre­
hension, and the manner in w hich he w as dressed, shall be evidence
o f the matters so stated.

(6) Where an y person subject to this A ct is being tried w i a

charge of desertion o r o f absence w ith o u t leave, and such person has
surrendered him self into the custod y of, or has been apprehended
b y , a police officer not below the rank o f an officer in charge o f a p olice
station, a certificate purporting to be signed b y such j)〇lice officer
and stating the fact, date and place d f such surrender o r apprehension
and t\\c manner in w hich he w as dressed, shall b e evidence o f the
m atters so stated.

(7) A ny docum ent purporting to be a report under the hand o f

a n y Chemical E xam iner or Assistant Chem ical Exam iner to G overn­
m ent upon an v- m atter o r thing duly subm itted to him fo r examinatiem
or analysis and report m ay be used as evidence in a n y proceeding
under this A ct.
!i〇3cc 〇çî)kçcœ o f^cçccso K c ocooaxocfi cccsûdBococo bcGGe>o3〇je G p
odîccccggoocgsococcî SœœcJsfJOKrcccsœcaeobctt; cœf>:œcoecoco:cccsbe)
COS' 32800 œ^oge cg lîobcrc^oœ joocGeecocbaî !:obcccô〇cojooeGso3®o!Gco
cc^ooco Poxo:ftco:o9i ioo^R|cb〇Dé〇GQ3 C〇^o ûocœôÿjœbs^ec io»326 jœço
r>s>c〇|e b?gec-lébcobocG lébSEZ^occsec ( 6 )

•aSjecceoucc ^:crAcbeG:jcC]e)CG ^ccscoo^jooœ go \^œ<pbœcoeccoaxc
ccfil ioe> oocccogcûoocecoo
- JJL o f 0 ふ
o id b is icob^o
〇 J
ù Z J ^ w— » j
a ù
o o c
o •» o o
a o o
jJ j o o
ao^œ xœ s^sksçoficüco cufeàeçbgo i®eoSJocûàscœ:gesocc cu^dbœboo
ù Z jù 〇
îo B kcsrcc
OwJ e j
o • e o
\ ^
j 〇 o o
o \
S œ 〇]Peoec cüecoécBb axcgo lo&àobosœ soo œcccGftOücuÿjPooae
Q sjO 5CCG:
^îgCO ccbcicoco œcoodcucc^ü (g)

ocbubcG SccscooR icscrœ i3 ccqo«〇üco eccsxucc ccrc
• j rr j J j wJJL 〇 〇 〇 • o o

f^joe>^ac)〇2cooc)œcocccgo jç c té o jcublo icb:pe):ocEü|scG Sœ rcœ sœ sox

odcooî^ccooc iS ccc:j§sge:occ Isccoocoo loR^cc^ucbo^jcccccscc coo0cc
:coo:oo:b 3 ooécuco cüdbdboœûucc i&cbçGc0 cccx)〇co cucccscc gocdoîS cocc
O O 0 JO 0 O O \ J 0 3 Ù O O

1000 ioccÿ>ooê iic 5 tSccoco c9cc^(〇cca^ ooc〇ftîcdco& Uftoco çseco "ogee

çogcGccosonco ccccbesoëj:gs:fxjc^ccoccQ 〇cocoaîçccocc i^dbccpa ijcodb:coo
jgeî〇ccsceG〇coo i:obc(X 〇cocc:c§CG〇o Sccbcéœ co CDGSoScoeep lîobccco
oufedbcGOo cocno:3œ cc \ocoasejoElsœsfxrEcco isobcccsccceco iooœ
0 0 0 0 0 0 • O^J 0 0 b 0 0 O JO

cogcc ^ç c o s 0000 i:obccceoo:^ :3 co œ:cEjcc ^ccbcé^uco çucs>o3oücgÇo

isobcccsœs3scco ISàcc cuccœoBlob locccbobosceooo cuSocgogücücoPo 〇〇1
〇 • > • © 〇 〇 O O^JO O O O 0 O O J \oc

5〇co〇îç300oc icjcccGSîRjeoo scecs^sSco œ bcicoço gDC3 〇3 cüeG(Uj (C)

hc3ftb®soE]eccsoucc isœPeoœsococoogo iS c c liffio ^eecoguPeoco

:〇〇〇〇〇〇 cccoajdbs^ücc cccsccjBccscoosgDîbs cooojcoeccsçxc co| o1!goo
^ eccoeccoco
o o o j o ü
socccoasoboco f 6 )

hç3obae>jS|eccsÿjcc p;cPrtcb:o6:ocEol3eG^ccocscœR
ocosob ic^cccuPccoftîbsœ ccco^üàsajcccccscc a ^c c s ^s b s ^e c o c a ' Vj3c ||
ajhobtG cco^êéocoD ébcoosboccio iosc&b|cü:
eoco cocoPecoeicrèo ioblcdcc
0 O 00 O 0 Ü O J J j O J i < C 一 ’J

147. (i) If at any trial fo r desertion or absence w ithout leave,

overstaying leave or not rejoining when warned
R e fe r e n c e b y a c c u - fo r .service, the person tried states in his defence
to G overn m en t 如 sufficient o r reasonable excuse for his
unauthorized absence, and refers in support
thereof to a n y ofiBcer in the service o f th e Governm ent o f the Union or
o f a State, o r i f it appears that any such officer is lik ely tp prove or
disprove th e said statem ent in the defence, the cou rt shall address
such officer and adjourn the proceedings until his rep ly is received.

(2) T he w ritte n rep ly o f any ofiBcer so referred to shall, if signed

b y him, b e received in evidence and h ave the same effect as if made
on oath b efo re th e court.

(3) IÎ th e c o u rt is dissolved before the receip t o f such reply, or

i f the cou rt om its to co m p ly w ith th e provisions o f this section, the
convening officer m ay, a t b s discretion , annul th e proceedings and
order a fresh trial.

148. ( i) W h e n any person subject t o this A a has been convicted

b y a court-m artial o f an y offence, such court-
Evidence o f p revious m artial m ay inquire into, and receive and record
chwacter?8 ^ Rcncral evidence o f a n y previous convictions of such
person^, either b y a court-m artial or b y a criminal
court, o r a n y previous aw ard o f punishm ent under a n y o f the sections
82* 85, 86 and 87, and m ay further inquire into and record the general
character o f such person and such o th er m atters as m a y be prescribed.

(2) Evidence received under this section m ay be either oral, or in

th e shape of- entries in, o r certified ex tra cts from , court-martial books
o r other o & c ia l records ; and it shall n o t be necessary to give notice
before trial t o the. person tried that eviden ce as to his previous convic­
tions or ch aracter w ill b e received.

(3) A t a sum m ary court-m artial th e officer holding the trial m ay,
i f h e thinks fit# record a n y previous ccmvicticms against th e offender^
HcSccoèsos^ftCG^ boic?3 coobccxKceB soBobosœsci»
J OO JO j j J o j 〇 OJ J O O

Ça>IV)〇no œK,P( ^ Peœ8 ocoeô:oeeoo iso^Deccccscc ico6àccSccsSo^

I卜 àco^3 loRx^oJcoœPocos&sàcooogo ibcècooD^JscfoœPeîécSQ
œlnosoccDoc i〇rcosocc〇jp〇 àjsfesàcooooo ie&baaxoscEojèR] lobsec
ii3ob 〇3〇jctôa)CX:
ü€G cccoccçcc&Q a)PeeocôCüccSccgs〇j&>
〇. o j o o \ 6 ^j JJ j • j j ô j

Hÿ Scc:çPco oèoîfesdbcoGQidKlSebecoco ç^ oR|eEeccs>〇ücc oltoscœsoosb®

: ? .
çj^jcüco co^ àcE^o kS cccoscG] 矩 [ç)|dbcc Sectesミ Ejscousio ccco ( 「)
uSobscoosoge^o JoîgjsoeS
Ætoooi^ œScc6 becüC〇 〇 )C〇 scGü|éR[iS)6dbeGgD 10R孕 efesc函 socE^jscc
ç〇|àccio iSccsfesdxocpafo ioI^ou|〇ajoesocEolees Sccdsico eccscucc

去koPefijsgc^jsœ togscG «ôe^àccoo ico^obeGSccfeesoGjscœîgjgcço
ooènewCCD^ ioEosccüscx) sccGsôsccoÊdbec ^bsgccoDécccoécdR] œoooscdco
te ipb:oœoo?KP〇
5 (Bhl iboeioo^ gucüfeQî〇cé|seGgo pQgJsocCJoeG
23006S co œ îoosSco& iS cccoccoood œœccoœcoojPo isoo cccofei^

匕 黯 ; … 士 °.
g x 〇lb r 〇o o ^ ,0S^ œ ^ S i^ f œ œ b ^ S c c ^
soo la^ R œ œ ec^ œ œ P oçÿS œ coosSœ œ ioxocgôsQ»90 (c) n iiZjSc

ic&ocb^tj jecn cccsbee fS^°?9?00S? io§^ccccoojcc
t^ccfedbœ Scciooco^ ^ jS ? ^ ? 80®5?0 〇
co<fe:dbcooo :〇
n f e ^ 3e ibîcœ:cCü|soc6ü|ocG gKJewoiJoboeœôco cooBeJob
lu e c c o a x c S c c:^ lto o o 10005104ffibcooPcocc :c6ooo
fo Q o ecn ç s o b scaserdbco o^ d n o B œ o è ^ îc P o ^ P e œ è ^ c o o e é o c c o
« cco o ex 6 jcG ^ b à cc lOôcQascIhocGcoîfesàcoço œ i 〇6 ï3 cD〇c KcPoojfe
tjc c îb o i〇ô〇y ^rcPfwoccooejcQecipbrgcG iGoaQo^cPaocGCOsfeîdbcoocr
çDÎo«Æ 〇Dœ icœ oajccoo? S c c e o c o c o c c Sccfebeouco b c c o g o ^ ( f )

coBccoèœosbo B î ^cpo aDscPe^iSseGsocEojocG^^eG ^ ccscco

gDooocc ÿ s ê ^ o ^ a j a r ç & g o B cu ccœ œ 〇Q §〇 iioBccoècoRgbs ^cob g^scPo
• 0’
O J 〇 J 〇 J
J wJ J
600 cosfescbcooocx)
JO J • • J O O
coèeco soëlcooPe
J」 J

œSoQoocn bcceècD^çî) icoiccœ bo oé sjü iCü ifo ç〇(

oc?) coècx%3co& ilp:cr〇;o0beobo scSoooaoBIoeco tSL "斤 芝 0^
K ^4〇
J :L *S œ o o ^ ;
oo^coSfeœ ^ à œ ま 。
.p e c S œ o b o :c 5 o œ ^ * œ & ^ e c o ^
sccEîÆ^coccfecéajgû GJGeoSÿjeG^ü loBccsfesdboooo (c)n note

his general character, and such other matters as m ay be prescribed,

as o f his o w n know ledge, instead o f requiring them to be proved under
the foregoin g provisions o f this section.

149. (i) W henever, in the course o f a trial b y a court-martial,

it ap] tears to the court that the accused person
L u n a cy o f accused. is b y reason o f unsoundness o f m ind incapable
o f m akin g his defence, or iJiat he com m itted tHe act alleged but was
b y reason o f unsoundness of mind incapable of know ing the nature
o f the a ct o r know ing th at it was w ron g or contrary to la w , the court
shall record a finding accordingly.

(2) T h e presiding officer o f the court, or, in the case o f a summary

court-m artial, th e o伍c e r hoiding the trial, shall forth w ith repôrt the
case to th e confinning officer, or to th e authority em pow ered to deal
w ith its finding under section 166, as the case n\ay be.

(5) T h e confirm ing officer to w h o m the case is reported under

sub-section (2) m ay, if he does not confirm the finding, take ^teps to
h av e the accused person tried b y the same or another court-martial
fo r th e offen ce w ith w h ich he w as originally charged.

(4> T h e au th o rity t o w hom the finding of a süimnary court-martial

is reported under sub-section (2), and a confirming officer confirm ing
a finding in a n y case so reported to him shall order the accused person
to be k e p t in custody in the prescribed manner and Shall report th e
case f o r th e orders o f the President.

(5) O n receip t o f a report under sub-section (4) the President m ay

order the accused person to be detained in a lunatic asylum or other
suitable p la ce o f safe custody.

1 5 0 . W h e re a n y accused person, having been found b y reason o f

unsoundness o f mind to be iincapable o f making
Subsequent fit-
his defence, is in custody or under detention
nets o f lunatic a<
fo r trial. under section 149, the officer com m anding a
form ation n o t less than a bngade in the case o f
th e arm y, a form ation prescribed as equivalent to not less than a
çœ SœsccooDaûocc crÆ cc^oo b i ^ocosoBC]) ccnooco iojjo^Q ojSdcg
100oba iCüîSocc^eG cccscnco
o D J J o
œX>û 〇WW»«%
cG〇 aA
)s *»w^l
ç? G | IV
oco •n " * ? § デ^?!
' ' ' ' >cm9 ia>
bubjoco^ Sccscocoife scccejcJxcaD locoâaj cdcc:cœ 巧 ..
oîTe dcg ÿ^c ogo isccgs800escîxo feccîsesoEjoDoPe •
ajPccoSjsoe coÊosooo^oPesee c c ^ 3 S〇cE3 oeGSccocc|〇9ccoii noCc

iicSccoÏ ccoic^ ocg ébscoooIPe 4〇e c ifi|o c o à è o

cdccccoôbccscElcG S o o js c œ o lP e co<Çlcu i〇3 g S o2û I3soso^ o scccesdbco
iS c c c o o c c ccco o o ^ ijeccccco&b ajobcoojP eeobocc bec ("6 ^ ef>co f C)
〇 o ■〇〇 し o o j j * 〇 e ノ

iiccobeoba^ec çüsoccüI^ cgocgcx) ijococg

o •j d 〇 o «_i 〇 し o
ib c h b lo e c » cooccccoodo§ ioHcdob:oo^fiec é b x œ o lP e œ esd b co socccg
O JO O • ùO ùJJù 0〇 O ù 〇 • 〇〇

s o c o s 3 i S ccscœ cofK occ isobc3cc§3cofed3eG filS ccec cdcc?)|cccoeG g jè c o

j J ^ J J J J 6 〇 «Jj J wij ô
cofecoS]';os ocoeecooec S ccscajjso cE u lsec ccoo isc.b2 cc 〇r»caDceG S c c b e
〇 〇 J • 〇 ù • I J «~ I OO 〇 J ごO J •
: 〇Ç|?cEô!つ 。E^jaçG à> æ fecoSj:i? ^ ? o g c o bec ( 「) ( 6)
• u3 cco§
o •>〇

co 8 ocœe> ib o o o b o s œ s o o cocoeceoR ccccscooonô cücco s c e c e sc ic o œ 1000SI

〇 〇 ù J o 3 ^ 〇L| ù \j • 6 JJ
bSJsfescbcooGsc^cs i〇3 〇SlpSjs&>sàtj〇Q〇 )〇r〇jQeai!c 〇eb ÿ j 〇> re co ^ sœ
•c3cc3cbcG]S]5icoeGSccbe:o61scEZjls:xt 〇l3œtü<i>a;bo.l3eG ( 「) (c )
i iS ^ b
;cE o|ï 〇caj]3eG so0a)Pe c c à à o ç e o u c c 100ccjdccg S cc?cooso? ocg caoceG oeec
J O .一 ■I J wio 0 OO 0 JO ù J ù J
ib c o B o c œ s cnsbsec EsSPa^oa» 〇çrüteccB,sfe assfescbrooo b e c TiSvc 〇£〇
〇 J O 0 >JsJ O
cocoosccœ a: ibc3seG?)13œeG cuScc'oo «Snc&dbcs c3ccée>〇(X;^)l a^oB obasœ ocK D
) j O C >Jo ô o u j a 〇 j レ》,o _、、
JL、 ç J
ïcüioof)] soscJaccoosocooco œ c o o s 3 œ c c icccc5â59 psiiscbcooa) ( H
し 0」 • 0 J J Cf J O J J • ■ノ
iiccobcoosba cosfesdscooo oîobœcoPecoKIsoe isoçoec
j û • 〇 o j ù 〇 • JO
S c c œ c n o ë lo c o ccoo iieeG cccsœ cooS oœ cüsfeschœoa) co o ^cco isobcccoco
〇 j JJo oo し j Jb • j : o6 ^ ù 〇

cdccoPco^œ 〇5 G3 〇3 sàcD isobcccoûüocccéooccoso isD bcccaçucE cc^cccscc

J J o 3 〇 〇 _jy ^ ù ù ^ J u ^ 〇
S c c c fM 3 c c fi 〇èo?)lipoo b c to l 雄 D clu lîx e S c c 士3 〇&cî〇3ax5 scCcoしccs^co:llPa>
O 〇 ù O wJO CO 0 «一 *I 〇 J J J し J O '、 J J
e : à c o œ o j S oomSI c c c s o o b crS cc^coslIfto e s à c o ^ c « 、
ぐ 1° ^ ^i* i:r J\ n 〇 i )» J • in 111o ^ y ^c î ^? sc® co
oo cocofscrcocc icobo;«co§oieo e e pccjüi^cccea^
O O 0 O O O JO • J —! JU
<fcoccjos)Cû〇) icSccesdsco S o is o b o tœ e o o bSlsfesdsœaxî f c ) n 11360

ii3 c c o ? c o 〇sbe o j Ioccgo àecsocEBlseG p o c œ S c c S œ

ococncogo iscoeLcSoosB] scfeooocc 3 cocc beGscPoojPesicoB] ^no〇o ^0 g^scPo
dbccs:xEôje>eGscQeG ç r c c s c c o y ^ g x c oKlœ i给 g c o 》 Pcüœ ^pccgo iscîbs 9615 b j


brigade (army) in the case o f the n avy o r air fo rce, w ith in th e area
o f whose com m and the accused is in cu stod y o r is detained, o r a n y
other o伍cer prescribed in this behalf, m ay —
(a) if such person is in custody under sub-section '(4) o f section
149, on the report o f a m edical officer th a t he is capable
o f m aking his defence, or

(b) i f such person is detained in a jail under Sub-section Î5) o f

section 149, on a certificate o f the Inspector-General o f
Prisons, and if such person is detained in a lun atic asylum
under the said subrsection on* a certificate o f a n y tw o or
m ore o f the visitors o f such asylum that he is capable o f
m aking his defence,

take steps to have such person tried b y the sam e o r anoth er court-
mardal for the ofFence w ith w h ich he w as ongxnally charged or, i f the
offence is a civil ofFence, b y a criminal court.

151 . A co p y o f every order made b y an 0伍cer under section i

中 • • ‘ L fo r the trial o f th e accused shall fo rth w ith be
President o f orders sent to the President,
under Rection 150.

15 2 , W h ere an y person is in cu sto d y under sub-section (4) o f

M t section 149 o r under detention under sub-

(a) if such person is in custody under the said sub-section (4),

on the report o f a m edical officer, or

(b) if such person is detained under the said sub-section (5),

o n a certificate from any o f th e authorities m entioned in
clause (b) o f section 150, th at in the judgm ent o f such
officer or auth ority such person m ay be released w ith o u t
danger o f his doing in ju ry t o him self o r to a n y other

the President m ay order th at such person b e released o r detained in

custody, o r transferred to a public lunatic asylum i f h e h as n o t already
been sent to such an asylum .
u3cCO^CO〇fel6€G COçBobo ccfesoes loltosccsboo& li31053ûfêo
〇 ÙOÙ 00 J O O〇 〇 O O 〇 • O
ojœ iD ûDcnaicSoocc i3ob:cœ jéolPeec œ c o o :5 c o ^ 1030boocoiccGetdxooo

JiecGGCca&bcooœco eccocucc loaoBlfKDscPosEZJlcogc) 1030B)

し 〇 〇 j • 5 o u * o -J 〇 J
éœ :tü l« 0000 u o ctolsoècoco sccGesdbcoco ôKlcc&o à c o c c o b i1®
• a」 j 〇 j .««1 o o o • o o JJ o o oo o
o o o c io i 103000j î 3;3 coccsc0 cg iosoQcucncüoe icdcc
o «J 〇 o Jj o e o J j Uo j o o o o
eidbcoœ ibecœPeœœo^ooo^îcPosEülco cccab'socEüj&soes^o
00îoosç300fc i^sEojioooccosiSPcoeG (îdccsccoQjoo oco ie )
ebœ oCc «G1
。 îj^oîcooolfe b c c (C )e f^ h lobsec çoeiàco^o (e )

c o c o o :3 c o ? c iie e c c c c o e o b o c c co
^ o o L •o e
6 <tcGcboœcoccsœ 0 loltosccoolPebcc (f^) J ogoiooscg coescbcoio (co)
〇 30 〇 û Ù \ ノ \ 〇 しo 〇• 〇 \ ノ
— 3 cccoocccc〇9〇o^ oco8aj^dcc:cœolPe iccgsjco !^œ.es<^5c〇 ^3cc〇cc:
esobco loooKjbec (C) gogo iosw3>E)|beG (6 ) eeco |â 36c 06011 hPCc

!ll? 3
o îo ô c o i« c c bœ oC c
c o co o cccco so o 1?
« C C f) b 〇I O 3 I D 0 C ü f e CX>COOCCCC02)00§ i c ü IIc o o Ç3SOCO
û O Jwlo • ù * Ù O O o ^ ÙO

eGj3cfccoèocü«323co|d3€G libsœooo ajescibco ibec oCc acoii icCc

000 0
o 0ébobojoe300
0 0 0
iosoSlbSIsfejcîxo coosct
J JJ J • O
loltooHaoBIcocccoé cBccooBl cocoosc30002 lébobowesoa» loooBlofilsfesdbcooa)
j 〇U oUo J o j 」 J o 〇 j j o o o UOU • J
icSjee joeoSloQsfeïdxooo Sccege cocoecooRj Sccscooooo cücoo :cecej<ico
iieescccs^b coococo eccococc cnFîlISsoooçoPesee
し O ^ ^ • J OJO^D ù O •
Eesobcoœ 1000scPosElco cœ 0ôcüœs3cD^û〇œos3 œœis3oésEolco
〇« 5^ • e-J OJ ôJ ù J o 9 0 0」
〇D ccce>bëSEjj]fe«〇53.oScD〇o iofcoscœolPeocofesœo
o »一I» oo o o j •
i)C〇o bcceoGOiooeeG icüesàcooooRïo 1000sEûl5000co〇3:3Pa)cc
〇 し o 〇 • 〇〇• _ ] 〇 • 0 —1 o o o
@[îx):cœ^)IPeeG ^oocoos bec fC、 eaco i36c aco gDesàcogo (e )
o 〇 neeccccseoboeG
\. 〇 d
culsàeG coccjœ a coRlfesoSo^oPesee
o J dJo j ù 〇 •
BexdbcogD loltojcœolPe bec (f>) \âbc a c o çoescbcooD ( gü)

— cccc 2300ScbecscQeG S c c : c œ 〇Dftcocc ip coeG ^ ou^ cocoo?c3 co^c

i^ccfeàcG ccç0 〇B] sScoccccbcüooü icoi^oeGÇcç cccscnoo çuceGasSocc

1 5 3 * W h e re any relative or friend o f a n y person w ho is in custody

under sub-section (4) o f section 149 or under
under sub-section (s) of th at section
desires that he should be delivered to his care
and cu stod y, th e President m ay, upon application b y such relative o r
friend and on his giving security to the satisfaction of the President
that th e person delivered shall be p roperly taken care o f and prevented
from d oin g in ju ry to him self o r a n y other person, and be produced
fo r the inspection o f such 0伍cer, anà at such tfmes and places, as the
President m a y direct, order such person to be delivered to such relative
o r friend.

1 5 4 . W h è n an y property regarding w h ich an y offence appears to

have been com m itted, or w hich appears to have
O rder fo r custody been used fo r th e commission o f a n y offence^ is
Produced before a court-martial during a trial,
the court m a y m ake such order as it thinks fit
fo r the p ro p er custody o f such property pending the conclusion o f
the trial, and if the property is subject to speedy or natural decay m ay,
after reco rd in g such evidence as it thinks necessary, order it to be sold
o r o th erw ise disposed of.

1 5 5 . (1) A fte r the conclusion o f a trial before any court-martial,

th e court o r th e officer confirming the finding
O rder for disposal or sentence o f such court-m artial or any authority
re? ardin8 superior to such officer or to the officer conven-
mitted. m g the court, or, in the case of a court-martial
w hose finding or sentence does nnt require con­
firm ation, th e officer com m anding a form ation n o t less than a brigade
in the case o f the arm y, a form ation prescribed as equivalent to not
less than a brigade (army) in the case o f the n avy or the air forcé,
w ithin w h ic h the trial w as held, or a n y prescribed offleer, m ay m ake
such order as it or he thinks fit fo r the disposal b y destruction, con­
fiscation, d elivery to any person claim ing t o be entitled to possession
iooo Q coîç330 cccoç^Jsçccc o>œeG:o6]^co:liPcü〇oQ oocr)〇s^cog 3 iccca
:3 P œ o o o ^ 〇B lS cc|〇e)^êü):llPcüœ
0 〇 •> jvUo «éL • \^ «>
ù 6 ù sfKcsioocu:fe:dbco
j 〇 oo •
oo oocooîodcog^ io3cc:coofi]000 c&sfescbcooo lajjsctcGîcëJeG cœssccooofe
coco O
0 0 0
\ J
O ^ \ O ^
O O ^
joSdcgîoBocgScg ccc^ cooo oucecascSoecSeG ccccsccooofloocc coc9cc3co
会 备 (ocosSEôl) ccoooco icü^o〇
)K] cucoecococos oocoa:300gD 100obs
Ædbec S cccüoco eu23oec oecccracnoa ouceG^ccnooco idcoocg ccco
0 Û \ ù O O V J J J Ù
obosceooo sococgccoroco icüiooH cucoeoocosScjjl icccsœœcceG:o:dxo
J O ^ J ù し J t J j 〇 • > « _ 」 J O O •

ccらjfiébS]cdcoec i〇3J〇»S)îoajPec
O 0 」0 〇 J
〇ftreæ£îa>H loeoQaiœPeccSlsce coco»
〇 J J j 」 o O «3 » 〇

j S cocc loocoDceGœœec fâfeàeccSccsSoo cusbscoco

雞 实 i 了 ; 禁 を : 總 藏
i〇〇〇>in]coajPeco0 see ^sfescbooaoœ cocooscccdcc °
»fe:dbcoooa) neeco9cc;oe:R] soÊloboscGsca) occsfesdbcooo (c )n ii CCc

»Sccp icooP elecG

oppb]sc3ésc6]eG looo 号倉bfenàs) ojîo38000 iœ cio;Q 〇〇o:be œeccoaxc
ccc300000 cnodccoccro icBccsfesdscooooo ioi&Da>F]scdao Sccco^oi^
œPo uobcrcosogDCGCcoSe isobcccséSjec^Pcpec ic3cc
s3 8 〇i 〇 \\c3ccohc0fik ColoCG CCCOoSlaOO CoSoCCOO ll|çcc Cü〇xcsb 〇||e

occoe> libsfKCîéçocoé^ïpcouo œs3 S(^ipco:pcoCG〇 ç〇Jn«:〇dcogc icooo
sccocoRsReaobosceoooœ icdcç:fesctcoooœiiecsccco v 上ü ミ
0— 0」
^ 〇j ^ ? _ , • > 〇 し pÔ»
§oco œbo sbscbcooo isoœecda^ooosœsoo oec ^ 〇S 〇b〇:
: œ ^ '
iojjS S o ccce>j〇3〇efi]scceG œcoes soëlicoslIPcü
œcoorcccofc icccosSPcooo otooF^SccjoooêicojlIPcu il il 6Cc

t iS c c o ç c o o le lo e G cxkoocc ccoodo ^ coooocgsoo

1030S]^coœocoo^ogscG i〇3〇K1 ccoosjJoceo^ogeeG ^>ccg〇 ipcccccsgeolPe

lolfeioe oceGOoécôI^coocc cœooçk isobe0 3 0 , 0 2 0 3 0 io c o c g ébscesoo
cu^dsecoo locoscPocbés o i i^eccccoscEüliS 1006cbœ cccsscSjicS

coのcc icosooè i:pbin^9 〇しosos>sgs:cco テcecs^o 苔a>e>c去a>士 〇2>Q可^

, ocenoco
JCcoccscEjec loeoBlœcoco çc isobeoç3 0 1 0 c u c s q c c o o
^«soccusajœoo ïDltuscœcocI^S) socEolscuosoecsos ujo^rxæso^OT»
?ccœ :c ^ ,^œ :èœ oeoçocbe ^ sàc〇 Scc^
pcoo çoccga ia»3 annjcoœe)coa ios>〇D|Cü2|eos3 ^ccoe
io0;cooolPe bccr (C ) eoeocDcnoscScocc i( 6) èoeo 36c ogoii iic^Cc

tKereof, o r othenvise, o f a n y p rop erty o r docum ent produced b e fo re the


(2) W herp a n y order has been m ade xmder sub-section ^i) in respect
o f property regarding w hich an offence appears to have been co m ­
m itted, a cop y o f such order signed and certified b y the a u th o rity
m akin g the same m ay, whether the trial w as held w ith in the U n io n o f
Burm a or not, be sent to a m agistrate w ithin w h o se jurisdiction such
p roperty for the tim e being is situated, and such m agistrate shall there­
upon cause the order to be carried into effect as i f it w a*e an order
passed b y him under the provisions o f the Code o f Crim inal Procedure,

Explanation.一 In this section the term 41 property M includes, in th e

case o f property regarding w h ich an offence appears to h a v e been
com m itted, not o n ly such property as has been o n g in a lly in th e posses­
sion o r under th e control o f a n y person, but also a n y p ro p erty in to
o r fo r which the sam e m ay have been converted o r exchanged, and
anything acquired b y such conversion o r exchange w h eth er im m ed iately
o r otherwise.

1 5 6 . A n y trial b y a court-martial under the provisions o f th is A c t

shall be deemed to be a ju d id a l proceeding w ith ­
P o w eti o f court-
m artial m relation to in the m eaning o f sections 193 and 228 o f the
Proceedings tmder üûa Penal Code, and th e court-m artial shall b e deem ed
A ct.
to be a court w ith in the m eaning o f sections 480
and 482 o f the Code o f Crim inal Procedure.


C onfirmation and R e v is io n .

1 5 7 . No nnaing o r sentence o f a general, district o r sum m ary general

Finding and sen­ court-martial shall be valid e x cep t so fa r as it
tence not valid, unless m ay b e confirm ed as provided b y this A c t.
h卜 ofco :。か
ISlfKCcocG socoec Sccscœ sécSBl ôQce>o3 cüeG^ 3< 〇<c SccjxoPecoftre
tçScccüPecûofeœcoRl coc〇6K0 cdoc icoPeco^sie ^cco SDCs9 5t:?S§398?®
oiPesfesdbcooo:dPcocG oocooîcdcocc u&scboooosoœ lolPesfesdscoooii u乙Ce
J • ù ù O 0 〇 • û JÛ û • J

H ij§ 5 〇
e ?g ^ c o é g o é so g ig a co e c

life sœ eec

h^occocoè cosfesdbco bcGcn[v〇oeG 15^5 ntclè

f 〇6 ôé ooS ogocô( ^ :èoôPoxcoocfc :^cciu:& :<ico
aoèo ^ © « I^ ^ ^ J o ^ a .g lîœ S œ s o e fe cccsobo
sdxo teccn| 8oefe y 〇 u lT ooé 33c oGœEôlcoccoà
j し〇 j e_ b
O 。山 6 oBlsfescfecooa»
J Owl « O ibcGscPocoPesécofi] し
|〇GS>o3coeGlBii n»Cc

iic5ccooio sccco:3 Sococs

o o L j J
6b isobcccooSjsccéscÊJeG i8〇bcccos〇bi〇)fe 100000Qsoêlœccco iosoBlo£|s〇0
V 〇 JJ O O loHcdocooioïC300
〇 し û
o •>〇 〇 \ Jh ^ t 〇c é o n œ cocnosccœcc iS c c
O 0 O O J
cotocosocB|s> oscSSogo ioj«cccsç : oo cccoolPeoeGoEds^ü] œœos^co&
jCccooSjlscuœœa cccccskxîccoscosS co ioltooBlsc5So ccccs3PccoopiooF)l cccs
1 ju ô o o o o OwJ j o o j 3 j J
ioe> oêicosiIPco Sobscœ oSccœ sodoo ccoogo(B ii iiouPesocosol?
丄 • \û OO O O ti O W O ^ J ^ Ù Ù

〇 o o
o 〇 U eJ
O \ O 0*J 0 ScccooPecooo
〇 OO
cüI ocgoo ibeGscfecuPesécoBl loceoSsoo
〇 OO O « 3 0 」 し •
oPcocooixi icdccsEolccscbco cooûcdoo ii3 cc 〇ç 〇 sHsoosbscoococo cüocoeœ
O J O O-J O O O ooo oJ O O O O «3
〇 •〇
o oo o
o o
o oo
•>〇 u o
• e e -j
:cfeco 〇œoodb OccocO6cc&x.eG Ooeooobo

i Ccg tc è o a œ loooGfccccèo^So? 0oc3R| ioe>oS|3ccèoc〇(I)| o&socoeGooècoçS

し o o 〇ニ \o Jo o J oU o 、 j J j o • oo oU
6oc 〇De>3f)| cusoë]obos〇2SQ)〇 neecSccûDoPe bec \c j eoco cceeco^oec
cccoogsajcc jéso38o oBccsSPcooojéeoQ SccjosopècoslIPco (P )
J 00
000Pe iü jo œ SccoSlooo ifÆ ccccooocc ébeleoo igobcccoôBscBésc&lcG
〇 〇 OO O OUJ û O O 〇 \0 •O 0 0 o U
i î 〇bcccs5)Hso0ocGsoo gcecccœsocœs coccccooescco&cuco isobcccoôHsoS
O O J ^ J 0x^0 〇 ù 0 〇〇 00 O O jZÀ

oJ 〇
j j ù Zj a j
igoo B gjsccccgcoocgsococo
oJo j 〇

158. The findings and sentences o f general courts-m artial m ay be

confirmed b y the President o r b y the Chief o f
P o w er to c o n fir m Staff, or b y a n y officer em powered in this behalf
genn en ;
1 c 〇u r t - m \ r a a l° ^ b y w arrant o f the President or o f the Chief o f

159. The findings and sentences o f district courts-m artial may be

„ c confirmed b y a n y officer having p ow er to convene
■ finding and sentence of a general court-m artial, or b y a n y officer em-
^iistrict court-martiaj. powered in this b eh alf b y w arrant o f such oflBccr.

160. A w a rra n t issued under section 158 or section 159 m ay con-

L im it a t io n O f p o w e r s ta insuch ^ strictio n s, reservations o r conditions
o f c o n fir m in g a u th o r- as the a u th o ri^ issuing it m ay think fit.
*ty. , • ダ

1 6 1 . The findings and sentences o f sum m ary general courts-martial

m ay be confirm ed b y the convening officer or
P o w er to c o n fir m
f in d in g and s e n te n c e o f if he so directs, b y an authority superior to
su m m iiry gen eral him.
c o u r t - m a r t ia l.

1 6 2 . ( 1 ) Subject to such restriへdons, reservations or conditions as

m ay be contained in any w arrant issued under
P〇\ver 〇£ confiming section 158 or section 159 and to the provision
o f sub-section (2), a confirm ing autHority may,
tenets • w hen confirm ing the sentence o f a court-martial,
m itigate or rem it the punishm ent thereby award­
ed, or com m ute that punishment for any punishm ent or punishments
lo w er in the scale laid down in section 73.

*(2) A sentence o f transportation shall not be commuted for a

sentence o f im prisonm ent for a term exceeding the term o f transporta­
tio n awarded b y th e court.
iib o c o jS jo s o ^ c o s o c B l ^ l o e c I t o o o ^ c d g c c c d s ) û l' c û c g

coccü S o r n o jc o c c c c c ^ s o b (Cüa*>G 〇s é !c ü c o S c c o o fjfe C ü s fe s c i.c c c G (Q

iiScco|œ socgsjoocPcoo ^ÿ)G® §Jo 1000QjéscPf}〇ûG〇g lo e o g

o te e c o a ü G o n J c c c s ô é p o 6 x c e f 5s |je e G oS c c s c o o F)|j o d

oco c i6 6 G〇 c o in o s ç ? c o & i c B c c c i? ) ] o e c c c œ c c s ftS n ca D c e c

coco œ coos3co& ie d x 〇| c i ' c 〇3 o jœ c o Q S ccco^P e ^

a îs ^ à c o o o rà iie c G c œ s c ^ œ œ à jc o P e c o è P e c a jc c R .

^sb^C O Q G ic d c c o g c ^ c e c Æj〇-C G C o iC C G a o P c c ^ O ^
# q p fe せ c 〇g し
o ( 「) ijg c s c P ft ç c fe s ç c ü 空 o :こr〇c〇re c o ‘ 咖 0g

cog 〇〇;
c5 c o c c iscP ocoP eso?) is c P o c u f e c o c c ^ c u ^ c c o o i o
j j o ' o ou o o j 〇 o C
0 «3S
û «î
bee 3Cc OCO
cx>cc〇sJ〇3cO〇cc lüCc
OCO fc)u


liS c c c è î î ic d c r c G c o c o ncaxca
ccioccc cucoecoo lof&oH ics> ^ o f i c o f j ^ œ œ:
aœ i bS ? " cec. f
^ 0 ^î! I 1 J ノ。七 v っぎ1 rsa〇
G®R o^ajPecoHio&
onccüces cuco^fto cobcoecco cdct^ ccodcx: icccco^ w J J 二nJ 」•
私 。“ ン 的 1 。
4 ニ ?卢 _ , :か 05
J j O J 0 J JJ O O J J 〇

pniPe2D2cbcû〇Gï3i〇j€G i〇ü6cbcG ccccscccç olfe?fescb〇Dc〇icr 〇üCGii hcgc

nSccoèoojo scfhcüfe »*?§

| 〇J 〇ü ic P« Ct WCCG
socusS o c^co o sccco œ i° x R f^ c jP e s o § ] i s c P e a jP e œ c c ^ c ü
CC3DCCC OH doocc
CCCc o c o c S o c c d s ô c c cooocæ ceG c d c c c o œ c o c o le c G
oo 〇(x > c a > ï^ € G c x rc c c o c o bec 3L»c oco cocoosS cocc io Cc o g o ii
〇 J JO O ù JO O Q J , 03c


^cocE ç u scP eo ireo o o P eœ G o Q ç .'s ïc P fw jre a a R ^
. ^îcPosèsdxooo :o p œîSs^coédscG S ccîcoo %. p :67dbœ〇®«9§〇"
デ 严 ca^ccc 通 co^ cg ト 皆 œ §àcc$, •
œ cooscccoœ lœ s d s jœ & c b e G b c æ c e G é b s ^ 3 o ç g je c o o l P e s f e s c b c c G 〇ii nüC c

iiccccoVflScoeG ûjscPacüfecûoPeaocoR ô iscr 〇 .. ^«coDcaï

cufecoH^oe pSi^Poolfesoscbcoco icosSs3006œec c?cc ^ VpJ 〇 - f °n^ 〇
0 • ず ° -n , ° M〇e e〇 °,n〇 〇 ^ jcercæcoR 〇^ PeS°9
sC0DS0§>oeccciDCCG 〇g c 〇| 〇eG la« § ïï :œ ^ o fe îà c o jo
C ü o lfe îO ^ ib ^ C C ü l 〇3 〇g c ü c 〇〇c c ç c 0 3 0 0 1 çcèoa ,

:笋〇〇余 ic ü 〇lPe 2〇s3 sbe)CDGDCCü cocooscdœ cc ic o c o o c c c g û o o o ^ h ii o Cc

J OO 3 O O 〇 O * ÙO

C i

163. W hen any person subject to this A ct is tried and sentenced

b y a courtninanial w h ile on board a ship, th e
Confirm ing of find- finding and sentence» so f a r as n o t confirm ed
mgs and sentences on and executed on board the ship, m a y be con-
P firmed and executed in like m anner as i f such
person had been tried at the port o f disembarkation.

164. (i) A n y finding or sentence of a court-martial w hich requires

confirmation m ay be once revised b y order o f
Revision o f finding or the confirming auth ority and on such revision,
s nence_ the court, i f so directed b y th e confirm ing
authority, m ay take additional evidence.

⑶ The court, on revision, shall consist o f the same officers as

w ere present when the original decision w as passed, unless an y o f
those officers are unavoidaMy absent.

(3), In case o f such unavoidable absence the cause thereof shall

be d u ly certified in the proceedings, and the court shall proceed w ith
the revision, provided that, if a general court-m artial, it still consists
o f five officers, or, if a sum mary general or district court-m artial, o f
three officers.

1 6 5 . (i) Save as otherwise expressly provided in sub-section (2),

the finding and sentence o f a sum m ary court-
F ind ing and sen­ martial, shall not require to be confirm ed, b u t
tence o f a summary
court-martial. m ay be carried ou t forthwitH.
(2) If the officer holding trial is o f less th an
five years1 commissioned service, he shall not, excep t on a ctive service,
carry into effect any sentence until it has received the approval o f an
officer commanding a form ation not less than a brigade in the case
o f the arm y, a form ation prescribed as equivalent to not less than a
brigade (army) in the case o f the n a vy o r the air force, o r a n y o th er
prescribed officer.
nbçuSocœoa ocœ s^ucK|9t(^ i^oc|dxG b>
iç 6 |〇b« gü〇)fe3oocccocc çd|dbec Sœ «:œ 〇DÂû〇cx::c§a 5 oocoos^coo:
i^ |d b œ S ccçüocü a> so3occ8 cd cccqcooo œcG3s:o3oœSœ Scca:œ œ o 〇DCD
tooJcco32o o é (o œ ;^C |)cco e o co iœ[〇o§œooccococoo oocno^co& içcobo
»iü:c3oCGçcG cccooooa cüccgsccoooco icü|M 6j〇JC〇CG〇œ:c3Eü| ii[ 〇co  i^î6œ
000 S Q sico (oltooQcccPcoo gjceG 3 〇és|〇 g ü ccîo o o S t o oQœ 6 dbcc oosoco
éBj iSoo&dsec Sccoco?)! CjjsoQoboso5300
° ° ° ^i3œ oècoBocœ oio§œ P ; îo&œPe • プ f
^P eœ oog ^ œ re œ ^ œ jb ^ œ œ
çocoPecooPecsDcoBI bécoPecoSIsœ ipsfesàcooo sooooco
0 0 0 J J j J • O • J J -J
ccscœsécoQ sc5éscE|cG zoœccœca pco ( f ) eoco (c )n «Cgc

nccobiofe ooœ ltooojoi^çc ^dbœ 〇5os&§〇

loIcoéeoQ isobcccQsfesdsccoosoco isobcccsecoolPeifesAcoo^ sSPcocg coco »

J J 3 • ^ ^ J J * J J d
sc3coœ i3 o b i^ 6 oocoltoo〇|n rSsio&cî^eG ocosfeoo loltoésoQ ecoolPesfesdoco
00 ococbœ iiodobcoBocœoaxococe îoso0oosoF>j cScolBI Æ ccÆ iàcooo
go lœcéosQscocooœco scccsbo PcocosocosoBi ? 〇〇〇/£ lœœPeQsocEûja^
çupëjbcüSucüPo n:go ipcos]faso§ûücoa)Po Scccœ oc 600000 §bœ (é)

no3ebo〇|〇 : 〇re>|<i>CGœ
jEosfeidbûoooœ i5àoc 〇(^ j 〇6|〇DsoQo3œiBl iocr>Aç0ccÿ;?ü§uPo pcccocSsft
¢00 s3 sc?co icüéccjcFoScbcG ^ c c E ]6 œdaœoFe cuPeoobjsoe coo ( f )
n3ccp^ gjfeeccsopcc
000ÿ jc io s〇yœ ccâ^œ sc^jèc5 ic3 ocsfesdbooooœ io(to
scCjécS cooocaDceG <ÇJ5coeG ocodboœoRl ^ ^ u,|>§?oe?Ppcoj3
》ト 学 CCギ 0關 COノ 趨 ,趣 咕 '翅 备 品 。
(popcaocec ^cacocs iCüC〇recooPeçüçoBj oocoft
SJTCOg: !CüfsC0 S)|S02 ipgfescbcOCDO C0CCICC3CO OüPe^OCÎCOeG (c)H ItbSjC

hSoba)Bocoe 3 2ococgç3cc^ ]^ cocgg300 1[SSjçdcoec

ccœccccobasœooo ocoSIsocüoœ cdccouoscccoccgo iiioOT
:c œ &00 ic o p c c ^ o !?^ Sc œ e
oSojoscçcsocœ (^ajPeœÂPe〇DS〇§ ^ajreœ §sœ oo
i^eecSccbeso0000PeaoGob] Eçbosœ9000Qsfescbcojo
3oéôSooojoosoccocçc0cc i3ccs3s3co ?cbcéa)〇o gjcs>o3〇üœp5ii iidgc


166. T he proceedings o f every sum m ary court-m artial shall w ithout

d e la y be forw arded to th e officer com m anding a
T r a n s m is s io n of form ation not less than a brigade in the case o f
t h e a r m y or a form ation prescribed as equivalent
m a T v ^ o u r t - m a r t i a ï 111'
t o n o t less than a brigade (army) in th e case
o f the n a v y or air fo rce, w ithin w hich the trial w as held, o r to the
prescribed officer, and such officer, or the C h ief o f StaiF, o r a n y officer
em pow ered in this b e h a lf b y the C hief o f Staff, m ay, fo r reasons
based on the merits o f the case, but not on any m erely technical
grounds, set aside th e proceedings or reduce th e sentence to m y
other sentence w h ich th e court m ight have passed.

167. (i) W here a finding o f guilty b y a court-martial, w h ich has

been confirmed, o r w h ich does not require con-
A lte ra tio n o f fin d in g firm ation, is found fo r an y reason to be invalid
o r sentence in certain
cas 〇6.
o r can not be supported b y th e evidence, the
a u th o rity w hich w ould have had p o w er under
section 182 to com m u te th e punishment awarded b y th e sentence,
i f th e finding had been valid , m ay substitute a n ew finding and pass
a sentence fo r the o ffen ce specified or involved in such fin ding:

Provided that, no such substitution shall be m ade unless such finding

could have been v a lid ly m ade b y the court-m artial on the ch arge and
unless it appears th at th e court-martial must have been satisfied o f
the facts establishing th e said offence.
(2) W h ere a sentence passed b y a court-martial w hich has been
confirm ed, o r w hich does n o t require confirm ation, not being a sentence
passed in pursuance o f a n ew finding substituted under sub-section
(1), is fo u n d -fo r a n y reason to be invalid, the authority referred to in
sub-section (1), m ay pass a valid sentence.
(3) T h e punishm ent awarded b y a sentence passed under sub­
section (1) o r sub-section (2) shall not be higher in the scale o f punishr
ments than, or in excess o f, the punishment awarded by, th e sentence
fo r which a n ew senten ce is substituted under this section.

^4) A n y finding substituted, or any sentence passed, under this

sectibo shall, for th e purposes o f this A c t and the rules made
i^tcP〇G0〇3sc3i ScclÇ] bcGG〇o9cuec^ b§G3〇9a;eG ^ iSccèeco ÿ5ca>^
S o cco ftP e cocn0 2 3 0 0 œ ife^cocoPecoRïœ cdccrooscoeG b e c 〇 G ô 8 S (b !)
〇 〇 J J O 0 O • o o o V /
ttboôpQo ÿ )〇〇
ÿ3G〇R] cccsbesobjsgoscoeGoo ocosca>eGs]JeeGscPoœG〇Q œcoos3 0 0 & ibooço
oüoooogcQ cccsbe sjE]:goscacc oSjecooccec œPeoooPeoDçaR] becocop)
ic3cc〇)go>B] Sccÿ>oPe bcc (P) èflco coioosScocc 1( 0) (<i)
Oe iccccoccciDccGScc:co
• OO O J O O
〇ï4c3c3b OCQ
ù ___O O
v /
、 湯 し
0 0
cncooeo ôcEülseeoosocGjlscG
O wJ
0 OtJO O

îdbcooo cccscoftébcSjScocG oocnoscccoob icccooBIsR J I^ cocg lœcocnoœcçB]
〇 o
e j
〇 ù û J •
o o
bœ (c ) êoco
、 ノ \ o
(、f )ノ
iibocoSJf) ajso5]soc:ca)CG i〇rcojo^o îccœ o^œ ogoiE olo cosfe
îdbcc^Qi^o socEùl•ぅSscPfiàsj目socE013ec ?9ccossc6oco gD〇g>Q[p^seG
oocoosIPocüPeoDQsœ (Woo^cooPe cohooh œsfescbcogiooo beccoPeo ococÎ3œ
i»3cco^ccoPeÿDGjQ ispbçccecoSocG
ooR] Sccocojos o&occcGÿjPecoSsoego isobçccejcucoecooQ
0000ccec cuPecoSlsœoo ioR]c3cco^coofe ^ c o ^ e c 〇jfe 〇DSl:
oe scoccouPeo)^
josod cuoocaoceG So&caxec ^bcosjcQsfosclœo
lèœ* fo c f)G〇 coœGoBl Sccoobcccuœ olî^èoEj f 丨
丨丨|获 ° :î c 取
i[^ec€cc^)scœeGçucœs>eG。 パ っへ . ^
eccoœcc coc〇fiSç5coœ cocooga ocC js ^ J〇
tJ ^ ^
cecosocajbec icooococoPecoSjgoe Sccœo5ccS(î〇lcG
ÇSきsàco穿®CCCsJoft^V^ScCCG穿)iofiSÇCXCを ICCC3;目1 召运 CCCG (C) li II 乙gc

0«_IO O
0 eG cdoo^conPe œsfesàco
0wJ — J OOO •
0000 cocoosSœ
J 〇J J
O îcOC cco
〇)Pocno ^icP«ouPea)ëocccs0〇üsoe^ i!5 ^ § 3GGCccg^sccceGCcbsG ^peec icc?i]o

fefseG cücücccüo: scPosoccoises Scccuèooo cosccccsSbec fâoec icoScbec

cSccscœsoéoeGcœceG pcoeGècoiLü iCüolPesosSskscncüCCü cccne52300cc icü
oRœ iiccobo
O ^k_J J
■ ^ •」 J ■
àucce/CG O
^ l œ z œ c Q t b t é ^ C D Q i O soœoco
i_^ i i_ ° «3 - 3
• O
cccosccocooœoc coco«s3co& looëcbec
\ O
O J» \ O

oec ccc0J〇bo

〇 J \
cccscooo axecss^oecoec
O o \ 〇

crœ xœ co^cccoSoccdco oé focosccd') ccoooco B ..

° fT n ^ J J % h V ) プ , ir i3 H:〇0 〇s〇s W^PftCOftCC
lo l c o c e o j c o e e n c o c u o oocooscccocc /o c o o e ) ic o q o scg V ? ° 会
2 〇 〇▽ o o 〇 o • 〇 id:
b:cbcooo sooooco
S cccoocü cosSaeGcec cccscooo cocecoccneoco ' J ° J
しj J j 〇 o j o
o o o o J
il 仰 c


thereunder, have effect as if it w ere a finding o r sentence o f a


168. (i) A n y person subject to this A c t w h o considers him self

aggrieved b y a n y order passed b y an y court-
Rem edy against o r- martial m ay present a petition to the officer o r
w nce authority em pow ered to confirm any finding o r

ing authority m a y take such steps as m ay be considered necessary

to satisfy itself as to the correctness, legality or p ropriety o f the order
passed or as to the regularity or any proceeding to w h ich the order

(2) A n y person subject to this A r t w h o considers him self aggrieved

b y a finding t)r sentence o f any court-m artial, m ay present a petition
to the c.nj5rm ing officer or, in the case o f a sum m ary court-m artial,
the review in g au th o rity through the usual channels ; and the President,
th e C hief o f Staff o r th e next superior o伍cer in comm and to the qfficer
w h o confirmed the proceedings, o r in the case o f a sum m ary court-
m artial, the o 伍cer w h o reviewed the proceedings under section 166,
m a y pass such order thereon as he thinks fit.

169. The President, the Chief o f Staff or any prescribed o伍cer m ay

annul the proceedings o r set aside the conviction
A z m u lm e ir t ^ f p ro - 〇f any court-m artial on the ground that th e y
are illegal o r unjust.


E x e c u t io n of Se n t e n c e s .

1 7 0 , In aw arding a sentence o f death a court-m artial shall, in its

discretion, direct that the offender shall suffer
〇 f V beinS hanged b y th e n eck until h e be
iiSabgcG jjécS soœeGGCcscc

離 寧 事 擇 ギ : 嗍 一
ïîCCGCcécoslIPco ooR) neecScccooPeciDGcco icüccs&cojfejàcoooii noLo
〇 J U J 0 J J e » J

n io E J c o B o c o e ô 〇ü : c P n o ü re ç o o lb ü U G o ^

n ée sœ eec

u 9 cc
ofœPo^o œroSlobo
〇〇〇 〇 O er
«3 」y 。 〇 o
〇 〇 〇
〇〇〇 jj
:cp0:o0œSocœo5ûL);oeo losofij ôSjcjjPeRiocdseG
» sotsicoPccoocoicPfl
ouj 0 0
ccccgs ?kofe;dbco i 〇3 ® Q c^cufeRbocEülocG S c c
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0 000 O 00 ù ^ 0 O O 00 O 00 O O O
S c c o c c s c c c S x i H ! c o S c o s o e ftO D ib e c o g o o u io o S I o jc o e G i f e s c t c c o o j o c o o c o
〇 J » O OwJ O O 0 O JJ O t O JJ 0 • O J 0
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0 J G S o S c c e c io
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œ P e c o B s œ (© s fe s c fe c o o o s c e c fio i 3 c c : c s 3 c o c c b c i c o c o
00 0 d a 0 ô 0 0 b 、 ノ
h3 cco ^co 8 o cœ o cooncaocec c^S ccec 00
j J 0J J ÛO 」〇 0
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0C 0 S 3 o c x )s o e o ccccoœ oo oé^aesco c o c 〇f t :
c d c o 'c c iB :d P œ o o b i b a & :o fe l
J O O O 00 0 û 00 O J ù 0 〇 û û 0 O O
oooC G çP coe>ôcc ic 3 f ) 3 o § G 0 〇3 s d x o i o « io ^oecoo

S c c o o o P e i ^ B ) S œ o ^ o c û c c o c u c [ K D 3 œ o n c c iD c e G coco

osS cocc lé d b e f? S c c b e s o B s o é n e c c c iD c e G ib c 9 - 3 c o •» n ^
〇 〇 〇 r^ft • ÂJ 0 V n n 4 1 一10 a « ccco cc ico ie co w
œ i ^ o g ^ f e ^ i e a D S O D j i^ ^ ^ c ü P e c o b js œ ^ r i ^ ^
id b c o o c î ç o l o i l o o e c o c o c d c c o s c i o i c o ^ .^ e G c c c s c o o fe
〇 < 3 j 〇 j 〇〇 j
ife jc b c o c s o SCCGf)0 ic 3 c c :d s c !c o c c b c ic ü c o G DG SoSœ eG ^ ( c ) ll [lo g e

nccebooœ dsôœ œ s^cocG ccoücc

œ a>S ] oüPeoOv^PeaüGoF)] o dgoosc S c o c c ia ) P e o o S ] : œ ^ a s fe s à œ o c ic o c o c s tc P p / ê œ


1 7 1 * W henever a n y person is sentenced b y a courM nartial under

th is A c t to transportation o r im prisonm ent, the
C om m encem ent of term o f his sentence shall, w h eth er it has been
t^ T o fim p ^ ^ r n t' « v ise d or n ot, b e reckoned to com m ence on
the day on w h ich the original proceedings w e re
signed b y the presiding ofiBcer or, in th e case o f a sum m ary court-
m artial, b y the court.

172. W henever a n y sentence o f transportation is passed under

this A ct or w h eth er any sentence o f death
Execution o f sentence jg com m uted to transportation, the com m anding
officer o f th e person under sentence or such
other ofiBcer as m a y be prescribed shall forw ard a w arrant in the
prescribed form îo th e officer in ch arge o f the d v il prison in w h ic h
such person is t o b e confined and shall arrange fo r his despatch to
such prison w ith th e w a rra n t

173. (i) W henever any sentence o f im prisonm ent is passed under

this A a b y a court-martial or w hen ever a n y
Ex^ UVr^ sp 〇
n S i ^ Ce sentence 〇f death or transportation is com m uted
to im prisonm ent, the confirm ing officer o r in
the case o f a sum m ary court-martial th e officer holding the co u rt o r
such other officer as m ay be prescribed, shall, save as o th erw ise
provided in sub-sections (3) and (4), direct either th atf the sentence shall
b e carried out b y confinement in a m ilitary prison o r that it shall b e
carried ôut b y co n fin an en t in a d v il prison.

【2) W hen a direction has been m ade under su b je ctio n ⑴ the

commanding ofiBcer o f the person under sentence o r such other officer
as m ay be prescribed shall forw ard a w arrant in th e prescribed form
to the officer in charge o f the prison in w hich such person is to be
confined and shall arrange fo r his despatch to such prison w ith th e

(3) In the case o f a sentence o f imprisonment n o t exceeding three

m onths and passed under this A c t b y a court-m artial, the appropriate
officer under sub-section (1) m ay direct that th e sentence shall be
carried out by^confinem ent in m ilitary custody instead 01 in a d v il or
m ilitary prison.
(4) On active s e r v ic e a sentence o f im prisonm ent m ay b e carried
o u t b y confinement in such place as tKe officer com m anding th e fo rces
in tlie field m ay from tim e to tim e appoint.
iiS ccjè o se fcü ^ œ c
JP003 cccoooéPe rpQ» 6Jic〇3〇lPe SdW s cScfcoôtcccjecc
KX>5dbcG ^3cc〇jç2a cü*c P«Roco 1 5 3 〇Sd^ i «od5 〇)〇 Q>)

ii3cco |tcC ]éc3 cü|dbccdboèecocc ^ cc Q jo o oœ ( c ) Saço

loSobooePco güœPe^ooPe ÿxsocooo^D lô^iogicooglPe o2o^Ii^coccoo
ttcoec ocoDsiSPcoeGOJccoo cocnoicdco^: locœsiSfeocGaxccoè icü^oo Wcucocg

cdgocooo cccoooaxDCOièc ^SccooftPe ibccGoo^coccJS œifeidbcoao (<i)

O J 〇
^ 3ÿgC 〇C00013PcüCGOO 10ÜC〇33CG〇és〇b〇 Ï〇f^c0«b|)»〇3 JCOSlCOlftbo
loèbœoo ^ccicœ ÿjaoocc oo^dbec SccolPebcc ocœoi^Ibuœ ccr^odoSob
tcœolPe œœœ ico|d3eGicQeG Sccicooooococc oocooicSco 〇3 i6<fcœ&cccünco
làfcfee:つ ÿD soRlで ec^cc:^]soe) çüPe:cC]士S bec (c ) c«G?) ( 「)

n S e b jc E ô l^ cü|àeGic§cG S ccicoocdococc axoo

i^ co & ico |àcs ccccooojè isèscbcooobo co^^a)co eG :fejcbcoco io Sdoco a>co

oicScogc lœ gàcG ^Scoec încBobosePaj' ^ÿ)PeœfiPeœG〇cœeîx)
loQicooolPe ^^œ oiSPcüCccücccoè 1030S|b£)|j〇6]:ccD〇lPe ocoocœoiSlîxjcp
a x c o o i:iocoocdccjcc〇8é c 5 b| f 2 i î c 0 e c ç>co ( i t
j 4 (^) n eœ ^ cc§o« fe [o ^ fc o ô & œ e
)9 〇^cociDG〇i | l ^ œ 1 0 3 0 0 ax^Grcé^œc^icc<
i〇 、 70 - ふ‘
"fc i(eeGScc〇D〇Fea3GC〇co〇3 cüîfeidbcooo becc3030uec|ü ( c 、 ii ii Æ c

iiSp)b 3 (H〇ib |)
&ocoos>i9PcoeG ^jcconioo cüC〇ooeG〇§§obo gü&go loBloSob^ioo ocooco
sobo i^ilpcsoo ôdccicoooDocûcc oo&àeGSccplPeocc jccoeiSPcoeG œccor)è
cccs>oSl 3 obîC〇oo 1Pe cuccod icü(3dbeGic@es 5 c c
::ca> , „ ,
つ シ • 〇 # ° •»_, °rp m 〇§ 〇ü oocœô
t —

ccs œ cnosScocc i|eccc3cccooPe cuodg oiélccco ibcGGsoSœcGUJii ii PL c

1003ccocoo oœb^o Scciœ*be>00ecoco ocoeooecipbo icoifejdxooooo icoiooQ
œ & eci^ifeîàcoo®joœ oœ cocoaiçrcorc c〇Drxj9 ife

gL;gjfe 〇DèPe œ<3〇B]go ^eecccce>œoPe 10300odgocooo J

i〇3〇iQ œ)G oj^Ioüco œs^scîxooo iceci^cocc ibcc G0〇9〇)eG^n lie 乙c

174. W here a sentence o f transportation or im prisonm ent is directed

to b e undergone in a d v il prison th e offender
Tcm po^^ ^ r’ tody 〇f 咖 ァ レ k ep t in a n û litary prison or in m ilitary
custody o r in a n y other fit place, till such time
as it is possible to send him to a d v il prison.

175. W h en ever, in the opinion o f an officer commanding a

form ation n o t less than a brigade in the case o f
Execution of sentence the arm y, a form ation prescribed as equivalent
special Pcases. to not less than a brigade (army) in the case o f
the n a v y o r air force, or a n y prescribed officer,
a n y sentence o r portion o f a sentence o f im prisonm ent cannot fo r
special reasons, con ven ien tly b e carried ou t in a m ilitary prison or in
m ilitary custod y in accordance w ith îh e provisions o f section 173^ such
officer m ay d irect th at such sentence or portion o f sentence shall be
carried o u t b y confinem ent in a n y c iv il prison o r other fit^place.

1 7 6 * In e v e ry case in w h ich a sentence o f transp oru tion is passed

under this A ct, the offender, until he is transport-
to^transportation-How ^ sha^ be dealt w i t h in ^ same manner as i f
dealt with u n tilsentenced to rigorous imprisonment, and shall
tnnB- * be deemed to have been undergoing his sentence
o f transportation during th e term o f his imprisonment.

177. A person under sentence o f transportation or imprisonment

pri_ m a y during his conveyance from place to place
^ to b e subjected to such restraint as is necessary
plflCe- fo r his safe condu ct and rem oval.

178. W h en ever an order is d u ly m ade under this A c t setting aside

or va ryin g a n y senteiKe, order or warrant under
Communication of w h ich a n y person is confined in a d v il or m ilitary
son Officers. prison, a w arra n t in accordance w ith such order
shall b e forw ard ed b y the officer m aking the order
icooooÂcocc «obcccs>cu6dbœ^î3 «s S cÎ scgco f: obccco
r 2T 〇 〇^ ,〇 o o 〇〇 n o j o 一
c o b a x B cScccccDseecoo jjeccScrccoo fccccjoœscds*
bcccooSœ cEfe igjloeGcdccçojccBjs œ cn o sS cccc J 」 ニf
,Sœ§üP400 i® so § ^ :fibo i〇3〇§ i.|e eG i〇9G§cüçufe péîCpflJgCC IJtSCG
0 ùJj O •
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〇ÜCG ccccco
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oocno:0300cc locœsîSPcccc çL'cccoé (
ixcg ccccco çüccnecos^coii noLc

穿œ 翻 Q H* -, +•
«lP«Sc〇rec〇i!b S c co ^ c o œ h ^ i o c R ^ o hhho
° ハ ,戈 im 。 i° ^ . 7 ° H, > r°. œ zcœ tfœ co
oc 〇2e>cocoejco scceccoo ido?e>:cccoc〇50cn cccbss>cû
ftdbie>co igjccbe :o6jœoPe 1000Slæcccœo iooa>0œG〇:4laccii nLLc

■ iç 54c o ?
h c3obcna)〇cco^ccccu
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- ocœ s ftsccsco c c t ilo )
cdccbioe cajcoiilccco sScooucccco a jc c b ^ e lo ) ® ,°f J,v
〇 • A V 01 へ ° ^ IpOüCCÇCO p ç s c lf t c c ^ c o
cüG〇cœe> o^ifibuococc joceec
し厂 ”
0巧 - 1丨— ず 《
ぬ 冱 芦 士 : 碑
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0CCX>3 ôésftG|
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O OO , IJ o o
àÆoboe>ePcü i:obcœe>çucccecocooco p 〇DGCC〇oe)bo isobcccscijaDGocœo
^ 3^ J 〇 Tû ^ o o j o j j

〇 iôfilsceG:
o@sccxx)ire i〇9®0C)Ccdb43:
cÊieG cccccccsccc loeaflocoocœe
O ニJ JwJ J wi J J J j J j J

tSPcücc ajcccoi iieecccceKecnoSoco cuSdbeGicSeG cccsscœcoacocc cocna

■> L OwJJ ô J ù ^ o
iç3oo§3 i&àeGCccecüÿ)C〇 〇D:
ccoeG|icc cccsKDoeoücesssSoeG^eG Sccscoa
COOGOCCCOc5cCc9 c〇oifoOOSCcEunCC0 ^000 JCL'lOoHcG&DeGOCOCvlS cccoascccocc
o o o e o .一 1/ j し o j o o
locobo iGüjcdoeGGCG ccrs>cnoo cucec300000c o a 'jo
P° 〇 Z D C 1 '' パ ー コ n 兔 , ざ 11800CüBoCOCÔ
oU cxxoCGcxo:cca> cnœcn6ccoo§oserco coœcoco , . rtJ^ J °
P f, ^ ° i 0 ミ。 m* ° , cocure c〇fl"e œ coccco
loc& lescfesôo^ca^eG :oocœ 900001feeccoccGO isob J gai J ^
ccc3 〇coocœ0sdPajeû coccoo tcccsai«euPes^coR J
J J J J J 0 O ^ J o JJ
io ^ I cogo fOsoH^ccGscooooco fâaoGocœe i〇ecB]axa:
G〇cc〇2>ii nb〇c
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丨丨妾cc か œ ÔJOcécOsüfig^oB]
1000filoccdbésscBec cccccœsccc • losoHoccoiPeec ^
。山 Q 7コ 。 コパ ° n. niûBicooolie
cüçcoo i〇ôa»d〇G〇oco〇3îdicueGûüCca>o iosccsosoo cc , î JfÇ à
^ 〇
o o jw Jo o , J J ^ > Jp 〇 あ cncco ouccçcoiliïcü
ocœosdcocG axcjcné neecodccjcco ?ccc〇(xo cq ^ ctd * ° •
o o 〇 〇 U o ■^ Io o •
oœocœos^PœcGOüOcçrji iœ00gocooo gD〇〇f>;ç3co cc igjoDGsélcucoii ibbc


m his stafiF officer or such other person as m a y be prescribed to th e

officer in charge o f the prison in w h ich such person is confined.

179. W h en a*sentence o f fine is im posed b y a court-m artial under

section 7 1 w hether the trial w as held w ith in th e
Execution^of sentence u njon 〇f Burm a o r not, a c o p y o f such sentence,
signed and certified b y • the confirm ing officer,
o r w h ere no confim ation is required, b y th e officer holding th e trial
m a y b e sent to a n y magistrate in the U nion o f Burma, and such m agis­
trate shall thereupon cause the fine to be recovered in accordance w it li
d ie provisions o f the Code o f Crim inal Procedure fo r the le v y o f fin es
as i f i t w ere a sentence o f fine imposed b y such m agistrate.

ISO. The President m ay set apart any building or part o f a building

or a n y p lace in the U nion o f Burma, as a m ilxtar/
EctablU hm ent o f m ili
taryprisom .
prison fo r the confinem ent o f persons sentenced
to im prisonm ent under this A ct.

IQ }. W henever any person 15 sentenced to transportati(Hi o r

imprisonment under this A ct, and is tm dergoing
Inform ality or error i
the order or warrant the sentence in a n y place or m aim er in w h ic h
he m ight be confined under a la w fu l order o r
w arran t in pursuance o f this A ct, the confinem ent o f such person sh all
n o t be deemed to be illegal o n ly b y reason o f a n y in form ality o r e rro r
in o r as respects the order, w arrant o r other docum ent, o r the a u th o rity
b y w h ich , o r In pursuance w h ereo f such person w as brought into o r is
confined in an y such place, and a n y such order, w arrant o r docu m en t
m a y be amended accordingly.
il c3ccoioœ oR |
0 000 0」
lo œ e G S o c o c G C o œ s c œ e G œ o e G S f t c o c o s c ë je G o d c o o îc 3 0 0 J e iî« b o i | o c g ^o 〇2c g

j Q oo n bo D C D v^o c o ^o 〇Ç G 3 〇9 s c b c o 100061c c c c c G |s s o c C ]s e c S c c |^ o

〇b 〇 ll 〇€G [OOSCG

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jo B co c c iio b o i l o e c ^ o o s e c I〇
3 c c s o ê ] | 〇3 s c œ ç ] f e o c o e e œ d b é s o o c o c o o s o S c o fc

ic S c c s o Q ê o s o c o e s c o ^ c c fe e c o c b é e a D s c e c c c o o lo s o S J E à c u la c c o s s bccccaxcc

ô d c c o œ io o o Q sccceG G D oeG sococosc^eG œ coosS cocc ije b o i|fie e ios>aE)]

beccaocec S c c o e c io s o Q s c c c e G œ o e G s o c o c o s c ê je G œ cooscB coa: ts o b o

d o e s i^cG Sœ béseaoG oKjccœ jocoecjocoicSi S o b

j c œ ç l fie
e icecccœ ÿcocoosScoœ
ju 抓 m locoasé^
ア : y 5で し n ^
辦 … - . . H Æ
plPe scec&oo iQejoSJbecîftbo io m Q ccc^ 〇€Cc3ccodoo i^cogb iijœ
çCcg pécs>odaDectü ioh|ScccooPea)G〇cœo axoo

jS cocc icüGOjélcaco uceGcccccsa;ccneco:3co ibccG0〇da;

€Giuj Ileue

hS cco^Sscœ^ccscc gKIcgocooo
〇 000 0 0 o>J 0
jSPcceGOücceo lœcoecébscooolPe scioccbe loëlcoofe
° 0 l ° n ° if 3 ° cn^ 11 a u: c〇
ç>bn3: w c r»
CD00CCO3 beGGsoccueGlüj 10301U œ e e c o c b ç o nV °
p 1 ^ o c œ s s ç lû ü c c a x cw t
〇j e e c o s 〇〇£ G c o o e G ^ e c e c œ c o s s e G i〇9 Q iD jù ^ e e c o e e e c "

cucœeec Ssocoec
〇〇 ooècaé
•j 〇 〇
9 0 0 cooo3f)l
^j 5 ^ >-t
ic3 cccooccçcoooo§ ii
〇 5 •j ◦

ecoccos ÔJoeaDGOo ic3eG〇§scfo〇jPeséc§Q cccsocecocc bésoëjeœccüo
ôôcüg iogooS jcobPoüûoo^à i cccoccccoHoDGao cccocoaPeft« icf^ocoeœ
〇 e」
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费 鶚 ! 觸 :翻 ? : Æ :
qR] 1030>^jgdccêr)œ^] o?osjcoeG 3 C)§cf^Q ooccoîxc^j 。。 二 J
[eeccccejcoん bec c乙 1001会
sàœ穿011 n3Lc

cc€ 2
>〇]PeoeG cccoosSPcoec SccscœolPe
O J •> J
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Pa r d o n s , R e m is s io n s an d Su s p e n s io n s .

182. W hen a n y person su b ject to this A c t has been convicted b y a

court-m artial o f a n y offence, th e President o r the
P a r d o n a n d r e m is s io n .
C h ie f o f Staff or, in the case o f a sentence
w h ic h he could h a v e confirm ed o r w h ich did not requ ire confirm ation,
th e oflBcer com m anding a fo rm atio n not less than th e brigade in th e
case o f the arm y, a form ation prescribed as equivalent to not less than
a brigade (army) in the case o f th e n a v y o r air fo rc e , in w hich such
person at the tim e o f co n victio n w a s serving, o r th e prescribed oflBcer
m ay,—

(a) either w it h o r w ith o u t conditions w h ich th e person sentenced

accepts, pardon th e person o r rem it the w h o le or any part
o f th e punishm ent a w a rd e d ; o r

(b) m itigate the punishm ent aw arded ; or

(c) com m ute such punishm ent fo r a n y less punishm ent or punish­
m ents m entioned in th is A c t :

Provided th a t a sentence o f transportation shall n o t be com m uted

fo r a sentence o f im prisonm ent fo r a term exceeding th e
term o f transportation aw arded b y the co u rt ; o r

(d) either w ith or w ith o u t .conditions w h ich th e person sentenced

accepts, release th e person on parole.
Il3 c c
o|oc?3 ^oscœœœ scccccod 10300Jcc6[〇a scPoooPesecogSoœ
i〇3qK| jéscPftÿ)Pesocos3o ccceecucu œccbeso5jcoaPeaDG〇)R] (c o j

ù Ù 0
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cooccocojpsob lœæGOsétcxjco ^cccoofë cosfescbccoo otoàœ
0 oo\ Ù J
^oocfcoo o^scPooogqB] cœ scfh^ occnesoBccg^ loieecxxx-GQB]
CCC2c FcD3 ScCSCOoRjCS OCOGOoS^OCgI^ iœ(^G〇f)jcCCî5CO«le (o )

OCCOOs3 ccCD ic9cc〇^03cpccs)[〇〇 COCJDGoRJ CCC0JDe>Pe (e)

û 〇 〇
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isodcgR oo 1000SI
0 j 〇JJg
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〇 〇J o ご j 〇 〇 j jo j 〇

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ioogR cc &ioo scPocüiesoœsc6000
J こ K Oし 0 0 *5 o
ia>0aSjp§ scPoa)Peso〇Js3o cccoecoœ œocbe so0500PeçaocoBj (co)

— GOGSIüDlsdseG
jJ 〇
cccssccoçooçocc i〇3〇)b!cü|dbcG〇o lOiœ^çütcecçüPsçoofeaDGjf)] Sccgoo
ib 1w

ccocg cccoRsrc'cofc icoPecooicauGoH cxcco^^Icccocg IscLescccscooco
J o O J j j j J j oo」 j o \ o
〇〇 \ 0
o J ù oooDsccoec^eG
o \
j jcucecssccceG
çec occc?cœco〇^ccc cnccccafco?^ (ocogcSEol) ccoooco icutooSj^occec
ccocos ccaoftscdccgo inœb0 i|d2e£cccsouocü ojsccoœoeGœ icccsésœ ll
secooes occecosSoeGçeG c 〇3e«po«oucc£33CGr)ft〇G3
cuiooSi œcoeGocosccEul i6^|eeGcc:ccbeso0obo sc&ooo 7 H^n
S®q ^ œ h œ 1030gcuoifesosg sbso-ojcco ia3?g m〇?g
coccecc ccoaoo§
«5 c し o
• j - J J ô J «5 J
1 coiè■» J 。 。

sdbccçG Guçjoeceèccoofi] icSccs^s^coccbcécogo ^ gso35ücg[ljüii ii I oc

p^ieaüGog ôiscrfiôIcccçüCcsfiSjço^aüGog >Scm=icccs?Pe legco^GDCoQ

\hc saoeec


183. ( i) I f a n y condition on w h ich à person has been pardoned

o r released on parole o r a punishm ent has been
C a n c e lla tio n of remitted is , in the opinion o f th e auth ority
release^on parded〇
〇r granted the pardon, release or remission,
r e m is s io n . n o t fulfilled, such au th ority m ay cancel the
pardon, release o r remission, and thereupon the
sentence o f the co u rt shall be carried in to effect as if such pardon,
release o r remission had not been granted.

¢2) A person w h o se sentence o f transportation or imprisonment is

carried into effect under the provisions o f sub-section (i) shall under­
g o o n ly the unexpired portion o f his sentence.

184. W hen under the provisions o f section 79 a w arrant officer

o r a non-commissioned officer is deemed to be
Reduction o f w a r - reduced to the ranksf such reduction shall, fo r
c o m m is s io n e d o ffice r, cne purpose o f section i 82, be treated as punish­
m ent awarded b y a sentence o f a court-m artial.

1 8 5 . (1) W h ere a person subject to this A c t is sentenced b y a

court-m artial to transportation or im prisonm ent,
Suspension o f sen- the President, the C h ief o f Staff o r a n y officer
tence o f transportation - ,
o r im prisonm ent. empowered to con ven e a general o r a sum m ary
general court-martial m a y suspend the sentence
w hether o r not the offender has already been com m itted to prison o r
to m ilitary custody.

(2) The au th ority o r officer specified in sub-section (1) m ay in th e

case o f an offender whose sentence has been ordered to be so
suspended d ir e a th at, until the orders o f such authority o r officer
have been obtained the offender shall n o t b e committed to prison o r
to m ilitary custody.
uç3ccoèscC|i?3 coboo ioe>çE]g:çlPecGÿxcQ〇 ioqo^ ocooosSPojco

œœéœs1ifa>ooQoo so0obo a;scfo|fieG iccccfeàeG ûDcoosScoœ io3cc

ogccaxeG oBccîcooBjjoesc^soc 080 (c ) | ajo »cü^ooiK| œ&eGî3cocc^c〇îllfcü
acB| G3ccbesoejcooPe|oeG èbscœ080œ cocoPeœftPeœGoQ & œ ( Q

ii3 cc つを忙①卜给 coきàcc 癸c c jc œ î^ ç e G ccexœ

ib scS oS icpojQajolPesfesàcooorSPcüeG loooGJgjçlPes&îàco^c jocoo^Scoob

iœolPesos3 sbocococoü ooGoosodcoœ icüooftcccœoooç
io m S| èâccscc2>b?5« ioe>çfi]3cc:Bj§J:olPscG coco , , ii:5g:c^):。
oo œ ^ s 5 0 0 oc locooosdfcoeG ûjcc^cos i!PœeoBjoo :ギ J 厂 へ . 卩。
HeccScccooPe iî〇 bccce>〇
üa〇 Gpco〇 3 isobcccecooDGo 0 J

sが?oco cos^cos卜àco^Ki isこœs姿œ œ b cico è o œ co oS デcc^3 (c ) il hQüc

11030bcnODO OCCüODf3®(^
^ccosePcü bcGÿjfeoooPeaDGjni i^sfescbcoço igjso^ n:
Ife c lîx )© を îj c o しô g o e c 3 ^ j 护 「 oc iし
eœ 孕ccb fe 5〇^:迗 〇〇參 ic o g e à c

coe coSœœcofeclœo gooœcGscococo œsScoocolcc

ÿDOoojcScog^ igjs^cocogeàee ibœscPoœPe^co^ [〇 3 t e^hw u6oc

booePco ccccüS5geGÿ?jec çrccsccoèojiPco çDODCQcœs cocooscScogc iæcp
sélcücogo neecoSccooePco œçuPeçooPeÿDcpS] Bsstsàcoço basse PocoPeiécSR]
jo (c ) eoco lol^^sgcoccbePcü ioaoÊ|a3coco〇9 iosoHoogoî^Icoco (「)

axüPcœoPe〇DG〇B| ipsosdbooGaiœ ioccüccocsooo cooecccouccso^jooco cocoo
joBcogc ije^oœ pooscoococu ipecccsoPeso^oco îcecccoo ipecSccîocccoPo
& io oRj&^ I.dcc 5| :flœa,p« ^ :o § S〇3 ô kcca xc
so5100co ûocooî300cc iioEJçcco Ecoscœcocü isoSsoo 1lî5,^lî?gcSü^)S0S^
ôêcccsçfeiftojooco icôccoçccajcecoo i^icoœcoDojooo

i線 輝 _ _ 襄 :
S œ a x u ^ h é b ^ u lljc œ o c ^ o û cœeco^üPeseœs^o j | Cccîÿ Pe îjgcoco p 〇
Ô dccoàecücc が S〇i | s 〇2> peCCCCUCCSfl5l^D?0 OXÜGÇ^ oQcüPeîÿCUîSo
oocooscccoc: isoElcoco iposscooccco cocoos^cooc

jsjëjso© oecccsoPesoBJ^ocoæGoQ sceGCccccoouccnocos^co (c)n h èoe


(3) T h e pow ers conferred b y su b je c tio n s (i) and (2) m ay be

exercised in the case o f a n y such sen ten ce w hich has been confirmed,
reduced o r com m uted.

186. "(i) W here the sentence referred to in section 185 is imposed

b y a court-m artial other than a sum m ary court-
O rd e rs p e n d in g su s- m artial, the confirm ing oflScer m ay, when
. confirm ing the sentence, direct that the ofEender
be not com m itted to prison or to m ilita ry custody until the orders
o f the authority or 0 伍cer specified in section 185 h ave been obtained.

(2) W here a sentence o f im prisonm ent is imposed b y a sum m ary

court-m artial, the officer holding the trial or the officer authorized to
approve o f the sentence under sub-section (2) of section .165 m ay make
the direction referred to in sub-section (1).

187, W here a sentence is suspended under section 18^, the offender

shall fo rth w ith b e released from custod y.
R e le ase on su sp en sio n ,

188. A n y period during w h ich th e sentence is under suspension

_ • „ , , shall be reckoned as part o f the term o f such
Com putation o f period
of su sp en sio n . sentence.

189. The authority or officer specified in section 185 m ay, at any

tim e w hile a senten ce is suspended, order—
O d e r after su sp en sio n ,

(a) that the ofEender be com m itted to undergo the unexpired

portion o f the sentence, o r

( i) that the sentence be rem itted.

ii3œo|œoo|oeG coo3 ccs〇0 becccœccsetSlcoco œcoQ (e)
iSccD^coooÇfiec cnSobo
0 〇 〇 〇〇〇 oo O
O 〇•
h)tohœcpozB Sccsccsés^éPco ipûDGofï] iscecœ^œsllPcü〇eB| (co)

1 57 u if^ S œ ^ co co cio

^eœo3cc3o i3o:cœp:c)〇e lajPeœoPeaDGoQ isobcccs> ^ ' S 5000

cu&dsec lîobcccôcoo^ccajcec cccssccoBjjosscEjscc oco Coc ogoii n*3uc

çücûsc9 ]cg sooec cocco

1130bæcoba cSjeGœceœoDoco pcoccu 5?#?il*C03^'?〇s j ?c?9

joajPeoDftfe aJScQessoçeGCocaj cBccscooosogeaoGoRjn hoac

tngBçoco [ecc cccoxcco

ltS fibço?cS?Ha,re ^ o ife c ? ^ fe^ Pe ^

iralifajoe^i^eeGcœascœpscce cua;PecooPeaDG〇B] ibeo Cüc ogoii 1160c

iicScco^gcco ajCüfescEbléS S'ccsèSSb

J 〇〇〇 〇 ,? . IJ J J J
ocû fc)ノ gogo
、 j
isobcccscoiScbeG cccsbe soBsoèoeEcaDces
j j
j o
ÿja>Peoa〇reaDGa)R] bec (Q eeco^ Cgc ogo isobcccocoÉdbcG c2ccot〇(S|
〇 OwJj o j j
10000cuScccoe-Pe ciügo^oco cjg^cbccc&o soccoco (T)
où ù o j « ノ

〇 〇 〇 *~ <〇 onboo
oUo 〇
〇 〇 iQso&ccccooe?Sfbü
jjjo O Ù
€3 cccc
|co?llPco soEJobo cpxPo^ftÇG ^>&cbeG œcoo 冬

scdcoîx ïûocaDceG cdccxooo) losscofccc occficoioceec ^ rn ll:c 一

° 。 へg — う r» 4 十 *-1.^ ° *-1 'tn cccccoftie 0SCC3 bc
ueeccccanécccoec ccccteccdecDGCPb^D iccccbcbeco ù n° °
严 ? す
è œ œ iJぶ kOSJ a ^J f c U «à c o j f cJ 晌
J し

, : 野 巧

J J J OJ 0
J Jwj J J J ^
Coc aco fo')n
〇 \ノ

ücccco^Gsa: oascPeccDceG Sccscœ-so^oes

〇 JO V * O J O ù

( 「) 令é (c) i三?cScu ^ x ^ P c o ç o 。§!贤 0 )Pe^:oPe^DS遇 ^) i(:cc2组

cosocK|e[〇3 cIcoo cpœosœcocc icccssRjfècIto^ iccc3§f)|KjSccec (<i)

190. (i) Where a sentence has been suspended, the case may at
any time, and shall at intervals of not more
R e c o n s id e r a tio n o f case than four months, be reconsidered by the
after suspension. , • か . . . _
authority or officer specified in section i 8jj, or
by any general or other officer not bdow the rank of a field o伍 cer
duly authorized by the authority or ofiBcer specified in section 185.

⑶ W h ere on such reconsideration by the officer so authorized it

appears to him that the conduct ôf the offender since his conviction
has been sudi as to justify a remission of the sentence, he shall refer
the matter to the auÂority or officer specified in section 18^.

191. Where an offender, while a sentence on him is suspended

Fresh 咖 _ »after 1す1灯 她 Act, is sentenced for any other

fa) if the Jurther sentence is also suspended undo: this Act, the
two sentences shall run concurreitly ;

(b) if the further sentence is for a ggriod ç£ tiuree ^months or

m < ^ and is not suspended under this Act» the offender
shaH also be committed to prison or m ilit^iy^ custody for
the imexpired portion of the previous sentence, but both
sentences shall run concurrently; and

(c) if the further sentence is for a period of less than three

months and is not suspended under this Act, the offender
shall be so committed on that smtence ooly$ and the
previous sentence shall, subject î 〇any order which may
be passed under section 189 or séçtic» 190, continue to be

192. The powers conferred by sections 185 and 189 shall be in

Scope O f pow er 〇
£ addition to and nctf in derogation of the power
susp en sion . 〇f mitigation, remission and commutation,,
llboOoSft 8cr〇g〇0〇〇cfc〇0〇〇c〇 130150000 ,

„ 」邊
cücodj icœoojoecccÿ;cc2〇§jco?o
爸 卜 1' ふ
icœocltoo y
• '
〒 み 。呼 ‘ 爲 ご % ,
》 00•沿

cdgoBI jodccscPftccaxeG SccscœsoèoeG bec âoc pé.Coc flGOîl iif3 c

〇 〇 o ù o S
NSobscœôsoœcucoouœ iccosoPcolœft
O • J〇 0 O \ J 0
b^eeco^oec Scco^œoPe loooSbec o3c ogo losoSlbes 3oc
^ ùO %J JOJ J «J J J «J
ogo iGJûjPecoÂPe aDcoRIoecn oHœ iiccobo osoBlccolPeecajcc
0 OÙ J o oU o o J o O O 0 O

oo 10000ccococosSPcoec 〇rœcœ〇jœeG〇DG〇Hço cuccicuslIPo)

〇 J mJ o J j j 5 J j «Jô 〇 〇
SoHI io (K)sc〇3〇 (Sôsobs s3cobeGG9〇3a;CG|B (oHScccPcco
JJ J O • JO J O J jhJo

oucecscoscc ^SIsceGscBeGSOoeGarcco 130cœcoRl cdcccooPeooco (V)

O • «3J こJ JO O O OwJ 〇 〇 • ^ \ ノ

; ?§8°
uSoboaePœsSœoîHcolcosccoboéœcoBl scSœcocoa: \ \< £ e W o
û ° o û oJ ro • o o o oJ o 〇 o 〇 o
loajcoeGsoocccocpcG œcoQ SœsccséeS^Pccoeco 10309ccoifeec
し 0 J〇 0 O o OU O 00 o oUo J

cüccgo ioooH &ocœs>s3f〇jeG

iscecccècosllPcüoaCl "iofco
J J J «J O ù ù o 〇iJ J
scooolSôsDbs soccobeGGaoSQuecCü ioBlSccocüoocàa: cccne
«5• JO ù O 0 J^Jj 0〇 • 〇
sccœïciœscc bKlsccGscBeGsoneccoccx) S ccoûgoH c3cccc«Peeooo fe )
J O • ^ wl iJ 00 ù ù J J •ù \ ノ
oaePco sç3coolR|co œscooba»500ca>R| nltoscco n^ccœcuc
〇sogebesG9〇3œecp3 iiocü^Gofl^cçœoPeftooo (ou) 〇§ ^ccÿ>&Pe jouciodco
— e a Ç c c — 。:金
し 地 # c co 綠 包
aocoBIccœ iccœeseeco «oRscSec i3a)scœosoce bec
O J 」 O O Jwj U J ®oo

gooScüccIB icüeoocüGoRl SccëcooPe looecsSco rcéccslIPcxjeoBlji hc3 c

j 0 o O \J X © 〇 〇wi
«o^fibRjoco cpsocCJseGgD sees
fectec coc〇6§c3cocc 100caocec cdccscooRI io^ scB scc oco Coc 630 icx)6àeGœ
CS J O O JO J JJU wJ d ù J o 〇
lofcocecn coccccccoèoscccos oceGoœccosouooc1)! ceccccuccso51coco cucofe
J J ù O J a J O JJ J ù ooJj 〇 û

cooPeaucoBl i3ccoec(9ec fâœècosIlPcofioBI ibGeifeecSccsRIobo gcSoooaoH}

〇 % j j JJ o 〇 j J ù jb 〇 eJo o j 〇wJ
îoœcDscosSd) 03034Kl ccco iccbdbecccccbe soElsosccDcec 10bscc f f )
ù j j o o o o • jwl しO \ J
:cos3a> 3coéB) iu 苔ee ocoscPoœccüscEôl êdœhfiœcocoscos lof^Sccoèscos30
ScoéH cooee œ oèfeecSccSo i〇3 〇Ha;s3s3col3<ieGsc0eG cccooèococcGO
o 〇%_! o o 〇 j o jCJ éo o wJ o

yceecsaçDg) looofjlcosSsScoolPea'o Sccscoooecsos

〇5|:m3 〇

cœcec Pcucosacoscdi isobcccscüodbeG lisobece30 )〇〇 亡! un i v 〇 I çj
cæ ces S œ Scoo§pe.5œjrcc (o Coc œ ioasSco | ~ L 3 °ô»^e V c?§
;cc .os.ogœ&àeG ,〇3〇gœ ^cœ ceG c c c o i c œ ^ •

c | S〇c L〇 Coc «ç'o o^oàsccooso^ œPeœ^eœG?g ( c ) „ „o3c

193, ( i) W h e re in addition to a n y o th er sentence the punlsîim ent

o f dismissal or cashiering has been awarded b y a
Effect suspension court-m artial, and such oth er sentence is suspend-
m fs s a i^ r c T s h S r S ; ed under section 185, then, such dismissal or
cashiering shall n o t ta k e effect until so ordered
b y the authority or officer specified in section 185.

(2 ) If such other sentence is rem itted under section 18 9 ^ the

punishment of dismisal or cashiering shall also be remitted.


S p e c i a l Pr o v i s i o n s in R e l a t io n to Sh i p s .

194, E very m aster or other officer in com m and o f any m erchant

o r o th er vessel under th e c o n v o y o f a n y ship
M aster o f merchant o f th e U nion G overn m en t in comm ission shall
co n v o V in g ^ œ t? ^ 〇 f
obey ^ com m anding officer thereof in all
m atters relating to the navigation o r security
o f the c o n v o y ; and 6hall ta k e such p recautions fo r avoiding the
enem y as m ay be directed b y such com m anding officer, and if he fails
to o b ey such directions, su ch com m anding officer m ay com pel
obedience b y fo rce o f arms w ith o u t being liable fo r any loss o f life
o r property that m ay result fro m his using such force.

195, A ll other persons ordered to b e received o r being passengers

on board a n y o f th e ships o f the Union Govern-
° ked 〇ce^t〇
as ns embar'
passengers. m ent ships
r in com m ission . shall be deemed to
be persons su b ject to this A c t, under such
regulations as the President m a y from tim e to tim e direct.

og^>n u (o) o&Dcps^scoi 〇3^os[y 〇3 œ coo 〇33 (yci 33 Q œ |scoco 〇üGæc 〇ü)
r—c c c r \ c c c c o np»c cro
ksoGlDI gCOQJgj 35(Qœ$SCOCOO©3CmD〇l b 〇G©! o iü c o lu n
0000 0 © g c :
l ü S f=)つ〇3 ① し
' ] 邑っS[y〇3CDn^ SSJCJÇC0っSterol

^S ^ S * 。裏 0 3 』参 co| ïaDcoo © 3a D cogi co œ g s ü cd co q c o sj ^ sJq œ i:


| i 3C〇 Ç C^〇
5g«CS D^S=« 3 ^ ^ 〇c r 〇G3 D^C 2l OXp^œGO^CSI 33 C0 g B 〇G©UQ
3^ g ^ S 3 C 〇
^ gS g ^ : ll S ^ | « 〇
jyl§C: l SSCOgOgOGOCjlI
( j) Ü S Q D O g 33^1 C D 3 3 g 〇s[y © G a D C 〇 c o o o g o s c o c o

^j^c^|ci s ^ œ 秦jajcouosc^io^œmsüü^cS gcSqiq]0 d肀 sc^ cSü & cïïx^ üI

COcêgy:OXDCDつg 反ゃ至 II

3330DS O j 1

OdGcooüjoî^toocojgsoogooœsJygo^ssjnotjjos 11

〇g(j h hgooo^ ooysG300 CG^cog (yg G 〇

ooc<Ds:c c 33 (8 sc|cdgcdo ( s h ip
o f the U n io n G o v e rn m e n t in com m issioû^cooctA
CCJUOO^cS [âQ (5©〇 Ç ^ OÜC3D ÔCÇGCÜっ C o lcü 至 GCjOOつ pCO〇 é : C^ § *

= チ : ^ GG)l つき0 0 セ ?3つG〒°°さボ

œ g GGJCOっを凾 Cg:
):C O っ至; c S c 〇g :
y〇x S # Ç

©OCOJgîCOg COJ330:cÔ:〇2〇» [g ^ G© 0 Ç |CT) üGCO0 COOOf 009 :e € OÔCG ^ OD^

J^SO O っ; ^ 33考5C|G0GCÔ :
)C^ OJOCDGCOO SK p 备(5 33y令GJ っÎC ^ 予O Ô c j t ^ y C I
oôcoorocog 3^ > g œ g | [ ^ 0 :C0g 33COCXI € | ^ 0DCO€ g 〇 CÇO8GCj:3300CO

ouaüjoscS [ÿLcocx)〇^ n o〇lyc 33S〇ü 1 gD||ngoS3jo5ujosc^i oôcocOod^ oc^ ojcd

c c o c \ c o c c cp 7c c r-» c o c oc c it
Cgœc^jCI 00 nX)Q0 C0 g 3XpgCDg! COTD^COlgç 33œ c :
33 [rgü COCO^OGO^GCOgH

OTsSü ) 3XpÇ |C0 CXJoSœCD^ CO3305: ^ § C S Ü G o To o lfD ^C C O g 33COCD30SgîQC: l

O^OOgOtOOXO O Ç g :SOtqs[gCS 〇C>003302COI 0033€ pSjî» G〇 r COOO^yCjGOQII

Og^n 1100001 ODü! G300CG Ç C Û g ^ gGOOOÇO^CC 33© S^ OpDCOgODGCOO

着 c* ne 〇C 〇 GüTcoéosSl 33 y^ 3 X} COcS^œOJGDDOl OOODpSîüOJOO

0 Qt30pMj0 S3 dlQO COOOOi O AC v f"*C f ""*声 「 • 卞 • C
1 r- U 1 叫 ICO güJ つS[g © jçgt- C0 つ 02030:C^ :CD由 I そ CCGCDつ
co«coo> c^ o jg jg o G o o j^ rax ji œslaaoscc^jocoi g |
0 〇:c〇 g G5C^ C It . ^ SScSgU« ǧ COcSfO <) 0^ 0: Ë ^ 03^ 0 ?


196. W ith respect to vessels in naval service in time o f w ar, w hether

belonging to the U nion G overnm ent o r not,
Provisions respect­ w h ich are n o t w h o lly manned b y naval ratings,
in g d iscip lin e in ships but being eith er armed or under the com m and
i n naval service in tim e
o f war. o f an officer in naval service, the follow in g
provisions shall take effect if in any case the
President thinks fit so to direct, and w here such direction is given the
sam e shall be specified in the ship's articles ;一

(a) E very person borne on th e books o f a n ÿ such vessels shall

be subject to this A c t.

(ft) A n y offence com m itted b y any such person shall be tried

and punished b y a court-m artial as the like offence m ight
be tried and punished i f com m itted b y a n y person subject
to this A ct.

(c) Every such offender w h o is to be tried b y court-martial

shall be placed ,under all necessary restraint u n tit he can be
tried b y court-m artial.

(d) The officer com m anding every such vessel shall have th e
same p ow er in respect o f all other persons borne on th e
books thereof o f f o r th e tim e being on board the sam e,
as th e officer com m anding one o f the ships o f the U nion
G overnm ent in com m ission has fo r the tim e being in respect
o f th e officers and c re w thereof or other persons on board
the sam e:

Provided th at in the absence o f the officer commanding such

vessels, the officer com m anding the ship o r vessel or station
in w h ic h such person m a y fo r the tim e being be held in
custody shall h ave such p ow er as aforesaid.

(e) The C h ie f o f Staff and the officer com m anding the naval
com m and shall h ave th e sam e pow ers o ver the officers and
crew o f e very such vtsséls as th ey have fo r the time b ein g
over th e officers and c re w o f a n y o f the ships o f the U nion
C eyem m en t in commissicm.
1190bftk :c Pocci3ccecoooo oco losccicPojcccocobo .b^scPft
ù 〇 〇 ù sL ù J
&dbcG ^ijg>9ccr>bogo i& cocc&sc Po c o x c g oE|:ccG|coCGÿ)gcG
j 〇〇ŒK:
fciccccjcoa: oé^Poéobcc ^roococçcocc ccco ^s>S|:cccg

bàœ ooèiocoooc0R icSccs^ocoocobo b§olPc:a»:3 sbecnouccu (o^

〇 «p〇 o o o oo o o o e o o \ ノ

11030bfeb ixcixcG cccccge

ooocoœœ ic3cc6Acs Scccooco laeoH coiico 1000HcoSccnbo
■J O O O O \ O J «JO O J J o J>
S œ jQ dboçjcœ j^olPecc :ccccc|ciecc oQ xccg
| coœ a^cci^cG S cc|o 6 à cc S cço^ocü œ:cPo3ccobe>oo ocodbçc

febK.P〇CaXCGûOOOO E : 3Pc〇〇a béïCOÎCCG : Cp«CCSC0CG SccEûl^
〇 J «> J J O • wi J %~~J〇
3 c 〇CC iCCCofelO OCO
夕こJ O Jt 〇 〇 sL o o ù 〇 O J 〇し •>
ïobco iccccccôcc p3ccnbe>oo iïcdcoc3ccfeàœ Scccoocu 00:o io
^ 1 T〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 o \ j o •>〇
3ccr)be>œ icccuccéb scPocæceG bSJ:ccG|cocG〇)feeG iooa>E)lBs3Pœ
OO O§SCP«CC: C0CG I09CCC3CC00 10300(Bs3fc〇00 O^ScfesCCC
〇 ^ ] oX 1 o ’ ^ j j
cccocc iscPobdbcc & ioscgcsccoo i3cc&dbccc5cccoocü \œ e > c o
3 O OsL 3 0 3 0 o v o o o
cçcsccç)cco3« pbsocso 〇!?oocœs>ccH Sccisocœ àsoœ io c c o ^co)

%iccd bR:cPoocoPecolPeccc3〇œço losccoo^sœaooo 302fesdxooo
〇 o o J o e 5o J 〇
iœ:o<m:^:llPcoooR|iooseG cccoaKI3obobcîsœoa>a» oKlsfesdbcooo ( 〇')
〇 00 J しO O O O JJ • 3 \ J
1130bcoofbacGCDBl EolscsœocîG ôHsfescbcooo io〇îcc4 S cc
0 O ^ J OJ o o ^JJ « o o o
•^PeœGObj''[bobosœsao lolcoècotlIPco çü〇oRj2c*sccocc cuscsdco
& bcèaxo cuC^oSajeGiB icu^9,c?ccdco:
]iPco cc:3s9coccco fe )
〇〇 o j b o ù _}〇 o ©e o \ /

iH'd^bcéaîco ŒG3〇9coec
J 0 0 O ù
K D ic?cciococc!^io ocD2
〇bccDîCcccccf>cc !»2〇oco5ccobe> (ooeec fco)
〇 0 00 O'w J> J 3 b O 0 しo V ノ
Il cSobïCOO
Qjo^scëjsœ ocojcfosdfas^Q ipc^coccoD laxüPesc&HÆgD nee&cccocoœ g j
coP eicE ulèS | 〇cecG i3Bjodab 〇D〇^jcx?cocG ^ c c s c fh a jP e

î 〇5 fij io a ;C € G ? îjI tjs c S è c c s o 'œ e G S c c œ c o o S lo Q o
coPe : ic S Q ^ cccssSPco
ir x ^ c c ô c c s c E o t^ S gücdocc ccoooo^ i E sSPco o g o^scP o
oo p ç ï 〇œ sç 3 o p c o x cfe
厂 マ ,
Hcc A sccec 厂
▽ い
iccce) cccscc cdccÿocœ ï o ?o

çüocü ko ^ocoocobo
cobcbec çdccsPooeeG ocoocobo œcoosScoc
cocnosrdcocc 〇〇^ iしe c c c c c s^ y »
ICCCSICOOOœOCOGUÎCUCO iscdcocœs^ioo ccJhiscoso
Ù ù Oし J wi • o
icccocoba I®9〇§ a c c o ^ ic ^ g a c c o ^ e c ? a | i a c TOS〇
3 § ,i ngSc


V91 n (i) W hen a n y one of the ships o f the Union G overnm ent
in commission is w recked, lost, destroyed, or
P r o v is io n s in conse- taken b y the enem y, such ships shall, fo r the
quence of w reck , lo s s , purposes of this A ct, be deemed to rem ain in
of s h ip s . commission until th e crew shall be regularly
rem oved into some other ships o f w a r of the
Union Governm ent, o r until a court of en q u iiy shall h ave been held,
pursuant t o the custom o f the n avy in such cases, to inquire into the
cause o f the w reck, loss, destruction, or capture of the said ship.

(2) W h en no specific charge is made against any oflScer o r seaman

o r other person in the fleet for or in respect o r in consequence o f such
w reck , loss, destruction, o r capture, it shall be law ful to t r y all the
officers and crew , o r all the surviving officers and crew o f a n y su ch l
sbip together, before one and the sam e court, and to call upon all
or a n y o f them w h en upon their trial to give evidence bn oath or
affirm ation before th e court touching a n y o f the metters then under
inquiry, b u t no officer o r seaman o r other person shall be obliged to
give a n y evidence w h ich m ay tend to crim inate himself.

(3) W h en deemed necessary b y the President o r a n y officer

authorized to order courts-martial separate courts-martial shall be
held f o r th e trial o f som e one or m ore o f such oflScers and crew fo r o r
in respect o r in consequence of the w reck , loss, destruction, o r capture
o f a n y such ship.
DgQii 11(0) coっo|œSsGsoっcGfcog 巨 geœ っ。贤 。。 .03号 jüさ
ç 〇 c c *■) • • c n 〇p c •
COGCOつÜSO üjCDCÛCO33311 SOS^|SCüg33£)ll.(J[]C〇3 〇S[gCJ OQ
^8^:^ojœœs a^Qc: i 3 3 ^ |g ^ G000£©|cC33^SCj(â 33 [g^SOOC0 GC0033 ^|c〇f OJ

S é 〇<SœjS:c〇Æ c 〇| - ^ ^ o ^ o i o p i o b f ^ c 〇ü i 〇D œ ; ^ e g ^ ü j ^ a M â
e j 〇S » p u ° COC〇œSÜU3OTEC8r8c«JOSTO6 GQCOU^GCO cososèasÆ
q c c r 0 • r*c -S I~~• c c 0 • c c c •• • ocot
cocogsucoco coossossqgcsà s3G[cgocs€jCscrj <doüso©gsosc|^ ^ süocjc^ c
GCDSül rn]33COg〇GG€îi co^ joss3c8 c1i 33s861cDGci〇üjosrS |ygGC〇OC0 ZS â

03<DSC|aD33CDs[ÿLG|GCOSCO0Sa) «oScOqüCÛÜ

/ \ OO E cpc 。• 厂C C © 〇「C* O C C CO
(j) 3 3 SCJ0 Î COGCDっ(Jjcojgcsi O^sgslqcsi GJCOSOSS€|[gCSI qXXD色 süo ^cq cowsaot
» pc c c c 0n e c「 c • • 「 c. c © • rrc 0 c
〇qgcS 33O D C D C C 00C jC S I 3 3 3 0 0 1 C O G C O O ü jœ g C S I S O SgSgC Sl OJC03DSQC|gCSI C O C O g l

OODCO C Q Ü gs8s3C |gC S §C OüCOJggjG ODOCCSI 33SCJ〇l C D G C ^ っ。J c S g c S I S C J S g :§ 5 s i

C © *「 r Ç» Ç Ç C Û 「 C * 「 r I一—• c c 〇• c _ c
csycoaosQ^jgcsi o^œ さ y œ œ co«s 3 〇s[gcsôc|jgcsG(2 3 っç g c d っc p i a^GC|ç〇ü ü G œ o
ç 0 〇〇〇 p c t o e ope r 0 .0 o n ç _ _
là 3Xpg CDgSgSCTJ h © G © l COGCOっCCOS C〇g s g s 〇^ © G © l っSCO C O gS gS O ^èG O l

〇Ss§ :
):ç5 èJ^ésG反COgOS^Îl 3 3 3 ^ 1 CÛGO^っa %Gp号ÜJOS子I CÜGcéっCOっS 03 っSOJSOÿ
e 〇 c r* r c e coc cr» c 0 • 0 c c
COGpSCjS c o q s œ c o s jc a c OSCCCOCO © © G S D S O C jC § C C O g |y a OOC0330SCOSCOGCDOCJC:I


OTG函 〇5 s 35^D C0 3 S)Sè © 5 c o jS s 夺 CO邑 SI a^ 〇5 c 〇€ p s $ s c 〇c c o jS s c o ç っj^DG©ll 0x8

CDÇ っ^ OGOI [ÿ :(^s COcS g c D S G © 释 c o p i l CDGC〇§CO0DS 3 X p $ X)っ


Ü 〇J〇5 0 3 らつSODQつ ^ § 0 3 6 〇丁 ( Ç jO ^ a x S g つÎG 0 O O O ) COGODつ CO〇5G C p 〇5 <|CGCD ,

C〇œ G G û 3 S jr 〇GÜSG|S CO O C ^üÇ |(M )S|ll


00os[gcsscjcogo CDcpqœ^sgsco cS ssücûoûüd ücoœcogGooli 333001 axscoocynS
{i)C: I OJOD^Ôi^Cj^Cii COO^gSÜCDcS OXJSs8§ ÔC|(g& 330^)5 jCJOGOl

Q3SOül 00GdS〇OJc5^C?I s0scjs|gcsi Üjc038ss>€|[gcsi CDCQgSsüœcS 0DüSs8sô€||gCS^(|

© U C O J g S ^jy O G O l 3 8 0 1 COG C O O Üjœ [gC SI SOSCjSQCSl o jo o s o s 〇€ |(g c s i a j œ D ^ o a j c o

COÜ;S 〇S S ^ & g[ ^ :
) ||^ G © ! 3 ^ 3 § ü l S 3 S p 知 つ S sS C O G j つCÛ つSÜJ つS Q ^ c S ODGÜDoriSl

cocogsoœ co œ eu 300500 coogcûo coojosro <

d®gsos ©cjc[|cso300 no cù: § oi

©ooxpsqsojos qtOOCGOCjügll

(4) For any offence com m itted b y a n y officer o r seaman after th e

w reck , loss, destruction, or capture o f a n y such ship^ a separate court-
m artial shall be held fo r the* trial o f such offender.

(5) If* the ship o f any officer ordered to com m and any tw o o r m ore
ships o f the U nion G overnm ent in com m ission is w recked, lost, or
otherw ise destroyed, such officer shall continue in the com m and o f
a n y ship or ships w h ich at the tim e o f his ship being w recked, lost,
o r destroyed w as or w ere under his com m and, and it shall b e la w fu l
fo r such officer to order the surviving officers and c re w o f th e w recked ,
lost, or destroyed ships to join a n y o th er ship under his com m and,
o r to distribute them among the o th er ships under his com m and, if
m ore than one, and such officer shall, u n til he m eets w ith som e other
officer senior to him self, have the sam e p ow er and authority in all
respects as if his ship had not been w reck ed , lost, o r destroyed.


Property of D eceased Person s , D e ser ter s and Lunatics .

1 W . (i) On the death o r desertion o f an y person subject t o this

A ct, not being an officer, the com m anding
officer o f the corp s, departm ent, • detachm ent,
Property of decea­
sed persons and deser­ ship or unit to w h ic h the deceased o r deserter
ters other than officers. belonged, shall, as soon as m ay be and su bject
t o an y rules th at m a y be m ade in this b eh alf—

Çq) secure all the m ovable property belonging to the deceased o r

deserter that is in cam p o r .quarters, and cause an in ven to ry
thereof to b e made.

(6) draw the pay and allow ances due t o such person.
(c) m ake due provision fo r the p a ym en t o f regim ental and oth er
debts in cam p o r quarters, i f a ny, o f such person.
hj?o b |scœ o s cccs
jccjü io oücoccéboœsoo gD:cPoQ:S]e>oo lolœêé scPoQsSjs
• c 目œ 令é : c R ^ : ^ ] a ç c o 齡 穿 破 db4 e> dbpèo 士e> ゅ 巧 破 s * e o i铲 œ を) (u )
h3obœçooo çpcobo 6 §ca>co cccôœoobccœ
O O OOO J o o 〇 \ノ
ii^ b o e ç c o ^ ] :Sco^üfeoo^)bca> gscPos^3 3 o^o ioB]

Sf>bscœcnb œ sço:cec: 3 $o S c c o ^ o c B le ^ s ccco & 1000)SjEdb4*2

à o o o é s 1000Slëséeo iCc'ccoœoosRjsoo œ coosScocc iccsœcce) ( œ )

— codP
cocoss faoco^r
oPcccœs içcosofaj^œ o o§sciH sso3s3^œ scœ ?)l
iu3 âo^î 〇P«œcoco«lScb
l〇œeG〇C〇Ejü ICCCCs«ôO> BâOOJÛ ûücoosS cûcc ICCCOCC
ecccc s î Q ôgüoo fl〇cococn«
lococoooè ièc5i{)esocû ^ccooiosBja^Q œcr>o?cccocc ン rcccsîôecca
iccsœcco i^eœcccG: Qo〇)〇 o o ^ œœosodœoc i|^e^ 。 。
co§ücso3cocg|^ ( c ) \
cccsweccesSsSooccœcoofeàcGcccobcéÿ; HÜSC

〇Bôscr〇cco?cso oêscPosRsoo iscPoïcsôeocs
^ •> O U ù •

ngc sepeœ

11030b |b b c a o c e c o e e c jk a u c e c ^ o o o

p:3Pcopo 9^obçbcc i< jj gcçuccœbeosçeoDPî) œ co o sS co a : ispsœo isgcuP〇v^

cocccecc spëjoœoo jésgs^co ^coeGscëjeG cSccbQjœeG ic3cc-
fedbccœ loHœ
〇»J〇 iicdcco^oose
ouscP«ocod œscPacccoccoo lolto^oo coœsoocx)
O C 3 O O OJ _ O
cçcôcc 〇G〇CüceG0〇c〇DC〇 ^>00 aDcoosccîcoœ nScco^soaiftec cnç5obcô](ocucx3

jODîoococ^cexxscÊjeG txocec90000eu 0300 isceGScPftsccccccsa: pçgcfofecbeG

cccsEoJéaSirœ occcoo oscPocccscc ccccbesœœPo cocoosoccocc iSccsKsce
iS ccûüP
o &spcr> lo fij^ o b ^ œPcoçuocuçücoajce isobcocscuscPoec is^bccc^
ûjîoococccsccscEjec cccoboœoüCcGS ecuoco ^00 losooj^^ebesœcoPo
l〇〇d & |i^sK ? 〇5 loeoKlSi^œPocçcocc p 於 ic3cc|cbecoo ipfcobesœœFo
jQsoBéscëjeG oocnv^sçScocc ijlœsosoe i j i t 〇ÿ)Pocçc3Cc çis^s^cû|dbcG ^ c c ^ b
JftCG ébcoocü 10590SJouSCpflCCCSCC CCC0OCOOO2O®®*? 1030SJguSOOO^CCCOCC
if ia s c P f t C ç c s c c b s ^ j^ o p c œ s S R j^ c c é e ^ c œ s ^ c o io c c o (C>)
iiccoboojgos^ socosfesàooaKî
ébobgsœe>oo gucc^coslIPooooBjœ ^œeGeecoooB] ccccècoslir〇o iooa»Sj
cü:3î ^ co jcccocobo iooj S] • cüsSs305ÎscbeG ioucéesRjbesgesf>cc gogoosçBcood
lÿxéssQbesgscoPo lOucissQsësœ ioucéssRjîocüPoc^cacc ^ogsec (6 )


(2) In th e case o f a deceased person, the comm anding officer,—

(a) if in a n y case n o t otherw ise provided fo r b y rules m ade

under this A c t it appears to him to be necessary to m ake
provision fo r th e p aym ent o f regimental and other debts
in cam p o r quarters, the funeral expenses o f the deceased
and th e expenses, i f a n y , incuned b y the commanding,
officer in respect o f the estate o f the deceased, shall and

(b) in a n y other case, m ay,

collect all m oneys le ft b y th e deceased in any banking com pany (includ­

ing a n y post office sayings bank, co-operative bank or society or any
other institution receivin g deposits in m oney how ever name4) and fa r
th a t purpose m ay require the agent, manager or other proper officer
o f such banking co m p an y, so ciety or othdr institution to p a y th e m oneys
to the com m anding officer fo rth w ith , notwithstanding anything in the.
rules o f the banking com p any, so ciety or other institution, and such
agent, m anager o r other officer shall be bound to com p ly w ith the
(3) W h e re a n y m o n ey has been paid b y a banking company^
s o d e ty o r o th er institution in com pliance with a requisition .made im der
sub-section (2) n o person shall h ave an y claim against the banking
com pany, so ciety o r o th er institution in respect o f such m oney.

(4) W here the representative o f a deceased has given secu rity to

the satisfaction o f th e com m anding officer for the paym ent o f the
regim ental and other debts in cam p o r quarters, if any, and o f th e
funeral expenses o f th e deceased in cases where n o provision fo r th e
paym en t o f such expenses has been m ade otherwise and erf the expenses,
i f a n y , incurred b y th e com m anding, officer in respect o f the estate
o f th e deceased, th e com m anding ofBcer shall deliver over th e p roperty
received b y him under sub-sections (x) and (2) to that rep resentative
w hereupon his responsibility fo r the administration o f the estate o f th e
deceased shall cease.


(œ ) ^3^CDgüG333C| 子会SgüGSÜJっSOgS 33§ 。彳 会 . |§g っ! :

œos[gcs ©o^sgjyoGoi G^oSccp G^cp[yoc©i QcoggODO
降 :ÎJOS^ 33巨つSGÜI^ÜJつS , GOS£〇5 cj| cûつÜCOI gcos^ sc^ cS
ÜCOつ©^cSorQOJっ533陵 1 GCOS^SO^â (JÇgSgÇつJ 《©5:
OJさ邊 005足s
CO O^œjCjCDO^okKTD^pS ÇOC^JCI o^D^cooœojoscSul GOSCJ^

c^cogosüüDco coGclcogcocê COQQI.cSœ^SÜCOCO SS^COOQ! OÛCO^S

üüjcê ügco 会 33Ü会 巨 を # Gdr〇0つSGOCOつず 335g<^J つSœCOSJODg
つS 3^33© 会 SCOQoJloSûû会 ) I GCOS^SOJOOつS今CO產 GÇ39つ ぺ :
œ GOODCSOXjOgll coQc

(O) 33 目つsc8g OD33330 grSco邑* c scüjっS33 :

)ScÔLSr^ Gœ っêsogそc c o g II

o ^ jy c 3 3 œ r5 c o c so^a>g rS e ty o s s s c o ro i o 8c o o o i 3D〇 \ c ^ c D g s Q ü jœ

33§0S3 3 0 3 3 0 ^gSgüG3ÜJ0SCQC ügCÛOC ül^GOCDOyi cSGÇÜJOSrDCOOÜÎ

03 つS OjœgCSGOS^ 〇
CIOI G3ÿl c^ œ gsoœ co 33 [^0 S03O33 © gS^ 〇5üD〇0 S
OJCDÎ ü 晏G ^ q p 《 GQさ SüU^cS 33§つ5举 Cp 33€〇§33つS GCOっ& 难 ëœgu 气 ぜ

GC〇aC:SD〇Dg33QÎ| 〇8vn8aS〇〇gCOC〇[ O^G^OJOI COCOgJOOXO 33jg〇S38c€p33Cp^

03巴 1 ^ ^ godocss^ c00033cocs oSœ^OGaD-^cgv^ocjy^o w


^ S 1 ^O^gSUCDCO S3 § 〇g33033 (DgSr〇 GCCDOOCOGOsjySGCÛO33911 COOC-ODl 33 gl

( 9) ODDSOSDJÜOI 03^Sgj^€G©l G子 孕 cpe子Cp函 石 G©l Cq5 g|ç2傾 yj つ〒?

Qa^osGjœsj^ypsgècojci oog^ sJ^ojoscd güssoocj| i 〇8[yc Gcososcaâ o œ o
oqcoonoojosGos^l sp[§osçgg©ücpooos[|csQgcojci 0〇a>^COOC7DÜJOSrS Gü S€|ÇI
g^C^jCI 〇
g[c^ ^ 〇GC〇〇〇〇C33^C à^GOSGCOつ3sÜl C〇5gSCÛ会 o lü 会 ( 0) 十f (J ) 的气

COCO— 备 G:〇つ〇g ^ ぺ 丨 今 を §〇つ; 今〇|


J î A 33001 c o g C|ü(〇

(5) In the case o f a deceased w hose estate has not been dealt w ith
under su b jectio n (4), or under section 205, and in the case o f a
deserter, the com m anding officer—
(i) if in his opinion it is necessary so to do fo r the purpose o f
securing the paym ent o f the regim ental and other debts
in cam p or quarters o f the deceased o r deserter, the funeral
expenses o f the deceased, i f any, and th e expenses, if any,
incurred b y the com m anding officer in respect o f the
estate o f the deceased o r deserter, shall and

(ii) in any other case, m ay, cause the m ovable property o f the
deceased o r deserter, as the case m a y be, to be sold or
converted into m oney.
(6) The com m anding officer shall, out o f the m oneys received,
collected or realized under sub-sections (1), (2) and (5), pay the regim en­
ta l and other debts in cam p o r quarters, i f a n y , o ff the deceased or
deserter, as the case m ay t e e t h e expenses, i f a n y , incurred b y the
com m anding officer in respect o f th e estate o f th e :deGcased or deserter,
and in the case o f a deceased his funeral expenses th cases w h ere no
Drovision fo r the paym ent o f such expenses has been otherw ise.

(7) The surplus, i f any, after paynient o f th t debts! and expenses

specified in sub^section (6), ÆalJ—

(a) in th e case , o f a ^ec^a^d, be p aid to h is représentative, if

any, o r in the eyent o f no ctehn tô s\ich surplus being
established w ithin tw e lv e imoftths a fte r th e death, to the
prescribed p erso n ;and

(b) in the case of a deserter, be forth^vith p aid to the prescribed

person, and sbaU, on th e e x o irv o f th ree years from the
date o f desertion, b e fo rfeited t o th e Governm ent, unless
the deserter .shall h a v e suirendered o r been apprehended
in th e m eantim e :

Provided that the prescribed person m ay, i f the deserter has not
surrendered o r been apprehended in the m eantim e, p ay the w h o le

(3 ) ¥ « 1 ⑷ 3 5 *^ 遺 œ 会 : ü o jc S j 〇3 33C|I % 垚 改 つ :T j o y a g g ê :

üQCjoopp G c o s ^ s c o œ g s ^ ro ç c o c q c s i 00G ^sœ p s^l cdococc ^csi couüsco ^ o —

(<d ) GC030SDD(âl cSœCOSOœcO 0 0 c |y s (â © S ^S g|y 〇G©l G ^ 〇8 ccp G ^C p 2

„ [y©G©l gCÛgS 0 0 5 G[Ç2s(^«Jつ ぜ 33 运つ S G lrD S ^ p S I- GC03ÔLSCÇL^ i

)© 号cS©aD9jつs辟 a ^ ja o ^ c o つ©s jco o rxK ^p si o o jy c gcososcd

o jc o p s o o D C D o © c |y s ^ i ü 〇ç s g o 〇5,c © c x o jg ig ] C O Ü « iœ œ |^ > J

q c o g o s ja x D T D w j つs o â c q jc i œ o s |c o © c o « | 〇s o o ^ c o o œ œ g üs sd u

そCGoj^CSÇ つI GCÛS^SC^I c ^ c o g s ü ü ^ œ 〇S g [^SI C0f^)S0CCpCpÀ GQ

g (^)つCSそC C O ^ ü Ç g S C ^ GCpCSGj辜GCDつCjCSI GC33G©CO GlÇpCSCOq干


GCpCSGOG|〇a ) l C〇œ p g 〇a>CD G C ^gO C O c | y 〇csc 〇 G O C jü g ll

cÈ f
(s ) 3 3 § 〇sr 〇ç c 〇3 3 3 3 0 0 rO^DOOSI 0ÔG チ 巨 つ CSそCOûgJÜÇ 会 GGpCS
oc c 〇. c 厂c o 厂1 c \ oc c
G©そc c o g i C O œ gS Ü O ^œ GÇ33[y<0apL (S[çpCSCOG©令CCÛ公 H

(S ) 〇3 ü à ( 〇) l ( j ) (-)).. Î33C| c o œ ^ i | x g i G œ o c s œ G j§ D D g i c S c o g s


〇S)fSg|y©G©| G^OOC€pG^CpQ^©G©l œ 〇c [ œ s ^ | 〇s ^ 93110S G ^S ^9 p S G )S C ^]C I

G DD ScîsaD icoœ gsooD œ <D©G|yj<ülo©gosg®〇^ c <docojps ^ | c o o o s œ

n 〇^ODJC)2Dg O^COOCOüJOS §^CO jCI ODO^CO©CQ«JOSr^l co^ci Gcosc5scocogs<â

c8<DC0Ct Dつ
CÇJ<âü: (
D ^ o k K D y j つSGOSG)拳I 3 3 § つSfgSs 5 ô c p q o つs(^cs ü€)COJCI

33 命1 〇 〇〇 〇
üC û © ^ Q n ü jo s œ o o o ^ sro GOSGjygDii

(9 ) 93ü| (6 ) ogê 〇5s各つ SGC^r应 OOOÎOûgl g (ç ^ ü j つs g ®^C&©COÜJつsn§L

GosJysoDgG^oro Gçogoayci. oouccœ—

(œ ) G cososcocogs(â œ gcoci gcos ^ scç^ c^ c S©つseao つê g r o c ç ^ ^ o jS i

œ ro œ o o t G3〇pcgroc〇33〇si cooogos^co Gcosôsjysc^om cosooS

^ 0 (.0 3 3 〇2°; 0 0 0 GC q 〇§ f 〇G | ^ 〇CS §CCOGOl>0 03G000TD33CX>0:


(s ) ©© G jysO Tgsâ cS g o o c i c o œ y c ê o o o s c û 3 3 〇ï o jr o [g c s G ü ï^ iW 〇if c o jy c

coajcoüQ cor〇Q[yicog G^qc〇ü33©[ÿLg i œ s s io o c v ^ s o z y i oSoèclys

c o つ会 o 〇üS3〇s [ g c s « 3 ^ jc i cSœ ^S sücxjco o^ o o g Q sï^ o : cw ssôt

C | ü | g & Q ^ a ^ l O^C^S子© :
T^3CJSGCDつ C§(5g CC^ 33 夸SCjCOgpGCOつ
「 c 〇c c* 成:
3 3 |y © 3 0 « :CO€|üpOII

ヲ 干 子 ギ岭子 ^00?平3 命 沉 & ① つ 奇 ふ 3 C0£ SÜ(ぞ 30

COO©ejyS33 〇S COüSS§SG|§^CSügCQiCl CÛCOQCOOOOSCÛCÛgl 0 3 0 3 (3 ) D5€| y S

o r a n y part o f the surplus received b y him under clause (6) to the

w if e or children or an y other dependant o f the deserter a t a n y time
during the said period o f three years.

199 . The provisions o f section 198 shall, subject to the follow in g

P roperty o f officers m odifications, also apply to the disposal o f
w ho die or desert. the property o f a n y officer w h o dies o r deserts:

(a) The functions o f the com m anding officer under section 19S
shall be perform ed b y a Com m ittee of A djustm ent consti­
tu ted in this behalf in the prescribed m anner;

(b) T he surplus, i f any, after p aym en t o f the debts and expenses

specified in sub-section (6) o f section 198, shall in th e case
o f a deceased oflBcer, b e p aid to the prescribed person.

D. If in an y ca se a doubt o r difference arises as to w h a t are the

regim ental and other debts in cam p o r quarters
D e cisio n 〇£ ques­ o f a deceased 0 伍cer or deserter o r as to the
tio n s as to regimental am ount p ayable in 一respect thereof, th e decision
and other debts in
camp or quarters. o f the prescribed person shall be final and shall
b e binding on all persons fo r all purposes.

20 1.For the purpose o f the exercise o f his or its duties under

section 198 o r section 199, the com m anding
Representative p 〇- officer o r the Com m ittee, as the case m ay be,
officer or C o m m itt^ shall, to th e exclu sion o f all other persons and
authorities w hom soever or w hatsoever, have the
sam e rights and pow ers as i f he o r it had taken out representation
to thejestate o f th e deceased, and a n y receipt given b y the com m anding
officer or th e Com m ittee, as th e case m ay be, shall h av e effect
€G & cocoQ sca :3S〇o bccicfe
ccaxeG oésboccoecGoo !!3coo3ccc(îf)|eccc0:n3〇üàd3 〇iscü 〇c tçoeccüoèD
ûDcno:3coœ isoooooo 〇)?cp6c〇DceG ôésbeeGjeœ&ocx) cccdcc
ccscœcrjb cuçoaçcos sbse^eeo cocors3 cû?c i : ooco
? r .? V m 、 J パ 幻 へ 0 .± v m ch
ccxofKoco oe 〇5CüSocœs)îcocnaj ccccoosojcc o^cc — , »
°i ° ° ° $〇°.% ° V n V3 ^ ° 1°° ° 1 . ° n ccwcœ ÆcXîJJ^üB
iœcce> icc〇0g«oea;oœo coscosceGccscgec ?〇〇55, ^
ô^:co:cec ogcœcecscEJeG locodbçuSocœs) gDScPa œcno :5?c〇& i*X〇c〇
sdbcocooéoccofâoft 1000Hbcc 33c ogo loooQbec
〇 O J OO O wJ ù Owi
o3c oço icücfccbogeÿjcc ic〇Bccü3sb9e$eoa> axoo ;3 co cc iseocon hco「

n3 ftb 〇3〇03œeçj^osiec^foœcœ9îço:ce£5
oucoccobobeGocü loRlcSobosaSlcoHcGsRlcG SccœPe 11*?1
coSlioe ipœcocoscœcoococc ioIÎxj'S iobccce>acocü ç S 1?5

觸 鐵 弇 |纖 : |J : ■
o^ajPeec Sœ œ 3ccEôl〇§corc :
cc3o ic3rcscfeSjsco]o 〇J«is
ic^ e c o^ cfoQ sœ j^ ocoScco iosoB Scbèedaobois
.oaoggîiea» ^sScosg^o» ^zSco&àœ cœ ssfeccsH iio o f

nccobîoa :ccccc:ccoooococc cooeogo

6^)03 œc^eïCcœjKjsoocoîcrocüocobo béscPeSj:?üls) cccsscooR)
i 〇s>2c 0 îc c 8 (^\) ^ ogo I® ü3 c fîco loœâojiissSœSœcccccssocccs) fe )
山 」 e :> VJ/ \ j 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 。 \ /
iiccobculsccœo cocooccos>sbo
0 0 5 d 〇〇
c5cc:ccoo soc^ccsocosSé Sccsccocoococc 1ococgScoCü
O \ 00 0 0 0 0 0 し O OJ
!^)scPftS(icooooncoeG o3oba}Soccesco;ooco ibec o3c ogo ( co)

— a x e Æ co ノ 雙 T crt
o ^boe^ea o cui38o ^s3s3co |cbec cccojQ sccod —,
cy ^ ù J, J
ooco corDojcdcocc icccosccccs) ccoe>oPcüsoso ossefh ° •
J O û O • V ^ ^ 0
joEloosoBlcosocSls tococeee) iccccscP(=)coPejécSBl 10 o3c o g o ii 1133c
jJ j jJ l\ J wJ to ù ù a wl U J

ii 3 cc〇ç :
〇5 œoEieccéleeGcBcccSe isocoeGic0ec:oocc cocco
o 00 0 oL 〇〇 0 〇 0 00
oéîccco uobcccs sceciSsSco ccefisc0ec isobcœascccjcPosoccsccc i:obcccs»
0 • 0 0 j 0 0 00 U j 〇 0
tcectccoo fâsRlsooco loeoSlcurccscocoaco ioe>of)|a)scosceG〇s)〇 cccslsbecoco
D -1 J 0 O ùO J«-j O * O O •ù


202. (i) Notwithstanding anything contained in th e A dm inistrator-

GeneraFs A ct, the Adm inistrator-G eneral shall
Power of the P resi­ not interpose in a n y m anner in relatio n to any
dent to hand over estate
of deceased person to property o f a deceased w h ich has been dealt
the Adm inistrator- w ith under the provisions o f section 198 or
section 199, except in so far as he is expressly
required or permitted to do so b y or under the provisions o f this A ct.

(2) The President m ay, at an y time and in such circum stances as

he thinks fit, direct that the estate of a deceased shall be handed over
by the com m anding officer o r the C om m ittee, as th e case m ay be,
to the Administrator-General fo r adm inistration, and thereupon the
commanding officer or the Com m ittee, as the case m a y be, shall m ake
over the estate to the Adm inistrator-General.

(3) W here under this section any estate is handed o ver to the
Administrator-General, the Adm inistrator-General shall adm inister
such estate in accordance w ith the provisions o f the Adm inistrator-
GeneraVs A c t:
Provided that the regimental and other debts in cam p o r quarters
of th e deceased, if any, shall be paid b y the Adm inistrator-General
in priority to a n y other debts due b y the deceased.

(4) The Adm inistrator-General shall p a y the surplus, if any,

remaining in his hands after discharging all debts and charges, to the
heirs o f the deceased, and, i f no heir is traceable, shall m ake over
the surplus in th e prescribed manner to the prescribed person.

(5) The Adm inistrator-General shall n o t charge in r e s p e a o f his

duties under this section an y fee exceeding three per cen t o f the gross
amount com ing to or remaining in his hands after p aym en t erf the
regimental and other debts in cam p o r quarters.

203. On receipt o f the surplus referred to in sub-section (7) o f

section 198 or clause (b) o f section 199 or sub-
Dp ^ c ar!b£dIpT«U〇n«by (4) o f sectio n '20 2, the prescribed person

(a) if he know s o f a representative o f the deceased, p ay the

surplus to that representative;
1130bsos sccGocouBocœo jcckoouoo cuoso
j 〇o 〇 cT o
gltoISccAfi :ocEüje>iyfc^üBjcœe>:co^j 發:受Pcooaô+&:^ecce) (eu)

•~ i e e G c c c e > é h t e c o c o c o o o ^ S c c s c œ : i c 3 3 b u o b c c c s 〇
” L/ ' ” ? •さ 「 〇 1 。 ど , ^ \ 1 ° cüîclkccccw ccocûflcocc
pco ^ 〇J Ç O JO P | ol OGO IIOOCCCSDÛO ( O j G〇CG|p S&C

OGO l:
〇b c C C 3 0 C O ( ( ^ °3 C oc^ >CCCCCCCCC3!CCOÛOOQ〇CCII ll^ o f

ubïooossCJoecG :filidPcooo o4:cPasàcooooiocco

Ç)〇s>c3cc&éPcu croa>c〇ipoo lODcésSccxFi]002soesefo
.Q i S ]5 :c E]cg o§gcIoQiœ]s>ocoo3cc& loooGjëctéscbcœéo losxutiJSsieo cccoo
iç o c o ^r’ iipSe):つ|〇e>io S c d k o d 530r.oa>co较 i3cc:Gû]:oorioo«e>CG fC)

no3«b〇t t :〇9 h i ù z n œ lo œ z c z ^ œ z ^ i

^octticooooœcc icofccccoîcœco^axc iolîx)bop?)3c& gjeooeGicoo^ûG of)jœ

8050b:o? :ccG:cr〇e 〇ôeGico:
ftdeG spcciascco 'ojosooo io(îx)ée>iPûü〇〇3çooçuc'〇
〇〇 (^ c ^ ^ ^ s Q 2 〇S)œîcî<r)œbo oé:cPfiQ:æjs i3 ccicü|! 〇o:4oooS)CG (6)

ucc«boœ:oe) ^sooxcosc
ÿxx>eecoSbœ)3îc§cG ^oboosjooccgD lœicPaQjSJsoo ioItoè6scPoK|îœ 3:
ô§:cP〇H :œ]eKX〇 1000Q^dsiocboooéo i〇ô〇0ês4ç 〇 ipccsœcco o c o à ro
y 〇j —J j j «j j j〇 j 〇 y • j 〇
1 û \〇 • o
| 〇c??Æ ôoco cccGo^cPocüPesicon] ^ocso3cdcg :Eu]xoo:éooo&CG iÇ?ccsGjlsoo
jéooftsec i^ecocccsoccoo ^sbülsooséooftocG œ c83:38o bccoGolfS ((i)

iic5oboccco oo:Eü)îc>〇jéc〇ft3eG
œ co cî^S o joœec ic^cccoocajsœ coir)〇sc3cocc iî ?5〇cooo i»ecc5cc:cbü|ic?
〇 〇 しo o o ô o o j o o. j o U o ^ J ù
ccoo oHœ ucCcco?!c6ûlic3 crÆokoecco œsEul:oo:霫ecG cücoccsb^eiefto
〇 〇 O ^JO J 〇〇 W_I0 〇 o \ • 0 —1 〇 30 〇 \ù »o
ci)C(PCg3âo (ssScocciœcco igceGcoaccuosbseieflo cocnoscccocc uonco ofto
〇 ^ o j e • o 〇j vo • e j J 〇 j o
pœ S occoopœ bcüèsccbJ^eG ipso^eecScccBo i ^ c c c o n c c c c o o o o b ( f )

iibSjosoëjajBocoeoooscEü] pEjscc〇:ccico
i^:3Pcooc〇^eeco:3oo s^sdcoccsœcco ccc3:
ccDe^eog> beescPocuies^coSj

o 33c aço cocofKcdco^c 丨
〇3c oco i : jocooç3 cc!^
ibooSocœ ^ joœcoô^ccSJçjecüBDCceo aDcoosodcûcc 'lc^ ccc^

'îi5 ^ 5œ® ^ s Æ^ !r œœ? œ ,^ ,bœs^ M fe o o t^ r ; / ^ vi

iajscPoc〇reskSFf [ocsoSçücg jsg ;^ 5 〇 ^j'œ cc^,
j o
e-J j oo ioccx>〇3&iooocca3o
oし o œ ( i 〇V

s.p jQ u a Q -jo iB j^sixjiu jp v 3 t | G3ndooecsEojsc:

e>s|〇o〇2ec (c)n ii「o「

(fc) i f he does not k n o w o f a n y such representative and the surplus

has n o t been disposed o f under section 205, publish every
y e a r a notice in the prescribed form and manner fo r six
co n secu tive years and i f no claim to the surplus is made
b y a representative o f the deceased within six months
a fte r the publication o f th e last o f such notices, the
prescribed person shall deposit the surplus together w ith
a n y incom e o r accum ulation o f incom e accrued therefrom
t o th e credit o f the G overnm ent :

Provided th a t such deposit shall not bar the claim o f a n y person

to such surplus or any part thereof, if he is otherwise entitled to it.

204. W h e r e a n y part o f th e estate o f a deceased person consists

o f effects, securities or other property not
Dlsp<^ 〇t m<meyeffeCtS, m o n ey, the provisions o f sub­
section (7) o f section 198, clause (b) o f section
199 and cla u se (b) o f section 203, w ith respect to the paym ent o f the
surplus shall, save as m a y be prescribed, extend to the delivery,
transm ission o r transfer o f such effects, seoxrities or property, and the
prescribed person shall have the same p o w er o f converting the same
into m on ey as a representative o f the deceased.

205. P roperty deliverable and m oney p ayable to the representative

o f a deceased under section 198 or section 199
D isposal 〇f certain o r section 2 〇j m a y , if the total am ount or
valu e does n o t exceed five tboüsand
etc. k y a ts and if the prescribed person thinks fit, be
delivered o r paid to a n y person appearing to
him to b e en titled to receive it or to adm inister the estate of the deceased
w ith o u t requ irin g such person to produce a n y probate, letters o f
/N O O c C C O I一 *"• c oo o c r ^ c c
(oj つS G30つCgCOCÇ^|G[ç2つCS üy ococoglyci OSO JO^f 3X|
O O O« C\ 广 C C O C C O
c "p *c c c c c c 〇c r*
œ つ?0og> 〇'©|^〇1^ cocwcocooscog) ^ ddscoosgpcocsi Ggor
c ç c ’ c c oc c*rc c 〇f-*c 〇 no c
T)g)手©O白子DajCS〇9C〇|ej争GCOJgつSjü:X)ll 0Ç[yC33S^ül§ CつOOつÜJつS
03予cSl G^Ov^DSOS^ COO〇OOCra^|G(Tj]g〇[ySCOgG^OCD c|gooxo
OO O C O广 C P c C C C, 00„ O
o^cpjajGœ つcss^gcsül^cojci cdooücocoosgcoocûcod3i ooügco>

00SCQ[yoOO^SCD^? C033©^S§C ©GOI 00331y 〇D33®fS«

CUつCÛ0J 33[yOT330^gyjOS^ç[g〇GOI 33OTC0.^ 33号SC]凾 C|Sミ33fJ〇
0 3 0 II
C^CDCOC COきSCDSCDっc ê e c o っCÛO。 O O ü S C fê 3 3 邑っs g s 0 Ç € | O ^ C 〇5 Ç 9 〇^ C
COCSCO 330SG| €)SC33|C3©3SÜ5c[s)CSC 〇pC)l O O O G C r^ ^ O G O l 0 0 0 QCCT

œ ê c § O T S 3 0 D C ^ b 〇G O I OOOOîSCOつ: : : 0 0 Û C Q C O ^ CD つS[y<D各ésü|çy§G O C )U

JOCJ II lIGCOS^SQjJCQgSGiî ügC Û S gg つ COOCOCOG3COCDC G Ç 3 3 g 〇c 8 o c y o c :

' E k S & T 0 QP i]c f LOTE SÜU?œ ^ g o î ü O P K l l o C Û D e S 33311 œ oçe;
例 4 3 3 C )U q ü l G C G ^ S O D œ S C 〇i c 〇C ^ C D Ü J O :l C O CDg:
«C O 〇>

S 3 因つS ü g g s ü J つ: ( 考 ,
C〇r 〇G C p r S c ü S 3 ^ 5 jg C S l O G üSgC SI C p C Q g S ü œ C O '-
pc c c c r^c o c 〇 「 c c c c ç c ふ
0C :
33C D CD ! O X X )«C O O O O S 0C S O ^C O |C I O SC G Ü S0C S §^ O ü ^ D J O ll 039 〇g 〇 ««

0303 (^)l c^§9 Ogg à r〇^ 3 ( 〇) ^ U3 ü kJ 〇p (â 3 3 8 3 (©)ül ^jgOfSOJCOOJOi

ca gi c jc s c ç ガトo g s c a r D # C G © G ) ü 爸 il c § |y c coc^cèoo つs g c o つ: ^ DD〇6f
O D ^ C O U C O J g îD D g r t ü D 0 0 2 G 3 0 0 C g œ C û œ g :
C DC 0l OOüÇDD :
3 X )O C )ü l pCC 3,|SC X)C Da3>

3 C O .1 0 ^C Q Ü j0 :l COCOCOryUDCO 3 3 [ g 〇2 0 0 g :
c 〇 G Ç 3 3 |y © C 0 G ^ O C ÎC O Q C Î3 3 0 2 ^

0 0 5 OJ 3 3 っCT っョ号q y g l l

」〇3 ll I1GOÛS^:Û^© OCOJきSOD或 COLD©つ:G30 つC^|rScg33 つ: 1 3g〇 q

卩 6® 601
1% i ^ > gg
3 X | j y 〇G(DI
S 5 C )§ © C 〇»

cocV cxjgc33gc|33 〇
« a iîa S o c 5 r 〇, S;o§ t ÜÇSg33GC]33C:^2f)dod
0 £
COGÇjnsqoîODfoa^ûQC 0û^c一: i œ一ハ
1 cIsGoooctorèoQcqi?P\
c c ç L n
考保 axS^cèooiwa
c *tu c " )っcçro
îfci ox
co^ gcoSco爸 巧 cçsoa^fêi ox ^ obooosGa
〜 c っa?aopi
S ooosgod)っ 气

OÇg|SO^©G©l OÇSÇ〇gy<DG©l COC§Ô^CÇ^9 ^CO g§œ SSooSg^GCDつ ajox>ç>s

33051 CO C O g:
t>UDCO G C 030:
C D ^ Ü g g îg J 〇c 8 © âà^àS coS ^C O gO O j

GOD っ 〇J O T g ^ : 3 3 っ: I G C 0 a > S |O っî » 0 0 会 g c 〇r § ^ 〇5 r^ 5 s € 丨Q 3 S ^ 〇S ^:Ç 〇r ê ^ Ç § C ^


adm inistration, succession certificate or other such conclusive evidence

o f title.

206. A n y p aym ent o r application o f money or application, delivery,

sale or other disposition o f any property made*
Dischai^ge of o r purported to be made, b y the com m anding
com m anding officer , officer, the Com m ittee or the prescribed person
C om m ittee, p rescribad
person and the P resi­
in good faith in pursuance o f section 198, section
dent. 199, section 203, section 204 or section 205 shall
be va lid and shall be a füH discharge to th e
com m anding ofiBcer, th e Com m ittee o r the prescribed person, as the
case m a y be, and to the President from all further lia b ility in respect
o f th at m o n ey or p r o p e r ty ; but nothing herein contained shall affect
th e right o f a n y ex ecu to r or administrator or other representative, or
o f a n y cred itor o f th e deceased against any person to w h o m such
p aym ent o r d e liv e iy has been made.

A n y p ro p erty com in g into the hands of the comm anding 0伍cer

o r the Com m ittee o r the prescribed person under
Property in the section 198, section 199 o r sub-section (4) o f
hands o f coiimmanding
Com m ittee o r section 202 shall not, b y reason thereof, be
prescribed person not deem ed to be assets or effects at the place in
to be assets where, com ­
m anding officer, Com> w h ich that commanding officer o r the Com m ittee
m ittee o r prescribed o r th e prescribed person is stationed, and it shall
person is stationed.
n o t be necessary b y reason thereof that represen­
tatio n be taken o u t in respect o f th at property fo r that place.

2 0 8 . A fte r the com m anding officer, or the Com m ittee has paid to
the prescribed person the surplus o f th e property
& vu ig of ^ri^its o f a n y deceased under sub-section (7) o f section
198 o r clause (b) o f section 199, a n y represen­
ta tiv e o f the deceased o r the Administrator-General, shall, as regards
a n y p r o p « t y a t th e deceased not collected b y the com m anding officer
o r the C om m ittee as th e case m a y be, and not form ing p art o f th e

Q©goi 33 GysorD3 S)^ co^ œ scorn ycoro^ oG O i cx)C〇u c s o c o ç g G 0 〇c: 33 g 〇ï

Q3 jySC0 OTC0 rDGC033 GCO0 CQ33 C0 0 SC§^0 3 0 l üCOC^GOcÔ:
〇n5GCpr〇G〇S330 ^CCÛgQI
〇 c c oc c

J 〇Ê II HÜ3Ü O g 〇l Ü 3Q 〇g g | ÜQÜ J O ^ I 0 3 » JO Ç I cScOgSWCDCO 0 3 9 JC°1 SÇ

33g coüüsno^D G oi 〇ü 〇|^ G S )S G œ 5 y œ œ G 〇G〇i c o c o

c〇〇j j :i gtoo 5 c8 i ooœ y c Q o o ^ e ^ o Q p ^ jE o G o i c o g d d o S sG ^ cooûd^ i c〇

«OTCOO.^ OJI cop^SüCOcS g c 〇€ c D g c û < 3 C 0 っ C O C §G q)rSG 〇GaD:

) cç

〇f r o S s c 〇〇5 g S :n * GOW %
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〇© g s c 〇3 3 r 〇 〇5s© [0C S C O gt C〇COG€pœG〇S 3 3 ü |g C Î〇5 g l

G c p c s [g c s c û 0 0 l C O C O g:
ÜÜDCD SSQOSOWQ^sjgcSODgDI s c o k jO g ly c i 〇〇GC

令C jÇ p G O l 。©巴 : 十Ç 0 D G D I O üD D JgS^ C O Ü «:l COCOgSQCOCO © 〇3 ^ G C J :

GCO つy c o i C D C D g;
ÜO?CQ 今c c c o n

coycoi DDr〇30 C C p C p C G g l 53C0C〇rC -Œ > ^O ^|g C S Ü COCSCOCOGOCjüg» COGDDO

CO^Ss gJ^S üC O C ü l^G O D O ü g 5 a 〇^ 3 3 Q J 〇5 r 〇t y i !C ® ^3 C G 0 s |g ? S L c J œ g S Ü Ü J C O

C O ;S C pcS G C )S 335§C S S )C |O JO ^S きS33つSI GCÜ:

〇5 s(Dつ330D会 [^3DC〇| y 〇G © l 35G ミOOfS


oc c c o oo c
§CCOCû 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 a s r a OOO^CDSOSjil

J O フ II W J39 o g o 33S|GX)5cjCSI Ü 3 9 O g g 33C|GCOO^C:I Ü 3 Ü J O J ^

(^ S 3 C |G C 0 っCjCSl COÜÜSI OüQ^OGQSGnOOüCOI ^ C O g :

c w g ïi ^ cc»^4〇8^ =p wcj5^ cocoycoœosGCûocoâcocDoaScû gcdcocoogcoo

œposwux» coowodooos •*■〇 c 4 o c c ,L c c *L c r-: ^ l
じ i CO U5pDSCOp3iœ:
c c DC〇(T)OCOGCprDC〇っCOP? 33<3fnq〇CSG内 〇 9
c a >つ ^
ccdooj coox>œ a>cQ
cocooœ 方 ニ内
§ Cし
ojcq c C-*
し «。い
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c g g ___ 〇 1 〇 ^ c "i cしニc
c〇^ 〇^ : c〇
^ . cSœ6^zi cqodüüji œ Gœ 〇 yœ»^œœ^syœcoc8 :

cto 〇5 <5T «uj 〇5 =û co:>c^œ y:G 3 5 : )i5 c p § © a > g (G^cps^qucoc


* oooiecoo
œ ^ a» co
coâà ü g e ^ ® ^ 0^® 03^ 0? 〇« 〇3〇^|| c5 |yc
cowscsoocsp gô c 〇3〇^cDOCDGCprDX) 〇C Û g 03G jcg 〇C S G ^O C 1 〇^ C p
• ぐ- codoj
- x j 〇33œroi
w DCDI 〇§^〇g 5 g 〇〇« j ^ c ©ücxjjg^ r^œoos

羽 é es〒 G — ふ
cocoycor^ocogs œcoococio^ 11

c O c C O0 C\ CQ Q C r c c \
jo n n licouüsi cgoopDS9œ〇D © ysssG ^jSG cooücocogi 〇3 y 〇g 〇 à

0r c c ( q ) 3X iG OGOI Ü3 9 ogp Ci S3ÜQ (V) S3〇lck>GOI

CDCOOOS GSOOCano cocl c c" • • c c ' 7 c 0
a ^ c ^ y p i ^ c ©ocojgs 0 Cfe チ c 1 ,l. c 1 c o c
œ g g ë 〒 S" üggscTD o ^ ly so D g ^ o œ i G ^ o ^ ç o ü c o j g s œ g a j a )
o o sG so っ 与 r ê c ç i cS œ gsoœ co 35CQ〇〇ls o c : p § : o > a > i


Q30〇rns〇3DDg C ^G 05X )J^ 〇XC0ODCC-œ33§O^^C0gftxîl^C0g ccoa^ia^i


Iaforesaid surplus, h ave th e same rights and duties as i f sections 19S

)#nd 199 had not been enacted.

2 0 9 . The provisions o f sections 198 to 208 shall, so fa r as th e y can

b e made applicable, also a p p ly in the case o f
a person su bject to this A c t, w h o , notw ithstand­
app licatio n of sec-
198 to 208 to per- ing anything contained in the L u n acy A a , is
' $00» of-unsound m ind ascertained in the prescribed m anner to b e o f
: or, to persons reported
f a U s tic g on active unsound mind, or w ho, w h ile on a ctive service,
Mrvtoe* is officially rep orted missing, as i f he had died
on the d ay on w hich his unsoundness o f m ind
||$ so ascertained or, as the case m a y be, on the d a y on w h ich he is
l A d a l l y reported m issing:

Provided that in the case o f a person so reported missings no action

^tiall be taken under sub-spetions (2) to (6) o f section 198 or section
1 ^ o r section 202 until such tim e as he is officially presum ed to be

2 1 0 ^ W hen an officer dies or deserts or is ascertained k i the pres*

cribed m anner to be o f unsound m ind o r w h ile
^pointment of on active service is officially reported missing,
U jÈ S S ir S S to ^ T eren ces foregoing provisions of this
ewet. Chapter to th e Com m ittee shall be construed as
references to the Standing C om m ittee o f Adjust-
供u t* if any, constituted in this behatf in the prescribed m arn er and
snch Standing Committee shall alone be entitled to p erform all the
functions n f the Q>mmittee under th is Chapter.


A ppeals *.

H I . (1) T h m shaU b e a Court-M artial A p peal C o u rt w h ereo f the

!Contt-Miriifil Apped ^1) Such o f t h e Judges o f the H igh C ourt as the

^ ourL C bief Justice i i th e U n io n m a y from tim e
to tim e BoitilBate fo r th e p u rp o se ;
^ I H ^ ^ okJx o ^ c o o a x b s ^ ç ili 'cccoœPeîBo
cS^lfa9〇tceG|eœ ^ :c lV ) :
Go|éosdbcû çœecoco iii^§ s^〇

idbco icüolPesEüjéoscîscoccoeoo^ (coj osfetàco 〇Jhœ juccyi

BftboGj îoaxG^oaJceco i3ccscPosC|ccîdbco
eoDcccoccooco iicSob&sfecosfesdbco ecoecoxcoo fc^H ji.ccP


nbc saoeec

J 〇 J j j
lüîcPosàcoœoococG pcoocœosboe^eoo losaoeccp ccccucoaccussbee^eoa)
"socoQccgo o〇g3 il ^e b cn o jccü sœ ^e G cccrccccsèSc3& gjgDecccs sboe^e
oo joooScGixD loltoèBcoocajo sboeleoo secoHcc cCcooecie socoeesocu
• O 0 \i.
: O 0 XOOOO \û •〇 û \J J O 〇〇 O
:odé Scèîcœcoococc ioÏ ocgocüIijd u e e cccce si^S b cacoocccssbec^eoo oco
j j ^ J し〇 〇〇 し 〇 j o e eo \o • o o
^fooufesieoKj Scceèeœœec fesaDçecliJü ipeeSccbe
:o0jccdsDcEole>cG cnRis>îœoucr〇o oîoèfesfia>eao • 〇レ 』 厂
:羅 ^ ’ト や 昏 : 丨しecc_ — I p ' : 心 :を p fユ ;
馬 、

ic d i Sccscœcoecocc oocxJccoccsb^occ cccooscdcocc

JjcccSocsR]3cc& 0000 cocnosgdcoœ i^eecccccsoecco sccofedbcGii 110c f

ibocc ioocpHIscg r 〇「<^o îaaaSjbee 33c 行が losa^becscfeefiGo ccc3〇S

°°(3 )ん g °^c こら3 ^

tieccscc^o ioœGœ^ccbeso6|scEülî〇cC |ecc cnBjéosœajcPoo ocoœcc

iicBofeoscceccœ fcccoè
j 〇〇 j 〇〇

^sie a xc j^scloccioceec iccccscPoajPes^cSQ [oscProgo cccscfijœ o o f oco

0 o3c 060 lœccccœsœcceccgD lucub^eo^ccbesoS q ,
i ÿ o â ^ ? ^ c o c ic b c é a j^ ^ G ^ S ^ :
cPe&4 : =^c£S]
icccobesogscEôlsocEoleec œRjàssœcxcfos s^ElsœœgéosœcocPoa
? ^ f f e œ « o a S g . ÿ o . çccnesçéCÛOD ICCC(-CCOC^œ〇C0 jco^fe:a〇 D Soa> cSHîico
h:hy i8cobloSccb|œ sft 〇cp scc’致 驗 S

•^ 〇。ギ 〇 ^ も 8知 ;¥ 似 。
0似 s 為 0^ ^ ^ ^ 。00uo「ザ 0“ 3c _
Sccooo6^oooa:3o o co (jo y XoBunq; cso3a)eG2〇ë]occsSn 1130「

iio3efcoe>^b sclosckccoooiocco jéscPosbsccjScG

^ b c ïe a o i&CLCcœ^esoÊJsicBQ œœ 33c cé u3c oco i^S fcco o césSoo


(6) such o f the officers not b elo w the rank o f Lieutenant-Colonel

o f the D efen ce Services as the Chief Justice o f th e Union
m a y from tim e to tim e nom inate fo r the p u rp o se; and

(c> such other persons, being persons o f legal experience and not
in the G overnm ent Service, as the .Q iief Justice o f the
U nion m a y a p p o in t
(2) T here m ay be p aid to the persons appointed under clause (c) o f
s u b je c tio n (1) to be judges o f the Courts-Martial Appeal C ourt such
rem uneration and such travelling and subsistence allow ances, as the
President m a y determ ine.
(3) T here shall be a Registrar o f the Courts-Martial A p peal Court
to b e appointed b y the C h ief Justice o f the Union, w ith tk e approval
o f the President/ and the C h ief Justice o f the Union m ay ap point such
o th er ofiScers and staff o f the Courts-Martial Appeal Court as he m ay,
w ith the approval o f th e President as to num bers, determine.

2 1 2 . (1) F or the purpose oT hearing and determ ining appeals

under this Chapter, or a n y m atter prelim inary
Supplem entary pxx>- o r incidental to an appeal, the Courts-M artial
v is io n t reU tk ig to the
C o urts-M artial Appeal A ppeal Court shall be summoned in accordance
C ourt. w ith the directions given b y the C h ie f Justice
o f the Union, and shall be deemed to b e d u ly
constituted i f it consists o f-

(a) an uneven num ber o f judges, n o t being less than th r e e ; and

(b) (subject as h ereinafter provided in this Chapter) a t least one

judge from the num ber o f judges mentioned in clause (a)
and one ju d ge from the num ber o f judges m entioned in
clause (b y 〇t sub-section (1) o f section 2 11,

(2) The Courts-M artial A ppeal G>urt shall sit in such p la ce as the
C h ie f Justice o f the U n ion shall direct, w hether w ithin o r outside the
U nion o f Burm a.
(3) T he determ ination o f a n y question before the Courts-M artial
A p peal C ou rt shall be according to the opinion o f the m ajo rity o f the
judges o f th e Court hearing the case,

(4) T h e Courts-M artial A ppeal C ourt shall be a superior C ou rt o f

reco rd and shall, fo r th e purposes o f and subject to the provisions
ojooccibœ S^œ o^ccQ S^Iosdyx) oœeeœ^jEsfe:c3xûeœcG〇ücc〇〇
o^ d 11030bofijsfecosfe siajcpeoxocG loSccsfesdscoeo^ec ojccgcd ( 6)
* (i SoboooBsciccGCure
0 O U OO J
œonofe|ooo pscPosE^&sdbcodbscfo lOuiccscPosEoJcoscJsco ^ccsœooccéscEô]
Î üScd i3 cc:o0coE)|soe cpobobcocicœR ocosfesdbco ecoeecoccoo fé )
flSobooosfe ocodbésxîc;
ccscEZ)liS œolPesEjléosàco ccosoo^ loscHceooR
J J〇 • J û -—-iù J 6-J〇 J •ù «j こJ 〇 j «J

jooo JJ cwococgccosoo
J J 备
• OO ooccoe^R]

• ecnecoxccîo
• O J (T)

iis3co:oesc3écG cüiœscPosEoIccscfcco cdccscœ

O • 0 J OJ ■>
Qjoô 5^ ° (e) coec oésScoîÇüJccscico soes^éec a;éccscPo
:d?c:dbco 妄 ccscœRjj^e)ミ?〇( 〇) ) 緣 ecg ( c ) 爸oçh icc 「
(ccosoPco|œo ôés'cPoajfesécBR] Scc^iooooœcéo SsœeecjS) (e )
oRœ iscPosEülœ
:cbco cccs6cococGbe>cG Sccaxooo icccscPcoao œccce:3:œ ( cü)

nSobchcoo cnç3ccoE>lspscDCû〇cnecccxcoo ccc0〇ï)|sQs3oo faxosçcosodé io3cc

sfescîxoecoeG axcooço i〇[ ^ ^ | 〇scPosEü]œ:dbco :ogocG[〇ajcccs ocos&sdboo
coocdaxcQoœ oQœ 11030bjesôoe cos&sdbco ecnœ
axcoo 3eGÔé:cfoœPesc^iœSœçoœ ou〇](<5sfc|io ,,sc^ ^ * i c^
scko çco9001 ^ œ œ ^ jî c e fîœ 3® oc^cfcj .oecg ^
^jefecoSgj cccsccojoooKI eoccoec 1030f^ajeeco • •
5cü:Scgocg ç>ftecnec loooSjiüscPfloecneG becs^eecl^ (c)n i!rc 「

nSccc^oeG^e ccos
O ooo O \
go gjooojcoecbocG ccco^cocccocc coœncccœsoo^ socoeG<KccooS]sœoo
loscfosfioooeG oés〇r〇6d3€GscQeG ^sfesdsco ecnec^xcoo i3ocolfes|ü]éosd3co
cooooo^ oBlœ nSebosccoiosoœcD tôsfesdbco ecneccoccoo cccooccle
〇 • 〇〇 OhJO 0 0 0 0 0 〇• 〇 J O O O
cüçlPesG^osàco ccoooo§ jQa;Pe^oocccecc (yscoocc ccosooi* ( 幺)

„ a c c o | e 〇3 ? b®Sc o ôéœ bo
:b e laosEüjoeeG ScccoSlsoe 〇Dcooccccosooè uceGsciftCcbesoSjoec^e oSJec
jcPftsEolccsdsco |3sfesci>coecoeGcx)ccoo ibec (6\ coec ^ ( c ) e o c o ( Q

»scPoccoec JeœolPesEüléo
O O J o-Jo
sdbco ccoooo^ eooscPoccofousolcoGsoS ccccçocoo;0000ec bsacc l o i
oB]œ iscffi&cfccGcccscnFcs^Q
cocPc〇ôscec[ecG «ooscfblscbeG cccsoéoojceGsoœeG sgujsScoû
co c o g

6cco300〇co iioïbeG
00 しO
(KD|B icoolP
0 > O
esCl^osckco O
cœsoo 士 (e)
••>〇 \ ノ

under this Chapter, have full p ow er to determine, in accord an ce w ith

the provisions o f this Chapter, a n y question necessary to b e determ ined
for the purpose o f doing justice in an y case before th e Courts-M artial
Appeâl Court.
(5) A n y directions w h ich m ay be given under this section b y the
Chie^ Justice o f the Union shall, in the even t o f a v a c a n c y in his 0伍ce
or if b y reason o f absence o r fo r a n y other reason h e is unable to
perform the duties o f his office, b e given b y tfie n e x t sen io r Judge o f
the Supreme C ourt,

213. (1) Subject to the fo llo w in g provisions o f this Chapter, a

person con victed b y a court-martiaJ m a y appeal
^t-nutftialfr〇 m to Courts-M artial Appeal C o u rt against his

(2) Except in the case o f a conviction involving sentence o f death,

the right conferrçd b y sub-section (1) on a person co n victed b y a court-
martial shall not b e exercisable—
(a) unless, w ithiiv such period as m a y be prescribed, he presents
to the appropriate au th ority a petition in pursuance o f
sub-section (2) o f section 168 praying th at his co n victio n be
set a sid e; and
(b) u n u l either the prescribed period beginning w ith the day on
w h ic h the petition is presented "expires, o r h e is notified
b y that auth ority o f the order, passed on th e petition and
dissatisfied therew ith, w h ich ever event .first occu rs.

f i ) Rules o f Courts-M artial A p peal C ou rt m ay * p ro vid e that, in

such circum stances as m a y b e specified in the rules, a n y such petition
够 is m entioned in su b * se c tio ii(2)* w h ich is presented to such person
as m ay be specified in the rules, shall be treated, fo r th e purposes o f
that sulvsecrion, as h aving been presented to the appropriate auth ority.

彡 j^CC〇p :r)G]5 :
DSj5 r^ ^ 133305séoroçyps 3 5 0 卜1§ 0 ト〒 5
S っs g y 301CDJCGOcàl 感 32 3 (^。1 I^C•っ♦SSJjrSyjっ533孝 S 岭 包 み | S3っCIDっ,
■ €jG©C)(=)pDII
/ \ OC 〇 C Cr—© C C c c c「 c oc 〇 c c
( つ) そCCGCOっ c o c p o 率0 S 3 J |ü tà CpCÇSC〇a>OXKXyc[^OG®l 今CCGCOっcocpso 争

jcg-SyiS 33COÜ3CD y|[gCSG[Cg 〇Cl cScOgOSyODCD 3〇[g 〇? 33Glcqocscos>oc(ogoç

そcÔgco5 cocpso|[^ssjji6c〇0S y y S cpogsa^cp œ っ0辜cœcocpsüjっq 9G3Dっê

§Œ )今CC^jc|g(&S(DI ^ j c ^ 3 3 C j 今CCGœÇ COGpSO拳|c^S3J[5r 〇 OOCOSCGODっ g | [ ç g っs 、

s jr ê ty っs o j 今c c g c o 5 cocpsc 拳[c^ sojiug 子っr § o l:

33C^3ps|g(D(SCDっ cocpsc^cScœ S

ô j |〇 cocpso^Jô^sœ 0005c jü g ii

P ? h II p ノ の®CO<pS$STO 品©g 〇
CK?QっS OCjCgCSQC(COCOgl OO330 S jyot)

“ i i 1rA $Ô^CC1OPD
黎 歡 漂 ;

( j) GOD3CÏD〇1〇CDDa〇 |y© y 〇OCQOS©C)c(gCSOCOülsi ©OCOCpsg:CD^8<T) |y w

OOC〇p?&}C (gcsôcj cç33っ:: ÜC«3 (5 )g é GOSasSoDっSGÏQっ S^5?i3Ç fpÇ ?^-

(co) c S œ c o aoccp 33 っ(DO^Cœ OQ33 C« §©^ 3〇

CJ 〇S ©C|c|^Ct
ücoojcoG üscj^ G o ^ p ro c o o d ^ oDcSycSeoouxîçp. a ^ o c o G S o c s s ^ ^ x

S3COCSÜSO <â c ^ o |( j) ç c s s g i6 à C r ? c o ^ c 2〇s ^ @ a * ^ € ji c ^ c

( s ) c sc^ p cocgoco ceog) e ^ c jn S ^ .

3 3 © g $ t o o O D â l ÿ a s c o T s a ^ 前 ’*x o

s^>czs2^jt o n o ^ w jÿ ii c ^ o 〇DD?oœco ç ^ a ÿ x ê c g o ^ ç © ü cqjgs§

ÜÜÜGODJ子Ü D x i 330 令 5;
|é>cS<S^g っ OJ3?OC?ÿîKJ€<tJ GW3? 勹s

axsicqocs q ç g つsy§csi ooq^ c 〇35 ar^®^Ds

)ês因っSgCS33 〒CT« G^COっCO 33^CWÔ§:y o ^ a ^ g o s ^ っcçco
32G ^gocs0os[gcsaxn gs<gっ[^<Da^Ci ajoo っco. 田をJ ia o ^
«[gcs a ^ g c : G [ ^ i i a ? c o u ^ 〇^名 G ^cqoôs 癌っsgcs そっo^ooっco
S30C533Q0S OO^SOSgCSœCO g S C 〇|y©CX^]C{ CDCÛ3DG|g 〇CSüJ〇^ 〇S

ygcs œ sogcst)^ .!!

(の ©©OOÇD 030j£ 〇Xp:S:ゐ そ :5s〇ÜGS3t>JっSg cSs^DSGCsTjyœっSGCO:

) 03G巨
^ G ^ jo so o é c8 ^ gîgC G 3 QJOSP CDs(§OSGüT^œC«GCOOX〇
5. 〇C)C20CSCÛg ü〇y 9

CO ^ 「Ë 00つ2G c ü つ Gc^poxg ゴbopSi r^güjos œc^çli

sÇcq) 33 〇〇D〇C{C(X) ODcjyroogg ccojonocgo^ocScococg coa^ ogu o
güG3«J^:œ Bg^S^COJgB

2 1 4 . (i) T h e m em orandum o f ap peal to the Courts-Martial Appeal

C ou rt shall b e lodged w ith the Registrar w ithin
Presentation of memo- the prescribed period.
111 • (2) Rules o f Courts-Martial Appeal Court m ay
provide that, in such circum stances as m ay be specified in the rules,
any such m em orandum o f appeal as aforesaid w h ich is lodged w ith
such person (other than the Registrar) as is specified in the rules shall
be treated, fo r th e purposes o f sub-section (i), as having been lodged
w ith the R egistrar.
(3) W h e re a m em orandum o f appeal to the Courts-Martial Appeal
C ourt is lodged w ith a person o th er than the Registrar in accordance
w ith the Rules o f Courts-Martial A p p ea l Court having efiFect b y virtue
o f sub-section (2), it shall be the d u ty o f that person to forward such
m em orandum o f appeal to the R egistrar w ith as m uch expedition as

2 1 5 . (i> Su bject to the provisions o f section 216, on an appeal

under this C h a p ter the Courts-Martial Appeal
Determination of Court shall a llo w the appeal if they think that
^Sses. in ° y
the finding o f th e court-martial cannot be support­
ed having regard to the evidence or involves a
w ron g decision o f a question o f la w o r that, on. aQy ground, there
w as a m iscarriage o f justice, and in a n y other case shall dismiss the
ap p ea l:

Provided th at the Courts-M artial A ppeal Court m ay, notwithstand­

ing that th e y are o f the opinion th a t the point raised in the appeal
m ight be decided in fav o u r o f the appellant, dismiss th e appeal if th e y
consider that no substantial m iscarriage o f justice has actually occurred.

(2) If th e Courts-M artial A ppeal C o u rt allow an appeal under this

Chapter th e y shall set aside the con viction .

2 1 6 * (1) If it appears to the Courts-M artial A ppeal Court that an

appellant, th ou gh not properly convicted on some
Poweiム the charge preferred against him before the court-
peal C o u rt. Ap-
m artial b y w h ic h he w as tried, was properly
convicted on som e other charge so preferred,
then, if the sentence passed b y th e court-m artial on the appellant w as
not w arranted b y this A c t fo r the offen ce of w hich he was convicted
on the o th er charge, the Coiirts^Martia 】 Appeal Cotirt shall
pass on the appellant, in substitution for the sentence passed

JDÇ If ll(o^) © © x à > 33C03(X^S^SC0 COC©| QSCOSCOOCD 33COCS〇| 〇0 DDCO

c c nc yooooostscoo œoco qsocsq^E ossscdcs coccocscypon

coj c : E c : ii J / x c c . 1 c û V ©
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on him by the court-martial, such sentence so w arranted as th ey

th in k proper.

(2) W here an appellant has been convicted o f an offence and th e

court-martial by w h ich he w as tried could law fu lly have found him
g u ilty o f some other offence, and it appears to the Courts-M artial
Appeal Court that the court-martial m ust have been satisfied o f fa c ts
w hich proved him g u ilty o f that other offence, the C ourt may* in stead
o f allowing or dismissing th e appeal, substitute fo r th e finding o f th e
court-martial a finding o f g u ilty o f the other offence and pass on th e
appellant, in substitution fo r the sentence passed on him b y the court-
m artial, such sentence as th e y th ink proper, being a sentence w arran ted
b y this A ct for that other offence but not being a sentence o f greater

(3) Where 一

(a) an appellant has been convicted o f an offence under circu m ­

stances involving the higher o f tw o degrees o f punishm ent,
and it appears to the Courts-Martial A ppeal Court th a t th e
court-martial b y w h ich h e w a s tried o u gh t to h ave fo u n d
him g u ilty o f the offence as being com m itted under c ir­
cumstances involving the lo w e r degree o f punishm ent ; o r

(b) an appellant has been convicted o f an offence and it appears

to the Courts-M artial A ppeal Court that tû e court*m artial
b y w hich he w as tried o u gh t to have found him g u ilty
o f flic offence subject to eacce^ions or v a riatio n s ;

the Conns-Martial A ppeal Court m ay instead o f a llow iiig or dism issing

the appeal, substitute fo r the finding o f the court-m artial a finding o f
g u ilty o f the offence as being com m itted under circum stances in vo lvin g
tiie low er degree o f punishm ent or, as t^ie case m ay be, g u ilty o f th e
ofiFence subject to exceptions or variations and pass on the appellant,
in substitution fo r the sentence passed on him b y the court-m artial,
such sentence as th ey think proper, being a sentence w arranted b y
this A ct for the offence specified o r involved in the substituted finding,
b u t not being a sentence o f greater severity.
0 * 〇〇〇 〇
:coec io^ odkÎ300ecoec i^obcoœ G 〇RSccœ ar):
«JUô • o j JJj j o ^ J û w
cüïfeidbooecoeGcocccDO icœ soH s^œ SccsG ji^Eo iBoHscScocScc^oe oügôoc
• • t> 〇 o j e」 bo b o u 3 ^ J J
j b iGeoHajcoeGooR
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〇 し
ccocoPecoHsoe S ccîcoosooscogd
ioso H

cücoecSoH cccescctoB) loescBscc lajæGoBlcScccooPe iosjcgccoo lajsfesdbco

J «5J 」丄 こ)O O J JJ j 3 OU ô •
oo joH Scco:§icoscoec o^cbcfeobecocc lœPeœBîcerocEüla'SoQeG cocoœ
O JO O O 00 J O 0 • O « I OJ 」 o
oofilio i^ocoS[ iQM^^scfixuPeœ socf^s i〇3〇^ a ) :cPft〇uPe:o§] œJnosoccoœ
10jPecoHste :o ctu lぅSoRlec coSoec苔a>Fj]6o ccajccoc<^o:llPcu tuSoRto っ?oscPo

SccooslPcoec ObéooGGRcccsioe
J O * ù û し
O j j J * 丁 •
〇o iscoecSo
cno co?nf)s3cocc iscoecSolSlôeœsoBeœcs.i^œî&sdsœeco^GOüccoG ioî<xœ 〇D
j o j o •> <y p 〇 • j o

oElooo cusfescbco
^wJO •
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〇 O 0 • J .^ I 〇J 」
œcoecaoBlœ *c0ccccoc> ipococStscPooufbcosocBla cocnosc3co&
tscCoojiegoë] iGüsbscbco^o ^ œ ^ o ^ ^ o z c G ^ œ œ i^ecGœcc
besptjoboscSpco^oRj 'coS^GeoofeoQ tÆcc^coœjdxoeoncc (e^
gxnosç:c3〇?b idœGoeoot^ocx? c o v ^ t a ^ n
e〇D€G cüccoo ^ ^ œ ô c c c 〇Ç)j:〇5 à s fih z S o c m ^ âcîfeofeoweopo
:c œ c c c p 8〇c & |3 {30B]eG -axoesaâ^gp ckoccgo |ccucccc^?o
xIIPcü coooRjœ ocoéeeGÊjoeG cocsjôjJltoœ |^a ® b j§ ^ o c [ 〇ô
î f es妄 ccbescÆ]ヲbg» :c & jo c ^ fij.i# c c : 參ccふ Dîàcoçcoec tcc?oœ
ecooofij cccs4*?osllffaj ocofeefiÆJscG c(2fccp〇4laxG oéaocoRJ
cccosoûssGjJicuieGs|^)〇§ a〇G〇f^S cc[〇9 ccc9Sc〇0sEô| (œ )

iibossapejsEojo ^ocüOoaüGoRj cdccècooPe cosDsaxoao

iScbaDGoH cdcccooPesœscoeG sScococoto (tSccD^cofîPe 〇jœG〇)hl cccc^lôe
j o û Jj j o o o o o 3 ooo o j j 」j uJo
cüG3〇3coeG|[〇 icocoeG^oEî} xc^ecco ujgDCG^ccoœ co^3ccia;çPcoo ccoojcc
ousoscoco ecr,ieG cücc^ o iscoeGaDGa^)! ScccD^ffe \o o c b ccoo cosîsscbcooo oHco
n3cco?sooscoeG ôécoPecoSlsœ soctojofeoflec cucoecaoRiscSeG oüCuPeœG
soe ps^sàcojo) iscoecSocno cd?d 〇: ccco-cc iscoeGSe)(S]ce œoecnec icScc
sfescboD ecoescoccjo !|eecccce)〇scno0ocD cososcooo ecoeGœccao coc3ccoB)sF)]
cosfesdbccoa» cosoctojaS scPoàso0:ocEü|3eG c3cc〇)5ScScoo socEü |3
SoHec <ccoeG6〇)Bl scëjecgD scecccœ i^eecS300500Gj?ce o3ecc^G2〇9
sdbco cncdxâoBjec cocoeG«oHscë]œ ico^sàco®® ccccobosœea!® scecccoo
irfijbesoEjobo scSoœ ^ofij a>coeGec〇ft〇f!j Æœs3cocoscicoecnec ( f )

iiccob^ooPe jo^ecccgo gjax;oF)] ccc9œco

jcdcoJrザ cc*cocPcoe> eusきsàco f?ocG ijRJScc 包きS coGsr^^DeG^u


(4) If, on appeal, it appears to the C o u rt-m a rtia l Appeal Court

th a t, although the appellant w as g u ilty o f th e a ct o r omission charged
against him, he w as insane at the tim e the act w as done or the omission
made so as not to be responsible according to la w fo r his actions, the
Courts-M artial A p p ea l C ou rt m ay set aside th é sentence passed at
the trial and order the appellant to be kep t in custody in like manner
as o n a special finding o f insanity b y th e court-m artial b y w h ich the
appellant w as con victed .

(5) The term o f a n y sentence passed b y th e Courts-Martial Appeal

C ourt under any o f the foregoing provisions o f this section sh all
unless the Courts-M artial A p p e d C o u rt o th erw ise direct, begin to run
from the time from w h ich it w ould have begun to run if it had been
passed in the proceedings from w h ic h th e appeal is brought, and
a sentence passed b y the Courts-M artial A p p eal Court as aforesaid
shall be deemed to be a sentence passed b y th e court-martial.

2 1 7 . If, in the case o f an appeal under the provisions o f this chapter

th e A ttorney-General, upon an application in
D ecision o f thethat behalf m ade to him w ithin a period o f four­
C ourts-M artial Appeal teen days from the date w hen the decisiori of
C ourt to be final
subject to appeal to th e Courts-M artial A ppeal Court w as given,
Supreme Court. grants a certificate th at th e decision o f the Court
involves a point o f la w o f exceptional public
im portance and th a t it is desirable in th e p u b lic interest that a further
appeal should be b ro u g h t, an appeal to th e Suprem e Court from the
decision o f the Courts-M artial A ppeal C o u rt shall lie at the instance
o f the person to w h o m the certificate is g ra n te d ; but subject to the
foregoing provisions o f this section the determ ination b y the Courts-
M artial Appeal C o u rt o f any appeal o r other m atter w hich th e y have
p o w er to determ ine shall, notw ithstanding anything contained in
section 6 of th e U n io n Judiciary A c t, 1948, b e final, and no appeal
shall lie from the Courts-M artial A p p eal C o u rt to a n y other court.

W h ere the Courts-M artial A ppeal C ou rt h ave allowed an appeal

and, im m ediately a fter th e decision o f tHe Courts-Martial Appeal
C ourt has been given , notice is given to th e Courts-Martial Appeal
C ou rt o f the in ten tion to ap p ly to the A ttorney-General for such a
certificate as aforesaid, th e Courts-M artial A p peal Court m ay make
an order providing fo r thé detention o f the accused or directing that
he shall n o t b e released until either the Attorney-G eneral has refused
J^°^ 5 0
:çqarce o^eÿ^^j^tdbcoyîboîデco參i ù § c e ^ ) ^ ^ 3 c c 穿) ( ^ 5 | 重<
ajreeort,lbo3 icorlPe^9§acc〇3 〇p | i^eecccc3?cEo|:oc£ôl^cG scec^sàcoecocG
S^ccoo :会)spcEôlscoS^^bsccoœc/coe !œSDCGœ^cüc〇ÿ ;Peeœcme» Sccege
DCoocoooeG œ 〇^ »j〇0 :Holîx)sRlc〇APe cpccPecoSlsce soccol^nioc
ù • o 〇 eJ 〇 oJo 〇o o wJ <» j - I *Jj
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® iCüciosBlBbè
J oluJJ
cd^ ooccocg
0 J •

• J

iibQafeftôeoc^coeG i[〇jDcosfescbcoccx
〇 j ^ • <' J
3 oscëleG icoou
J 0 j
fecoSIsos fâs^
*5 wJ • j •
:c»coeçoeGcoccoo oH & iiccak〇3〇f)lcoReGsb|eG ificcoosfejooocccxleoco çi « go
* 0 ù 0J o 0 «J 0- cL 0 O 0 J J
5 〇d〇üec sbsobcs'cbcc oos-oocoosocR i〇ie 〇6i)c !c3œso0 cofitsœ cuSco
〇 o o e • ûo j j 」 o o 一v o o
scSlfe ccceJocooccG ébcoH soe œ sèscbcoçcoeGcoccoG c〇coa:c3cocx i^ccsoël
〇 J J JJ « o • «5 J J ù 〇 J 0J
coÈlsoe gj«ooecnœ œsfesdsœecoeGGücccuo icc〇5〇Pœr4œo ô^scPecuPeséc§H
ccc 3 è R i 〇3〇ücx5£G ioogoLo scrîcccccocc lîSccboeooeïieG occolPeccoejboco
\ JJL -j* し J, J 〇 o oû o « o o o 〇
scbco a)cofeœf)]sœ ps^sa300ecneccuccoo lêœlsIxoftcoccoureeûjccDsco 10110
:os scec&;cco〇)clcx)e) gjœ^ojcocüPeecücœs) soe-Eoio
pccjo eoDiEéooo œœec?|[coeGcc3 B]scr〇eG つR|尹 cc .ふ
il c3 «b<?saQ
3 cc〇 ) le
i ^ o o \ otcoajPeeû dboœsocGjjdcaoS cccosEojsbeieG ° ^ 1 kàco e^cc
.œec ^cccucccoo o^rca.p,cPoec c«^〇jPeço§:œ ç>.o ^scœcocooo
saxoecnecoxcoa cooile^oo^cûDDo^ lolcosoœoco ^ 05]0〇 チ œ ^
ccocücîcoe) I ococgScooo îœoireéeêscco^ooè isococg 〇:
Pe ccoscocb :àc 〇
ù し 0 0 〇 •0 J •5〇 5 «i j 3
cubscosonœco ^(jecocoble) cccoPecoPecoSIsœ co
sfesdbcoecoeGGoccQOlocoSooeœec becscPf)〇uPesicoR] ir)siecG^uii ji^cP

J o

!c3ccœcoR|2dcrdcfiPe sococcc?cce
O O O O JUa . O 〇〇 û
0 J •
scbco ecoeccoccoo
• J
〇R〇〇iiccobKloeGoifeec ccecÇloeEaDGoRlgD
j JUC J «J JW J J J J do
•> \〇
GjcsDGoRèo lococo^eGCOO c
O 〇 JJo O \
3ccooecoec loltocSlosoSscEoli^
O O • wJÛ o
rcE lec
> j j
3 j
G oH IScccoR
o ^Jo J
pe cos^
eG Coccoa
j j
ibcGeecooüPesicoR] icu^esscPoooPeséc5Q ccccçce ococüœecpoço^ (C)
0 00
6 o •
icosû3 éco 3œsoe>ïocc 〇〇

.DCocdœcooPe ob
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PecoSlsoescoeG cocdccoocsê
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ocoo cusèsdsco ecoecoDGCoo a;aDG〇)R|Scc
oe>Pe cüieecSccobcusoesaio
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lofcocecnoR oco cosfescb
3 wJj •
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O 3 J J O Ù Jo o o o o^ J O j *3
J O ®
し J _
v /


to grant the certificate or a decision on. the appeal has been given b y
the Supreme Court or the appeal has been abandoned, as th e case m ay

2 X8 . (i) For the purpose o f this Chapter th e Courts-Martial A ppeal

。 t Court m ay, if th ey think it necessary or expedient
S upp le me nt ar y P° - • ビ • ; / • ••
wers of the C ou rt s- in the interest o f justice—
Martial Ap p e al Court,

(a) order the production o f an y docum ent, exhibit or other thing

connected w ith the proceedings th e production o f w hich
appears to them necessary fo r the determination o f the
case ;
(b) order the taking of such steps as are requisite to obtain from
a n y member o f the court-m artial b y w hich th e appellant
w as tried or the person w h o officiated as Jud^e-Advocate
at the trial a report giving his opinion upon the case o r
upon a point arising therein o r containing a statem ent as
to any facts w h ereo f the ascertainm ent appears to the
Courts-Martial Appeal Court to b e m aterial fo r the purpose
o f the determination o f the case;

(c) order any witnesses w h o w ould h ave been com pellable w it­
nesses at the trial to attend and be examined before th e
Courts-Martial Appeal Court, w h eth er they w ere or w ere
not called at the trial, o r order th e exam ination o f an y
such witnesses to be conducted in the prescribed manner
before any judge o f the Courts-M artial A ppeal Courts o r
before any other person appointed b y the Couits-M artial
Appeal Court fo r that purpose, and allow th e depositions
so taken as evidence before the Courts-M artial A p p eal Court.

(d) receive the evidence, i f tendered, o f a n y witnesses {including

th e appellant) w h o is a com pefent b u t n o t com pellable
w itn e ss;.

C C V^ 〇c 5 œ 〇Q g c 8 c G 3 3 〇C l O X p iQ Q 3 0 l1 OJ[ÜOO 〇SQCGODO^C:| CCC pSQ 33 〇I 〇3 S j][6 «

< jc o o x ^ g o ||3 D :ojn 〇Gca§cjcii ü l ^ c o ^ 〇3 y|c8i o è c o ç o s ^ œ ic y ç p t^ iC D ooco

cc c

JOOII, II ( d ) g | 333| :〇] CDÇOJOS3 X O c ll CQCp:^j<X)«gG〇 € ||| COGSOODgSf

DDOO^IÜÜXD C<xy5 f 〇|c〇

5 § 0〇
jœ co^ôo^coô^oôœDXJOcûû5〇0 ©OODC ooc^ô

^ :(T> 00c jycco so c^ |ci 0^©<Sc〇〇Se?3UÛQ oo cptqi

(œ ) 35ÿ3〇:|y 〇DGC|*3 3 0 2 cS* ^ © c :œ ç i

G S0:
) é g 〇5 s jc ê ü J つ:卺Ç ©ÜSCJCGCDつ©つC 0 ^ 3 3 ^ C § 3 3 C Û O :
C ^ 5 g ©I CDC^

G O DO Ü® g;
rD 0 © G © i 3 3 § O S D X p r 〇(g(DG©l C D c j y ^ | 3 3 〇|G O s |c C Û g S II

( 〇) 35«5^§C G €I O O S ^ œ C G ü T G o lc O C D g 32QJCOQ3C 〇r 〇C O Q ^6 (tJ & O l

© 5c〇J ^ S 聋丨 O ^ G S O J & jé c C O つ © & o c p :ザ功 Q 3^cé Œ>き: を 1 C Û C O ^I

OUXO OOGaOSOCjCÇpCOC C©gO G 33Xp^ Q o jy c ^ c G soocgcoco^

GCD 〇l cS cD gS üC D C D Q3 g [ ^ 〇5 *
§ C * C p 〇DQ© O S G ^ g O C : GC|:CD つ: ‘。
1 知 0 0 つ 3 3 & | 5 5 〇つ O D G O o é f^
一 〇 c •p c c c c oooc c on • c c o c
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C O gCO 0 0 0 0 0 > 3 3 0 0 0 O X p : CO 0 0 C ^ C C Û € D 〇1cT>l 3 3C Û O COCp:

^ : 053301

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o c jc c p o g c © O 0Ü G S 33§© §C G Q O O C g œ C ^O O O GODOC^élI

C )U g G C |:3 5 0 g r§ 335000^ G3G€|:CgGS0 つS g f & l l 3 P § !G O l|c 〇〇g n

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(g ro ç i © © G a jî^ o ^ ü ü jc w o g c o co〇G cpn〇3 3 © o o c j| s x d ç îq x ï^ ü

s o ç c 〇r ^ c : s ) c | ü g ü ^ c o c o co ^coœ oso o o c o œ £ p c g ô c o c p :^ to ^
c c c c r^c • c oc oc c o c c o
c o o c c p o x |^ c © © G 〇i|g c s Q C || 33ü ^ G 〇i « c c o g i c g c o s o iy œ œ o o .

C C C ^ C O G J O I» O I© © G O I^ C S r 〇 © © C O C 0 3 X D Q C fX p i^ J ^ C 0 C p lC Û ^ :œ

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a ^ l g o ï c » c o § * § * G C jc o c c o D o c jC ii c o c o o c o œ o i c o g ^ î c 〇ü :ro c o c i
n C C C C OC OC C 〇r* C . O O
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ÔOICOÜJOJCO © 0 C D 0 D Q 3 U > 0 CDCp:

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CO gSi O D œ G C O Q C |^ Q X |g 3 3 0 J C I Ç O ^ C D O S C O Ü JO I ( s X D O O X p tC ^
n c rヽ c c_ • c 0 cp c o c • c 0 cl,

そC O D g l l


(e) w here a n y question arising on the appeal involves prolonged

exam ination o f documents or accounts, or a n y scientific
or local investigation w hich cannot in the opinion o f the
Courts-Martial Appeal C ourt conveniently be conducted be­
fore such Court, order the reference of the question in the
prescribed manner fo r inquiry and report to a special com ­
m issioner appointed b y such Court, and act upon th e report
o f such commissioner so far as th e y think fit to adopt it ;

(f) appoint any person w ith special* exp ert know ledge to act as
assessor to the Courts-Martial A ppeal Court in a n y case
w here it appears to such Court that such special know ledge
is required fo r the proper determ ination of th e case ;

and may issue w arrants necessary for enforcing the orders o r sentence
o f such C o u rt:

Provided that the Courts-Martial Appeal C ourt shall n o t m ake an

order under clause (b) o f this sub-section for th e purpose o f obtaining a
report from a m em ber o f a court-martial other than th e presiding
officer thereof unless th ey also m ake such an order for the purpose o f
obtaining a report from the presiding officer o r are satisfied th at the
obtaining o f a report from him is im practicable or >vould in volve
undue delay.
(2) Travelling and subsistence allowances, as m ay b e prescribed
b y the Rules o f Courts-M artiar Appeal Court, m a y be paid to—

(g) a w itness attending before the Courts-Martial A p p eal C ourt

in obedience to an order under clause (c) o f sub-section (i)
o r exam ined in pursuance of such an order b efo re any
such person as is mentioned in that clause;
(b) a special comm issioner to whqm a question is referred under
clause (e) of that sub-section for inquiry and rep o rt ; and

(c) a person appointed under clause (f) o f that sub-section to act

as assessor to th e Courts-Martial Appeal C ourt.

(3) Remuneration, as m ay b e prescribed b y the Rules o f Courts-

Martial Appeal C ou rt, m ay be p » d to such person as is m entioned in­
clauses (b) ^ad j[c) o f sub-sectioft (2).
(C ) 33CO©<^G üT g 〇1c §GDD:
) §0CD平OCO今^ OJC © つCOÜ: S ^ œ œ C D O W jp tC ^

[y o e o i G $© っG p ü J っ: 今 回 <DG©I 33稱 [2 p § é © * D OCGSO:驗 “ cS coaS t

y 〇j 〇D œ g o p つ33€|©〇G£〇s g c :i o ^ c o :o :o c ^ o 5 G ^ c p c つ予ÜJつJ p q p ^ g

§C :
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c co c c c c「 c \ 〇「 O • c _c
g 9000 g co ^cü g qüdoouo o o c (y c c o a o 〇rcDi 0〇|y c rc ç 〇〇3 ©O
ç © ç • c o c c • • c c
GSOSg] 33©G|C©€|Ç œ 〇©CTX7533üDS)〇X p :
gtCO 0^93G G Û D 033«Q 3G ^

C033ÙQG)œ3300S 3X pC COgtOO CÛCDÜoSooOSCûoS ScS:


l 〇33 üc |^ O T ü ^ G ü s s c c o g ii œ jy cc
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C0Q5ü G3GC)SCO33O9C|6.') 330bS! 33©G|C©00000 OÜCO COCOOfiiC
ü g O D OOC^CCDSOCûg 033J COQpSOO coœ og Q3GC|JCÛGa〇OCga> ié
æ g丨
丨o g gê
/ \ c C O C • n coc c c c c ^
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C T )|C ^08C 0gÿ

cScogSco © (D o x S a ^ œ ô o x p î^ c o i o o c ^ c c o 3061cx>» © © o o cS a o c^i

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〇S ^ C 000©C〇œ 3 3 C 0 9 0 pC pl^:
â 33ÜÇÜJつ:朽 |y 〇3 œ 〇JüC〇3jCOQJ〇: OTOCOO

O a^CO CJ拳C^33OGC0 つ〇C|J:ÜJつ: 〇^〇〇今(:〇〇み

cS cp cp S © o o o c p :^ :g p ? ç o ô ^ 33©c|c q © oc8 c jœ c |^ r o ç 3 x 8 c li © ooocS aoœ ©

o x p s q in o s s y ^ ü G q ra y c i a ? œ g :
ü 〇^ - œ o © o x p : ç : p ^ c 〇ü s ? c c |c o © o c |œ c |^

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G lO ^SüC O gO üX O C ^]C 1 3 3 0 3 ( ô ) 33C)I © 5 〇〇n 5 〇3C03COCp:

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(j) ©<DC0CD33C0QCfXpîg:
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(œ) Ü3ÜQ (〇) ci 3303 (〇) QK| 000DGCDO33S|fTJ CÔCOÇOCOJO? ©©00〇>

3 3 0 3 9 0 X p iq ic S COOGCpCDGCOOl C8 3 3 8 3 C〇5 Ç〇T ^

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(s>) jy a 〇
DÇ〇CQC|üco © © y io ê c a o s ^ g^ c o c 11330S e li

(c ) 3 X |i C ^33U 9C |G C Û ,3^33G C j:C ^33〇〇CJ〇J S3G gS3Xp^l

( O 1%0 0 0 3 0 5 3 3 COSOXDJQtaX: Q3a〇〇5〇DOCJ(ŒJ:

33Q © §é

(〇^ Q X |I 〇|G 3 〇|0 C t9 C |ag li

(p) 0000roo^ ô cocp:gjcâ ^gS:g〇G〇üjoiœ cocSüc50001co^î»ajci »
g |〇3: gcco 〇3ü | ( j ) â sx )9 (o ) ^ ( o ) o ^ G 〇
T ^ o o o :cœ o o o o jo ir^ cü ^ a D s5

2 1 9 . A n appellant m ay, if he soo desire instead o f presenting his

R ig h t o f appellant to case orally. resent it in w riting.
present his case in
w ritin g .

2 2 0 . A n appellan t on his appeal to th e Courts-Martial Appeal Court

against a con viction b y a court-m artial involving
L e g a U id to app ellan ts. sentence o f death shall b e provided w ith free
le g a l aid in acco rd an ce w ith the p ractice in fo rce in crim inal courts
fo r such purposes.

2 2 1 . Aû appellant shall not b e entitled to be present in person a t

the hearing o f an appeal under the provisions o f
Proceedings to b e this Q ia p te r to th e Courts-M artial Appeal Court
abaCnCC 〇 f o r at proceedings p relim in aiy o r incidental
to such an appea} ex cep t w here the Rules o f
Courts-M artial A p p ea l Court p rovide th a t he shall have the right to be
î present in person o r the Q>uits-M artial A ppeal C ou rt give him leave to
jbe present^ and accordingly a n y p o w er o f the Courts-Martial Appeal
G>urt under this chap ter to pass a sentence m ay be exercised notwith­
standing the absence o f the appellant.

222. (i) T h e U nion G overnm ent shall have the righ t to be represent­
ed in a n y appeal before the Courts-Martial Appeal
隼咖^ Court.
(2) T h e appellant shall also have the right to
be represented b y an A dvocate o f the High C ourt.

2 2 3 .......(i) W h e re a conviction o f a coxirt-martial involute sentence

........• death—
•entences. {〇
) the sentence shall not in a n y case b e executed
untQ th e expiration o f th e period prescribed
under this Chapter as the p eriod w ith in w hich a petition
under su b je ctio n (2) o f section 2135 against the conviction
m ust *be lodged ; and

(b) If sucH a petition is d u ly lodged, the sentence shall not be

e x e cu te d until either the petition is finaDy refused or is
w ith d ra w n o r the appeal is determ ined or abandoned;
iibojBocoeao ^j〇)Pe〇DftPe〇DG〇Q 10306jgcttoeoouco
i 〇ô«QgœQsœo gjSeœcc loeoQçsoccofeo loooQgcooo œQcc
sQcg ^xîboücf^osgo ioI£〇îo?coco PoucosocoscBè œccocccfcoeio ^e)
hbojllocoeso r〇g j〇jPe〇ooPe%
c3〇 t î ^ 〇écCrt:
p i2ob:o?cococ5xocltoe ibcoPocno
obosc6 0 0 0 1 5 ibce (f) |«G〇|^ écf «GO (co) uij§*c〇K>:D^e

一 LeCG
cocaoojo gDGCca ocosoëjob® sc6ooo«oRj ^sfecosfesdxcao (c)i» iiéfT

njSob^jSûüK jcoeô j Q i s 6 o ccooooca

id 300 o 2oeeooeG 1002cg soBcoSloïdbcoeoocs ( f ) 〇v

ôecüSocœooPeo o9 〇K〇scocr)a) tœoocoeccocGScc J ^ ^ •

o3ft 6s©sooco ecncGOuccoo iBbs^ccooècoéQ ooccosS fil (c )n hH T

«cccco^&scc bcaoccG Scco^cofereaDGGBl Sccs&sàooecocccoccoo

bccscPoœPesécSQ ^oséeœ|o lecccGoé^ scffjOJcfcscccccsfe tûîàcoecocc
^œ ôéc3cc:ooa ô^〇jàs>cco & î 〇ccœ o(^œ ibcoèbo oeœ àecccoçccocü
ÿïjfe ic3cc^)scbcoecoœ i;100001ecccccosne) çecocÎ5ecccg::6 scccioscbcoecncG
feîdbco eîocGûJCcoo œcooso^cogs i:(〇c〇6[eŒCCC3Scoo:icoR cocBoboofeçe
gDsfe 8îusàcoecncGa;:cr〇c o o 3 s 3 i igDsfescbco
. __ :〇〇 i:poo ôccco oco:cPocüPecr)Bocœe Sou « p g iœ ^® ci
° n r ii° 1 ° 1 ° ^ 1* ° ic c c u o ü s c I n S c o is e n c c
:o c o CCCOCÜI- oeecnecœ œcoosodcocc iccco i r ^ ^ x iQ 、

一《 ^ w t ° . ° 1 J ° , 一 9« ïc l r t t o d b c o c c n c c
ob|:gcca>CG ^açœcGgo isooccceococbsœe>occçïcbu| v
gj^eœ cc oco;fe:cbcccœeG〇jGcacî bccscPeoLTesécSQ josicecÇüii
xi hc 「厂

n§3obsoe> ao3cusocco]e>cso3 coccecc scccîScocoxcJscoeœcGgo \^cc

0§: 3 i socüïccqscdo
003SCdi socüï^QSCDoPou ps3co ocosclosfeî
Iou œccco ocoscPas^dbco
• ぜ ち II »CC〇Ü:3 C 0 OC9 c 3
c o o ix t cocoCGîcPo5 aj( 〇oseG i^eeGcccüOoecoeG :
ニ 。 •• tcco tcPo^xico ecoco
iàyco eoDeGccccoo cusoSoboscbcoaloR cdcccoio cdcc •-
• j o 〇 jwJj e j jJ o
O J し
ODCCC3 cccscoofe cusfesdboooo i 〇3CGfi« i3cc§3cocosôbooecncc»i iio f f '
〇 o • o wL 〇〇 〇 e o •

ii3cco|Q oco oJ^kfloœ scœ sl^o^cocü«crf)cbeG
socEü)ecGCüPocG〇£^cGbD i:c< xcS« fccQ sQ ccocSlo 〇ç 。
ja;scfecbcG;oc£]oeG œPoeGoElcG poœ oo io3ccio:dbcoecoeG!i 119cT


Provided that, w here a sentence o f death passed on a p e rso n .o n

a ctiv e service b y a court-martial is confirmed, and th e au th o rity w h o
confirm s the sentence certifiés that it is essential in the interest o f
discipline and for the purpose o f securing the safety o f the fo rce w ith
w h ich th at person is present th at the sentence should b e carried o u t
fo rth w ith , the foregoing provisions o f this sub-section shall not ap p ly
to the sentente.

(2) A n y appeal to the Courts-M artial A p p eal Court against a co n ­

victio n b y a court-martial involving sentence o f death, shall be heard
and determ ined with as m uch expedition as p racticable.

2 2 4 » ( i) The operation o f a n y order m ade under section 155 (w h ich

relates to the restitution o f p roperty) on a con-
^ ^ p ^ ^ r t y ^ t c 3101611 a court-m artial shall (unless th e
’ _ authority m aking the order d irect to the con ­
tra ry in a n y case in w lu ch , in thé opinion o f th at authority, the title
to the p roperty is not in dispute) b e suspended—

(a) in any- case, until the exp iration o f the period prescribed
under this chapter as the period w ith in w h ic h a p etition
under sub-section (2) o f section 213 against th e con viction
must be lodged; and

(b) i f such a petition is d u ly lodged, until either the petition is

finally refused o r w ith d ra w n o r the* appeal is detennined
o r abandoned;

and w h e re the operation o f a n y such order as aforesaid is suspended

under this sub-section, it shall not ta ke effect if th e conviction is
set aside on appeal.

(2) T h e Courts-Martial Appeal C ou rt m ay b y order annul o r v a r y

a n y such order as aforesaid although the co n viction is not set aside
and the order, if annulled, shall not take effect and, if va iled , shall
take effect as varied.

{$) Provision m ay be made b y th e Rules o f Courts-M artial A p peal

G ourt fo r seairing the safe custody o f a n y p ro p erty to w h ich a n y such
order as aforesaid relates during th e period the operation o f the order
is suspended under this section.
l' ¥ œû
:é c ^ .o K |s c r 〇G ao9s3i ^sfesàcoecoeGœccco laîcoeGsbssccosoocsioo c o ïjiu
bjeecosoSâo ccceobscocc béloeGoo isoœeGSœeœccc-œœeG lœcDecscëJeG
sobœcoccü cccoscoobsoœ soëlcuëocœs Secôéloecoo ibccocolB f c V
j 〇 • 〇〇 o Zjù o e o jo o 〇 b \ /

j J j
iooocgS cccosocRIo io IddcosocBIs hbooGSIecScoec cSccInecœ io(K;cüP
〇〇 ù v 〇 wJ 〇 V O J 〇JJ J ù OO O J O J
ï3ccoèc 〇î 〇cB|e> cocnos300œ i3cco^cü(ccoooH^eeG icoloecoo isScoccco
^ oo\ 〇 «-J O 0 〇 O JOO 0 ûUûO O 〇〇 O O 0
(ÇlosoêlcülVKno cosoêlob® scfeoœooBl iSccsèsdbcoecoec coccoo ff"!
J 〇«J〇 o 〇 ouo e o ou 〇 • • 〇 〇 \ /

O wJ O
J 00 0
oltocoPocDO 000dbooecoœ ico;oSobo;c&oooooR iiecGCCcsscœbîooe soBcuS
〇 〇 〇 〇 0 • 〇 o*-Jo O O OJ し • OO *3」 J
ocoss îococG^œciD ScceœccoajooeG îbcceoGolS oRlœ «SobsccDbîoce
0 〇〇 00 0 0 \o O O \ 0 O o^Jo 0 • 00

1oecSlec Itoooojco
JJ o ^
looaSIftcoSlsœo œoecncc iGsrcSIosaccofeo igsoH octoo ooHec
sQec çuccoœcftosgo loltosoScoco PcocosacoscSé gjccoœcltosoo

oRlœ uo0«sœ4cca scScGsoneccoccü cocs

^uJO o J • O J 00
îccoodocgcc oSosœeec^ i<robso?cococcoa)c[t〇0 ibojrogoo
S3 0 obo scÇjoooooRj ibec (「) g d c f fish ipcofeeco^cG (co)

- - (orcocSJosoSJîcbuiîS (5 〇Pcx)|œ ouooCŒ:

ceGço 1ミ?ûScG CCcaœ ïn。^ ^ 00
cooocoDceG cccsqdoo caçoecoo icofeocnccsj 0
soSec Esdiœoo o^oecœo^scccoœ) 〇):
o@cü6 ccoss ,コ c J 」Jコ タ L1
f J b J パ 。 f 0。 わ 〇 ノ O JJO , g ü ^ C ^ C C 1尹 w (pd«?
beciocG [ cccooœœcc oçsofeoecçn coscdco)
Sccoooobec CCc ogo neec^ccobo scScœoahl cos'ésàcoco 广c 、 11 116「厂

«3obcoK|s〇2〇bo KsossaocéscQ c p o ïc c c c ^ o feccoèoPcocceo

j j wJ • j ô j j 一U 0 j 〇j

llüSecnecoo iccccsfesàco ecoecajccco iccoàocecnec BsfesdbccecoeGa'Ccoo

# • 0 j ^ j 〇 j • 〇• • ^ j
|lü î 〇0 〇b〇 SC60000001 CCC30010ODGCC0 CCCCœoPe ûusfesdbcoca» f n
•0 oüo 6 j し j j J « ノ

iibosoœcccco o§œPecoePecjDc
JO O ù 0 O J
œ sco icSccscPocoPesicoF)] Scceçeocococoec fecocnlB neeccccsso300«ccco
〇 J J O J vô O J し J« 3
cccocücc socEZ)l0〇cccul?ocos3so61coPe ajcoPecooPe cügccsço cccoecsbafeb
e îjio b^ ooco o3cc6|〇a :co . 6éajœeGs|JcüeG ^ :6 cc?c3 q c o icooocæcec cccc
SjoBcoes ^œrecoaPeaDGCceœ oB]œ ..i^eeGCCC£>Sj3coeG acajcccs cdcccooPe
tccGOccccscoccnacosSco icosfescbcooo lëéfesfcooooccBséco ocoàscc
O O <* J 0 0 0 3 0 J *~l O J O


4 2 5 . W h e re a co n victio n o f a person b y court-m artial fo r an offence

has been set aside irnder the provisions o f this
Person not to be Chapter, he shall not be liable to b e tried again
a sid e . C〇 Dr fo r th at offence b y a court-m artial o r b y zn y
o th er Crim inal court.

i. In the case o f e v e r y appeal under the provisions o f this Chapter

to the Courts-Martial A p p eal C ourt against a
co n victio n b y a court-m artial, th e Registrar shall
F u rn ish in g on
peal, o f docum< be furnished, in accordance w ith the Rules o f
relating to trial. th e Coxirts-Martial A ppeal C ourt, th e proceedings
w ith respect to —
(a) th e revision o f the finding o r sentence o f the court-m artial
in pursuance o f sub-section (i) o f section 164, the proceed­
ings w ith resp ect to the confinnation o f th e finding and
sentence o f th e court-martial and a n y p etition o f the person
con victed , b y the Judge-Advocate-General; o r

(b) th e re v ie w o f th e proceedings o f the court-m artial in pursuance

o f section 166 and a n y petition o f th e person convicted>
b y the Com m anding CM cer o f the Records Office, D efence
Services, o r a n y other prescribed officer.

2 2 7 . T h e Registrar shall take all necessary steps fo r obtaining the

determ ination o f an appeal under- th e provisions
D uties o f R egistrar o f this Chapter, and shall obtain and la y b ^ o re
respect t 〇 appea , ^ Courts-Marrial A ppeal C o u rt in proper form
all docum ents, exhibits and oth er things relating
to th e proceedings in th e court-martial before w h ic h th e appellant w as
tried w h ich appear n ecessary fo r the proper determ ination o f the

2 2 8 . If, in the case o f th e conviction o f a person b y a court-martial—

ial ^ (a) i t appears to the Judge-A dvocate^ kncral that

to c 〇urts-M &rtiai th e finding o f the court-m artial involves a
A ppeal Court. p oint o f la w o f excep tion al im portance
w h ic h in h is opinion should be determ ined b y th e Courts-
M artial A p p ea l C ourt ; o r

丄 qii u^ 333〇S:ü) 巨gつ拳:syc&yつ: cd^soogcootSgcoocootosi

rc - 〇 〇 00333cdtSi ©£oocpSQ:ci iqoooocoos &|c|aé:r8 ÜC30
e n -

よ ぜ 3^ 33气 响 令 费 ?严 2ま ド 。^ 靡
œo:œ S i Ojcaos 巴從の i cpc〇c〇 œcp:ザ |gçg©G«oi œüüOOGSOSôcjcgc:
tf g c ) ii Q Ô 0Ç O )G © € )II

jjf iii iiocoxd : û: co sjücSgcoつ bè«œ5qつ:& | 兩 £:号 o^aonS3xç£

390^io霜éi o&sw 〇3«Ç:+ °^ f e y :Sî|f^p:3^ oscçâoS
O X & ^C C O O O C D g tD Ü O O C J g l OOODO5 3 3 0 0 3 0 X p :
q :C I Ç gD S güG G O JO :

©ooowraâwcS» 〇3〇:üf〇*oS ^035^8---

/一 \ c • c •p c c ope 厂c c c CO ne
[co) 000xp :^ :ai SDs|(j〇D〇
jcono|y©G©i |y〇3 〇
r»jüœ 3jcT)œ gocoi
<^S« oScj 0301 (0 ) ^c33co (g^oo^Qéaoc^ési c§^c 0 0
C • P C C C ne c
• c e cppc C ne
cocpsqîcï so:[g〇33jœçç [yoaæQjtKDSjjœ OTCogjÿgcsôc |y©Q
oocgos&jc|gcsôc|C2^i ec^pcSc^つ ©Scoj^sco^S üs5:c8ç
C300 é g 〇5 ^CS33CCp 33 ÜO^JO:
0^ ©OgOG3 SJ[ÜOO 33026:0 手00
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(0) 03Ü 06Ê §C330D O©〇xpî^s〇r>qsa> |^COg3C0:C0üCÛ3093«00C^I
c ^ é jy o ÿ o o c g o :©C|c|£C:£)C|CgcS G ap co c^ つ, ÇOOCOJgSODg ÜS>ét
nogGQOocgœ^csaoccp 〇3ü〇gr^i œooGœoococoys^îci coogsoD
CCOOC^CSI COCD^cS〇QO:<SCÜつ 35因つ:3Xp 奋 COGCûSc^SI 33C〇é:0105
c c
3 d ü C | 〇à ) l l

J J ? 11 n ^ 3 ^CD 5〇l ^ColsOJCOOpîGXjl 330000 §C ©ocojgs^i aà^ co o jro

•QdCDogcMJOI 8X> § C|^G©gC:3x8cl| Q3C^:〇|c〇gSl co〇3〇<sœo Gsooéora
£ o ô o c y ^ lj3 3 0 j£ t O J C & J O : j 〇〇^ ) « g g § 5 ! 03CÇQ COCpS〇8cÇ © O G 3 0 :©€|C

ofô 00001 ocooxpi co^ ©SooqDJ^sœc ü〇cso5j caoocgroojcoüjosçç ooœ

^J0,n s^c<scoつ c|oxçs)«rS ü子œ|©つa^ c 5c|| ©ojd5cog§«
C ^ ro S c D g S ü O 0 〇£ g £ 〇D ^ 00C 0^S 33Ü C 0S 3C D 0:
Ü J0 :I COCOCCOS 33§0 :

O Çg:
35 〇SCO:OJ q œ g l O taxS GPCOOCOCpsqSCOCI |gSC 005 CD0 DJ COC^CjQgM

jjon i!©5oxp:令:œiœき:coGœorSGooocgroつ:^SgooSçp:&|éGcoつrod—

ふ — :
料 ( œ) お 3^ 蜂 和 「

^«•c^égge^jo?,, E ^ i [ 〇 r〇 œç^C^GODO, ^cgs^cc,:^,

©coxpsq:^ SCS^oSojœogC üloCG^COgU^ ©5güGG3J[5ft) oocjyc

cosoajjéi t^œgjgaxS

(b) it appears to the appropriate authority m entioned in sub*,

section (2) of section 168, upon consideration o f m atters
appearing to him not to have been brought to the notice
o f the court-martial at the trial, to be expedient that the
finding o f the court-martial should be considered o r re­
considered by the Courts-M artial A ppeal Court ;

t h e Judge-Advocate-Genera] or such appropriate auth ority, as the case

m a y be, m ay, in the prescribed manner, refer the finding to thé Courts-
M artial Appeal Court, and a reference under this section shall, for
th e purposes o f the foregoing provisions under this chapter be treated
as an appeal b y the person convicted against his conviction.

2 3 9 . The pow ers of the Courts-Martial Appeal C o u rt under the

provisions o f this Chapter to a llo w an appellant
9 £ zercise o f cen a in t o b e present in person at a n y proceedings under
the Prbvisions 〇f
K i l l A p ^ L P co 'S i -Chapter, m ay be exercised
by a judge thereof. b y a Judge o f t h e ,
Couirt^Martial A ppeal Court
/in the same m an ner as th ç y m a y be exercised
b y the Courts-M artial Appeal Court and .subject to the same provisions ;
b u t the pow er to ;refuse such an application m ay be exercised o n ly
b y the Courts-M artial Appeal Court as d u ly constituted fo r the hearing
and determ ination o f appeal» xmder this Chapter.

230. Rules o f C o u rt-Martial A p p eal Court m ay provide for re­

R u les o f Courts- gulating the y i x e i m »nd practice to be follow -
M a rtial A ppeal C ourt, ed in the Gourts-Martial A ppeal Court.

231. For the purposes of this chapter, any finding or sentence sub­
stituted b y virtu e o f powers conferred in that
interpretation of behalf b y this A c t, for a finding of, o r a sentence
scntciice^ fin<^,ng and passed b y, a court-martial shall b ç deemed to
be a finding o f, o r sentence passed b y , that court-
m artial, and a n y conviction obtaining b y virtue o f a finding substituted
as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a conviction b y court-martial.
(s ) COG3058Cjécpcoi ©CCOCpS^SŒ) cS^OWgJToD ü 3ü 〇£〇 (â 0300

(J) ! っ : 。^ 举 甲 3 :っ^ っ获 0:5 00司彐さ0^3^ ^ 00

33G因つé:c8jtjj つSO^ 00 さO^CS©をのつ:CDさ32 3 丨
1 ©éoXpSgSSÛ 冷回①

sjcoro céconS 3*joûq cocDsqsco ©^s©osco5c〇0» c5cogSs«œco

B f^ É 3338^] ÜÜÜSCOC ggT ^ ooosgcoo coco
soccp 330CD0ÜCCD ooc^ccosoajjci

•©5güG3S)J^I cSœrOÎÜCOCO CDOOSOCCp33〇aD〇8ci soccoccpcpoDgSi eôs^c5sjrocx>

l ©OC〇œ33COSOXpSÇSœ CO33üC0C^ôCC0gSll
c^lyc d 〇5S0DSg 33000Sœc SO^ODぎ 巨 g つ拳SOJCWJつ:d CDÇGJつ53308c il g]^3ü33C|
c〇33üc〇c[cj|gcsc〇p l ^(DÜOOCgOS ©CJC^CSSCjOJODI CCS330: |q<l)«OCX:Ç)OS ©CjC
^c:c8 33œocé^<Es|y(ScogSco œ socjügii

jjg ii i i n ^ 33〇a r):

< jl |^ g つ子s s j o Sü j つ: o xj ü s c s o d jg s d つc g r S s j c S y j つs o ? c

• • Q 3 C Û 3 O X p S C 0 3 3 O :l ÇjSCO COCOODC C O O G C p C D Ç Ç ^C j^ *

(Mjcoœ 3sœ 600^ps<js& 〇〇〇〇〇5 3 5 0 0 s c o c p s c js i^ ^sso æ sq s s o œ o ü jo s c o i

つt | p : 03 O©
<f»an 330CT3 C C ^ • • • \ OC C C C C
(DOD〇D33 UOS)CDCpsqsn〇 COJO^CCOgû œ ucof^scoos
) 3XX3&GOCp: q:â 00CD:
0 0 • \pc
gsœgsœcû;o|qc:n ?c 86: l ©©ODO033(J03 C0 ^)S^S(âi œcps^[ô]îco^snocc0S: i
化っ肀 :3J〇SüJっ C^C〇n c 5 ^ O ÿçlécD も
d5 godôcodd: œ c o q rc o n 5c û 〇ô c c o 〇G c p a > o c c |g )5 G c ^ jo n o c p o o c o c o g a s ^ c r o o r p i

gasscésox) S3CÇÔÜÜJつS 【
23つS子つ©<§GSO:因é:夸€ ÔCjS〒 运 cS[^C:3302æ i 子gscoü:

■ œcoj ^©gsoooscûg o£coœ 3iœ 6c〇çp:^:œcûDC(ÿc cow icoopu

Jpoil ll©〇a>Œ)Q5C〇Ô〇XpS令:CD 〇3c8干つC|üg cojçœssê ©さ :C〇5:辛 至 :C〇5 :

c « jo s c o © S c o œ 3 3 0 0 5 0 x p s c s c B s g s p 〇G 3 〇
josfcs»c (ü C O S :
^Samvoœi coçptjtS ^coûpStt
ÿ^Ssgocaujosit 1 こ

Jpoil lt^33S 〇n:

^ ODC«JOÎ3X〇 cll ©OCOÇpsgSGÎ 30S|yœ3jœ35COC〇|y 〇G©l
oogxp:^:œ ojwcocog j^3c&3Œ>cDjg〇G〇 i crS|33ro
n 货 TOI热 C GÜ:
33 &1 33O
CD0SGC00 330000 ÜJOînS
00 i
g 名:1H
Æ : 巧 35ザ 成 030虎 4 中
GUJOQ 03 0 つsajscog) jy©300 QJ兮œ sjjœ co:» ,a^Dooocp:
,ザ 。轉 ;
sosgc〇Qjc5|gicoaxx) gcoocj5:i cooooxps^înD
cjQCOûDg ^©3a〇[y©a>guDGcooqcsi ooxx?qog^ci 33œcococ30003pSascocs
S 3C っ:a^GODっ3^:(yCOSycS〇X|ÜO^ 33 G[Çg〇é : [ ^ C^CD或^ Sgooég っ:ê c ^ c s c u 备
<ajo©〇D^):^;cS (üwooccjos &|c§éî^o 〇D0L>œ ^cSco^üpii


Ru l e s .

232, (i) The President m ay m ake rules fo r the purpose o f carryin g

into effect the provisions o f this A ct.
Powers to make rules.
(2) W ith o u t prejudice to the gen erality o f th e
pow er conferred b y sub-section (i) the rules made thereunder m a y
provide for—

(а) the dismissal, rem oval, retirem ent or discharge from th e

service o f persons subject to this A c t ;

(б) the am ount and incidence of fines to be im posed under

section 9 1 ;

(c) the specification o f the punishm ents w hich m a y be aw arded

as field punishm ents under sections 77 and 82 ;

(d) the assem bly and procedure o f courts o f inquiry, the recording
o f sum m aries o f evidence and the adm inistration o f oath
or affirm ations b y such courts ;
N '
.' • ' '' t ♦
(e) the cdnvening and constituting o f courts-m artial and the
appointm ent o f prosecutors at trials b y co u rts-m artial;

(f) th e adjournm ent, dissolution and sitting o f co u rts-m artial;

(g) the procedure to be observed in trials b y courts-m artial and

the appearance o f legal practitioners thereat ;

(h) the confirm ation, revision and annulm ent 〇f> and petitions
against the findings and sentences o f courts-m artial; (i)

(i) the carryin g into effect o f sentences o f cou rts-m artial;

(/) the form s o f orders to be m ade under the provisions o f this

A ct relating to courts-m artial, transportation and impri$〇iv-
m ent ;
(k) the constitution o f authorities to decide for w h a t persons, to
w h a t am ounts and in V h a t m anner, provisions should b e
f)co:3éfficco3o 〇〇& iS obôaxœ e)
Po9o*Boc3009 i^bôœ cœ o:ccc:cP ofcfeg^cco3o ibcc coc ogo (Î5)

〇§œ 〇〇〇cc icPoc^oœ SeooJD bccscPftœPeïécSQ ^eoodœ ea
|8 cœoogeœœ^sœcocœo of^œ ica3G?>siI2ccD iïc Po î6 :c3xooo ( 3 ^

uoQojBocoeo occcscucQssBj ^ :c r 〇œPeœoPe〇DG〇Q ipsfe:àcooo (Po)

i:iPocS:cccl^oo ^cc:3Pccoo ôéscPocoPeooaPeœGafl

J> O J 0 J J J J
:cP〒 Peœ己: ^ o ミ i: 邊 ぞ P o ^ n o 過 严 泪 S ec 抱 i: 〇— 召
Scoec ^scPfjcuPeœoPeaoGoQ p^scPoojPecoKjjoe ^scPosfe:cl>coa>c

uo@CüBocœo cocotcocc scPoioSo

J^JO J N J 0
oZo:6:dbcooa) oR[§d isoB coococc :oœ s3 iso a j:
odo uoobPouSob
c ^ ;^ o cosfego ipsSPcooo béocG cccoobosœooo oQsfeîàcooo

SQ ? isoEJs^e^o ïcPosèîàcooo (o )

i: 〇9 〇œ |e :cPo6dbcGcocv)ocD ouooccscPoocg cccoobcs05000 pK|

sbsàcooo 〇Qa> iï 〇@oœ^e:cPft〇o?5cG scPos&sàcooo (o 'j

iîd ÊJqsX] osoGlcSccaxo ioooH coccsoPcü cü:

cPos&eoo ofilœ isoEj
œasbo scPoolPesSPcocG eccsœcc 1200000ccccsocosSi : ocü: 3 o
J ù ù • O OwJj J j 〇 à ù
ikdo P
cü Sobcicoœ cosob oéso0s9oS scPesfefesbosoeooosocDO (co)

i: o0 coocûccsc@scc cüscPaaDaoRI
j 山 〇 J © o o 〇J J
ccc3p|ûD〇Pe b^o^€G scff^G 〇Q o fi]§ 3 〇<p bec fo p i Ll» OCO (ü )

isoBcoecoccçocco ébocœ o
û jo o .〇 J 3
:eoo œSoœcgo p é l^ o 'B o c c o ooœc cccocoePe bec c3 oco (e )

o6j(^>eajS〇 axoos3cû& iso6]?oe>scoso0eG isoQanoco^ i:oE|
0000co socoQec osoElsfiooeao isccGscfeccbcécoco gJGooSoucG^ (co)

u3cco^;èc§Q a j〇oœ:cP«Sgü
lococeco iSccscPocooSsçci ScccSjbcGcocooo ix o s œ jg o o ^xœocrPcoccco^

七 —
odcQos^ ousePoouPeséeSQ coo3œ ccpj laJcccoocc cœ oo 〇| (c ) u 丨
丨「< if


hoc sœ ecG
, r


. m ade fo r dependants under section 10 1, and the due carry­

in g ou t o f such decisions;

(1) a n y other m atter directed b y this A ct {〇 be prescribed.

2 3 3 . The President m ay make rules providing—

(a) fo r the government, m anagem ent and régula-
• Power to make rules tion of m ilitary p riso n s ;
P1>ist>ns ㈨ 細 此 appointment, rem oval and pow ers o f
inspectors, visitors, superintendents and
o 伍cers th ereo f;

(c) fo r the labour o f prisoners undergoing confinement therein,

and fo r enabling persons to earn, b y special industry and
good conduct, a remission o f a portion o f their sen ten ce;

(d) fo r th e sa^e custody o f prisoners and the maintenance o f dis­

cip lin e am ong them and the punishm ent, b y personal correc­
tion , restraint o r otherwise, o f offences com m itted b y
prisoners ;

(e) fo r the application to m ilitary prisons o f a n y o f the provisions

o f the Prisons A ct, relating to the duties o f officers o f
prisons and th e punishment o f persons n o t being prisoners ;

(f) fo r the admission into any prison, at proper times, and subject
to proper, restrictions, of persons w ith w hom prisoners m ay
desire to comm unicate, and fo r the consultation b y prisoners
under trial w ith their legal advisers w ith ou t the presence
as fa r as possible o f any third p arty w ithin hearing distance ,•

(g> in w h a t m anner an appellant, w hen in custody, is to be taken

to, kept in custody at, and broüght b a ck from any place
a t w h icji he is entitled to be present fo r the purposes o f
C hapter X V II o r any place to w h ich the Courts-M artial
p c c oc 〇 c cpc O pe o • p c c
lycoq^ 33っ〇Dっqcoj っq 3|33ugcsi 00[ye ajscjsjycosjœyj っ5
「 r . c c cpc
33 COG[yっr 〇G33 っC GSOっCgC7D[gCSl

(S) 平 备 g o s s G j っ; [g coc 〇ü 〇5 c|^cocogS o ^ fgo scS j

jppu » 今ccGœocûücocoDDiGro っr& .ln 8 ^j っscqcçqS 子g sg o o s^ p jjç^ c cc ^ n

î»0 3 1 Gœoé üjosi (m ) 細 bo^»rt)je:Gœっさ。ぞ ぺ 3 〇sy^c:i Sô(23i

o îœ jgi coow p & ç 06 ^ 〇0 csi S a ^ a D jgsG O ^ cy jo sa a o ^ œ
叫き:cepっ予g^*g〇c3üp: cooSocogcsi
反C)予33っanou (り 330^IgSGàoっC (^ g g g © fe 〇?GG|: 33CpgüJっSI î »
cojきsGœoéjçggc^cqsuj っ;d: » 〇
G〇cuLco ^ t^ p sg gooっc s 5 cp |ü p s
c p c c c : . c r^ c • . o p e c 〇c : c r 「 c
33〇gcs^c ^oDücogcsi oojyc cjcsogclqopmwjoj coco«a>jgcji

(O ) 33mjgSGœっ4 っSOJC GOOっ5acfi COJÔ巧 〒 00っ - 33CXjJgS;X)っSOJっ:

cooqog G3couco〇)ycDgcsi o〇(yc q k o ü .to aacos^süüs course
ges^ é 23|ÿL33 $ GCDっé 电 CÏG固 っ 专 (yoscécoSœcoGGOD co c S j^ i
©CDD Q3 Tj|gSC0 pSÜJ0 S3 3 0 S GüSGOgcSI

(co) 33cojgscoosyjosn8 っ 33〇ojgsœっsgesi ogjyc 33cdjきscoっ:

c c e c 〇 o c 〇c p c 〇「 c c
ÜJ っs a のgSGOüSGCOCüürO OÔ^SCOüSgCSI co jy c G3 CDJgSC0 っSüJ っ:

^ îlll*0^ 03^ 6 ® ^ ^ 533^ ™ ggcGOîgcsi sj^cosjœgcsi

c o o o g s o c o a ) G3[g〇5^ ^ s [y c [y©Gcé(S〇 s[gcîi

(c ) 33C0JgSGC00C 33CpC|yj〇S^i œ 〇OSCCDOXpS〇JOS33|yci 33OOJ0SCOO:

c pc c pc c c oc c c c
P;33 っs |y〇J3⑴Süsjgcs令qc 〇〇DsJ[CGCÛっS3C0J含SGOOっC, 33C0
g 〇G3 ( n i e P r i » 〇M A c t)ô l 〇£ 〇3g 1§ っ3 早》パ +崎 丨 © êxcS
c c ç co r 「 c
33 ncj[〇 sG coocojos^c co n o sq cG o g csi

(©) 3500JgSCÛっSüJっSOD GCQoSojJÜJっSC^ ao^^ 10!!っGCÛっ333] f yJっsgl CDC

GCOj S g COっ CO罕 CÜcSsyrDüJ っ C^CO子っG©会 l £D.T5JgSG00 っccôa?

〇 COC^L(gCSI c g jy c COCD^CCû GC) iCq〇S§CCO^G^CDCDCl G9§0:0D

COgSgSü^GOCOI (dSgs〇S©C|C目 cs£cjsè 33 r 〇Jg;C 0 っSÜJっ^ ^ CjCSO§^l


(SO) a ^ ô o xp sc^ r^ 33 S>jlü§éœつSGCOつ33 S>ll 0300 ^: 09 ül C§güpS 33 C^ç1

■3XljÔCDCpS0^C0っGCpcSo^GODっ 巧 甲 1 O^GOgîÜOJCD ©<OCOCO330
〇XpsqS〇D^©G©| C&fXpS^S<â CD€pSC〇[n^l〇DgSœ§(DQ©l 33 S^ülc〇Cpi
氺cS ^ ê îfS g c s o っcgr§3jœ coo 3330 dtoi 0833000 oacpjc^c^
o〇 e

jycoq| Q3〇œoScojosr^ 913301^csi co|yc oos^sj^cosjcotyos

3 3 0 0 G § D fS é 〇3 つ£ GSOつ

(s ) ^ 3 5 ^ g U G 3 3 3 C ]l fg S g ü S S O J O S ^ C 03C0QC0Cj|c 〇C Û g S^jgOSCOÇ


jp p ii h零à c G œ S o D ü c o c û g iG t» つ; c 5 r § ^ p : 3 3 c o r S f g : g ü 〇3 ^ p ,吸そc c o ^ n

«cooé yjos, H 〇® c 〇œ 3 3rt> jgS G 〇

o o c « , p ^ d 3 〇s j | } g | c s i o « ^ |«

£» 〇>]§* cû 〇:
ü j〇iç ç 〇3 防 ü§êsi ^ p r o j 各s g o ^)(E « j つS 3 3 C ^ の淦s o j き;
C^JgSCW f^ g O C 3 Ü J 。: c o a w c o j^ c s i

CW 如 0° ° H (^ ) OTCX^SGào つC 因 g g o é ç s b îG G J : SSCp^üJOSï x p

cdj さS G o o o ê j^ g c o 窗 süj つ註 ô a x > a j c o ^ p g 朽 gooつS s ^ c p ^ p s ô|

33ü§ c5^ c ^coüoojgcsi oo|yc c^cscoeiaspcnoojos coco〇œ §c:i

( 。) S30DJ きs ç œ っ っ: œ ê gcd っcacw n a jô s ^ G o o っ . 9 9 0 〇治;〇っsü jo :

cooqüÿ 3 3 ^ ) 〇c o c 〇y c o [g c s i co^ g o k o o .t j sacg:
(apt s〇y s cooct^ c
「 c c " c.r*c r—* c n c c OC croc^
gC S ^C 2 3 |^ 3 3 せ GCOつC S |g C S G 0 :
KJ lçj03C D C D 0C 0œ G G C 0 O jC O g ü J

QCCÙ Q3r75JgSC00SÜJ0S330S GüSG©(gçSl

( c 〇) 33(T)jgSDD0SüJ08c8 〇^ g っ 33fDJ さSOOっSgCSl C〇(yC 3300JgSCOO:

c c c c 〇 oc oc p c op e c
o jo s c l © gscoüSG cocüonD œ |s c 〇ü s |g c s i o g jy c 3 3 c o jg :C D :

^ g c G U !§ C !l 3 jp 3 jt£ ,g c !l

O^COgSfcK^CD 3 3 g つ: 乎会 [ y ç |y©2>CTOGÜSgCÏI

(C ) 3 3 (X jjg :
G000C 3 3 c p q y j0 s â CX>OOSC〇C>COCpSüJOS33(yCl Q3COJgSCÛOS

O U X D D X )|pS330S | ^ 〇æ S ü s jg C :
^C C 〇r 〇3^CGCX)0 33COJgSGODOC. Q3CD

g〇GC5(T lie P ris o ii3 A ct) ぶ § っg辜:

c c c c 〇c r»c
33ODJgSGC0つCÜJ つS夸(:
• CÛC〇3DLCG©|gcSl

(© ) OTœjgSCÛ^SüJOSœ GCOCOOOQJ つSO^ CXX^GCOj S g COつ33 如 ÜJ つp i C〇5


c c「 「 c 0「C* C〇C I— 1 oc C C 「 O
OCOC|ÿLgCSI coyc COCO§CÛû(S;gj 0 つS,CC 〇g < 3 平CpCÇCl 0 3 0 0 1 CD
o o o n c e epe • \ c c c 9c
COgSgSü^GOCOI 0©GS 〇S©C|c|gCS3CjSO 33 œ jg S C 0 つS ü p s § C C^CSOJCÏ
ooc 〇c e p e
G g G ^ u j つs g i c s a j c o c [ g c s i

(s o ) 33C0QCDCpSC〇r ^ 333||^ÜSCOO 〇SGCÛO33011 3 3 〇aSs 0 ^ 〇l COOÜJOSQ3COc)

. 3^CÇJ^〇X p S O § œ t)G C p rS s é 号GCOっ ” c p l CgCO逢 SÜÜJCO ©OCOC033Cçâ

O X p ^ î O ^ D G O l COCDCpS^S(â c o c p ic o p ^ s c D g s r DI 33 ;aoolcocp:
弓 G〇ésr§jK3ac〇ê§r§3jrS c o ^ a 30x é i o^33〇jô cocpsojo^

Appeal Court or a judge thereof may order him to be

taken for the purpose of any proceedings of the said Court.

234. Rules made under section 233 shall not authorize corporal
punishment to be inflicted fc»* any offence, nor
Restriction o f rule­
making power In re­ render the imprisonment more severe than it is
gard to corporal under the law for the time being in force relating
to d v il prison*

235. The President may make regulations fo r all or any of the

Pow er to make régula- purposes of this Act other than those specified
ti〇ns* in section 232.

23& A ll rules anâ regulations made under this Act shall be publish^
Publication o f rules cd in the official Gazette and^ on such publics
and regulations In tion, shall have effect as if enacted in this Act.

237. The Acts mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are biereby

lu o g ifto c o fe
丨尹 r 十 恐 嘲 咖 3
cüœ C b coscP oG 3 0 9 0 o ec c c c o s c o o R J jo o o c o s c c o D ^ c o o c c D e G ly jii il

11100c 〇3 Peu©

'丨尹,1, 艘 œœ,幹 cc ,1 裳 5 < 占 。

XÎCO 〇s k 5 Q SG0 〇3 ÿ j e G ^ idcCgDSob \^eaÆcCCCC o co seo o ^b taœ
fcoo 相 ゼ 》 き :。 on noCf)bc3 Pcoe)iG]^Dio ocotoco 约
bsicGlgJiCOSCeGG3 〇3 :
^fosc3 〇 ScC(S|kcGG3 〇3 c〇CG^UH ligér

n ^ v ,, 1 ^ c c o i g SCr〇G3 〇a UCCBKCC
: 9 P « : 3 〇ÿ iC 〇e G e e c o aocooscS cogc i s ç o s c c c â o j i lb j i CfrtC9〇3 i3P«:
3 〇

C üécG SC poScuscEjeG ^G 3 〇3 c u e c iU ü i:
| 〇c o e :c P ft '

8cu ^ 3 c C S C œ Q j^ )3 S c E |s g ^ JC O 「3 「 l〇
3 c c c 〇〇c c C C O 300Ç I! I lC d r

• in • ^ nsjQcocc

c o ic P 〇G 3〇a s æ ^ is ^ c o œ g D G 〇c o 〇3 S ccscossg o jo o ^ CCC3:

g p ^ S

odgocooo L〇D£)〇9 s à c o ç e 3 c o cccsoœ ûüccoéocœ o à ^ d e ^ iu 0

:d P 〇J€ G 〇Jcccn i o B jg o i i b S j a o e i b s o s 〇JC 〇C G e e c o o a » fi|

110aüG〇>Blàoçec§<5co^ü i3cc:cPfiG3 〇dscd士 ccce^feec é d r fiGon 11い 「

〇 〇 û Jd OO ù 0 Ù 」 û


w 3 é S o ls o ^ B jç c o c o odbéecû oQ co iS a b s c c D c c H f t ô é o l P e e c - E c k

é^üi<Kfibocœs>cnccc3fi i ç c à 士3CCC3C〇«fb 备 げ_
〇^〇3 〇|^ っcœe>Jn
〇 j o 〇 J O i oo 5 \ j

I ll


(See section 2 3 7 .)

Short title . No. Year

T h e B urm a A rm y A c t … ... …

T h e B urm a A rm y (A m end m ent) A c t, 1 943 ... X V II 1943

T h e B urm a A r m y (Secon d A m en d m en t) A c t, 1 9 4 3 XXV 1943

T h e B urm a A rm y (A m end m ent) A c t, 1 9 4 4 … IX 1944 -

T h e B urm a A r m y (A m en d m en t) A c t, 1 9 4 8 ... XV 1 948

T h e B urm a A rm y (A m en d m en t) A c t, 1 9 5 3 ... XLI 1953

T h e B urm a A rm y (A m en d m en t) A c t, 1 9 5 S ... X X IV 1955

T h e B u rm a A n n y Su sp en sion o f S en ten ces A ct, 1 9 2 0 XX 192〇

T h e B urm a N aval D iscip lin e A c t, 1 9 4 7 ... LXXXI 1947

T h e B u rm a N aval D iscip lin e (A m en d m en t) A ct, 1 9 4 9 XLV 1949

T h e B u rm a N aval D iscip lin e (A m en d m en t) A c t , 1 9 5 3 I 1953

T h e B urm a N aval D iscip lin e (A m en d m en t) A ct, 1 9 5 7 XX 1 957

T h e B urm a A ir F o rce (D iscip lin e) A c t, 1 9 + 7 ... XLV 1947

T h e B urm a A ir F o rce (D iscip lin e) (A m end m ent)

1950 ••• ••• «•• ... II 1950
T h e B urm a A ir F o rce (D iscip lin e) (A m end m ent)
1957 ••• • *• ••• XXI 1957
T h e B urm a A ir F o rce (D isçip lin e) (A m end m ent)
1958 •♦ • ••• ••• ••• X X X I V 1958
ctcdos il

(— j? r . 極 逢 )

ssuoSn 一
r^c o c • 1 - c c c
jysyo^cc (ogcorox) 3300goca .... _ «■M

[tjSÜつ今CC ^ggSCOO (jyCSOCSJcS) 33c5güG3 一

r^c o c • 广 c c / o p c C -C\ c
g | y 〇^cc [cggicoü ( 3coœ [ycsocsjjœJ roœgüGG
JO °69?
ne 〇c • j~~* c c , 「c c c \ c
っ今CC [Cg^SCOü ([yCSOCOJCQj 3300güG3
e °69S

[y〒to そce (nggosœo (^caDCsjœ ) 33rogüG3 一 。09 〇

っ^ce 多〇〇 5 ((ycsocojro) 〇3œgüG3 — <p °63?

|^ y っ今CC |^g g :0 〇5 (^CSoêsjCOj S3C0güG3 一

J9 °63D

(ij手u つsec fx j0DScoo 设 の3cê ôj兮cScjcSqjつ: s^ésc.oo:»辰 ê*

030S|DOC3 •… •"• •••• J° ° e j°

(y^üO^CC GCjCOU 0^«Dfe)l G3œgüG2 一 州. oo °69?

(y ^y o lc c GCjooüogSroDü* (jycaocsjco) 3D〇5g〇G& .... SD °e9e

^OO^CC G€)Œ)ÜOC〇*n〇«l (^csocsyco) 33〇5güG3 一 0 °gD?

GCCOOOgOIfDü* ((ycsocojco) 3irDgOG3 "•• J°

「c OC• C / C C \ c
っ今CC GCOOX) (^OgîOXîlJ QXQgOG3 .... 一

^ÜO^CC GCOOX) (ogSsCOO*) (^CSOCQJC^) 33c8gOG3 J °e p

^ÜO^CC GCOODO ( 〇03ir〇〇l) (^CaoésycS) Q3CDgOG3 …. JP

§ 十ü 平 c gcocdü ( 〇3D:c〇gリ (lycaocojno) ü x d ^ jg o ^

?9 〇£3 〇
^üloSooocüccsceo œcoosScogD icübccs oBbcco iosoQ bcEülooccic^G
es^coèco lœo ooojocsœs cœoieco losoyôc^jooccéces tôsScoecû
ojbccs 3 b cc 〇 }> 10000)Pes〇cosofe ^ 66 ogo GsodoDec [ogeecu
j ù
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〇 OJ «30 «O O OO 0 0
o^coëocœe) i: cocg obsccuo feccsoccoco Sccœ
〇〇〇 Ù » Ù ù O U Ù ù 53 v /
oRlœ il c3ob:occccœ ajobsccoo Sccoe
ô^ cüPcocc iscoec obsccao Sccœ oI cdP
cooSIcc ( oj)
— oco (é ) eoco ogo cooScoec |〇geœn "S)

nccobsoccc3œ coob
j 〇 j • j
iCCooSccce o(toc3oEol soiooso ieoôécccSo coœoscccox lolctossi ooSi
し 0 0 0 〇 O O <3 し
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icocooscdcoçb i 〇rcoossi ooS) io lt 〇G〇se>°toi〇rccoco6|occo œo bscccco
liboosi ooK| 3> ioco (eu) coec igé ogo csoSouec ioœeGii ii Q

«ccobsoccSœ ouobîcouo Sccœ cucéssHscccoSlsio cc œ ln e tc 5 c o c c

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:coœ obscouo

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: cccs3Pcocg isobcccoséo cc œcnoscccocc ioltoscccoGscccs3PcccE ooeno
:3 c 〇〇c IS士
• 3> IO
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OO «3 GOoScuœ
«5 1005ecu

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O 〇 0 0 〇 O O O • ”

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•oco f i oGOGsodcoee (oœeen 丨|幺

nc3 ob
soccç3oo gDobsccüo Socœ sobcoooscêjcGoco iscoec obscojo Sccœ
sobeobo scëjeGsoboco ^ 琴(r)> c h e c i^ojcneG \è OGôGsoSajec ccoao
loée 3C3c
〇 o o
1005ee ococucésn
しo j j

iiSobosoco ieev cogooS

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axe (ojPeoœoRJ) çc〇3«cco og3c gJGsoSajeG^n tic
nSœ cütosécB H o SIccgooS ûucg %o\oœ lococeco
[n ip 5〇«ccgôo3jücg ij'sçâfil 〇j3 c ]

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h3 c lœ e c c

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coerce ç>sci^ 3 c c o b ô じ)^e c s ia o o 巧 è u s c fe S c c c o b o
SCC 100ecc (o )
oSIcG ( 〇) chç£ lûü|r-CLCCGO ISCCCG ( 〇) GOCO l( f ) ^«GO (co)

— 5^° ^3 デ 02 loiecGii life

il ccÎ doîcccocc io!î?oico

U O J O O ù
sÜPcü gjecco 。3
行cPcueTし cccoo so?cogc iSçioS] ccco
dbicoooot)! cocoo s^cocc icccsaecKfooPcucéi ocgcdcü
O O O JU 0 し3 00
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ù j 〇 • • ù è o ù ù
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jb ccco ococ»S]:cccg ’ 10dccncoz> isobccco ocoàséccPo (œ ) ^
Soo 〇S]e8 (CcA § 〇CG IgJ^OÛÜCCGÔ IICOŒ Tco^ GOCG ( 〇)
ucc«b:occa?œ iuobscajo
Sccgs oftué?osliPûu ^jce co ecicosjbo iscocg ob
scoucoSccœ oltooooSl «sSsœ ooino:o3cocc iSîœcoPo
*S c io i:ç 〇jPo ôcEüIoeeco ocPcoofoo icoo gocg (e )
- iiS«btocco3œ ccobsccü® S c c ie cccoico^oœ
iscoec oo sccü o c9ccœ
〇 〇 «
C fco'j gocg ( cü^
V ノ

-----c 9 boodcuCG [p^CGII IICO

:oocSœ coobsccuo cdccœ cccoéco^co

isco cg ob:ccuo Sœoe coco
cuccosto icEo (aS) gocg ioC « go Gsndcoœ ioÎ ccgii Uoc
〇 • » 〇 \ ノ 〇 〇 * J Ù し O

il cdebscccccœ cüobîccoo cSccœ ccc o é c o S c o iîcocg ob:ccü 〇 Socfce

0 O ù O ù . 〇 〇 « 0 0 ^ » o « > 〇

cccooüccooto icco t e ) coes i36 ncô gs>o3ûucg iooccgii

il ccobîocccdoo ûuobîccuo ccccœ cccoécofôco iscccg kcsçccg ob:ccuo
ù o j j o a o a » è e o
Sccœ ccce>cüccoe)io ioco ob oeî) gs>
o3 cccg loceccii no
J 0 « J • >5 J J J し f

Il 3 〇bs〇CcS 〇0 Cüobsccoo occcje 1030H CCËÛloOOcicCG 080000SOIOO

j j 〇 o j j o “ o u d «- J o o o o し

eeco cbg〇E|sccEô]o oPcusèooco:c§CG jéicoo ccaxciceo oocooscccocc

ô^kobcco §3bc〇 3 i<3>3gK| ccEôlaoccéccc ^wccocco TSo ooaxcsœo
coc〇6sc3œœ iipscccoeoo ccbcco ccbcco iscocg obîccoo S ccie ioô

o&lôcEülsoccécec üsoEloosoioo bécèco dbsoBsocEolo ofcüséoooo sc0œ

o ZJj « ! o o ^ ごし o o J ご é_) o o 〇 tJ
(s ) 3303 ( œ >) &.C ( 〇) g a ^ sS ü^ 2 S €〇
tC D ^D C D っ^ )5

q^ cSjcSsotoっ: 》 ‘‘ 0 ^ ü |:ü g 邑 S,, S^CDgOCOっSS|5c^ 00会 0 ^ *

C jO ^ lt

( 〇) 0 3 0 3 ^ p ) l 03 ^ 3 ( c d ) ^ C ( 〇) g COüSCjOOgS 5, SOCûgOCDO :

33 cS:cSsS 3のつ:丨 “ CÔ ü $ ü $ g : ” S^OD^OTOOSCJUO^ OOg^Û^:

cp さ II
(CO) Ü3 Ü3 (6 ) Q C〇5 s€|Ogg^S” £ÔGDg〇œDSC|ü3 3 0 0 : ! C〇t〇|:
ü© ps DD(DC0っ: €JU rS ^œ p p 〇D<5:€}ü至 II
3^CÜ ;
( ç ) Ü3 ü è ( ÿ l 3303 (c〇) \ ( s ) §C ^(〇) CW:
€|〇5 g S » 〇3^
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O O pS cO C JQ O p S ll

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Ü©0Î)S S ^ c 〇〇5 〇c〇っ: CpCTJ O O ÿ O ^ S S jü g ll

o p il 113338ü l C 33T D güG 3ü3ü C〇5 —

it OC ,, O C C “ OC 9> O c
H つ:

© c o ^ s c jo c S
S)^COg^©CO つSCJU33のつSI

œ p S c o c îQ ü p S ii

/ \ <c L c ?> ^ û c 1 ~ ■' c o o o c c c

(S ) GCOG©CO0^> 3 ^ C 0 @ © œ つSGp33C〇SCDSC〇L UCD<i)JCÔC|fc3glî

o n e c oc / \ c et • c o c c
O(y II 1133300133rD g 0 < 5 3 0 3 0 g |l S5Ü3 ( c j OOCI 00 ÜÇ: I ODC〇p ; üüX D
• c <? • V n uc *L L 〇 さビ ûc p c J f© ftf
OCOっ: €J〇33©DSl CO O ^ :0 O C Ç ^ :C O gU D l CO COgSÜJDCO CO Ü ^S|y© O D O :

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o n c c o c / 、 c ce c » o c
0®) Il H 33S O Ü Î33TO P Ü G 3Ü 3Ü g p l 0 3 U 3 ( OJ CDC 33C 0Jg:

OCOつSS|533のつSI D ^ u〇^S 3 0 0 0 0 0 ©COOSCJUCO œ D DCOCÎ^ÜDDIl

C o n e C P o ç ç c « c » o c
OGI! n33£3〇ü l3 3 T O g O G 3 U 3 ü OplS ^ G X ÎÜ C O O JO X D C I

© o c û s rS ü u û 〇y r o c |ü g S ii

0^11 H33 SCJ〇l33 cSgOG3 C^Ü 33夸§ ( 3 ) 33 ©っSI G33っfêolc^ S ^ 3 " ( 3 )

33^0 œ g 2 〇DCSC|ÜDSn

(o ) C0Cp:3C0CÛŒ)GCDÜ〇y i ©©COCp:

0 )0 0 ^ 0 0 ^ oqco C D C D G üS S |üg[yC I COCpiSCO COrOCiDSCOJC!

£^Ç ÜSO〇(E)©GSO:©C|c(gCS3€|aD C〇|s 3 3 G ü F 〇X j c 5 t l 33ÜJ0T

G 3 G ü F 〇^CCjC:
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0011 H33€O〇l3 3 C 0 p ü G 3 ü 3 ü OÇOI O ü ü è ( 〇) COCI «DっŒJCOSiC

q c c p 3 3 つo o a j c ü j つ: c d a ^ c o g?o œ ゥ: c p » © つ: i oococ--------
________ _t _ x _______oœooc
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^Bccge cccdoc^o jcoooPecoK|sCe o3cc:coo:go

ICOCG IOS〇Q 〇)CbCG?〇Q CCC3;CO〇Qj02):c6]sp: 0 (6^ COR?> (e )

ti c3ob:occSoocx;obsccooSccte icccîo
J o j o o o o ce L o »
«coCG〇b:ccuoSccoe coc^ooo^ ipSDœSœcüobscœoSccie
^è è c o ^ M C O C B iœ z œ ob:cc〇Qc0ccœ 0 (c ) eoco (œ j

— 3S0gc厂 5G〇e3〇3§uc^o^eccü 11g f

çcob:ccoo Sccœ scoocccücoosecccecuccscëJeG cocci^ec
i «:ocg obsccuo Sccœ jcooccaxco^cGœocücc cocc:R]cd (e )
iic0r)b:occSco ipobîccco c3ccœ oltooficcoopcœ ôîi o
O J O 〇〇 J O «( J O J P し

cx)〇ocg iscoecobsccooSccis 〇lœ ^ 〇a 〇OOCOG9S^O〇rc〇

— oco C cf aGoceodcocc^ogoccii «CT

iiS o b io c c î300 gjobsccco cBccgs ccSs^âoipfcicciccs itcoec

«obicajoSccge Jcjocccô^ ioco c o f f>c〇G3〇3ccc«3^obecGii 11fef

11030b j〇ccç?oo ûüobîccooccdcfce ccscecco isioccob^ouo

^ccos&àcGccc3îœcc3 ?> 1000 〇〇「 ficï>£îe>o3a;ŒioÎ3eccii 11âf

iiarobîcccc5oo cü〇bK.œa^3ccle
isçbccct>〇üfgsdcoftdbeG o3cc:ccoioioCGCcaxcG cü〇lPç:c»j^sbe>cncbccD p îo ca
8c o |Ij uobccc3C〇plPeso:g!:bsco?ucûü iJobccceKXjfedaccgojRj^q u to ccjb tcœ o
Sccg5 {<ico|cbcG Scc:cœsoéocG,cciüccG [p c ç e s o o jp icuollbsox^sb^cocco
a xo o î^co cc lou^dbccœ 〇〇|〇 5> ioco ggc o§ogs)〇9gocg| oc}5<p » u「r

uodobjoccoSco gL;obsc〇ü〇 îBccie S cc4cx)g8c〇 w ucoccgfc^coo

^ccge {<^3ccfeSoço ioco (c ) |aso i^6c oGocsoSccœ^ogecGii 11c f

j j o
0 j 〇 〇 <‘
〇」 〇
」 ”
iîc o c g obsccooccccœ iosofijçQj3èsc§eG E (é) (c)
11550bsocc^oo gjob
SCCÜO^Sccbs IO0〇Q p§ :^ 0 〇aD〇0j k 〇QcG CCOÛDcèô〇b :C〇ü〇
.^CC§5 {j® ^ § ^ io § 〇〇x 〇o:koQeèpP3œ6)} % (c ) (¢0)

— 000 g6c OCO6003CÜCGjOÛfeCGII irof

uc3ob:occcdoo cü〇bsca*o c3ccœ ocbcc®occous iscoccob^coo

^ccœ iooopccus n ipco (o) eoco ic6c ocoGsodoüeGjogeœu iicc

O n C O C P / ヽ OC / \ CO
OCJil 33 SOÜI G300güCQGj Ü3 9 J 〇lSl Ü3 ÜQ G2C^3 ( ô j GGOっCD^I
<i C C 〇L <* c » o lc c p c " p Ç <C O coc c ,

©©0505 3 3 0 >QCOSpSCSCÛp3i SOODgOCDOS€|〇|yC 3 ^〇|〇Cj]i 3 200 SC0 S3j(=>〇)5 CC0 C0
〇 c ilc h ç l * c 1 or • c ^ oc b L c J c L c
G^S^SODCOCCCà ©つC^33 £OS GGSつc6ül ©つCp(TJ 0〇g>: ÇCSG|fc5ig!)ll

a 〇(DC〇r 〇32COQ CQ€pSqSC〇pSl 39 (J0 3 bcsrD 3 c|〇üp033 COS! CÛCOpOSyCOCO

c 。
IL L i,! し 0U U L à «iJt Zl> «L L- t
a^rojjscccog 33 e[g33 G5 üjosœc œ[a©yco œj |[gcolcooooja§i
ゥ「 c C 「 CO I~~' C ? 「 CL 」CJL S CL A ' c p c 。 〇
ajjy©y 3X 〇〇D3 ^1(j(DQG[cqっcs aDsjycosynoi o^cogsücoco Igcssjco
L d トc ô 「」c % — ' c L6 「 c p c く oLp c c
üjosœ[y 〇G©i sbocsœsiroüjoser) (yocoi [ÿLcoug)i oo|y©üG900 (D
pco (~ ~ • c * 〇「 cu c L c oc 1 6 1 oJlb c ù c
a>jy©Ç|G|cg〇cs Q〇:[^cosjroi corasoccpcp^c 82©oscos^ccog)
[yci os©っso^sooっsco邊 _ | ^ c 〇3jo5今ca3gSb 〇Gcoっ [yog33coc5i
o^j33œgüG 3 Œ) a c p c o g x o g 5s[^©每i qgpiçgsGcoscûg^cogsg の
C pc c fL c o p c * c ° c 〇C c ” 1 L w
coaocoÿ |y©3 CIDCQC;OCO |yC33C3JÜC0 §C0 û g ll

C O C O c \ / \ 「 c「 c c c
3311 N3 ^£〇
Lül Q30Dp〇Ç3 €) O S ü 」P? 0^1 0 3 0 号 い ) 33 g®[y+c〇〇) 33 ÜC0
c c o ope c L c J è C^N, / \L L C c c n O C V / \
©pgji oeje^jy辛cog!) 02ザco©pœ)2〇)c 〇ü 3 ü | fo ) g平っroœ c G35っ00。1巧 ( jJ
3 ^lq© COpÛCÛCSCjüODI;
« / ヽ c \ / \ c C O C ^.Ç pc 〇c 〇 I ~ • c C
Ü J °L2^ \p ) ° lc ü I^g ©coっyj 予《っ今c e Jragscoo
33œgu£3 ( T h e B urm a A rm y A c t) 〇g<5^ »f®i g sy o & c c
ccjœu cgsroys î^CDp〇G3 ( T h e B urm a N a v a l D iscip lin e
A c t , 1947 ) 站 ©,应 手ü っ今c e Gcoœo (o gsreu s)
G3rap 〇G〇 [T h e Burm a A ir F orce (D iscip lin e) A c t , 1 9 4 7 ]
----------c ^]33C
c o 〇c c c c
•yjoscopi 〇guG3rô----------------------------------------
coro^osjcoüjosi o^33rr5goc-3©œc

03 つ00 :>9C0gyCDI ODJI丄SO^C〇g 3 3 〒 l 03C0P0G3Ü.PS3XÎ (^«DGCÛ
S〇を S[つ:f 琴 : 1 3 3 ^ 1 つS TOJIド^ | p % 专 «DOCOJgSCO^Ii
c^co 多 ü 〇jc§ 33S^ol つs r o j|[s o ^ g c s s gJT gü IcScoつco 孝

œ 〇3 3 〇sœ s§ ccjcsi 3 3 3 0 0 ! 3 3 r o g o c 〇y jo s c o ü ^ u c o y s c o c o ro o D j

soœœœ coc
X>cSs8cGOCjügS tl
o c p c c croc c c p c c croc c c
cocpc^c |y©saxooo|güss^scoつ つ si lyo 3000 xn gG s cococo つocgjつsi
û「 c C O C û a J 「 C _ 「r ■ «pc* c c oc c
|y©〇Œ )socsçœ^gcsüj 〇s33 |yci GQu^[gcsGps夸ç coœsoccopçi
c c ° n p c c c b o c ° c oc , c«
oljD^œpuGsol [ygつ手ss)jœ«jjつsco p i co co œ みc coro3^CG©€|ygî) it
OUJ ù〇
O0C5OC lt)|
JJ “
lüoœcccaeo jcüjooR ou?ocGscfeoEü|cG oBloo isjEjaxcoo

Î jjccdco soPeeecSbec ccceoo coooajcocccüboccnœ
wJ Ç O % J à J :> 0 3 2

Jo1? iSD j j〇
JJ0ooc ]B
JJojoüsécccGJcœcG OcSccoocoœ
JO cccoccsœà \( a?')ノ”
hÇd6bsofcc3c〇 9f)jcG (œ) coec îgDjOÿjceco iscoec (a?) coco (s)
b sofcccoo
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