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Conducted at:
ROLL NO BY626573

PROGRAM B.ed (1.5 Years)




EMIS CODE: 38430414

Lesson Plan No:01

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 4th Subject: General Science
Class Strength: 32 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Environment and its Components
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. What is Environment?
2. Living components and nonliving components of environment
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook, Pictures showing different components of our environment
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know the names of things that are always around them.
2. Students must know the importance the things around them and the links of them with humans
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Our Environment”.
Dear students as you know where we live there are different other things that are always present
around us I some manners they are helping materials for us, as like we are known siting in a class room
here, we have bags, white board, pointers, chairs, desks, air, light etc. These are collectively making an
environment in which we easily do our study and try learn something new on daily basis.
Presentation: Basic
When we talk about our environment, we mean everything around us which can affect our lives.
It includers air, water, sunlight, plants and animals.
Plants and animals are its living components.
Air, sunlight, soil and water are its nonliving components.
1. What is meant by Environment?
2. How many components are there in an environment?
Home Work:
1. Write down five different living components of an environment.
2. Write down five nonliving components of an environment.
Lesson Plan No:02
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 4th Subject: General Science
Class Strength: 32 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Types of Environment
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Types of an Environment?
2. Different organisms have different environments
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook, Pictures showing different types of an environment
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is environment?
2. Students must know the living and nonliving components
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Types Environment”.
Dear students there are different environments for different living organisms, so every
organism will live in that environment where its all-basic needs will be fulfilled from the things
around it.
Living organisms have their specific environment. They live in their own environment and get
all the needs of life from it. There are various types of environments such as oceans, forests,
deserts, ponds, urban and rural environment. Organisms show adaptations according to their
particular environment. This means that these organisms possess certain features that help them
in living successfully and comfortably in that environment.
1. From where an organism fulfils their needs?
2. In which kind of environment, you live?
Home Work:
1. Write down different kinds of environments

Lesson Plan No:03

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 4th Subject: General Science
Class Strength: 32 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Effects of organisms upon one another
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Environment and types of an Environment?
2. Different organisms have different environments how they are interconnected with each other’s
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is environment?
2. Students must know the living and nonliving components and different types of environment

Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Effects of organisms upon one another”.
Many kinds of organisms live together in an environment. They influence the lives of one another.
Presentation: Basic
Sometimes one organism harms the other. On the other hand, they may be mutually beneficial. We can
say that they are essential for one another. All the living things are well adopted to their environment. The bodies
of water animals suit them well adapted to their environment. The bodies of water animals suit them well to move
in water without much resistance. The boat-shaped body of fish helps it swim in water easily. On contrary, the
land animals like dogs, goats, lions and monkeys, etc. have bodies suitable to live on land. The animals living on
land breathe through lungs while the animals living in water like fish, breathe through gills.
The bodies of the birds are smaller in size with hollow bones. The muscles of their trunk and wings are
very strong which help them in flying.
The animals like toads, frogs, and salamanders that live in water as well as on land are called amphibians.
In water they respire through skin and on land, they respire by lungs.
1. Boat-shape body of fish help it for what?
2. What is main difference between animals living on land and the animals living in water?
Home Work:
Write about the environment you live in. What is its climate? What kind of living things are found in your

Lesson Plan No:04

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 4th Subject: General Science
Class Strength: 32 Time Duration: 35 min
Topic: Eating habits of animals
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Different types of animals
2. Different between living thing that make their own food and those who just eat other living things to
meet their needs.
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook, different photos having animals of different categories
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is environment, the living and nonliving things around them
2. Students must know the needs of animals like food to get energy

Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Eating habits of animals”.
Living things in an environment need different amount of food to meet their energy needs. Green p-lants
make their own food. They make more food than they need.
Presentation: Basic
Animals cannot make their own food. They make more food than they need. Animals cannot make their
own food. They make more food than they need. Animals cannot make their own food. They eat different kinds
of food. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores.
Caterpillar, goat, rabbit, horse and elephant are herbivores.
Some animals eat other animals. They are called carnivores. Lion, tigers and eagles are carnivores.
Some animals eat both plants and animals. They are called omnivores. Bears, monkeys and human
beings are examples of omnivores.

1. Which type of living things that could not make their own food?
2. Which animals are called carnivores?
Home Work:
Write down the different classifications of animals and put five animals name for each.

Lesson Plan No:05

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 4th Subject: General Science
Class Strength: 32 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Producers, consumers and decomposers
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Difference between Producer, consumers and decomposers
2. Different between living thing that are producers, and the living things that are consumers, and the
bacteria and fungi that are decomposers.
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook, different photos showing Producers, Consumers and Decomposers
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is environment, the living and nonliving things around them
2. Students must know the different classification of animals in terms of foo
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Producers, consumers and Decomposers”.
Today we are going to discuss different living things in terms of food producers, consumers, and
Producers: Plants prepare food for themselves and for all other organisms. That is why they are called
producers. Plants produce various types of food which include fats, carbohydrates and proteins. All vegetation
including herbs, shrubs and trees are producers. Algae are another example of producers. Algae on water
surface and water surface and are a major source of food for water animals.
Consumers: Animals cannot prepare their food themselves. Some get their food from plants. All such animals
which depend on plants directly or indirectly for their food are called consumers.
Decomposers: You have studied about bacteria and fungi. What type of food is consumed by these organisms?
They decompose the dead bodies of animals and plants into simple components and mix them in the soil for
reuse by the plants for preparing food. They are thus, called decomposer during this activity they get their food.
1. Which type of living things that could not make their own food called?
2. Which animals are called Decomposers?
Home Work:
Write down the difference between producers’ consumers and decomposers.
Lesson Plan No:06
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 4th Subject: General Science
Class Strength: 32 Time Duration: 35 min
Topic: Food Chain
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Difference between Producer, consumers and decomposers
2. How different organisms are dependent on each other for their food
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook, different photos showing the animals that are connected in a chain for
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is environment, the living and nonliving things around them.
2. Students must know the different classification of animals in terms of food.
3. Students much know the difference between producers, consumers and decomposers
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Food Chain”.
Today we are going to discuss different living organisms that are interconnected for their food one eats
plant to fulfil its food needs then other eat it to fulfill food needs and the second one eaten by third one for its
food needs.
Organisms also depends upon one another for food. An animal feeds on plants or animals and itself eaten
by some other animal. At third animal consumers the second animal and so on. For example, a rat eats seeds of
plants. The rat is eaten by a snake and the snake is hunted by an owl.
This relationship or series of eating and being eaten among organisms is called a food chain.
What is meant by food chain?
Home Work:
Write down a food chain by himself.

Lesson Plan No:07

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: The Important Physical Regions of Pakistan
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Names of different important physical regions of Pakistan
2. Pakistan is divided in how many parts according to Surface features and climatic conditions.
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, Textbook
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the map
2. Different types of map because we are going to discuss physical regions using physical map
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “The Important Physical Regions of Pakistan”.
Different areas of the earth resembling each other with reference to their surface, climate, agricultural
production and living standard of people are geographically known as regions.
Pakistan is divided into five parts or regions in accordance with different surface features and climate
1. Mountain Ranges
2. Pothwar and Balochistan Plateau
3. Indus Plain
4. Deserts
5. Coastal Ares
1. What is meant by regions?
2. Pakistan is divided into how many regions?
Home Work:
Write down the names of different Regions of Pakistan according to Surface features and climatic

Lesson Plan No:08

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Mountain Ranges of Pakistan
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Different mountain ranges in Pakistan
2. Location of different important and famous mountains and their heights
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, physical map showing mountain ranges in Pakistan
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Mountain Ranges of Pakistan”.
The area mentioned on the map is colored in the dark brown showing the north and north-western
mountains of Pakistan. A range of high mountains known as Himalaya Mountains spreads over the north of
Pakistan. In the north and north-west of it the Karakorum and Hindu Kush Mountains are located.
In North areas of Pakistan, the Karakoram Mountains are stretched up to Ladakh and Gilgit. These are very high
mountains. The top of these mountains is covered with snow during the summers even. The Second highest peak in the
world, K-2 is located in these mountains. The Gilgit valley is located in the Karakoram Mountains. December, January
and February are the coldest months. With the help of neighboring country china, Pakistan has constructed a road in
these high mountains known as “Karakoram Highway” or “Silk
Road”. The trade between china and Pakistan increasing due to this highway.
Murree and hazara hills are located in the south of Northern hills. The beautiful hill stations of Murree, Abbottabad,
Nathiagali, Ayubia, Kaghan, Swat and Chitral are located in these hills. The western branches are comprised of koh-i-
suleman and koh-i-Kirthar.
The hills of Koh-e-Suleman are totally barren. Due to very small amount of rain, the trees are not found here. In the
south of Koh-i-suleman, the Koh-i-Kirthar is stretched which separates Baluchistan from the Sindh.
1. Which are the three main ranges of mountains in Pakistan?World
2. second highest top is located in which range?
Home Work:
Write down the names of main mountain ranges and their location in Pakistan and the passes to cross
these ranges.
Lesson Plan No:09
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Plateaus of Pakistan
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Different Plateaus in Pakistan
2. Location of different important and famous Plateaus
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, physical map showing Plateau in Pakistan
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the physical map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Plateaus of Pakistan”.
In Pakistan there are only two Plateaus;
1. Pothwar Plateau 2. Balochistan Plateau
Pothwar Plateau:
The Potahwar Plateau is located in between river Jhelum and Indus. The Northern parts of this Plateau
includes the districts of Jhelum, Chakwal, Rawalpindi and attock. The surface of Pothwar is cut apart due to
temporary small streams and rainfalls. The surface of Pothwar is soft as well as rocky. The small hills are also
found here, so the surface is not suitable for crop cultivation. However, mineral oil, gas, salt and other types of
minerals are found here.
The Kohistan-i-Namak is located in the south of Potwar Plateau. It starts from western bank of river Jhelum
and is stretched to district Bannu of KPK. These are low hills and consist of Jhelum, khushaab Mianwali districts.
The second biggest salt mine in the world is located in this mountain range known as “Khewra salt mine”
1. The Pothwar Plateau is located in between of which rivers?
2. Which kind of surface Pothwar Plateau has?
Home Work:
Write a short note on Pothwar Plateu and which minerals are found here?

Lesson Plan No:10

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Balochistan Plateau
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Different Plateaus in Pakistan
2. Minerals found from these plateau
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, physical map showing Balochistan Plateau of Pakistan
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the physical map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Plateaus of Pakistan”.
In Pakistan there are only two Plateaus;
2. Pothwar Plateau 2. Balochistan Plateau
Today we will discuss Balochistan Plateau in details
Balochistan lateau:
Balochistan Plateau is located in the west of koh-i-suleman and koh-i-Kirthar. The surface of this plateau is
stony and sandy. This range of barren hills is stretched from North East to South West. This area is very
important for minerals and from here copper, potassium, natural gas and coal are being extracted.
In the middle of this plateau, there is a Salt Lake in which a few streams and nullahs fall. The climate of
this region is dry and hot in the summers and dry and cold in winters. Rainfall is a rare phenomenon in this area.
However, where water is available the fruit farming is done. The water of springs is supplied to the orchards and
farms through Karez system. In this area, Ziarat is the famous health resort this area.
1. Health resort of Balochistan is?
2. How the water is supplied in this area?
Home Work:
Write a short note on Balochistan Plateau?

Lesson Plan No:11

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Indus Plain
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Location of Indus Plain
2. Upper Indus Plain and Lower Indus Plain
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, physical map showing Indus Plain
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the physical map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Indus Plain”.
Today we will learn about Indus Plain. Indus Plain is divided into two parts;
1. Upper Indus Plain 2. Lower Indus Plain
Upper Indus Plain: The Indus Plain starts from the eastern border of Pakistan towards the koh-i-suleman in the
west and is stretched to district Bahawalpur in the south. The whole area is irrigated by river Indus, Jhelum,
Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej. It is almost a flat plain. This plain is formed by the fertile soil of rivers. In the Eastern
areas of Punjab, the annual rainfall rate is low that is not sufficient for the crop cultivation. However, the shortage
of rainfall is fulfilled by the construction of canals from these rivers. One of the best canal networks of the world
is found in the Indus Plain.
Lower Indus Plain: The southern part of Punjab and most of Sindh is called lower Indus plain. This part is also
flat. The lower Indus Plain is irrigated by River Indus. The northern part is comparatively higher than the
southern part. Several canals have been constructed on the river Indus near Guddu, sukkar and Kotri areas.
Lower Indus plain is also made up of soft and fertile soil, but due to limited rainfall the land remained
uncultivated for long time and forced the local population to live as gypsies.
1. What is difference between Upper and Lower Indus Plain?
2. On which river several canals have been constructed?
Home Work:
Discuss Upper and Lower Indus Plains in detail?
Lesson Plan No:12
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Desert
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Deserts of Pakistan
2. Locations of Deserts in Pakistan
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, physical map shoeing Deserts of Pakistan
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the physical map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Desert”.
Today we will learn about Desert. Pakistan is very rich county because it has all thing, Pakistan is also rich
in deserts.
Desert is an area where annual rainfall rate is less than254mm. The Eastern parts of lower Indus plain is
sandy and known as “Thar desert”. There are two deserts in Punjab called as “Cholistan desert and Thal desert”.
Cholistan desert consists of district Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur and Rahim yar khan. This desert is found on the
west of river Sutlej. District Khushab, Bhakar, Jhang, Layyah and Muzaffargarh are located between river Indus
and Jhelum and known as the area of Thal desert. The sand dunes are common features in the desert.
1. Which are the two deserts in Pakistan?
2. Thar desert is located in between?
Home Work:
1. What is annual rainfall in a desert?
2. Write a note on Deserts of Pakistan?

Lesson Plan No:13

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Coastal Areas
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Coastal Areas of Pakistan and total length of Coastal line with Pakistan
2. Important sea ports of Pakistan
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, physical map shoeing Costal area of Pakistan
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the physical map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Costal Areas of Pakistan”.
Today we will learn about Coastal line.
Sindh and Balochistan form the costal line of the Arabian Sea. The coastal Plain is located on the shore of
Arabian sea. The Coastal area of Pakistan is about 1050 km long and comprises of important sea ports such as
Karachi, Bin Qasim and Gwadar. Most of the people of coastal areas earn their living through fishing.
1. How long is the coastal line of Pakistan?
2. Important sea ports of Pakistan?
Home Work:
Write a short note on Coastal Areas of Pakistan.

Lesson Plan No:14

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 5th Subject: Social Studies
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Physical Regions of Pakistan and life of people
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Different seasons indifferent regions
2. People’s professions and living style in different regions
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the physical map
2. Students must know about the different regions in Pakistan
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Physical Region of Pakistan and Life of people”.
Today we are going to discuss about different regions of Pakistan, and life style of people living in that
In plain areas the summer and winter sessions are at their extreme. Major profession is agriculture. People
eat and dress according to the season. These are thickly populated areas. The summers are extremely hot in
desert areas. During day time, often hot wind blows and the rainfall is scanty. In these areas, people earn their
living by breeding animals.
In mountains regions, winter season is very cold and usually snowfall takes place. The people living in hot
places visit hill stations because of the cold climate. The people of these areas are employed in professions like
mining, livestock, and hotel and tourism services. These areas are also famous for different types of fruits for
example, grapes, apple and pear etc. These areas are full of mineral resources.
Interdependence means people are dependent on one another to fulfill their needs. It is said that man is a
social animal and he has to rely on other for his needs. Man’s social life is due to his interdependence. In a
society people are associated to various occupations like growing grains, knitting clothes, trading and industry.
They all dependent on one another.
Similarly, in our country people have various occupations and are dependent on one another. In the world,
some countries are self-sufficient in minerals resources like oil, gas, and agricultural products. This uneven
distribution of resources is the cause of interdependence.

1. Major Profession of peoples in plain aera?
2. In which region summers are extremely hot?
Home Work:
Write a short note on Physical regions of Pakistan and life of people also discuss how people are
interdependent on each other?

Lesson Plan No:15

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 3rd Subject: General Knowledge
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Development Phases in the Living things
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Offspring of all living things resemble their parents
2. Life cycle of different animals and plants
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, photo showing life cycle of different animals and plants
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the Habitat
2. Students must know about the life cycle of different animals
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Development phases in the Living things”.
Today we are going to discuss about Development phases of different living things. The offspring of all the
living things resemble their parents to some extent. Animals and plants resemble their parents.
Humans’ offspring resemble humans and the mango plant is similar to a mango tree. Offspring of some
animals when hatch from eggs do not resemble their parents in the beginning but after some time their shapes
resemble their parents.
Life cycle of a butterfly
EggLarvaPupaButterfly (Adult)
Life cycle of a frog
EggsTadpole Changing shape of Tadpole Adult Frog
Growth of plants
A seed gradually grows into a plant. Some plants like rose grow from their cutting instead of
1. What is life cycle of butterfly?
2. How plants grow?
Home Work:
Write a note on development phases of different living things?
Lesson Plan No:16
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 3rd Subject: General Knowledge
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Time, Shadow and Direction
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Sun rises and sets direction
2. How shadow made and in which direction
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, photo showing shadow in different directions of a boy with sun
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the sun, light and heat
2. Students must know about the earth and longitude, latitude
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Time, shadow and direction”.
Today we are going to discuss about Time, shadow and direction. Shadow is due to light and the light
source is sun.
Every day, the sun rises from the same side the East, and sets in the opposite side the West. Whenever
an object comes in front of sunlight, its shadow is formed. For example, in the picture Amjad is standing in the
front of the sun and his shadow is cast on the opposite side. When the sun changes its position, the length of the
shadow also changes.
When the sun is at lower height in the morning and evening, the shadow becomes longer. At noon, when
the sun is at the top, smaller shadow is formed.
In the morning, if you face the rising sun, it means you are looking towards the east. Your back will be
towards the West. Your right-hand side is the south while your left-hand side is the North.
1. Sun always rises in which side?
2. In which direction always shadow is cast?
Home Work:
Write a note Shadow and Explain directions with example?

Lesson Plan No:17

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 3rd Subject: General Knowledge
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Natural Resources
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Types of Resources
2. Natural Resources
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, photo showing different natural resources
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know about the sun, light, heat and directions
2. Students must know about the earth and longitude, latitude
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Natural Resources”.
Today we are going to discuss about Resources and types of resources also we will discuss natural
resources in detail.
We have many things around us. There are also job opportunities for us. We use them to meet the needs
of our life. All these things are called resources. The resources are of three types:
1. Natural Resources
2. Human Resources
3. Capital Resources
Natural Resources:
All those resources which are provided by the nature are called natural resources. For example, earth,
mountains, river, plants, water, air, animals etc.
1. How many types of resources?
2. Why we use these resources?
Home Work:
Write a short note on Natural resources?

Lesson Plan No:18

Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 3rd Subject: General Knowledge
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Human Resources
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Types of Resources
2. Human Resources
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, photo showing different human resources
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is mean by resources
2. Students must know different types of resources
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Human Resources”.
Today we are going to discuss about human resources. Human resources are all a type of resources we
get different things done easily by managing human resources.
The skills and abilities of a person are called human resources. For examples, masons have skills to
construct buildings, A painter makes these building beautiful by painting them. Similarly, the farmer cultivates the
crops. Thus, the farmer, the builder, painter, wood artisan, potter, cobbler and blacksmith etc. are also include in
human resources.
What are human resources?
Home Work:
Write a short note on Human resources?
Lesson Plan No:19
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 3rd Subject: General Knowledge
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Capital Resources
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Types of Resources
2. Capital Resources
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, photo showing different capital resources
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is mean by resources
2. Students must know different types of resources
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Capital Resources”.
Today we are going to discuss about Capital resources. Capital resources are all a type of resources we
get different things done easily by managing Capital resources and we can make capital resources using our
A man uses his wealth to make such resources which become a source of income. These resources are
called capital resources. For example, bus, car, tractor, computer, factories, machines, etc. are capital
What are included in capital resources?
Home Work:
Write a short note on capital resources.
Lesson Plan No:20
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Roll No: BY626573
Class: 3rd Subject: General Knowledge
Class Strength: 27 Time Duration: 35 min.
Topic: Conservation of Natural Resources
At the end of this lesson students would be able to know:
1. Different aspects that are causes to destroy natural resources
2. Effects on environment due to lack of natural resources
Teaching Method:
Student centered Approach
AV Aids:
White board, Pointer, photo showing different natural resources and things that are damaging them
Previous Knowledge:
1. Students must know what is mean by resources
2. Students must know different types of resources
Announcement of Topic:
Today, we are going to Learn about “Conservation of Natural Resources”.
Today we are going to discuss about Natural resources and use of them. Also, we will discuss how we are
destroying our natural world for our temporary benefits,
Our surrounding is called our environment. Environment is very important for us. It includes seas, rivers,
lakes, desert, mountains, forests and green fields. All these things are created by Allah Almighty and are called
natural resources. Man, animals and plants depend upon each other and also upon the environment. Human
development has caused many problems in natural environment. Forests have been cut. Green areas have
been occupied by new cities. Such activities have reduced the number of animals and trees. Overpopulation in
cities, traffic noise and smoke are causing different problems.
1. Which things are included in environment?
2. What is the main cause of disturbance to our environment?
Home Work:
Write a detail note on Natural resources and the causes that are continuously destroying them?

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