Market Fulfilment Lead - Case Study

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Airlift Technologies

Market Fulfillment Lead -- Case Study

General Instructions on the Recruitment Process:

Airlift’s culture is built around a few core values that define the behaviours and attitudes that we
seek in teammates:

● Hyper bias to action -- we seek to partner with true doers,

● Be an obsessive learner -- we love candidates who are eager to learn and grow,
● Move at lightning speed -- we view speed as our greatest advantage.

As you go through the recruitment process, our suggestion is to incorporate the above value system
into your approach. Airlift leans on and reads heavily into the case study -- we view the effort and
thoughtfulness of the response as a proxy for what we can expect from the candidate on the team.

Case Study -- This case study has three parts:

You may use the linked data to support your answers.

Part (I) – Analyzing Low Fulfillment Suppliers.

To ensure that Airlift preserves customer experience and maintains growth, it is important to
receive high fulfillment rates from suppliers on a regular basis.

You are tasked with diagnosing the major categories driving low fulfillments for the last 45 days and
suggest a plan of action through which you can drive higher fulfillments from different suppliers across
categories. (Please show your analysis)

Part (II) – Analyzing Margins

While setting up operations back in December, we had limited bandwidth and leverage to
negotiate with suppliers.

Given our recent growth we are now in a position to revisit our agreements with suppliers and negotiate
better terms. You are tasked with identifying 2 suppliers to re-negotiate with. Which 2 suppliers would
you prioritize and why? (Please show your analysis)

Part (III) – Setting up KPIs

a) You are tasked with judging supplier performance for the past three months. What are
the top 5 KPIs that you would use to accurately judge supplier performance.
b) After identifying the top 5 KPIs, build out a template scorecard through which you will
be able publish in depth supplier reports on a quarterly basis.

Part (IV) – Reducing Product Quality Complaints

Maintaining customer experience is an extremely high priority for Airlift. Currently, Airlift receives
product quality complaints in 5% of all orders which is highly unacceptable. You are tasked with
diagnosing the major causes of customer complaints and suggesting initiates to cut down product
quality / damage complaints by half. (Please show your analysis)

Please feel free to email with any questions as needed. Neither in this
case study nor on the job would we expect you to be alone in tackling problems. We are not
necessarily looking for know-it-alls; instead, we are looking for learn-it-alls, or candidates who are
exceptionally talented in figuring things out. We are seeking responses that show effort and

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