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High School Second Level

2nd Progress Test 2016-2017

Name:___________________________________________ Level: 2nd .

Teacher: Diana Vargas

Use Of English

Exam Grade: _______________

I. Complete the sentences with so, because, but, or although.

Example: We’re learning Portuguese because we want to visit Brazil.

1. It was raining, __________ they stayed at home.

2. We asked Max to come to the pub with us, ___________ he was too busy.
3. __________ we didn’t have a lot of money, we were happy.
4. Fabian doesn’t eat chocolate _________ he’s on a diet.
5. It was cold, __________ I wore my jumper.
6. __________ it was late, we weren’t tired.

Marks 6

II. Complete the sentences. Put the verb in brackets in the past simple or the
past continuous.

Example: I saw Jeremy when I was driving (drive) down the High Street.

1.  __________ you __________ (walk) to work yesterday?

2. Last week they __________ (buy) a new TV.
3. __________ Julie __________ (wear) her new dress when you saw her?
4. Naomi __________ (not study) when I rang.
5. We __________ (see) Javier at the sports centre yesterday afternoon.
6. I __________ (not go) to the cinema with them last night.
7. What __________ you __________ (do) at eight o’clock last night?
8. It __________ (not rain) when we got up this morning.
Marks 8

2nd Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017

High School Second Level
2nd Progress Test 2016-2017

III. Make sentences about future arrangements using the present continuous.

Example: where / you / meet / Dave ?

Where are you meeting Dave?

1. they / travel / to Rome on Tuesday

2. I / not have / dinner with Eric tonight
3. when / Lily / get a new car ?
4. you / see / Alan and Kate tomorrow ?
5. we / not go / away at Christmas
6. I / spend / New Year’s Eve in London

Marks 6

Grammar Total Marks 20

2nd Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017

High School Second Level
2nd Progress Test 2016-2017


Take the dictation Exam Grade: _______________

1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
6. ________________________________
7. ________________________________
8. ________________________________
9. ________________________________
10. ________________________________

Spelling Total Marks 10


Exam Grade: _______________

English File Pre-Intermediate Test and Assessment CD, Track 6

I. Tick (✓) the five sentences that are correct.

1  Tamsin is from the USA. 

2  She has no plans in the UK. 
3  She is a photographer. 
4  She is in London for London Fashion Week. 
5  She is resting this afternoon. 
6  She is staying in London for a week. 
7  She is going to fly to Ireland next week. 
8  She is going to visit her grandmother. 

2nd Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017

High School Second Level
2nd Progress Test 2016-2017

II. Listen to five conversations. Match the conversations with where the speakers
are planning to go (A–E).

Conversation 1 
Conversation 2 
Conversation 3 
Conversation 4 
Conversation 5 
A to China
B to nowhere (to stay at home)
C to a conference
D to the forest
E to the airport

Listening Total Marks 10

2nd Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017

High School Second Level
2nd Progress Test 2016-2017

Exam Grade: _______________

I. Read the article about people who work at Heathrow airport and tick (✓) A,
B, or C.

Airport jobs
At Heathrow airport, there are hundreds of interesting jobs people can do. We
spoke to three people who work there.
James Green, 26, security officer
‘After I left college, I worked for a security company abroad. I wanted to come
back to the UK so I applied for a job as a security officer at Heathrow. It’s our job
to keep passengers and staff safe at all times. I meet passengers from all over the
world every day and help them with their problems. People are usually friendly,
but sometimes they get angry, especially if there are long queues or delays.’
Teresa Jones, 30, service manager
‘My job is to help passengers have a good journey through the airport terminal,
from Arrivals to Departures. I talk to people all day and I’m tired in the evening.
But it’s also very exciting, because it changes all the time. One minute you are
making new travel arrangements for passengers, and the next minute you are
dealing with a problem at passport control. The only bad thing about my job is
getting up very early.’
Husain Khaled, 35, terminal controller
‘My first job at the airport was as a security officer. After that, I did a lot of
different jobs here. When I saw a job for a terminal controller, I decided to apply.
I like doing this work because there are all kinds of things to deal with – security,
communication, safety, and so on. It can be very busy and I spend a lot of time
talking to people on my mobile, but it’s always interesting.’

Example:James meets passengers from all over _____.

A the UK  B the world  C Asia 

1 It is James job to keep _____.

2 Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017
High School Second Level
2nd Progress Test 2016-2017
A the staff busy  B the passengers busy  C the passengers safe 
2 James says that passengers are sometimes _____.
A angry  B friendly  C hungry 
3 Teresa thinks her job is _____.
A boring  B exciting  C difficult 
4 The bad thing about Teresa’s job is _____.
A dealing with problems  B getting up early  C helping passengers 
5 Husain likes working at Heathrow because _____.
A it’s interesting work  B he likes airports  C the people are friendly 
6 In the article, Husain talks about_____.
A problems  B long queues  C communication 

II. Write J for James, T for Teresa, or H for Husain.

Example: I worked in another country __J__

1. I talk on my mobile phone a lot. _____

2. I am often tired in the evening. _____
3. The passengers I meet are usually friendly. _____
4. I make new travel arrangements for passengers. _____
5. Before this job, I did many different jobs here. _____
6. At passport control, I deal with people’s problems. _____
7. I went to college before starting work. _____
8. My job changes all the time. _____
9. I help people have a good journey through the airport terminal. _____

Reading Total Marks 15


Exam Grade: ______________

2nd Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017

High School Second Level
2nd Progress Test 2016-2017
Your pen friend emails you and asks about your plans to visit him / her. Write a letter
and answer these questions. (100–150 words)

• How are you and your family?

• What date are you coming to visit me?
• Are you flying or coming by train?
• What time are you arriving?
• What do you want to do when you are here?

Thanks for your email.I’m…


Final Grades
Use of English __________
Listening __________
Reading __________
Writing __________
Writing total Marks 10
Speaking __________

Final Bimonthly

2nd Progress Test 2nd Level 2016-2017


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