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Entrepreneurial Leadership

Student’s Name

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Course Name and Code

Instructor’s Name

Due Date

Question 1

Identify and explain the five types of powers leaders such as Pooe have available to


In organizational operations, Sonto Pooe manipulates significant leadership powers

that influence. The powers available to Pooe include legitimate, expert, reward, coercive, and

referent power that motivates the creation of a stable workplace for the brand’s products

(Ntozakhe, 2021). Legitimate power involves the formal authority that Pooe provides to a

specific employee, which consists in structuring the position and sense of the order of

operating in the enterprise through job titles. The reward power of Pooe consists of the

authorization of work leaders in the enterprise to provide rewards to other employees of the

organization to motivate better performance (SME Update, 2021).

Coercive power is the authority given to Pooe to gain compliance to the forces such as

political, social, and economical through the influence of the agents. Expert power involves

the type of authority provide to Pooe to act as a source of expertise in the organization

through the induction of a high level of knowledge and skills, which motivates the role of

other employees to expertise (Ntozakhe, 2021). Referent power is the authority of Pooe to

articulate effective interpersonal communication and relationship skills that aid in the

increase in the collaboration that influences decision-making in the enterprise (Ntozakhe,

2021; SME Update, 2021).

Discuss the consequences of each type of power on employee behavior.

The legitimate type of power imposed by Pooe results in the motivation of the role of

employees in various positions. Employee behavior is significantly desirable as they are

motivated to provide the best functions to elevate their positions and job titles (Ntozakhe,

2021). The reward power of Pooe encourages the employees as they are prone to a reward for

better performance, which means that they will integrate significant operations to garner the

rewards, leading to the positive motivation of their behaviors (SME Update, 2021). The

referent power of Pooe leads to positive behaviors of the employees, where the relationship in

the industry is compelling. The coercive power on Pooe creates negative behavior of

employees as they are regulated in their political and social interactions and mandated to

intensive operations to comply with economic agents (Ntozakhe, 2021). In addition, the

expert power of Pooe positively impacts employee behavior, where their skills and expert

management are challenged to increase, leading to the skyrocketing quality of interactions in

the workplace.

Given the information provided in this extract and other research about her you may

do on Pooe, provide your understanding of the type(s) of power she has used to build

her organization and reputation thus far. Provide practical examples.

Pooe has integrated coercive power into the organization's operations, where her

mission concerns the need to create stability in the environment and people. This means that

the power modifies the functions to tally with the legal concerns of the political, social, and

economic backgrounds (Ntozakhe, 2021). Her reputation is to expand the industry to serve

people on the planet by creating the responsibility of providing products that suit their bodies

and hair. In addition, Pooe has induced expertise power where she claims to identify market

gaps, meaning that she acquires necessary resources to decisively exploit the opportunity of

hair and body products through the Clicks (SME Update, 2021; Ntozakhe, 2021). Her

reputation is the leading industry in providing high-brand cosmetics, meaning that she

focuses on inducing significant knowledge and skills in controlling brand equity.

Question 2

In your own opinion, are leaders made or born? Justify your response.

From my stance, leaders are made. My perspective is motivated by the perceptions of

the top recognized influencer Ndamase who creates a significant impact on Instagram-user,

leading the recognition of South African beauty and lifestyle vloggers in UK-based media

company Hopper HQ (Israel, 2022). The effect of leaders is made from the decisions they

make in exploiting a particular opportunity. Identifying the opportunity requires articulating

skills that control the industry's decision and goal plan, which means that the leader will be

needed to plan for the chance. Ndamase is involved in using Instagram to influence users

toward the beauty and lifestyle industry of South Africa, which requires a plan and decision

(SME Update, 2021). This suggests that the skills of the leaders are motivated by their roles

in planning the objectives that result in the control of future and current operations of the


Explain whether Mihlali Ndamase is an effective leader. Or is she just a famous person?

Justify your answer.

Mihlali Ndamase is just a famous person and not an effective leader. An effective

leader is defined by the person's necessity to induce appropriate methods, tactics, and

strategies of influencing the position and opportunity of her specialization (Israel, 2022).

Ndamase recognizes herself as the top influencer from South Africa, meaning that the role of

being among top influencers is motivated other than the recognition from Instagram users.

Ndamase associates Kylie Jenner, the highest paid Instagram user in the list posted on

businesswoman and reality TV star (SME Update, 2021), meaning that other leaders

coherently determine her roles as a leader. Influential leaders are confident in their own

decisions and persuasiveness when they decide how and when to control the operations of

their organization (Israel, 2022). I can suggest that the highest pay for Ndamase per post is

associated with the influence of her collaboration with other influencers other than her

mandate of controlling the posts.

The module’s prescribed textbook (i.e., chapter 6) discusses various leadership traits.

Discuss these traits in light of your information about Mihlali Ndamase. In your

opinion, which attributes does Ndamase display and which do not? Justify your


From the considerations of leadership traits in chapter 6 of the module, Ndamase

displays characteristics such as adaptability, integrity, passion, and self-confidence. Ndamase

is involved in posting on Instagram about the beauty and lifestyle of South Africa, which

motivates her income, meaning that she has the integrity to articulate the postings of the

visuals (SME Update, 2021). Ndamase manipulates the leadership trait of self-confidence,

where she recognizes herself to be among the top influencers from South Africa. The market

of Instagram users is prone to competition from top influencers, per the list. Ndamase creates

adaptability and passion traits as she is involved in the intensive competition. However,

Ndamase does not display leadership traits such as decisiveness, creativity, and self-

awareness. Ndamase relies on other top influencers as she compares her influence to Kylie

Jenner's, meaning she is not decisive (Israel, 2022). Ndamase fails to articulate self-

awareness as she recognizes herself as the top influencer from South Africa.

Question 3

Discuss the influencing tactics available to leaders. In your opinion, which ones does DJ

Zinhle use? Which ones does she not use? Justify your answers.

The influencing leadership tactics include legitimating, coalition, pressure,

ingratiating, exchange, and upward appeal. Legitimating tactics involve the request based on

position power that motivates the person's alignment to a direction (Verma, 2022). The

coalition tactic consists of the ability of the leader to collaborate with other leaders to produce

a significant outcome in the merger aftermath. The ingratiating tactic consists of the process

in which a leader creates self-presentation, opinion conformity, and enhancement with other

leaders. An upward appeal is an appealing tactic based on the need to acquire favor on a

horizontal integration. Pressure is a push tactic when the leader is imposed to stiff

competitiveness of position.

Exchange is a coalition tactic where the leader shares ideas with other leaders to

impact their enterprises from the decisions garnered from the perceptions of DJ Zinhle, the

influencing tactics adhered to include legitimating, coalition, and exchange (SME Update,

2021; Verma, 2022). The act of Zinhle diversifying her income sources through bespoke

music production, DJ, and Jiyade Atelier means that she aligns her operations to create

significant revenue impact from the enterprises. The collaboration of DJ Zinhle with Brandon

Reynolds creates a coalition and exchange tactic, where the leader can diversify ideas,

decisions, and sources of income from the Jiyade Atelier launched. However, DJ Zinhle fails

to articulate influencing leadership tactics such as upward appeal, pressure, and ingratiating.

The collaboration creates a negative outcome, as per the October report, which means there

was necessary to induce stress to make operational efficacy (SME Update, 2021). DJ Zinhle

does not integrate enhancement of the business, meaning that she violates the need for

ingratiating leadership tactics.

In your opinion, is Ntombezinhle Jiyane a charismatic leader? Motivate your answer.

Provide practical examples to substantiate your argument.

Ntombezinhle Jiyane is a charismatic leader. The basis of the argument of

Ntombezinhle Jiyane being a charismatic leader is on the ideas, decisions, and plans imposed

in diversifying her sources of income (Verma, 2022). Ntombezinhle Jiyane induces

significant operations, where she opens comprehensive sources of income, which requires

professional skills and persuasiveness. Jiyade is involved in a series of events, including

being a top-ranked disk jockey leading to her nomination for the All African Music Awards

(AFRIMAs) in the “African DJ of the Year” (Verma, 2022). This suggests that Jiyade is

involved in making professional decisions that guide her career. Jiyade opened a collaborated

Jiyade Atelier with Reynolds, which creates the opportunity of exploiting the chance of

brainstorming ideas. This means that Jiyade is a charismatic, professionally based leader and

ready to make a persuasive working environment (SME Update, 2021). The collaboration in

launching the Atelier means they had robust communication, meaning that Jiyade’s

leadership is based on practical skills.

Question 4

Define self-leadership and discuss the various self-leadership strategies. In your opinion,

which one does Dr. Moloi-Motsepe use? Which one does she not use? Justify your


Self-leadership refers to the type of leadership in which a leader is involved in

recognizing, improving, and exercising their leadership, which consists of the sense of

understanding and developing who they are, what they can do, and what they are going to do

(Karras, 2022). This type of leadership articulates the position in which a leader is influenced

emotionally in terms of their communication and behaviors, which acts as the basis of

inducing significant self-leadership. Dr. Moloi-Motsepe causes self-leadership in controlling

her businesses. She is involved in identifying an opportunity in South Africa, garnering

necessary resources and expertise, and starting and meeting the set goals (SME Update,

2021). Self-leadership strategies include establishing goal plans, building habits, optimizing

operational purposes, harnessing available environmental resources, and self-cueing.

Dr. Moloi-Motsepe establishes a goal plan, where she defines the role of the Motsepe

foundation: to contribute towards eradicating poverty and to sustainably improve the living

conditions and standards of living of poor, unemployed, and marginalized people in South

Africa and the world (Motsepe Foundation, 2022). The goal plans are built on a habit, where

Motsepe actualizes the goals and diversifies the strategy under the 12 sustainable

development goals (SDGs). The programs are optimized through the dimensions of the

operations, including education and women empowerment. Motsepe fails to harness

environmental resources, where she induces already established resources and expertise of

the people (Karras, 2022). She fails to generate self-cueing due to sole decisions made in the

Foundation and diversified areas.

Debate whether Dr. Moloi-Motsepe is a servant leader. Provide practical examples to

substantiate your argument.

Dr. Moloi-Motsepe is a servant leader through the reflection of her operations and the

structure of the roles of the Motsepe Foundation. A servant leader is defined from the

position in which the objectives of the Foundation are based on the need to benefit other

people other than the self (Karras, 2022). Motsepe established Motsepe Foundation to

eradicate poverty and sustainably improve the living conditions and standards of living of the

poor, unemployed, and marginalized people in South Africa and the world. This suggests that

she is ready to serve others through the goals under SDGs, such as education, empowerment,

and job creation (SME Update, 2021). The leader identifies education programs to improve

people's expertise, including STEAM, which benefits the sustainability of the community

(Motsepe Foundation, 2022). The benefits are not solely developed by Motsepe, meaning that

the leader is a servant to the community. The bibliography of Motsepe indicates that she

garnered knowledge on medicine and child and women’s health, where she launched the

Foundation to give back to society (Karras, 2022). This suggests that the leader uses her

knowledge and expertise from higher education to create sustainability in community-based


Question 5

Identify and describe a leader you admire.

From the evaluation of the leaders, I admire Dr. Moloi-Motsepe, the founder of the

Motsepe Foundation in South Africa. Dr. Moloi-Motsepe manipulates servant leadership,


where she is involved in launching and establishing various projects that benefit society

(Karras, 2022). I admire the supervision of Dr. Moloi-Motsepe as she harnesses her degree

and postgraduate expertise to help the community by eradicating poverty. The aspirations of

Motsepe are followed by establishing the goals that tally the SGDs, meaning that the plan's

legitimacy is politically and economically met (Motsepe Foundation, 2022).

The leader's need is to ensure that the society is stable, where she practically creates

groups founded on the need for global development through the substantial financial

commitments of the group of families (Karras, 2022). This suggests that the leadership of Dr.

Moloi-Motsepe gravitates toward creating stability in South Africa and transforming the

society to cater to the people living in poverty and those marginalized. The leader

manipulates characteristics and leadership traits such as passion, attitude, self-awareness,

decisiveness, and integrity (Karras, 2022). However, she fails to create collaboration and

integrates self-leadership, which impacts decisions and strategies in the effectiveness of the



Israel, J. A. (2022). Mihlali Ndamase Biography: Age, boyfriend, dad, house, dad, daughter,

and cars. Ubetoo. (Online). Available:

body-daughter-cars/ [Accessed: 8 August 2022].

Karras, A. (2022). Dr. Precious Moloi-Motsepe, president of a country called fashion. Sunday

Times. (Online). Available:






SXOehgQndhNYcT 0adlts3-3-Hk9DR0MxoCPc4QAvD_BwE [Accessed: 8 August


Motsepe Foundation. (2022). Dr. Precious Moloi-Motsepe. (Online). Available: [Accessed: 8 August


Ntozakhe, N. (2021). #WomensMonth: Back to nature with Sonto Pooe’s NativeChild.

BizCommunity. (Online). Available: [Accessed: 8 August


SME Update. (2021). South African women who made major moves this year (2021 update).

(Online). Available:

[Accessed: 8 August 2022].

Verma, D. (2022). Who is DJ Zinhle? Biography, wiki, net worth, husband, age, height,

family, and facts. Newsunzip. (Online). Available: [Accessed: 8 August 2022]

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