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Level : 4MS
School year: 2020-202
First Term Exmiantion

My favourite teacher
To this date in my life I have been taught by more than forty teachers.
All of them have had an impact on me, but one stands out: Mr. Green, my
middle school English teacher. He is my favourite teacher for a number of
First of all, Mr. Green had a positive attitude. He always looked on the
bright side of a situation and he was able to see the good in us. In
addition, he often inspired us. I can never forget when he encouraged us
to do everything to our greatest ability. His words always made us feel
good about ourselves. He was full of energy as well. Every single day, he
was as energetic as a fully charged battery. Nobody knew how he
managed to get all this strength. Besides, he had a great sense of humour.
He always made a joke about the topic we were learning. It kept us
involved, awake, and best of all, we laughed a lot. He also had endless
patience. When I was stuck on a problem, he helped me out. He never
screamed at me.
Finally, he was trustworthy. I felt comfortable when I talked to him. Whenever I had good news, he was the
first person I wanted to share it with. Whenever I had a problem at school, at home, or anywhere else, he was
there to listen with open ears and ready with helpful advice.
In a word, Mr. Green is the definition of the perfect teacher. He made learning enjoyable and exciting.
More importantly, he loved and cared about us. He is my role model. I hope I can be a great teacher just like
him when I grow up.
Adapted from:
Part one:
Reading comprehension: Read the text and do the activities below.
Activity one: Choose a, b, or c to complete the following sentences. (2pts)
1-The author has been taught by…………………teachers.
a- 14 b- 4 c- 40
2- Mr. Green was …………………… teacher.
a- an active b- a boring c- a strict
3- Mr. Green used to ……………………… the author.
a- scream at b- advise c- laugh at
4- The author shared his ………………………..with Mr Green.
a- sorrows b- joys c- sorrows and joys
Activity two: Answer the questions. (3pts)
1- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? them→………… He →……………….
2- Was Mr. Green a source of inspiration for his learners?→……………
3- In which paragraph did the author speak about his dream job? →……………
Activity three: a/ Find in the text words, phrases or expressions closest in meaning to the following. (1pt)
limitless =…………………… at ease =………………..
b/ Find in the text words, phrases or expressions opposite in meaning to the following. (1pt)
weakness≠……………….. cried ≠……………………….
Mastery of language:
Activity one: Supply the right punctuation and capitalisation. (2pts)
what are elizabeth and tom’s dream jobs

Activity two: Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (3pts)
Since my early childhood, it (to be) ………… my dream to become a veterinarian. When I was 10 years
old, I (use to)………….. have many pets at home and I (to take) ………….. care of all of them. I believe
that thanks to my love for animals, I (to become)……………… of the most famous vets in the future.

Activity three: Classify the words according to the sound they contain. (2pts)
Inspired - greatest - patience - advice

/ei/ = made /ai/ = my

…………………………………. ………………………………….

Part two:
Written expression: (6pts)

▪Every year, “Teacher’s Day” is celebrated on October 5th to remind people of the role teachers play in
influencing their learners and shaping their characters, personalities and dreams.
▪For this occasion, your school magazine is organising a competition for the best article talking about a
teacher who marked you.
▪Write about: -this teacher- the subject he/she taught you- his/her personality features- what you learnt from
him/her. How he/ she contributed in shaping your personality. How he/she influenced your dream job

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