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Lesson Plan

Following God 3

August 22 (Orientation)
August 24 (1:55- 2:20)

I. Learning Objectives
After this lesson the students will be able to:
1. Learn that the Bible is God’s message to me
2. Know that God created me and cares for me.
3. Identify the Old Testament and the books in it.
4. Appreciate the body, talents, and abilities that God gave.

II. Subject Matter

Subject: God Created Me and Cares for Me
Materials: Laptop, Bible, Pictures

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greeting
 Checking Attendance
 Review

Ask the students: “If there was a book that was about you, what story would it

A. Activity
The teacher will show a video about the different books of the bible.

B. Analysis
Answer the following questions:
1. Give at least 3 books from the bible that you know.
2. From which book in the bible talks about the creation?
3. Out of all the books in the bible, which one is your favorite, why?

C. Abstraction
The word “Bible” comes from an old word that means “books.” The Bible
is a big book made of 66 “smaller” books that were written by different authors
who lived in different times long ago and different places. All these writers were
told by God to write down what He wanted the Bible to say.
The Bible tells the whole story of God’s plan of salvation for all people
through His Son, Jesus. The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament
and the New Testament. The Old Testament is made up of 39 books. These books
are divided into five groups. The Old Testament tells the story of how God made
people and cared for, protected, and blessed them even though people chose to
disobey Him repeatedly.
The Old Testament begins with the Law group, also called the Pentateuch (which
means “five books”). These five books are:
- Genesis - Numbers
- Exodus - Deuteronomy
- Leviticus
The next twelve books in the Old Testament are called History group. These
books are:
- Joshua - 2 Kings
- Judges - 1 Chronicles
- Ruth - 2 Chronicles
- 1 Samuel - Ezra
- 2 Samuel - Nehemiah
- 1 Kings - Esther
They are followed by the five Poetry books, made up by:
- Job - Ecclesiastes
- Psalms - Songs of Songs
- Proverbs
Then the five books of the Major Prophets come next. This group is made up of
the books of:
- Isaiah - Ezekiel
- Jeremiah - Daniel
- Lamentations
The last group in the Old Testament is the twelve books of the Minor Prophets.
This group is made up of:
- Hosea - Nahum
- Joel - Habakkuk
- Amos - Zephaniah
- Obadiah - Haggai
- Jonah - Zechariah
- Micah - Malachi

1. How were the different authors of the Bible able to come up with the same
message of the Good News of God’s plan to save everyone?
2. Why do you think God took care of people even though they disobeyed Him
3. What does the Old Testament teach you?

IV. Evaluation
Answer the Explore, page 6 on Following God’s book.

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Match each book with its description by connection them with a line.

V. Application
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the reasons why we should love and obey God?
2. How can we know to do please God?
3. Why do we need to read the Old Testament?

VI. Assignment
 Do the TRAVEL L.O.G. (Prayer)
 Read the Bible, and on your notebook list all the books of the New

Prepared by: Noted

Louise Margareth Anyayahan Jackielou Ramos


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