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The Story of Lake Toba
Once upon a time, there was a man wvho was living in north Sumatra. He lived
in a simple hut in a farming field. The man did some gardening and fishing for
his daily life. One day, while the man was do fishing, he caught a big golden fish
in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly,
this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed
her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone
about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge
disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had
a daughter.
Few years later, his daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in
the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father's lunch.
Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; "You damned
daughter of a fish". The daughter ran home and asked her mother.
The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broke his promise.
Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was
about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big
earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and
became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island
of Samosir.
Once upon a time, a young man was shouting in a crowded place.
"Hey people, look at me! I have the most beautiful heart in this
town."  Every person looked at him and amazed to see his beautiful heart in
perfect shape which looked so amazing. Many people who saw his heart
praised him.
However, an old man came and challenged him. 
"No boy, I have the most beautiful heart in the world."
"Show your heart, old man!" the young man asked
The old man showed his heart to him. It was not in perfect shape. There
were so many scars on his heart. His heart looked like various pieces of heart
collected together and formed as a heart.
The young man laughed at him. "The old man, are you serious? Come
and see my heart! How beautiful it is. My heart is so perfect, you can't find any
imperfections in my heart. And look yours. There are so many scars. How can
you say your heart is beautiful?"
"The old man said "Boy, my heart is beautiful as your heart. Can you see
the rough shape and scars? Each scar represents the love I have shared with
a person. I give a piece of my heart when I share the love to a person in return
I get a piece of heart from them, which I put at the place where I had torn a
The young man was so shocked.
The old man continued. "Since the pieces of heart, I shared were no
equal and have no same shape or size, my heart is full of uneven edges."
"My heart is not in good shape because sometimes I never get the love
from those I gave it. So, can you see the real beauty of my heart? Your heart,
which look beautiful with no scars indicates you never want to share the love
with anybody. Do you?"
The young man shocked and stood still. He didn't speak any words.
Tears came and rolling down to his cheeks. He Suddenly, he came to the old
man, torn a piece of his beautiful heart. He gave the piece to the old man.

Text A ( The Story Of lake Toba)

Type : Narative text ( Legend )
Laguage feature :
 adverbial time seperti once upon a time
  Noun : Farmer, house, money, field, wood, forest, lake, hook, fish, etc.
  Pronoun : He, his, him, she, her, they, it.
 Past Tense : stayed, got, had, made, didn’t want, felt, decided, thought,
asked, etc.
 Noun Phrase : poor farmer, small house, strange fish§  Time connectives
and conjunction : and, although, but, when, then, after
  Adjective : poor, small, strange, confused, unlucky, curious, beautiful,
shocked, etc.
Generic structur : Orientation, Complication, Reorientation .
Moral value : Maintaining the trust of others is very important

Text B(The Most Beautiful Heart)

Type: Narrative text. (Drama)

Languange Feature: Using adverb of time, Using past tense, Using action verb,
Using demonstrative pronouns
Generic Structure: Orientation, complication, resolution, coda.
Moral Value: A beautiful heart is a heart that has shared love with many.

Tranlate Text A :
Kisah Danau Toba

Dahulu kala, ada seorang laki-laki yang tinggal di Sumatera Utara. Dia tinggal
di gubuk sederhana di sebuah ladang pertanian. Pria itu berkebun dan
memancing untuk kehidupan sehari-harinya. Suatu hari, ketika pria itu sedang
memancing, dia menangkap ikan emas besar di perangkapnya. Itu adalah
tangkapan terbesar yang pernah dia miliki dalam hidupnya. Anehnya, ikan ini
berubah menjadi seorang putri cantik. Dia jatuh cinta padanya dan
melamarnya menjadi istrinya. Dia berkata; "Ya, tapi kamu harus berjanji untuk
tidak memberitahu siapa pun tentang rahasia bahwa aku pernah menjadi ikan,
jika tidak maka akan terjadi bencana besar".
Pria itu membuat kesepakatan dan mereka menikah, hidup bahagia dan
memiliki seorang putri. Beberapa tahun kemudian, putrinya akan membantu
membawakan makan siang untuk ayahnya di ladang. Suatu hari, putrinya
sangat lapar dan dia makan siang ayahnya. Sayangnya, dia mengetahuinya dan
menjadi marah, dan berteriak; "Dasar putri ikan terkutuk".
Putrinya lari ke rumah dan bertanya pada ibunya. Sang ibu mulai menangis,
sedih karena suaminya telah melanggar janjinya. Kemudian dia menyuruh
putrinya untuk lari ke atas bukit karena bencana besar akan datang. Ketika
putrinya pergi, dia berdoa. Segera terjadi gempa bumi besar diikuti dengan
hujan lebat tanpa henti. Seluruh wilayah itu tergenang air dan menjadi Danau
Toba. Dia berubah menjadi ikan lagi dan lelaki itu menjadi Pulau Samosir.

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