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Nombre: Melanie Campusano Roa

Curso: Ingles Aplicado A Contabilidad


1) Escriba cinco preguntas en formas diferentes de cómo

llegar a algún lugar, con sus respuestas. (10 puntos)

1 where is the restaurant?

The restaurant is next to the park

The restaurant is on Maximo Gomes street across from

2 Where is the hospital ?

It’s near to Jardin Botanico

It’s 10 kilometers here

3 where is the bank?

It’s in Agora mall

Its on Lincoln avenue

4 Where is the Gym?

It’s on Carrefaur supermarket
It’s near to the bank
5 Where is the mivie theater ?

It’s between gym and supermarket

It’s on Lope de Vega avenue

2) Describa a algún amigo o familiar diciendo su nombre,

parentesco, edad, si es alto o pequeño y aspecto físico. (10

My brother is so tall and stronger because he´s go to gym, his

name is Martin he´s 16 years old. He is in the school and is
very intelligent. Sometime Martin help me with my English
class because he know so much about the idiom, I love my
brother is the baby in the house for your age.

3 Escriba 25 palabras del vocabulario técnico con

su significado. (5 PUNTOS)
Accionista: stockholder
A shareholder of a corporation is an individual or legal entity that is
registered by the corporation as the legal owner of shares of the share capital
of a public or private corporation. Shareholders may be referred to as
members of a corporation

Activo circulante: current assets

In accounting, a current asset is any asset which can reasonably be expected
to be sold, consumed, or exhausted through the normal operations of a
business within the current fiscal year or operating cycle or financial year.

Balance general: balance sheet

In financial accounting, a balance sheet is a summary of the financial
balances of an individual or organization, whether it be a sole proprietorship,
a business partnership, a corporation, private limited company or other
organization such as government or not-for-profit entity.
Cuentas por cobrar: accounts receivable

Accounts receivable (AR) is the balance of money due to a firm for goods or
services delivered or used but not yet paid for by customers. Accounts
receivable are listed on the balance sheet as a current asset. AR is any
amount of money owed by customers for purchases made on credit.

Estado de cuenta: account statement

A statement of accounts is a document that reflects all transactions that took
place between you and a particular customer for a given period of time.
Generally business owners send statements of accounts to their
customers to let them know how much they owe for sales that took place
on credit during that period.

Factura: invoice
It includes the cost of the products purchased or services rendered to the
buyer. Invoices can also serve as legal records, if they contain the names
of the seller and client, description and price of goods or services, and
the terms of payment.

Flujo de caja: cash flow

Cash flow refers to the net balance of cash moving into and out of a business
at a specific point in time. Cash is constantly moving into and out of a
business. For example, when a retailer purchases inventory, money flows
out of the business toward its suppliers

Ganancia: income, profit

Profit, also called net income, is a key metric that determines a company's
success. It represents the remaining amount after deducting all the costs
needed to be incurred to generate revenue.

Gastos: expenses, charges

A charge is also the cost of something. When you are “in charge,” it means
that you are in command of everything. And when you are “in charge of,”
it means that you have a specific responsibility

Impuesto: tax
Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a
government entity—whether local, regional, or national

Insumos: supplies
The plural of supply is supplies and is used when more than one type of
thing is being stored. Real-life examples: Hospitals keep a supply of
blood to use for emergencia

Libro contable: book

Bookkeepers are responsible for providing accurate, up-to-date financial
information about a business. They're always taking the pulse of a business.
Most often, their reports go to business owners and managers to help
them make decisions. Some bookkeepers, however, are actually involved
in strategy development.

Línea de crédito: credit facility, line of credit

is an account that lets you borrow money when you need it, up to a preset
borrowing limit, by writing checks or using a bank card to make purchases or cash
withdrawals. Available from many banks and credit unions, lines of credit are
sometimes advertised as bank lines or personal lines of credit.

Mercancías: goods

Goods. The things which are bought and sold by business are called goods. Goods maybe raw
material work in progress of finished goods. In accounting, when goods are purchased it is
written as purchases. When goods are sold it is written as sales.

Pagaré: promissory note

Promissory notes are a written promise to pay cash to another party on or before a specified
future date. If the note receivable is due within a year, then it is treated as a current asset on
the balance sheet.

Préstamo: loan

A loan is an arrangement under which a lender allows another party the use of funds in
exchange for an interest payment and the return of the funds at the end of the lending
arrangement. Loans provide liquidity to businesses and individuals, and as such are a
necessary part of the financial system

Reembolso: refund

countable noun. A refund is a sum of money which is returned to you, for example because
you have paid too much or because you have returned goods to a shop. Synonyms:
repayment, compensation, rebate, reparation More Synonyms of refund.

Rentabilidad: profitability
Rotación de capital: capital turnover
Saldo: balance
Sobregiro: overdraft
Tasa: rate
Utilidad: income
Vencimiento: due
date, expiration
4) Escriba cinco oraciones utilizando los adverbios very and
so. (5 PUNTOS)

 She’s so beautiful
 This test is very hard
 Driving a car is so easy
 Swimming is not so difficult
 I didn’t know she had so many children
 I’m so tired right now
 I’m so happy for you
 She is so kind and nice
 The teacher is very intelligent
 She has so many dogs and cats at home
 The girl was very beautiful.
 The house is very expensive.

 He worked very quickly.

 She runs very fast.

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