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jepÙe mesJee cegKÙe hejer#ee

ØeLece ØeMve he$e (KeC[-De)
1. Fefleneme ................................................................................................................ 9
2. ceOÙekeâeueerve Yeejle .................................................................................................... 10
3. DeeOegefvekeâ Yeejle ....................................................................................................... 12
4. ce.Øe. ceW mJeleb$elee meb«eece, meebmke=âeflekeâ efJejemele, heÙe&šve ............................................................... 18
5. ce.Øe. keâer efjÙeemeleW .................................................................................................... 29
ØeLece ØeMve he$e (KeC[-ye)
1. Yetieesue ................................................................................................................. 30
2. Yeejle keâe Yetieesue ...................................................................................................... 32
3. ceOÙeØeosMe keâe Yetieesue .................................................................................................. 36
4. peue SJeb Deeheoe ØeyebOeve ............................................................................................... 49
5. Yetieesue keâer DeeOegefvekeâ lekeâveerkeâ ........................................................................................ 53
efÉleerÙe ØeMve he$e (KeC[-De)
1. meeceevÙe DeOÙeÙeve ..................................................................................................... 54
2. Yeejle efveJee&Ûeve DeeÙeesie, CAG, ueeskeâ mesJee DeeÙeesie, YeejleerÙe jepeveerefle .............................................. 60
3. 73JeeB Je 74JeeB mebMeesOeve, peJeeyeosner SJeb DeefOekeâej, ueeskeâleb$e keâer efJeMes<elee, ceeref[Ùee ..................................... 63
4. YeejleerÙe jepeveereflekeâ efJeÛeejkeâ ........................................................................................ 68
5. ØeMeemeve SJeb ØeyebOeve ................................................................................................... 69
efÉleerÙe ØeMve he$e (KeC[-ye)
1. DeLe&Meem$e SJeb meceepeMeem$e ............................................................................................ 70
2. ce.Øe. Heâmeue ke=âef<epeesle, keâuÙeeCekeâejer ÙeespeveeSB, DeeOeejYetle {eBÛee, peveebefkeâkeâer ....................................... 84
3. ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJekeâeme- efMe#ee, keâuÙeeCekeâejer keâeÙe&›eâce .............................................................. 90
4. meeceeefpekeâ mecejmelee, meecegoeefÙekeâ efJekeâeme keâeÙe&›eâce, NGO ................................................................................. 95
5. pevemebKÙee Deewj mJeemLÙe mecemÙeeSB, WHO, ceefnuee efMe#ee Je mJeemLÙe ................................................. 96
le=leerÙe ØeMve he$e
1. efJe%eeve SJeb lekeâveerkeâer ................................................................................................. 100
2. jmeeÙeve............................................................................................................... 102
3. keâesefMekeâe, hees<eCe, MJemeve Deeefo ...................................................................................... 103
4. Fvšjvesš ØeewÅeesefiekeâer .................................................................................................. 105

cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 5

5. mebKÙeeSB, meebefKÙekeâer .................................................................................................. 106
6. meb›eâecekeâ jesie ........................................................................................................ 115
7. Jew%eeefvekeâ mebmLeeSB ..................................................................................................... 117
8. Tpee& ................................................................................................................. 121
9. heÙee&JejCe keâer heefjYee<ee, efMe#ee ....................................................................................... 123
10. Yet-ieYe&Meem$e .......................................................................................................... 128
ÛelegLe& ØeMve he$e
1. oeMe&efvekeâ/efJeÛeejkeâ, meceepe-megOeejkeâ ................................................................................. 129
2. ceveesJe=efòe .............................................................................................................. 133
3. ceeveJeerÙe DeefYeØesjCee, veweflekeâ meodiegCe SJeb cetuÙe ....................................................................... 136
4. Yeü°eÛeej ............................................................................................................. 138
5. kesâme mšd[erpe .......................................................................................................... 140
hebÛece ØeMve he$e
 meeceevÙe efnvoer JÙeekeâjCe ............................................................................................. 151
<e‰ ØeMve he$e
 efnvoer efveyebOe SJeb Øee¤he uesKeve ....................................................................................... 177


E:\Mohd\2021\November\Mukhya Pariksha Unsolved (Chapter Voice).p65 (09.07.2020)

6 / ceneJeerj
jepÙe mesJee cegKÙe hejer#ee
meved 1989 mes 2020 lekeâ
2020 veÙes hee"d›eâceevegmeej
FkeâeF& Jeej
Devemee@uJe[ hesheme&

8 / ceneJeerj
73. Yeejle keâer DevegheheVe (yescesue) veoer keâe veece yeleeFÙes~ (2017) Write the name of three important tributaries of
Name the misfit stream of India. Chenab. (2020)
74. Yeejle kesâ yeeÌ{-ØeYeeefJele #es$eeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2018) 80. keâjsJee efceóer keäÙee nw? Ùen Yeejle kesâ efkeâme Yeeie ceW heeF& peeleer nw?
Describe flood-affected areas of India . What is Karewa soil ? Where is it found in India?
75. oef#eCe-heefMÛeceer ceevemetve keâer meef›eâÙelee ceW pesš mš^erce keâe keäÙee (2020)
Ùeesieoeve nw? (2019) 81. veerueer ›eâebefle keäÙee nw? Yeejle kesâ efkeâme efpeues keâes PeeRiee ceÚueer keâer
What is the contribution of jet Stream in the jepeOeeveer keâne peelee nw? (2020)
What is blue revolution ? Which district is known
effectivity of south -west monsoon?
as the Shrimp' capital of India?
76. Yeejle ceW ce=oe Dehejove keâer mecemÙee mes ØeYeeefJele #es$eeW keâe efJeJejCe
82. uewšsjeFš efceóer efvecee&Ce keâer Øeef›eâÙee keäÙee nw? (2020)
oerefpeS~ (2019)
What is the process of formation of satalite soil?
Describe the areas affected by soil erosion in
83. Yeejle kesâ ngieueer yesefmeve ceW petš efceueeW keâe keWâõerkeâjCe keäÙeeW nw?
Why are Jute mills concentrated in Hooghly basin
77. Yeejle ceW Meg<keâ ke=âef<e keâer ØecegKe mecemÙeeDeesb keâes efueefKeS~ of India? (2020)
Write about major problems of dry farming in 84. keâeshesve SJeb Leeve&LJesš kesâ Devegmeej Yeejle keâes peueJeeÙeg #es$eeW ceW
India. (2019) yeeBefšÙes~ (2020)
78. huesš efJeJele&efvekeâer efmeæevle kesâ DeeOeej hej efnceeueÙe heJe&le keâer Divide India into climatic zones according to
Glheefòe keâes mecePeeFS~ Koppen and Thomthwaite
Explain the origin of Himalayas on the basis of DeLeJee
Plate Tectonics theory. (2018) Yeejle ceW ceevemetve keâer Glheefòe hej efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeÙes~
79. efÛeveeye veoer keâer leerve ØecegKe meneÙekeâ veefoÙeeW kesâ veece efueefKeS~ Describe the origin of Monsoon in India.

Ùetefveš - 3 ceOÙeØeosMe keâe Yetieesue

 ØecegKe YetDeekeâeefjkeâer (Geomorphic) ØeosMe- vece&oe Ieešer SJeb  Major Geomorphic Regions with special reference
ceeueJee he"ej kesâ efJeMes<e mevoYe& ceW~ to Narmada Valley and Malwa Plateau.
 Natural vegetation and climate.
 Øeeke=âeflekeâ Jevemheefle SJeb peueJeeÙeg~  Soil:- Physical, chemical and biological properties
 ce=oe- ce=oe kesâ Yeeweflekeâ, jemeeÙeefvekeâ SJeb pewefJekeâ iegCe, ce=oe of soil, soil formation process, problems of soil
ØemebmkeâjCe SJeb ce=oe efvecee&Ce, ce=oe #ejCe SJeb nÇeme keâer mecemÙeeSB~ erosion and soil degradation, problem soil and
methods of its reclaimation, soil conservation
mecemÙee«emle ce=oe SJeb Gmekesâ heefj<keâej kesâ lejerkesâ~ peue«enCe planning on watershed basis.
DeeOeej hej ce=oe mebj#eCe efveÙeespeve~  Mineral and Energy Resources:- Types,
 Keefvepe SJeb Tpee& mebmeeOeve- Øekeâej, efJelejCe SJeb GheÙeesie~ distribution and uses.
 Major Industries: Based on agricultural
 ØecegKe GÅeesie- ke=âef<e Glheeo, Jeve SJeb Keefvepe DeeOeeefjle GÅeesie~
produce, forests and minerals.
 jepÙe keâer pevepeeefleÙeeB-Deeheoe«emle pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ efJeefMe„ mevoYe&  The Tribes of State with particular reference to
ceW~ vulnerable tribes.

1. Yeerue pevepeeefle~ (1989) 4. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW pevepeeefleÙeeW keâer yengleeÙele kesâ keâejCe yeleeFÙes~
2. ceOÙeØeosMe mejkeâej keâer veF& leWotheòee veerefle hej mebef#ehle efšhheCeer (1989)
efueefKeS~ (1989) 5. efvecveefueefKele #es$e ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efkeâve efpeueeW ceW nQ? GveceW cegKÙe
3. keâejCe yeleeles ngS ceOÙeØeosMe keâes Gmekesâ Øeeke=âeflekeâ #es$eeW ceW efJeYekeäle KeefvepeeW keâe GlKeveve neslee nw? Fve Keefvepe hej DeeOeeefjle ØecegKe
keâerefpeÙes~ (1989) GÅeesieeW kesâ veece leLee mLeeve yeleeÙeW~ (1994)

36 / ceneJeerj
(1) yewuee[eruee (2) [uueer jepenje (3) keâesjyee 19. ceOÙeØeosMe keâes efkeâme DeeOeej hej pevepeeefle yeenguÙe jepÙe keâne
(4) meejveer (5) cesIeveiej~ peelee nw? ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ hetJeea, heefMÛeceer SJeb oef#eCeer FueekeâeW keâer
In which districts of M.P. are the following located? ØecegKe pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ veece efueefKeS~ (1992)
What are the major minerals found in these
On what basis is Madhya Pradesh termed as a
areas? Name the major industries based on these
minerals and give their locations : predominantly tribal state? Write the names of
(i) Bailadila (ii) Dalli Rajhara (iii) Korba the main scheduled tribes of the eastern, western
(iv) Sarni (v) Meghnagar. and southern parts of Madhya Pradesh .
6. `MJesle ›eâebefle' keâe keäÙee DeLe& nw Je Fmemes keäÙee ueeYe nQ?
(1994) 20. DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ efueS mebJewOeeefvekeâ ØeeJeOeeve keäÙee-keäÙee
What is meant by ‘White Revolution’ and what
are its benefits ?
nQ? ceOÙeØeosMe Meemeve Éeje DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ keâuÙeeCe kesâ
7. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ Keefvepe heoeLeeX keâer yengleeÙele Jeeues #es$eeW kesâ Deee|Lekeâ efueS keäÙee keâeÙe&›eâce ØeejbYe efkeâÙes ieÙes nQ? (1993)
Je meeceeefpekeâ Âef„ mes efheÚÌ[s nesves kesâ keâejCe yeleeFÙes~ What are the Constitutional provisions for

(1989) Scheduled Tribes? What programmes have been

8. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW veiejerkeâjCe keâer efJeefMe„leeDeesb keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~ initiated by the Govt. of Madhya Pradesh for the

9. ce.Øe. kesâ DeeefoJeemeer~ (1990) welfare of Scheduled Tribes ?

Adivasis of Madhya Pradesh. 21. Keefvepe mecheoe hej DeeOeeefjle ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ GÅeesie~ (1995)
10. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ je„^erÙe GÅeeve~ (1990) Mineral Based Industries in Madhya Pradesh.
22. peueJeeÙeg kesâ DeeOeej hej ceOÙeØeosMe keâe JeieeakeâjCe keâerefpeS~
National Parks of M.P.
Classify Madhya Pradesh on the bais of climate.
11. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW pevepeeefleÙeeW mes cegKÙele: Deeyeeo efpeueeW kesâ efheÚÌ[sheve
kesâ keäÙee keâejCe nQ? (1990) (2008)
23. meesÙeeyeerve Heâmeue keâe ceOÙeØeosMe jepÙe ceW ueieYeie efkeâlevee #es$eHeâue
What are the reasons of the backwardness of
those districts which are principally populated by nw? Fmekeâe Glheeove ueieYeie efkeâlevee nw? (1993)
tribals in Madhya Pradesh? What is the approximate area of Soyabeen
12. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ DeeefoJeemeer #es$eeW keâe efJekeâeme meblees<epevekeâ veneR ngDee cultivation in M.P.? What is its approximate total
nw~ keäÙeeW? (1991) production?
The development of tribal area of M .P. has not 24. #es$eHeâue kesâ DeeOeej hej ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Oeeve keâer Kesleer Jeeues ØecegKe
been satisfactory. Why? efpeues keâewve mes nQ? ØeosMe ceW Oeeve keâer Kesleer keâe kegâue #es$eHeâue
13. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW eEmeÛeeF& megefJeOeeÙeW keâce nQ~ keäÙeeW? (1991) ueieYeie efkeâlevee nw? (1993)
Why are irrigation facilities in M.P. Scarce? Name principal paddy growing districts of Madhya
14. yewiee pevepeeefle (BAIGA TRIBI) (1991, 1992) Pradesh in terms of area under cultivation. What
is the approximate total area under paddy
15. JesefjÙej SefuJeve (1991)
cultivation in Madhya Pradesh?
Verrier Elwin.
25. #es$eHeâue kesâ DeeOeej hej ØeosMe ceW iesntB keâer Kesleer Jeeues leerve meyemes
16. Ûecyeue Ieešer heefjÙeespevee (1992)
ØecegKe efpeues keâewve-mes nQ? ØeosMe ceW iesntB keâer Kesleer keâe kegâue #es$eHeâue
Chambal Valley Project.
ueieYeie efkeâlevee nw? (1993)
17. YeieesefjÙee neš (1992)
Name the three most important wheat growing
Bhagoria Hat.
districts of Madhya Pradesh in terms of area
18. DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeB (1992) under cultivation. What is the approximate total
Scheduled Tribes.
area under wheat cultivation in Madhya Pradesh?
ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Øeespeskeäš šeFiej (1992) 26. Ùen oMee&SB efkeâ efvecve eEmeÛeeF& ÙeespeveeSB efkeâve veefoÙeeW hej efmLele nQ?
Project Tiger in Madhya Pradesh.
cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 37
(keâ) yejieer Ùeespevee (Ke) nerjekegbâ[ Ùeespevee What is the percentage of the population of
Scheduled Castes an Scheduled Tribes in the total
(ie) leJee heefjÙeespevee (Ie) jepeIeeš heefjÙeespevee pouplation of Madhya Pradesh as per the latest
(*) yeeCemeeiej heefjÙeespevee (Ûe) yeejvee heefjÙeespevee~ census?
On which rivers are the following irrigation 33. `ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ke=âef<e' hej Skeâ efšhheCeer efueefKeÙes pees 250 MeyoeW mes
projects located ? DeefOekeâ keâer ve nes~ (1993)
(a) Bargi Project, (b) Hirakund project, Write a note on 'Agriculture in Madhya Pradesh',
(c) Tawa Project, (d) Rajghat Project, Not exceeding 250 words.
(e) Bansagar Project, (f) Barna Project. DeLeJee
27. veerÛes Debefkeâle ØelÙeskeâ efpeues ceW efmLele Yeejle Meemeve kesâ Skeâ yeÌ[s vece&oe Ieešer heefjÙeespevee hej Skeâ efšhheCeer efueefKeÙes pees 250 MeyoeW
Ghe›eâce keâe veece oW~ Ùes Yeer oMee&SB efkeâ Fve Ghe›eâceeW keâe mebyebOe mes DeefOekeâ keâer ve nes~ (1995)
efkeâve-efkeâve GÅeesieeW mes nw~ (1993) Write a note on ''Narmada Valley Project'', Not
exceeding 250 words.
(keâ) iegvee (Ke) osJeeme
(ie) efyeueemehegj (Ie) ogie& 34. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ Ssmes efpeues keâe veece yeleeSB peneB Heâe@mHesâš heeÙee peelee
(*) Yeesheeue (Ûe) nesMebieeyeeo~
Name a district of Madhya Pradesh where
28. Name a large Central Government undertaking
phosphate is found.
located in each of the following districts . Also
indicate the industry with which each of thes 35. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer meyemes cenlJehetCe& leerve ueIeg Jeveeshepe keâewvemeer nw?
undertaking is associated? Which are the three most important minor forest

(a) Guna, (b) Dewas, products of Madhya Pradesh?

(c) Bilaspur, (d) Durg, 36. ceueeyeej leš efkeâme jepÙe ceW efmLele nw? Fme jepÙe kesâ cegKÙe efveÙee&le
(e) Bhopal, (f) Hoshangabad. keäÙee nQ?
In which state of India is the Malabar Coast
29. veerÛes oMee&S mLeeve efkeâve heJe&le ßesCeer hej efmLele nQ? (1993)
located? What are the main items of export from
(keâ) cemetjer (Ke) heÛeceÌ{er
this state?
(ie) ceneyeuesMJej~
In which mountain ranges are the following 37. Heâjkeäkeâe yejepe (Barrage) efkeâme veoer hej efmLele nw? Yeejle kesâ
places located? DeueeJee Skeâ DevÙe osMe keâe veece yeleeSB efpemes Fme yejepe ceW ®efÛe
(a) Mussuorie, (b) Pachmarhi, nw?
(c) Mahabaleshwar. 38. On which river is the Farrakka Barrage located?
Name a country other than India which has an
30. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Godiece nesves Jeeueer meyemes uecyeer veoer keâe veece yeleeSB~
interest in this barrage.
Fme veoer keâer uecyeeF& ueieYeie efkeâleveer nw? (1993)
Name the longest river originating in Madhya
39. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ieeW[ Deewj Yeerue pevepeeefleÙeeW hej ueieYeie 250

Pradesh and indicate its approximate length . MeyoeW ceW efšhheCeer efueefKeS~
31. #es$eHeâue ceW ceOÙeØeosMe keâe meyemes yeÌ[e efpeuee keâewve-mee nw? Fmekeâe Write a note in about 250 words on the Gond and

#es$eHeâue ueieYeie efkeâlevee nw? (1993) Bhil Tribes of M.P. (1994)

Which is the district with the largest area in 40. ``ceOÙeØeosMe ceW DevegmetÛeefle pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ efJekeâeme keâe Skeâ cenlJehetCe&
Madhya Pradesh? What is its approximate area? mebmeeOeve Jeve Ghepe nw~'' Fme keâLeve keâe ueieYeie 250 MeyoeW ceW
32. DeÅeleve peveieCevee kesâ Devegmeej ceOÙeØeosMe ceW DevegmetefÛele peeefleÙeeW efJeJesÛeve keâerefpeS~
leLee DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeW keâer pevemebKÙee keâe ØeosMe keâer kegâue Discuss the following statement in about 250
Deeyeeoer ceW keäÙee ØeefleMele nw? (1993) words:

38 / ceneJeerj
``Forest produce is an important resource for the 50. SuÙegefceefveÙece efkeâme keâÛÛeer Oeeleg mes yeveeÙee peelee nw? Ùen keâÛÛeer
development of schedule tribes in M.P. Oeeleg ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efkeâve-efkeâve efpeueeW ceW heeF& peeleer nw?
41. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer Jeve mecheoe kesâ yeejs ceW Deehe keäÙee peeveles nQ? Gme From which ore is aluminium produced? In
hej DeeOeeefjle ceOÙeØeosMe keâer DeewÅeesefiekeâ Øeieefle keâe GuuesKe keâjW~ which districts of Madhya Pradesh is this ore
Gòej ueieYeie 250 Meyo ceW nes~ found? (1994)
What do you know about the forest wealth of 51. JevÙe ØeeefCeÙeeW kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ efueS ceOÙeØeosMe ceW mLeeefhele leerve
Madhya Pradesh? je„^erÙe GÅeeve keâneB efmLele nQ? FveceW mes meHesâo Mesj Je pebieueer YeQmes
Mention the industrial progress in M.P. based keâneB heeÙes peeles nQ?
on it. The answer should be in about 250 words. Where are the three National Parks, for preser-
42. efvecveefueefKele #es$e ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efkeâve efpeueeW ceW nQ? GveceW cegKÙe vation of wildlife , located in Madhya Pradesh?
KeefvepeeW keâe GlKeveve neslee nw? Fve Keefvepe hej DeeOeeefjle ØecegKe In which of these are white tigers and bisons
GÅeesieeW kesâ veece leLee mLeeve yeleeÙeW~ (1994) found? (1994)
(1) yewuee[eruee (2) [uueer jepenje 52. Yeejle ceW heeF& peeves Jeeueer ueesns keâer keâÛÛeer Oeeleg iegCeJeòee ceW ßes‰

(3) keâesjyee (4) meejCeer keäÙeeW ceeveer peeleer nw? ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Ùen keâneB heeF& peeleer nw?
(5) cesIeveiej~ Why is the iron ore found in India regarded as of
In which districts of M. P. are the following high quality? Where is it found in M.P.? (1994)
located? What are the major minerals found in 53. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer DeesjeBJe pevepeeefle hej ueieYeie 250 MeyoeW ceW
these areas? Name the major industries based efšhheCeer efueefKeÙes~ (1995)
on these minerals and give their locations : Write a note in about 250 words on `Oraon' tribe
(i) Bailadila, (ii) Dalli Rajhara, (iii) Korba, of Madhya Pradesh.
(iv) Sarni, (v) Meghnagar. 54. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer yewiee pevepeeefle hej ueieYeie 250 MeyoeW ceW efšhheCeer
43. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW DeKeyeejer keâeiepe (vÙetpeeEØeš) yeveeves keâe keâejKeevee efueefKeÙes~ (1995)
keâneB efmLele nw? Fmekeâe veece keäÙee nw? Fmekeâer mLeeefhele #ecelee Write a note in about 250 words on `Baiga' tribe
ueieYeie efkeâleveer nw? (1994) of Madhya Pradesh.
Where is the mill manufacturing newsprint 55. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW pevepeeefleÙeeW keâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe GuuesKe ueieYeie
located in Madhya Pradesh? What is its name? 250 MeyoeW ceW keâerefpeS~
What is its approximate insatalled capacity? Describe the characteristics of tribals in Madhya
44. melehegÌ[e Satpuras (1996) Pradesh in about 250 words. (1995)
45. vece&oe yeÛeeJe Deeboesueve 56. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer pevepeeefleÙeeW keâer Deee|Lekeâ ieefleefJeefOeÙeeW SJeb mecemÙeeDeesb
Narmada Bachao Andolan keâe GuuesKe ueieYeie 250 MeyoeW ceW keâerefpeÙes~ (1995)
46. yeeCemeeiej heefjÙeespevee Describe the economic activities and problems of
Ban Sagar Project (1996)
tribals in Madhya Pradesh in about 250 words.
47. ieesC[ DeLeJee Yeerue pevepeeefle
Gonds or Bhil Schedule Tribe (1997)
57. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ke=âef<e keâer Glheeokeâlee keâce nesves kesâ keäÙee keâejCe nQ?
48. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ je„^erÙe jepeceeie& (1995)
National Highways in M.P. (1997) What are the reasons for the low productivity of

49. ceOÙeØeosMe keâes efkeâleves Øeeke=âeflekeâ #es$eeW ceW efJeYeeefpele efkeâÙee peelee nw? agriculture in Madhya Pradesh?
Gvekesâ veece efueefKeÙes~ (1994) 58. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer leerve ØecegKe DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeB keâewve-meer nQ?
In How many natural regions has Madhya Gvekesâ mLeeve (ueeskesâMeve), cenlJe Deewj meeceeefpekeâ Je meebmke=âeflekeâ
Pradesh been divided ? Give their names. ØeLeeDeesb keâe GuuesKe ueieYeie 200 MeyoeW ceW keâjW~ (1996)
cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 39
Which are the three prominent Scheduled Tribes grown and which are the areas where they are
of Madhya Pradesh? Describe their location, im- grown. What type of climate and soil is required
portance and their social and culutral customs for it? (200 words)
(in about 200 words). 66. efMe[dÙetu[ #es$e Deewj pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ efnleeW kesâ mebj#eCe kesâ mecyevOe
59. jepÙe JevÙe ØeeCeer yees[&~ (2008) ceW je„^heefle Deewj jepÙeheeueeW kesâ efJeMes<e DeefOekeâej~
State Wildlife Board. Special powers of Presdient and Goverons to pro-
60. ce.Øe. ceW kegâue efkeâleves nJeeF& Deñs nQ? (2009) tect interests of scheduled areas and scheduled
tribes. (2003)
How many airports are there in M .P.?
61. KejerHeâ Deewj jyeer HeâmeueW efkeâvnW keânles nQ? ceOÙeØeosMe keâer cegKÙe 67. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ceQieveerpe keâneB-keâneB heeÙee peelee nw? #es$eJeej GuuesKe
KejerHeâ Deewj jyeer Deveepe, ouenve Deewj efleuenve kesâ veece efueKeW~ keâerefpeÙes~ Fmekeâe GÅeesieeW ceW efkeâme Øekeâej GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Where is manganese found in M.P.? Indicate the
`Oeeve keâe keâšesje' keâe keäÙee DeefYeØeeÙe nw Je Fme #es$e keâer keäÙee
areas where it is found and what is its use in
efJeMes<elee nw? (1996) industry? (1997)
What are Kharif and Rabi crops? Name some 68. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW j#ee Glheeove kesâ keâewve-keâewve mes mebÙeb$e nQ leLee keâneB
cereals, pulses of seeds grown in M.P. under each mLeeefhele efkeâÙes ieÙes nQ? GveceW efkeâmekeâe Glheeove neslee nw?
head. What do you understand by bowl of rice Which defence production establishment have
and what is its speciality? been established in M.P. and where are they
62. `Petce' efkeâmes keânles nQ? ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ leerve #es$e yeleeÙeW peneB Ùen located? What are they producing ? (1997)
ØeLee ØeÛeefuele nw leLee JeneB Jen efkeâve veeceeW mes peeveer peeleer nw? 69. ceOÙeØeosMe jepÙe DeHeâerce keâer Kesleer hej Skeâ šerhe efueefKeÙes~
What is Jhooming? Name three areas of M .P. (1997)
where it is practised and the names by which it Write a note on opium cultivation in M.P.?
is known. (1996) 70. JeveeW hej DeeOeeefjle ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ØecegKe GÅeesieeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes
63. ce.Øe. ceW leeByee Deewj ueesne efkeâve efpeueeW ceW Deewj efkeâme ¤he ceW heeÙee
leLee Gvekesâ cenlJe hej ueieYeie 200 MeyoeW ceW ØekeâeMe [eefueÙes~
peelee nw? Fmekeâe Glheeove keâewve-mes mebie"ve keâjles nQ? Fvekeâes keâneB (1997)
Yespee peelee nw? (1996) What are the main forest based industries in
Which districts of M.P. and in which from are Madhya Pradesh and describe their importance .
Copper and Iron ores found ? Which organisa- 71. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Je<ee& keâer efmLeefle keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~ (1998)
tions mine these and where do they send them ? Describe the position of rainfall in Madhya
64. ceOÙeØeosMe keâes Yeejle keâe meesÙeeyeerve jepÙe keäÙeeW keâne peelee nw? Pradesh.
jepÙe ceW Fmekeâe kegâue Glheeove keäÙee nw? meesÙeeyeerve keâe GheÙeesie 72. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ cegKÙe heJe&leeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~ (1998)
efkeâme-efkeâme Øekeâej neslee nw~ (oes meew MeyoeW Gòej oW) Describe the main mountains of Madhya Pradesh.
Why is Madhya Pradesh called the Soyabean State 73. `ceOÙeØeosMe ceW keâesÙeuee' efJe<eÙe hej mebef#ehle efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes~
of India? What is its total production in the State Write a short note of the subject ``Coal in Madhya
and what is its usage (200 words)? Pradesh.'' (1998)
(1996) 74. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ØecegKe Keefvepe heoeLeexb keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~
65. ceOÙeØeosMe Yeejle keâe Skeâ oeue-ouenve ØeOeeve ØeosMe ceevee peelee (1998)
nw~ cegKÙe ¤he mes keâewve-keâewve meer HeâmeueW nesleer nQ Je keâneB-keâneB? Describe the main minerals of Madhya Pradesh .
Fvekesâ Glheeove kesâ efueÙes efkeâme Øekeâej keâer peueJeeÙeg Je peceerve keâer 75. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ JeveeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~ (1998)
DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw? (oes meew MeyoeW ceW Gòej oW) (1996) Describe the forests of Madhya Pradesh .
Madhya Pradesh is known to be a major pulses 76. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ Ssmes ØecegKe GÅeesieeW keâe efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes, pees
producing State . Which are the major crops KeefvepeeW hej DeeOeeefjle nQ~ (1998)

40 / ceneJeerj
Describe those main industries of Madhya Describe the `Bhagoria Dance' of the tribals of
Pradesh which are based on minerals . Madhya Pradesh. (1999)
77. yeeueeIeeš DeLeJee meerOeer efpeues ceW GheueyOe Keefvepe mebmeeOeveeW keâe 90. ceOÙeØeosMe keâes efkeâleves Yeewieesefuekeâ #es$eeW ceW yeeBše ieÙee nw? ceeueJee
JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~ (2003) he"ej keâe mebef#ehle JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2000)
Describe the mineral resources available in the In how many geographical area has Madhya
district Balaghat or Sidhi. Pradesh been divided? Give a brief description of
78. yewiee pevepeeefle keâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes~ (1998) Malwa Plateau.
Describe the special characteristics of Baiga tribe. 91. yeIesueKeC[ kesâ Øeeke=âeflekeâ heÙee&JejCe Deewj Yeewieesefuekeâ mebjÛevee keâe
79. Yeerue pevepeeefle keâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes~ (1998) heefjÛeÙe oerefpeS~ (2000)
Describe the special characteristics of Bhil tribe. Specify the natural environment and geogra-
80. keâesue pevepeeefle keâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes~ phical structure of Baghel Khand .
Describe the Special characteristics of Kol tribe . 92. JevÙe-ØeeCeer mebj#eCe keâer Âef„ mes ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efJekeâefmele je„^erÙe
81. ceeueJee kesâ he"ej keâe efJeJejCe oerefpeÙes~ (1998) GÅeeve keâe heefjÛeÙe oerefpeS~ (2000)
Describe the Malwa Platcau. Describe the developed National Sancturies of
Madhya Pradesh and their role in the
82. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ JeveeW kesâ Yeewieesefuekeâ JeieeakeâjCe keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~
conservation of wildlife .
Describe the geographical classification of forests
93. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ieeW[ Je keâesjketâ pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ efveJeeme kesâ ØecegKe
in Madhya Pradesh. (1998)
#es$e SJeb Gvekeâer efJeMes<eleeSB yeleeFÙes~ (2000)
83. ob[keâejCÙe ØeosMe keâer Øeeke=âeflekeâ mebjÛevee keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe the main characteristics of Gond and
Describe the natural structure of Dandakranya
Korku scheduled tribes and their main regions
Region. (1998) of habitation in Madhya Pradesh.
84. Yeejle ceW ceOÙeØeosMe keâer efmLeefle SJeb Gmekesâ meerceeJeleea jepÙeeW keâe 94. je„^erÙe GÅeeveeW keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee Deewj Øeemebefiekeâlee efJemleej mes
GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~ (1999) Øeefleheeefole keâjles ngS ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efkeâvneR oes je„^erÙe~
Describe the situation of Madhya Pradesh in India GÅeeveeW hej ØelÙeskeâ hej šerhe efueefKeÙes~ (2004)
and give the names of its bordering states . Discuss in detail the necessity and relevance of
85. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ kegâšerj GÅeesieeW hej ØekeâeMe [eefueÙes~ (1999) national parks with a note each on any two natinal
Describe the cottage industries of Madhya parks of Madhya Pradedsh. (2004)
Pradesh. 95. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW keâesÙeues keâer GheueyOelee keâer efmLeefle Deewj Tpee& kesâ
86. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Je<ee& keâer efmLeefle keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~ (1999) efueS Gmekesâ GheÙeesie keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~ (2005)
Describe the position of rainfall in Madhya Describe the position of the availability of coal
and its utility for generation of energy in Madhya
87. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ieeW[ pevepeeefle Je Gvekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe GuuesKe
96. Yeeweflekeâ mebjÛevee keâer Âef„ mes ceOÙeØeosMe keâes efkeâleves YeeieeW ceW yeeBše
keâerefpeÙes~ (1999)
pee mekeâlee nw? vece&oe Ieešer #es$e keâe meb#eshe ceW JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~
Describe the Gond tribe of Madhya Pradesh giving
its main characteristics.
In view of its physical structure in how many
88. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer yewiee pevepeeefle Je Gmekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe GuuesKe
regions can Madhya Pradesh be divided? Describe
keâerefpeÙes~ (1999)
in short the Narmada valley region .
Describe the Baiga tribe of Madhya Pradesh
97. yeeueeIeeš DeLeJee meerOeer efpeues ceW GheueyOe Keefvepe mebmeeOeveeW keâe
giving its main characteristics.
JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2003)
89. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ DeeefoJeeefmeÙeeW kesâ `YeieesefjÙee ve=lÙe' keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~
cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 41
Describe the mineral resoures available in the 106. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW meesÙeeyeerve keâer Kesleer keâer Jele&ceeve efmLeefle keâe yÙeesje
district Balaghat or Sidhi. efueefKeS~ (2003)
98. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW heeF& peeves Jeeueer efceóer kesâ Øekeâej yeleeFÙes~ efceóer kesâ Write in detail the present status of soyabeen
mebj#eCe kesâ keäÙee GheeÙe nQ? (2004) cultivation in Madhya Pradesh.
Describe the types of soils found in Madhya 107. efJeiele Je<eexb ceW metKes keâer efmLeefle mes efvehešves kesâ efueÙes ceOÙeØeosMe ceW
Pradesh. What are the measures for preventing efkeâÙes ieÙes peue ØeyevOeve kesâ GheeÙeeW keâe efJeJejCe Øemlegle keâerefpeS~
soil erosion? (2003)
100. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ØecegKe veefoÙeeB keâewvemeer nQ? ØeosMe kesâ efJekeâeme ceW Write a note on the measures adopted in Madhya
Ûecyeue DeLeJee meesve veoer keâer keäÙee Yetefcekeâe nw? Pradesh about water management with the ainm
to cope up with the problems of drought in the
Which are the major rivers in Madhya Pradesh ?
few years.
Describe the role of Chambal or Sone river in
the development of the state .
108. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW JevÙe ØeeCeer mebj#eCe kesâ efueS keäÙee ØeÙeeme efkeâÙes ieÙes
101. `Øeeke=âeflekeâ mebmeeOeve' mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? ceOÙeØeosMe ceW nw? (2003)
ceQieveerpe keâneB heeÙee peelee nw? Fmekesâ GheÙeesie keâe efJeJejCe oerefpeÙes~ What efforts have been made for wild life conser-

(2004) vation in Madhya Pradesh?

What do you understand by `Natural Resources'? 109. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efveJeeme keâjves Jeeueer yewiee pevepeeefle Ùee keâesjketâ
Where in Madhya Pradesh in manganese found? pevepeeefle keâer peerJeveMewueer keâe efJeJejCe Øemlegle keâerefpeS~
Write a note on its uses. Write a note on the life style of Baiga tribe of Ko
DeLeJee rku tribe residing in Madhya Pradesh. (2003)
ceOÙeØeosMe ceW JevÙe peerJeeW keâer megj#ee kesâ efueÙes keäÙee GheeÙe efkeâÙes ieÙes 110. heefMÛeceer ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ kegâÚ efpeueeW ceW DeeÙeesefpele nesves Jeeues
nQ? ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efkeâmeer Skeâ ØecegKe je„^erÙe GÅeeve keâe JeCe&ve YeieesefjÙee cesueeW keâe Fve efpeueeW ceW efveJeeme keâjves Jeeueer pevepeeefleÙeeW
keâerefpeÙes~ (2004) kesâ peerJeve ceW keäÙee cenlJe nw? (2003)
What steps have been taken for the conservation What is the significance of Bhagoria fairs ,
of the wild-life in Madhya Pradesh? Describe any organised in some of the districts of western
Madhya Pradesh in the life of the scheduled tribes
one of the major National Park in Madhya
Pradesh. of the region ?

102. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW heMegOeve efJekeâeme kesâ efueS efkeâme efveiece keâer mLeehevee 111. jepÙe kesâ DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefle yengue #es$eeW ceW mebÛeeefuele Deeßece
keâer ieF& nw? Fmekesâ ØecegKe keâeÙeeX keâe efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes~ MeeueeDeesb keâe efMe#ee Øemeej ceW cenlJe mecePeeFÙes~ (2003)
Which corporation has been established for the Explain the importance of the Ashram schools
run in the scheduled tribes regions of the state
development of the livestock in Madhya Pradesh?
Write a note on the main activities of the in the expansion of education .
corporation. (2004) 112. ce.Øe. kesâ efkeâme efpeues keâes `DeeBJeuee efpeuee' Ieesef<ele efkeâÙee ieÙee nw?
103. keâevne efkeâmeueer je„^erÙe GÅeeve~ (2009)
Kanha Kisli National Park. Which district of M.P. has been declared as the
104. yeebOeJeieÌ{ je„^erÙe GÅeeve~ (2005) `Amla District'?
Bandhavgarh National Park. (2005) 113. efkeâve YeerueeW keâes `leÌ[Jeer' Yeerue keâne peelee nw? (2009)
105. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Oeeve Glheeove kesâ cegKÙe #es$e keâewve-mes nQ? jepÙe ceW Which Bhils are called the `Tarvi' Bhils?
Oeeve keâer Kesleer keâer cegKÙe mecemÙeeSB keäÙee nQ? 114. ``ceOÙeØeosMe keâer peueJeeÙeg ceevemetveer peueJeeÙeg nw~'' Fme keâLeve hej
Which are the main paddy growing regions in efšhheCeer efueefKeÙes~ peueJeeÙeg keâer Âef„ mes ceOÙeØeosMe efkeâleves YeeieeW ceW
Madhya Pradesh? (2003) yeeBše pee mekeâlee nw?

42 / ceneJeerj
``Madhya Pradesh has monsoon type of climate.'' Define the term `forest'. Classify the forests of
Discuss the statement. Describe climatic regions Madhya Pradesh on the basis of composition and
of Madhya Pradesh. (2005) describe the reasons for their degradation .

115. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW iesntB SJeb Ûeves keâer Kesleer keâer Jele&ceeve efmLeefle keâe 124. je„^erÙe GÅeeve leLee DeYeÙeejCÙe keäÙee nQ? Fvekeâe ie"ve kewâmes efkeâÙee
efJeJejCe efueefKeÙes~ peelee nw? ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ je„^erÙe GÅeeveeW SJeb DeYeÙeejCÙeeW keâer
Describe the present status of wheat and gram mecemÙeeDeesb hej ØekeâeMe [eefueÙes~
cultivation in Madhya Pradesh. (2005) What are National Parks and Wildlife Sanctu–

116. `ceOÙeØeosMe ceW eEmeÛeeF& kesâ hejchejeiele m$eesleeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeÙes~ aries? How are these constituted ? Throw light
on the problems of National Parks and Wildlife
Describe the conventional sources of irrigation
Sancturies of Madhya Pradesh. (2008)
in Madhya Pradesh. (2005)
125. DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefle mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? PeeyegDee, ceC[uee,
ceOÙeØeosMe ceW keâesÙeues keâer GheueyOelee keâer efmLeefle Deewj Tpee& kesâ
ef[C[esjer, Men[esue SJeb efYeC[ efpeueeW ceW DevegmeefÛele pevepeeefle keâe
efueS Gmekesâ GheÙeesie keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~ (2005)
kegâue pevemebKÙee ceW keäÙee ØeefleMele nw? DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ
117. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ieesC[ pevepeeefle Je Gvekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe GuuesKe
efJekeâeme kesâ efueÙes Meemeve Éeje ef›eâÙeeefvJele keâer pee jner ÙeespeveeDeesb
keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~
Describe the Gond tribe of Madhya Pradesh giv-
What do you understand by Scheduled tribe ?
ing its main characteristics.
What is the percentage of scheduled tribe
population in Jhabua, Mandla, Dindori, Shahdol
ceOÙe ØeosMe keâer Yeerue pevepeeefle Je Gvekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe GuuesKe
and Bhind districts of Madhya Pradesh? Describe
keâerefpeÙes~ the schemes being implemented by the
Describe the Bhil tribe of Madhya Pradesh giving Government for the development of Scheduled
its main characteristics. tribes. (2008)
DeLeJee 126. efvecveefueefKele pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ Yeewieesefuekeâ efJelejCe, Glheefòe, Meejerefjkeâ
ceOÙeØeosMe keâer keâesue pevepeeefle Je Gvekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb keâe GuuesKe yeveeJeš, JesMeYet<ee, jnve-menve SJeb efJeJeen-heæefle keâe GuuesKe
keâerefpeÙes~ keâerefpeS-
Describe the Kol tribe of Madhya Pradesh giving (i) Yeerue, (ii) yewiee, (iii) menefjÙee, (iv) YeeefjÙee,
its main characteristics. (v) heefvekeâe~
118. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer efceefóÙeeB~ (2008) Indicate the distribution origin, physical features,
Soils of Madhya Pradesh. dressing, living style and marriage system of the
119. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW je„^erÙe GÅeeve~ (2008, 2009) following tribes :
National Parks in Madhya Pradesh. (i) Bhil, (ii) Baiga, (iii) Sahariya, (iv) Bharia,
120. nefjle ›eâeefvle~ (2008, 2013) (v) Panika. (2008)
Green revolution . 127. ceOÙe ØeosMe keâe jepekeâerÙe heMeg
121. Dee@hejsMeve Heäue[ (2008) State animal of Madhya Pradesh.
Operation Flood. 128. peueJeeÙeg kesâ DeeOeej hej ceOÙe ØeosMe keâe JeieeakeâjCe keâerefpeS~
122. meeceeefpekeâ Jeeefvekeâer (2008) Classify Madhya Pradesh on the basis of climate.
Social Forestry. 129. jepÙe JevÙeØeeCeer yees[&
123. `Jeve' Meyo keâes heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeÙes~ ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ JeveeW keâe State Wildlife Board (2008)
mebjÛevee kesâ DeeOeej hej JeieeakeâjCe keâerefpeÙes Deewj Gvekesâ efyeieÌ[ves 130. meneefjÙee pevepeeefle~
(efvecveerkeâjCe) kesâ keâejCeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~ (2008) Sahariya Tribe. (2009)

cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 43

131. heerueer ›eâeefvle keäÙee nw? What are the main points of Madhya Pradesh
Industrial Promotion Policy 2004? Which type of
What is Yellow Revolution? (2008)
industries have more prospects in the state and
132. ke=âef<e-Jeeefvekeâer (Agro-foresty) (2009) why? Write the name of industrial units run by
133. ce.Øe. kesâ Ûeej Gheveece keâewve-keâewve mes nQ? Madhya Pradesh State Industrial Corporation and

What are the four nickname of M .P.? State Textile Corporation. (2010)

134. keâewve-mee veiej ce.Øe. keâer DeewÅeesefiekeâ jepeOeeveer keânueelee nw? 148. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW DeYeer lekeâ keâer hebÛeJe<eeaÙe ÙeespeveeDeesb ceW pevepeeleerÙe
Which city is called the Industrial Capital of M.P.?
#es$eeW kesâ efJekeâeme nsleg efkeâÙes ieÙes ØeÙeemeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~
Elaborate the effots have been made in Five Year
135. ce.Øe. keâe jepekeâerÙe he#eer keâewve-mee nw? (2009)
Plans for the development in Tribal areas in
Which is the state bird of M.P.?
Madhya Pradesh. (2009)
136. ce.Øe. ceW ÛeeJeue DevegmebOeeve kesâvõ keâneB nw?
149. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW `heMegOeve' kesâ efJekeâeme kesâ efueÙes efkeâÙes ieÙes ØeÙeemeeW keâe
Where is the Rice Research Centre in M .P.?
JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2009)
137. ce.Øe. keâe meyemes yeÌ[e peueØeheele keâewve-mee nw? (2009) Explain the efforts have been made for the de-
Which is the largest Waterfall of M.P.?
velopment of `Live stock' in Madhya Pradesh.
138. ceesieueeruewC[ keâer mLeehevee ce.Øe. ceW keâneB keâer ieF& nw? 150. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer Yeeweflekeâ SJeb Yeewieesefuekeâ mebjÛevee keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Where is Mogliland established in M.P.? Discuss the physical and geographical structure
139. ceeuevehegj DeewÅeesefiekeâ kesâvõ efkeâme efpeues ceW efmLele nw? of Madhya Pradesh. (2009)
In which district in Malanpur Industrial Center 151. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Keefvepe mebmeeOeve~
located? Mineral resources of Madhya Pradesh . (2012)
140. ce.Øe. kesâ ØecegKe yeeBOe~ (2009) 152. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ heefMÛece SJeb Gòej Yeeie ceW Jeve ueieYeie ve„ nes ieÙes
Major Dams of M.P. nQ~ Ssmee nves kesâ keäÙee keâejCe nQ? ØeosMe ceW Je=#eejesheCe keâer keäÙee
141. ce.Øe. ceW meeieewve Jeve-#es$e~ (2009) efmLeefle nw? meHeâue Je=#eejesheCe nsleg Deehe keäÙee megPeeJe oWies?
Teak Forest-area in M.P. Forests have almost been destroyed in the
142. ce.Øe. kesâ ØecegKe Keefvepe heoeLe&~ (2009) western and northern part of the M .P. What are
The chief minerals of M.P. the reasons for this ? What is the position of
143. ce.Øe. kesâ ØecegKe DeYeÙeejCÙeeW keâe heefjÛeÙe oerefpeS~ (2009) plantations in the state? What suggestions will
Introduce major sancutires in M .P. you like to give for raising successful plantations?
144. ce.Øe. kesâ ØecegKe GÅeesie-OebOeeW keâe heefjÛeÙe oerefpeÙes~
(2009) (2010)
Introduce major industries and business of M .P. 153. ØeosMe ceW keâesÙeuee #es$e keâneB-keâneB nw? ØelÙeskeâ #es$e keâe #es$eHeâue,
145. otOe meeiej peue Øeheele~ (2009) keâesÙeuee YeC[ej, iegCeJeòee Deewj GlKeveve hej efšhheCeer efueefKeÙes~
Dudh Sagar Waterfalls. Where are the coal bearing regions in the state ?
146. JevÙe peerJeve kesâ mebj#eCe nsleg ceOÙeØeosMe Meemeve Éeje efkeâÙes ieÙes Comment on total area, deposits of coal, quality
ØeÙeeme~ (2009) and mining of each region . (2010)
The efforts made by the Government to save and 154. yeÇesveeFš leLee yee@keämeeFš keäÙee nQ? Ùes keâneB heeÙes peeles nQ? Fvekeâe

protect the wild-life in Madhya Pradesh. YeC[ej ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efkeâlevee nw? Jele&ceeve KeoeveW keâneB-keâneB hej
147. ceOÙe ØeosMe GÅeesie mebJeOe&ve veerefle 2004 kesâ ØecegKe efyevog keäÙee nQ? efmLele nQ? (2010)
ØeosMe ceW efkeâme Øekeâej kesâ GÅeesieeW keâer DeefOekeâ mecYeeJevee nw Deewj What are Bronite and Bauxite? How much is the

keäÙeeW? ceOÙe ØeosMe jepÙe GÅeesie efveiece Deewj jepÙe Jem$e efveiece Éeje total deposit of these? Where are the mines at

mebÛeeefuele GÅeesieeW kesâ veece yeleeFÙes~ present?

44 / ceneJeerj
155. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Keefvepe mebmeeOeve 163. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ØecegKe meerceWš GÅeesie keWâõ~ (2013)
Mineral resources of Madhya Pradesh Major Cement Industry Centres of M .P.
156. efceóer Deewj peue Glheeokeâlee 164. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW JeveeW keâer efmLeefle hej efšhheCeer keâerefpeS~ Jeve Je=#eeW kesâ
Soil and water productivity (2012) DeeOeej hej SJeb peueJeeÙeg kesâ DeeOeej hej JeveeW keâe JeieeakeâjCe keâjW~
157. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efvecveefueefKele #es$eeW keâer efmLeefle, efvecee&Ce Øeef›eâÙee, veJeerve jepÙe Jeve veerefle 2005 kesâ cegKÙe efyevog keäÙee nQ?
mLeueeke=âefle, Yetecf e Øekeâej SJeb efJeÅeceeve Jevemheefle keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS- Comment on status of forests in M.P. Classify
forests on the basis of forest trees and on the
Describe the geographical location , the process
basis of climate. What are the main features of
of formation, topography , soil type and existing
New State Policy 2005? (2013)
vegetation of the following regions :
165. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW heeS peeves Jeeues Keefvepe, Gvekesâ Glheeove #es$e SJeb
 ceeueJee keâe he"ej (Malwa Plateau) (2013),
Gvemes mebyebefOele GÅeesieeW kesâ yeejs ceW mebef#ehle peevekeâejer oerefpeÙes~
 vece&oe Ieešer (Narmada Valley) (2013)
Write in brief about the major minerals found in
 melehegÌ[e keâer heneefÌ[ÙeeB (Satpura Ranges)
M.P. along with the areas of their production
 yegvosueKeC[ keâe he"ej (Bundelkhand Plateau)
and associated industries. (2013)
 efJevOÙe keâe he"ej (Vindhya Plateau) (2012)
166. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ØecegKe veefoÙeeB~ (2013)
158. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efvecveefueefKele KeefvepeeW kesâ efJelejCe, Glheeove SJeb
Major rivers of M.P.
GheÙeesie keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes-
167. ‘ceOÙe Yeejle he"ej’ keâer Yeewieesefuekeâ efmLeefle keâe efJeJejCe efueKeW~
Describe distribution, production and use of the
Explain the Geographical location of ‘The Central
following minerals in Madhya Pradesh :
Highland’. (2014)
 keâesÙeuee (Coal),  Ûetvee-helLej ( Lime-stone),
168. meesve veoer keâe Godiece mLeue keäÙee nw? (2014)
 leeByee (Copper),  ceQieveerpe (Manganese),
Which is the place of origin of the River Son ?
 yee@keämeeFš (Bauxite) (2012) 169. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer oes veefoÙeeW kesâ veece yeleeFÙes pees ojej Ieešer mes yenleer
159. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW yeÌ[s GÅeesie (2012) nQ Deewj SmÛegDejer yeveeleer nQ~
Heavy Industries in M.P. Name two rivers of Madhya Pradesh, which flow
160. š^eFyeue keâes-Dee@hejsefšJe ceekexâeEšie [sJeueheceWš Hesâ[jsMeve Dee@Heâ through rift valley and form estuary .
Fbef[Ùee efueefcešs[~ (2012) 170. vece&oe veoer peyeuehegj kesâ efvekeâš keâewve-mee peueØeheele yeveeleer nw?
Tribal cooperative marketing development Narmada River forms which waterfall near
federation of India Limited . Jabalpur? (2015)
161. efceóer Deewj peue Glheeokeâlee~ (2012) 171. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ Gve efpeueeW kesâ veece yeleeFS, pees meJee&efOekeâ yeernÌ[
Soil and water productivity. ØeYeeefJele Yetefce jKeles nQ~ (2015)
162. Yeejle ceW veefoÙeeW keâer meHeâeF& SJeb mebj#eCe keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee keâes Name those districts of Madhya Pradesh, which
mecePeeFÙes~ ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ meboYe& ceW Fmekesâ DeewefÛelÙe keâe JeCe&ve have highest ravine affected land .
keâerefpeÙes~ mejkeâejer veerefleÙeeW kesâ heeueve mes mebyebefOele JÙeJemLee keâes 172. ceOÙeØeosMe efkeâme meyemes keâerceleer Keefvepe kesâ efueS Øeefmeæ nw?
DeefOekeâ JÙeeJeneefjkeâ SJeb ØeYeeJeer yeveeves kesâ efueS Skeâ keâeÙe&Ùeespevee Madhya Pradesh is famous for which most
Øemlegle keâerefpeS~ (2012) valuable mineral? (2015)
Discuss the need of cleaning and conservation of 173. šeWme veoer keâe Godiece mLeue keäÙee nw? (2016)
rivers in India. Explain the rationale in context Which is the place of origin of Tons ?
to Madhya Pradesh. Submit a work plan to make 174. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ yegbosueKeC[ he"ej keâer DeJeefmLeefle~ (2016)
the government policy more viable and effective Location of Bundelkhand Plateau of Madhya
for implementation . Pradesh.
cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 45
175. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj efmLele jepÙeeW kesâ veece yeleeSB leLee jepÙe Write the name of two districts of Madhya
keâe De#eebMeerÙe Deewj osMeeblejerÙe efJemleej efueKeW~ (2016) Pradesh which have the lowest literacy rate .
Name the states which surround the M .P. and 187. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ keâesÙeuee mebefÛele jeefMe keâe meb#eshe ceW efJeJejCe keâerefpeS~
state its longitudinal and latitudinal extent. (2014)
176. eEJeOÙeeÛeue heJe&le ße=bKeuee efkeâve heJe&leeW keâe mecetn nw? Give a brief account of the coal reserves of
Vindhyachal mountain range comprises of which Madhya Pradesh.
hills? (2018) 188. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW DeewÅeesefiekeâ efJekeâeme keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ efJeMes<ekeâj
177. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ leerve leehe-efJeÅegle kesâvõeW kesâ veece yeleeFS~ ke=âef<e DeeOeeefjle GÅeesieeW keâe~ (2014)
Give three names of thermal power stations of Discuss the industrial development in Madhya
Pradesh with specail reference to Agro based
Madhya Pradesh. (2018)
178. leeheer (leehleer) veoer kesâ Godiece mLeue keâe veece yeleeFS~
189. yeIesueKeC[ #es$e kesâ GÛÛeeJeÛe leLee mLeueeke=âefle (Oejeleue) keâe
Name the origin place of Tapi river . (2018)
JeCe&ve keâjW~ (2014)
179. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ nerje Glheeokeâ #es$e kesâ yeejs ceW efueefKeS~
Explain the pysiography of Baghelkhand region .
Write about diamond producing area of Madhya
190. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer veF& Jeve veerefle (2005) keâe efJeJesÛeve keâerefpeS~
Pradesh. (2018)
‘ Examine the New Forest Policy ( 2005) of
180. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ keâeiepe GÅeesie kesâ ØecegKe kesâvõeW kesâ veece yeleeFS~
Madhya Pradesh. (2014)
Give names of important centres of paper industry
191. Ûecyeue veoer keâer ØeJeen ØeCeeueer keâe Yeewieesefuekeâ efJeJejCe oerefpeS~
of Madhya Pradesh. (2018)
Give a geographical description of Drainage
181. 2001 mes 2011 kesâ oMekeâ ceW ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efMeMeg pevemebKÙee Je=efæ
System of Chambal River. (2015)
oj keäÙee Leer? (2018)
192. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ leeByee Glheeokeâ #es$eeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
What was, infant population growth rate of
Describe the Copper producing areas of Madhya
Madhya Pradesh between, 2001 to 2011?
Pradesh. (2015)
182. Ûecyeue veoer kesâ Godiece mLeue keâe veece efueefKeS~ (2019) 193. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer ØecegKe pevepeeefleÙeeW keâe ØeeosefMekeâ efJelejCe oerefpeS~
Write the name of the place of origin of Chambal
Give a regional distribution of main Scheduled
Tribes of Madhya Pradesh. (2015)
183. #es$eHeâue keâer Âef„ mes ceOÙeØeosMe keâer leerve ØecegKe HeâmeueeW kesâ veece 194. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ meercesCš GÅeesie kesâ yeejs ceW yeleeFS~ (2015)
efueefKeS~ (2019) Discuss Cement Industry of Madhya Pradesh.
Write the name of three major crops of Madhya 195. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ yegbosueKeC[ #es$e keâe heÙe&šve keâer Âef„ mes cenlJe
Pradesh in terms of area. yeleeFS~ (2015)
184. melehegÌ[e heJe&leceeuee keâer meyemes TBÛeer Ûeesšer keâe veece SJeb TBÛeeF& Discuss the importance of Bundelkhand area
efueefKeS~ (2019) from the point of view of Tourism .
Write name of the highest peak of Satpura 196. ceOÙeØeosMe Yeejle kesâ oeue Glheeokeâ #es$eeW ceW mes Skeâ nw~ Deheves
mountain range with its height. efJeÛeej jefKeS~ (2015)
185. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ievvee Glheeokeâ ØecegKe efpeueeW kesâ veece efueefKeS~ Madhya Pradesh is one of the India ’s pulses
Write the name of major sugarcane producing production areas. Give your comments .
districts of Madhya Pradesh. (2019) 197. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW 2011 keâer peveieCevee kesâ Devegmeej meJee&efOekeâ pevemebKÙee
186. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW meyemes keâce mee#ejlee Jeeues oes efpeueeW kesâ veece Jeeues 10 efpeueeW kesâ veece efueKeW leLee Gmekesâ keâejCe yeleeSB~
efueefKeS~ (2019) (2016)
46 / ceneJeerj
Name the 10 districts of M.P. which have the 207. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW pevemebKÙee IevelJe kesâ #es$eerÙe Øeefle¤he keâe JeCe&ve
highest population as per 2011 Census and state keâerepf eS~ (2018)
the cause. Describe the regional pattern of population
198. DeeflemebJesoveMeerue DeeefoJeemeer mecetneW kesâ efJeMes<e meboYe& ceW ceOÙeØeosMe density in Madhya Pradesh.
ceW DevegmetefÛele pevepeeefleÙeeW keâe Skeâ mebef#ehle efJeJejCe oW~ 208. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer efceefóÙeeW keâer ØecegKe efJeMes<eleeSB yeleeFS~
Give a brief account of the Scheduled Tribes in Describe the main characteristics of soils of
Madhya Pradesh with the special reference to the Madhya Pradesh. (2018)
Vulnerable Tribal Groups. (2016) 209. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer pevemebKÙee Je=efæ oj ( 1901-2011) keâe JeCe&ve
199. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ Heâmeue heefj#es$e keâe JeCe&ve keâjW~ (2016) keâerepf eS~ (2018)
Describe the crop zones of M .P. Describe the population growth rate (1901-2011)
200. ceOÙeØeosMe jepÙe mes iegpejves Jeeues je„^erÙe jepeceeie& keâewve-keâewve mes of Madhya Pradesh.
nQ Deewj ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ efJekeâeme ceW Gvekeâe keäÙee cenlJe nw? 210. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW meercesvš GÅeesie kesâ mLeeveerÙekeâjCe keâe efJemle=le JeCe&ve
List the national highways passing from the state keâerepf eS~ (2018)
of Madhya Pradesh and what are their impor-
Give detailed account of localization of cement
tance in development of the State ? (2016)
industry in Madhya Pradesh.
201. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW iesntB Deewj ÛeeJeue kesâ Glheeokeâ #es$eeW keâe efJelejCe
211. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efceóer Dehejove keâer mecemÙee mes «emle #es$eeW keâe
oerefpeS~ (2016)
efJeJejCe osles ngS efceóer Dehejove keâes jeskeâves kesâ GheeÙe yeleeFS~
Give the distribution of wheat and rice producing
Give account of areas of Madhya Pradesh which
areas in the State of Madhya Pradesh.
are affected by soil erosion and give measures to
202. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW heeÙes peeves Jeeues JeveeW kesâ #ejCe keâer mecemÙee leLee prevent soil erosion . (2018)
efveoeve kesâ GheeÙeeW keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~ (2016) 212. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW pevemebKÙee kesâ IevelJe kesâ #es$eerÙe Øeefle¤he keâe mebef#ehle
Discuss the problem of forest depletion in Madhya efJeJejCe oerefpeS~ (2019)
Pradesh and dscribe its solutions. Give a brief account of the regional pattern of
203. ceOÙe Yeejle ceW pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ Yeewieesefuekeâ efJelejCe keâe JeCe&ve density of population in Madhya Pradesh .
keâerepf eS~ (2017) 213. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW Je<ee& keâer heefjJele&veMeeruelee hej efšhheCeer efueefKeS~
Describe the geographical distribution of tribes Write a note on the varibility of rainfall in
in central India. Madhya Pradesh. (2019)
204. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ke=âef<e-peueJeeÙeg Ghe-ØeosMeeW keâes efÛeefvnle keâerefpeS~ 214. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW meesÙeeyeerve kesâ ØecegKe Glheeokeâ #es$eeW keâe mebef#ehle
Identify the agro-climate sub-regions of Madhya efJeJejCe oerefpeS~ (2019)
Pradesh. (2017) Give a brief account of the major soyabean
205. efJevOÙeeÛeue-yeIesueKeC[ he"ej keâer Yeewieesefuekeâ efJeMes<eleeDeesb hej producing areas of Madhya Pradesh .
efšhheCeer efueefKeS~ (2017) 215. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ceQieveerpe Glheeokeâ #es$eeW keâe mebef#ehle efJeJejCe oerefpeS~
Write a note on the geographical characteristics Describe in brief about the manganese producing
of Vindhyachal Baghelkhand Plateau. areas of Madhya Pradesh. (2019)
206. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ce=oe #ejCe SJeb ce=oe Üeme keâer mecemÙeeDeesb keâer 216. ceOÙeØeosMe keâes Yeeweflekeâ efJeYeeieeW ceW efJeYekeäle keâerefpeS leLee ceeueJee
efJeJesÛevee leLee Fmekesâ efveoeve kesâ GheeÙe yeleeFS~ he"ej keâer Yeewieesefuekeâ efJeMes<eleeDeesb hej efšhheCeer efueefKeS~
Discuss the problems of soil erosion and soil Divide Madhya Pradesh into physical divisions
degradation in Madhya Pradesh and point out and write a note on the geographical charac-
their remedies. teristics of Malwa Plateau. (2019)
cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 47
217. Yeejle ceW efJevOÙe ›eâce keâer ÛeóeveeW keâe #es$eerÙe efJelejCe efueefKeS~ 227. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ pevepeeleerÙe #es$eeW keâe GuuesKe keâjles ngS Gvekeâer
Write the regional distribution of Vindhyan mecemÙeeDeesb keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2018, 2019)
system rocks in India. (2019) Mentioning the tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh,
218. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ meercesvš GÅeesie keâe efJeJejCe oerefpeS~ (2019) describe their problems.
Give an account of the cement industry in Madhya 228. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ke=âef<e-peueJeeÙeg ØeosMeeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Pradesh. Describe agro - climatic regions of Madhya
219. ceOÙeØeosMe jepÙe keâes ke=âef<e peueJeeÙeg #es$eeW ceW efJeYeeefpele keâerefpeS Pradesh. (2018)
leLee Gvekesâ yeejs ceW efJemleej mes ÛeÛee& keâjW~ (2014) 229. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ke=âef<e DeeOeeefjle GÅeesieeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Divide Madhya Pradesh into Agro-climatic zones Describe agro - based industries of Madhya
and describe them in detail. Pradesh. (2018)
220. ceOÙeØeosMe jepÙe kesâ ØecegKe veiejeW kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj heveheves Jeeues 230. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW ke=âef<e DeeOeeefjle GÅeesieeW keâe efJeJejCe oerefpeS~
DeewÅeesefiekeâ #es$eeW keâer efJemle=le ÛeÛee& keâjW~ (2014) Describe the agro -based industries in Madhya
Give a detailed account of industrial areas which Pradesh. (2019)
have came up/developed around main cities of 231. vece&oe Deewj leeheer veefoÙeeB efkeâme mLeeve hej Skeâ-otmejs kesâ meyemes
Madhya Pradesh. vepeoerkeâ nesleer nQ? (2020)
221. ceeueJee he"ejer ØeosMe keâe Deee|Lekeâ cenlJe yeleeFS~ (2015) At which place Narmada and Tapi rivers come
Discuss economic significance of Malwa Plateau close to each other?
Region. 232. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ leerve Lece&ue heeJej mšsMeveeW kesâ veece efueefKeÙes~
222. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ceQieveerpe Glheeove #es$eeW keâe JeCe&ve keâefjS leLee Gmekeâe Write the name of three Thermal Power Stations

GheÙeesie Yeer yeleeFS~ (2015) of Madhya.Pradesh. (2020)

Discuss Manganese Production Areas of Madhya 233. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer mLeeveevleefjle ke=âef<e keâjves Jeeueer leerve pevepeeefleÙeeW kesâ
Pradesh and also explain its use. veece efueefKeÙes~ (2020)
Write the name of three tribes of Madhya Pradesh
223. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ Keefvepe Deewj Tpee& mebmeeOeveeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
which practise shifting cultivation.
Describe the minerals and energy resources of
232. ceOÙeØeosMe keâer Jeve mecheoe keâer ØecegKe efJeMes<eleeÙeW keäÙee nQ?
Madhya Pradesh. (2016) What are the major characteriestics of forest
224. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW efceóer kesâ ØekeâejeW, Gvekeâer efJeMes<eleeDeesb leLee Gvekesâ
resources of Madhya Pradesh? (2020)
efJelejCe keâe efJemle=le efJeJejCe oerefpeS~ (2016) 233. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ keâesÙeuee mebmeeOeve keâe Yeewieesefuekeâ efJelejCe keäÙee nw?
Give a detailed account of the soil types , their What is the geographial distribution of coal
characteristics and their distribution in Madhya
resources of Madhya Pradesh? (2020)
234. ceOÙeØeosMe ceW keâheeme kesâ Yeb[ej Deewj Glheeove keâe efJelejCe efueefKeÙes~
225. ceOÙeØeosMe kesâ ØecegKe DeewÅeesefiekeâ #es$eeW leLee GveceW heeÙes peeves Jeeues Write the distribution of cotton reserves and
GÅeesieeW keâe efJemleej mes JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2016) production in Madhya Pradesh.
Describe in detail the industrial zones and their DeLeJee (2020)
major industries in Madhya Pradesh. ceeueJee he"ej keâer Yet-Deeke=âefle keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeÙes~
226. ceOÙeØeosMe keâes Yeeweflekeâ ØeosMeeW ceW efJeYekeäle keâerefpeS leLee Gvekeâe Describe the topography of Malwa Plateau.
efJemle=le efJeJejCe Øemlegle keâerefpeS~ (2017)
Divide Madhya Pradesh into physical divisions
and present their detailed account .

48 / ceneJeerj
Ùetefveš - 1 jepÙe mesJee cegKÙe hejer#ee
ÛelegLe& ØeMve he$e Fourth Paper
oMe&veMeem$e, ceveesefJe%eeve SJeb ueeskeâ ØeMeemeve (Philosophy, Psychology And Public Administration)

FkeâeF&-1 UNIT-I
 Philosophers/Thinkers, Social Reformers:-
 oeMe&efvekeâ/efJeÛeejkeâ, meceepe-megOeejkeâ-megkeâjele, huesšes,
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Mahavir, Buddha,
Dejmlet, ceneJeerj, yegæ, DeeÛeeÙe& Mebkeâj, ÛeeJee&keâ, ieg®veevekeâ, Acharya Shankar, Charwak, Guru Nanak, Kabir,
keâyeerj, leguemeeroeme, jJeervõveeLe šwieesj, jepeejece ceesnve Tulsidas, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Raja Ram
jeÙe, meeefJe$eer yeeF& Hegâues, mJeeceer oÙeevebo mejmJeleer, mJeeceer Mohan Roy, Savitribai Phule, Swami Dayanand
efJeJeskeâevebo, cene|<e DejefJevo SJeb meJe&heuueer jeOeeke=â<Ceve~ Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Maharshi Arvind
and Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan.

1. yeewæ-oMe&ve kesâ Ûeej DeeÙe&melÙe keâewve-keâewve mes nQ? ( 30 Meyo), Which city is famous regarding to speech of Swami
(2014) Vivekananad?

What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism ? 10. Dejmlet keâewve nw? Gvekeâe cegKÙe oeMe&efvekeâ efmeæevle nw-
2. `o efjheefyuekeâ' kesâ jÛeefÙelee keâewve nQ? ( 30 Meyo), (2014) (30 Meyo), (2015)
Who is the auhtor of `The Republic'? Who is Aristotle? His main Philosophical thought

3. keâewefšuÙe kesâ Øeefmeæ «ebLe keâe veece keäÙee nw? ( 30 Meyo), is.

(2014) 11. ßeer DejefJevo kesâ Éeje mLeeefhele oee|Mekeâ efmeæevle~ ( 30 Meyo),

What is the well-known work of Kautilya ? (2015)

Philosophical theory is propunded by Sri
4. `DeeÙe&-meceepe' kesâ mebmLeehekeâ keâewve nQ? ( 30 Meyo),
Who is the founder of `Arya Samaj'? (2014)
12. cenelcee ieeBOeer keâer Øeefmeæ hegmlekeâ keâe keäÙee veece nw?
5. ieebOeerpeer kesâ celeevegmeej `melÙee«en' keâe keäÙee DeLe& nw?
(30 Meyo), (2015)
(30 Meyo), (2014)
What is the name of famous book written by
What is the meaning of `Satyagraha' according
Mahatma Gandhi?
to Gandhiji?
13. yeÇÿe-meceepe kesâ mebmLeehekeâ keâewve Les? ( 30 Meyo), (2016)
6. heb. oerveoÙeeue GheeOÙeeÙepeer kesâ Devegmeej `Skeâelce-ceeveJeJeeo' keâe
Who was the founder of Brahmo -Samaj?
keäÙee DeLe& nQ? (30 Meyo), (2014)
14. ceneJeerj mJeeceer kesâ Devegmeej ef$ejlve keäÙee nQ? ( 30 Meyo),
What is the meaning of `Ekatma-manave-vada
What are ` Triratnas' according to Mahavir
(Integral Humanism) according to Pt. Deena
Swami? (2016)
Dayal Upadhyaya?
15. `ieerleebpeueer' hegmlekeâ kesâ uesKekeâ keâewve nQ? ( 30 Meyo),
7. cenelcee ieeBOeer keâer vewelf ekeâ efMe#ee keäÙee nw? (30 Meyo), (2015)
What is moral teaching of Mahatma Gandhi?
Who is the writer of the book `Gitanjali'?
8. ceneJeerj mJeeceer kesâ hebÛe ceneJeÇle keäÙee nw? ( 30 Meyo),
16. Dejmlet kesâ Éeje efoS ieÙes Ûeej keâee|[veue iegCeeW kesâ veece yeleeFS~
What are Five Great Vows of Mahaveer Swami ?
Name the four cardinal virtues given by Aristotle.
9. mJeeceer efJeJeskeâevevo kesâ Yee<eCe kesâ mebyebOe ceW keâewve-mee Menj Øeefmeæ 17. leguemeeroeme peer keâer leerve Øeefmeæ jÛeveeDeesb kesâ veece efueefKeS. (30
nw? (30 Meyo), (2015) Meyo), (2017)

cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 129

Write the name of three famous poetic works of Contribution of Raja Rammohan Roy to
Tulsidas. reformation of Indian society .
18. efmekeäKe Oece& kesâ mebmLeehekeâ keâewve Les? ( 30 Meyo), 33. meeceeefpekeâ peerJeve ceW veweflekeâ cetuÙeeW kesâ heeueve kesâ GheeÙe~
Who was the founder of Sikhism ? (2017) (150 Meyo), (2014)
19. keâyeerj kesâ heoeW keâe mebkeâueve keäÙee keânueelee nw? Ways of practising moral values in social life.
What is collection of Kabir verses called? 34. ßeer DejeEJeopeer keâe YeejleerÙe DeeOegefvekeâ lelJe-eEÛeleve keâes Ùeesieoeve~
20. Dejmlet kesâ Ûeej keâejCe keäÙee nQ? ( 30 Meyo), (2017) Sri Aurobindo's contribution to Modern Indian
What are the four causes of Aristotle? thought.
21. `meJeexoÙe' keâe DeLe& mecePeeFS~ ( 30 Meyo), (2017) 35. ieg¤ veevekeâpeer keâe oMe&ve~ (100 Meyo), (2014)
Explain the meaning of `Sarvodaya'. Philosophy of Guru Nanak .

22. `DeLe&Meem$e' hegmlekeâ kesâ uesKekeâ keâewve nQ? ( 30 Meyo), 36. jJeervõ šwieesj keâe ceeveJeOece&~ (100 Meyo), (2014)
(2017) The Humanism of Ravindra Nath Tagore .

Who is the author of the book `Arthashastra'? 37. [e@. YeercejeJe Debyes[keâj keâe meeceeefpekeâ eEÛeleve~ ( 100 Meyo),
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's social thoughts.
23. DeeÙe& meceepe kesâ mebmLeehekeâ keâewve Les? ( 30 Meyo), (2017)
Who was the founder of Arya Samaj ?
24. yegæ kesâ Devegmeej leerve mJee|Cece ceeie& keäÙee nQ? GuuesKe keâerefpeS~
38. meble keâyeerj kesâ ceeveJeerÙe Âef„keâesCe keâer Øemebefiekeâlee~
(150 Meyo), (2014)
(30 Meyo), (2018)
What are the three golden paths according to Relevance of humanistic view of St . Kabir.
Buddha? Point out. 39. leguemeeroemepeer kesâ keâeJÙe ceW meeceeefpekeâ Ûeslevee~ ( 150 Meyo)
25. ieebOeerpeer kesâ Éeje yeleeS ieS iÙeejn JeÛeveeW ceW mes efkeâvneR Ú: JeÛeveeW The social conscience in Tulsidasji's poems.

keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~ (30 Meyo), (2018) (2014)

Point out any six vows out of the eleven vows 40. YeejleerÙe meceepe kesâ GlLeeve ceW mJeeceer efJeJeskeâevebo keâe Ùeesieoeve~
told by Gandhiji. Swami Vivekananda's contribution to upliftment
26. efvecveefueefKele hegmlekeâeW kesâ uesKekeâeW kesâ veece efueefKeS : of Indian society.
(30 Meyo), (2018) 41. pewve oMe&ve ceW mÙeeodJeeo (150 Meyo), (2015)
Name the authors of the following books : Syadvad in Jain Philosophy.
27. jeceÛeefjleceeveme ( 30 Meyo), (2018) 42. jececeveesnj ueesefnÙee kesâ Devegmeej meceepeJeeo keâer JÙeeKÙee~
Ramcharitmanas. (150 Meyo) (2015)
28. efo efjefuepeve Dee@Heâ cewve ( 30 Meyo), (2018) 43. Skeâelce-ceeveJeJeeo keâer JÙeeKÙee~
THe Religion of Man Explain the Ekatma - Manavavada ( Integral
29. o ueeFHeâ ef[JeeFve (30 Meyo), (2018) Humanism.)
The Life Divine 44. cenelcee yegæ keâe De„ebefiekeâ ceeie&
30. yeÇÿe meceepe kesâ oes mebmLeehekeâ keâewve Les? ( 30 Meyo), Eight Fold path of Mahatma Buddha.
Who were the two founders of Brahma Samaj ? 45. jepee jececeesnve jeÙe Skeâ meceepe megOeejkeâ kesâ ¤he ceW
(2018) (150 Meyo) (2015)
31. pewve-oMe&ve kesâ heeBÛe ceneJeÇle keâewve-keâewve mes nQ? ( 30 Meyo), Raja Rammohan Roy as a social reformer .
(2018) 46. cenelcee ieeBOeer kesâ Devegmeej DeeEnmee~ ( 150 Meyo), (2015)
What are the Five Great Vows of Jainism? Non-violence according to Mahatma Gandhi .
32. jepee jececeesnve jeÙe keâe YeejleerÙe meceepe megOeej ceW Ùeesieoeve~ (30 47. mebefJeOeeve efvecee&Ce ceW [e@. yeer.Deej. Decyes[keâj keâer Yetefcekeâe (150
Meyo), (2018) Meyo), (2015)
130 / ceneJeerj
The role of Dr . B.R. Ambedkar in the forming of Throw light on contribution of Kautilya in Indian
Constitution. Political thought.

48. leguemeeroeme kesâ oeMe&efvekeâ efJeÛeej~ ( 150 Meyo), (2015) 59. keâyeerj kesâ keâeJÙe ceW meeceeefpekeâ Ûeslevee hej efšhheCeer keâerefpeS~
Write comments on the social consciousness in
Philosophical concept of Tulsidas.
the poetry of Kabir .
49. oÙeevevo mejmJeleer kesâ efmeæevle~ ( 150 Meyo), (2015)
60. mJeeceer oÙeevevo mejmJeleer kesâ meceepe-oMe&ve hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~
Theory of Dayanda Saraswati.
(150 Meyo), (2017)
50. YeejleerÙe meceepe kesâ GlLeeve ceW mJeeceer oÙeevebo mejmJeleer kesâ
Throw light on the Social Philosophy of Swami
Ùeesieoeve keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo) (2016) Dayanand Saraswati.
Describe Swami Dayanand Saraswati ' s
61. pewve-oMe&ve ceW `DeveskeâevleJeeo' kesâ efmeæevle keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
contribution to upliftment of Indian societuy .
(150 Meyo), (2017)
51. ßeer DejefJevo kesâ mece«e Ùeesie keâer DeJeOeejCee yeleeFS~
Discuss the theory of `Anekantvada' in Jain-
(150 Meyo), (2016) Philosophy.
Explain Sri Aurobindo's concept of integral yoga.
62. je„^erÙe Ûeslevee kesâ peeiejCe ceW mJeeceer efJeJeskeâevevo kesâ Ùeesieoeve keâer
52. [e@. jeOeeke=â<Ceved kesâ oMe&ve hej ÛeÛee& keâerefpeS~ ( 150 Meyo)
ÛeÛee& keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2017)
Discuss philosophy of Dr. Radhakrishnan. Discuss the contribution of Swami Vivekananda
(2016) in awakening national consciousness.
53. yeewæ efÛevleve ceW ØeleerlÙe-meceglheeo keäÙee nw? mecePeeFS~ 63. [e@. YeercejeJe Decyes[keâj kesâ meeceeefpekeâ efÛevleve hej efšhheCeer
(150 Meyo), (2016) keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2017)
What is Pratityasamputada in Buddhist thought? Write comments on the social thoughts of Dr .
Explain it. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
54. keâeweš
f uÙe Skeâ DeeoMe&Jeeoer nesves keâer Dehes#ee Skeâ jepevewelf ekeâ ÙeLeeLe&Jeeoer 64. ieeBOeer-oMe&ve ceW `š^mšerefMehe' keâer DeJeOeejCee keâes mecePeeFS~
Les~ efšhheCeer keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2016) Explain the concept of `Trusteeship' in Gandhian
Kautilya was political realist rather than an Philosophy.
idealist. Comment.
65. Skeâelce-ceeveJeleeJeeo keâer Øeemebefiekeâlee mecePeeFS~ (185 Meyo),
55. [e@. jece ceveesnj ueesefnÙee kesâ meeceeefpekeâ-Deee|Lekeâ efÛevleve hej Explain the revelance of Integral Humanism .
efšhheCeer keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2016) (2017)
Write comments on the socio-economic thoughts
66. ``ceQ meesÙee Deewj heeÙee efkeâ peerJeve meewvoÙe& Lee~ ceQ peeiee Deewj heeÙee
of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia.
efkeâ peerJeve Skeâ keâle&JÙe Lee~'' F&.Sme.nthej keâer Fve hebefkeäleÙeeW keâe
56. ueeskeâleb$e ceW ieeBOeerpeer kesâ efJekesâvõerkeâjCe kesâ efmeæeble keâes mecePeeFS~
ueeskeâ mesJekeâeW kesâ keâle&JÙeheeueve kesâ heefjØes#Ùe ceW efve¤heCe keâerefpeS~
(150 Meyo) (150 Meyo), (2018)
Explain Mahatma Gandhi ' s conception of
``I slept and dreamt that life was beauty. I woke
decentralization in democracy . (2016) and found that life was duty .'' Elucidate E.S.
57. jJeervõveeLe šwieesj kesâ efMe#ee-oMe&ve hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~
Hooper ' s couplet in respect of duty of civil
(150 Meyo) (2017) servants.
Throw light on educational - philosophy of
67. JeOe&ceeve ceneJeerj kesâ heeBÛe veweflekeâ efmeæevleeW (hebÛeceneJeÇleeW) keâe
Ravindranath Tagore.
GuuesKe keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2018)
58. YeejleerÙe jepeveweflekeâ eEÛeleve ceW keâewefšuÙe kesâ Ùeesieoeve hej ØekeâeMe
Point out five moral principles ( Panch -
[eefueS~ (150 Meyo), (2017) mahavratas) of Vardhamana Mahavira.

cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 131

68. leguemeeroeme peer kesâ keâeJÙe ceW meeceeefpekeâ Ûeslevee hej efšhheCeer 80. jepee jececeesnve jeÙe keâe meceepe kesâ efueS keäÙee Ùeesieoeve nw?
efueefKeS~ (150 Meyo), (2018) What is the contribution of Raja Rammohan Roy
Write comments on social, consciousness in the to the Society? (2019)
poetry of Tulasidas. 81. mJeleb$e DeeOegefvekeâ Yeejle kesâ Fefleneme ceW [e@. yeer.Deej. Decyes[keâj
69. ieeBOeerJeeo oMe&ve kesâ veweflekeâ efyevogDeesb hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~ ( 150 keâe keäÙee Ùeesieoeve nw? (2019)
Meyo), (2018) What is the contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Throw light on the ethical points of Gandhian in the history of free modern India?
philosophy. 82. keâewefšuÙe kesâ Devegmeej Skeâ jepee kesâ keäÙee-keäÙee keâle&JÙe nesles nQ?
70. Skeâ meceepe megOeejkeâ kesâ ¤he ceW jepee jececeesnve je@Ùe kesâ Ùeesieoeve What are the duties of a King according to
keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2018) Kautilya? (2019)
Describe the contribution of Raja Rammohan Roy
83. oMe&ve kesâ Fefleneme ceW [e@. jeOeeke=â<Ceve keâe keäÙee Ùeesieoeve nw?
as a social rformer.
What is the contribution of Dr. Radhakrishnan
71. jJeervõveeLe šwieesj kesâ `ceeveJeleeJeeo' hej efšhheCeer efueefKeS~ (150
in the history of Philosophy? (2019)
Meyo), (2018)
84. ‘jeceÛeefjle ceeveme' kesâ Devegmeej Meemekeâ keâer DeeoMe& Yetefcekeâe keäÙee
Write comments on `humanism' of Rabindranath
nw? (2019)
What is the ideal role of ruler according to
72. meceepeJeeo kesâ yeejs ceW jece ceveesnj ueesefnÙee kesâ efJeÛeejeW keâes mhe„
‘Ramcharit Manas’?
keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2018)
Clarify the views of Ram Manohar Lohia 85. Deefnbmee keâe keäÙee cenlJe nw?
regarding socialism. What is the importance of non-violence? (2019)
73. leguemeeroeme kesâ ‘mJeevle: megKeeÙe’ keâer efJeefMe°lee keâes mecePeeFÙes~ 86. pewve celeevegmeej ‘Deveble Ûeleg°Ùe’ keäÙee nw? (2020)
Discuss peculiarity of ‘Swantah Sukhay’ of What are 'Ananta Chatustayas' as per Jainism?
Tulsidas. (2019) 87. yeewæ oMe&ve ceW ‘ef$eefheškeâ’ keäÙee nw? (2020)
74. melÙe SJeb F&MJej kesâ mecyevOe ceW ieeBOeerpeer kesâ efJeÛeej yeleeFÙes~ What are Tripitakas' in Buddhism
Describe Gandhian thought regarding Truth and 88. keâyeerj kesâ Devegmeej ‘ieg®-ceefncee’ keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~ (2020)
God. (2019) Describe the importance of Teacher (Guru-
75. pewve celeevegmeej ‘ef$ejlve’ efkeâmes keânles nQ? Mahima) according to kabir.
What is “Triratna” as per Jainism? (2019) 89. megkeâjele kesâ Devegmeej ‘meodiegCe %eeve nw’ keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
76. GösMÙehejkeâ Âef°keâesCe mes huesšes kesâ efJeÛeej mecePeeFÙes~ Explain Virtue is ‘Knowledge’ according to
Discuss ideas of Plato from teleological stand Socrates. (2020)
point. (2019) 90. DeÉwle Jesoeble keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~ (2020)
77. heeMÛeelÙe efMe#ee kesâ mecyevOe ceW mJeeceer oÙeevevo mejmJeleer keâer Describe Advaita Vedanta.
DeJeOeejCee mecePeeFÙes~ (2019) 91. Dejmlet kesâ Deekeâej SJeb õJÙe efmeæeble keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
Discuss thoughts of Swami Dayanand Saraswati Discuss Aristotle's theory of form and matter.
about Western Education. (2020)
78. cenelcee yegæ kesâ Devegmeej ØeleerlÙemeceglheeo keâes mecePeeFÙes~ 92. yegæ kesâ Dee°ebefiekeâ ceeie& keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~ (2020)
Discuss Pratityasamutpada according to Ma-
Describe eightfold path of Buddha.
hatma Buddha. (2019) 93. DeeÛeeÙe& Mebkeâj kesâ Devegmeej ‘peiele-ØehebÛe’ keâe efJeJesÛeve keâerefpeS~
79. mJeeceer efJeJeskeâevevo efkeâmeefueS peeves peeles nQ? (2019) Discuss 'World-appearance' according to
Why Swami Vivekanand is known for? Acharya Shankara. (2020)

132 / ceneJeerj
Ùetefveš - 2 ceveesJe=efòe
 ceveesJe=efòe- efJe<eÙeJemleg, lelJe ØekeâeÙe&- ceveesJe=efòe keâe efvecee&Ce,  Attitude: Content, Elements, Function Forma-
tion of Attitude, Attitudinal Change, Persuasive
ceveesJe=efòe heefjJele&ve, ØeyeesOekeâ mebØes<eCe, hetJee&«en leLee efJeYeso, YeejleerÙe Communication, Prejudice and Discrimination,
mevoYe& ceW ¤efÌ{Jeeefolee~ Stereotypes Orthodox in Indian context.
 DeefYe#ecelee SJeb ueeskeâ mesJee nsleg DeeOeejYetle ÙeesiÙeleeSB, melÙeefve‰e,  Aptitude - Aptitude and foundational values for
Civil Service, Integrity, Impartiality and Non-par-
efve<he#elee SJeb DemeceLe&keâJeeoer, Jemlegefve‰lee, ueeskeâ mesJee kesâ Øeefle
tisanship, Objectivity, Dedication to public ser-
mecehe&Ce, meceevegYetefle, meefn<Ceglee SJeb keâcepeesj Jeieexb kesâ Øeefle mebJesovee/ vice, Empathy, Tolerance and Compassion to-
keâ®Cee~ wards the weaker-sections.
 mebJesefiekeâ yegefæ- DeJeOeejCee, ØeMeemeve/Meemeve ceW Fmekeâer GheÙeesefielee  Emotional Intelligence- Emotional Intelligence-
Concepts, their utilities and application in Admin-
SJeb DevegØeÙeesie~ istration and Governance.
 JÙeefkeäleiele efYevveleeSB~  Individual differences

1. hetJee&«en keâe DeLe& keäÙee nw? ( 30 Meyo), (2014) 10. hetJee&«en Deewj efJeYeso mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? ( 150 Meyo),
What is the meaning of Prejudice ? What do you understand by Prejudice and

2. efJeOesÙeelcekeâ mJe mebkeâuhevee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? Discrimination? (2015)
(30 Meyo), (2014) 11. hetJee&«en SJeb ¤efÌ{Jeeefolee kesâ ceOÙe Deblej mhe„ keâerefpeS~

What do you understand by positive self concept. (150 Meyo), (2016)

Explain difference between prejudice and
3. ceeveJe JÙeefkeälelJe ceW ceveesJe=efòe keâe keäÙee ØekeâeÙe& nw? ( 30 Meyo),
What is the function of attitude in human
personality? (2015) 12. ceveesJe=efòe keâe DeLe& SJeb efJeMes<eleeSB mecePeeFS~ ( 150 Meyo),
Explain the meaning and characterstics of
4. `ceveesJe=efòe' keâe DeLe& mecePeeFS~ ( 30 Meyo) (2016)
attitude. (2017)
Explain the meaning of `Attitude'.
13. `ØeyeesOekeâ mecØes<eCe' keâer mebkeâuhevee keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
5. `ØeyeesOekeâ mebØes<eCe' mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw? ( 30 Meyo) (2016)
(150 Meyo), (2017)
What is the purpose of `presuasive communi-
Discuss the concept of `Persuasive Communi-
6. ceveesJe=efòe heefjJele&ve ceW `efJeMJeeme' keâe mLeeve mecePeeFS~
14. ceveesJe=efòe mebjÛevee kesâ efveOee&jkeâ lelJe keâewve-keâewve mes nQ? efJeJesÛeve
(30 Meyo) (2018)
keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2018)
Explain the place of ` beliefs' in attitudinal
What are the determining factors of attitude
change. formation. Discuss.
7. Deevleefjkeâ ceveesJe=efòe kesâ efveOee&jkeâ kesâ ¤he ceW `DeefYe®efÛe' keâes 15. Yeejle ceW ¤efÌ{Jeeefolee leLee hetJee&«en keâer DeJeOeejCee mecePeeFS~
heefjYeeef<ele keâerefpeS~ (30 Meyo), (2018) (150 Meyo),
Define ` aptitude ' as an internal attitude Explain the concepts of sterotyping and prejudice
determinant. in Indian context. (2018)
8. ceveesJe=efòeÙeeW ceW heefjJele&ve keâes mecePeeFS~ ( 150 Meyo), 16. ``efJemle=le Âef„keâesCe mes ØesjCee Gve MeefkeäleÙeeW keâes efveOee&efjle keâjves keâer
Explain the changes in attitude. (2014) mecemÙee nw pees efkeâ mecemle peerJeve ØeeefCeÙeeW keâes keâeÙe& kesâ efueS yeeOÙe
9. hetJee&«en keâe mJe¤he mecePeeFS~ ( 150 Meyo), (2014) Ùee Gòesefpele keâjleer nw~'' Øeefmeæ ceveesJew%eeefvekeâ yeeseEjie leLee ueQiHeâeru[
Explain the nature of Prejudice . kesâ Fme keâLeve kesâ Deeueeskeâ ceW ceveesJe=efòe heefjJele&ve ceW ØesjCee keâer
cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 133
Yetefcekeâe mecePeeFS~ ( 150 Meyo), Explain dedication to Public Service .
``Broadly viewed motivation is the problem of 28. ueeskeâ mesJee nsleg DeeOeejYetle ÙeesiÙeleeDeesB ceW efve<he#elee keäÙee nw?
determining the forces which impel or incite all (150 Meyo), (2016)
living organisms to action.'' In the light of this What is the foundational values as neutrality for
statement, given by famous psychologists Boring Civil Services?
and Langfield, explain the role of inspiration in 29. ueeskeâ mesJee lešmLelee Skeâ heefjkeâuhevee (efHeâkeäMeve) nw~ keâesF& meesÛeves
changing attitude. (2018) Jeeueer JÙeefkeäle kewâmes lešmLe nes mekeâlee nw? efšhheCeer keâerefpeS~ (150
17. `ueeskeâ-mesJee kesâ Øeefle mecehe&Ce keâer OeejCee' keâes mhe„ keâerefpeS~ (30 Meyo), (2016)
Civil services neutrality is a fiction. How can
Meyo), (2014)
any rational person be neutral ? Comment.
Explain the ` concept of dedication to public
30. ueeskeâ mesJee nsleg DeeOeejYetle ÙeesiÙeleeDeesb ceW efve<he#elee leLee
DemeceLe&keâJeeefolee keäÙee nw? ( 150 Meyo), (2017)
18. meefn<Ceglee SJeb DeMekeäle Jeieexb kesâ Øeefle mebJesovee keâe keäÙee DeLe& nw?
What are the foundational values of impartiality
(30 Meyo), (2014) and non-partisanship for Civil Services?
What is the meaning of tolerance and compassion
31. meceevegYetefle ceW meef›eâÙe ßeJeCe keâer Yetefcekeâe hej ÛeÛee& keâerefpeS~
towards the weaker-section?
(150 Meyo), (2017)
19. ueeskeâ mesJee ceW DeMekeäle Jeieexb kesâ Øeefle mebJesovee keâer keäÙee DeeJeMÙekeâlee
Discuss the role of active listening in empathy .
nw? (30 Meyo), (2015)
32. ueeskeâ mesJee kesâ DeeOeejYetle cetuÙe kesâ ¤he ceW meceevegYetefle kesâ cenlJe
What is the need of comapssion towards weaker
section in Civil Services?
hej ØekeâeMe [eefueS~ (150 Meyo), (2018)
Throw light on the importance of empathy as
20. ueeskeâ ØeMeemeve ceW melÙeefve‰e keâe cenlJe yeleeFS~ (30 Meyo), one of the basic values for civil service .
Write the importance of integrity in Public
33. ``DeeoMe& ØeMeemeefvekeâ Dehes#eeSB ueeskeâ mesJee kesâ Øeefle mecehe&Ce keâer
Administration. (2016)
DeefYe#ecelee megefveefMÛele keâjleer nw~'' Fme keâLeve hej efšhheCeer efueefKeS~
21. `meceevegYetefle' mes keäÙee leelheÙe& nw? ( 30 Meyo), (2016)
``The ideal administrative expectations ensure
What is the purport of `empathy'?
aptitude of dedication to public service .'' Write
22. `heefjefmLeeflehejkeâ efveCe&Ùe hejer#eCe' keäÙee neslee nw? (30 Meyo),
comments on this statement.
What is `situational judgement test'? (2017)
34. ØeMeemeve ceW `meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ' keâe keäÙee mLeeve nw? ( 30 Meyo)
23. ceveesJe=efòe kesâ mebIeškeâeW kesâ veece yeleeFS~ ( 30 Meyo)
What is the place of `Emotional Intelligence ' in
Name the components of attitude . (2017)
Administration? (2014)
24. ueeskeâ mesJee ceW `efve<he#elee' keâe DeLe& mecePeeFS~ (30 Meyo),
35. ueeskeâ-ØeMeemeve ceW `meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ' keâer OeejCee keâes mhe„ keâerefpeS~
Explain the meaning of `imparitality' in public
(30 Meyo), (2016)
service. (2018)
Explain the concept of `Emotional Intellignece '
25. meefn<Ceglee mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? ( 30 Meyo), (2018)
in Public Administration.
What do you understand by tolerence ?
36. meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ keâe Meemeve kesâ meboYe& ceW keäÙee cenlJe nw?
26. efve<he#elee SJeb DemeceLe&keâJeeoer Jemlegefve‰lee mecePeeFS~
(30 Meyo), (2015)
(50 Meyo), (2014) What is the importance of Emotional Intelligence
Explain the impartiality and non -partisanship in refrence to the Government ?
objectivity. 37. ueeskeâ mesJee ceW `yegefæ' keâer Yetefcekeâe keâes mhe„ keâerefpeS~
27. ueeskeâ mesJee kesâ Øeefle mecehe&Ce keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~ (30 Meyo), (2018)
(150 Meyo), (2015) Clarify the role of `intelligence' in public service.

134 / ceneJeerj
38. ØeMeemeve ceW meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ keâer GheÙeesefielee SJeb DevegØeÙeesie~ (150 Explain with a relevant examples. (2019)
Meyo), (2014) 48. hetJee&«en kesâ efveJeejCe keâer efJeefOeÙeeB keâewve-meer nQ? (2019)
The utility and application of Emotional Intelli- What are the methods of removing prejudice?
gence in Administration. 49. efmeefJeue mesJekeâ keâes efkeâve leerve meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ kesâ DeeÙeeceeW keâes
39. meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ keâer DeJeOeejCee keâes mhe„ keâerefpeS~ peevevee ÛeeefnS? (2019)
(150 Meyo), (2015) What three dimensions of emotional intelligence
Clarify the concept of Emotional Intelligence . that a civil servant should learn?
40. Meemeve SJeb ØeMeemeve ceW `meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ' keâer GheÙeesefielee keâe 50. DeJeeefÛekeâ mebÛeej mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ?
hejer#eCe keâjW~ (150 Meyo), (2016) What do you mean by non-verbal communica-
Examine the utilities of `Emotional Intelligence'
51. meblegueve mecØelÙeÙe keâes efkeâmeves ØemleeefJele efkeâÙee Lee? (2020)
in Administrations and Governance.
Who had proposed the concept of balance ?
41. `meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ' keâer DeJeOeejCee keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS leLee Fmekesâ
52. ¤efÌ{ÙegefkeäleÙeeW mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? (2020)
cenlJe keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~ (150 Meyo), (2018)
What do. you mean by stereotypes ?
Describe the concept of `emotional intellignece '
and point out its importance. 53. meneÙeleehejkeâ JÙeJenej keâer efJeMes<eleeDeeW keâe GuuesKe keâerefpeS~
Describe the characteristics of helping
42. meebJesefiekeâ yegefæ keâer OeejCee keâes mhe° keâefjÙes~ (2019)
behaviour. (2020)
Clarify the concept of Emotional Intelligence.
43. DeefYe#ecelee DeefYe®efÛe Deewj yegefæ mes kewâmes efYevve nw? (2019)
54. ueeskeâ mesJekeâ keâer DeeOeejYetle ÙeesiÙeleeSB keäÙee nQ? (2020)

How aptitude is different from interest and What are the basic abilities of Civil Servant?
intelligence? 55. JewÙeefòeâkeâ efYeVeleeDeeW mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nQ? (2020)
44. efmeefJeue mesJekeâ kesâ efueS keâcepeesj JeieeX kesâ Øeefle meefn<Ceglee Deewj What do you mean by individual differences ?
mebJesovee keäÙeeW cenlJehetCe& nw? (2019) 56. hetJee&«en Deewj efJeYesoerkeâjCe ceW Devlej keâerefpeS~ (2020)
Why is having tolerance and compassion towards Differentiate between prejudice and
the weaker section important for a Civil Servant? discrimination.
45. DeefYe#ecelee DeefYe®efÛe Deewj yegefæ mes kewâmes efYevve nw? (2019) 57. DeefYe#ecelee hejer#eCe kesâ efJeefYeVe ØekeâejeW keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
How aptitude is different from interest and DeefYe#ecelee ceeheve kesâ ueeYeeW keâes mecePeeFÙes~ (2020)
intelligence? Discuss various types of aptitude test. Explain
46. efmeefJeue mesJekeâ kesâ efueS keâcepeesj JeieeX kesâ Øeefle meefn<Ceglee Deewj the benefits of aptitude measurement.
mebJesovee keäÙeeW cenlJehetCe& nw? (2019) 58. DeefYeJe=efòeÙeeW (ceveesJe=efòeÙeeW) keâe efvecee&Ce kewâmes neslee nQ? DeefYeJe=efòe
Why is having tolerance and compassion towards (ceveesJe=efòe) heefjJele&ve kesâ neF[j Deewj Hesâefmšbiej kesâ efmeæebleeW keâes
the weaker section important for a Civil Servant? mecePeeFÙes~ (2020)
47. keäÙee JÙeJenej meowJe JÙeefòeâ keâer DeefYeJe=efòe keâes Øeefleefyebefyele keâjlee How are attitudes formed? Explain Heider’s and
nw? Skeâ Øeemebefiekeâ GoenjCe osles ngS JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~ Festinger’s theories of attitude change.
Is behaviour always a reflection of one’s attitude?

cegKÙe hejer#ee FkeâeF& Jeej Devemee@uJe[ hesheme& / 135

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