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Steps on how to setup Ginger's Jugg Script:

1. Download the zipped file from the github link:
(The Link will download it for you!)

2. Open the zip file and drag the file to your desktop to get the unzipped version.

3. Install python 3.9.7(or higher) Link:

4. Open up Windows Powershell (It will be needed to install the the script

5. Type the following things into Windows powershell:

-pip install pyautogui
-pip install Pillow
-pip install opencv-python

6. Navigate to the folder where the scripts are held, click on the bar at the top
that says "EDPython-Main", a
Long file url will pop up that will dictate where the folder is located in
your system. It should
look a little something like this: C:\Users\jdiac\Desktop\EDPython-main

7. Type in "cd C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\EDPython-main" in Windows Powershell to

have windows powershell active in that folder.

8. Ensure your window resolution is 1980x1080p otherwise the script will not work.

9. Login into Epicduel, goto a war objective(Where bombs are a dropped), hide
somewhere, Turn on DND and goto a random world.

10. !!!VERY IMPORTANT!!! Drag the Epicduel window to the right side of the screen
so that it is only covering half of the window screen.

11. Ensure you have the Epicduel Quality set to "Medium"!!!!!

12. Ensure you have the proper build setup with the proper cores. You may find the
build in the following location:

13. Type "python3 .\" in windows powershell to start the script!


-Can I use different cores?
*Yes you may, just make the tweaks to the proper areas in the script. new
screenshot(s) of the cores will be needed. They can be
found in the C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\EDPython-main\images\skills location.

-Do I need to use a war commander?

*No, if you want to battle during the war without a war commander, just start
the bot without a war commander!

-Does this work with Mac?

*Yes, however the whole script will need a rework as well as new screenshots.
Thought he logic will be the same.

-Does it target real players first?

*Yes, it will use the strongest attacks against the player first.

-What if the script can't find the X button?

*If the script cannot find the X button, it will take a screenshot of the end
screen, you may add it to the array of images
that will be used to find the X button. C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\EDPython-

-Can I still use my mouse on a different screen or on the other side of the screen?
*Yes, though sometimes you can risk the script clicking something else

-How do I stop the script?

*Simply click on the windows power shell, and press CTRL+C on it. It should
stop it. You also move your
mouse to one of the four corners of the screen.

-An image is not detected, help!

*Go to the script and change the confidence to a lower number. No lower
than .50

-I've been banned!

*Thanks for playing the game, see ya in 7 days!

-None of these answer my question!!

*Goto the file and go through it line by line to figure out your

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