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1. This orientation kit belongs to

Name :

Account :

Date :

Client Office Address :

Client Telephone No. :

Contact Person :

Project Name :

Project Duration :

Permanent Address :

Present Address :

Mobile Number :

Contact Person In Case of Emergency:

Mobile Number :

Welcome to Nityo Infotech, Services Philippines, Inc. (NISPI). We are delighted

to have you on-board, and we want you to gain the most out of being withus.
Nityo is publishing this kit on the Company's Rules and Regulations in line with
its mission of providing employee with a working environment that is orderly and
harmonious. This kit establishes and clarifies key considerations in the relationship
between the Company and its Contractor and among Contractors. The Rules and
Regulations are to be enforced and applied uniformly and impartially. Although
disciplinary actions are expressly indicated for violations of the provisions of the
Rules, the main intent is prevention of infractions rather than administration of
All are expected to be knowledgeable of the provisions of the Rules and to
cooperate in their implementation.

VP & Regional Director

Senior Executive – Operations and Client Services

Nityo is a global provider of IT services and end-to- end solutions designed to help clients improve their
competitiveness and efficiency. Nityo has operations in 11 countries across the Globe (North America,
Canada, United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, Japan, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Thailand and
Philippines). Its portfolio of solutions and services would include: Outsourcing; System
Integration; Application Software Development; Consulting; Quality Assurance and Training.

B. Mission:

To redefine Customer Business Equity with best-of- breed Transformation, Technology and Talent.

C. Vision:

Empower our customers to Focus on One Business Competence through innovative and competitive IT
and Business Process Outsourcing.



Office Address: Unit 1001, 139 Corporate Center, Valero Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City
Phone Nos.: (02) 8833-3371
Employee may call the following Nityo Infotech personnel for specific concerns:
1. Client Related Concern (call the personnel handling the account)
Employee Relations Officer: ORMAN MALIMBAN
Tel. No. : (02) 8833-3371
Mobile no. : 0919-0666-352
Email Add :
2. Payroll Related, Benefits and Last Pay Concern Payroll Officer:
Email Add :
Or you can send us an email at for your other concerns.
The following words and phrases, as used in this kit shall have the meaning indicated unless a different one
is plainly denoted in the text:
corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines.
B. EMPLOYEE refers to the person who for salary or compensation is contracted to work, render
service for the company’s CLIENT.
C. EMERGENCY CASES refers to the unforeseen circumstances such as fire, typhoon, earthquake,
sickness, death, or any accident involving either the employee personally or immediate members of this
family which shall include the lawful spouse, the children (if married) and parents (if single).
D. COMPANY PREMISES refers to all buildings and facilities duly occupied by the company
where the employee was assigned.
E. PROFANE LANGUAGE refers to words, phrases or signs uttered or done with malice,
irreverence, contempt or against morals.
F. INTOXICATING BEVERAGES refers to a person causing or that can cause intoxication or
drunkenness. Intoxicating beverages like beer and wine can make oneself mentally or emotionally thrilling
or exciting.
G. DRUGS refer to addictive substance that produce a condition of insensibility and melancholy
dullness of mind with delusions and maybe habit forming. Included in this definition are opium, cocaine,
alpha and beta eucaine, Indian hemp, marijuana, shabu or meta.
H. BRIBERY includes the offer, promise, giving, demand, or acceptance of an undue advantage as
an inducement for an action which is illegal, unethical or a breach of trust. Bribes often involve payments
(or promises of payments) but may also include anything of value - providing lavish/inappropriate gifts,
hospitality, and entertainment, inside information, or sexual or other favors; offering employment to a
relative; underwriting travel expenses; abuse of function; or other significant favors. Bribery includes
advantages provided directly, as well as indirectly through an intermediary.
I. CORRUPTION includes wrongdoing on the part of an authority, or those in power, through means
that are illegitimate, immoral, or incompatible with ethical standards.
J. GIFT is anything of value and would encompass any gratuitous monetary or non-monetary benefit.
It includes tangible items such as cash, precious metals, stones, jewelry, art, and any of their equivalents,
but also intangible items such as discounts, services, loans, favors, special privileges, advantages, benefit,
and rights that are not available to the public. A “gift” also includes meals, entertainment, hospitality,
vacations, trips, use of vacation homes, tickets to sporting or music events, outings, vendor familiarization
trips, and use of recreational facilities
The employee is hired as a ____________________________________ under the terms and conditions
stated in the Contract of Services.
Employee shall receive the following:
• Basic Rate – subject to applicable withholding tax
• Statutory benefits
• 13th Month pay-pro-rated and other benefits that maybe given.


Employee is expected to perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to him/her as stated in the Contract
of Services. Should the client assign additional tasks outside the scope of work defined in the contract,
employee should inform Nityo Infotech SPOC, Account Personnel about this.
Employee shall be required to report for work based on the given work schedule as indicated in the Client
Related Policies in this kit. Employee should log-in his/her actual time-in and time-out in the activity
sheet/Daily Time Record. Employee is expected to render 8 hours of work per day. Depending on the
agreement, several employees are entitled to grace period as stipulated on the employment contract that
will be signed by both parties.
Break time hours – to follow the standard of the company where the employee is assigned.
Employee should inform his/her immediate supervisor/client representative and Nityo’s Employee
Relations Officer two (2) hours prior to start of business hours if he/she will be absent for the day. Same
case applies to tardiness.
For under time, employee should also inform immediate supervisor/client representative/Nityo’s Employee
Relations Officer should he/she go on under time before leaving office premises.
Employee shall be considered tardy if his/her actual log-in is beyond the time set for start of work. No grace
period shall be given unless stated on your contract. If employee’s time-out is earlier than the time set for
end of work, it shall be considered as under time. No time-in or no time-out shall be considered absent.
Flexi time is not allowed unless it is stated on your contract.
Absences/tardiness/under time is deductible to employee’s payroll.
If a employee is absent for 3 days or more without informing anybody, employee will be considered AWOL.
Should there be a change in the employee’s schedule; Nityo should be informed via email by client
Work rendered beyond eight (8) hours during regular days, weekends and holidays is subject to client’s
approval. Only Activity sheet/Daily Time Record with client’s go signal shall be processed for payroll.
Activity sheet/Daily Time Records that are submitted to Nityo after the cut-off period shall be considered
as late. While late activity sheet/Daily Time Records shall still be processed but the payment will be put on
hold and will be release 3 working days after receipt of approved activity sheet/Daily Time Record.
Employee shall be paid bi-monthly or every 7th and 22nd of the month. The basis of the payment shall be
the accomplished daily activity sheet/Daily Time Record duly accepted by Client Representative.
Employee shall be provided an endorsement letter provided at any branch of official bank of Nityo for the
ATM application. Payroll is paid thru ATM. If ATM card is not yet available in time for his/ her salary,
then salary will be deposited on employee’s nominated account or other payment channels if there is a
written agreement from the employee to do so. Charges that will be incurred due to this deposited will be
accountable on employee’s end. This will be deducted to the net payroll to be released to the employee.
Nityo’s official bank is Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI).
Summary of Service/Payslip will be distributed through the employee’s personal email a day or two
working days after the payroll disbursement.
If the employee cannot finish his/her contract and decide to file his/her resignation from the project, a 30-
day notice is required. Failure to comply will mean forfeiture of due final pay, and it shall be considered
abandonment of work with corresponding sanctions. Further, the company has the right to file legal case if
the abandonment resulted to company loss or damages depending on the loss sustain.
Nityo may pre-terminate employee’s contract for the following reasons:
• Non-performance – employee was not able to deliver the work required based on expectations.
• Early/End of Probationary Employment – Not meeting the company’s expectation after two (2)
consecutive evaluations.
• Employee is found to be suffering from an incurable or contagious disease.
• Commit theft or any act prejudicial to the employer or any of its employees.
• End of Project – When the specific project assignment has ended.
• Just and Authorized Causes of Termination


Upon end of contract period, the employee is required to secure an employment clearance form Nityo or
for IBM employees a SUBK clearance that will be issued by IBM itself. The clearance form must be signed
by the Client Representative and must be submitted to Nityo SPOC together with his/her last signed activity
sheet/Daily Time Record. The signed clearance form, Nityo ID and the signed activity sheet/Daily Time
Record will be the basis for releasing of the last pay. Last pay will be released 30 calendar days upon receipt
of signed clearance form and signed activity sheet/Daily Time Record.
Employee cannot work directly or indirectly for the client or its affiliates within one (1) year period upon
termination of his/her contract with Nityo unless there is a written agreement between Nityo and the client
for his/her absorption.
Pursuant to Republic Act 3019, all employees persuade, induce or influence supplier and/or vendor to
perform an act constituting a violation of rules and regulations duly promulgated by competent authority or
an offense in connection with the official duties of the latter, or allowing himself to be persuaded, induced,
or influenced to commit such violation or offense. Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift,
present, share, percentage, or benefit, for himself or for any other person, in connection with any contract
or transaction between the company and any other part. Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any
gift, present or other pecuniary or material benefit, for himself or for another, from any person for whom
the vendor or supplier, in any manner or capacity, has secured or obtained, or will secure or obtain, contract
renewal, percentage of discount, accreditation, in consideration for the help given or to be given. The person
giving the gift, present, share, percentage, or benefit; or offering or giving to the supplier/vendor the
employment/contract; or urging the divulging or untimely release of the confidential information, be
punished under Section Nine of this Act and shall be permanently or temporarily be terminated from his
employment with the company depending on the gravity of the offense committed by the employee.

Nityo Infotech Services Philippines, Inc., provides a standard reference, the Code of Discipline on how
deviations established company rules and regulations be meted with corresponding penalty charges. Any
contractor who violates company rules or commits offenses or acts inimical to company interest is subject
to disciplinary action.
For the purposes of imposition of applicable penalties for violation of work rules and regulations, prior
offenses will have a prescriptive period of one (1) year; and repeat violation after an employee had no
violation of the same offense for a period of one (1), shall be considered as first offense.
If at the time of the commission of the latest offense, the employee shall have previously committed at least
two other rules embraced in this code or other company rules, all committed within one (1) year period, the
latest offense shall be punished by the next higher degree of penalty prescribed for the said offense.



Category Code 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Light A VW WR 5-S 10-S D
Very Light B WR 5-S 7-S 10-S D
Less Serious C 5-S 7-S 10-S D
Serious D 7-S 10-S D
Grave E 10-S D
Very Grave F D


• VW – Verbal Warning
• WR – Written Reprimand
• S – Suspension
• D – Dismissal

1. Stealing or misappropriating company funds or property.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

2. Fraudulent or illegitimate withdrawal/acquisition or release to other persons of company

funds or properties.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

3. Committing an act of sabotage or deliberately causing damage to company property.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

4. Culpable carelessness, negligence or failure to follow specific instruction(s) or

established procedures, depending on the loss sustained.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

5. Committing other acts of dishonesty, deceit or anomaly not embraced by other provisions
which caused loss or damage to company property depending on the damage caused by the

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

6. Concealing or deliberately misplacing company property without justifiable purpose for

doing so.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

7. Unauthorized possession or use of company property.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

8. Unauthorized substitution of company materials, supplies, tools and equipment or

systems and procedures resulting to loss or damages.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave
9. Willful withholding and causing others to withhold in giving due notifications or in
providing the known and needed information to person(s) concerned depending on the loss or
damage to the company property.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

10. Committing acts of vandalism like defacing any part of the company property and
unauthorized painting, marking, carving, etching, attaching, setting up or removal of the same.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

11. Allowing unauthorized persons to use company supplies, materials, facilities, tools or
equipment resulting in loss or damage.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

12. Failure to report within 24 hours losses and/or damages of company products.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

13. Failure to report within 48 hours any erroneous payment or receipt of salary, commission,
allowance or other forms of renumeration or reimbursement.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious

14. Failure to attend/complete trainings, seminars, workshops without justifiable reason,

resulting to loss in investment representing money or fund compromised.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious


1. Forging, falsifying, or altering official document(s) such as personnel records, or other company
records in such a way to mislead users thereof.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave
2. Disclosing, giving away or using restricted or classified company matters/information without
proper authorization.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

3. Any form of connivance with fellow employees in falsifying company records and/or documents
for financial gain.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

4. Obtaining money or accepting money or anything of value by entering arrangements with

supplier(s), client(s), or other outsider(s), that will affect company interest.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

5. Breach of trust or loss of confidence by the management on the employee.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

6. Acts like stealing, discourteous gestures, insulting words committed against client(s), guest(s),
visitor(s), or friend(s) that will grossly affect company image.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

7. Making false statement about the company or its products/services.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

8. Engaging in any activity which is competitive with the company’s business or any part of its

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave
9. Distributing written or printed matters unfavorable or detrimental to the interest of the

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave
10. Inciting or participating in concerted work stoppage, slowdown, mass leave, sit-down
strike, riot or similar disruptive activities.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

11. Unauthorized use of company name to obtain personal benefits.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

12. Offering or accepting anything of value for a job or for a favorable condition of

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

13. Committing other culpable acts or omissions not embraced by other provisions which
cause damage to company interest(s).

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious


1. Threatening, intimidating, coercing, provoking to a fight, assaulting a superior for reasons

directly connected with the superior’s discharge of his duties.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

2. Uttering words, doing acts, or making gestures to a superior which are manifestly insulting and
grossly disrespectful to the latter.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

3. Disobedience or willful refusal or failure to obey, cooperate or carry out lawful orders of the

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

4. Other acts of insubordination committed by the subordinate for a reason of directly

connected with the superior’s discharge of his duties.
Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

5. On the part of the supervisor, deliberately condoning, tolerating or participating in an

offense committed by the subordinate.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

6. Continuous unsatisfactory performance ranging from minimum of three (3) months to a

maximum of six (6) months evaluation period

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

7. Engaging in unauthorized or personal work during office hours for financial gain.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

8. On the part of the superior, deliberately abuse of status, power or discretion.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

9. Refusal to cooperate in any investigation authorized or conducted by the company


Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

10. Disobedience, refusal or failure to comply to any procedure requirements of any

established policy or practice.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

11. Failure to perform a task which is normally expected in the discharge of duty.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious

12. Negligence of Duty

12.A. Sleeping while on duty

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious
12.B. Leaving work assignment or company premises during official working hours
without prior permissions from supervisors.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light

12.C. Wasting time such as gossiping, playing around or loitering while on duty.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light

12.D. Doing unauthorized work or personal matters during official working hours.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light

12.E. Failure to report for overtime after having been scheduled and as per agreement.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light

12.F. Refusal to accept work shift or work location or failure to do job assignments.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

13. Attendance Rules

13.A. Absences without rightful reason and without prior notice.

Penalty Code :B
Type of Infraction : Light

13.B. Unauthorized consecutive absences from 3-4 days.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious

13.C. Absences of six (6) consecutive working days without official notice or approval.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

13.D. Extending/ prolonging of breaks

Penalty Code :B
Type of Infraction : Light
13.E. Excessive Tardiness (5 times or 180 minutes within the month)

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light

13.F. Failure to report for work at the appointed time after expiration of a disciplinary
suspension or after a planned vacation leave without rightful reason.

Penalty Code :B
Type of Infraction : Light

14. Committing other act of non-attendance or neglect of duty not embraced by other

Penalty Code :B
Type of Infraction : Light



1. Bringing in or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other deadly weapons within the
company premises or jobsite.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

2. Possessing, using, selling or pushing prohibited drugs or their substitute within the
company premises.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

3. Immoral conduct or grossly indecent nature within the company premises whether or not
committed during duty hours; behaving in a manner not acceptable to the morals and norms of
the company.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

4. Threatening, intimidating, coercing, provoking to a fight with others within the company
premises or if outside the premises for work related reasons.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

5. Serious misconduct during official working hours or within company premises or during
company sponsored activities.
Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

6. Uttering false malicious statements or deliberate distortion of facts or statements in such

a way as to enhance one’s status or reputation or discredit, embarrass or endanger another

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

7. Stealing, concealing or deliberately misplacing without justifiable purpose, another

employees property within company premises or at assigned job site.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave

8. Refusal to submit to search conducted by the security force.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

9. Interfere with security officers in the performance of their duties.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

10. Horseplaying, scuffing, running, throwing things or any act of demonstration causing
confusion or distract the attention of the fellow workers.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

11. Participated in loud and heated arguments within the company premises which disturbs
the work of others.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

12. Using indecent, abusive, derogatory or indecorous language within the company premises
that may lead to arguments, fighting or disruption of work.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious

13. Coercing, bribing or inducing others to violate company rules.

Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious
14. Engaging in money lending and usurious rate of interest, selling tickets of whatever kind,
buying or selling goods, making or collecting contributions or payment for such goods within
company premises or during official working hours unless authorized by the management.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious

15. Deliberately giving false narration of facts in any memorandum, report, inquiry or
investigation conducted by the company.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious

16. Gambling within the company premises.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious
17. Entering the company premises in a drunken condition or drinking liquor or any intoxicating
beverages within the company premises or jobsite.

Penalty Code :E
Type of Infraction : Grave
18. Unauthorized entry into a restricted area or areas off limits to the employees concerned and/or
unauthorized use of such places; also assisting another person to commit this act.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious
19. Refusal to follow prescribed procedures in cases of sickness or personal injuries sustained at work
or in case of accidents involving company vehicles, equipment, or other company property.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious
20. Failure to comply with physical and medical requirements of the company.

Penalty Code :B
Type of Infraction : Light
21. Using another ID, badge or pass or permitting another to use his ID badge or pass to enter
company premises.

Penalty Code :B
Type of Infraction : Light
22. Refusal to show or wear ID, pass, or badge to any security guard or members of management
when required.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light
23. Discourteously towards supervisors, officers, and other company employees.
Penalty Code :D
Type of Infraction : Serious
24. Refusal or failure to comply with sanitation or housekeeping, improper use of toilets and office

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious
25. Failure to report communicable disease that endangers fellow workers.

Penalty Code :C
Type of Infraction : Less Serious
26. Failure or refusal to conform with prescribed grooming for purposes of either safety, security or
presentability, or wearing those which are explicitly prohibited.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light
27. Violation of common health and sanitary rules.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light
28. Receiving or making frequent personal telephone calls or frequently receiving visitors.

Penalty Code :A
Type of Infraction : Very Light



1. Committed crime against the company or its employees or visitors or guest inside company

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave
2. Committed crime outside company premises not related to company operations.

Penalty Code :F
Type of Infraction : Very Grave

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