2 Amendments and Revisions

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KA-POLI NOTES particular subject are to be brought into view and

to be so interpreted as to effectuate the great
purposes of the instrument. The Court must
harmonize them and must lean in favor of a
construction which will render every word
operative, rather than one which may make the
words idle and nugatory.
4. Extraneous materials can only be used if the above-
mentioned rules fail. This is if, however, the plain
meaning of the word is not found to be clear, it is
possible to resort to other aids available.

Principle under the Manila Prince vs. GSIS case

Doctrine of Constitutional Supremacy: The Constitution is the
fundamental and paramount law of the nation. It is a supreme
law to which all other laws must conform. Any law or contract
which violates any norm of the constitution, whether
promulgated by the legislative, by the executive branch, or by
private persons for private purposes is null and void without
any force and effect.
This reviewer is made out of love and fear for the law. Please
do not hesitate to share this material because sharing is caring
Concept of self-executing provisions: Thus a constitutional
and karma always has its ways. #NoToCrabs
provision is self-executing if the nature and extent of the right
conferred and the liability imposed are fixed by the
Manila Prince vs. GSIS constitution itself, so that they can be determined by an
G.R. No. 122156. February 3, 1997 examination and construction of its terms, and there is no
language indicating that the subject is referred to the
What are the rules in interpreting the Constitution? legislature for action. Hence, unless it is expressly provided
(Manila Prince vs. GSIS) that a legislative act is necessary to enforce a constitutional
1. Determine whether the provision is self-executing or mandate, the presumption now is that all provisions of the
non-self-executing; constitution are self-executing.
2. In case of doubt, the constitutional provision is self-
executing; Facts:
(Francisco vs. HRET) ➔ GSIS decided to sell 30% to 51% of the issues and
3. Specific tools of Constitutional Construction outstanding shares of Manila Hotel through a public
a. Verba Legis – Wherever possible, the words used bidding.
in the Constitution must be given their ordinary ➔ The winning bidder, or the eventual “strategic partner” is
meaning except where technical terms are to provide management expertise, international
employed. marketing/reservation system, and financial support to
b. Ratio Legis Est Anima – When there is ambiguity, strengthen the profitability and performance of Manila
the words of the Constitution should be Hotel.
interpreted in accordance with the intent of its ➔ In a close bidding, two bidders participated:
framers. The Court, in construing the Constitution,
 Manila Prince Hotel (Filipino firm) - 51% at
should bear in mind the object sought to be
P41.58 per share
accomplished by its adoption, and the evils, if any,
 Renong Berhad (Malaysian firm) - 51% at
sought to be prevented or remedied. The object is
P44.00 per share
to ascertain the reason which induced the framers
➔ Pending the declaration of Renong Berhad as the
of the Constitution to enact the particular
winning bidder, MPH wrote a letter to GSIS to
provision and the purpose sough to be
subsequently match RB’s bidding price at P44.00 and
accomplished thereby, in order to construe the
later deposited security. However, GSIS refused to
whole as to make the words consonant to that
reason and calculated to effect that purpose.
c. Ut Magis Valeat Quam Pereat – The Constitution ➔ Thus, MPH filed for a petition on prohibition and
must be interpreted as a whole. It is a well- mandamus where the Court issued a temporary
established rule in Constitutional construction that restraining order enjoining RB and GSIS from perfecting
no one provision of the Constitution is to be and consummating the sale.
separated from all the others, to be considered
alone, but that all the provisions bearing upon a


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Issue: W/N Sec. 10, paragraph 2, Article 12 of the 1987
right it grants may be
Constitution self-executing.
enjoyed or protected.
Held: Yes. The Supreme Court held that the provision in
question is couched in a way as not to make it appear that it In case of doubt, which shall prevail?
is non-self-executing, but simply for the purposes of style. The In general, all provisions of the Constitution must be
legislature is not precluded from enacting further laws to presumed to be self-executing provisions.
enforce the constitutional provision so long as the
contemplated statute squares with the Constitution. A What about the fact that the provision in question is located
provision which lays down a general principle is usually not in between two non-self-executory provisions? Relate with
self-executing. But a provision which is complete in itself and the presumption of self-executing provisions
becomes operative without the aid of supplementary or Respondents argued that the non-self-executing nature of
enabling legislation is self-executing. The respondents are Sec. 10, second paragraph, of Article 12 is implied from the
wrong in saying that the provision in question is not self- tenor of the first and third paragraphs of the same section
executing. The mere fact that legislation may supplement and which undoubtedly are not self-executing. The argument is
add to or prescribe a penalty for the violation of a self- flawed. If the first and third paragraphs are not self-executing
executing constitutional provision does not render such a because the Congress still has to enact measures to
provision ineffective in the absence of such legislation. A encourage the formation and operation of enterprises fully
subsequent legislation does not necessarily mean that the owned by Filipinos, and the State still needs legislation to
subject constitutional provision is not enforceable. regulate and exercise authority over foreign investments
within its national jurisdiction, by the same logic, the second
Are the shares of stock part of the national patrimony of the paragraph can only be self-executing as it does not by its
Philippines? language require any legislation in order to give preference
Yes. The 51% of the equity of Manila Hotel comes within the to qualified Filipinos in the grant of rights, privileges, and
purview of the Constitutional shelter for it comprises the concessions covering the national economy and patrimony. A
majority and controlling stock. Anyone who acquires or owns constitutional provision may be self-executing in one part and
the 51% will have actual control and management of the non-self-executing in another.
hotel. The Constitutional provision is addressed to the State,
not to GSIS which by itself possesses a separate and distinct
Francisco vs. House of Representatives
personality. The sale of 51% of MH could only be carried out G.R. No. 160261. November 10, 2003
with the prior approval of the State acting through GSIS. This
fact alone makes the sale of the assets of respondents a “state
action”. The MH, or the 51%, is not merely just a commodity.
➔ July 22, 2002 - The HOR adopted a resolution sponsored
MH is not an ordinary property but a historic relic, the most
by Congressman Fuentebella, which directed the
historical setting that has played a part in the shaping of a
Committee on Justice to conduct an investigation, in aid
of legislation, on the manner of disbursements and
expenditures by the CJ of the JDF.
Does the SC agree that Sec 10, par. 2, of Article 12 is a non-
self-executing provision? ◆ Alleging underpayment of the COLA of the
No. (See held in the above-mentioned case) members and personnel of the Judiciary from
the JDF, and unlawful disbursement of said
funds for various infrastructure projects and
What is the difference between self-executing and non-self-
acquisition of service vehicles and other
executing provisions?
Non-self-executing ➔ June 2, 2003 - Former President Estrada filed an
Self-executing provisions
provisions impeachment complaint (first impeachment complaint)
against CJ Davide and seven AJs for culpable violation of
Can be implemented only the Constitution, betrayal of public trust, and other high
Can be enforced without
through appropriate laws crimes. The complaint was endorsed by Congressmen
further legislative action.
enacted by the Legislature. Suplico, Zamora, and Dilangalen.
➔ August 1, 2003 – The speaker of the House directed the
A provision which is chairman of the House Committee on Rules to include in
A provision which merely
complete in itself and the Order of Business the Complaint
announces a policy and its
becomes operative without ➔ August 5, 2003 - The first impeachment complaint was
language empowers the
the aid of supplementary referred to the House Committee on Justice.
Legislature to prescribe the
or enabling legislation, or
means by which the policy ➔ October 13, 2003 - The HCJ included the complaint in its
that supplies sufficient rule
shall be carried into effect. Order of Business and ruled that the first impeachment
by means of which the


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
complaint was sufficient in form, but insufficient in official within a one-year period following Article XI, Section
substance. 3(5) of the Constitution.
◆ To date, the Committee Report to this effect
has not yet been sent to the House in plenary The second impeachment complaint filed violates the
in accordance with the said Section 3(2) of constitutional prohibition against the initiation of
Article XI of the Constitution impeachment proceedings against the same impeachable
➔ October 22, 2003 – The HCJ dismissed the complaint for officer within a one-year period.
insufficiency in substance.
➔ October 23, 2003 - A day after the HOCJ voted to dismiss Issue: W/N the Rules on Impeachment of the House
the first impeachment complaint, a second impeachment unconstitutional.
complaint was filed with the Secretary General of the
House by Congressmen Teodoro, Jr. and Fuentebella Held: Yes. Section 3 of Article XI provides that “The Congress
against CJ Davide, founded on the alleged results of the shall promulgate its rules on impeachment to effectively carry
legislative inquiry initiated last July 22, 2002. This second out the purpose of this section.”
impeachment complaint was accompanied by a
resolution of endorsement/impeachment signed by at The power of Congress to promulgate its rules on
least ⅓ of all the members of the HOR. impeachment is limited by the phrase “to effectively carry out
the purpose of this section.” Hence, these rules cannot
➔ October 28, 2003 –
contravene the very purpose of the Constitution which said
◆ During the plenary session of the HOR, a
rules were intended to effectively carry out. Section 3 of
motion was put forth that the second
Article XI clearly provides for other specific limitations on its
impeachment complaint be formally
power to make rules.
transmitted to the Senate, but it was not
carried because the HOR adjourned for lack of
It is basic that all rules must not contravene the Constitution
quorum, and as reflected, to date, the Articles
of Impeachment have yet to be forwarded to which is the fundamental law. If as alleged Congress had
absolute rule making power, then it would by necessary
the Senate.
implication have the power to alter or amend the meaning of
◆ When the HOR, through Speaker de Venecia
the Constitution without need of referendum.
Jr, by way of special appearance, submitted a
Manifestation asserting that the SC has no
The Congress is allowed to create their own Rules on
jurisdiction to hear, much less prohibit or
Impeachment. However, these rules cannot contravene the
enjoin the HOR, from the performance of its
very purpose of the Constitution, which said rules were
constitutionally mandated duty to initiate
intended to effectively carry out. Moreover, Section 3 of Article
impeachment cases.
XI clearly provides for other specific limitations on its power
➔ October 29, 2003 – The Senate of the Philippines,
to make rules.
through Senate President Drilon, filed a manifestation
stating that insofar as it is concerned, the petitions are
Issue: W/N the Constitution has excluded impeachment
plainly premature and have no basis in law or fact.
proceedings from the coverage of judicial review.
➔ Thus, arose the instant petitions against the HOR, most
of which petitions contend: Held: No. The Court’s power of judicial review is conferred to
◆ The filing of the second impeachment the Judicial Branch of Government.
complaint is unconstitutional as it violates
Section 5, Article XI of the Constitution, which Section 1, Article 8 of the 1987 Constitution states that judicial
states that “no impeachment proceedings power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower
shall be initiated against the same official courts as may be established by law. Judicial power includes
more than once within a period of one year.” the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable and
Issue: W/N the second impeachment complaint is barred enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been
under Section 3(5), Article XI of the Constitution. GADALEJ.

Held: Yes. Having concluded that the initiation takes place by This moderating power to determine the proper allocation of
the act of filing of the impeachment complaint and referral to powers of the different branches of government and to direct
the House Committee on Justice, the initial action taken the course of government along constitutional channels is
thereon, the meaning of Section 3 (5) of Article XI becomes inherent in all courts as a necessary consequence of the
clear. judicial power itself, which is the power of the court to settle
actual controversies involving rights which are legally
Once an impeachment complaint has been initiated in the demandable and enforceable.
foregoing manner, another may not be filed against the same


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Judicial review is essential for the maintenance and When was the first impeachment complaint filed?
enforcement of the separation of powers and the balancing of It was filed on June 2, 2003.
powers among the three great departments of government
through the definition and maintenance of the boundaries of Who filed the second impeachment complaint?
authority and control between them. Former Congressmen Teodoro, Jr., and Funtebella.

Essential requisites for Judicial Review Does the Constitution allow filing of multiple complaints
➔ There is an actual case or controversy calling for the against an impeachable officer within a period of one year?
exercise of judicial power Yes. What is prohibited is the initiation of impeachment
➔ The person challenging the act must have standing to proceeding against an impeachable officer within a period of
challenge, he must have a personal and substantial one year.
interest in the case such that he has sustained or will
sustain direct injury as a result of its enforcement When is an impeachment proceeding initiated?
➔ The question of constitutionality must be raised at the It takes place by the:
earliest possible opportunity (1.) Act of filing and referral or endorsement of the
impeachment complaint to the House Committee on
➔ The issue of constitutionality must be the very lis mota
Justice; or
of the case.
(2.) Filing of at least 1/3 of the members of the House of
Representatives with the Secretary General of the House.

An action by the Is filing equal to initiation

Filing the
House taking Initiate No. The framers intended initiation to start with the filing of
cognizance of it the complaint. The phrase “to initiate impeachment
proceedings” as contained in the text of the law was to settle
Political question is a question of policy. It is the language of and make it understood once and for all that the initiation of
Corpus Juris Secundum. It refers to those questions which, impeachment proceedings start with the filing of the
under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in complaint, and the vote of ⅓ of the House in a resolution of
their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full impeachment does not initiate the impeachment proceedings
discretionary authority has been delegated to the legislature which was already initiated by the filing of a verified complaint
or executive branch of the Government. as per Section 3, par 2, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution.

The 1986 Constitutional Commission stated that judicial Gutierrez vs. House of Representatives
power is not only a power but a duty, a duty which cannot be Why did the Supreme Court did not consider the Articles of
abdicated by the mere specter of this creature called political Impeachment? The indorsement of 1/3 is not enough. It must
question doctrine. also be initiated. Further, in Gutierrez vs House of
Representatives, two impeachment complaints were referred
Section 1, Article 8 of the 1987 Constitution was not intended to the House Committee on Justice at the same time. The
to do away with truly political questions. From this clarification Supreme Court held that it is valid since initiation of the two
it is gathered that there are two species of political question: impeachment complaints were deemed consolidated.
➔ Truly political questions - Beyond judicial review, the
reason being that respect for the doctrine of separation Whether referral of two impeachment complaints before the
of powers must be maintained. Justice Committee within the same year is allowed.
➔ Not truly political questions - Courts can review. Yes.

The determination of a truly political question from a non-

justiciable political question lies in the answer to the question Allowed more than
of whether there are constitutionally imposed limits on once in a year
powers or functions conferred upon political bodies.
➔ If there are - Our courts are duty-bound to examine
Filing Yes
whether the branch or instrumentality of the
government properly acted within such limits (this court Referral Yes
will now apply this standard in this case).
Initiation No

Who filed the first impeachment complaint?

Former President Joseph Estrada filed the first complaint with
the Office of the Secretary General of the HOR. This
impeachment complaint was endorsed by Congressmen
Suplico, Zamora, and Dilangalen.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
What are the 3 modes of filing impeachment complaints? 2 types of changes which can be introduced to the
According to Section 2 of the Rules of Procedure in Constitution
Impeachment Proceedings, the modes of initiating ➔ Amendment - Implies addition or change within the lines
impeachment are: of the original instrument as will effect the improvement,
Impeachment shall be initiated by the filing and subsequent or better carry out the purpose for which it was framed.
referral to the Committee on Justice of: ➔ Revision - Implies a change that alters a basic principle
➔ A verified complaint for impeachment filed by any in the constitution.
Member of the House of Representatives;
➔ A verified complaint filed by any citizen upon a Amendment vs. Revision
resolution of endorsement by any Member thereof; or Amendment Revision
➔ A verified complaint or resolution of impeachment filed Implies addition or change
by at least one-third (1/3) of all Members of the House. within the lines of the
original instrument as will Implies a change that
effect an improvement, or alters a basic principle in
Bakit di pinayagan yung impeachment complaint nila
better carry out the the constitution.
Teodoro? purpose for which it was
It was only endorsed, and not filed by at least ⅓ of all the framed.
members of the HOR. If the change alters the
A change that adds, substantial entirety of the
Discuss 3 rules of interpreting the Constitution reduces, or deletes without Constitution, as when the
altering the basic principle change affects substantial
➔ Verba legis – Wherever possible, the words used in the
involved. provisions of the
Constitution must be given their ordinary meaning Constitution.
except where technical terms are employed. Generally, affects only the Generally, affects several
➔ Ratio legis est anima – When there is ambiguity, the specific provision being provisions of the
words of the Constitution should be interpreted in amended. Constitution.
accordance with the intent of its framers. The Court, in The guiding original
The guiding original
construing the Constitution, should bear in mind the intention and plan
intention of an amendment
contemplates a re-
object sought to be accomplished by its adoption, and is to improve specific parts
examination of the entire
the evils, if any, sought to be prevented or remedied. The or to add new provisions
document, or of provisions
object is to ascertain the reason which induced the deemed necessary to meet
of the document which
new conditions or to
framers of the Constitution to enact the particular have overall implications
suppress specific portions
provision and the purpose sough to be accomplished for the entire document, to
that may have become
thereby, in order to construe the whole as to make the determine how and to
obsolete or are judged to
what extent they should be
words consonant to that reason and calculated to effect be dangerous.
that purpose.
➔ Ut magis valeat quam pereat – The Constitution must be
Give examples of change that amounts to revision?
interpreted as a whole. It is a well-established rule in
The structure of the government, general principles of the
Constitutional construction that no one provision of the
Constitution is to be separated from all the others, to be
considered alone, but that all the provisions bearing
Why is it important to know the difference between the nature
upon a particular subject are to be brought into view and
of proposal and change?
to be so interpreted as to effectuate the great purposes
Procedural purposes.
of the instrument. The Court must harmonize them and
must lean in favor of a construction which will render
every word operative, rather than one which may make Occena vs. COMELEC
the words idle and nugatory. G.R. No. L-56350. April 2, 1981
However, if the plain meaning of the word is not found to be
clear, resort to other aids is available. Facts:
➔ The challenge in these two prohibition proceedings is
Why is the 1987 Constitution considered as a “rigid” against the validity of three Batasang Pambansa
Constitution? Resolutions proposing constitutional amendments. The
A rigid constitution is one which can be amended only by a petitioners urged that the amendments proposed are so
formal and usually difficult process. The 1987 Constitution is extensive that they go far beyond the limits of authority
a rigid constitution because before the 1987 Constitution can conferred to the Interim Batasang Pambansa.
be amended or revised, ➔ The petitioners alleged that what was done was revision
and not amendment.
➔ Further, the same petitioners asserted that the 1973
Constitution is not the fundamental law.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Issue: W/N the Interim Batasang Pambansa has the power to Lambino vs. COMELEC
propose amendments. G.R. No. 174153. October 25, 2006

Held: Yes. The Interim Batasang Pambansa shall have the Facts:
same powers and its members shall have the same functions,
➔ Lambino and Aumentado (Lambino Group) commenced
responsibilities, rights, privileges, and disqualification as the
gathering signatures for an initiative petition to change
Interim National Assembly and the Regular National
the 1987 Constitution.
Assembly, and one of such powers is precisely that of
➔ The Lambino Group filed a petition with COMELEC to
proposing amendments. The 1973 Constitution in its
hold a plebiscite that will ratify their initiative petition.
transitory provisions vested the Interim National Assembly
➔ The Lambino Group alleged that their petition had the
with power to propose amendments upon special call by the
support of the majority of all registered voters, or 12% of
Prime Minister by a vote of the majority of its members, to be
the population. They also claimed that COMELEC
ratified in accordance with the Article on Amendments. The
election registrars had verified the signatures of the 6.3M
Interim Batasang Pambansa, upon the call of the President
and PM Marcos, met as a constituent body, it acted by virtue
of such impotence its authority to do so is clearly beyond ➔ The matter of this petition is the Lambino Group’s
doubt. It could and did propose the amendments embodied initiative petition which aims to change the 1987
in the resolutions now being assailed. Whether the Constitution, modifying:
Constitutional Convention will only propose amendments to ◆ Sections 1 to 7 of Article VI (Legislative)
the Constitution or entirely overhaul the present Constitution ◆ Sections 1 to 4 of Article VII (Executive)
and propose an entirely new Constitution is of no moment ◆ Adding XVII (Transitional Provision)
because the same will be submitted to the people for These proposed changes will shift the present bicameral-
ratification. Once ratified, there can be no debate about the presidential system to a unicameral-parliamentary form
validity of the new Constitution. There is no argument against of Government.
the validity of the law because “amendment” includes ➔ COMELEC denied Lambino’s petition for lack of an
“revision”, or the total overhaul of the entire Constitution. At enabling law governing initiative petitions to amend the
any rate, whether the Constitution is merely amended in part Constitution. COMELEC invoked the ruling in Santiago vs.
or revised or totally changed would become immaterial as of COMELEC, declaring R.A. No. 6735 inadequate to
the moment. There is no ambiguity to the applicable implement the initiative clause on proposals to amend
provision. Any amendment to, or revision of, this Constitution the Constitution.
shall be valid when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a ➔ However, the Lambino Group prays for the issuance of
plebiscite which shall be held not later than three months after the writs of certiorari and mandamus to set aside the
the approval of such amendment or revision. Thus, the three COMELEC Resolution and to compel COMELEC to give
resolutions were approved. due course to their petition.
Issue: W/N the Lambino Group’s initiative petition complies
How can it be amended/revised? with Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution.
The Intermin Batasang Pambsansa must be sitting as a Held: No. The framers of the Constitution intended and wrote
constituent body for it to propose amendments. In that a clear distinction between amendment and revision of the
capacity, only a majority vote is needed. It would be an Constitution. The framers intended and wrote that only the
indefensible proposition to assert that the ¾ votes required Congress or a constitutional convention may propose
when it sits as a legislative body applies as well when it has revisions to the Constitution. However, there can also be no
been convened as the agency through which amendments dispute that a people’s initiative can only propose
could be proposed. amendments to the Constitution since the Constitution itself
limits initiatives to amendments. There can be no deviation
➔ The Supreme Court stated that Revision was decided from the Constitutionally prescribed modes of revising the
during the 1935 Constitution. Constitution. A popular clamor, even one backed by 6.3M
➔ In the 1987 Constitution, Revision is now different from signatures, cannot justify a deviation from the specific modes
Amendment. prescribed in the Constitution itself.

Issue: W/N the Lambino Group complied with the

Constitutional requirements when it regards to proposal.

Held: No. The framers of the Constitution intended that the

draft of the proposed constitutional amendment should be
ready and shown to the people before they sign such
proposal. The framers plainly stated that before they sign,
there is already a draft shown to them. They also further
envisioned that the people should sign on the proposal itself


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
because the proponents must prepare that proposal and pass (3.) Adding XVII (Transitional Provision)
it around for signature. This means, two essential elements
must be present: What is the two-part test cited in Lambino?
(a.) The people must author and thus sign the entire ➔ Qualitative Test - Inquires into the qualitative effects of
proposal. No agent or representative can sign or the proposed change in the Constitution. The main
their behalf. inquiry is whether the change will accomplish such far
(b.) As an initiative upon a petition, the proposal must reaching changes in the nature of our basic
be embodied in the petition. governmental plan as to amount to a revision.
These essential elements are present only if the full text of the ➔ Quantitative Test - Asks whether the proposed change is
proposed amendments is first shown to the people who so extensive in its provisions as to change directly the
express their assent by signing such complete proposal in a substantial entirety of the Constitution by the deletion or
petition. Thus, an amendment is directly proposed by the alteration of numerous existing provisions. The Court
people through initiative upon a petition only if the people examines only the number of provisions affected and
sign on a petition that contains the full text of the proposed does not consider the degree of the change.
amendments. A signature requirement would be meaningless
if the person supplying the signature has not first seen what Relate to the Qualitative and Quantitative tests
it is that he is signing. This danger seems particularly acute Under both the quantitative and qualitative tests, the Lambino
when the person giving the description is a drafter of the Group’s initiative is a revision and not merely an amendment.
petition, who obviously has interest in seeing that it gets the
➔ Quantitatively - The Lambino Group proposed changes
requisite signatures to qualify for the ballot. In this case, there
to overhaul two articles--Article VI on the Legislature and
is no presumption that the proponents observed the
Article VII on the Executive--affecting a total of 105
constitutional requirements in gathering the signatures. The
provisions in the entire Constitution.
Lambino Group did not attach to their present petition with
➔ Qualitatively - The proposed changes alter substantially
this Court a copy of the paper that the people signed as their
the basic plan of government, from presidential to
initiative petition. The Lambino Group submitted to this Court
parliamentary, and from bicameral to a unicameral
a copy of a signature sheet. However, there was not a single
word, phrase, or sentence of text of the Lambino group’s
proposed changes in the signature sheet. Neither does the
Bicameral Congress: checks and balances
signature sheet state that the text of the proposed changes is
A change in the structure of government is a revision of the
attached to it. It is extremely doubtful that the Lambino Group
Constitution, as when the 3 great co-equal branches are
prepared, printed, circulated during the signature-gathering
reduced into two. This alters the separation of powers in the
period the draft of the petition or amended petition they filed
Constitution. A shift from the present Bicameral-Presidential
with COMELEC. Even assuming the Lambino Group circulated
to a Unicameral-Parliamentary system is a revision of the
the amended petition during the signature-gathering period,
Constitution. Merging the Legislative and Executive branches
the Lambino Group admitted circulating only very limited
is a radical change in the structure of the Government.
copies of the petition. With only 100,000 printed copies of the
petition, it would be physically impossible for all or a great
majority of the 6.3M signatories to have seen the petition Can Congress amend or revise the Constitution?
before they signed the signature sheets. Thus, the result is a No, they can only propose changes. However, in proposing
grand deception on the 6.3M signatories. amendments, Congress does not act as a legislative body but
a Constituent Assembly.
How many signatures were gathered?
6.3M or 12% of the whole voting population. In what capacity is the Congress allowed to propose
amendment or revision?
How many copies were produced? When the Congress is acting as a Constituent Assembly,
Only 100,000 copies were produced. exercising constituent power.

Can the President actively participate in the initiative? Constituent power vs. legislative power
No, the president cannot actively participate by gathering Constituent power Legislative power
votes because that would not be an initiative by the people The power to formulate a
The power to pass, repeal
Constitution or to propose
anymore. or amend or ordinary laws
amendments to or revisions
or statutes (as opposed to
of the Constitution and to
What were the proposals by the Lambino Group? organic law).
ratify such proposals.
The matter of this petition is the Lambino Group’s initiative Exercised by Congress (by
Legislative power is an
petition which aims to change the 1987 Constitution, special constitutional
ordinary power of
modifying: conferment), by a
Congress and of the
(1.) Sections 1 to 7 of Article VI (Legislative) Constitutional Convention
people, also through
or Commission, by the
(2.) Sections 1 to 4 of Article VII (Executive) initiative and referendum.
people through initiative


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
and referendum, and (2.) As an initiative upon a petition, the proposal must be
ultimately by sovereign embodied in a petition or attached in the petition with
electorate. proper reference.
The exercise of legislative
The exercise of Constituent power ordinarily needs the
power does not need the approval of the Chief Gonzales vs. COMELEC
approval of the Chief Executive, except when G.R. No. L-28196. November 9, 1967
Executive. done by people through
initiative and referendum. Facts:
What is the requirement for Sec. 1, Art. XVII – The meaning ➔ The Senate and the House of Representatives passed the
of “all its members” following resolutions:
Entire composition, regardless of vacancy. ◆ RBH No. 1 – Proposing the increase of the
membership of the House from 120 to 180.
2 modes of proposing amendments through the Constitution ◆ RBH No. 2 – Calling a convention to propose
Art 17, Sec 1 and 2 modes of proposing amendments or amendments to the Constitution, the
revisions convention to be composed of 2 elective
delegates from each representative district to
SECTION 1. Any amendment to, or revision of, this be elected in the general elections to be held
Constitution may be proposed by: on the second Tuesday of November 1971.
(1) The Congress, upon a vote of three-fourths of all its ◆ RBH No. 3 – Proposing that Section 16, Article
Members; or
VI be amended so as to authorize Senators and
(2) A constitutional convention. Members of the House to become delegates
to the Constitutional Convention without
SECTION 2. Amendments to this Constitution may forfeiting their respective seats in Congress.
likewise be directly proposed by the people through
➔ The Congress, subsequently, passed a bill, which, upon
initiative upon a petition of at least twelve per centum of
approval of the President, became RA 4913, providing
the total number of registered voters, of which every
that RBH No.1 and RBH No.2 be submitted for approval
legislative district must be represented by at least three
by the people at the general elections on November 14,
per centum of the registered voters therein. No
amendment under this section shall be authorized within
➔ The petitioner assails the constitutionality of RA4913,
five years following the ratification of this Constitution
contending that Congress cannot simultaneously
nor oftener than once every five years thereafter.
propose amendments to the Constitution and call for the
holding of a Constitutional Convention.
The Congress shall provide for the implementation of the
exercise of this right.
Issue: W/N Congress can simultaneously propose
amendments to the Constitution and call for the holding of a
Is Sec. 2, Art XVII a grant of power to the people? constitutional convention.
No. Even without express Constitutional grant, the people
shall exercise the power to propose change in the Held: Yes. The constituent power or the power to ament or
Constitution because sovereign power emanates from the revise the Constitution is different from the law-making power
people. Article 17, Section 2 is only a limitation to the exercise of the Congress. The Congress can directly propose
of the power, which is to propose amendments only. amendments to the Constitution and at the same time call for
a Constitutional Convention to propose amendments.
Limitations to the power of the people to propose However, the power to amend the Constitution or to propose
(1.) Amendments only amendments is not included in the legislative powers of
(2.) Exercise 5 years from 1987 Congress. It is part of the inherent powers of the people. But
(3.) Once every 5 years only Congress may propose amendments to the Constitution
merely because the same explicitly grants such powers.
Constitutional requirement on initiative Hence, Senators and members of the House of
(1.) There must be an implementing law Representatives acting not as members of the Congress but
(2.) 12% of the total of all registered voters as component elements of a Constituent Assembly may do so
(3.) Of which every legislative district must be represented as their authority no longer emanate from the Constitution.
by at least 3% of the registered voters therein. To elaborate, Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly, has
authority to propose Constitutional Amendments or call a
What are the additional requirements on initiative? convention for the purpose by 2/3 votes of each house in a
(1.) The people must author and sign the entire proposal. No joint session assembled, but voting separately. Such grant
agent or representative can sign on their behalf. includes all other powers essential to the effective exercise of
the principal power by necessary implication. Implementing
details are within the authority of Congress not only as a


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Constituent Assembly but also in the exercise of its 1935 Constitution: Congress in joint session by ¾ vote of
comprehensive legislative power so long as it does not all Senate and ¾ of all HOR, voting separately.
contravene any provision of the Constitution.
1987 Constitution: Using “ut magis valeat quam pereat” –
What are the 3 proposals in Gonzales vs COMELEC Congress is voting separately
On March 16, 1967, the Senate and the House of
What is the legal basis for allowing Congress to provide
Representatives passed the following resolutions:
implementing rules?
1) R.B.H. (Resolution of Both Houses) No. 1, proposing
The Doctrine of Necessary Implication.
Philippines, be amended so as to increase the
membership of the House of Representatives from a
What is the Doctrine of Necessary Implication?
maximum of 120, as provided in the present
Under the Doctrine of Necessary Implication, the grant of
Constitution, to a maximum of 180, to be apportioned
an express power carries with it by necessary implication all
among the several provinces as nearly as may be
other necessary powers in order to implement the express
according to the number of their respective
inhabitants, although each province shall have, at
least, one (1) member;
Congress as a Congress as a legislative
2) R.B.H. No. 2, calling a convention to propose
constituent assembly body
amendments to said Constitution, the convention to
If the Congress provides
be composed of two (2) elective delegates from each for the implementing
representative district, to be "elected in the general If it is in exercise of the
details acting as a
legislative power under
elections to be held on the second Tuesday of constituent assembly
Section 27, Article 6 of
November, 1971;" and there is no need for the
the Constitution, it must
3) R.B.H. No. 3, proposing that Section 16, Article VI, of President’s approval.
require the approval of
Mere resolutions will do
the same Constitution, be amended so as to authorize the Preisdent.
as long as it will pass the
senators and members of the House of ¾ votes.
Representatives to become delegates to the
aforementioned constitutional convention, without
Imbong vs. COMELEC
forfeiting their respective seats in Congress.
G.R. No. L-32432

Amicus curiae – Not binding

Atty. Juan T. David maintains that Congress may either: (1)
propose amendments to the Constitution; or (2) call a ➔ Two separate but related petitions for declaratory relief
convention for that purpose, but it cannot do both at the were filed by Imbong and Gonzales, both members of
same time. This theory is based upon the fact that two the Bar, taxpayers, and interested in running as
alternatives are connected in the Constitution by the candidates for delegates to the Constitutional
disjunctive “or.” Such basis is, however, a weak one, in the Convention. Both Imbong and Gonzales impugn the
absence of other circumstances supporting the conclusion constitutionality of R.A. No. 6132 claiming that the
drawn by the amicus curiae. former prejudices their rights.
➔ On March 16, 1967, Congress, acting as a Constituent
What was the call for convention? Assembly, passed Resolution No. 2, which among others
It was to propose amendments to the Constitution, the called for a Constitutional Convention to propose
convention to be composed of 2 elective delegates from each constitutional amendments to be composed of two
representative district to be elected in the general elections to delegates from each representative district. After the
be held on the second Tuesday of November 1971. adoption of Resolution No. 2, the Congress, acting as a
legislative body, enacted R.A. No. 4914 implementing
What does “or” and “and” mean? the aforesaid Resolution No. 2 and practically restating
The term “or” has, oftentimes, been held to mean “and”, or in toto the provisions of said Resolution No. 2.
vice-versa, when the spirit or context of the law warrants it. ➔ Further, Congress, also acting as a Constituent Assembly,
passed Resolution No. 4, amending Resolution No. 2, by
What was the justiciable question in Gonzales vs. providing that the convention shall be composed of 320
COMELEC? delegates that a representative district shall be entitled
W/N a resolution of Congress—acting as a constituent to at least two delegates, who shall have the same
assembly—violates the Constitution. qualifications as those required of members of the
House of Representatives.
➔ Republic Act No. 6132, implementing Resolutions Nos. 2
¾ of all its members ¾ of Congress
and 4, expressly repealing R.A. No. 4914.
Entire composition, Only those incumbent
regardless of vacancy AND present


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
➔ Gonzales assails the validity of the entire law, while Two modes of calling for a ConCon?
Imbong impugns the constitutionality of par. 1, Sec. 8(a) (1.) By 2/3 vote of all the members of Congress
of the said R.A. No. 6132. (2.) Majority vote of all members, submitting to the
➔ The validity of Sec. 4, R.A. No. 6132, which considers all electorate the question of calling a convention.
public officers and employees, whether elective or
appointive, including members of the AFP, as well as What is the requirement by the ConCon in approving an
officers and employees of corporations or enterprises of amendment?
the Government, as resigned from the date of filing of Majority vote (Occena vs. COMELEC)
their certificates of candidacy, was recently sustained by Basis: Democratic republican state = will of the majority
this Court as merely an application of Sec. 2 of Art. XII of
the Constitution and does not constitute a denial of due Sanidad vs. COMELEC
process. G.R. No. L-44640. October 12, 1976

Issue: W/N Congress, acting as a legislative body, enact R.A. Facts:

No. 6132 to implement the resolution passed by it in its ➔ Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 991 which called
capacity as a Constituent Assembly. for a National Referendum for the Citizens Assemblies
(barangays) to resolve:
Held: Yes. The Court declared that while the authority to call  Issues of Martial Law;
a Constitutional Convention is vested in the Constitution  Interim Assembly;
solely and exclusively in Congress acting as a Constitutional  The replacement of the Interim Assembly;
Assembly, the power to enact the implementing details or
 The powers of such replacement;
specifics of the general law does not exclusively pertain to
 The period of its existence;
Congress, the Congress in exercising its comprehensive
 The length of the period for the exercise by the
legislative power may pass the necessary implementing law
President of his present powers.
providing for the details of the Constitutional Conventions,
such as the number, qualification, and compensation of its ➔ Later, Marcos issued another related decree, P.D. No.
member. As reiterated above, the reasons cited by the Court 1031, amending P.D. 991, by providing for the manner of
voting and canvass. On the same date, Marcos issued
in upholding the constitutionality of the enactment of R.A. No.
P.D. No. 1033, stating the questions to be submitted to
6132 are as follows:
the people in the referendum-plebiscite.
(1) Congress, acting as a Constituent Assembly, pursuant to
Article XV of the Constitution, has authority to propose ➔ Further, COMELEC was vested with the exclusive
constitutional amendments or call a convention for the supervision and control of such National Referendum-
purpose by ¾ votes of each house in joint session Plebiscite.
assembled but voting separately; ➔ Petitioners asserted –
(2) Such grant includes all other powers essential to the  Pablo and Pablito Sanidad – Sought to enjoin
effective exercise of the principal power by necessary COMELEC from holding and conducting the
implication; Referendum-Plebiscite. Further, they contended
(3) Implementing details are within the authority of that under the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions, there
Congress not only as a Constituent Assembly but also in was no grant to the incumbent president to exercise
the exercise of its comprehensive legislative power so the constituent power to propose amendments.
long as it does not contravene any provision of the Thus, there was no constitutional or legal basis.
Constitution; and  Vicente M. Guzman – Asserted that the power to
(4) Congress as a legislative body may enact necessary propose amendments to or revisions of the
implementing legislation to fill in the gaps which Constitution is expressly conferred on the interim
Congress as a Constituent Assembly omitted. National Assembly.
 Raul M. Gonzales, Raul Gonzales, Jr., and Alfredo
Can Congress convert itself to a Constitutional Assembly? Salapantan – Prayed to restrain the implementation
What is the Constitutional Provision? of the Presidential Decrees, and argued that even
Yes. Congress, when acting as a Constituent Assembly granting Marcos legislative powers under the
pursuant to Art. XV of the Constitution, has full and plenary Martial Law, the former cannot act as a constituent
authority to propose Constitutional amendments or to call a assembly, a referendum-plebiscite is untenable, the
convention. submission of the proposed amendments in such a
short period of time for deliberation renders the
Can the Congress convert itself as a Constitutional plebiscite a nullity, that Marcos need not consult
Convention? the people via referendum to lift Martial Law, and
No, the Congress can only call for a ConCon, but they cannot that allowing 15-year olds to vote would amount to
convert themselves into a ConCon. an amendment of the Constitution.



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Issues: the issues of the day, and the people have been living with it
(1) W/N the question of the constitutionality of the assailed since the proclamation of Martial Law. The referendums of
PDs a political or justiciable. 1972 and 1975 carried the same issue of martial law. The
(2) W/N the President has the power to propose contested brief period for discussion is not without
amendments to the Constitution and set up the required counterparts in previous plebiscites for constitutional
machinery and prescribe the procedure for the amendments.
ratification of his proposals by the people.
(3) W/N the submission to the people of the proposed Held #4: In contrast to what the Solicitor General asserts,
amendments within the time frame allowed. Sanidad possesses locus standi. It is now an ancient rule that
(4) W/N the petitioners have locus standi. the valid source of a statute may be contested by one who will
sustain a direct injury as a result of its enforcement. In this
Held #1: The amending process both as to proposal and case, at the instance of taxpayers, laws providing for the
ratification raises a judicial question. In this case, the “normal disbursement of public funds may be enjoined upon the
course” has not been followed. Rather than calling the interim theory that the expenditure of public funds by the State for
national assembly to constitute itself into a constituent the purpose of executing an unconstitutional act constitutes
assembly, the incumbent President undertook the proposal of a misapplication of such funds.
amendments and submitted the proposed amendments
through PD No. 1033 to the people in a Referendum- Can a President propose changes to the Constitution?
Plebiscite. Further, the Constitution provided that all cases (See: Held #2)
involving the constitutionality of a treaty, executive
agreement, or law shall be heard and decided by the Supreme Province of North Cotabato vs.
Court en banc and no treaty, executive agreement, or law may RP Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain
be declared unconstitutional without the concurrence of at G.R. No. 183591. October 14, 2008
least 10 members. Thus, the Supreme Court has the last word
in the construction not only of treaties and statutes, but also Facts:
the Constitution itself. The Supreme Court is vested with that
➔ The Government of the Philippines (GRP) and the MILF
authority to determine whether that power has been
were scheduled to sign a Memorandum of Agreement on
discharged within its limits. Therefore, such is a justiciable
the Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD) Aspect of the GRP-MILF
Tripoli Agreement on Peace of 2001 in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. The signing of the MOA-AD between the GRP
Held #2: Yes. If the President has been legitimately
and the MILF cannot materialize due to the TRO
discharging the legislative functions of the interim assembly,
enjoining the GRP from signing the same.
there is no reason why he cannot validly discharge the
➔ The MOA-AD was preceded by a long process of
function of that assembly to propose amendments to the
negotiation and the concluding of several prior
Constitution, which is but adjunct, although peculiar, to its
agreements between the two parties beginning in 1996.
gross legislative power. This is not to say that the President
In 1997, the GRP and MILF Peace Panels signed the
has converted his office into a constituent assembly of that
Agreement on General Cessation of Hostilities. In 1998,
nature normally constituted by the legislature. Rather, with
they signed the General Framework of Agreement.
the interim assembly not convened and only the Presidency
and Supreme Court in operation, the urges of absolute ➔ The commitment of the parties to pursue peace
negotiations, protect and respect human rights,
necessity render it imperative upon the President to act as
negotiate with sincerity in the resolution and pacific
agent for an in behalf of the people to propose amendments
settlement of the conflict and refrain from the use of
to the Constitution. Also, the Supreme Court has no capacity
threat or force to attain undue advantage while the
to propose amendments without constitutional infractions.
peace negotiations on the substantive agenda are on-
For the President to shy away from that actuality and decline
to undertake the amending process would leave the
governmental machinery at a stalemate or create in the ➔ Towards the end of 1999 up to the early 2000, the MILF
powers of the State a destructive vacuum. After all, the attacked a number of municipalities in Central
constituent assemblies or constitutional conventions, like the Mindanao, and in March 2000, it took control of the town
President now, are mere agents of the people. hall of Kauswagan. In response, former President Estrada
declared and carried out an all-out war against the MILF.
Held #3: Yes. Article XVI of the Constitution makes no ➔ When former President Macapagal-Arroyo assumed
provision as to the specific date when the plebiscite shall be office, the government sought a resumption of the peace
held, but simply states that it shall be held not later than 3 talks. The MILF responded with reservation, but when
months after the approval of such amendment or revision. The Arroyo asked the Government of Malaysia, through PM
period from September 21 to October 16, or a period of three Matahir Mohhamed, the MILF convened its Central
weeks is not too short for free debates or discussions on the Committee to seriously discuss the matter and,
referendum-plebiscite issues. The issues are not new. They are eventually, decide to meet with the GRP. Subsequently,
the MILF suspended all military actions.



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
➔ Formal peace talks between the parties were, then, held "internal waters," defined as extending 15
in Tripoli, Libya in 2001, the outcome of which was the kilometers from the coastline of the BJE area, as
GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement on Peace (Tripoli well as territorial waters, stretching beyond BJE
Agreement 2001). Such contained the basic principles internal waters until the baseline of the RP south
and agenda on the following aspects of the negotiation: east and south west of mainland Mindanao; within
 Security Aspect these territorial waters, BJE and Central
 Rehabilitation Aspect Government shall exercise joint jurisdiction,
 Ancestral Domain Aspect – The parties in the Tripoli authority and management over all natural
Agreement 2001 simply agreed that the same be resources.
discussed further by the parties in their next  Present geographic area of the ARMM: Lanao del
meeting. Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan and
➔ A second round of peace talks was held in Cyberjaya, Marawi City, as well as certain municipalities of
Malaysia, which ended with the signing of the Lanao del Norte that voted for inclusion in the
Implementing Guidelines on the Security Aspect of the ARMM in the 2001 plebiscite.
Tripoli Agreement 2001, which eventually lead to a  BJE is also to cover other provinces, cities and
ceasefire. This was followed by the Implementing municipalities included in Category A and B; each
guidelines on the Humanitarian Rehabilitation and will be subjected to a plebiscite years apart from
Development Aspects of the Tripoli Agreement 2001. each other.
Thus, in 2005, several exploratory talks were held ▪ Category A areas are to be subjected to a
between the parties which eventually lead to the crafting plebiscite not later than 12 months following
of the draft of the MOA-AD in its final form, which was the signing of the MOA-AD.
set to be signed last August 5, 2008. ▪ Category B areas (Special Intervention
Areas) are to be subjected to a plebiscite 25
MOA-AD years from the signing of a separate
agreement--the Comprehensive Compact.
➔ Includes the early agreements between the GRP and the
MILF, and the GRP and the MNLF.  MOA-AD further provides for sharing of minerals
on the territorial waters between the Central
➔ Includes the controversial provision that previous laws
Government and the BJE, in favor of the latter.
and treaties will be modified to fit promises made in this
agreement. ➔ Resources
 BJE is free to enter into any economic (and
Four strands of the MOA-AD environmental) cooperation and trade relations
with foreign countries and shall have the option to
➔ Concepts and principles:
establish trade missions in those countries ○
 Bangsamoro people – The natives or original
Cannot include aggression against GRP.
inhabitants of Mindanao and its adjacent islands
 The external defense of the BJE is to remain the
including Palawan and the Sulu archipelago at the
duty and obligation of the Central Government.
time of conquest or colonization, and their
descendants whether mixed or full blood,  The BJE’s participation in international meetings
including their spouses. and events must be ensured by the Central
Government. It is entitled to participate in
 Bangsamoro people have a right to self-
Philippine official missions and delegations
concerning environmental protection and
 Bangsamoro ancestral domain does not form part
equitable sharing of incomes and revenues
of the public domain.
involving bodies of water within the ancestral
 Pat a Pangampong ku Ranaw – Confederation of
independent principalities (pangampong) each
 The Central Government and the BJE will follow a
ruled by datus and sultans, none of who was
75:25 sharing of total production pertaining to
supreme over the others.
natural resources, in favor of the BJE.
 Bangsamoro people are recognized as the first
 Jurisdiction and control over the right to
nation which has a defined territory with a system
exploration, production, and obtaining of
of government having entered into treatises of
potential sources of energy, petroleum, fossil fuel,
amity and commerce with foreign nations.
mineral oil and natural gas falls under the BJE
 Bangsamoro Juridical Entity (BJE) – Grants the
except in “times of national emergency when the
authority and jurisdiction over the Ancestral
public interest so requires,” wherein the Central
Domain and Ancestral Lands of the Bangsamoro.
Government may assume or direct operation (for a
➔ Territory fixed period and under reasonable terms as agreed
 Includes maritime, terrestrial, fluvial, alluvial, aerial upon by both parties).
and atmospheric domains; territory will also have  The BJE may modify or cancel land tenure
jurisdiction over all natural resources within its
instruments granted by the Philippine



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Government, including those issued by the present between integration and independence. In international
ARMM. practice, the associated state arrangement has usually been
➔ Governance used as a transitional device of former colonies on their way
 The parties are bound to invite a multinational to full independence.
third-party to observe and monitor the
implementation of the Comprehensive Compact. The MOA-AD contains many provisions which are consistent
 There is an “associative” relationship between the with the international legal concept of association, to note:
Central Government and the BJE, characterized by ➔ BJE’s capacity to enter into economic and trade relations
shared authority and responsibility. with foreign countries.
 MOA-AD provides that its provisions requiring ➔ The commitment of the GRP to ensure BJE’s participation
“amendments to the existing legal framework” in meetings and events in ASEAN.
shall take effect upon signing of the ➔ GRP’s continued responsibility over external defense.
Comprehensive Compact and upon effecting the ➔ BJE’s right to participate in Philippine official missions
aforesaid amendments, with due regard to the bearing on negotiation of border agreements and
non-derogation of prior agreements. environmental protection.
 The BJE is granted power to build, develop and ➔ Sharing of revenues pertaining to the bodies of water
maintain its own institutions. adjacent to, or between the islands forming part of the
ancestral domain.
Position of the Petitioners
➔ That they have the right to information on matters of The concept of association is not recognized under the
public concern. present Constitution. It does not contemplate any State in this
➔ Seek to prohibit the signing of the MOA-AD, as many of jurisdiction other than the Philippine State. Further, an
its provisions is unconstitutional. amendment is required for may of MOA-AD’s provisions, like
➔ Not all the provisions of the MOA-AD can be the following:
accommodated under the present Constitution and laws. ➔ Section 1, Article X – The territorial and political
➔ Powers granted to the BJE exceed those granted to any subdivisions of the RP are provinces, cities,
local government under the present laws, and even go municipalities, and barangays. There shall be
beyond those of the present ARMM. This nearly makes autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and the
the BJE its own independent state. Cordilleras as hereinafter provided.
➔ Zamboanga, Iligan, Isabela, North Cotabato, Lanao del ➔ Section 15, Article X – There shall be created
Norte seek exclusion from the BJE territory as they allege, autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and in the
they were not given the chance to vote for their inclusion Cordilleras consisting of provinces, cities, municipalities,
in the ARMM. and geographical areas sharing common and distinctive
historical and cultural heritage, economic and social
Position of the Respondents structures, and other relevant characteristics within the
➔ Petitions are moot and academic as the requests of the framework of this Constitution and the national
petitioners to see the full content of the MOA-AD and sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the Republic
the pronouncement of the Executive Secretary that no of the Philippines.
matter what the SC decides the government will not sign
the MOA-AD. If you take it into consideration, the BJE is a far more powerful
➔ The OSG argues that there is no justiciable controversy entity than the ARMM which is constituted in our Constitution.
that is ripe for judicial review. It is a State in all but in name, meeting the criteria of a State
laid down in the Montevideo Convention:
➔ The issue no longer legitimately constitutes an actual
case or controversy. ➔ A permanent population;
➔ Full public disclosure of transactions involving public ➔ A defined territory;
interest must first be legislated by Congress to ➔ A government; and
implement—Doctrine of executive privilege. ➔ Capacity to enter into relations with other States.

Issue: W/N the MOA-AD violative of the Constitution. Thus, the MOA-AD is unconstitutional because it virtually
guarantees that the necessary amendments to the
Held: Yes. The MOA-AD goes against our present Constitution Constitutions and the laws eventually be put into place.
and Laws. The associative relationship envisioned between Neither the GRP Peace Panel nor the President is authorized
the GRP and the BJE are unconstitutional. The concept to make such a guarantee. Upholding such an act would
presupposes that the associated entity is a State and implies amount to authorizing a usurpation of the constituent powers
that the same is on its way to independence. An association is vested only in Congress, a Constitutional Convention, or the
formed when two states of unequal power voluntary establish people themselves though the process of initiative. Further,
durable links. Free associations represent a middle ground the President’s authority is limited to proposing constitutional



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
amendments. The President cannot guarantee to any third  Adequately inform the people of the electoral
party that the required amendments will eventually be put in process involved.
place nor even be submitted to a plebiscite. In this case, the ➔ The Delfin Petition further alleged that the provisions
MOA-AD itself presents the need to amend. sought to be amended are:
 Sections 4 and 7 of Article VI;
Can the President guarantee of change in the Constitution?  Section 4 of Article VII; and
No. Neither the GRP Peace Panel nor the President is  Section 8 of Article X.
authorized to make such a guarantee. Upholding such an act
➔ According to Delfin, the petition for initiative will first be
would amount to authorizing a usurpation of the constituent
submitted to the people, and after it is signed by at least
powers vested only in Congress, a Constitutional Convention,
12% of the total number of registered voters in the
or the people themselves though the process of initiative.
country, it will be formally filed with the COMELEC.
➔ Upon filing, COMELEC issued an order directing Delfin to
To what extent can the President participate?
cause the publication of the petition, including the
The President has no legislative power to propose, but can
proposal, proposed constitutional amendment, and the
suggest to Congress needed charges. This is usually done
signature form, and the notice of hearing in 3 daily
through SONA. The power to create the committee rests from
newspapers of general circulation at his own expense. At
the “take-care-power” of the President under Section 17,
the hearing of the Delfin Petition, Senator Roco filed a
Article 7. The power to ensure that laws are faithfully executed
Motion to Dismiss on the ground that it is not the
gives him the authority to create a fact-finding committee –
initiatory petition properly cognizable by the COMELEC.
ad hoc committee in order to study the implementation of the
After hearing the arguments, COMELEC directed Delfin
law and the study of the Constitution. As long as the work of
and the oppositors to file a memorandum within five
the Consultative Committee is only recommendatory it is not
binding on the Congress which means that the Congress is
free whether to adopt or reject the proposal of the ➔ Thus, Senator Defensor-Santiago, Alexander Padilla, and
consultative committee. Maria Isabel Ongpin filed this special civil action for
prohibition, raising the following arguments:
What is the extent of permissibility of the President as to  The constitutional provision on people’s initiative
initiative? to amend the Constitution can only be
the President’s authority is limited to proposing constitutional implemented by law to be passed by Congress.
amendments. The President cannot guarantee to any third  It is true that R.A. No. 6735 provides for three
party that the required amendments will eventually be put in systems of initiative (Constitution, statutes, local
place nor even be submitted to a plebiscite. legislation). However, it failed to provide any
subtitle initiative on the Constitution, unlike in the
Santiago vs. COMELEC other modes of initiative. This deliberate omission
G.R. No. 174153. October 25, 2006 indicates that the matter of people’s initiative to
amend the Constitution was left to some future law.
 R.A. No. 6735 covers only laws and not
constitutional amendments.
➔ Atty. Jesus S. Delfin filed with COMELEC a petition to
 COMELEC Resolution No. 2300 is ultra vires insofar
amend the Constitution, to lift term limits of elective
as initiative on amendments to the Constitution is
officials, by people’s initiative (Delfin Petition). Delfin
concerned, since COMELEC has no power to
alleged in his petition that he is a founding member of
provide rules and regulations for the exercise of the
the Movement for People’s Initiative, and that he and the
right of initiative to amend the Constitution.
members of the movement intend to:
 The people’s initiative is limited to amendments to
 Exercise the power to directly propose
the Constitution, not to revision thereof.
 Congress has not yet appropriated funds for
 That the exercise of that power shall be conducted
people’s initiative; neither the COMELEC office has
in proceedings under the control and supervision of
realigned funds for the purpose.
➔ To justify their recourse, petitioners allege that in the
 That as required by COMELEC, signature stations
event the COMELEC grants the Delfin Petition, the
shall be established all over the country, with the
people’s initiative would entail expenses to the national
assistance of municipal election registrars who shall
treasury for general re-registration of voters. Further,
verify the signatures affixed by individual
Delfin filed in his own behalf a comment, or a knee-jerk
reaction to a draft petition for initiative on the 1987
 Before the movement and its volunteers gather
Constitution. Delfin maintained that:
signatures, time and dates to be designated must
 R.A. 6735 governs the conduct of initiative to
be fixed in an order to be issued by the COMELEC;
amend the Constitution.



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
 Section 9(b) of R.A. No. 6735 specifically provides referendum on national and local laws. The foregoing brings
that the proposition in an initiative to amend the us to the conclusion that R.A. No. 6735 is incomplete,
Constitution shall become effective as of the day of inadequate, or wanting in essential terms and conditions. Its
the plebiscite. lacunae on this substantive matter are fatal and cannot be
 COMELEC Resolution No. 2300 is ultra vires is cured by empowering the COMELEC to promulgate such rules
contradicted by the Constitution which grants and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes
COMELEC the power to enforce and administer all of the Act.
laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an
election. RA 6735 – Sufficient enabling law of People’s initiative
 The proposed initiative does not involve a revision
of, but mere amendment to the Constitution. Tolentino vs. COMELEC
➔ Later, Senator Roco filed his petition in intervention, G.R. No. L-34150. October 16, 1971
averring that R.A. No. 6735 is the enabling law that
implements the people’s right to initiate constitutional Facts:
amendments. He likewise submits that COMELEC was ➔ A Constitutional Convention was called upon to propose
empowered to promulgate COMELEC Resolution No. amendments to the Constitution of the Philippines by
2300. Nevertheless, he contends that COMELEC is virtue of two resolutions of the Congress approved in its
without jurisdiction to take cognizance of the Delfin capacity as a constituent assembly convened for the
Petition and to order its publication because the said purpose of calling a convention to propose amendments
petition is not the initiatory pleading contemplated to the Constitution.
under the Constitution, R.A. 6735, and COMELEC ➔ The petitioners raised that OR No. 1 and other
Resolution No. 2300. He further submits that the implementing resolutions subsequently approved by the
proponents of a constitutional amendment cannot avail Convention have no force and effect as laws in so far as
of the authority and resources of the COMELEC to assist they provide for the holding of a plebiscite coincident
them in securing the required number of signatures, as with the elections since the proposed amendment in
the COMELEC’s role in an initiative is limited to the question cannot be presented to the people for
determination of the sufficiency of the initiative petition ratification separately from each and all of the other
and the call and super vision of a plebiscite, if warranted. amendments to be drafted and proposed by the
Convention. Hence, all of COMELEC’s acts are null and
Issue: W/N R.A. No. 6735 was intended to include or cover void on the ground that calling and holding of such a
initiative on amendments to the Constitution, and if so, plebiscite is a power lodged exclusively in Congress as a
whether it covers such initiative. legislative body and may not be exercised by the
Held: No. The provision is not self-executory. Father Joaquin ➔ However, the respondents and intervenors posit that the
Bernas stated that without implementing legislation Section 2 power to provide for, fix the date and lay down the
cannot operate. Thus, although this mode of amending the details of the plebiscite for the ratification of any
Constitution is a mode of amendment which bypasses amendment the Convention may deem proper to
congressional action, in the last analysis, it still is dependent propose is within the authority of the Convention as a
on congressional action. The right of the people to directly necessary consequence and part of its power to propose
propose amendments to the Constitution through the system amendments and that this power includes that of
of initiative would remain entombed in the cold niche of the submitting such amendments either individually or
Constitution until Congress provides for its implementation. jointly at such time and manner as the Convention may
R.A. 6735 was, as history reveals, intended to cover initiative direct in its discretion.
and referendum. However, such Republic Act does not have Issue: W/N the Resolution approved by the 1971
full compliance with the power and duty of Congress to Constitutional Convention constitutional.
provide for the implementation of the exercise of the right. Held: No. In providing for the questioned plebiscite before it
Section 2 of the Act does not suggest an initiative on has finished, and separately from, the whole draft of the
amendments to the Constitution. The inclusion of the word Constitution it has been called to formulate, OR No. 1 and all
“Constitution” was an afterthought. That word is neither subsequent acts of the Convention violate the condition in
germane nor relevant. Initiative on the Constitution is Section 1, Article XV. The Supreme Court arrived at this
confined only to proposals to amend. The people are not conclusion for the following reasons:
accorded the power to “directly propose, enact, approve, or
➔ The language of the Constitutional provision is clear. It
reject, in whole or in part, the Constitution” though the system
states that “such amendments shall be valid as part of
of initiative. Further, while the act provides subtitles for
this Constitution when approved by a majority of the
national initiative and referendum, and for local initiative and
votes cast at an election at which the amendments are
referendum, no subtitle is provided for initiative on the
submitted to the people for their ratification.” The
Constitution. This conspicuous silence as to the latter simply
provision unequivocally says an election which means
means that the main thrust of the Act is initiative and
only one.



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
➔ The Constitution has to be an integrated and
harmonious instrument, if it is to be viable as the
framework of the government it establishes, on the one
hand, and adequately formidable and reliable as the
succinct but comprehensive articulation of the rights,
liberties, ideologies, social ideals, and national and
nationalistic policies and aspirations of the people. A
constitution is the work of the people thru its drafters
assembled by them for the purpose. At the very least,
they can examine it before casting their vote and
determine for themselves from a study of the whole
document the merits and demerits of all or any of its
parts and of the document as a whole.
Further, it is evident that no fixed frame of reference is
provided for the voter. There are other considerations which
make it impossible to vote intelligently on the proposed
amendment. No one knows what changes in the fundamental
principles of the constitution the Convention will be minded
to approve. To be more specific, the voters do not have any
means of foreseeing whether the right to vote would be of
any significant value at all. The Convention is precisely on the
verge of introducing substantial changes, if not radical ones,
in almost every part and aspect of the existing social and
political order enshrined in the present Constitution. How can
a voter in the proposed plebiscite intelligently determine the
effect of the reduction of the voting age upon the different
institutions which the Convention may establish and of which
presently he is not given any idea of. Clearly, there is improper
submission, thus it is unconstitutional.

Is there anything that prohibit partial submission of proposal

under the 1935 Constitution? What part?
Yes. Article XV of the 1935 Constitution.

Doctrine of Proper Submission

The Doctrine of Proper Submission is when all the proposed
amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to the
people for the ratification or rejection at the same time, not

Connection of Santiago and Lambino

Lambino vs. Lambino vs.

COMELEC (minute
(Oct 2006; Resolution,
(RA 6735 is Revisit the Nov 2006; RA
insufficient) sufficiency of 6735 is
RA6735) insufficient)

Since this is only a minute resolution, not an en banc decision,

it is not stare decisis. Thus, the Santiago ruling still holds.



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

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