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Name: Mia Bandalović Grade: 6.

B Date:

1) Underline the correct word

Cambridge is in the north/south/east/west of England.

It lies on the River Mercy/Cam.

It is a famous university/industrial city.

2) Guess what you can do – Write numbers

I can 1 do 3 money

2 make 4 fun

3 spend 2 a plan

4 have 1 my best

3) What is your school like?

Where do you eat, study, have lessons...?

When we have computer science, we go to a computer classroom.

We are not allowed to take food and drinks into the classroom, because we have a canteen.

Whenever I have tests, I spend aol of time in the school library.

It has great sporting facilities. A large playground and a gym.

4) Write the opposites

Lazy – hard-working

Noisy - quiet

Funny - serious

Interesting - boring

5) What are you supposed to do? Complete this dialogue.

A: Oh no, I have to take out the rubbish.

B: You don’t have to make such a fuss. I’ll do it myself. / neg.

You only have to separate the rubbish.

A: Do I have to do that?

B: Of course, don’t you respect nature?

6) Use the Present Simple

My baby sister often kisses me when I come home. (kiss)

Does he play tennis? (play)

Bob always bullies everyone in the class. (bully)

Dad usually searches web sites on the Internet. (search)

I don’t like aggressive sports. (like/neg.)

My mum doesn’t go to the office on Saturday. (go/neg.)

Our teachers never shout in class. (shout)

_Do children like going on field trips? (like)

7) Find the pairs – Write numbers

1 skip 2 money

2 earn 1 breakfast

3 lay 4 back

4 talk 3 the table

7) Ecology – Use short answers

Do you put bottles in the special containers? Yes, I do.

Does your mum buy secondhand things? No, she doesn’t.

Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room? Yes, I do.

Do you leave rubbish on the beach? No, we don’t.

8) Culture Spot – Underline Yes or No

Loch is the Scottish word for a monster. Yes No

The UK consists of England, Scotland and Wales. Yes No

The UK’s prime minister works in London at 10, Downing Street. Yes No

The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. Yes No

The Welsh people play the bagpipes. Yes No

9) Answer - What do you usually/ never do at the weekends?

a) I usually study and go out with my friends.

b) I never drive around the town.

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