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Massage Therapy
Instruction: Write your answer in not less than 150 words.

1. What is hilot? (10 pts)

 A healer is referred to as a hilot in the Filipino language. Hilot is a form of touch-based

therapy that has its roots in the Philippines and incorporates massage and intuition.
Manghihilot or albularyo, a Hilot therapist, is educated in the relationship between
massage and the body-mind. Hilot is a deep tissue massage, although the pressure is
light. The manghihilot uses hand contact to instinctively scan the body and identify areas
of energy imbalance. The manghihilot will use this knowledge to focus on providing relief
and balance in those places. The focus on resolving problem areas makes each session
distinct from the others. Hilot isn't the kind of massage you'd get at your neighborhood
spa if you wanted to unwind. Because of this, this kind of massage is unlikely to be
offered on a standard "menu" of massages at a spa. The focus is on identifying and
treating bodily problems. Although a Hilot session will ease stiff muscles, the massage
itself may not be as soothing. causing some deep tissue to hurt. It's about eliminating the
source of suffering and restoring balance. The many advantages of a hilot massage
include stress reduction, pain relief from aching muscles, balancing our body's energy,
and relaxation. It also helps to increase blood circulation, lymph flow, sense of well-
being, and skin condition.

2. What is the purpose of Hilot wellness massage? (10 pts)

 Deep massage is a key component of a traditional Hilot therapy, which aims to both
calm the mind and cure the body. Since banana leaves contain both medical and herbal
components and are a natural ionizer, warm banana leaf strips coated with coconut oil
are frequently applied to the body to remove energy blockages. Hilot massage, which
has its roots in the Philippines, also makes use of the manghihilot, or massage therapist,
who, at the beginning of each session, summons divine power and the natural power of
the surroundings to generate energy for healing. The client's innate self-healing abilities
are also activated. Hilot therapists have massage and mind-body links training. The
practitioner determines which parts of the body are energetically out of balance using
just their bare hands to scan the body through touch as well as different herbs, medicinal
plants, and banana leaves. The purpose of the Hilot therapy is to bring harmony and
balance back to the body through thorough massage. Hilot assists us in reestablishing
the body's equilibrium and balance through deep massage.

3. What are the four elements of our human body that need to be balanced? (10 pts)

The four building blocks of life are FIRE, EARTH, AIR, and WATER, which make up our
human body. The idea of maintaining all four elements in balance is crucial because the
continual interplay of the four elements is the driving force behind physical life and the
origin of the processes of the human body. Of course, the components fluctuate in
balance during a person's regular course of life, resulting in a constantly shifting state of
health or illness. Solid substances are considered to possess the characteristics of the
Earth element. Skin, muscle, tendon, bone, viscera, fat, and other solid organs are
examples of the body's solid components that belong to the Earth element. Symptoms of
the organs connected to the Earth element would appear if the Earth element were out
of harmony. Examples include cancers, bone diseases, skin issues, and other "solid"
conditions. Liquid compounds fall under the category of the Water element. The body's
liquids that belong to the Water element include the blood, eyes, phlegm, saliva, lymph,
urine, semen, and other bodily fluids. Imbalances of the Water element would show up
as symptoms in the linked organs, such as blood disorders, eye disorders, renal
disorders, venereal disorders, urinary tract infections or stones, and any illnesses that
show up in abnormal urine or other liquid discharge. A substance's ability to move is a
characteristic of the Air element. The body moves during breathing, digestion, and
excretion, as well as during motion of the limbs and joints, sexual activity, and aging.
The symptoms of the Air element's linked organs, such as pneumonia, coughing up
mucus, bronchitis, various respiratory illnesses, fainting, dizziness, and arthritis, would
appear if the Air element were out of balance. The promotion of mobility, strength,
longevity, and energy is said to depend most heavily on the Air element. Finally, the Fire
element is made up of things that produce heat. The circulatory system, metabolism,
and body temperature are all warm or hot aspects of the body. Diseases of the cardiac
and circulatory system, which are the Fire element's organs, are the main ways that the
Fire element is out of balance.

4. What are the three faculties of our human body that should be in harmony? (10 pts)

 Our human body's three faculties—Mind, Body, and Emotions—should all function
harmoniously. In the sense that the mind controls the body and the body releases its
functions, such as its emotions, mind, body, and emotion are only related in this way.
Some of the early advantages of meditation include mental calmness, mental clarity,
less stress, and an improved attitude on life. Our bodies rest when our brains are at
peace. We progress toward quiet when our body is at ease and our mind is too. We
progress toward the balance of body, mind, and emotions that is our birthright when we
encounter quiet. Then, when we connect with our inner Spirit and ask Spirit to be a part
of our everyday life, we are establishing a vital connection to ourselves that not only
provides us with solace and strength. As we go through the transitions of life, Spirit
provides us the beautiful power of transformation to develop and to be compassionate
toward both ourselves and others. The waves of the constantly shifting ocean
surrounding us have little impact, like a boat securely grounded. Regularly and sincerely
practicing meditation enables us to keep a strong and constant connection to our inner,
unchanging Spirit.

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