Financial Literacy, Financial Attitude, and Financial Behavior of Young Pioneering Business Entrepreneurs

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Financial Literacy, Financial Attitude, and Financial Behavior of Young

Pioneering Business Entrepreneurs

Conference Paper · January 2019

DOI: 10.2991/icoi-19.2019.60


4 8,240

4 authors, including:

Wirawan Radianto Tommy Christian Efrata

Universitas Ciputra Surabaya Universitas Ciputra Surabaya


Liliana Dewi
Universitas Ciputra Surabaya


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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100
International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2019)


Totok Sugiyanto (Universitas Ciputra)
Wirawan ED Radianto (Universitas Ciputra)
Tommy Christian Efrata (Universitas Ciputra),
Liliana Dewi (Universitas Ciputra)


Abstract—This study aims to determine the level of achieve financial goals were carried out through
financial literacy and the effect of financial literacy positive financial behaviors such as saving and
and financial attitude on the financial behavior of budgeting, but this has not been supported because the
young entrepreneurs. This study uses a survey people who have the confidence to save and prepare a
method and a combination of data analysis that uses budget only reached 33.66% and 30.70% of the total
descriptive analysis to calculate the level of financial 75.29% and 42.13% of the people who claim to save
literacy and multiple regression analysis. The results and prepare budget.
of the study show that the financial literacy of young The Financial Services Authority issued the program
pioneering business entrepreneurs is in the under the name of the Indonesian National Financial
moderate category, financial literacy does not affect Literacy Strategy. This program is intended to help the
the financial behavior of young pioneering business community to achieve financial literacy for people that
entrepreneurs, and financial attitude affects the were previously well literate to achieve financial
financial behavior of young pioneering business wellbeing, by having sufficient financial wellbeing. The
entrepreneurs. Indonesian National Financial Literacy Strategy
program is not only shown to the general public, but
Keywords— financial literacy, financial attitude, also to students who are a small part of the Indonesian
financial behaviour, young pioneering business community and those who carry out economic activities
entrepreneurs, business start-up are the main targets in increasing financial literacy
(Herawati, 2015). Financial literacy research for
I. INTRODUCTION students who have pioneered businesses until now has
The Indonesian people's financial literacy index is not been done, even though more and more students are
still classified in the low category, based on a survey pioneering businesses nowadays.
conducted by the Financial Services Authority on the
level of financial literacy in 2016, which only reached Informal and formal education through family
29.66%. Klapper, Lusardi, & Oudheusden (2015) education and education in higher education institutions
declared the level of financial literacy based on an should help students to implement and manage their
average amount of 33% in 2015. The level of financial daily finances such as by setting aside pocket money to
literacy in developed or developing countries such as save, financial planning, and recording expenses (Basal
Indonesia is still low, according to the financial literacy & Derman, 2016 and Mien & Thao, 2015). However,
index. The level is still below average and as such, does the issue of understanding and enhancing student
not support the country’s economic development financial knowledge has not become a suitable
(Akmal & Saputra, 2016). guarantee to determine financial decisions so that their
financial attitudes and behavior are not synchronous
The Financial Services Authority conducted a with their level of literacy (Suryanto, 2017). The
survey of every 100 residents in Indonesia and stated problems faced by students today are how the allowance
that 96.70% of the people claimed to have financial they received from their parents has run out before the
goals in life. However, these financial goals cannot be end of the month due to the absence of regular
compared with the financials of the Indonesian people. budgeting and a wasteful lifestyle and consumption
This is because they are still oriented to short needs, patterns (Wardani, Susilaningsih, & Sangka, 2017).
such as survival and meeting their daily needs, which Marsh (2006) and Herdjiono & Damanik (2016) stated
reached 17.68% and 49.11% respectively. Efforts to that personal financial behavior arises from financial

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 353
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100

attitudes, individuals who are unwise in responding to significant effect on students' financial behavior.
financial problems also tend to have poor financial Mabyakto (2017) found that financial attitude does not
behavior. Poor financial attitudes can result in influence student financial literacy, financial behavior
individuals behaving poorly so they do not have influences student financial literacy, and financial
financial wellbeing due to activities such as spending attitude and financial behavior simultaneously influence
money and not budgeting (Listiani & Kurniawati, student financial literacy. This is influenced by the
2017). According to Suryanto (2017), poor financial behavior of students who still positively regulate
behaviors are caused, among many, by wrong financial consumption, minimize wasteful spending, and save.
management and wasteful consumptive lifestyles. This
According to Lusardi & Mitchell (2014) and Yushita
research uses students who are also pioneers of business
(2017), financial literacy is the financial knowledge and
(who hereinafter in this study will be called young
ability possessed by individuals in managing finance
pioneering business entrepreneurs). The subject of this
and spending money, so that individuals can improve
study (young pioneering business entrepreneurs)
their standard of living and avoid financial difficulties,
became the differentiator of this research with other
whereas the Financial Services Authority defines
financial literacy research. Moreover, young pioneering
financial literacy as a financial ability and knowledge
business entrepreneurs in the context of this research are
that can help people in their knowledge of financial
students who are deliberately directed to become
service institutions, benefits, features, and financial
entrepreneurs, which means they have a real running
risks through beliefs and skills to improve decision
making quality.
The purpose of this study is to investigate and
From the definition described, it can be concluded
measure the level of financial literacy of young
that financial literacy is a series of activities to increase
pioneering business entrepreneurs. The next step is to
financial knowledge through financial products and
find out whether there is influence from financial
services, benefits, and features so that individuals can
literacy and financial attitude towards young pioneering
make decisions and avoid financial risks. According to
business entrepreneurs’ financial behavior. The urgency
Chen & Volpe (1998) and Ulfatun et al. (2016), there
of this study is that in running a business start-up, young
are four indicators to measure financial literacy. These
pioneering business entrepreneurs must have financial
of knowledge on personal finance, savings and loans,
literacy in order to be able to manage their business
insurance, and investment.
properly and to eventually become a superior
entrepreneur. Financial Attitude is a financial attitude that is a
response in the form of a statement of “like” or “dislike”
II. LITERATURE REVIEW or “useful” or “not useful” related to the individual
Potrich et al. (2015) conducted a study to develop financial behavior (Potrich et al., 2016). Financial
and determine the level of financial literacy using attitudes will also shape the way someone spends,
financial knowledge, financial attitude, and financial hoards, and spends money wastefully (Furnham, 1984),
behavior variables in Brazil. The results showed that whereas according to Mien & Thao (2015) financial
women's financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and attitude is an attitude that can shape the way individuals
financial behavior were still low, while men’s levels conduct financial management such as investing,
were still positive financial knowledge and saving. saving, and even spending money. Financial behavior,
Thapa & Nepal (2015) found that the financial literacy according to Potrich et al. (2016) is financial behavior
rates of students in Nepal were still low, such as capital as an action that reflects good behavior in managing
markets, taxes, financial, credit, and insurance policies. pocket money in accordance with the objectives and
This is influenced by the income of parents, but students financial realization. According to Nababan & Sadalia
still have a positive attitude towards saving. Potrich et (2013) and Sari (2016), financial behavior is an
al. (2016) found that financial literacy and financial individual’s responsibility in managing finances with
attitudes influence student financial behavior. existing resources to meet personal needs and fulfill
Herdjiono & Damanik (2016) found that financial desires.
attitudes influence financial management behavior,
financial knowledge does not affect financial III. HYPOTHESES
management behavior, and financial knowledge and Sari (2015) and Erawati & Susanti (2017) found that
income of parents do not affect financial management financial literacy has a significant effect on students’
behavior. Setiawati & Nurkhin (2017) found that there financial behavior, as the better student financial
is no effect of financial literacy on student financial literacy is, the better the financial behavior of students
behavior, there is a positive and significant influence of is. Thus, the first hypothesis is as follows:
financial attitudes towards student financial behavior,
and there is a correlation between financial literacy and H1: Financial literacy influences the financial
student financial attitudes. Sari (2015) and Erawati & behavior of pioneering young business entrepreneurs.
Susanti (2017) found that financial literacy had a

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100

Setiawati & Nurkhin (2017) stated that financial results of these calculations will produce three financial
attitude influences financial behavior related to decision literacy criteria, namely:
making. So, a person with a positive attitude is able to
determine how they should take good action on money. 1. High, if the financial literacy rate exceeds 80%.
Therefore, the second hypothesis is as follows: 2. Moderate, if the financial literacy rate is between
H2: Financial attitude influences the financial 60% and 80%.
behavior of pioneering young business entrepreneurs. 3. Low, if the financial literacy rate is less than 60%.
IV. METHODS Furthermore, the researcher used multiple regression
This research method uses survey methods and data by previously carrying out the classic assumption test to
collection using a questionnaire. Sampling uses a ensure that the model could be used in this study. The
purposive sampling strategy on students who are data analysis method uses multiple regression.
pioneering a business, hereinafter referred to as young
pioneering business entrepreneurs. The sample criteria Y = a + b1X1+b2X2+ Ɛ (1)
are young pioneering business entrepreneurs who have
pioneered a business for at least one year, the business Y : Financial Behaviour a : Constant
is still running as this research is conducted, and as the
owner of a business start-up. The operational definitions X1 : Financial Literacy b : Regression coefficient
of variables are as follows. X2 : Financial Attitude Ɛ : Standard error
The researcher sent around 150 questionnaires to
Independent young pioneering business entrepreneurs. The
Definition Indicator
questionnaires that were returned and which could be
Knowledge Indicators of Financial
possessed by Literacy (Chen &
processed was 136. The researcher tested the validity
Financial individuals to Volpe, 1998; Ulfatun et and reliability. The validity test can be measured using
Literacy manage and use al., 2016): Knowledge Pearson Correlation. If the correlation is a significant
(X1) money well (Lusardi of personal finance, value of >0.05, then it is stated that the measurement
& Mitchell, 2014; savings and loans, scale has been valid (Sugiyono, 2015: 203). If all
Yushita, 2017) insurance, investment indicators are above 0.05 then all are valid. Next, the
Indicator of Financial
researcher conducted a reliability test and obtained a
attitude (Potrich et al.,
Financial attitudes
2016): It is important to Cronbach alpha value greater than 0.6 so that it was
are responses in the declared reliable.
control expenditure, It
form of statements
is important to save
Financial of likes or dislikes
regularly, It is
Attitude and are useful or not OF YOUNG PIONEERING BUSINESS
important to compare
(X2) useful related to ENTREPRENEURS
service benefits, It is
individual financial
important to have a
behavior (Potrich et 60-
reserve fund, It is Category <60% >80% Information
al., 2016) 80%
important to set goals
and budget 75% Moderate
Financial Behavior
Individual actions Indicator (Potrich et al., Savings and Loans 45% Low
that reflect good 2016): Paying bills on Insurance 64% Moderate
behavior in time, Habits of making Investment 77% Moderate
managing pocket records, Controlling
money (Potrich et finances, Habits on
al., 2016) Savings, Emergency Based on Table 2, the aspects of financial
fund ownership knowledge, insurance, and investment are in the
moderate category, but savings and loans are in the low
This study uses two data analyses. Initially, category. In general, the start-up business financial
researchers conducted tests of validity and reliability to literacy rate is moderate (65%). Mabyakto (2017) stated
ensure the validity of the study. In the first stage, the that financial knowledge provides evidence that
researcher used descriptive analysis. In this stage, the individuals are independent, wise, and proper in
level of financial literacy is measured using the 20 managing their personal assets. Higher financial literacy
questions derived from Chen & Volpe (1998) and can have a positive impact on financial behavior. The
Ulfatun et al. (2016). The correct answer is calculated financial literacy category is not a low one because of
and divided by the number of questions then multiplied the factor of financial education that was previously
by 100% and the correct questions are given a score of obtained. Basal & Derman (2016) state that family
1 and the wrong questions are given a score of 0. The education, and in academics, can unconsciously help

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100

students improve financial literacy and apply financial E. Multiple Regression Analysis
behaviors such as saving, financial planning, and After testing the validity and reliability the
recording expenses and income. researcher conducted a classic assumption test. The
A. Aspects of financial knowledge normality test uses the one-sample Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test and shows a result of 0.062, which is
Young pioneering business entrepreneurs have
greater than 0.05, indicating normal distribution.
understood the importance of good financial
Heteroscedasticity test uses the Glejser Test and obtains
management. They understand that good financial
financial literacy and financial attitude values of 0.067
management will help them carry out short- and long-
and 0.139, respectively. Because the significance values
term financial planning. They also understand the
are greater than 0.05, there is no heteroscedasticity
concept of income and expenditure. They understand
(Ghozali, 2018). Multicollinearity test shows that the
income as all the income they earn and are which are
VIF value is greater than 1, so there is no
used to meet their business and personal needs.
Expenditures relate to needs and are not based on wants.
Even though they are still in college, but because they After passing the classic assumption test, the
already have a real business, they are very interested in researcher conducted a multiple regression test. The F
proper financial management so that their business can Test results value is 0,000. It is smaller than 0.05. So,
be successful. financial literacy (X1) and financial attitude (X2) as
independent variables have a simultaneous influence on
B. Aspects of savings and loans
financial behavior. T-test results are shown by the
Young pioneering business entrepreneurs have following table:
understood that savings are calculated with compound
interest so that the results of savings will be higher if TABLE 3. RESULTS OF T-TEST
they save their money. They also understand types of
savings accounts such as deposits and savings. Variable t Sig
Understanding of these savings products arises when Financial Literacy 1,591 0,114
they have the advantage of their business which they Financial Attitude 6,573 0,000
then save in the banking system. One of the products
they understand most is deposits and savings because
they are more likely to use these products often. Based on table 3, the influence of independent
variables on the dependent variable individually is as
C. Aspects of insurance follows:
Young pioneering business entrepreneurs The influence of financial literacy (X1) on financial
understand the concept of insurance as a form of risk behavior is (Y). The positive t value is 1.591 with a
control carried out by transferring risk from one party to significance value of 0.114. This value is greater than
another. They also understand the concept of premiums, 0.05, indicating that financial literacy does not affect
namely the amount of money that must be paid each financial behavior. While for the financial attitude (X2)
month as an obligation of the insured for his variable on financial behavior (Y), the value of t value
participation in insurance. Most young pioneering of 6.573 with a significance value of 0,000 which is
business entrepreneurs have personal insurance even smaller than 0.05, indicating that financial attitude
though they do not have insurance to protect their influences financial behavior. Adjusted R square value
business. The insurance they have is life insurance and of 24.4 percent shows that the variance of financial
unit links which aim to minimize their personal risks. behavior can be explained by the variance of financial
Therefore, they understand the aspects of insurance. literacy and financial attitude.
D. Aspects of investment F. Effect of Financial Literacy on Financial Behavior
Young pioneering business entrepreneurs There is no influence of financial literacy on
understand the concept of investment, namely the form financial behavior of business start-ups. The results of
of investment or money that can be taken advantage of this study support the research of Herdjiono & Damanik
in the future. Their investment is obtained mostly from (2016) & Setiawati & Nurkin (2017) which stated that
financial fields that teach a lot about investment, financial literacy knowledge does not affect individual
followed by knowledge they get from their peers. financial behavior because individuals with high or low
Wagner (2015) stated that increasing student literacy financial knowledge are not proven to have good or bad
through learning in higher education can help improve financial behavior. Therefore, the financial literacy of a
students’ understanding of finance, especially business start-up does not automatically improve its
investment and insurance. Therefore, they also financial behavior, and vice versa, the financial
understand investment instruments such as stocks and behavior of the business pilot does not consistently
mutual funds. Some of them have invested in stocks and increase along with the literacy it has.
mutual funds.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 100

Lusardi & Mitchell (2014) are supported by past VI. CONCLUSION

research (Yushita, 2017) stating that financial literacy is The financial literacy level of young pioneering
the ability and financial knowledge possessed by business entrepreneurs falls into the medium category,
individuals to manage finances and use money, so meaning that the average young pioneering business
individuals can improve their standard of living and entrepreneurs had general knowledge in aspects of
avoid financial difficulties. The results of the personal finance knowledge, savings and loans,
descriptive analysis show that good financial insurance, and investment. Financial literacy does not
management can help with short-term and long-term have a significant effect on young pioneering business
planning. In this research, a business start-up has good entrepreneurial financial behavior, so the first
financial literacy in personal financial management so hypothesis is not accepted. Financial Attitude has a
it can help with making short-term and long-term significant effect on young pioneering business
financial planning. However, respondents still have low entrepreneurial financial behavior, so the second
awareness of the benefits of saving, especially to save hypothesis is accepted.
money for future needs. According to Mabyakto et al.
(2017), individuals who have financial knowledge still The limitation in this study is the time provided by
have not proven that anyone can properly manage their respondents to fill out the questionnaire. Subsequent
financial finances. Individual behavior is not always research can use other financial literacy indicators and
influenced by the level of knowledge it has, but can be add several research variables. The business types of
influenced by other factors such as laziness and young pioneering business entrepreneurs can also be
lifestyle. If someone has good financial management, as distinguished in other analysis such as service, trade,
well as being wise and clever, that individual will be and manufacturing industries.
disciplined in financial planning, which is useful in
supporting individual finances for both the short and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
long term. According to Suryanto (2017) and The researcher’s greatest appreciation goes to The
Margaretha & Pambudhi (2015), increasing financial Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
knowledge is not a guarantee for individuals to be able Education of Indonesia for the research grant.
to properly manage their finances. The difficulty of
controlling personal expenses can cause these REFERENCES
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