2022-08-07 - Productivity

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Productivity Lesson
August 07, 2022

Bible Reading: COLLOSIANS 3:17

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deeds, do it all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Pep Talk:

Productivity: the quality of being productive or having the power to produce

What do you think “Work” means?

Work is when we are doing the things that we have to do in life. For you
Awesome Kids, work might be cleaning up your toys or going to school or preschool
and doing your best. God wants us to work hard at whatever it is we need
to do. He does not want us to be lazy.

You have the opportunity to worship God at work through your attitude, work
habits, and by what you produce. We need to be people who take our work seriously
and seek to be as productive as possible for the glory of God.

Your work and productivity matter to God and are profoundly important in His
eyes. This goes for every job you may have. If you are doing your school project,
you are doing your school project for the glory of God. Working productively allows
you to honor God by maximizing the use of your time and to do more good works
for His glory. This is what Productivity is all about.

Proverbs 6:6-8. Think about ants. Anytime you go outside and see ants, they
are working hard. They scavenge for food and work together to complete tasks that
are hard. How can you work hard like an ant when your mom asks you to clean up
your room? Answer: You quickly clean up without complaining. If you have
siblings you can work together. Ants work hard and plan ahead. As Awesome
Kids we should work hard and do our best to please God.

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