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Knowledge Area Task Elements Input Output Key Point

1. Knowledge Area describes the tasks that BAs perform to assess performance of & value delivered by a solution in use by enterprise,
and to recommend removal of barriers or constraints that prevent full realization of the value.
2. Activities are similar to Strategy Analysis but the difference is the existence of an actual solution at this point.
3. Solution Evaluation tasks can be performed on solution components in varying stages of development: a. Prototypes or Proofs of
Concept; b. Pilot or Beta releases; c. Operational releases
Define Solution Performance Measures (qualitative & Solution
quantitative) Inputs: 4. Solution Evaluation includes any combination of performance assessments, tests, and experiments, and may combine both objective
Performance and subjective assessments of value. It focuses on a component rather than entire enterprise.
- business goals, objectives & business process a. Implemented Solution
Measures 5. Purpose is to define performance measures & use data collected to evaluate effectiveness of a solution in relation to
b. Business Objectives
the value it brings. It could be done for a newly implemented or an already existing solution.
(measures that 6. Measures used depend on the solution itself, the context, and how the organization defines value.
Measure Solution Guidelines: provide 7. Performance may be assessed via: a. KPIs aligned with enterprise measures, b. objectives for a project, c. process performance targets,
Performance - Change Strategy information on d. tests for a software application.
- Future State Descrip. how 8. Define Measure: BA check if there any existing measures or any measures already in place. BA should ensure existing performance
- Requirements well the solution measures are accurate, relevant and elicit any additional measures identified by Stakeholders.
Validate Performance measures (Validated) is performing or 9. Business goals, objectives, & business processes are common sources of measures.
potentially could 10. May be influenced by 3rd Parties: vendors, govt bodies, regulatory bodies. Measures can be - Qualitative (attitudes, perceptions, or
- Solution Scope
perform.) subjective response) & Quantitative (number, countable, finite)
11. BAs validate performance measures & any influencing criteria with stakeholders. Decisions about which measures are used to
Collect Performance Measures evaluate solution performance often reside with sponsor, but may be made by any stakeholder with decision-making authority.
Affecting factors -Sample Size, frequency & timing, 12. Collecting Performance measures, BAs may consider: a. Volume or sample size (Too low will skew; too large not practical) ;
b. Frequency & timing c. Currency (more recently tend to be more representative than older data)
1. Purpose is to provide insights into the performance of a solution in relation to the value it brings.
Inputs: Solution 2. BAs need a thorough understanding of potential value that stakeholders hope to achieve with solution. To assist this variables such as
Solution Performance versus Desired Value a. Potential Value goals and objectives of enterprise, key performance indicators (KPIs), level of risk of solution, risk tolerance.
b. Solution Performance Analysis 3. Potential value is used as a benchmark against which solution performance can be evaluated.
4. A solution might be high performing but contributes lower value than expected (or compared to what it had contributed in
Risks Measures (results of the
Analyze analysis of the past). On the other hand, a low performing but potentially valuable solution, can be enhanced to increase its performance level
Performance measurements 5. Performance measures may uncover new risks that must be identified as well.
Guidelines: 6. BAs should remove any anomolies in the data & skewed trends. Sample size shouldnt be too small to skew the results.
Measure Trends collected &
- Change Strategy
recommendation 7. Any pronounced and repeated trends, such as a noticeable increase in errors at certain times or a change in process speed when
- Future State Descrip. to solve volume is increased, are noted.
Accuracy - Risk Analysis Results performance 8. Accuracy: To be considered accurate and reliable, the results of performance measures should be reproducible and repeatable.
- Solution Scope gaps) 9. Performance Variances: Difference between expected and actual performance represents a variance. Root cause analysis may
Performance Variances be necessary to determine the underlying causes of significant variances within a solution.
1. Purpose is to determine factors internal to solution that restrict full realization of value.
2. Assessing solution limitations identifies root causes for under-performing and ineffective solutions & solution components.
3. For an underperforming solution, BAs focuses on the assessment of both internal & external to the solution. In this task, an internal
Inputs: assessment only is done.
a. Implemented Solution 4. This assessment may be performed at any point during the solution life cycle. It may occur on a solution component during
Identify Internal Solution Component Dependencies development, on completed solution prior to full implementation, or on existing solution currently working within org.
5. Solutions have internal dependencies that limit performance of entire solution to performance of least effective component.
b. Solution Performance 6. BAs identify solution components which have dependencies on other solution components and whether they limit performance.
Assess Solution Analysis Solution 7. BAs identify problems in a solution or solution component by examining instances where the outputs from the solution are below an
Limitations Limitation acceptable level of quality.
Solution Evaluation
Guidelines: 8. Problems may be indicated by inability to meet a stated goal, objective, or requirement, or may be a failure to realize a benefit.
Investigate Solution Problem 9. BAs review identified problems to assess effect on operation or inability of the solution to deliver potential value.
- Change Strategy
10. Severity, probability & impact & tolerance on enterprise are assessed and mitigation plans are developed.
- Risk Analysis results
11. Also includes additional quality control measures, new or adjusted business processes, or additional support for exceptions to the
- Solution Scope desired outcome.

Impact Assessment
1. Purpose is to determine how factors external to the solution are restricting value realization. Include factors such as culture, operations,
technical components, stakeholder interests, or reporting structures.
a. Implemented or
2. May be performed at any point during the solution life cycle. Can be done at any level: a. solution component during its development ;
Enterprise Culture Assessment Constructed Solution b. a completed solution prior to full implementation or ; c. on an existing solution currently working within an org.
(external) 3. Culture Assessment analyzes beliefs and values may not be directly visible, they drive the actions taken by an enterprise. Includes: a.
b. Solution Performance check whether SH understand why a solution exist; b. check whether SH belive if the sol is beneficial or not. ;
Analysis c. Determine if any cultural changes are required. Further analysis is to assess whether org. is ready to accept those changes.
Assess Enterprise Stakeholder Impact Analysis c. Current State Enterprise 4. SH Impact analysis: provides insight into how the solution affects a particular stakeholder group. Includes:
Description a. Functions: process in which sol. is used. (inputs to solution; process done by sol. & output of solution)
Limitations Limitations
b. Locations: geographic location of the SH. SH in disparate locations may impact their use of solution & ability to realize value.
Guidelines: c. Concerns: the issues, risks, and overall concerns the stakeholders have with solution. (Perceptions, impact)
Organizational Structure Changes - Business Objectives 5. Org. Structure changes: BAs assess how the organization’s structure is impacted by a solution. (Reporting structure may be an
- Change Strategy hinderance or formal/informal relationship amongst stakeholders)
- Future State Descrip 6. Operational Assessment: which processes & tools within the enterprise are adequately equipped to benefit from the solution, & if
- Risk Analysis Results sufficient & appropriate assets are in place to support it. Includes: policies and procedures, capabilities and processes, skill & training
Operational Assessment - Solution Scope needs, human resources practices, risk tolerance & management approaches, tools and technology
1. Purpose is to understand the factors that create differences between potential value and actual value, and to recommend a course of
action to align them.
2. Recommendations include: how a solution should be replaced, retired, or enhanced. Also includes - long term effects, contribution of
sol to stakeholders & adjusting organization to maximize solution value.
3. Adjusting Performance Measures - the performance of the solution is considered acceptable but may not support the fulfillment of
business goals and objectives. An analysis effort to identify and define more appropriate measures may be required.
Inputs: 4. Recommendations - Based on reason for lower solution performance, following recommendation can be possible:
a. Solution Limitation a. Do Nothing - the value of a change is low relative to the effort required to make the change, or when the risks of change significantly
b. Enterprise Limitation outweigh the risks of remaining in the current state
Recommend actions
Adjust Solution Performance Measures Recommended b. Org Change - Managed at org level. Include: changes to org. structure, or personnel or function, new skill. Can be 2 types:
to increase solution - Automating or simplifying work via re-engineering or outsourcing ; Improving access to information.
Guidelines: Action
value c. Reduce complexity between interfaces to simplify the usage.
- Business Objectives
d. Eliminate Redundancy: different SH group can be satisfied with the same solution.
- Current State Descrip e. Avoid waste: Remove non-value adding activities to the product directly; f. Additional capabilitie not required now but in future
-Do Nothing, Org Change, Retire Solution, Eliminate - Solution Scope g. Retire Solution- Technology has reached its end; outsourcing services, solution not fulfillign its goals.
Redundancy, waste - ongoing vs initial investment: existing solution cost are increasing & there are alternatives with lower cost
- ongoing vs initial investment - opportunity cost - potential value that could be realized by pursuing alternative courses of action.
- opportunity cost - necessity - After a certain point in life cycle it will become impractical or impossible to maintain existing component.
- necessity - Sunk Cost - describes the money and effort already committed to an initiative & may need to reluctance. Decisions should be based on
the future gains and investments.
- Sunk Cost

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