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od be praise for what only Him can do. We are glad to serve a caring

and loving Jesus. If God wants to change your life, He will bring

new people into your life, then open your eyes to new information.

If you think enough you will discover what you have right now is enough to get

your desire result, but it takes illumination of the spirit to behold a way from what

doesn’t look like it.

This teaching is one among those ZWC weekend teachings that will change

your life. I will admonish you to pay attention to everything I will be sharing. The

essence of light is to learn what you are supposed to know. If you don’t know the

way you don’t know it. It’s as simple as that statement. But the good news is that

“Jesus is the way”.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him. I am the way, the truth, and the life…

A leader is a person who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

I’m privilege by God to always share God’s word with us every Sunday on this

platform. I try my best to make sure I go out of my comfort zone to receive

relevant information that has capacity in transforming lives. Then apply it in my

life to see the outcome, before I share it with you all on this platform.

My emphasis here is to encourage someone reading this teaching to increase

his or her focus level.


These principles changed my life for the past five years. And to the glory of

God I can say I have made progress.

I will first like you to understand tonight that, you measure progress base on

certain parameters that are available within the kingdom. You don’t compare your

life with others before you can believe you are making progress.

You don’t look outside the kingdom to know if truly you are making

progress or not. The ways of a man are right before him but it’s God that scrutinize

the heart. Therefore, to an unbeliever’s mindset he or she is making progress as

long as he or she is living according to the world principles and standard.

Thus, you must be prudent enough when you think you are not making

progress in life. A believer works by faith and not by sight.

2 cor. 5:7 for we walk by faith not by sight.

Progress in life is a major thing everybody desire. The aim of everyone is to

always move forward, achieve a goal, fulfill vision, make more money, move

from one phase to another. However, it’s humorous at times when people just

believe they can make progress in life without obeying certain principles.

Hope don’t deliver result in the kingdom but action. That is, living your life

daily as it unfolds will not give you your desire result in life. I said to us some

weeks ago that “time does not change anything but reveal everything. Is either it

reveals your success or failure”.


In physics, the first law of motion states that “every object will remain at

rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by

action of an external force.

This definition is allied to our teaching tonight. Three things you should take

note of from the above definition.

 An object (which represents you).

 State of rest (which represents your current position in life).

 Action of an external force (which represents the principles of progress).

It’s good you know that there is a tendency you will remain where you are

until certain principles are obeyed. It will compel you to move to the next phase

of your life. In the kingdom, you make progress by obeying kingdom principles.

Life is governed by principles not miracles. Man is full of limitations.

The reason why your life for years now remain on a spot is not because you

are bad or life is unfair but because there are certain principles you don’t know

or you are not obeying. I believe you are getting my point?

The will of God is revealed to us in scriptures.

Proverb 4:18 But the path of the just is as a shining light, that shineth more

and more unto the perfect day.

As a believer, there should be a consistent progress in your life. You can take

a throwback into your past five years or six months and confidently say to


yourself you had made progress in a particular area of your life. You aren’t where

you should be, but you should know you aren’t where you use to be in life.

The destination of a believer is perfect days, and the unfolding of that phase

of your life demands a consistent action. The first reason for stagnation you

should know tonight is that, there is no action of external force in your life. That

may be the reason why your life remains where it is today.


Poor Mind-Set and Poor Physical Realities

Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon

the face of the deep….

This is a phase where you don’t know the way and you don’t yet have

physical results. There is someone reading this teaching currently at this phase.

This is just a replica of your life right now. Nothing to show in life, often times,

many at this phase will say life is biased. It seems as though there is nothing you

are going to become in life. You are in the state of hopelessness.

You are poor financially, mentally, purpose undiscovered, a life full of

confusion and you always think there is no hope for you. I was once at this phase

in life.

As a matter of fact, I will like you to understand that your life currently is at

a crude state. And it’s good you rejoice because crude oil in its crude state is still


valuable to them that know the worth. Jesus hasn’t given up on you who knows

your worth.

Don’t quit the race that hasn’t ended. Press on! The reason you have poor

physical realities is because you have a poor mind-set which is a product of your

belief system. And the key you use here is knowledge. Knowledge will change

your perspective and shift you to the next phase of your life.

Healthy Mind-Set and Poor Physical Reality

Healthy mind-set and poor physical reality is the second phase of progress,

and it symbolize someone who has incomplete knowledge. This person can only

perceive the way to greatness but don’t yet have physical result. This is also a

phase in life where you know what to do but it yet to produce tangible results.

Many people are at this phase.

It’s very important you understand that the way to change everything about

your life is to first change it within, using the word of God as a tool. That’s how

you begin to make progress. It starts from the word of God simply because you

are laying a foundation.

Don’t fake what can be real. Enjoy every phase with dignity, don’t live a

fake life deceiving yourself. There is a way to greatness in the kingdom. You have

done all you know best to do does not means that’s all there is. You shouldn’t stop

at this phase because you won’t have a voice in your generation.


There is a difference between “I know how to make money and I make

money daily.” The reason you don’t yet have result at this phase is incomplete

formula. You only know the way to an extent, your knowledge is incomplete.

If you engage in a project over again and yet not producing your desire result,

it’s a sign your formula is incomplete simply because one plus one

mathematically will forever be two.

This is also a sign that your current knowledge and understanding is not

enough. If it’s enough, then you should have result because kingdom principles

are automatic. For example, if you believe Jesus is the son of God, you confess

and receive Him with the whole of your heart, the end result is always salvation.

If you are not saved, then may be you didn’t believe. It can’t be the reverse.

Healthy Mind-Set and Healthy Physical Reality

This is the last phase of progress. There are people who are living at this

phase also with tangible results.

Let me advice you, don’t disvalue wealthy people. Success is not a mistake

neither a luck but accumulated years of consistent hard work. What you celebrate

you replicate. Consistent result is not achieved by mistake.

We have people with a healthy mind-set and at the same time with tangible

results. This last phase is also in levels because result differs.

These are the three phases of progress. You are in one of the above phase

right now.



There is a way in the kingdom to move from a poor mind-set with a poor

physical reality to a healthy mind-set having a healthy physical reality. I want you

to believe these kingdom principles I’m about sharing with you.

Bible speaking in Ecc.1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be

done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

I will like you to read that verse again like five times and see the light in it.

Bible said “there is no new thing under the sun,” meaning riches is not new,

financial freedom is not new, marital success is not new, success in ministry is

not new, living a fulfilled purposeful life is not new, becoming influential is not

new. Whatsoever your heart desire right now, to achieve it is not new under the


Emphatically, nothing on earth is new. Awesome! I bring you light from the

kingdom. From that verse that changed my life, I believed success is in circles,

same as failure. That is; you didn’t just succeed because you are strong or fail

because you are weak, but that it’s congenital from your environment or someone.

Who you follow determines what follows you.

Let’s learn the keys. There are three powerful keys every citizen of the

kingdom of God always use to move from one phase to another.


Identify Who Has Your Desire Result

The key to move from a poor mind-set with a poor physical reality to a

healthy mind-set having a healthy physical reality is to look for minimum of five

persons who are masters and have result in that area of your life that doesn’t yet

produce result.

This is the first tool of progress in the kingdom, by looking for who looks

like your desire result and let it be a kingdom person either onsite or on social

media, and follow them. This is the key to have access to new information. Your

progress in life is highly depended on access to requisite information.

Adopt Their Mind-Set

Mind-set is what makes the difference. The journey of transformation begins

with a change of mind-set and your mind-set can’t change until you first identify

who has your desire result and adopt his or her mind set.

The difference between you and that person is what he or she knows and

doing, you don’t know and not doing. Adopt their mind-set,

Bible speaking in Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so he is….

I pray Holy Spirit opens your eyes to see this. Bible said “as he thinks in his

heart, so he is. Your life is a print out of your mind-set. “He thinks poor that’s why

he is poor, he thinks being broke always that’s why he is broke, he thinks average

that’s why he is among the average class. He thinks he can’t do it that’s why he

hasn’t done it. If you think wealth, you will be wealthy. If you think abundance,


you will have abundant, if you think being prominent you will be influential in

life, if you think you can always do it you will truly bring it to pass.

As he thinketh in his heart so is he. Not so he will be, it’s already

accomplished as long as the heart conceive it and the mind receive it. Your life

right now is a replica of your mind-set. How hard it is to believe this truth but I

believed years back and it changed my life.

The heart is the foundation of belief system, and that’s what determine your

result in life. Your current condition right now is not because you are bad but that

you have a mind-set and belief system that sponsor it. It’s a mind-set challenge.

You need to change the old you to the new you by adopting a new mind-set

from those who know more than you. And that mind-set is already producing

result in the life of someone that has your desired result. You follow them from

your heart to know what they knew.

Consistently behold their result

Bible speaking in 2cor. 3:18 but we are all, with open face beholding as in

a glass the glory of the lord, are changed into the same image from glory tp

glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord.

I pray Holy Spirit open your eyes to see this light. Meaning, you change not

into different image. Bible said “same image and it’s from glory to glory”.


There is a universal law that you will become whatsoever you consistently

behold. The reason why you can’t become a multi-millionaire is because your

friends and people in your circle aren’t.

If you behold from outside the box, then you will find out that’s someone

daily income. Not everybody is looking for money. There is this instant faith it

impacts in your belief system when you are following someone who have result.

God’s servant Dr. Paul Enenche said “it wasn’t difficult for them to build

Glory Dome because they saw when Bishop David Oyedepo built Canaan Land

in a remote environment and it’s a global place today. Be a follower of them who

through faith and patience obtained the promise.

Now you have been able to discover that there is a way for you to succeed.

It’s very important you identify those who have your desire result, adopt their

mind-set and consistently behold their result.

There are three principal keys to making your own personal progress.

The role of instruction in making progress in life.

The first key to making your personal progress is divine instruction.

Isa.48:17 Thus says the Lord, thy redeemer, the Holy one of isreal; i am

the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way

that thou shouldest go.


You don’t make progress in the kingdom by mistake but by receiving divine

instruction. God does not give you instruction that fit into your current life

standard but that which is bigger than you because He wants you to succeed.

Divine instruction is the secret behind the progress of every successful

person in the kingdom. Don’t neglect the instructions of Holy spirit it’s key of

progress. At times many people are confused but the thing is this, they don’t

always ask the Holy spirit what to do. Many snub His leading and wants to make

progress, that’s impossible. Tangible progress in life is a product of divine

instructions acted upon.

The Role of Obedience in Making Progress in Life

Deut.28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shall hearken diligently unto

the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all His commandments

which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high

above all nations of the earth.

Receiving instruction is good but until you obey that instruction you will not

see your desire result in life.

As powerful fasting and prayer are in a believer’s life, life will remain

stunted until obedience is in place. You make progress by obeying divine

instruction. I don’t know how to increase the volume, but if God gives you

instruction, please obey, it’s for your benefits. Even if it appears you will die, die

while obeying the instruction and watch the hand of God transform your life.


In the school of progress obedience is the time keeper. Nothing causes delay

in the life of a believer like disobedient to divine instruction. It’s stronger than

demonic oppression. We are where we are today because of obedience.

With all humility, I can confidently say, “I don’t lack what to do per time

because, before I’m done obeying one instruction another is given and progress

becomes inevitable. Do what God want you to do if you want to make progress

in life.

It’s obedience that gives principles direction to manifest. Obedience

strengthens strategy. Obedience causes growth. It naturally compels the hand of

God in all your endeavors.

The Role of Faithfulness in Making Progress in Life

There are three laws in the kingdom that governs increase.


Thanksgiving is the key to multiply whatever you have. When you learn to always

give thanks to God you naturally increase in all your endeavors.

Jer. 30:19 And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them

that makes merry: and i will multiply them, and they shall not be few; i will

also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

Mark 15:36 And he took the seven loaves and fishes, and gave thanks, and

brake them, and gave to his disciples to the multitude.


Lifting Jesus Up

Progress becomes instant when you allowing people to see Jesus. Jesus is

your secret because He provides the wisdom.

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.


Luke 19:17 And he said unto him, well, thou good servant: because thou hast

been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.

Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and

he that is unjust also in much.

Faithfulness is the key to making progress in the kingdom. Be committed

with the whole of your heart to the little you have been given, then God will add

to it, again add to it and again add to it.

You don’t increase by having much, you increase by being faithful to the

little you have. You don’t become rich because of abundance. You manage little

to grow rich.


You know what to do by receiving instruction, you get your heart desire

result through obedience and increase becomes inevitable when faithfulness is in

place. These are kingdom laws of success. It works like magic if you learn and

work with them.


Look for those who have your heart desire result, adopt their mind-set and

behold their result consistently.

Value divine instruction, make obedience your friend and be faithful to the

little entrusted into your hands. Even hell can’t stop you from making progress in

all you do. I believed this teaching blessed you?


If you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord and personal savior, or you

received Him before, but as you journey through life you missed it all, there is

still a way for you. Jesus is calling you today. Do you want to be born again? I

want you to open your heart and pray this prayer.

Dear Lord Jesus, come into my life today, take control of my life, forgive

me all my sins and save me. I put my trust in you alone for my salvation. I believe

you are the son of God who died and resurrected on the third day. I accept your

free gift of eternal life in Jesus name Amen.

I know you have been blessed and transformed by this message. We are

having a goal this year “To help minimum of five thousand people to discover

and walk in their God given purpose.”

Send us your testimony via the contacts address below, so we document it

for sharing. We love you, we believe in your future, See you at the top. It's our

year of GREATER GLORY Haggai 2:3,9.



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