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1. “How Do You Think About Thinking”? Make an analysis of not more than fifty
words about this statement.
 Thinking has been one of the most common things that we do. I think of it
as an evaluation of what I’m about to do or how will I deliver what am I
thinking. This became part of our life as we grow older where being wise
and strategic is a must.

2. Make a list of your” Top 5 Tips/Secrets for Studying” based on your personal
 I like to jot down my notes, answers or reviewers because it makes me
remember what is in there or I can still make revise if I want to add more
 I prefer listening to instrumental music in order to focus.
 I like dim lights because it makes me more productive.
 I am into colorful pens so I can make the important words more visible and
helps me to remember it quickly.
 Water is my best friend when I have to stay awake to study.

3. Scenario: You are about to study for your final examinations and it is as if the
universe conspired for a heavy final week, all your subjects provided at least
three new reading materials and topics one week before the examination period.
List some possible study techniques are going to use to prepare yourself for the
final examination.
 I create a reviewer where I write down the important details and have it in
a colorful way.
 I make sure I will remember the keywords because all details follow.
 I just read it, not memorizing it.
 I read it aloud so I can remember it clearly.

4. How do you manage and care about the different aspects of yourself?
 I manage myself in terms of my emotions. In times that I am happy, I am
sometimes vocal about it if I truly appreciate it but somehow, I stay silent
because it’s better to be that way so I can keep it. When I’m sad and I
have no one to talk to? I write my feelings down or I create a poem where
I imagine that it is an intense scene. If ever that I can’t control the anger in
me, I’d rather cry in the corner than to leave a hurtful word. But then I am
still vocal about it so that I won’t leave any regrets. Sometimes I’m upset
so what I do about it is to tell to that person so s/he is aware. After that,
I’m already fine. All in all, the emotions I am showing, I talk about it to God
because I really feel comfortable and it’s like a part of me where I am used
to talking to Him out of nowhere.

5. How do you hone new skills and learn to better managing of one’s self and
 Honing my new skills depends on the level of my interest. If I like it too
much that it can be my resort during my personal free time, then I often do
it. But if I occasionally like it, I seldom do it. Now with how I deal to new
skills are like that, then I know that I also discover how to manage my self
where I reflect on what I do so that I’ll know better when another moment
comes. Given that different situations gives different emotions, I knew that
I’ll have ways that I will commonly do it or I may be doing things I never

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