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B. Ot+er Learning Re!orce!

A. Re%ie4ing re%io! ,e!!on or $sk) 8o many times ha!e you $sk students to ha!e a recap on 14 minutes- /e!ie
re!enting t+e ne4 ,e!!on checked your phone this morning9 yesterday:s topic.
$sk) ;id you use the internet after you <hat are the online platforms
B. E!ta#,i!+ing a ro!e for t+e
oke up this morning9 ebsites+applications- you usually
 The teacher asks the students ho The teacher asks the students their
C. Pre!enting e1am,e!" information and communication reasons hy they !isit those internet
in!tance! of t+e ne4 ,e!!on technology a=ects our daily li!es9 sites + online platforms 8o often9

 The teacher gi!es a brief discussion on The teacher discuss hat online 56I7 proper
'. 'i!c!!ing ne4 concet! and information and communication platform is.
racticing ne4 !2i,,! 5( technology.

;iscuss ho ICT e!ol!e in the The teacher ill present !aried

,hilippines nuances of online platforms" sites and
E. 'i!c!!ing ne4 concet! and its content to best achie!e specic
racticing ne4 !2i,,! 5) class ob'ecti!es or address situational
Group Activity: Braintor!in" 0roup $cti!ity) $%& Class >eud adopt
;i!ide the class into groups" the concept of the T? game sho"
and ha!e each group meet to >amily >eud-. The focus of the acti!ity
brainstorm aand list don at least 14 ill be the di!ersity of online platform.
F. 'e%e,oing ma!ter3 technological ad!ances they think 5uestions include) <hat are the
should be included on a time line of ebsites the >ilipinos mostly !isit9
the most important technological <hat are the top @ reasons hy they
ad!ances in human history. !isit >% site9
$llo students to use their android Say) Cite the top @ useful ebsites a
phones and ha!e them research to nd students brose on e!eryday.
the dates for the technological
ad!ances they plan to include on their
time lines. ,rehistoric technology can
be dated simply by the ord
G. Finding ractica, a,ication of prehistoric. Students can make their
56I7 proper
concet! and !2i,,! in dai,3 ,i%ing time lines on long strips of paper" cut
out and tape together or on bron
paper that comes in rolls. Time lines
should include illustrations of the
technological ad!ances students ish
to highlight.

<hen all groups ha!e completed their $sk the students to dene online 56I7 proper
time lines" display them around the platformsD compare and contrast the
classroom. In!ite students to compare nuances of !aried online platforms and
the time lines to see hich sitesD and cite examples of it.
8. 6a2ing genera,i9ation! and technological ad!ances ere included
a#!traction! a#ot t+e ,e!!on on most of them.The teacher asks
students to dene ICT and ho it
e!ol!ed in the ,hilippines base on the

!aluate groups on their time lines Students compose an insightful

using the folloing rubric) reection paper about the impact of
ICT specically online platforms- in
G. E%a,ating ,earning 14 points) includes more than 14 their li!es and in the society. Compare
itemsD dates accurateD illustrations and contrast the nuances of !aried ,aper and pencil 24#item AuiB-
includedD time line carefully prepared online platforms and sites.

8. Additiona, acti%itie! for

a,ication or remediation
$ll students should be able to get E4G
V. RE6AR7S the le!el of mastery.

A. No. of ,earner! 4+o earned
:;< on t+e formati%e
B. No. of ,earner! re=ire
additiona, acti%itie! for
C. 'id t+e remedia, ,e!!on! 4or2>
No. of ,earner! 4+o +a%e cag+t
 4it+ t+e ,e!!on
'. No. of ,earner! 4+o contine
to re=ire remediation
E. ?+ic+ of m3 teac+ing
!trategie! 4or2ed 4e,,> ?+3 did
t+e!e 4or2>
F. ?+at di@c,tie! did I
enconter 4+ic+ m3 rincia, or
!er%i!or can +e, me !o,%e>

G. ?+at inno%ation or ,oca,i9ed

materia,! did I !e"di!co%er
4+ic+ I 4i!+ to !+are 4it+ ot+er

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