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Research the work of Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar and his brother, Maulana
Shaukat Ali. What was their impact on the Muslim community and importance?
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Maulana Mohammad Ali

Mohammad Ali was born in 1878 in Naziabad, Rampur
State. He was born to a rich family belonging to the Yusufzai
clan. His father, Abdul Ali Khan, died when he was five
years old. His brothers were Shaukat, who became a leader of
the Khilafat Movement, and Zulfiqar. His mother Abadi
Begum (1852–1924), affectionately known as Bi Amman,
inspired her sons to take up the mantle of the struggle for
freedom from Colonial rule. To this end, was adamant that
her sons were properly educated.

Despite the early death of his father, Jauhar attended Aligarh

Muslim University and the Allahabad University, in 1898,
Lincoln College, Oxford, studying modern history.

Upon his return to India, he served as education director for

the Rampur state, and later joined the Baroda civil service.
He became a writer and an orator of the first magnitude and a farsighted political leader, writing
articles in major British and Indian newspapers like The Times, London, The Manchester Guardian
and The Observer. He launched the English weekly The Comrade in 1911 in Calcutta. It quickly
gained circulation and influence. He moved to Delhi in 1912 and there he launched an Urdu-
language daily newspaper Hamdard in 1913. He married Amjadi Bano Begum (c. 1886–1947) in
1902. Amjadi Begum was actively involved in the national and Khilafat Movement.

Jauhar worked hard to expand the Aligarh Muslim University, then known as the Muhammadan
Anglo-Oriental College, and was one of the co-founders of the Jamia Millia Islamia in 1920, which
was later moved to Delhi.

Jauhar had attended the founding meeting of the All India Muslim League in Dacca in 1906, and
served as its president in 1918. He remained active in the League till 1928. Jauhar "had the unique
distinction of having directed the affairs of the three most important political parties/movements in
the country—The Indian National Congress, the All India Muslim League and the Khilafat

He represented the Muslim delegation that travelled to England in 1919 to convince the British
government to influence the Turkish nationalist Mustafa Kemal not to depose the Sultan of Turkey,
who was the Caliph of Islam and the presumed leader of all Islamic nations of that time. British
government's rejection of their demands resulted in the formation of the Khilafat committee which
directed Muslims all over India to protest and boycott the British government.
In 1921, Jauhar formed a broad
coalition with nationalist leaders
like Shaukat Ali, Abul Kalam
Azad, Hakim Ajmal Khan,
Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Syed
Ata Ullah Shah Bukhari as well
as Mahatma Gandhi, who then
enlisted the support of the
Indian National Congress and
many thousands of Hindus, who
joined the Muslims in a
demonstration of unity against
the British government. Jauhar
also wholeheartedly supported
Gandhi's call for a national civil Maulana Mohammad Ali with his wife and other members of the
resistance movement, and
Khilafat Movement.
inspired many hundreds of
protests and strikes all over India.
He was arrested by British authorities and imprisoned for two years for what was termed as a
seditious speech at the meeting of the Khilafat Conference.

Jauhar was, however, disillusioned by the failure of the Khilafat movement and Gandhi's suspension
of non-cooperation movement in 1922, owing to the Chauri Chaura incident. In this incident, on 4
February 1922, when a large group of protesters, participating in Gandhi's non-cooperation
movement clashed with police, who opened fire and killed three protesters. In retaliation, the
demonstrators attacked and set fire to a police station, killing 22 policemen. The Indian National
Congress suspended the non-cooperation movement on
the national level as a direct result of this incident.

He restarted his daily Hamdard, and left the Congress

Party. He opposed the Nehru Report, which was a
document proposing constitutional reforms and a
dominion status of an independent nation within the
British Empire, written by a committee of Hindu and
Muslim members of the Congress Party headed by
President Motilal Nehru. It was a major protest against
the Simon Commission which had arrived in India to
propose reforms but containing no local Indian nor
making any effort to listen to the Indians' voices and
aspirations. Mohammad Ali was put in jail.[13] So All
Parties Conference on Nehru report was represented by
Shaukat Ali, Begum Mohammad Ali and 30 other
members of the Central Khilafat Committee which
included Abdul Majid Daryabadi, Azad Subhani,
Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi, Abul Muhasin Muhammad The Ali Brothers with their mother.
Sajjad and others. Mohammad Ali opposed the part of
the Nehru Report's 'rejection' of separate electorates for
Muslims, and supported the Fourteen Points of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League. He
became a critic of Gandhi, breaking with fellow Muslim leaders like Abul Kalam Azad, Hakim
Ajmal Khan and Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, who continued to support Gandhi and the Indian National
In 1921, the British government established a court in Khaliqdina Hall in Karachi and punished him
with two-and-a-half years' imprisonment in Karachi central jail. Besides this jail sentence, he served
many and frequent jail sentences due to his anti-government activities. However, he kept fighting
for the Muslim League.

Ultimately Mohammad Ali's frequent jail sentences, his diabetes and lack of proper nutrition while
jailed, made him very sick. Despite his failing health, he wanted to attend the first Round Table
Conference held in London in 1930. Ali attended the 'Conference' in London (the chairman being
Sir Agha Khan of the Muslim delegation) to show that only the Muslim League spoke for India's
Muslims. Reportedly his words to the British government were that he would not return to India
alive unless the country was set free, "I would prefer to die in a foreign country so long as it is a free
country, and if you do not give us freedom in India, you will have to give me a grave here."

He died of a stroke in London on 4 January 1931 and was buried in

Jerusalem by the choice of his relatives, friends and admirers. The
inscription on his grave in the Khātūniyya Madrasa, which is near
the Dome of the Rock, says: "Here lies al-Sayyid Muhammad Ali
al-Hindi." Pakistan Postal Services issued a commemorative postage
stamp for Jauhar in its 'Pioneers of Freedom' series on his birth
anniversary in 1978. A number of educational intuitions like
Mohammad Ali Jauhar University, Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar
Academy of International Studies in Jamia Millia Islamia, Maulana
Mohammad Ali College and places including Johar Town,
Jauharabad, Gulistan-e-Jauhar are named after Jauhar. A house in
Cadat College Ormara is named after Molana Mohammad Ali Johar
to remember the great hero and give inspiration to the youth.

Maulana Mohammad Ali 'Jauhar' is a 1984 documentary film

directed by Saiyed Ahmad and produced by the Government of The grave of Mohammad Ali in
India's Films Division, it covers his political career and life as an Indian Jerusalem.
freedom fighter.

A speech of Maulana M. Ali Jauhar:

"I had long been convinced that here in this Country of hundreds of millions of human beings,
intensely attached to religion, and yet infinitely split up into communities, sects and denominations,
Providence had created for us the mission of solving a unique problem and working out a new
synthesis, which was nothing low than a Federation of Faiths … For more than twenty years I have
dreamed the dream of a federation, grander, nobler and infinitely more spiritual than the United
States of America, and today when many a political Cassandra prophesies a return to the bad old
days of Hindu-Muslim dissensions I still dream that old dream of 'United Faiths of India.'" —
Mohammad Ali Jauhar; from the Presidential Address, I.N.C. Session, 1923, Cocanada (now
Maulana Shaukat Ali
Shaukat Ali was born in 1873 in Rampur state in what is today Uttar
Pradesh in India but later played role in partition of India on religious
lines. He was educated at the Aligarh Muslim University. He was
extremely fond of playing cricket, captaining the university team.
Ali served in the civil service of the United Provinces of Oudh and Agra for 17 years in British

Shaukat Ali helped his younger brother Mohammad Ali Jouhar publish the Urdu weekly Hamdard
and the English weekly Comrade. In 1915 he published an article which said Turks were right to
fight the British. These two weekly magazines played a key role in shaping the political policy of
Muslim India back then. In 1919, while jailed for publishing what the British charged as seditious
materials and organizing protests, he was elected as the last president of the Khilafat conference. He
was re-arrested and imprisoned from 1921 to 1923 for his support to Mahatma Gandhi and the
Indian National Congress during the Non-Cooperation Movement (1919–1922). His fans accorded
him and his brother the title of Maulana. In March 1922, he was in Rajkot jail and was later released
in 1923.

While still a supporter of Congress and its non-violent ethos,

Ali even surpassed some of his colleagues in also providing
support to the revolutionary independence movement. To this
end, he supplied guns to Sachindranath Sanyal.

He opposed the 1928 Nehru Report. Instead, he demanded

separate electorates for Muslims and finally the Khilafat
Committee rejected the Nehru Report. Shaukat Ali attended
the first and second Round Table Conferences (India) in
London in 1930-31. His brother Jouhar died in 1931, and
Shaukat Ali continued on and organized the World Muslim
Conference in Jerusalem.
Maulana Shaukat Ali with his
In 1936, Ali became a member of the All India Muslim wife in 1932.
League and became a close political ally of and campaigner
for Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the future founder of Pakistan. He
served as member of the 'Central Assembly' in British India
from 1934 to 1938. He travelled all over the Middle East, building support for India's Muslims and
the struggle for independence from the British rule in India.

Shaukat Ali died on 26 November 1938 at the residence of Begum Mohammad Ali Jauhar, the
widow of his brother, in Karol Bagh, a neighborhood in Delhi. His body was buried near Jama
Masjid, Mina Bazar in Shaukat Ali Masjid, and Delhi on 26 November 1938.

Pakistan Postal Services issued a commemorative postage stamp in his honor in 1995 in its 'Pioneers
of Freedom' series.

A street in Mumbai (formerly Grant Road) is named after him.

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