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IT SUPPORT SERVICE Ref _| BGIE-ICT-PGO3-OPO1-OF 01 | a Version 0 seceane REQUEST FULFILMENT Deve. Heb 2022 BER QUES FORM = 2 The account must be closed when the user leaves the company. Ducand Origin othe equ ullaameanditey: Eapren~ Adana = CMS Depreserhve First Last name of the future user (CAPITAL LETTER): Dewey Ste Name Castle Derwent achierifil satin Marpac JobTitle: Tel:_ 04 DOE Y 3% _ Emit: eases 2 fields of one or m [J] Account Opening |] Account Modification [| Account closure [New sharing o oo ‘oldert Namet Folder Neme 2 Folder {deactivation Intemet VPN Access ADCreation| Foldert Nemo!” Folder Ni econ! Permission / Read, Write! | | Dee moe ee ee Peculiarites: soqee FOF TO Sere Reon rte a bee Bes le veel Neu? AD Accout f Deparment Erroll Bceouts, rl We Fullname ee Eyre Request Creation / Modification / Closure | Stings withthe user Exclusive Property of BGI-Ethiopia: Confidential

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