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JFS: Food Chemistry and Toxicology

Milk Protein Coatings Prevent

Oxidative Browning of Apples and Potatoes

ABSTRACT: Color analysis on apple and potato slices coated with calcium caseinate or whey protein solutions
showed that the 2 coatings efficiently delayed browning by acting as oxygen barriers. The antioxidant properties of
Food Chemistry and Toxicology

the films were realized using a model allowing the release of oxidative species by electrolysis of saline buffer. Whey
proteins were a better antioxidant capacity than calcium caseinate. Furthermore, addition of carboxymethyl cellu-
lose (CMC) to the formulations significantly improved their antioxidative power. Best scavenging of oxygen free
radicals and reactive oxygen species was found for films based on whey proteins and CMC which inhibited by 75%
the formation of colored compounds produced by the reaction of the oxidative species with N,N-diethyl-p-phe-
Keywords : antioxidant; oxidative browning; edible coating; whey proteins; caseinate; color analysis.

Introduction tion on sliced mushrooms significantly reduced enzymatic


for the food industry. The normal approach to inhibit
browning (Nisperos-Carriedo and others 1991).
This work reports color measurements, performed by
both enzymatic and nonenzymatic oxidative browning in trivariance analysis on sliced apples and potatoes coated
foods has been the application of sulfites. However, health with milk protein formulations, in order to determine effec-
concerns have limited their application (Sapers 1993). Other tiveness in postponing enzymatic browning. Furthermore,
techniques, including modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) antioxidant properties of films cast from whey and calcium
and vacuum packaging have been considered. While this ap- caseinate solutions were tested using the N,N-diethyl-p-phe-
proach can delay browning, excessive reduction of oxygen nylenediamine (DPD) colorimetric method.
will damage the product by inducing anaerobic metabolism,
leading to breakdown and off-flavor formation. Further- Materials and Methods
more, the removal of oxygen also entails a risk that anaero-
bic conditions in the product might become favorable for Materials
the growth of Clostridium botulinum (Sapers 1993). Another Calcium caseinate (Alanate 380) was provided by New
approach is the use of antibrowning agents based on citric Zealand Milk Products (Santa Rosa, Calif., U.S.A.). Concen-
acid or ascorbic acid. Although ascorbic acid can reduce en- trated whey protein powder was obtained from Saputo
zymatic browning, it can increase nonenzymatic browning Cheese Ltd. (St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada). Glycerol
due to the its own oxidation into dehydroascorbic acid (99.5%, reagent grade) from American Chemicals Ltd.
(DHAA) which then reacts with amino acids to yield brown (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), carboxymethyl cellulose sodi-
colors by the Maillard reaction or other nonenzymatic pro- um salt (CMC, low viscosity) and N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenedi-
cesses (Kacem and others 1987). Furthermore, high concen- amine (DPD) from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.,
trations of acid or other chemical agents could significantly U.S.A.) were used as received, without further purification.
alter food flavor and odor. Recently, Sapers and others (1997)
showed that the use of harsh chemical treatments (heated Coating procedure and film formation
acid solutions) can induce severe textural damage in pre- a) Preparation of coating solution: Coating solutions were
peeled potatoes resulting in surface firming (case hardening) prepared with 5% protein (calcium caseinate or whey pro-
and separation of the superficial tissues that affect texture tein powder), 2.5% glycerol, 0.25% CMC, and 0.125% CaCl 2
after mashing and slicing following cooking. Such defects according to a method developed in our laboratory (Ressou-
would greatly limit the utilization of pre-peeled potatoes any and others 1998; Brault and others 1997). The compo-
which have received the antibrowning treatment. nents were mixed in distilled water to obtain homogeneous
Nussinovick and Kampf (1993), Hershko and Nussinovitch solution and heated at 80 8C for 30 min. The solutions were
(1998) proposed and used alginate-based coating solution to cooled at room temperature (20 6 1 8C) and the final solu-
conserve the mushroom for a long period with a better ap- tion pH was 6.5. Solutions were prepared immediately before
pearance and color. Tong and others (2000) showed that use and the color measurement was realized when the coat-
whey proteins are effective antioxidants in salmon oil-in-wa- ing solutions was applied on slices.
ter emulsions. The use of milk protein-based coatings, which McIntosh apples (Rougemont, Quebec, Canada) and Rus-
are flavorless, odorless, and edible, could also be beneficial set potatoes (Canada #1 from Prince Edward Island, Canada)
for controlling enzymatic browning of cut fruits and vegeta- were used. Five slices (each about 1 cm thick) were cut from
bles without inducing tissue damage. Edible coatings based 3 potatoes and 3 apples, dipped and held for 1 min in the
on cellulose gums have already been used to effectively delay coating solutions and laid on a flat surface for drying at
ripening in some climacteric fruits like mangoes, papayas, room temperature (20 6 1 8C). Control potatoes and apples
and bananas. Furthermore, application of the same formula- were cut and laid without dipping in the dishes and exposed

512 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 66, No. 4, 2001 © 2001 Institute of Food Technologists
Oxidative Browning of Apples and Potatoes . . .

to atmospheric air. The experiments were repeated 3 times. MgSO4 0.86 mM, CaCl2 1.25 mM, glucose 11.0 mM, and EDTA
(b) Preparation of film-forming solution: Films used for 0.06 mM). Preliminary results showed that similar oxidative
measuring antioxidant properties were based on milk protein, effect can be obtained by electrolysis of 0.15 M NaCl, in the
glycerol and CMC only. Solutions containing 5% protein (calci- same conditions (10 mA, 400 V for 1 min).
um caseinate or whey protein powder), 2.5% glycerol and with The antioxidative capacity describes the film’s capacity to
or non 0.25% CMC were heated at 80 8C during 30 min. Heat inhibit the accumulation of oxidative species (able to oxidize
was essential for the formation of the intermolecular disulfide DPD) and the red coloration at 515 nm. The reaction is cali-
bonds, this process is necessary to obtain a flexible film with brated using the nonelectrolyzed KH buffer solution (no oxi-
good mechanical properties (Vachon and others 2000; Le Tien dative species, ascribed to 100% scavenging) and the electro-
and others 2000). The reason for CMC addition resides in its lyzed KH buffer solution (0% scavenging, in the absence of
role as a matrix (protein stabilizing), whereas glycerol can play any antioxidants). The scavenging percentage is calculated
the role of a plasticizer agent, which prevents breaking film following this equation:
(Ressouany and others 1998). The solutions were cooled at

Food Chemistry and Toxicology

room temperature (20 6 1 8C) and the final solution pH was scavenging (%) = 100 – [ (OD sample /OD control) 3 100] (1)
6.5. Films were cast by applying 5 mL of the solution onto a 8.5
cm diameter Petri dishes (Fisher Scientific, Montreal, Quebec, where OD control represents the OD of electrolyzed solution
Canada) and allowed to dry overnight at room temperature in the absence of film. In fact, OD is directly related to the
(20 6 1 8C). Transparent dried films were peeled intact from degree of oxidation of DPD reagent by the oxidative species.
the casting surface and reconditioned in a desiccator contain- Thus a film able to reduce completely the level of reactive
ing a saturated NaBr solution, ensuring 56% relative humidity oxidative species will have a 100% scavenging capacity.
(RH) at room temperature (20 6 1 8C), for at least 48 h (Gon-
tard and others 1992). Results and Discussion

Color analysis and lightness evaluation

Color measurements were made at 5 min intervals for a
ties which are important for the film formation (hydro-
gen, hydrophobic and ionic interactions). However, the heat-
total experimental period of 130 min. The color was evaluat- ing was necessary for the formation of the intermolecular
ed by trivariance analysis using a Colormet reflectance spec- disulfide bonds which improve the mechanical properties of
trocolorimeter (Instrumar Engineering Ltd., St. John’s, NF, film, particularly, the oxygen barrier (McHugh and Krochta
Canada) using the standard CIELAB (1976) color system. 1994). Addition of CMC in the formulation resides in its role
Lightness is reported as L* and the hue angle value is given as a matrix, whereas glycerol can play the role of a plasticiz-
by tan-1 (b*/a*). The lightness value for perfect white is 100, ing agent (Le Tien and others 2000). All milk protein-based
while L* = 0 corresponds to black. As the hue decreases, red films used in this experiment were transparent after com-
pigmentation increases. The a* axis (red) corresponds to a plete well drying.
hue angle of 0°. Color measurements were done on 15 slices
(potato or apple, n = 15). Coating and the oxidative browning
The variation of the lightness parameter (L*) as a function
Evaluation of antioxidant properties of time for coated potato slices is presented in Figure 1. For
Antioxidative capacities of film were evaluated following a the uncoated (control) slices, an increase in lightness was ob-
modified procedure of the DPD (N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenedi- served for the 1st 15 min. Then, L* value of the uncoated po-
amine) colorimetric method (APHA 1989), as reported by tato slices starts to progressively decrease with time for the re-
Dumoulin and others (1996). maining experimental period. Over the entire duration of the
(a) Film thickness measurement: Film thickness was mea-
sured using a Mitutoyo Digimatic Indicator (Mitutoyo, Tokyo,
Japan) at 5 random positions around the film. The average
film thickness was in the range of 50 6 5 mm and depended
upon the formulation.
(b) Antioxidative capacity determination: Films were cut
in pieces of equal thickness (50 6 4 mm), all measuring 0.8 3
2.5 cm (approximately 200 mg protein). They are then put in
a cell containing 3 mL of Krebs-Henseleit (KH) buffer and
submitted to electrolysis for 1 min (continuous current, 400
Volts; 10 mA) using a generator (Bio-Rad, model 1000/500).
After electrolysis, a volume of 200 mL of solution is sampled
and added to 2 mL of DPD solution (25 mg/mL). The oxida-
tive species react instantly with DPD producing a red colora-
tion that can be measured at 515 nm. The colorimetric reac-
tion was calibrated with potassium permanganate (KMnO 4)
solution. The oxidative capacity of 1.00 mg/L of free chlorine
solution (generating hypochlorous acid) corresponds to that
of 5.63 mmol/L KMnO4 solution.
Use of electrolysis as a method to generate oxidative
stress was first introduced by Jackson and others (1986) for
physiological studies on perfused isolated organs. Oxidative Figure 1—Time course of the lightness parameter (L*) for
damage was realized by electrolysis of KH buffer (NaCl 118.0 uncoated (control) and coated (calcium caseinate or whey
mM, NaHCO3 25.4 mM, KCl 4.8 mM, KH 2PO4 1.2 mM, protein) potato slices (n = 14; SD # 6 1.22)

Vol. 66, No. 4, 2001—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 513

Oxidative Browning of Apples and Potatoes . . .

experiment (130 min), the L* of the control slices varied from Nisperos-Carriedo and others (1991) reported color mea-
70.64 (at t = 0) to 66.15 at (t = 130 min). The loss of lightness surements done on sliced mushrooms coated with a formu-
can be estimated at 4.5% for the experimental period (130 lation containing vegetable oils, cellulose gums, emulsifiers,
min). Under the same conditions, the L* values observed for surfactants, and fatty acids. They showed that the coating re-
coated potato slices did not show any evidence of loss of light- duced enzymatic browning. After 2 h, the coated mush-
ness. A slight increase in lightness was even noticed for all rooms were lighter than the uncoated ones. Still, the coating
types of coated potato slices between the 1st 45 min and 70 did not completely inhibit darkening as the coated mush-
min respectively for calcium caseinate and whey proteins. Af- rooms were slightly darker after 2 h than the fresh-cut con-
ter 130 min, the lightness of the calcium caseinate-coated slic- trols. Milk protein-based formulations appeared more effec-
es was L* = 71.39 and a similar value (L* = 71.72) was noted for tive in controlling oxidative browning of sliced potatoes and
the whey-coated slices. The increase of L* value in coated and apples since color fluctuations were not enhanced by a lower
uncoated samples is probably due to the exudation of natural L* (Figure 1 and 3), even after 2 h.
liquid present in potato or the coating solution that contribute A previous report showed that the addition of whey pow-
Food Chemistry and Toxicology

to increase L* value. Afterward, L* value remained stable until der improved the oxidative stability of soybean oil (Browdy
the end of the experiment. and Harris 1997). Protein coatings probably delay browning
Figure 2 shows the variation of hue angle for uncoated by preventing the oxidative process. An important factor im-
and coated potato slices. As the hue angle decreases, red pig- plied in the inhibition of the oxidative browning is that the
mentation becomes more pronounced. The control (uncoat- coating by protein solution represents an efficient barrier to
ed) slices undergo rapid appearance of red pigmentation as oxygen (decreased oxygen penetration). However, this barri-
seen by the sharp decrease of the hue over the first 45 min. er is not total. Previous studies (McHugh and Krochta 1994)
Then, the hue was stable for the remainder of the experi- demonstrated that these coatings are not completely imper-
mental period. For the coated slices (calcium caseinate and vious to oxygen. Indeed, the oxygen permeability of milk
whey proteins), only a slight variation of the hue was noticed protein-based films were varied between 19 and 43 cm 3.ìm/
for the entire period of 130 min (Figure 1). m2.d.kPa (25 8C). This feature would, consequently, lower the
Figure 3 and 4 show the lightness (L*) and hue results ob- risks of creating undesirable anaerobic conditions and re-
tained for apple slices. Similar to the changes observed for po- tarded oxidative browning. Other agents could also inhibit
tato slices, L* rapidly decreased with time for the uncoated enzymatic browning by different mechanisms. Many pro-
apple slices (Figure 3). After 130 min, the average L* of the un- teins can exert certain antioxidative effects. The presence of
coated apples was 66.11 compared to 74.77 at t = 0. This rep- several side residues of amino acids, in particular, the cys-
resents an overall lightness loss of more than 8% for the entire teine in the milk proteins can directly or indirectly inhibit the
period. For the coated apple slices, L* remained rather con- polyphenol oxidases. Dudley and Hotchkiss (1989) showed
stant showing that the protein coatings effectively protected that cysteine inhibits polyphenol oxidase via its SH groups,
the fruit from oxygen. As for the hue (Figure 4), results show acting as an agent coupling quinones and forming stable, col-
that, for all apple slices, the angle decreased slightly with time. orless compounds. The same phenomenon has been ob-
The hue decrease was faster for uncoated slices and calcium served by Berlett and others 1997. Kohen and others (1988)
caseinate-treated slices. Best prevention was found with the demonstrated that the histidine residues and its derivatives
whey coating. Although the hue decreased, our data (Figure 3) (having an imidazole compound) possess an antioxidant ac-
show that moderate color fluctuations were not associated tivity that was due to hydrogen donation. Indeed, the hydro-
with darkening. Overall results clearly suggest that protein- gen on the ring nitrogen and on the methylene carbon next
based edible coatings were successful in delaying oxidative to imidazol ring are likely donors. Furthermore, the enzyme
browning in sliced apples and potatoes. was also supposed to be competitively inhibited by the pres-

Figure 2—Time course of the hue for uncoated (control) Figure 3—Time course of the lightness parameter (L*) for
and coated (calcium caseinate or whey protein) potato uncoated (control) and coated (calcium caseinate or whey
slices (n = 15; SD # 6 1.58) protein) apple slices (n = 14; SD # 6 1.42)

514 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 66, No. 4, 2001

Oxidative Browning of Apples and Potatoes . . .

ence of aromatic residues such as tyrosine, phenylalanine, apples (McHugh and Senesi 2000). In order to further evalu-
and tryptophan (Berlett and others 1997). Probably milk pro- ate the antioxidant capacities of these films, measurements
tein coatings exert prevention through both effects as barrier were carried out using a model allowing the release of reac-
limiting the access of oxygen and via a possible inhibitory ac- tive oxidative species by electrolysis of saline buffer.
tion at the level of polyphenol oxidases located in the tissues
cells. Additional effects could be related to the presence of Antioxidant properties of protein films
other components in the film formulation. For instance The antioxidative power of protein films is presented in Fig-
CMC, as carbohydrate, can exert a nonspecific oxidative spe- ure 5. Milk protein films containing CMC had better antioxida-
cies scavenging activity (Wehmeier and Mooradian 1994). tive capacities than those based only on protein (caseinate or
Another possible effect can be related to the carboxylic whey) and glycerol. The antioxidant capacities of milk protein-
groups of CMC which, in certain conditions as a chelating glycerol films were 37.63% for the calcium caseinate and 60.21%
agent, can interact with the copper binding site for the oxy- for whey protein films. When CMC was added to the film for-
gen and decrease polyphenol oxidases activity (Sapers 1993). mulations, the antioxidant capacities increased to 66.14 % for

Food Chemistry and Toxicology

Hershko and Nussinovitch (1998) showed that alginate-based calcium caseinate (Alanate) and to 75.17% for whey. It can be
coating solution, a carbohydrate having a carboxylic group, seen that for both types of formulations, whey proteins exhibit
allowed to conserve the mushroom for a long period with a a higher antioxidative power than calcium caseinate. Further-
better appearance and color. In addition, our results indicat- more, the addition of CMC increased the antioxidative power of
ed that the best prevention was found with the whey coating. these films by 43% for the calcium caseinate formulations and
This could be due to the presence of fatty acids (5.4% in the by 20% for the whey protein formulations.
whey protein) that significantly improved the moisture barri- Many factors could account for the antioxidative proper-
er properties and significantly reduced browning in fresh-cut ties of milk protein films. In addition to cysteine, aromatic
amino acids like tyrosine, tryptophan and histidine are po-
tent free radical targets (Berlett and Stadtman 1997). Fur-
thermore, Colbert and Decker (1991) reported that the anti-
oxidative activity of acid whey was related to a low-molecu-
lar-weight fraction (500-5000 Da). This observation is possi-
bly related to smaller peptides. Several peptides such as car-
nosine and anserine have shown a great antioxidative effect
(Kohen and others 1988). The higher antioxidative potential
of whey proteins compared to calcium caseinate could be
due to the presence of lactose. Indeed, the commercial whey
protein used contained 14% lactose, which is known for its
free radical scavenging effects (Wehmeier and Mooradian
1994). In addition, Xue and others (1998) showed that algi-
nate and carboxymethyl chitosan retarded the hydroperox-
ide accumulation of methyl linoleate by effectively trapping
peroxide radicals. Similarly, the addition of a polysaccharide
like CMC can probably also increase the antioxidative activity
of these formulations.

Figure 4—Time course of the hue for uncoated (control) Conclusion

and coated (calcium caseinate or whey protein) apple
edible coatings on the browning reaction of sliced apples
and potatoes. Results confirm that the formulations were ef-
fective in delaying browning reactions by acting as oxygen
barriers and/or reactive oxidative species scavengers. Fur-
thermore, an electrolysis model generating oxidative species
was used to assess the antioxidative potential of these films.
Whey was shown to be a better antioxidant than calcium
caseinate. Such differences can be explained by the varia-
tions in amino acid composition in the 2 types of protein.
Furthermore, lactose, which is present in commercial whey,
can also account for the increased antioxidative activity; sim-
ple sugars are known for their free radical quenching effect.
Similarly, the addition of a polysaccharide, like CMC, can fur-
ther increase the antioxidative potential of our film formula-
The use of milk proteins as natural antioxidants is a
promising development in related fields of food science.
The proteins are flavorless, odorless, and edible, and could
be beneficial for controlling enzymatic browning of cut
fruits and vegetables without inducing tissue damage. Milk
Figure 5—Antioxidant capacity (%) for film formulations proteins represent interesting agents to be used in some
based on calcium caseinate or whey proteins with or with- processed foods to prevent the formation of hydroperox-
out CMC. ides and lipid peroxidation.

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Oxidative Browning of Apples and Potatoes . . .

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Le Tien C, Letendre M, Ispas-Szabo P, Mateescu MA, Delmas-Patterson G, Yu HL, (E-mail:

516 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 66, No. 4, 2001

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