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“ADHAR BASED ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM” is an online voting technique. In this
system people who have citizenship of INDIA and whose age is above 18 years of any sex
can give his\her vote online without going to any polling booth. There is a DATABASE
which is maintained by the ELECTIONCOMMISION OF INDIA in which all the names of
voter with complete information is stored along with ADHAR NUMBER. On-line Voting
System is a web based system that facilitates the running of elections and surveys online.
This system has been developed to simplify the process of organizing elections and make it
convenient for voters to vote remotely from their home computers while taking into
consideration security, anonymity and providing auditioning capabilities.

The main objectives of system for Online voting system are:

 The objective of Online voting system is to help the organization in automating the
whole manual processing of the existing system.
 The main objective to develop the system is to make the accurate & efficient
decisions indifferent tasks at different time at different situations. The existing
system is manual so members of the unit generally face a lot of embarrassing
situations many times. Now they need to automate the whole process so as to make it
more easy and accurate.
 System should support multi-user environment.
 System should be fully automated.
 System should provide concrete security features like creating users and assigning
privileges to users of the system.
 System should be capable to keep track of all the detailed descriptions of the client
and the whole details of services offered by the client organization.
 Various outputs (reports) should be available online any time.
 System should be able to handle extremely large volumes of data (i.e. Large database

Existing system
The problems of the existing manual system of voting include, The process of collecting data
and entering this data into the database takes too much time and is expensive to conduct, for
example, time and money is spent in printing data capture forms, in preparing registration
stations together with human resources, and there after advertising the days set for
registration process including sensitizing voters on the need for registration, as well as time
spent on entering this data to the database. The process involves too much paper work and
paper storage which is difficult as papers become bulky with the population size. Errors are
part of all human beings; it is very unlikely for humans to be 100 percent efficient in data
entry. Some times, registration forms get lost after being filled in with voters’ details, in most
cases these are difficult to follow up and therefore many remain unregistered even though
they are voting age nationals and interested in exercising their right to vote. This is a very
big problem since not all people have free time during the given short period of time to check
and update the voter register.

Proposed system
Aadhaar based voting system is a web based application which provides the voting system

with two key features; they are reduction of costs in conducting elections and avoiding fake

votes. This application is particularly targeted at the easiness of conducting an election. An

individual can cast his vote not only from his own constituency but also from other

constituencies with the help of Aadhaar basedverification. The number of officers

appointed for conducting the elections can be reduced as the process of voting is made

simple and easier through this application.

Dis advantages

 Cause of duplicate vote

 Expensive and Time consuming
 Too much paper work
 Errors during data entry

 Short time provided to view the voter register

Hardware Requirements
RAM : 2 GB
Hard disk : 100 GB
Process : 32/64 Pentium

Software Requirements
Database : MySQL

Admin Login Module

In this Admin login module the election commissioner or admin having the authorization to
access this one. In this module admin or election officer will get the requests from the general
users and nomination candidates.

Voters Login Module

Through voters login module general users or voters can registered himself. The users should
provide the entire information about him regarding address, contact No, E-mail ID , Aadhar
card No, etc. and also users should reload his image at the time of registration.

Candidate Login Module

After registration candidate can see his/her profile and can edit his/her profile. The candidate
has facilitated with all the latest news update regarding election.

Document Verification Module

In this module one of the field officer or an employee can access this system and credentials
will be provided by admin by using this credentials field officer can entire into home page

and manage his personal data. Field officer will get the queries from admin of user
registration for further verification by constitution wise. Field officer will send reply of the
queries to the admin.

Result Calculation Module

This module is comes under admin module as sub-module. By the admin can know entire
details above voter registration and different party candidate details by constitution wise. By
this Election Commission of India or admin can know the voters count by constitution wise.

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