GE 4 - Camasura, Nice Cloe - 3rd & 4th Quarter

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3rd Quarter


Answer the following questions briefly to check your memory and readiness for the new lessons in Art.
(You can find the answers of these questions from the previous modules or search them from other

1. What is symbolism?

Answer: Symbolism is to convey the hidden meaning to the reader or listener. It tells us about
artistic expression and represents abstract ideas.

2. Give an example of symbolic object and its meaning.

Answer: Wedding ring–symbolizes commitment and matrimony

3. What symbol van you draw to represent the Philippines?

Answer: The symbol that I will draw to represent the Philippines is a big rock because just like a rock our
country, It is inhabited by strong and great Filipinos that is very unbreakable no matter what comes and
what came.

4. List down five characteristics of a beautiful art. Defend yourself.


The amount of details - Essentially, details give the eye something to look at.
Often, it’s much more interesting to look at an intricately crafted drawing with lots of details
than at a drawing that is made up only of large simple shapes. There’s just more to look at.

The handling of colors - If you create something colorful instead of a black and white piece, the
skillful use of the colors will make or break your work. Some of the greatest artworks in the
world have amazing color combinations.

The degree of realism - Another quality of good art is the degree of realism. Whether an
artwork looks realistic or not depends on the “correct“ use of light, shadow and colors.

The choice of perspective - The perspective of the setting in a drawing can enhance the effect of
your artwork greatly. Showing perspectives that you usually don’t see in your daily life can be
thrilling for the viewer. It creates drama and tension while also adding to the realism of the
V. Assessment

Name: Nice Cloe Camasura Course & Year: 1-A

Date Submitted: June 17, 2022 Facebook Account: NiceCloe Camasura

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write them inside the boxes
provided below.

1. a 2. 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. a 7.c 8. a 9. c 10. a

1. It is the practice of creating new work by taking a preexisting image from another source and

transforming or combining it with new ones.

a. Act of appropriation c. Content appropriation

b. Subject appropriation d. Motif appropriation

2. This occurs when someone from one culture represents members or aspects of another culture.

a. Motif appropriation c. Content appropriation

b. Stylistic appropriation d. Object appropriation

3. This appropriation occurs when the possession of a tangible object is transferred from
members of one culture to members of another culture.

a. Content appropriation c. Stylistic appropriation

b. Object appropriation d. Motif appropriation

4. Sometimes artists do not reproduce works produced by another culture, but still take
something from that culture.

a. Stylistic appropriation c. Content appropriation

b. Motif appropriation d. Object appropriation

5. A commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence and willingness to learn
from past mistakes

a. Demonstration b. Curiosity c. Sensation d. Going up in Smoke

6. It is about our willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty

a. Art and Science b. Connection c. Going up in Smoke d. Of the Body

7. Seeing the links between how to use old things in new ways

a. Connection b. Sensation c. Curiosity d. Demonstration

8. An insatiable inquiry approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning

a. Curiosity b. Art and Science c. Demonstration d. Sensation

9. This is the period vital to creating art

a. Preparation b. Creation c. Percolation d. Reflection

10. The time during which you are solidly on your path

a. Creation b. Preparation c. Percolation d. Reflection


Name: Nice Cloe Camasura Course & Year: BSEd Filipino 1A

Date Submitted: June 17, 2022 Facebook Account: NiceCloe Camasura


Instructions: For the initial activity in this module, use your coloring pens or any coloring
materials to complete the drawings on the next page. You can choose any color combinations.
Why did you choose these colors to beautify the drawings? How do these colors relate to
your personality?

- I chose these colors because it’s what I have observed/personally seen from my surroundings,
appropriate for the piece and most of the colors I’ve chosen are my favorite colors such as royal
blue, black, orange, avocado green, etc. Blue evokes sentiments of peace or tranquility, In
spiritual terms the color green implies beginnings, new growth, vibrant health, and other ideas
connected with life, rebirth, and renewal while orange Orange calls to mind feelings of
excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth. I consider myself to be a calm and a collected individual
but also warm to the people I’m close with.


Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly using the space provided below.

1. Discuss the concept of “Okir” in relation to Islamic art. Is “Okir” relevant in Muslim
Mindanao? Support your answer.


Ukkil or okir are unquestionably the most essential to Mindanao's Maranao, Maguindanaon,
Iranun, Tau Sug, Sama, and Badjao. To these ethnic Muslims, ukkil or okir refers to both the
technique of sculpting or carving and a specific curvilinear pattern. This pattern is known as
arabesque on a global scale.Because of its relationship with rank and distinction, it had a
significant impact on other Maranao artforms, getting employed in fabrics, musical instruments,
betel quid vessels, sculptures, weaponry, silver inlays, and so on. These motifs became the norm
for what became known as okir.

2. Characterize how Filipinos utilize space to determine its implications for their
identities,history, religion, philosophy.

For example: The venue of the Quincentennial Celebration in Mactan, why in Mactan?What
about the costumes of the performers during the celebration?


Most Filipinos are aware of the significance of Mactan Island. The fight between Lapu-Lapu and
Magellan was fought on this famous island, and it is a major event in our imaginations and
history. On April 27, 1521, the Battle of Mactan took place in the Philippines. The warriors of
Lapulapu, one of the Datus of Mactan, beat a Spanish army fighting for Cebu's Rajah Humabon,
headed by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who was slain in the conflict. The costumes
used in the performance was also appropriate to the theme which took place on 1521 which
means they would use pre-Hispanic visayan costumes, warriors clothing before and etc.
3. If you are a sound lover, what are the things you are going to do to improve the soundyou are
listening to. Discuss your procedures to make your sound better.


Find good music (according to mood), for example, if you're sad, go for sad songs, make a
playlist for better listening and to avoid different genres (if you're listening to opm, make a
playlist for opm) to ensure no k-pop or country music gets mixed in, and finally, indulge and
comprehend the lyrics for heartfelt moments.

4. Discuss the indigenous art of the Filipino people. What are the main features of theFilipino
indigenous art?


Indigenous Philippine art is art created by the Philippines' indigenous peoples. It covers work
with raw resources such as tree, fruit, and vegetable extracts. Some of the Philippines' art
treasures may be located in caves, forests, and woodlands. Indigenous visual arts serve as a form
of cultural expression as well as a channel for cultural preservation and transmission. Visual arts
are utilized to improve health and happiness. They enhance the lives of Indigenous women and
provide young Indigenous people self-esteem.The indigenous way of life in the Philippines is
mirrored in native Philippine art. Works in raw materials such as wood, fruit, and vegetable
extracts are featured. In the Philippines, there are a lot of major art treasures hidden in caves,
forests, and woodlands.

5. Identify some places in the Philippines where indigenous art is still practiced. How canwe
propagate the dying indigenous art of our country? Name 5 solutions in developingour art.


 Ikalahan/ Kalanguya IPs of Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Ecija, and Pangasinan provinces.
 MagbukunAyta IPs of Kanawan, Morong, Bataan.
 Tongrayan IPs of Tinglayan, Kalinga.
 Agusan Manobo of Esperanza, Agusan Del Sur.
 Kalanguya IPs of Tinoc, Ifugao.
One of the ways to propagate the indigenous art of our country is to apply the lessons in our
school system for example in primary/secondary level it is required to have a history subject
where the information about them are discussed and performance project could be to make one
themselves (replica or what they could do closest to it).

These are some solutions in developing and preserving our art.

 Applying it in our school system.

 One is to record it in tangible form and conserve it in an archive.
 Preserve it in a living form by ensuring its transmission to the next generations.
 Conducting plantation programme/awareness programme/ cleanliness program.
 Implimation of strict rules and regulation can help to protect our national heritage.

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