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Proc IMechE Part P:

J Sports Engineering and Technology
The effects of oar-shaft stiffness and Ó IMechE 2015
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length on rowing biomechanics
DOI: 10.1177/1754337115582121

Brock Laschowski1, Volker Nolte1, Michael Adamovsky2

and Ryan Alexander2

This work experimentally investigates the effects of oar-shaft stiffness and length on rowing biomechanics. Elite rowers
were tested in instrumented single sculling boats over a set distance using oar-shafts of different stiffness and length.
There were slight differences in the measured boat accelerations and oarlock forces between rowing with the different
oar configurations. However, the rower’s inter-stroke inconsistencies in the biomechanical parameters were on the same
order of magnitude as the measured differences between rowing with the different oar configurations. The results are
discussed in relation to oar-shaft deflection and lever theory.

Rowing, oar-shaft, biomechanics, stiffness, deflection, lever

Date received: 5 September 2014; accepted: 24 March 2015

Introduction deflecting at high enough rates to generate propulsive

The effect of oar-shaft stiffness on rowing biomecha- Since an oar-shaft’s stiffness will effect its deflection
nics is not well known. Many previous studies have during the drive, it also has implications on the blade’s
assumed that the oar-shaft is perfectly rigid.1–11 The angle of attack (AOA). The AOA is the angle between
dynamic behavior of the oar-shaft during the drive is the blade’s reference line and the vector representing
illustrated schematically in Figure 1. The equilibrium the oncoming flow of water. The AOA indirectly affects
position (Ex) is the point where the magnitude of the the hydrodynamic lift (Fl) and drag (Fd) forces on the
oar-shaft’s deflection is zero (i.e. during the recovery blades,13 which are calculated via
when there is no load on the blades—neglecting air
resistance). Following the catch position, the blades Fl = 1=2cl rAv2 ð1Þ
enter the water and the rower pulls on the handles. The
oar-shafts deflect (d) toward the bow as the blades
experience resistance while moving through the water; Fd = 1=2cd rAv2 ð2Þ
this deflection stores elastic potential energy in the
shaft’s material. Toward the end of the drive, the where r is the water density, A is the blade’s reference
rower’s force application to the handles decreases and area, cd and cl are dimensionless drag and lift coeffi-
the oar-shafts inversely deflect (d21) back to their Ex cients, and v is the resultant velocity of the blade rela-
position. tive to the water. The blade’s three-dimensional
Less stiff oar-shafts presumably deflect more than geometry and AOA affect cd and cl.13 As such, an oar-
stiffer oars during the drive, and thus likely store more
elastic potential energy. Some rowing enthusiasts claim 1
School of Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON,
that the amount of elastic energy stored in less stiff Canada
oar-shafts is large enough that when transformed back 2
Faculty of Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, ON,
to kinetic energy, the oar-shafts inversely deflect at a Canada
rate that significantly increases boat acceleration.12
Corresponding author:
This is questionable since the water provides a damping Brock Laschowski, School of Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario,
effect on the blade’s movement via viscous drag, thus London, ON N6A 5B9, Canada.
reducing the likelihood of less stiff oar-shafts inversely Email:

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2 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology
M = Fh Ls  Fb Lb  Ia = 0 ð3Þ

where a is the angular acceleration of the oar and I is

mass moment of inertia. Nolte13 suggested that Ia can
be neglected in most cases, as it is relatively small com-
pared to the other terms in the dynamic equation.
Figure 1. Schematic of the oar-shaft’s dynamic behavior during Therefore, equation (3) may be rewritten as
the drive.
The equilibrium position (Ex) is the point where the magnitude of the Fh Ls = Fb Lb ð4Þ
oar-shaft’s deflection in the x-axis is zero. d is deflection and d21 is
inverse deflection, as described in the text. Deflection of the inboard is
neglected in this model.
Assuming a hydrodynamically efficient blade design,
Nolte13 theorized that shorter oars are more effective in
rowing since a shorter Lb could produce larger Fb for a
given Fh and Ls. However, the oar-system will not
likely yield an ideal mechanical advantage since there is
kinetic friction between the oarlock and pin, and
because the oar-shaft deflects as the blade moves
through the water. In addition, recent work using com-
putational fluid dynamics has shown that the location
Figure 2. Free body diagram of the external forces acting on of the point of force application on the blade varies
the rowing oar during the drive. with respect to drive time.15 Therefore, treating Fb as a
Fh is the force applied by the rower to the handle, Fo is the normal constant force that acts at a fixed distance Lb from the
reaction force at the oarlock, M is the resultant moment of force, Fb is collar may be overly simplistic.
the load on the blade, Lb is the beam moment arm, and Ls is the support
moment arm.
Previous studies that have considered the effects of
oar-shaft stiffness14,16 and length13 on rowing perfor-
shaft’s stiffness may affect the blade’s AOA and A dur- mance have been largely theoretical. In contrast, the
ing the drive, and thus change the hydrodynamic forces following work experimentally measures the biomecha-
acting on the blade. Hofmijster et al.14 investigated this nics of rowing with oar-shafts of different stiffness and
length, and discusses the results in relation to oar-shaft
via dynamically loading instrumented oars and oar-
deflection, inverse deflection, and lever theory.
locks with up to 150 N using an end-loaded cantilever
Considering the complexity of the rower-oar-boat sys-
model, and relations were calculated between the mea-
tem, it is hypothesized that changing simply the oar-
sured signals, oar-shaft deflection, and blade force. A
shaft’s stiffness or length will show marginal differences
‘‘world class’’ rower was subsequently tested at race
overall rowing performance.
pace over 500 m using the instrumented equipment.
The blades kinematics during the drive were recon-
structed from the on-water measurements and com- Methods
pared with those of a perfectly rigid oar-shaft.14
Compared to the tested oars, the rigid oar-shaft Participants
assumption ‘‘substantially’’ changed the reconstructed Four female rowers (mean 6 standard deviation (SD):
blade kinematics. The blade’s path laid more toward age = 22 6 3 years, mass = 60.1 6 1.2 kg, and
the stern throughout the drive, which changed the height = 1.69 6 0.03 m) were recruited from the
hydrodynamic forces calculated on the blades.14 University of Western Ontario varsity program.
The effect of oar length on rowing biomechanics is Previous research with similar objectives used smaller
also of interest. The external forces acting on the row- sample sizes.6,14,17 The rowers gave informed written
ing oar during the drive are commonly illustrated using consent to participate. This work was approved by
a lever model, as shown in Figure 2. Fh represents the the University of Western Ontario research ethics
effort applied by the rower to the handle, Fb is the load board.
on the blade, and Fo is the normal reaction force at the
oarlock, which is the sum of Fb and Fh. The lines of
action are in the direction parallel to the boat’s main Equipment
motion (i.e. the x-axis). The support moment arm (Ls) Two sets of sculling oars with ‘‘skinny’’ shafts
is the perpendicular distance between the points of (Concept2, Inc., USA) of different stiffness were inves-
application of the force vectors Fh and Fo, and the beam tigated. Medium oar-shafts, which are designed to
moment arm (Lb) is the perpendicular distance between deflect 0.045 6 0.002 m at the junction between the
Fo and Fb. shaft and the blade when statically loaded with 98.1 N,
The moment of force about the oarlock (M) in are referred to as ‘‘M’’ oars; oar-shafts denoted as ‘‘ES’’
dynamic equilibrium can be calculated via are Extra-Soft and designed to deflect 0.065 6

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Laschowski et al. 3

Table 1. Six oar configurations tested.

Code Stiffness Total length (m) Outboard length (m)

M2.66 Medium 2.66 1.79

M2.68 Medium 2.68 1.81
M2.70 Medium 2.70 1.83
ES2.66 Extra-Soft 2.66 1.79
ES2.68 Extra-Soft 2.68 1.81
ES2.70 Extra-Soft 2.70 1.83

Each configuration is designated by a code that indicates the stiffness (M or ES) and total length of the oar. The total length of the oar varied by
changing the outboard length.

Table 2. Mean stroke rates (strokes/min) during each trial for each rower.

Trial Rower 1 Rower 2 Rower 3 Rower 4

1 31.2 6 0.5 30.4 6 0.4 31.5 6 0.5 33.4 6 0.5

2 31.1 6 0.5 30.5 6 0.4 31.4 6 0.5 33.7 6 0.5
3 31.4 6 0.4 30.7 6 0.3 31.0 6 0.4 33.5 6 0.6
4 31.3 6 0.4 30.8 6 0.4 31.2 6 0.5 33.6 6 0.5
5 31.3 6 0.5 30.8 6 0.5 31.7 6 0.3 33.1 6 0.5
6 31.0 6 0.5 30.7 6 0.4 31.0 6 0.4 33.6 6 0.4
x 31.2 6 0.1 30.7 6 0.2 31.3 6 0.3 33.5 6 0.2

Uncertainties are standard deviations. Experiments started with trial 1 and ended with trial 6. The mean (x) stroke rate for each rower across all six
trials is provided.

0.002 m.18 The shaft circumferences of both Oar M and configurations of the oars were unknown to the rowers.
Oar ES taper from 0.111 m at the sleeves to 0.108 m at The six configurations were tested in a different order
the blades. Oar M and Oar ES have masses of 1.4 and for each rower (Table 3).
1.3 kg, respectively. Both oars had ‘‘Fat2’’ blades
(Concept2, Inc.). The two sets of oars were analyzed at
three different lengths, for a total of six configurations Instrumentation
(Table 1). The outboard length is the distance from the An anemometer (Krestrel 2000 Wind Meter; Nielsen-
collar to the tip of the blade and the inboard length is Kellerman, USA) was used to measure the average
the distance from the collar to the tip of the handle. wind velocity along the testing course during each trial.
The total length of the oar is the sum of the outboard The anemometer has a specified tolerance of 63% of
and inboard lengths. The outboard lengths ranged the wind measurement.19 The experiments were con-
from 1.79 to 1.83 m while the inboard length was fixed ducted on the conservative condition that the measured
at 0.87 m. All length measurements were taken with a wind velocities be less than 2.5 m/s (Table 4). There
69 3 1025 m tolerance (Lufkin Industries, USA). was a Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
(r) of .24 between the measured wind velocities and
200 m performance times. The Pearson r quantifies the
Experiment strength of a linear association between two variables
Each rower performed a self-directed warm up. The and can range between 21 and + 1.20
rowers were tested in instrumented single sculling Accelerometers (Peach Innovations Ltd, UK) were
boats. Starting from a zero boat velocity relative to the mounted to the inside of the rowing shells and were
water, the rowers used approximately 100 m to acceler- orientated in the stern-bow axis. The accelerometers
ate to their individual race pace, subsequently rowing are calibrated to measure the proper accelerations in
an additional 200 m at a constant race pace for data the direction parallel to the boat’s main motion. In
collection. Race pace refers to the individualized stroke addition, 200 m performance times were measured
rate that a rower maintains for the majority of their using manually operated digital chronographs (Interval
2000 m competitive races. Each rower completed six 2000; Nielsen-Kellerman). According to the National
trials, and each trial was used to test a different oar Institute of Standards and Technology, measurement
configuration. Table 2 shows the mean stroke rates dur- error associated with human reaction time using manu-
ing each trial for each rower. The maximum difference ally operated chronographs is approximately 60.1 s.21
in stroke rate between the six trials was approximately Oarlock biomechanics were measured using the
2.3%. The rowers had 12 6 3 min to rest between trials. PowerLine (PL) Rowing Instrumentation System
The experiment was single-blinded whereby the (Peach Innovations Ltd). The PL system features

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4 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology

Table 3. Testing the six oar configurations in a different order for each rower.

Trial Rower 1 Rower 2 Rower 3 Rower 4

1 M2.70 ES2.68 ES2.66 M2.68

2 ES2.68 M2.70 M2.68 ES2.66
3 M2.68 ES2.66 ES2.70 M2.66
4 ES2.66 M2.68 M2.66 ES2.70
5 M2.66 ES2.70 M2.70 ES2.68
6 ES2.70 M2.66 ES2.68 M2.70

Table 4. Average wind velocities (m/s) measured along the testing course during trials 1–6 for each rower.

Trial Rower 1 Rower 2 Rower 3 Rower 4

1 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.6

2 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0
3 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.4
4 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.4
6 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.8

instrumented oarlocks that measure the angular displa- the drive is at the catch position (i.e. the point where
cement of the swivel via two Hall effect sensors and an the handles are closest to the stern).
8-axial pole ring magnet;22 the angle measurements
have a 60.5° tolerance.23 The PL oarlocks are also
instrumented with load cells, which measure the forces
applied to the PL swivels in the direction parallel to the Stiffness
boat’s main motion.22 The PL force measurements
Figure 3 shows the measured boat accelerations as a
have a specified tolerance of 62% of the force
percentage of the drive for ES2.70 and M2.70 for
rowers 1–4. Each rower had a distinctive acceleration
Each boat had the rower’s customized foot-stretcher,
curve. The relative differences in the curves between the
seat, and oarlock settings. These settings did not change
two oar configurations, for a given rower, were primar-
while the boats were instrumented with the PL oarlocks
ily of interest. There were small differences in the accel-
and accelerometers. However, the distance between the
eration curves between Oar M and Oar ES. However,
starboard and port pins (i.e. the span) was set to
these differences were on the same order of magnitude
1.58 m. The oarlock force and angle measurements were as the rower’s inter-stroke inconsistencies (i.e. shown in
zeroed using a protocol outlined by the PL manufactur- the scatter of the data). The relative differences in the
ers.23 Data-loggers were mounted to the inside of the acceleration curves between the two oar configurations
rowing shells and were connected to the PL oarlocks were consistent across all four rowers. Similar results
and accelerometers. The loggers store the data mea- were observed at oar lengths of 2.66 and 2.68 m.
sured during on-water rowing. The loggers were Figure 4 shows the port oarlock force as a function
removed from the shells post-testing, and the data were of the oarlock angle for ES2.70 and M2.70 for rowers
downloaded to PC software. 1–4. There were slight differences in the force curves
between ES2.70 and M2.70, particularly around the
area of maximum force (Fmax). However, these differ-
Analysis and processing ences were less than the rower’s inter-stroke inconsis-
Data were analyzed and processed in MATLAB 2013a tencies. The following descriptive statistics include both
(MathWorks, Inc., USA). To minimize unwanted fea- port and starboard data. Oar ES had a 2.5% 6 3.6 per-
tures of the signal, data were smoothed using a moving centage points (pp) higher Fmax than Oar M at an oar
average recursive filter with a window-based finite length of 2.70 m; the inter-stroke inconsistencies in Fmax
impulse response design filter. The results presented were 3.3% 6 0.9 pp. This trend in the means was not
below are arithmetic means over 20 strokes with uncer- systematic across oar lengths: Oar M had a 2.3% 6 4.2
tainties given by SD. The fitted curves in the figures are pp higher Fmax than Oar ES at 2.68 m, but a 0.5% 6
smoothing splines. Since the rower does not apply pro- 3.3 pp lower Fmax than Oar ES at 2.66 m. The inter-
pulsive forces to the oar during the recovery,24 only the stroke inconsistencies in the Fmax were 3.5% 6 0.8 pp
results from the drive phase are presented. The start of at 2.68 m and 3.6% 6 1.5 pp at 2.66 m.

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Laschowski et al. 5

Figure 3. Boat acceleration as a percentage of the drive for ES2.70 and M2.70 for rowers 1–4 (i.e. a–d).
Fits to the data are smoothing splines.

The percentage of the drive from the catch to the systematic across oar lengths. Oar M had a 1.8% 6 6.5
point of maximum force (Fmax%) is also of interest. pp larger Jo than Oar ES at 2.68 m, but a 0.2% 6 11.7
Oar M reached Fmax 2.1% 6 7.2 pp faster than Oar ES pp smaller Jo than Oar ES at 2.66 m. The inter-stroke
at an oar length of 2.70 m. However, the Fmax% varied inconsistencies in the Jo were 3.3% 6 0.9 pp at 2.68 m
by 9.4% 6 6.0 pp between strokes. This trend in the and 3.2% 6 1.3 pp at 2.66 m.
means was consistent across oar lengths whereby Oar There was no consistent trend across all four
M reached Fmax quicker than Oar ES by 1.3% 6 5.5 rowers in 200 m performance times between Oar M
pp at 2.68 m and 3.3% 6 3.9 pp at 2.66 m. Once again, and Oar ES. Table 5 shows the 200 m performance
the inter-stroke inconsistencies in the Fmax% were times for each rower for each trial. On average,
greater than the differences between Oar M and Oar rowers 1 and 2 were 0.8% 6 0.3 pp and 0.5% 6 0.3
ES. While the integral of the oarlock force with respect pp faster with Oar M than Oar ES. In contrast,
to the angular displacement (including the inboard rowers 3 and 4 were 1.2% 6 2.6 pp and 1.2% 6 0.1
length) is the quantity of mechanical work, the impulse pp faster with Oar ES than Oar M. Subjective feed-
(Jo) on the oarlock is expressed as back from the rowers indicates they could ‘‘feel’’ a
difference between Oar M and Oar ES. However, they
were unable to correctly identify the stiffness classifi-
Jo = Fo dt ð5Þ cation of each oar configuration.

where t is the time duration of the drive. Oar ES had a

3.4% 6 4.0 pp larger Jo than Oar M at an oar length Figure 5 shows the port oarlock force as a function of
of 2.70 m. However, the Jo varied by 3.2% 6 1.0 pp the oarlock angle for M2.66 and M2.70 for rowers 1–4.
between strokes. This trend in the means was not There were slight differences in the force curves between

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6 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology

Figure 4. Oarlock force as a function of oarlock angle for ES2.70 and M2.70 for rowers 1–4 on port side (i.e. a–d).
Fits are smoothing splines.

Table 5. The 200 m performance times (seconds) for each rower for each trial.

Trial Rower 1 Rower 2 Rower 3 Rower 4

1 47.8 47.7 45.9 47.4

2 48.7 48.3 46.4 46.6
3 48.4 48.8 46.7 47.1
4 49.2 48.4 47.5 46.6
5 49.2 48.7 47.6 47.4
6 48.3 48.7 47.2 47.2
x 48.6 6 .5 48.4 6 .4 46.9 6 .7 47.1 6 .4

Mean (x) performance times for each rower across all six trials is provided.

M2.66 and M2.70, particularly around the area of varied by 3.4% 6 0.9 pp between strokes. Similar
Fmax. However, these differences were less than the results were observed for Oar ES.
rower’s inter-stroke inconsistencies. The following Oars of 2.66 m reached Fmax 2.4% 6 5.7 pp faster
descriptive statistics include both port and starboard than oars of 2.70 m; the Fmax% varied by 9.4% 6 4.8
data for Oar M for all four rowers. There was a weak pp between strokes. There was a mild-weak positive
negative correlation between oar length and Fmax, with correlation between oar length and Fmax%, with a
a Pearson r of 2.09 6 .14. Oars of 2.66 m had a 2.4% Pearson r of .55 6 .21. In addition, oars of 2.66 m
6 4.9 pp higher Fmax than oars of 2.70 m; the Fmax showed a 0.5% 6 4.2 pp larger Jo than oars of 2.70 m.
The inter-stroke inconsistencies in the Jo were greater

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Laschowski et al. 7

Figure 5. Oarlock force as a function of oarlock angle for M2.66 and M2.70 for rowers 1–4 on port side (i.e. a–d).
Fits are smoothing splines.

than the differences between the oars of different the results presented in this work stem from biomecha-
length. There was a mild-weak negative correlation nical measurements taken at rowing intensities that
(r = 2.43 6 .67) between oar length and Jo. Similar equate to those in elite competition. The rower’s stroke
differences in the Fmax% and Jo between oars of 2.66 rates and the wind velocities were both moderately con-
and 2.70 m were observed for Oar ES. There was a sistent between trials, and thus were considered only
strong negative correlation (r = 2.99 6 .01 and 2.52 minor influences to the differences in performance
6 .62) between oar length and 200 m performance between trials. To minimize fatigue, the rowers had 12
times for rowers 1 and 2. Rowers 3 and 4 showed a 6 3 min to rest between trials.
mild positive correlation (r = .34 6 .38 and .63 6 .43) The effect of oar-shaft stiffness on boat acceleration
between oar length and 200 m performance times. was experimentally investigated. There were small dif-
ferences in the accelerations between Medium and
Extra-Soft oar-shafts. However, the differences in accel-
Discussion eration between the different oar stiffness’ were on the
same order of magnitude as the rower’s inter-stroke
The purpose of this work was to experimentally investi- inconsistencies. These findings contradict the notion
gate the biomechanics of rowing with oar-shafts of dif- that less stiff oar-shafts significantly increase boat accel-
ferent stiffness and length. Rowers were tested in eration toward the end of the drive12 via high rates of
instrumented single sculling boats over 200 m at race inverse deflection. It is projected that the water provides
pace; the mean inter-rower stroke rate was 31.6 6 1.1 a damping effect on the blades movement, and thus pre-
strokes/min. In comparison, the mean stroke rate of all vents the oar-shafts from inversely deflecting at such
medalists in the women’s single sculling final at the high rates. Future research should consider instrument-
2000 Olympic Games was 33.5 strokes/min.25 As such, ing oar-shafts of different stiffness with technology

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8 Proc IMechE Part P: J Sports Engineering and Technology

capable of measuring the rate and magnitude of deflec- investigated or controlled for, which is a potential lim-
tion and inverse deflection during the drive. itation of this work and an interesting topic for future
Previous investigations report that high rates of force investigations.
development at the beginning of the drive are advanta-
geous to rowing performance.26–29 Less stiff oar-shafts
persumably deflect more than stiffer oars during the Conclusion
drive, and therefore would provide less resistance and
In summary, there were slight differences in the rowing
decrease the amount of force the rower can exert onto
biomechanics between using oars of different stiffness
the handles. This may explain why Extra-Soft oar-
shafts showed slightly lower rates of development to and length. However, the measured differences in the
maximum force than Medium oar-shafts. However, the biomechanical parameters were on the same order of
differences in the rates of development to maximum magnitude as the rower’s inter-stroke inconsistencies. It
force between the oars of different stiffness were less is important to note that the sample included both
than the rower’s inter-stroke inconsistencies. national and world champion rowers. It is assumed
The impulse on the oarlock was integrated from the that even greater inter-stroke inconsistencies would be
oarlock force as a function of the drive time. There observed in less experienced rowers. As this work
were small differences in the impulse between Medium focused on sculling oars, future research is still needed
and Extra-Soft oar-shafts. However, the differences in to investigate the biomechanics of rowing with sweep
impulse were less than the uncertainties. Previous oar-shafts of different stiffness and length.
research30 indicates that ‘‘any increase in momentum,
and therefore increase in boat velocity, will be deter- Acknowledgements
mined by the size of the impulse on the oarlock.’’ The authors want to thank the participants and staff
Accordingly, the inter-rower inconsistencies in the dif- members who volunteered their time. In addition, the
ferences in the mean impulse between Medium and authors wish to thank the Canadian Sport Institute
Extra-Soft oar-shafts may explain the inter-rower Ontario for their support.
inconsistencies in the mean boat velocities (i.e. derived
from the performance times over 200 m) between the
oars of different stiffness. However, the quantity of the Declaration of conflicting interests
relationship between the impulse on the oarlock and The authors declare that they have no conflict of
the mean boat velocity was not determined in this interest.
Using lever theory, Nolte13 proposed that shorter
oars are more effective in rowing. In this work, shorter
oars showed slightly higher maximum forces, larger This research received no specific grant from any fund-
impulses, and faster rates of development to maximum ing agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
force. However, the rower’s inter-stroke inconsistencies sectors.
in the various biomechanical parameters were greater
than the differences between the oars of different References
length. Therefore, changing oar length by approxi-
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