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Republic of the Philippines


Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur 4408

ISO 9001-2015
TÜV-R 01 100 1934923

Name: Angelica N. Roma BTLED 2A


A. Elaborate on one major difference between sex roles and gender roles.

The behaviors, attitudes, and activities expected or common for males

and females. Whereas sex roles are essentially biologically determined
(ensuring successful reproduction and forming the basis of sexual division
of labor, in which women are associated with childrearing), gender roles
(behavior that is considered “masculine” or “feminine”) are culturally
determined. For example, men are generally expected to be independent,
aggressive, physical, ambitious, and able to control their emotions;
women are generally expected to be passive, sensitive, emotional,
nurturing, and supportive. These traditional gender roles frequently come
under attack, especially from women.

B. Have you been stereotyped based on your sexuality? Share its

effects/impact in your life.  
Yes, I’ve been stereotyped based on my sexuality. Gender stereotypes are
dangerous because it can cause us to might be disoriented in our
perceptions. Being stereotyped based on my sexuality can lead to
discrimination and unequal or create unequal or unfair treatment.
C. How are gender biases transmitted by teachers and schools?

Clearly the socialization of gender is reinforced at school, "Because

classrooms are microcosms of society, mirroring its strengths and ills
alike, it follows that the normal socialization patterns of young children
that often lead to distorted perceptions of gender roles are reflected in
the classrooms." Yet gender bias in education reaches beyond
socialization patterns, bias is embedded in textbooks, lessons, and
teacher interactions with students. This type of gender bias is part of the
hidden curriculum of lessons taught implicitly to students through the
every day functioning of their classroom.

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