Utf 8ed508 5e Lesson Plan Template

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5E Lesson Plan

Your name or Chasity Armstrong

teacher name
(if needed)

Date(s) taught September 12, 2022

Subject Alabama History

Grade level 4th Grade
Chromebooks, Questionnaire on Helen Keller, Pencils
ALCOS (Social Studies)
(State and • 10) Analyze social and educational changes during the late nineteenth and
ISTE early twentieth centuries for their impact on Alabama.
Standards for
• 3a) Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
• 6d) Students will publish or present content that customizes the message
and medium for their intended audiences.

Objectives Students will work collaboratively in groups to:

-analyze print and non-print reference sources to locate information, about
Alabamians that have made significant contributions to society
-use presentation software to summarize their findings and present them to

Differentiation Auditory learner needs will be addressed through the video, teacher
Strategies presentation, and the collaboration with group members.
Visual learner needs will be addressed through the video clip, collaboration
on the interactive whiteboard, and by viewing the presentation.
Kinesthetic learner needs will be addressed through interaction with their
group and the digital portfolio presentation.

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The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement The class will participate in a brainstorming activity about the definition of the
word “famous” while the teacher records their responses on the interactive
white board. The teacher will allow the students to give examples of what they
think being famous means. The teacher will then ask the students to name
some famous people and tell why they are famous. Finally, the teacher will ask
the students if any of the famous people they names are from Alabama. To
conclude the teacher will show short video clip from The Miracle Worker. The
teacher will explain that the child from the video clip is Helen Keller and she is a
famous Alabamian.
The Miracle Worker | Full Drama Movie | Helen Keller Movie

Engagement The teacher will informally assess students based on their participation in the
Assessment brainstorming activity.

Exploration Students will work cooperatively to research a famous Alabamian named Helen
Keller. The students will be given a google slide template to assist them in
completing their research. Students will use a combination of digital and print
resources to locate information.
Link to Google Slide Template:

Exploration The teacher will informally meet with each group to review the google slides to
Assessment ensure information is correct and complete.

Explanation The teacher will present a slide show presentation about Helen Keller that will
include facts about her life, sign language, definitions, and various contributions
she has made for those with disabilities.
Link to powerpoint presentation:

Explanation The teacher will ask questions throughout the presentation to assess student
Assessment engagement and understanding.

Elaboration Students will create a google slide show about Helen Keller using the
information they acquired from their research and the teacher presentation. The

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E Description

students will upload a video to their digital portfolio as they present one
interesting fact learned and one accomplishment about Helen Keller they
learned through their research.
Picture of students working on research/presentation:

Link to an example of student presentation:


Evaluation The teacher will assess the groups based on their presentation of their
research along with their presentation.
Presentation Rubric:

The teacher will assess the students based on the rubric above along with the
video uploaded to their digital portfolio.
Example of Digital Portfolio Presentation:

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Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford:


National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through

guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

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