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a similar meaning, has, from the time of Charles II.

, been

be a single fine wire or a bundle of fine wires. In ammeters

applied as regards the sale of feeding-stuffs for live

within a rampart of hills on the E. side of the Connecticut river

no influence on inner Africa. The Greeks, however, exerted

theory, especially in the neighbourhood of absorption bands,

Albany (Albany, 1864): J. Munsell, The Annals of Albany

18 gives some results obtained by Ayrton, Lamb, &c. This

the Divan, by G. Kuypert (Leiden, 1745, and at Bulak, 1835); C.

to the convention by Franklin. This plan provided for a

boustrofedon, beginning at the bottom of the pillar and running

of the balloon, while the other makes the observations.

of which was spent in building the gallery containing the

is thoroughly stirred up all the time. The first action of

when some French working men, all ``mutualists,'' meeting in

and finds at the end of the paragraph a puff of a panacea for

Sustenlimmi (Stein Alp to Goeschenen), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,181

is crossed by foot-hills and rolling prairies in the central

instruction, are often deplorably ignorant. The merchant

excavated in the south side of the precipitous bank of the ravine,

Tuscaloosa; a penitentiary, established in 1839, at Wetumpka;

the most famous worship of Demeter, with its processions, its

workshops for shoemakers, saddlers (or shoemakers, sellarii),

the arena of international politics were not realized even

whence it overflows into the compartments (c1), (c2), (c3)

The axis of the archipelago near the mainland of Alaska

missionaries. The Jesuits, whose first appearance in New


taken the bill of lading without knowledge of the terms of

Leonese and the Castilian forms of Ildefonso (Ildefonsus),

were shorn twice annually (a practice common to several Asiatic

curd must be got rid of as completely as practicable if

Butler fought the indecisive battle of Drury's Bluff against

has a technical origin (op. cit. pp. 283-284).

usual lowest night temperature being 85 deg. . Yet people of

took a leading part, adopted (July 11) a plan foraunionof the

against the Walid-sidi-Sheikh,the French realized how

absorption as a quantity k such that k/n of the light is

give the Congo Free State a lease, during its sovereign's

farmer who gains his entire livelihood from the land. The

marked with an asterisk in the above list. The first three

voyages or for a specified time; the freighter on his part

La poesie philosophique au XIXe. siecle (vol. i., Mme.

rapidity of the contact may be modified or even eventually

the residue grant allocated for the purposes of education

one led by the local janissaries, the other by the sherifs

of one who has managed it well, and not rashly to despise

beyond the Arctic circle, all the more important towns have

Appia of the Empire) passing the Lacus Ampsanctus and going

there are four spirits--mercury, sulphur, arsenic and sal

in A. Vacant's Dict. de theologie (1900, cols. 1115-1117).

in which differences of termination or combinations in

principally Perpendicular. The smaller church of St Nicholas

82,047, showing an increase of 8% in the decade. Estimated

sibilants were also adapted in various ways (see below).

his leisure in reading, and when he was eighteen he opened an

fuel, and in 1834 the Poor Law Commissioners reported favourably

has also been connected with the Latin manacus, a sun-dial.

on the 20th of April 1809, Napoleon gained a signal victory

Aristotle and his correspondence with Dindimus are found

of physical science, which has come in the train of the

cataracts, the smile of the blue gentian, the distant rosy

governments, of adventurers usurping thrones, only to be

conditions. He was consequently more free in imagination

officer, who exercises all the functions of a prefect.

of dazzling white terraces rising from the water's edge. The

where the deceased has died intestate. The order in which

with its tradition even in the remote past. Unitarianism,

succour the wounded on the battlefield and to hand them over

of the salt solution, floating over the caustic soda solution,

are the main facts of American history. In the course of this

heterophylla, from Mauritius and Bourbon, and Acacia koa

1904 37 1 39 3 45 2 47 1 49 11

``liege,'' of which the derivation is given under that heading;

(3) Expedition against the Aka Khel Afridis under Colonel

carbonate can be extracted by exhausting it with water.

became principal of the Edinburgh Theological Hall, a position

trifling cost, advanced the Union outposts to the borders of

up. One was sought farther south, and in November 1520

were chosen on account of cheapness; forged iron, bronze and

be "protected" by being previously acetylated, then nitro

Rosenthal, and in 1309 his remains were removed to Spires.

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