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coaling station has grown immensely since the opening of the Suez

the reformed church in those early periods. The Table-Talk

name Guzel Hissar was particularly given by the Seljuks.

in the wet season are flooded, giving the river an immense

Indies; and he is understood to have inherited something

capricious and passionate, and indulged in the wildest freaks


gunsmith, in 1847; and, according to others, by Lefaucheux,

and hardship to the patients, the medical equipment proving

Quevedo. The earliest of his novels, El Final de Norma,

term. At the end of the ancien regime it formed part

employed somewhat contemptuously, signifying inefficiency,

iii. (Paris, 1894); N. Valois, La France et le Grand Schisme

1. CYANOPHYCEAE.--E. Bornet and Ch. Flahault, ``Revision

and Leon to his stepson Alphonso, son of Urraca and her first

purely decorative workmanship; while the perfect symmetry of

the west coast of Britain, and was entertained for a time at

perhaps the climax was in 1837, when Adams presented a petition

attacked with so much rancour hy their political opponents.

borrowed capital, became bankrupt and retired to the Syracusan

early autumn, that is, before and after the summer sojourn

as establishing the principle of taxation by consent, but its

noticeable in the later life of Princess Alice. After the

$300 upon which the taxes have been paid; but those who have

Caducibranchiata the anterior end of the enlarged rectum

1457 he arranged a marriage between his eldest son John, and

and continued their opposition with less success in the next

continued, and as the Russians were now extending their dominion

kinds; of these the locust is the proverbial scourge of the

if the aperture or field of view exceeds certain limits.

body. He had but a poor opinion of art, regarding it as a

is the form of adoration usually paid to Eastern potentates

displayed the same restless energy, and is said to have been

into aromatic groups ave: the action of carbonyl chloride on

AFRICAN LILY (Agapanthus umbellatus), a member of

man. His career shows no great political ideas, and none

of the Province of Maryland (1666), and Daniel Denton a

master in theological controversy, shunning not to cross swords

Lucknow, near the Cawnpore road, in the United Provinces of

AESTIVATION (from Lat. aestivare, to spend the aestas, or

journey. The essential parts of one form of Stirling's engine

the much-prized order of Maria Theresa. In 1850 he became a

The league prescribed uniform laws, standards and coinage; it summoned

many years. At the present time nearly every religious

Zealand and Canada (whose representatives are termed high

Das Deutschtum in Elsass-Lothringen (Munich, 1902). (P. A. A.)

given by F. Stromeyer in 1816, from the Gr. allos, another,

other upright slabs, was presented to the parish, and was

cleaned frequently in the usual fashion, no appreciable

constructed in such a manner that the unchanged chloride,

agitation of the Muwahhadis or ``Almohades'' (q.v.) in

acre share only when gradual improvement had made everything

failing, a rising, or a rising and falling one. Syllables in

in 965, the San Bernardino in 941; of course they may have

exhausted, and it is not improbable that the alloy-producing

South Guinea, &c., 2nd ed. (1721); J. B. Labat, Nouvelle

Clarence the annual mean is 22 deg. lmonthly means -7 deg. to 51 deg.

only); Operations geodesiques et astroniomiques pour

a Wood bestowed exaggerated praise on it, while Samuel Johnson

damages to convoyed ships exposed to danger by the fault of

entrusted to the wife of a glazier named Rousseau who lived close

divisions in human development and decay. These are usually

drums. In the tapping process a fixed crucible is used,

that relates to the equipment of vessels, exclusive of those

returned to England in 1763, being made governor of Virginia

daughter Zaida to the Christian king, who made her his

rj85I); Le Libertaire, weekly, New York, 1858--1861,

worthe sixe pens, or it be enclosed, it will be worth VIII.

Spain, in the province of Cordova; near the small river

individual will as the highest excellence, are detailed by


the field telegraph, balloons and signalling, were employed.

the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his

and a definite formula can be given to the compound.

monthly paper, the Rambler, in 1859, on J. H. Newman's

spent amid a succession of palace conspiracies, repressed with

and carriages may ascend. The chapel of St Hubert, said to

secret, and the (British) National African Company had no

already existing acts. As affecting agricultural practice there

treatment. Before 1655 the culture of clover, exactly

alphabet. The history of this alphabet is different from that of

of the Ghegs, or northern, and the Tosks, or southern,

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