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New study says drinking two cups of black tea a day can lower mortality risk by 13

per cent

Scientists are claiming in a new study that drinking two or more cups of black tea
each day could lower a person’s mortality risk by up to 13 per cent. The study,
conducted and published by the Annals of Internal Medicine, included 498,043
participants who were aged between 40 to 69 and part of the UK biobank, a database
resource that contains health information about nearly half a million people in the
UK. Participants completed a baseline questionnaire between 2006 to 2010 and were
examined for a median of 11.2 years. Researchers also looked at information about
the individuals’ tea intake, as they self-reported how much they drank. Results of
the study found that out of the participants who said that they drank tea on a
regular basis, 89 per cent of them consumed black tea. When compared to people who
said that they didn’t drink any tea at all, participants who drank black tea had
between a 9 to 13 per cent lower mortality risk. Higher tea consumption, which is
two cups a day or more, was also linked to a lower risk of death due to
cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, and stroke. The study also noted
that higher tea consumption was associated with a lower mortality risk regardless
of what temperature the tea was, how much milk or sugar was in it, and genetic
variations that affect one’s ability to take in caffeine. While findings suggest
that tea can be part of a healthy diet, there were some limitations to the study as
the portion size of each cup of tea and the caffeine strength in it was not
evaluated. During an interview with Time, one of the study’s researchers, Maki
Inoue-Choi, an epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute, said: “The
association between tea consumption and cardiovascular mortality may be driving the
association between tea consumption and all-cause mortality.” Inoue-Choi also
acknowledged that even though the findings may encourage people to have more tea,
they “shouldn’t change how many cups of tea to drink every day because of these

Drinking Black Tea Might Help Lower Risk for Early Death, According to a New Study

black tea Getty Images Coffee or tea? Turns out, you can't go wrong by choosing
either if you're seeking a cozy beverage that can potentially extend your life.
Earlier this month, we shared four ways coffee can help you live longer. And now, a
new study published August 30 in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that tea—
in particular, black tea, which was analyzed due to the fact that it was the most
common variety consumed by study participants—may help improve longevity, too.
According to this new study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, people
who drink just two cups of black tea per day had a 9% to 13% percent lower risk for
all-cause mortality than non-tea drinkers, including lower risk of death from heart
disease and stroke. Learn more about what's hiding inside black tea that could
deliver a solid dose of health benefits, why two cups might be the sweet spot, plus
other ways to score similar longevity gains if tea isn't your top choice. What This
Tea Study Found Researchers crunched the numbers for 498,043 individuals age 40 to
69 who were enrolled in the health database UK Biobank between 2006 and 2010. Each
person completed a baseline questionnaire and physical exam, which included blood,
urine and saliva samples. About 85% of these people said they were regular tea
drinkers, and a whopping 89% of those reported drinking black tea. As we mentioned,
the investigators likely dove into the potential health impacts of this variety
(over other anti-inflammatory teas like green tea, ginger tea and peppermint tea)
because it was consumed by so many people. (Fun fact: After water, tea is the most
commonly consumed beverage on the planet, according to the United Nations.)
Related: 11 Soothing Tea Recipes for a Relaxing Night Most of those who did drink
tea had between two and five cups daily, and 19% of tea drinkers gulped more than
six daily cups. In addition to the quanti-tea, ahem, quantity of tea, participants
also shared: Story continues The temperature they took their tea, either warm, hot
or very hot (we'd like to add iced for future consideration, please!) Whether they
added milk or sugar If they also drank coffee The individuals didn't report their
serving size or steeping time, however. Using this data, the scientists followed up
after a median of just over 11 years, keeping an eye on participants' diet,
lifestyle and health and taking into account their ethnicity and socioeconomic
status. Between the start and end of the study, 29,783 people died. Although they
could not prove that black tea consumption caused a longer life, those who drank up
to two or more cups per day had a 9% to 13% lower mortality risk than those who did
not drink tea. This held true regardless of: While there was no link found between
cancer and lung disease death and tea intake, the scientists found a lower risk for
death from heart disease and stroke among black tea drinkers. There didn't appear
to be any additional benefits gained by drinking more than three daily cups. A June
2022 study hinted that about five cups of tea might be the sweet spot for blood
sugar and gut inflammation, however. Still, all of that caffeine can do a number on
your ability to sleep and could also trigger heartburn, increased blood pressure,
jitters or shakiness, so consuming tea in moderation—as with many things—is
probably best. Two cups of black tea will add about 120 milligrams of caffeine to
your day, which should be a safe amount for anyone who's not caffeine-sensitive,
most health experts agree. Related: The Best Antioxidant-Rich Foods The Bottom Line
This new longevity study found that drinking about two cups of black tea per day
might help reduce risk for certain causes of death, likely due to the tea's
polyphenol content. Additional research is needed in the future to control more
details like the strength of the tea, the ounces poured per cup and the steeping
time, and to prove any potential cause-and-effect relationship. If black tea isn't
your jam, you can also score an ample amount of antioxidants, including
polyphenols, from food sources like berries, cocoa, most veggies, herbs, spices,
nuts and seeds. Up Next: Some Antioxidant-Rich Foods May Lower Risk for Dementia,
According to New Study

People who drink 2 or more cups of black tea a day have lower risk of early death
than non-drinkers, study suggests

Black tea may help stave off health issues like heart disease and stroke, new study
suggests. Drinking 2 or more cups of black tea daily was linked to lower risk of
early death in UK residents. Plant compounds in the tea can boost your health, even
if you add milk and sugar, researchers found. A daily habit of drinking tea could
help you live a longer, healthier life, particularly if you drink two cups or more,
suggests a study published August 29 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health looked at data from nearly
500,000 UK residents, aged 40 to 60, to compare tea habits with mortality rates
from all causes. They found that people who drank at least two cups of black tea
per day were 9-13% less likely to die over about 11 years of follow-up than their
peers who didn't drink tea. Drinking more tea was also linked to lower risk of
heart disease or stroke. The benefits held true even for tea drinkers who added
milk, sugar, or both to their daily brew, according to data. Researchers also found
that the temperature of the tea didn't seem to matter, contrary to prior concerns
about very hot beverages linked to some cancers. Previous research linking tea to
health benefits has focused on green tea, but black tea is a common daily habit in
the UK, with 85% of the study participants drinking at least some tea regularly.
The findings suggest your daily cup could be a healthy habit to stave off chronic
disease, no matter how you take your tea, according to the researchers. The
researchers in the most recent study hypothesized that the benefits of tea drinking
are linked to chemicals in the plant called polyphenols and flavonoids, which can
help lower inflammation. A specific type of polyphenols called catechins have an
antioxidant effect inside the body, reducing stress on the cells and helping to
reduce risk of disease. Story continues Green tea is similarly healthy and rich in
polyphenols. The difference is that black tea is prepared by exposing the tea
leaves to oxygen, creating the distinctive darker color and flavor profile. Black
tea, like green tea or coffee, also contains caffeine. Drinking too much caffeine
can have side effects, especially in a short period of time, including anxiety,
rapid heart rate, insomnia, headaches, and digestive issues. Caffeine in tea or
coffee is generally considered safe and even has benefits for a healthy metabolism,
energy levels, mental focus, and athletic performance, according to previous
research. Read the original article on Insider

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