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Kadiika hausal

(BeP/ 21/311)
Topic Date Page No.

2131 ANai Bashi

Nw Declu-L0o40

2 EehttLary 2022

Dear SaKslu

Hi Sakshi low_Cke O aad lhat Cuho ud MO Y

fLaaily Hohe 40 LALAL doinq LL


iwitin qL
Lga1dinq huwduag- olay
plau b aishno heui ' I_ hcwe heua visihei4
S i u e my aildhoed a ith a Janaiy
fwn_4La celd Laihea uisited
baat plag fot t AME Ldmi aud Siuu
LAad hetr 1 hd fiaueLLihe thee
alimo st Luet 4Lar1ailh_ Yo Riao
Llas4 Kuat 4ialhlade _atiak
Lho liday spLiauyia NGUadi
Seusdis w buich ishezdhlaliay diiAadelLtlaLoLuey
aud Stalue al_a1Dund TLL'ibes
4 tlat Season totaiiy mbnalnzed The leuens
dicorahon Holu Lw avelo aud
uulq diahl ALthaush ula_Lws_there_at_lnhay
ut ould eet daialhan eeoily Cs ou GueA
Lwa khook ed u_ dwaa Kootas Laualsohe
hooked iue tlaxnugheiialtuch_ik_aSlant
bouad huklarlier tesei faiuhes eiel not
wRITE OLINE awailabu So it_wa ue AilfaL huisit l a t ple U
Page No.
Topic Date

tHoly LGNe
Qn hme TheDaralaau a Maa uaide
FopAou helitaeT
in_Hafekh o Pinci ock _duniee inluchls
it is t ptock h u l L a k
eeyutlaihq fom he TLis tCnaple
Thintea4 Kilhader o/4 Yatra Katia
Thereaie Lote Lailihe aNailaol h reac
hlhasaa hiauqia- ithiu holauaud hy_
throuqh- bcatitiy ains h0 AdhKuwMlan Hyu
adwand aad modeua_teihvaofon u A AL

Laa iLaaKlaaasas HiraEy hq hockiluq

i kes a adualaco we_bmok o/nn4 o n Katha
AdhkuLAa n AaLk
eclacd Bhasan
ateadid weailaq AYh_aud
- UA fu_ (cke_
JamualA huA e o4 fiau
0ui 1maiaiuq aistaae-
taRe raiu aiteckaqla Kala rtiefarlicr }t
uAed tke aou ludA uale wcekk het notw
i aaA beiina 0daucud o t That iis
nay frunuite pLaLL_n_isit me The
Addd fhere ha not aanped Shu a moh
Laa he Scen Th haoluia
theeis aMariu aud
ahoue au tui vicuw e BlacuNaa iS hreath takip
KatihRailuay Slatio ha
iCar we aAao veat
Blaairo Baaa hu- Jlony Js So c0Luvieut
T o k oa LaouY qo lome hacku
Blacaaan T ShiLu Boaid haa wMade eXceldeut
faaiihef deuniees Tae Yataa biceme
olataht_Aud Aud LGaiey_uaa belae
Page No.
Topic Date

Kudos tn the ShineBoand Lechue 21Cu aq -

Lhe S L e e y -vpdeut

LecuiAq asidt tlue_Cnauqe paehk_

huSs e Lamhei q tlaeYalva AudDarsus
M eta Vaishuo Duiis ia itse a o s t a
u d Suhisqiq one'caa ewe
uislt placein_ ilchme

tltl Sakilai ho yo u imenMhe Y_0u lanaili visited-

geth er there whenv_ we were1u tlau V-
Lwhat _wha_abih it AcA Tat wcLLY
Lawoumte expE NCue OUeY_theye- La beau _tLe
placelaas _caauqed e hutfeel a hit
disapho iuted se t u e chanGi n wecthey
tluse hieaAed qlahal wainiu q has_uol eft
the w euiuen Same hefce Suca a_Hol4
pleceLet 1wi slaare ALdeN 4da wi O eh

Take Lai
Leupla MOLatbh
to meet bu
auail4 udyou3Sclues xcited

Kaduika Bamal

Date Page No.

Au) B-91nPBlock
Pila una

TebrA 2022

Dean kadaika

tley Radluika aud- cit so am2inq

Ladiu4q L4ou leaer KLeiucc i t
Lw eek AAd i t wC uke

Yau slhared_ahout your enpe icue weti uq

tn a Holy pla Laislano Dtu aad feiu in foue
tLhat ho ALoLAdY Lull4 qou Shared Rue
aud hlcce hu- uauaexe neua-
ho eqreaneed i4en0ns
Lwlaea ued h w i s i t
_Laildhnad Yau Cee ahsolutel4 igh
abn u the_auia L5- actiualAa Maqical aud
its ihe a ailud to o
fed dispoiutcd tu S Llhanqe
o qlo hal Luaiaiuq kuo w (wuat we uME
i i ti i t Punab
SuMAiY Vacdinua there t Lweut
a lud t tlat t has
ano Lhaued ver iqL
1laynAA- laefedLih Laas MhInVecd tlee aso
hLut o thl bla andlacaibe

4 Aheieua js aunos Siila a QAL40 u
Page No.
Topic Date

j antructu
hao heen
almost ue uher hut_tLual40y
kiUed dAL t i s c l e uelophaeut Hopt
with o5
uot So0
qiH Be 1eady

Vouxs Louiuql4
LLsLui Loyc

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