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Mendicancy is on the common problem in our country and we can see it everywhere

whenever we are in cities and rural areas. This is one of effects o of poverty that some
are doing mendicancy to survive from starvation or because some are unemployed and
nowadays it is hard to find a job and that’s why they are relying on mendicancy.
A slew of participatory and community-demand-driven approaches have emerged in
order to address the multi-dimensional nature of poverty in developing nations. The
present study identifies critical factors responsible for poverty alleviation in India with the
aid of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) deployed for showcasing causal reasoning. It is
through FCM-based simulations that the study evaluates the efficacy of existing poverty
alleviation approaches, including community organisation based micro-financing,
capability and social security, market-based and good governance. Our findings
confirm, to some degree, the complementarity of various approaches to poverty
alleviation that need to be implemented simultaneously for a comprehensive poverty
alleviation drive. FCM-based simulations underscore the need for applying an integrated
and multi-dimensional approach incorporating elements of various approaches for
eradicating poverty, which happens to be a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Besides,
the study offers policy implications for the design, management, and implementation of
poverty eradication programmes. (Singh PK, Chudasama H. 2020)
MANILA – The House of Representatives wants the government to focus its poverty
reduction on the identified regions with the highest incidence of poverty in order to help
the Duterte administration achieve its goal to reduce poverty incidence to just 14
percent or lower by 2022. During Wednesday's plenary session, the chamber adopted
House Resolution No. 2390, which calls for the creation of an integrated poverty
framework to link poverty data with the effectiveness of government anti-poverty
programs. The resolution also recommends the implementation of a whole-of-
government and even a whole-of-society approach to address poverty, in order that
unified and concerted actions among government agencies and the private sector are
undertaken to address the multi-faceted nature of poverty. (Cervantes, 2021)
The Davao City Transport and Traffic Management Office has urged both private and
public vehicles and motorists to refrain from giving any amount of money to beggars
especially children, caroling on the streets and highways this Yuletide season. Dionisio
Abude, CTTMO chief, told Edge Davao that his office prepared an advisory for the
public discouraging them to give alms to beggars and children. According to Abude, the
advisory is still up for the approval by the City Administrator. However, he encourages
generous motorists to give their donations to City Social Service Development Office
(CSSDO) and Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD), instead of giving
money to a beggar caroling on the streets and highways. (Vega, 2018)
Through local, national, and international sources, have been conducted about
mendicancy and poverty alleviation program moreover, every source has a different
article which mendicancy or poverty alleviation program which it focuses according to
our title mendicancy and poverty alleviation program itself. And the researchers will
study more about mendicancy and poverty alleviation program and we will determine if
poverty alleviation program is a mendicancy act or a privilege.
For this reason, we chose this study because we wanted to know more mendicancy that
is not only be saw on streets that bringing tin can to collect money but we believe it has
many kinds of mendicancy. This study aims about the assumption of social work
students about mendicancy and poverty alleviation program is a mendicant act for them
or a part of the benefits of the government. Hence, this study has sought to answer the
following questions; to know what is mendicancy, to know what the purposes of poverty
alleviation program if that is a mendicant or not, and to know the assumptions of the
social work students about our study.
The basis of this study is anchored in the study of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which
this identified the basic needs that human beings have, in order of their importance like
in this study about mendicancy that is one of the reasons to sustain its basic needs.
According to Maslow, one of psychological needs of a human being is food and water
that the basic requirements of nutrition, air, and temperature regulation, physiological
needs also include such things as shelter and clothing. Moreover, getting poverty
alleviation program is one of example of hierarchy of needs in a mendicant way. With
following supporting theory of Kurt Lewin which is called Psychological Field Theory, a
theory focused more on human behavior by emphasizing forces and tensions that
influence it. He asserted that the behavior of an individual is always geared toward
some goal or objective and it is precisely this intention that matters most in the
performance of behavior. This supporting theory relates onto mendicancy and
participating poverty alleviation program which by watching another person who involve
of it, the observer would be influenced too according to its feedback from it developing
its choice to think it is a good idea or not to style on other people. And the second
supporting theory is the theory of Ivan Pavlov, the Classical conditioning, classical
conditioning is involves forming an association between two stimuli, resulting in a
learned response. This theory similar to the dog response of the food according to
Pavlov, and this study being mendicant serves as the dog while the food as the poverty
alleviation program that shows as classical conditioning works and example of a
naturally occurring stimulus.
Research design
This study uses the quantitative research approach that utilizing survey questionnaires
to the respondents. Using a survey questionnaire can help to collect our data we need
in this study. The researchers are using the yes or no type questions for the
respondents that if they are agreeing or disagree depends on a question that given to
them. Then the researchers also interact to respondents answer as to collect data until
to reaches its goal of number of respondents according to our objectives. And this study
Is all about assumptions of social work students in mendicancy and poverty alleviation
programs with the help of survey questionnaire to get its data.
Research Participants
The participants of this study would be the social work students currently enrolled in any
higher education in Davao region or in Mindanao and ages 18 years above to qualify to
participate to this study. It is better they have knowledge about mendicancy and poverty
alleviation program, or if they have benefited on government programs.
Research instrument
The purpose of this study is to identify their different comments or thoughts or
assumptions about mendicancy and poverty alleviation program. Thus, the researchers
conducted question from different adapted sources about our study and which collected
or counted only by social work students which our target respondents. Our questions
were based on a different source of Sheila C. Moeschen (2008) entitled A Crippling
Deceit: Mendicancy and the Performance of Disability in Progressive America and A
Study on the Efficiency of Tourism Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Regions Based on the
Staged DEA Model of Yang J, Wu Y, Wang J, Wan C and Wu Q (2021) and
researchers will be using the google forms to form its survey questionnaires for the
future respondent.
Data Procedure
In gathering the data, we must reach 100 respondents in order to conduct data on our
studies in assumptions of our study. The researchers adopt some questions from our
different sources related to our study and it must fit for our survey questionnaire.
Furthermore, the researchers are going to consult to an adviser first in the questions
were made by adoption of sources if it approves or to not to consider for its redo the
questions for our survey. We chose survey form of questions so that every respondent
that we find can answer easily without hassle. Since our way of data gathering is
through survey questionnaires, we follow the strict health protocols by the government,
we transact to respondent by online. Therefore, our respondent can be confidential or
reveal its identity depends on the choice of our respondent.
Data Analysis
The survey questionnaires were made for respondents is the Inferential statistics, it
aims to make inferences about the population, rather than about a specific data set or
sample. It, therefore, allows researchers to make assumptions and predictions about an
entire population. This study is more on assumptions in our research that even in survey
questionnaires, we can see its reason of its different responses maybe because they
believe in that and believe in other assumptions according to their witness about our
study. And we compare the positive assumptions and negative assumptions on about
our study for its conclusion.
Ethical Consideration
When we began this study, we ensure our research is based on the assumptions of the
social work students about mendicancy and poverty alleviation program. Therefore, we
will give some questions either it related to theirs or not as long as they have knowledge
about mendicancy. And even some of questions may be personal for some
respondents, we will ensure that their information can be confidential to keep its barrier.
Vega, J. (2018) CTTMO nixes giving of money to beggars
Cervantes, F. M. (2021) House wants more targeted poverty reduction efforts
Singh, P. K. (2020) Evaluating poverty alleviation strategies in a developing country
Cherry, K. (2022) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Medically reviewed by
David Susman, PhD
Cherry, K. What Is Classical Conditioning? How It Works, Terms to Know, and
Examples Medically
Reviewed by Steven Gans, MD
Sheila C. Moeschen (2008) A Crippling Deceit: Mendicancy and the Performance of
Disability in Progressive America, Text and Performance Quarterly, 28:1-2, 81-97,
DOI: 10.1080/10462930701754341
Yang J, Wu Y, Wang J, Wan C and Wu Q (2021) A Study on the Efficiency of Tourism
Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Regions Based on the Staged DEA Model.

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